Trikling Filters

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 Qmax = 61502 m3/d, BOD = 494 mg/l,

Vertical velocity (Vt) of particles arranged from 0.016m/s - 0.022m/s
Horizontal velocity = 0.3m/s,
Assume Specific gravity (SG) = 2.65 & diameter of particles d p = 0.2mm

 Design equations:


Where :
 Vh = horizontal velocity of the particles.
 B = Width of the grit removal.
 H= hight if grit removal.

2. Vv =

 L = length of grit removal.


Here we assume Vh =0.3m/s

 Design steps for grit removal:
1. Qmax = 61502 m3

2. 0.3 *24*3600 =

B*H = 2.37 m2
Assume H = 1.5B  B= 1.26m , H = 1.9m

3. assume Vv = 0.0 22 m/s

L= = 26m

3.Detention time td

 td = = 86.3 s
Tank dimensions

B = 1.26m

H = 1.9m

L = 26m
 primary sedimentation tank (P.S.T)
 Creiteria & Assumptions :
1 ) detention time is (1.5-2.5) hr
2) dimensions for rectangular
- for depth (3-5)m
- for length (15-90)m
- for width (3-24)m
3) we use rectangular P.S.T .
 Use these Design equations:
1) Vo = Q / A

Vo = overflow rate m3/m2.d
Q = peak flow (m3/d)
A = total surface area of basin (m2).
2) t=24*(V/Q)
Where :

t  = detention time (hours).

V = P.S.T volume, m3
Q = peak flow m3/d
 Design step:
1) Calculate Qpeack = Qavg. * P.F
 P.F = 1.6
 Qpeak = 50294 m3/d
2) Assume removal efficiency of P.S.T = 60%.

Efficiency = = = 0.60

 S.Sout = 232.4 mg/l

From fig. (13.6) ,an overflow rate = 35 m3/m2.d
3) Calculating of surface area:
 Surface Area of P.S.T = Qpeak. / (overflow rate)
 Surface Area of P.S.T = 50294 35 = 1437 m2
- assume width of tank = 20 m . so,  length = A / W= 1437/20 = 72 m
4) Calculating of Volume & detention time at Qpeak. :
 Assume depth of tank = 3 m.
 Volume P.S.T = A d = 1437 3 = 4311 m3

 detention time at average flow = = = 0.085 day =

2.05 hr.

5) Calculating of Efficiency, overflow & detention time at Qpeak :

- Overflow rate = = = 35 m/d

- Efficiency = 60 % from fig.

So, we get the required effeceincy for P.S.T with dimensions :
 Trickling Filter
Trickling Filter
The trickling filter is a bed of highly permeable media usually of circular
shape and surrounded by a tight wall. The media consist of crushed rock
or gravel, sometimes plastic media is used. The presettled wastewater is
distributed uniformly over the top of the bed by a rotating distributor and
trickles down through the bed. At the perforated underdrain bottom the
effluent is collected and air (oxygen) is allowed to enter the filter.

Cross section of a typical trickling filter

 Type of trickling filters:
Under steady state conditions the rate of biomass growth in the filters
should equal the amount of biomass flushed out of the filter into the final
sedimentation tank. Based on the organic (BOD) loading rate and the
hydraulic loading two types of trickling filters are distinguished:

1) Low rate trickling filters without any recirculation of effluent

2) High rate trickling filters which do need effluent recirculation

The advantage of trickling filters are their simplicity in operation, their

low energy consumption and their low cost. Disadvantages are its effluent
quality which can not meet high level standards, the risks of mosquito
breeding and smell problem. That can occur if the filter is not properly

- Law rate trickling filter:

- Characteristics of law rate T.F:
1. No recycle (the only return flow occurs from the final clarifier to
the wet well to be pumped to the primary clarifier Settled their.
2. Typical BOD loading rate is 250 g/m.d only, which is very law.
3. It is not feasible for new construction and most plants with existing
law rate T.f are inverting them to high rate T.F.

- High rate trickling filter:

- Characteristics of high rate T.F:
1. Recycle is used to increase the efficiency of treatment.
2. Typical BOD loading Lv is (0.2 – 1.5) kg/m3.d
3. Hydroulic surface loading rate (HSLR ) between (0.3-1.2).
4. Effeceincy >85%
- Advantages of reciculation in high rate T.F:
1)The efficiency of treatment improve by increasing the contact time
with the biofilm in the T.F
2)The concentrated waste water is diluted preventing the organic over
loading of the T.F
3)Recycle gives an equalization effect for flow and loads.
4)To reduce the effect of peak flows of toxic or other substance
interfering with the biology in T.F

 Data for design:

1. Qmax. = 78550 m3/day

2. temp. = 21 Co
3. BODinfluent = 494 mg/l , CODinfluent= 853 mg/l.
 Design Criteria & assumption:
1. We assume high rate trikling filter to design.
2. Assume Efficiency BOD removal = 85%.
3. Lv is in the range (0.2 –1.5) kg BOD/m3.d.
4. depth of T.F is ( 1.5 – 3.5 )m
5. Diameter <35 m.
6. Lv=(0.2 -1.5).
7. HSLR=(0.3 -1.2) m/hr, it is usually between take it = 0.5
 Design steps:

1) determine the maximum daily design floe rate:

a) population*(1+ 0.31)30 = 818238 capita
b) avarege daily consumption = 120 L /c.d
c) Qmax = 818238*120*0.8/1000 = 87550 m3/d

2) determine the effeceincy

a) BOD total influent=BoDin+0.5 * CODin = 535 +(923 /2 )=996.5
b) BODout total = 60+200/2=160 mg/L.

c) Total efficient for all system = = 83.95%

d) BOD (interring the T.F)= mg/L.

e) BODLoad to T.F =Q*BOD=84970 m3/d* 667.66 mg/L*10 3*10-6

BOD(Load to T.F) = 56731.07 Kg BOD/day.
 Assume efficiency of T.F = 85 %

3) Calculate the design volume of TF:

a) Using NRC formula :


1. F = Correction factor for recirculation
2. a = constant depending on sewage T and


R F a BODin Lv
1 1.65 0.365 383.91 0.386
2 2.08 .365 289.32 0.486
3 2.36 0.365 242.03 0.552
4 2.55 0.365 213.652 0.596
5 2.667 0.365 194.74 0.623

b) Take R = 5 (because BODin = 194.74less than 200 mg/l)

 So , Lv = 0.623kg BOD/m3.d (in the range 0.2 – 2)

c) Volume of T.F = m3
d) Qmax = 5*Q = 424850/24 =17702.1 m3/hr
HSLR= (0.3- 1.2) m/h
 Take it 0.5 m/h
e) Af (surface area) = Qmax / HSLR = ( 17702.1/.6) = 29503.5 m2
Depth of T.F = 91061.1/ 29503.5 = 3.09 m ( in the range 1.5 – 3.5 m )

Now, we calculate diameter of T.F (D).

D= not ok
we divide T.F to 19 T.F
 D = 34.92 m <35 OK

- The volume for each one = 87644 / 5 =17528.8 m3

- Area = 29183.3/5 = 5836.6 m2

4) Quantify the need foe recirculation:

 Based on practice : influent BOD <200 mg/l

BODeffluent = (613.67- 0.85*613.37) = 92.05 mg/l

From the previous table we calculate the BODin and we choose R = 4 .

Calculation of BODin as follow:

 For R = 1
BODin (filter) =

For R = 2
BODin (filter) =

For R = 3
BODin (filter) = mg/l

For R =4
BODin (filter) = mg/l
For R= 5
BODin (filter) = mg/l

3) Calculating of energy & head loss:

a) H total =
b) Q total = 4* Q m3/d =350200/(24*3600) = 4.05 m3/sec

c) kw/hr

cost of 1 kw = 0.4 NS =$ 0.0851

Cost per hour for operation pumps =
 Results: for trickling filter

Depth Total Volume Total Energy Operation pumps

(m) ( m3 ) Kw/hr Cost /hr by $

R=2 3.5 12954 34.7 $3

Secondary sedimentation tank (S.S.T)
 Design Criteria:
1) Over flow rate < 32 m3/m2
2) Minimum side water depth = 2.1 m
3) Maximum weirs loading the same as for intermediate tanks,
although lower values are preferred.

Table 1.3. Design parameters for final settling :

Type of process Average design Minimum Maximum overflow

flow m3/d Detention time (hr) Rate m3/m2.d

Conventional, high < 2000 3.0 24

Rate, and step 2000 to 6000 2.5 28
Aeration > 6000 2.0 32

Contact < 2000 3.6 20

Stabilization 2000 to 6000 3.0 24
> 6000 2.5 28

Extended < 200 4.0 12

Aeration 200 to 600 3.6 12

> 600 3.0 24

 Design equation:
1) Vo = Q / A
Vo = overflow rate m3/m2.d
Q = average daily flow (m3/d (
A = total surface area of basin

2) t=24*(V/Q)
Where :
t  = detention time (hours).
V = basin volume, m3
Q = average daily flow m3/d

3) t=24*H/Vo
t = detention time, hr
H = depth of water in tank, m
Vo = overflow rate m3/m2.d

 Design steps:
1) Assume two final clarifiers on parallel.
Since: Qavg. = 12500/2 = 6250 m3/d > 6000 final clarifiers
of as step
aeration secondary , also overflow rate = 32 m3/m2.d (from
table 1.3)
3) A = Q / Vo = 6250/32 = 200 m2
4) Calculating of detention time:

Assume depth of each clarifier = 2.7 m basin volume = A*d

=200 * 2.7 = 540 m3
Detention time = 24*(V/Q) = 24*(540/6250) = 2.1 day >2 (OK)
Assume L=2W, A=2W2 W=10 m & L= 20 m.

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