Trabajo de Ingles

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1. Ubica los siguientes alimentos (16) en el cuadro siguiente, entre los que te
gustan (I like..) y los que no te gustan (I don´t like…).
En frente de cada uno (cuando ya los tengas ubicados), escríbeles su
significado en español

apples - bananas -
LIKE -… carrots - cheese I DON´T LIKE…
- chickenmanzanas
Apples- - coffee - eggs Carrots- zanahorias
- fish - garlic
Bananas- - grapes -
plátanos Fish- pescado
Bread- pan - onions - Garlic- ajo
orange juice
Cheese- queso- potatoes - Lemons- limones
rice pollo Onions- cebolla
Eggs- huevos
Grapes- uvas
Organge juice- zumo de naranja
Potatoes- patatas
Rice- arroz


Querido estudiante, ahora a poner en práctica lo aprendido mediante la
realización de las siguientes actividades:
1. Lee el siguiente texto acerca de algunos platos típicos colombianos.
Luego responde las preguntas que están al final

a. There is one dish with no picture. What is it? ___The cholao___

b. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?
• Cholao has fruit and vegetables. ___F__
• Lechona is a traditional dish from Boyacá. ___F__
• Cheese, rice and egg are some of theingredients of Ajiaco. ___F__
• Ajiaco is a soup. __V___
2. Completa las descripciones acerca de cada plato:
Name: Cholao Name: ajiaco Name: bandeja Name: lechona
Place: Valle del Place: paisa Place: Tolima
Cauca Cundinamarca y Place: región Ingredients: is a
Ingredients: Boyacá cafetera stuffed pig. There
strawberries, Ingredients: ingredients: It is a mixture of
bananas, different kinds of has rice, beans, rice, peas and
pineapple, mango potatoes, corn, beef, pork, pork inside the pig
and other fruits, chicken and some avocado and an
with ice and herbs. egg.
condensed milk.


1. Completa el siguiente cuestionario con How many or How much. Luego
selecciona tu respuesta a cada pregunta:
Food questionnaire
1. ____how many_________ fruit do you eat a day?
A. Three or more pieces of fruit
B. One or two pieces of fruit
C. I don’t eat fruit
2. _____how many________ portions of vegetables do you eat a day?
A. Three or more
B. One or two
C. I don’t eat vegetables
3. ____how much_______ water do you drink a day?
A. One big bottle
B. One glass
C. One small bottle
4. ____how much________ fizzy drinks do you drink a day?
A. I don’t drink fizzy drinks
B. One glass
C. One big bottle
5. ____how much_________ dairy products do you have a day?
A. Three or more
B. One or two
C. zero
2. What time do you have these meals? What do you eat?
a. I have breakfast at _seven _ in the morning. I eat _eggs with bread and
Organge juice _
b. I have lunch at _one_ in the afternoon. I eat_ rice with chicken_
c. I have dinner at _seven_ in the evening. I eat _rice with meat and banana
3. Utilizando el banco de palabras de la sección ¿qué voy a aprender?,
clasificalas en contables y no contables:
Countables: apples, bananas, eggs, grapes, potatoes, zanahorias, Garlic, lemons,
Uncountables: cheese, coffee, organe juice, rice, bread, fish.


Querido estudiante, ahora a poner en práctica lo aprendido mediante la
realización de las siguientes actividades:
1. Lee el siguiente texto y luego responde si las oraciones son verdaderas
(T) o falsas (F). Debes corregir, justificar las falsas en inglés.
Natural Ecoparks in Colombia
Ecoparque de la Salud (The Health Ecopark)
Cali is the biggest city in the south west of Colombia. Like other cities in Colombia,
it has an ecopark nearby. The Health Ecopark in Cali is a large park which borders
the beautiful Pance River. At 564 km² it is the most important park in the area. The
forest is a relaxing place for people from the nearby city to get fresher air and
cooler temperatures. There are lots of tres in the forest and a wide variety of
animals and birds. People visiting the ecopark can see birds such as guacharacas,
eagles and other native species. Along the river they can see amphibians such
astoads and frogs in the clear water.
Tayrona Ecopark
Tayrona Ecopark near Santa Marta in the north of Colombia is smaller than the
Health Ecopark, with an area of 150 km². This ecopark is more famous than the
Health Ecopark. Tayrona has beautiful beaches, exotic nature and clear blue sea.
It has a wide variety of wildlife as the park is located between the sea and the
mountains. In terms of wildlife, there are 300 species of birds and 70 species of
bats, as well as jaguars, deer, iguanas, turtles and other native species. Visitors
can walk in the forest or relax on the beaches. You can camp in Cañaveral or El
Cabo or go swimming in La Piscina – a natural sea water lake.
a. Tayrona Ecopark is bigger than the Health Ecopark. _(F) health ecopark is
bigger than the Tayrona ecopark
b. People from Cali can enjoy fresher air by visiting the Health Park. _(V)

c. In the Health Park people can see wildlife in the sea. _(F) because, the
health park has not sea
d. The Health Ecopark is more famous than Tayrona Ecopark. (F) Tayrona
Ecopark is more famous than The Health Ecopark
e. The Health Ecopark has both mountains and the sea. (F) _the health
ecopark does not have mountains and sea
f. Tayrona Ecopark has places where you can stay the night. (V)
2. Utiliza los siguientes adjetivos comparativos y superlativos para
completar la información de abajo.
colder - colourful - dangerous - highest - longest - warmer - wettest - wide
a. The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta is the world’s (1) highest coastal
mountain range.
b. It is a (2) wide river, which runs from south to north ending in the city of
c. The Orinoco is one of the (3) longest rivers in South America.
d. Chocó, in the north west of Colombia, is one of the world’s (4) wettest
e. The Pacific Ocean is (5) colder and wilder, but the Caribbean Sea is (6)
walmer, calmer and more (7) colourful.
f. Galeras is one of the most (8) dangerous volcanoes in the world.
1. Escríbeles la forma comparativa y superlativa a los siguientes adjetivos:
a. Strong ________Stronger________ ______The Strongest___________
b. Beautiful ________more Beautiful________ __The most Beautiful____
c. Intelligent ______more Intelligent__________ ___The most Intelligent_____
d. Long ______Longer__________ _______ The longest___________
2. (TRABAJO FINAL) INDIVIDUAL: Escoge un lugar que te guste y en un
octavo de cartulina, papel bond, hoja de block o el material que desees
realiza un escrito (especie artículo de revista) en inglés donde hables de éste
usando adjetivos comparativos y superlativos. Debes acompañar el escrito
con una imagen o dibujo representativo.


It is the capital of the department of Atlantico,

Colombia. It is located on the western bank of the
magdalena river, 7.5km from ist mouth in the
Caribbean sea. In 1993 it was constitutionally
organized into a special, industrial and port distric. It is
the main economic center the of the Caribbean region
of Colombia, among the economic activities trade and
industry stand out.

Curiosities of Barranquilla
 Barranquilla is one of the most populated cities
in the country.
 Barranquilla’s carnaval is one of the most
importan in the country.
 Barranquilla is hotter than other cities in the
 Barranquilla is one of the most populated
agglomerations in Colombia.
 Barranquilla is more cheerful than other parts of
 Barranquilla is one of the cities that has more tourist centers in colombia
 Barranquilla is the most productive in the Caribbean region.
 The Magdalena river is the most productive in the country, generating 85%
of the national GDP.

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