Primary Sedimentation Tank Design
Primary Sedimentation Tank Design
Primary Sedimentation Tank Design
Primary Treatment
Sedimentation Tank Design
Primary Treatment
• Purpose: Removal of suspended (settle-able) organic matter.
• Unit employed: Primary sedimentation tanks
• BOD removal = 15-30%, S.S. removal = 30-60%
• At 20oC any temperature, the Removal Efficiency (R) for BOD and SS can be
estimated using the equation:
• R = /(a+ )
• R = expected removal efficiency (%)
• t = normal hydraulic retention time (hours)
• a, b = empirical constants
• Removal of suspended and colloidal materials from
wastewater by gravity separation.
• Sedimentation is the term applied to the separation of
suspended particles that are heavier than water, by
gravitational settling.
• Settling and sedimentation terms are interchangeable.
• Sedimentation basin/tank, clarifier, settling basin/tank.
Description of ImportantTerms
Detention time (DT)
• Mathematically, DT = =
• It is the actual time, the water will stay in the tank. Determined by tracer studies using NaCl.
• For an “ideal settling tank” the above ratio will be equal to unity. For an actual tank it will be
less than unity. The sedimentation tank having hydraulic efficiency up to 70% is considered very
Concept of ideal sedimentation tank
Design of sedimentation tank is based on the concept of the ideal
sedimentation tank, having following characteristics
1. The direction of flow is horizontal.
2. The velocity of flow is uniform in all parts of the settling zone.
3. Concentration of suspended particles is uniform along the vertical section
of the inflow.
4. The particle is removed as it reaches the bottom of the tank.
5. The water is uniformly distributed along the cross section of the PST.
Concept of ideal sedimentation tank
• L = Length of settling zone; D = Depth of settling zone; W = Width of settling
zone; Vs = Settling velocity of particle; Vw = Horizontal velocity of water; Q =
Inflow to the tank
. .
• =
• = = -------------(A)
Surface Overflow Rate (SOR)
• Represents the settling velocity of the slowest settling particle which is 100%
• Those particles which settle at velocities equal to or greater than SOR will be
entirely removed.
• Conclusions
Q = naV
Where, n = number of ports X
a = area of a port
V = velocity through ports
Design Criteria for Inlets
Parameter Criteria
Inlet length 2 m downstream inlet pipe
Head loss 4 – 5 times of approach velocity
Port velocity 0.2 – 0.3 m/s
Port diameter (x) 0.1 – 0.2 m
Port spacing (y) 0.25 – 0.6 m
Lowest port should be 0.6 m
above basin floor
Outlet Weirs in Rectangular PST
PST Design
Circular PST
Sludge Zone
Rectangular Tank
• Take slope 1/100 and calculate drop at upstream
Circular Tank
• Take hopper depth 25% of calculated depth.
• Bottom slope 1 in 12.
Design Equations
Tank design
• Design minimum two units both running at a time as per Metcalf (Q/2)
• Assume SOR
• Area (A) = Q/SOR
• Assume L:W
• Length (L) = A/ w
• Check lengths and widths with design criteria if not OK then divide flow
with 3 or any suitable number until length and width criteria matches.
• Assume depth (d)
• Volume of tank (V) = A x d
• Detention time (t) = V/ Q
• Total depth = d + free board + Extra depth provided for sludge zone
• Total length = length of tank + length of inlet + length of outlet
Design of PST Contd… Design Criteria
• Design a sedimentation tank to treat a flow of 25000 m3/day;
surface overflow rate SOR = 25 m/day; detention time = 2
hours; sludge storage capacity 20% extra of effective volume.
Under ideal conditions what particle size will be removed if v
= 1.2 10-2 cm2/sec; Ss = 2.65
• Determine the number and size of sedimentation tank to
treat a water flow of 20000 m3/day using an overflow rate of
24 m/day and detention time of 4 hours. Under ideal
condition what size of particles will be completely removed,
if v = 1.2 x 10-2 cm2/sec; Ss = 2.65