Review Article: Conceptual Review On Vijaya (Cannabis Sativa Linn.) : A Forgotten Ambrosia

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Siva Ram et al / Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 9 (2), 2018

Review Article


G.Siva Ram 1*, C.Murali Krishna 2, D.Panchajanya Kumar 1, K.Midhuna Mohan 2, G. Babu 3
S.R.F (Ayu.), RARISD, Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Vijayawada-15, Andhra Pradesh, India
R.O (Ayu.), RARISD, Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Vijayawada-15, Andhra Pradesh, India
AD-Incharge, RARISD, Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Vijayawada-15, Andhra Pradesh, India

Received on: 05/03/18 Accepted on: 20/03/18

*Corresponding author
E-mail: [email protected]

DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.09228


Vijaya (Cannabis sativa Linn.) is associated with spiritual and medicinal aspect of Indian cultural heritage. Currently it is a controlled substance placed
under Schedule-1 in the United Nations Convention on Psychotropic Substances due to its abusive & narcotic nature. Ayurveda, the science of life has
details regarding Vijaya identification, cultivation techniques, collection method, purification process, formulations, indications, antidotes, specific
dietetics, etc. According to Ayurveda Vijaya, an analeptic herb is originated from amrita (ambrosia) & having the properties of Visha (poison) requires
Sodhana (purification) to be utilized as a medicament. Purification helps to detoxify the unwanted qualities & also improves the therapeutic value.
Approximately fifty diseases have been cited in Ayurvedic classics which can be treated with single or compound preparations of Vijaya. Bioavailability
& efficacy is very quick as it is an ushna virya (hot potency) herb having Tikshna (sharp), Vyavayi (bioavailability even before digestion) & Yogavahi
(synergistic action) properties. In this twenty first century research in the therapeutic aspects of Cannabis sativa lead to an increase in the awareness &
knowledge of the ‘medical Cannabis’ among the scientific community. Revalidation of the medicinal evidence of Vijaya present in the ancient
Ayurvedic literature provides scope for more refined research.

Key words: Vijaya, Cannabis sativa, Ayurveda, Narcotic, Bhang, Tetrahydrocannabinol.

INTRODUCTION rules, 19455. Support for legalization on Cannabis is growing

worldwide following the increase in awareness of the medical
Vijaya (Cannabis Sativa) is among the most primitive plants benefits of Cannabis among the researchers. In this modern era
cultivated by man. The first evidence of the use of cannabis was there is a need to recollect & revalidate the medical evidence of
found in China, where archaeological and historical findings Cannabis present in ancient Ayurvedic literature. Among the
indicate that that plant was cultivated for fibres since 4000 BC. different hybrids of Cannabis, Sativa, indica & ruderalis are
Cannabis as a medicine by ancient Chinese was reported in the considered as first generation species. The Ayurvedic
world's oldest pharmacopoeia, the “pen-ts'ao ching” which was Pharmacopoeia of India identifies Cannabis Sativa as Vijaya.
compiled in the first century of this era, based on oral traditions
passed down from the time of Emperor Shen-Nung, who lived MATERIALS AND METHODS
during the years 2700 BC1. The earliest known facts regarding the
medicinal status of cannabis in India come from the Atharvana Verses Related to Vijaya were compiled from various classical
Veda where it is mentioned cannabis as one of five sacred plants, Ayurvedic books along with electronic sources like E-Books and
referring to it as a source of happiness, joy and salvation2. The journals on internet viz. Charaka samhita, Susruta samhita,
plant's psychoactive effects were well-known in Indian terrain, Sarangadhara samhita, Chakradutta, Bhavaprakasha,
possibly due to the way it was used for traditional divine Bhavaprakasha nighantu, Amarakosa, Kaiyadeva nighantu,
preparations made out of Bhang, Ganja and Charas. Out of these Dhanvantari nighantu, Madanapala nighantu, Madhava
the weakest type, Bhang consists of only dry leaves from which dravyaguna, Sabda chandrika, Saraswati nighantu, Shodala
flowers are carefully removed. A stronger type Ganja consists of nighantu, classical Rasasastra manuscripts, etc.
female-plant's flowers & the strongest of them all is Charas, the
resin that covers female flowers3. Beyond medical use it was also RESULTS
used as a chemical weapon in warfare. Yogaratnamala written by
nagarjuna dated to the twelfth or early thirteenth century AD Modern Taxonomy & description
recommends the use of the smoke of cannabis (matulani) which
makes one's enemies feel that they are possessed by evil spirits4. Scientific name of Vijaya is Cannabis sativa Linn. included in
family Cannabinaceae. It is an annual, erect, dioecious herb,
Cannabis a narcotic & abusive herb is a controlled substance, growing about one to two meters high. Leaves palmately
illegal in India till date. It is placed under Schedule 1 in the compound, leaflets linear, lanceolate with serrate margins, 5-20
Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971. It is a United cm long, pointed, narrow at base, upper surface dark green and
Nations treaty designed to control psychoactive drugs. India rough, lower pale, downy, leaves of female plants longer than the
signed the convention on 23rd April, 1975. In India it is placed in male, odour, strong and characteristic, taste, slightly acrid.
SCHEDULE-E(1) of poisonous substances of vegetable origin Transverse section of leaves and bracts, shows dorsiventral
under Ayurvedic medicine in Drugs & cosmetics act, 1940 & surface, upper epidermis with unicellular, pointed, curved,

G.Siva Ram et al / Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 9 (2), 2018

conical trichomes with enlarged bases containing cystoliths of receptor-1) & CB2-R (Cannabinoid-binding receptor-2) are G
calcium carbonate, mesophyll contains cluster crystals of calcium protein-coupled receptors (GPCR). CB1-R receptors are
oxalate in many cells consisting of usually one layer of palisade abundant in the brain, specifically the mesocorticolimbic system,
cell and spongy tissue, trichomes on lower epidermis conical, the spinal cord & the peripheral neurons. CB2-R receptors are
longer, 340-500µ but without cystoliths, numerous glandular located peripherally in the gastrointestinal tract, immune-
trichomes, sessile or with a multicellular stalk and a head of about modulating cells, hematopoietic systems & also including
eight radiating, club-shaped cells secreting oleo-resin, present in microglia in the brain.ECS holds therapeutic promise in a wide
the lower epidermis especially on mid-rib, bracteoles with range of disparate diseases and pathological conditions, ranging
undifferentiated mesophyll and on lower surface bear numerous from mood and anxiety disorders, movement disorders such as
glandular trichomes. Main chemical constituent is Resin Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease, neuropathic pain, multiple
(Cannabinols, particularly tetrahydrocannabinol). Its identity, sclerosis and spinal cord injury, to cancer, atherosclerosis,
purity and strength are foreign matter not more than 2 per cent, myocardial infarction, stroke, hypertension, glaucoma,
total Ash not more than 15 per cent, acid-insoluble ash not more obesity/metabolic syndrome, and osteoporosis, etc7.
than 5 per cent, alcohol-soluble extractive not less than 10 per
cent and water soluble extractive not less than 13 percent6. Ayurvedic Taxonomy & description

THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) (isolated in 1964) & CBD The morphology of Vijaya was only mentioned in Anandakanda,
(Cannabidiol) (isolated in 1940) are the main ingredients of the a classical Rasasastra text among Ayurvedic treaties. Vijaya is a
sixty phytocannabinoids present in Cannabis Sativa. The dioecious herb8 with numerous leaves resembling a trishula9
endocannabinoid system (ECS) refers to a collection of cell (trident) and has 1, 3, 5, 9, 10, 11 & 13 parna or dala (digitate)
receptors & corresponding agonist/ antagonist ligands involving . It has a very specific strong odour, hence called
in a unique cell-signalling system. ECS present in humans and Ugragandhini11. Therapeutic useful parts of Vijaya are leaves,
animals naturally synthesize the chemical compounds called seeds & stem12. Dosage has been mentioned as 250 to 500 mg
endocannabinoids (EC’s) that activate the same receptors as the (Approx.) 13. Anandakanda enumerated the types of Vijaya basing
active phytocannabinoids of Cannabis Sativa. The first EC upon colour of appearance in relation to the four era are arranged
identified was N-arachidonoylethanolamine (AEA) in 1992 also in table 1. Synonyms of Vijaya are tabulated in table 2 & 3. The
called as Anandamide which is derived from the Sanskrit word literal meaning of synonyms were also clearly explained in table
ananda (joy/ bliss) & amide. Later second EC 2-Arachidonoyl no. 4. Rasapanchaka (Ayurvedic pharmacological properties) &
glycerol (2-AG) was discovered in 1995. Other EC’s identified pharmacological actions of Vijaya are listed in table 5 & 6
are 2AG Ether, N-arachidonoyl dopamine & O-Arachidonoyl respectively. Dosage forms & route of administration are also
ethanolamine also called Virodhamine named from the Sanskrit specifically cited in Ayurveda which are tabulated in table 7.
word virodha(opposition). CB1-R (Cannabinoid binding

Table 1: Types of vijaya based on colour specific to yuga (era) 14

S.No. Yuga Colour Phytochemical

1. Kruta yuga Sweta (white) Anthoxanthin
2. Treta yuga Sonita (red) Lycopene
3. Dwapara yuga Pita (yellow) Carotenoids
4. Kali yuga Nila (blue) Anthocyanin

Table 2: Synonyms of vijaya in different languages15

S.No. Language Names

1. Hindi Bhaang, Bhanga
2. Telugu Ganjayi
3. English Indian Hemp
4. Assamese Bhan, Bhang
5. Bengali Bhang, Sidhi
6. Gujrati Bhang
7. Kannada Ganjagida
8. Kashmiri Pang, Bangi
9. Malayalam Kanchavu
10. Marathi Bhang, Ganja
11. Oriya Bhanga, Ganjei
12. Punjabi Bhang
13. Tamil Ganja
14. Urdu Qinaab, Bhang

G.Siva Ram et al / Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 9 (2), 2018

Table 3: Synonyms of vijaya in Ayurvedic texts

S.No. Synonym Sa.S A.K R.T B.P A.Ko K.N D.N M.P M.D S.C Sa.N So.N RPS R.C Re.C RSS
1 Bhanga ü - ü ü ü - - ü ü ü ü - - - - -
2 Bhangaja - - - - - - - ü - - - - - - - -
3 Bhangi - ü ü - - - ü - - - - - - - - -
4 Bhangika - - - - ü - - - - - - - - - - -
5 Bhrungi - - - - - - - - - - - ü ü - - -
6 Chidahlada - ü - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7 Divya - ü - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
8 Ganja - ü - ü - - ü - - - - - - - - -
9 Ganjayika - - - - ü - - - - - - - - - - -
10 Indrasana - - - - - - - - - ü - - - - ü -
11 Jaya - - - ü - ü - ü - ü ü - ü - ü -
12 Kalaghni - ü - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
13 Maadu - - - - - - ü - - - - - - - - -
14 Madakari - - - - - - - - - - ü - - - - -
15 Madhu drava - ü - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
16 Madika - - - - - - ü - - - - - - - - -
17 Madini - - ü ü - - ü - - - - - - - - -
18 Manonmani - ü - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
19 Matika - - ü - - - - - - - - - - - - -
20 Matulani - - ü ü ü ü - ü - ü - - - - - -
21 Matuli - - ü - - - - - - ü - - - - - -
22 Mohi - - - - - - - - - - ü - - - - -
23 Mohini - - - - - - - ü - - - - - - - -
24 Pasupasavinasini - ü - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
25 Ranjika - - - - - - ü - - - - - - - - -
26 Sakrasana - - - - - - - - - - - - - ü ü -
27 Sarvarogaghni - ü - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
28 Siddha - ü - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
29 Siddha muuli - ü - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
30 Siddhida - ü - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
31 Sivamuli - ü - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
32 Vijaya - ü ü ü - ü ü ü - - ü - ü ü ü ü
33 Trailokya Vijaya - - - ü - - - - - ü - - - - - ü
34 Vimardini - ü - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Note: Sa.S: Sarangadhara samhita16, A.K: Anandakanda17, R.T: Rasa tarangini18, B.P: Bhavaprakasha19, A.Ko: Amarakosa20, K.N: Kaiahdeva
nighantu21, D.N: Dhanvantari nighantu22, M.P: Madanapala nighantu23, Madhava dravyaguna24, S.C: Sabda chandrika25, 26, Sa.N: Saraswati nighantu27,
So.N: Shodala nighantu28, RPS: Rasaprakasha sudhakara29-31, R.C: Rasa cintamani32, 33, Re.C: Rasendra cintamani34-36 & RSS: Rasendra sara
sangraha37, 38

Table 4: List of vijaya synonyms with meanings39

S.No Synonym Meaning

1 Sivamuli Mythologically originated from Lord Shiva
2 Vijaya Victory from six desires of mind
3 Bhangi Treats taapa traya (3 basic types of diseases)
4 Ganja Causes intoxication like alcoholism
5 Vimardini Processing is done by pounding
6 Divya Causes exhilaration, pleasure
7 Siddha Itself is a holy herb
8 Siddida bestows enlightenment
9 Siddha muli Ascetics named the herb
10 Manonmani accomplishes the problems of mind
11 Madhu drava Stimulates sudha drava (hormones) in bramha randra (a part of brain)
12 Chidahlaada gives happiness & joy
13 Pasupasavinasini restores health from non-human behaviour
14 Kalaghni Provides victory from death
15 Sarvarogaghni Cures all diseases

Table 5: Ayurvedic pharmacological properties of vijaya

Rasapanchaka Properties
Rasa (taste) Tikta (bitter)40
Katu (pungent)11
Guna (qualities) Laghu (light),40
Tikshna (sharp)40
Virya (potency) Ushna virya (hot potency)40
Vipaka (post digestive taste) Katu (pungent)41
Effect on Dosha (biological entity) Pittala (Vitiating Pitta dosha)40
Vata hara (pacifies Vata dosha)42
Kapha hara (pacifies Kapha dosha)40

G.Siva Ram et al / Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 9 (2), 2018

Table 6: Ayurvedic pharmacological actions of vijaya

Actions Related system/ function Related actions

Samanya Karma Gastro intestinal system Grahi (absorbent)42
(General action) Pachana (digestive)40
Dipana (appetiser)43
Ruchya (improves taste)42
Reproductive system Kamada (increases libido)28
Vajikarana (aphrodisiac)41
Central nervous system Tandra (lassitude)18
Murcha (syncope)11
Moha (confusion)40
Nidrajanaka (induces sleep)28
Metabolism Karshani (causes weigh loss)42
Vyavayi (bioavailability even before the digestion)44
Prabhava Central nervous system Medhya (increases intellect)45
(Specific action) Vak vardhini (increases talking capacity)40
Mada (High/ excited by CNS stimulation)11
Sukham (happiness)11
Satwa (goodness)11
Metabolism Yogavahi (synergistic action)11
Rasayana (rejuvenative)45

Table 7: Part used, typical dosage form & route of administration of vijaya in Ayurveda

S.No. Part used Typical dosage form Route of administration

1 Leaves Putapaka swarasa (juice)46 Oral
2 Leaves & seeds Churna (Powder)32 Oral
3 Leaves & seeds Churna (Powder)47 Nasya (nasal)
4 Seeds Taila (oil)48 Nasya (nasal)
5 Leaves Kashaya (Decoction)49 Oral & external rinse
6 Stem fresh stem free from nodes50 Tooth brushing

Sodhana (purification) of Vijaya mild flame53. 4th method is done by swedana (fomentation)
process with Babool (Acacia arabica SENSU BAKER Var.
Sodhana is the process which removes the impurities and helps in vediana COOKE) bark decoction for ardha Ghati (24 minutes
enhancing the therapeutic values of the drugs51. Total four Approx.) over mild flame then later pounded with cow’s milk54.
methods of purification of Vijaya were explained in Ayurvedic This procedure is considered as uttama sodhana (best
literature. Among them, the first method of purification of Vijaya purification). 5th method proposed by P.V.Sharma is by swedana
was explained in the text Rasamrtam is that by keeping the Vijaya (fomentation) process with cow’s milk for one Yama (3 hours)
in a muslin bag and washed in water till it is free from turbidity over mild flame followed by cleaning with water then dried under
and later dried under sun shade. This technique was uniquely sun shade and fried in cow’s ghee under mild flame55. An
identified & mentioned in The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of experimental study was conducted in Ghaziabad (2015) on some
India52. The 2nd method of purification is explained in of these purification procedures with respect to their
Rasaprakasha sudhakara, where Bhrungi (Cannabis) is processed tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content. In the first method of
with cow’s milk30. The 3rd & 4th methods were explained in Rasa purification THC reduced was minimal (26%) in comparison to
tarangini. The 3rd method is by dipping dry leaves of Vijaya in third method where the percentage of THC was markedly reduced
water later dried under sun shade and fried in cow’s ghee under (85%).

Table 8: Percentage reduction in content after purification of vijaya56

Sample from purification method Percentage of THC Percentage reduction in THC

Standard 0.127 -
1st method 0.094 26%
3rd method 0.019 85%
4th method 0.72 43%
5th method 0.045 65%

Table 9: Important nine vikara (complications) in ati-sevana (overdose) of vijaya57

Vikara Symptoms
1 Dryness of nose, difficulty in breathing & warm breath
2 Heaviness & halting of vision
3 Burning sensation in palms, soles, eyes & stammering sounds
4 Thirst, hunger & drowsiness of eyes
5 Stammering speech & short-term loss of memory
6 Become unconscious occasionally
7 Numbness of hands, affection towards own body, intermittent confusion & rejoicing
8 Sporadic Hallucinations, calmness, crying
9 Bellowing in ears, syncope & epilepsy

G.Siva Ram et al / Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 9 (2), 2018

Table 10: Treatment protocol of vijaya overdose58

S.No. Treatment Procedure

1. Aushadha (medicinal): Sodhana (purification) chikitsa with virechana (medicated purgation)
Samana (pacifying) chikitsa with Amla dravya (sour substance)
2. Ahara (diet): Chewing Tambula (medicated paan)
Intake of milk mixed with sugar & ghee
Panaka (syrup based liquids) prepared with sugar and honey
Intake of mamsa rasa (meat soup)
Soup prepared with Mudga (Phaseolus mungo (L) MANT.)
3. Vihara (activity): Head bath with cold water
External application of Sita virya herbal pastes
Wearing aromatic kashaya (orange) cloths
wearing of aromatic and Sita (cooling) virya herbal garlands
See the moon light for two muhurta (96 minutes Approx.)
A sound sleep alone is sufficient for Vijaya intoxication

Table 11: Important indications of vijaya in Ayurveda59

Name of the indication

1)Agnimandya (weak digestive fire) 2)Pandu (anemia)
3)Amavata (rheumatism) 4)Pitta vitiation
5)Apasmara (epilepsy) 6)Praseka (excessive salivation)
7)Arsas (piles) 8)Pratisyaya (rhinitis)
9)Asmari (Calculus) 10)Rakta Pradara (menorrhagia)
11)Atisara (diarrhoea) 12)Sandhivata (osteoarthritis)
13)Bhrama (vertigo) 14)Sannipata Roga (vitiation of all dosha)
15)Chardi (vomiting) 16)Shandatva (impotent)
17)Grahani (malabsorption syndrome) 18)Sighra sukra sruti (premature ejaculation)
19)Gulma (abdominal tumor) 20)Sirah sula (headache)
21)Hikka (hiccups) 22)Sitapitta (urticaria)
23)Jara (oldage) 24)Sula (colic)
25)Jwara (Fever) 26)Svayathu (oedema)
27)Kandu (itching) 28)Swarabheda (hoarseness of voice)
29)Kapha vitiation 30)Swasa (swasa)
31)Kasa (cough) 32)Sweta Pradara (leucorrhoea)
33)Kitibha (psoriasis) 34)Switra (leucoderma)
35)Kitibha (psoriasis) 36)Unmada (insanity)
37)Kshaya (tuberculosis) 38)Urustambha (spasticity of the thigh)
39)Mandala kushta (dermatomycoses) 40)Vali (wrinkles)
41)Medo roga (hyperlipidemia) 42)Vata vitiation
43)Meha (set of urinary disorders) 44)Vatarakta (gout)
45)Napumsaka (infertility) 46)Vidradhi (abscess)
47)Palita (grey hair) 48)Virya kshaya (oligospermia)
49)Pama (eczema) 50)Visha (poisoning)

Table 12: Some formulations containing vijaya in Ayurveda

S.No. Name of the formulation Main indication

1 Indrasana churna60 Kushta roga (all skin disorders)
2 Jatiphaladi churna61 Grahani (malabsorption syndrome)
3 Jaya Putapaka46 Pratisyaya (rhinitis)
4 Kameswara modaka62 Vajikarana (aphrodisiac)
5 Layi churna63 Grahani (malabsorption syndrome)
6 Naradiya lakshmivilasa rasa64 Rasayana (rejuvenative)
7 Somapani rasa65 Sannipata roga (vitiation of all dosha)
8 Vijaya lehya66 Atisara (diarrhoea)
9 Vijayeswar rasa67 Switra (leucoderma)
10 Viryastambhakari vati68 Virya stambha (useful in premature ejaculation)

DISCUSSION membranous perianth roughly appears like a whorl (saphala

valli) 8. Cannabis Sativa is the only oldest species indigenous to
Cannabis genus has numerous hybrids & sub species which India which grows more than two meters height. Hence Cannabis
makes it difficult to recognize the oldest strain. The phenotype of Sativa can be considered as Vijaya.
Vijaya has been described in Ayurveda which aids in
identification of the species. The types/ varieties of Vijaya viz. The antiquity of Vijaya can be traced long back to Atharvana
male & female plant grow huge heights like a tree (drumakruti). Veda. Among the four Vedic texts Atharvana Veda is considered
Vijaya is a delicate plant which may appears as drooping due to as the youngest, but there is no accurate dating of the time period.
its height and thin skinny stem. Apart from the height a flowering In Vedas reference of Iron is mentioned only in Atharvana Veda.
female plant presents raceme inflorescence, hence called samvida Since Iron is attested in the archaeological record in India from
manjari (flower blooms in bunches) 69. A dense fruiting pistillate around 1000 BCE, many scholars have consequently dated
flower enclosed within the leaf like bract composed of a thin Atharvana Veda around 1000 BCE70. ‘Bhanga’ word is cited in

G.Siva Ram et al / Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 9 (2), 2018

Atharvana Veda among the five Virudh (herbs) including Soma Brushing with the stem of Vijaya strengthens the teeth by
which could alleviate ‘amhas’ (anxiety/distress) 71. Arka cleansing the mala (dirt) present over the teeth & tongue90.
prakasha, a text on arka (distillation) mentioned Bhanga & Soma External application of Vijaya decoction in piles is also cited.
in a preparation named unmatta panchaka, an aphrodisiac Now a day’s Vijaya seed oil is extracted by cold press method. In
medicament which causes matta (soothing effect by CNS Ayurveda Vijaya seed oil is prepared by a peculiar technique
stimulation) like a pisacha (demon) 72. On this basis it is which is used as nasya karma (nasal medication) in
concluded that herb Bhanga mentioned in Atharvana Veda could Urdhvajatrugata roga (diseases above the neck). Seeds are kept
be Vijaya. In Bruhatrayi the term Vijaya is coined under eight in a pottali (bolus of seeds in a cloth) and boiled in cow’s milk till
Mula Visha (root poison) in Susruta Samhita73 and decoction of it is reduced to half the quantity. Then the seeds are made into a
leaves of Bhanga as an external medication for rinsing in Sushka fine paste with the leaf juice of Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis
Arsas (dry piles) is cited in Charaka Samhita49. These two herbs Mill.). This paste is applied as a layer over Kamsya patra (Bronze
could be linked to Cannabis as the whole plant excluding seed is vessel) & placed in intense sun rays. Due to the heat Sneha (oil)
poisonous which can be classified under root poisons & due to its is extracted from the paste which is used as an aphrodisiac &
narcotic property can be used to subdue the pain & inflammation rejuvenative medicament91.
associated with piles. In Laghutrayi references of formulations
containing Vijaya are cited in Sarangadhara samhita61 & Although mythological origin of Vijaya is from amrita, as per the
Bhavaprakasha74. properties it should be considered as a poisonous herb which
requires purification before utilizing as a medicine. Purification
Vijaya, a mahoushadi75 & divyaushadi76 is an intoxicating77 herb helps to detoxify and further improve the therapeutic efficacy.
mentioned under upavisha varga (secondary poisons group) by The oldest reference regarding purification of Vijaya is cited in
Rasendra chudamani78 text. Rasaratna samucchaya79, a sangraha Rasaprakasha sudhakara, a classical Rasasastra text where cow’s
(compilation) text of thirteenth century AD & Rasa tarangini80, a milk is used in the purification process. The procedure can be
modern Rasasastra text of twentieth century AD included Vijaya interpreted as Swedana (fomentation) or Bhavana (dipping) of
in upavisha by taking the reference from Rasendra chudamani Vijaya in cow’s milk. Experimental study was conducted in
text of twelfth century AD. Mythologically Vijaya is said to be Ghaziabad (2015) on different purification procedures of Vijaya
originated from amrita (ambrosia) spilled from the mouth of Lord with respect to their THC content. THC is the main compound
Shiva81. Ayurveda prakasha did not include Vijaya in Visha or among various phytocannabinoids of Cannabis Sativa. According
Upavisha considering it as anischita (unascertained) herb82. to Ayurvedic classics purification helps to removes the impurities
and enhance the therapeutic values. However reduction in the
Vijaya is extensively described in Anandakanda83 right from the levels of THC of Cannabis Sativa after purification affects the
sowing of seed, growing technique, nutrition supplements during medicinal properties negatively. Hence API has authenticated the
growth, collection method, processing84 & meaning of synonyms purification process in which THC levels are less affected among
has also been illustrated. Collection method of Vijaya includes the other procedures.
leaves & seeds having Snigdha guna12 (smooth and greasy
property) in the month of phalguna85 (Feb-Mar). This Snigdha The first line of treatment in the overdose of Vijaya is Virechana
guna is due to the structures called trichomes, a unicellular & (medicated purgation) as it is a Pitta vitiating herb which is
glandular outgrowth developed over flowering & fruiting plant. treated best with purgation. All types of cooling remedies are
These trichomes predominantly emerge over the surface of given as an antidote of Vijaya poisoning. In the circumstances of
raceme inflorescence and the leaves near them, hence called as unavailability of antidotes, a sound sleep is enough to wear out
sugar leaves. Traditionally these trichomes are used to make the complications of overdose. Arka prakasha mentioned usage
Charas or hashish, a highly abusive narcotic resin. After of Amla dravya (Pitta vitiating & Ushna virya) as the antidote for
collection they are dried in mild heat waves of sun for 7 days12. Vijaya intoxication92. It can be justified by the quality mano
Three types of paka (processing through heat) are mentioned for bodhayati (exhilarate or stimulate mind) of amla rasa93.
Vijaya viz. agni (fire) paka86, surya (sun) paka87 & chandra
(moon) paka88. The Rasapanchaka of Vijaya is similar in most of the Ayurvedic
classical texts having Tikta rasa, Laghu guna, Tikshna guna,
Ayurvedic scholars attributed specific colour to Vijaya in each Ushna virya, Katu vipaka, Dipana, Pachana, Grahi, Pittala, and
yuga which can be correlated to present era with respect to the Kapha-Vata pacifying properties. Anandakanda is the only text
presence of a peculiar phytochemical in the chemical composition which specifically mentioned Katu rasa along with Tikta rasa to
of the plant. Generally the colour of Vijaya is green due to the Vijaya. In Saligrama nighantu Medhya & Rasayana properties are
presence of chlorophyll. During flowering season mainly the attributed to Vijaya, basing on this it is therapeutically useful in
inflorescence & leaves might change their colour owing to the Unmada, Apasmara, Vali, Palitya, etc. Vyavayi action is first
levels of specific phytochemicals. Other factors include cited in Sarangadhara Samhita & Yogavahi action in
temperature & climate as chlorophyll is heat sensitive & also the Anandakanda. Dietetics like Lavana (saline), Amla (sour),
colour spectrum varies in different climatic conditions. The Kshara (base) 94 are said as apathya (unwholesome) & Madhura
colour of Vijaya in Kruta yuga is white, this is because of the (sweet) rasa food stuff have been enumerated as pathya
presence of abundant Anthoxanthin, a flavonoid which attributes (wholesome) for certain formulations containing Vijaya to
white colour. In Treta yuga Vijaya is in red colour due to rich in overcome its Tikshna & Pitta vitiating properties. Karshani,
Lycopene, a tetraterpene. Vijaya is yellow in colour during Vata-Kapha pacifying properties of Vijaya can be utilized to
Dwapara yuga due to Carotenoid, also called tetraterpenoid an formulate anti-Obesity medications. Many clinical conditions
organic pigment which imparts yellow hue. In Kali yuga Vijaya have anorexia, indigestion as a common symptom. Dipana &
is blue colored due to the presence of Anthocyanin, a flavonoid Pachana qualities of Vijaya can be made use to treat such
pigment89. conditions. Vyavayi & Yogavahi properties give scope to
improvise in pharmaceutics to improve the action of any
Therapeutically leaves, seeds and stem of Vijaya have been formulation. Every part of the Vijaya herb can be utilized in our
utilized for medicinal preparations. Oral route is the common daily life. Beyond medicinal benefits stem is a common source of
method of drug administration of Vijaya leaves & seeds. Vijaya fiber useful in making Hemp ropes, fabrics, cloths, hempcrete, etc
leaf powder is used as Nasya in the treatment of Apasmara. & Seeds are a good source of nutrition in culinary preparations.

G.Siva Ram et al / Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 9 (2), 2018

Leaves Stem

Fruit Seeds


Image 1: Cannabis sativa plant parts

CONCLUSION Pharmacotherapy, Pharmacol Rev; 2006 Sep. 58(3). p. 389–

Ayurvedic manuscripts gave vast knowledge regarding Vijaya. 8. Bhairava, Anandakandah, Siddhiprada Hindi translation by
Formulations containing Vijaya show their respective Prof. Siddhi Nandan Mishra, Amrutikarana visranthi, Ullasa
pharmacological actions very quickly. It is considered as a 15, sloka 335, First Edition, Chaukhambha orientalia,
rejuvenative & aphrodisiac herb. Exaggerations like Amaratva95 Varanasi; 2008. p. 289.
(immortality) & Sarva loka vasikara96 (subjugate entire world by 9. Bhairava, Anandakandah, Siddhiprada Hindi translation by
charm) signify the high expectations of Vijaya as a medicament. Prof. Siddhi Nandan Mishra, Amrutikarana visranthi, Ullasa
There is a need to explore the therapeutic properties of Cannabis 15, Sloka 328, First Edition, Chaukhambha orientalia,
Sativa in this contemporary world of Ayurveda. Intense research Varanasi; 2008. p. 288.
is needed to standardize the purification method. Toxicology 10. Bhairava, Anandakandah, Siddhiprada Hindi translation by
studies and clinical trials have to be investigated to fix the dose, Prof. Siddhi Nandan Mishra, Amrutikarana visranthi, Ullasa
dosage form & route of administration. 15, Sloka 334, First Edition, Chaukhambha orientalia,
Varanasi; 2008. p. 289.
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