Colby Evans
Colby Evans
Colby Evans
Experience with the Tech Tool (have you used this app before): I have never used prezi before
but have witnessed a few presentations in class designed on prezi.
Description of how the tech tool will be used: The assignment is a presentation assignment that
is supposed to be about 20-minutes long, so prezi should be a different and aesthetic way to
present. It has a unique way of allowing the presentation to move in and out of topics so a visual
organization on the topic is maintained.
Rationale for why the app will be useful (in your own words): This should be very useful for the
learning theory application, as it has several different points and topics on several different
levels. It is also something that some viewers may not have seen before and may maintain their
attention and invested learning for longer.
Indicators of Success (processes or products): The end product will be a 20-minute long
presentation that coherently presents the learning theory in an organized fashion.
Timeline for learning and developing the assignment: A tutorial to prezi will be watched before
starting the assignment, then throughout the week, I will work on the presentation, similar to
powerpoint, before completing the assignment. It is due October 6th, and I plan to start work on
it one week before the date.
Ed Tech Growth Plan
Assignment Integration Plan 2
Strategy (Assignment Description): The assignment is a book talk or book trailer of two related
books and is to be presented to the class in the form of a 3-5 minute video. It is designed to
inform and draw in readers to the selected books for their use, and prepare us to teach students
about books and literature.
Experience with the Tech Tool (have you used this app before) : I have never used Windows
Movie Maker before, but do have some experience with other more simplistic video editing
Description of how the tech tool will be used: The assignment is a 3-5 minute video so WIndows
Movie Maker should help to edit and enhance the overall presentation of the Book Talk. It
should help improve the quality of the video beyond the editing capabilities of flipgrid.
Rationale for why the app will be useful (in your own words): This should be very useful in
enhancing the Book Talk, as it will help make it more engaging and create diverse opportunities
for presenting information with various editing techniques. It should also help with key
components of the video like sound, timing and length, and transitions.
Indicators of Success (processes or products): The end product should be a well edited, easily
viewed 3-5 minute video about the selected books.
Timeline for learning and developing the assignment: A quick tutorial on the basics of windows
movie maker will be watched, before I plan and film different parts of the book talk. I will then
use the movie maker software to edit and complete the video. It is due october 13th and I plan to
work on it 10 days prior to the date.