Program of Study Outcomes: Focus: Teamwork and Communication Games Class #2 Course Physical Education-Grade 4

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By: Brooks Maxwell, Colby Evans, Megan McCleary, Jordyn Jarvis

Focus: Class #2 Course Physical Education-

Teamwork and Grade 4


Grade 4:
● General Outcome A: Students will acquire skills through a variety of
developmentally appropriate movement activities; dance, games, types of
gymnastics, individual activities and activities in an alternative environment; e.g.
aquatics and outdoor pursuits.
○ Application of Basic Skills in Games: 1. Demonstrate critical thinking and
problem-solving skills to modify and achieve activity outcomes. 2.
Demonstrate strategies and tactics that coordinate effort with others.
● General Outcome C: Students will interact positively with others.
○ Communication: articulate and demonstrate respectful communication skills
appropriate to context.
○ Teamwork: 1. Participate cooperatively in group activities. 2. Identify and
demonstrate positive behaviors that show respect for self and others

At the end of the lesson students will be able to:
1. At the end of the lesson students will be able to list the main characteristics of
teamwork and communication through brainstorming
2. At the end of the lesson students will be able to compare and/or contrast the different
communication skills that were used once all of the games are played
3. At the end of the lesson students will be able to define the concepts of teamwork and
4. At the end of the lesson students will be able to demonstrate effective communication in
a teamwork game


● Teacher- stopwatch, whistle, book “Offside by Sandra Diersch”
● Sinking ship- A baseball base for each student
● Shape shifter- large open space
● River Crossing - Be creative with gym equipment that can be stood on. (for example: hockey sticks,
foam matt, bean-bags). Have the same materials for each group, one piece of equipment for each


● In class 1 (the class before this one), we read the book “Offside” as a read aloud
● Instructed the students for homework to write down what they learned about teamwork
and communication
● The teacher knows instructions, rules, and safety precautions related to the games
● Be aware of adaptations for the shape shifter game
● Make sure there is enough room for the games to take place (schedule gym time or
perform during gym class)

Introduction Time

● Breakdown term’s teamwork and communication 5 mins

● Have kids bring their brainstormed ideas on teamwork and
communication from the previous class about the reading “Offside”.
● Talk about terms as a class and how they will apply teamwork and
communication during the games
● Introduce games for the day:
○ Ice breaker/warm up game: Sinking Ship
○ Initiative game: Shape Shifter

Body Time

Topic: Warm up Ice Breaker Game - “Sinking Ship”: 10 mins

Objective: Warm the students up for the main game. Work on
their communication and teamwork skills they discussed during
the introduction.

1) Split the class into teams of 4 and give each player a

baseball base. (1 min)
2) Give instructions: (1 min)
a) Each group member stands on 1 base. The
object of the game is to stay alive on your
sinking ship longer than the other teams. To
begin, teams will be standing on the 4 bases and
after 45 seconds, the base will be removed
(resembling that part of the ship going under).
If a member of the crew touches the water
(floor) that ship has lost a crew member and has
b) Explain the best way to accomplish the task is
to communicate and work as a team.
3) Explain rules: (1 min)
a) You must be off the base that is being removed
before the timer goes off.
b) If one member touches the floor with any part
of their body the whole team has “sunk”.
c) The last team standing wins.
4) Play the game sinking ship: (7 mins)
a) Start and end each game with a whistle
b) Have timer set for 45 seconds
c) Play the game 5 times. In between each game
kids will get reorganized and get ready for the
next game.

Topic: Game Objective: Kids clean up previous games and get ready for the 4 min
Debrief & initiative game.
1) Kids will clean up previous game by putting away
bases. If students need a drink they can grab a quick
drink at this time. (2 mins)
2) Have a class discussion regarding what strategies/tools
different teams used in order to be successful in
‘Sinking Ship’. (2 mins)

Questions to ask:

→ Was communication key to being successful in this


→ What strategies/tactics did your teams use?

Topic: Initiative “Shape Shifter” 20 mins

Objective: This game is meant to provide students an
opportunity to develop communication, teamwork, and
creativity skills

1) Explain Procedure/Instructions of the Game:

→ The class will be split into 3-5 groups (depending on

the size of the class) - No more than 8 students per

→ Teams will line up in single file lines, with groups

spaced out at different corners of the gym to start to
allow for maximum distance between teams

→ When ready, the Instructor must tell the students to

start jogging throughout the gym while keeping in-
line with their group

→ When the Instructor yells “Shape-Shift” the leader at

the front of each group must STOP, and choose a
unique pose which the rest of the group must re-

→ Before starting running again, the student at the front

must turn-around and jog running backwards for the
remainder of the activity

→ The Second time “Shape-Shift” is yelled by the

Instructor, the second individual must choose a pose
for their group to follow

→ This then continues until all of the members of each

group are jogging backwards and the last individual
gets to choose a pose for their group

2) Safety Precautions/Strategies:

→ It is important to outline the importance of communication

for each group to help the leader navigate through the playing
space to avoid collision

3) Adaptations:

→ If students are struggling with the activity, perhaps decrease

the number of students in each group
→ If students are needing more of a challenge, the Instructor
can assign a blindfold to each leader to increase difficulty.

Topic: Initiative “River Crossing” 15 mins

Objective: This game is meant to provide students an
opportunity to develop communication, teamwork, and trust

1) Explain Procedure/Instructions of the Game:

→ Keep the class in the same groups that they were in for the
“Shape Shifter” game.

→ Students will be given a variety of equipment (hockey

sticks, baseball base, hacky sack, foam mat, and other items)

→ Divide the equipment up evenly to each group so that each

group has the exact same pieces of equipment. Make sure that
each group has a diverse selection of equipment and they have
the same amount of equipment no more than the number of
group members.

→ Instruct students to all start on one side of the gym. In order

to ‘win’ the game, groups must go across the gym (cross a line
or touch a wall) and back without any part of their body
touching the ground.

→ Students should be encouraged to be creative with the use of

equipment: note different strategies which are being used by
groups throughout the activity to discuss during debrief.

2) Safety Precautions/Strategies:

→ Warn students and be observant and aware of fall risks

3) Adaptations:

→ introduce two blindfolds per group to increase difficulty and

maximize group communication and trust

Some students might attempt some “short-cuts” like

sliding/shuffling with the equipment. This can show some out of
the box thinking but can be restricted in subsequent rounds of
the activity.

Topic: Cool Objective: Cool students down before they go back to class 5 mins
Down/Final with a stretching circle.
Debrief and discuss about what they learned from the games
about teamwork and communication.

1) Use a whistle to gather the students into a group circle.

Stand in the middle of the circle to talk to the students
while leading stretches. (1 min)
2) Ask the students what they learned about in regard to
being a good teammate and proper communication
skills. (4 mins)

Conclusion Time

● Have each student for homework at 5 more principles about communication 1 min
and teamwork they learned from today's calls.
● Excuse students.

Total: 60 mins


Excellent (4) Proficient (3) Adequate (2) Limited (1)

Participation Students demonstrate Students Students Students

(General Outcome maximum demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate
C) participation during participation during participation minimal
the entirety of class most of the class during some of participation
the class during the
entirety of class

Communication Students are Students are mostly Students are on Students are not
(General Outcome diligently vocal and vocal and engaged occasion are vocal and are
C) engaged in in effective vocal and are minimally
enthusiastic communication only sometimes involved in
communication with with their involved in communication
their classmates classmates communication with classmates
with classmates

Teamwork Students demonstrate Students Students Students

(General Outcome outstanding demonstrate good demonstrate demonstrate
C) teamwork skills teamwork skills satisfactory unsatisfactory
during activities and and are mostly teamwork skills teamwork skills
are actively involved involved in group and are only and are not
in group performance performance sometimes involved in
involved in group
group performance

Critical thinking Students provide Students provide Students provide Students provide
and Problem exceptionally meaningful suitable lack of detailed
solving (General detailed information detailed detailed information
Outcome A) about teamwork and information about information about teamwork
communication from teamwork and about teamwork and
the class discussions communication and communication
and the book Offside. from the class communication from the class
discussions and the from the class discussions and
book Offside discussions and the book Offside
the book Offside

Additional Notes:

Adhip, K., et al. (2019). ‘Shape Shifters’. KNES 3300 Games Manual. University of Lethbridge.
Department of Kinesiology. Lethbridge, AB.

De La Mare., et al. (2019). ‘Sinking Ship’. KNES 3300 Games Manual. University of
Lethbridge. Department of Kinesiology. Lethbridge, AB.
Diersch, D. (2000). Offside! James Lorimer.

Glover, D. & Midura, D. (1992). Team Building Through Physical Challenges. Human Kinetics.

Reason for unauthorized resource:

The lesson plan incorporated the KNES 3300 games manual because it was built in a
University level leadership class that was constructed to help teach youth physical education.
Even though the games manual is not an authorized resource it included quality games that
helped construct a lesson plan that achieved objectives regarding communication and teamwork.

“What does literacy look like across subject areas? Using a specific subject outside of
ELA, consider how you can teach subject-specific literacy, address reading
comprehension, and incorporate appropriate literature and literature-related activities to
support student learning.”

● What literature and/or “display” texts have you incorporated into your
○ A book called “Offside”
● What literacy activities do you have students engaged with (reading,
writing, viewing, representing, listening, speaking)? Have you supported
student success with these?

Listening/ Group-Reading

- as they listened to instructor read the book in the prior class

- They had to listen to the instructor explaining how to play the games


- brainstorming leadership qualities as homework


- Students contribute to class discussion during our debrief/breaks in

between activities


- Communication Game

● Which of the mandatory elements (on overview) are already there? Which
are missing?
● How could you add missing elements (rationale at the end or comments in
text, for example)?
● What would you add (reference course content and materials)?
● Check yourself against the rubric.

For each response, be sure to…

• provide an illustrative example of a specific teaching context, including grade


• reference learner outcomes (preferably SLOs) and strands in the ELA Program
of Studies;

• find an appropriate text (for example, a picture book or video) that can be used
in a sample demonstration of how you would apply your knowledge of using
literature in the classroom;

• describe a learning activity and related assessment (formative or summative)

that you could potentially use (can be found in a reputable source or be of your
own original design);
• attribute your learning from the course (via activities, discussions, readings,
etc.) by referencing specific ideas, theories, resources, notes, etc.

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