Trikling Filters
Trikling Filters
Trikling Filters
Design equations:
Where :
Vh = horizontal velocity of the particles.
B = Width of the grit removal.
H= hight if grit removal.
2. Vv =
L = length of grit removal.
2. 0.3 *24*3600 =
B*H = 2.37 m2
Assume H = 1.5B B= 1.26m , H = 1.9m
L= = 26m
3.Detention time td
td = = 86.3 s
Tank dimensions
B = 1.26m
H = 1.9m
L = 26m
primary sedimentation tank (P.S.T)
Creiteria & Assumptions :
1 ) detention time is (1.5-2.5) hr
2) dimensions for rectangular
- for depth (3-5)m
- for length (15-90)m
- for width (3-24)m
3) we use rectangular P.S.T .
Use these Design equations:
1) Vo = Q / A
Vo = overflow rate m3/m2.d
Q = peak flow (m3/d)
A = total surface area of basin (m2).
2) t=24*(V/Q)
Where :
Efficiency = = = 0.60
2.05 hr.
1. F = Correction factor for recirculation
2. a = constant depending on sewage T and
R F a BODin Lv
1 1.65 0.365 383.91 0.386
2 2.08 .365 289.32 0.486
3 2.36 0.365 242.03 0.552
4 2.55 0.365 213.652 0.596
5 2.667 0.365 194.74 0.623
c) Volume of T.F = m3
d) Qmax = 5*Q = 424850/24 =17702.1 m3/hr
HSLR= (0.3- 1.2) m/h
Take it 0.5 m/h
e) Af (surface area) = Qmax / HSLR = ( 17702.1/.6) = 29503.5 m2
Depth of T.F = 91061.1/ 29503.5 = 3.09 m ( in the range 1.5 – 3.5 m )
D= not ok
we divide T.F to 19 T.F
D = 34.92 m <35 OK
For R = 1
BODin (filter) =
For R = 2
BODin (filter) =
For R = 3
BODin (filter) = mg/l
For R =4
BODin (filter) = mg/l
For R= 5
BODin (filter) = mg/l
c) kw/hr
Design equation:
1) Vo = Q / A
Vo = overflow rate m3/m2.d
Q = average daily flow (m3/d (
A = total surface area of basin
2) t=24*(V/Q)
Where :
t = detention time (hours).
V = basin volume, m3
Q = average daily flow m3/d
3) t=24*H/Vo
t = detention time, hr
H = depth of water in tank, m
Vo = overflow rate m3/m2.d
Design steps:
1) Assume two final clarifiers on parallel.
Since: Qavg. = 12500/2 = 6250 m3/d > 6000 final clarifiers
of as step
aeration secondary , also overflow rate = 32 m3/m2.d (from
table 1.3)
3) A = Q / Vo = 6250/32 = 200 m2
4) Calculating of detention time: