Gnostic Musings 9 The Divine Mind Part 1
Gnostic Musings 9 The Divine Mind Part 1
Gnostic Musings 9 The Divine Mind Part 1
his universe consists of matter. This is a material universe, and when
it was created, it was the only one of its kind, and it’s made of energy.
Spirit, on the other hand, is not something that could be compared to
energy because energy only exists where there is matter, and vice versa.
Spirit comes from that “space” which pre-existed before the creation of the
Material Universe (or the Demiurge), so Spirit must be non-physical.
Most of us are dividing this universe, the Kenoma, into what is physical and
what is not physical. However, everything within this universe is physical—
even the astral dimensions. They are just on a different wavelength than
the reality we experience while we are in our physical bodies. Energy exists
within the astral, so therefore, it’s part of the physical universe.
©2020 Wes Penre Productions. Feel free to redistribute for educational and non-commercial purposes only.
Gnostic Musings #9: The Divine Mind (Part 1)
We can move up and down on this awareness scale from oblivion (to the
right) to more and more awareness (to the left). A human can be anywhere
on this scale as he or she increase or decrease in awareness, depending on
their choices (see example below).
©2020 Wes Penre Productions. Feel free to redistribute for educational and non-commercial purposes only.
Gnostic Musings #9: The Divine Mind (Part 1)
Both Awareness and Ignorance are spaces for creation, and all things can
be categorized and put in either column—Love (awareness/consciousness)
and Fear (ignorance/subconscious). The creation of us and the mind that
was given to us, which exists within the Divine Mind of the Aeon Sophia (or
Spirit) was for the learning purpose of being able to move things out of the
subconscious column and into the conscious column. This is how the
Demiurge is “unmade” and how Yaldabaoth is “redeemed”. We do it, and we
do it within ourselves because both aspects of the Aeon Sophia are within
us, and we are within Her Mind, i.e. Her “space” or area of creation.
©2020 Wes Penre Productions. Feel free to redistribute for educational and non-commercial purposes only.
Gnostic Musings #9: The Divine Mind (Part 1)
©2020 Wes Penre Productions. Feel free to redistribute for educational and non-commercial purposes only.
Gnostic Musings #9: The Divine Mind (Part 1)
perfect this creation – and it all happens within our own minds because this
is the Source within us. This is ultimately the Pleroma, God, Source, all of
it inside of us.
We have seen interpretations that Sophia’s Creation was a “mistake”
because She didn’t create together with Her consort, entering into Her own
Creation, which had never happened before, but if we really read the
Gnostic texts, it is not true that it was a mistake. The Aeon we call Sophia,
which basically just means Wisdom, was emanated by the Monad in
Perfection. Thus, Her creation in Her attempt to “know God” was
predictable and somewhat predestined by the Monad—She acted in
accordance to Her attributes and characteristics. We need to remember that
the Monad emanated the Aeons to experience Itself through perceived
separation, and for that to work, there must be some parts of the Monad
that is Unknown, or nothing could ever be created. Sophia, in her yearning
for Divine Wisdom, fulfilled a big part of the Monad’s Plan. She created an
entire universe based on Ignorance.
©2020 Wes Penre Productions. Feel free to redistribute for educational and non-commercial purposes only.
Gnostic Musings #9: The Divine Mind (Part 1)
“unmakes” this fracture of the Divine Mind. It also works in reverse; what
we do towards ourselves and others that decreases our awareness, we are
also doing to Sophia. If we REALLY want to make all this suffering go away,
once and for all, then we need to heal our own minds because our mind is
HER mind is the Monad’s Mind. How well does that sit with personal
©2020 Wes Penre Productions. Feel free to redistribute for educational and non-commercial purposes only.