TCH LRN 409 Project 4
TCH LRN 409 Project 4
TCH LRN 409 Project 4
Topic/Focus: Money—Coins
Content Objective(s): SWBAT…determine the values of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters
What will students learn? SWBAT…add different combinations of coins to find the total value
2-3.9 An ELL can create clear and coherent grade- appropriate speech and text.
Language Standard(s):
What WA ELP standards will the 2-3.10 An ELL can make accurate use of standard English to communicate in grade- appropriate speech
task address? and writing.
-plastic coins
Materials and tools:
-worksheets (see below)
What will students need to complete -writing tools (pencils, erasers, etc.)
activities of the lesson task? -list of names of coins and bills and each of their values
What will I need to model the task -pictures of each coin and picture of a dollar bill
and guide student learning? -scissors
-notebooks (each student should have one)
Hook students by asking them things they like to buy or things they would want to buy. Then, ask the
Anticipatory Set/Hook:
students how they would go about paying. How would they pay for it? Then, ask students what they
How will I activating prior already know about the value of money to activate their prior knowledge.
knowledge and experiences of the “Who can tell me how much a penny is worth? A nickel? A dime? A quarter?”
students? If there are students that have lived in other countries, I could also ask them about what form of currency
they use in that country.
Explain to students that knowing about money is important if they want to be able to buy things. I will tell
students that they will be learning the values of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. I will also tell them
How will you explain to students
that by using this knowledge, they will be able to use different coins to know how many of each they
what they will learn by the end of
would need to buy a given item in a future lesson.
the task?
Instructional Input: First, I will ask a student volunteer to pass out the worksheet with pictures of coins that are meant to be cut
How will I explain/provide out. I will go over the first coin, naming the coin and showing its picture and asking students if anyone
instructions for the task to students? knows how much it is worth in cents. Students will then cut out the picture of that coin and glue it into
their notebook, writing the coin’s name and value next to the picture. We will do this for every coin. After
determining the value of a given coin as a whole, I will check for understanding by asking a student to
repeat back to me what that coin’s value is. Then, I will explain that we are going to be using these values
and adding them to determine how much they are worth when put together. This will be the transition into
me giving them the first handout.
Modeling/I Do: I will model the first worksheet, which has students determine the value of a group of coins, by selecting
How will I demonstrate the plastic coins and showing students how I determine each of their values and add them together. I will
competence students are expected to verbalize my thought processes while doing this so students can see how I get to the final answer. I will
perform? involve students by asking them how much a given coin is worth while I am adding them together. If I
believe that the ELLs are confident enough to answer, I will ask some of them questions as well.
Checking for Understanding: Together as a class, we will look at the first handout which has pictures of coins and asks students to add
How will I do my input and the coins together. As a class, we will look at the first problem. First, I will ask a student to read the
modeling comprehension check? instructions and have them explain what the worksheet is asking them to do. I will then ask other students
to explain ways in which we can add all of the coins together, which I have already shown the class. To
complete the worksheet, I will refer each coin in the first problem, asking students how much the coins are
worth. Then, I will ask students to add all of the values of a coin and ask a volunteer to give me the answer.
Guided Practice: After demonstrating the first question, I will have students complete the rest of their worksheets. Students
How will I engaging students in will be able to do this in small table groups to allow for scaffolding to occur. While students are working, I
activities under my supervision and will walk around the classroom to each table to engage with students, asking them how they are solving the
with my support? problems. If students have questions, I will have them raise their hands so I can go to their table and help
Independent Practice: After the group practice, I will then have a student volunteer pass out the “Money Practice Test.” This
What activities will I suggest to worksheet will be for students to work on individually so I can assess each individual’s content
have students work on their understanding of the lesson. To assess language objectives, students will fill out a worksheet that requires
own/without my support? them to write the name of each coin and that coin’s value.
Assessment Steps/Sequence/Time: To assess students during the lesson, I will be asking them questions about the values of different coins and
What will happen during each part what each coin’s name is. I will also have the class go over their answers from the group worksheet to
of the assessment task? make sure that every group got the right answers on each of their problems. I will use the individual
worksheets as individual assessments.
How long will each part of the
assessment task take?
10 minutes for lesson task demonstration
10 minutes for group worksheet
5-10 minutes to go over group worksheet and for students to ask questions
15 minutes for individual practice (individual addition worksheet and coin name/value worksheet)
10 minutes for final questions and wrap-up
Assessment Evidence: I will use the group worksheets for assessment during the lesson. I will use the individual worksheets to
How will I know that the content assess each student to make sure they have reached the content and language objectives. I will know that
learning has taken place? they understand the content because I will see if they have gotten the correct answers for total values for
the coin addition problems, which would indicate that they can add the coins together. I will also assess
How will I know that the language that they know the value of each coin, which I will be able to determine after looking at their other
learning has taken place? individual worksheet which has them identify the value of each coin. I will know that students have
grasped the language objectives because I will be asking them questions that have them use the word
What criteria/rubric will I develop “cent.” They will also show they understand the language by answering the name of each coin correctly on
to assess student content and the individual practice worksheet that has them identify the coins’ names.
language learning and meet my
objectives? The rubric to check for understanding would be a worksheet that I would have of the correct answers for
the individual worksheets. I will use these to see if the students have gotten the correct answers during their
individual practice.
Application of Assessment Data: The data from content learning will be used to determine whether students know the value of each coin and
How will I use the data from content how to add the coins together. If students have grasped the coin values, this will be shown through their
learning? correct answers. If a majority of the class answered correctly on their worksheets, I will have a short,
private lesson with the students who struggle to find the correct answers. Those students would be
How will I use the data from provided a recap of the lesson, and I would work with them to make sure that they understand the content.
language learning?
The data from language learning will be used to see if everyone knows the proper names for each coin. If it
seems as though students are not understanding what the coins are called, we will go over the proper names
of them and I will offer additional practice.
If it seems as though the class as a whole is struggling to meet both the content and language objectives, I
will provide another brief lesson for the whole class and work more closely with students until I am sure
each one understands.