Standardization of Prepared by Two Different: Naga Bhasma Bhavana Dravya
Standardization of Prepared by Two Different: Naga Bhasma Bhavana Dravya
Standardization of Prepared by Two Different: Naga Bhasma Bhavana Dravya
Ashish Verma
PhD Scholar (Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical
Sciences), Department of Rasashastra Naga Bhasma is one of the herbo-metallic preparations used in Ayurveda and claimed to possess broad
and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Institute for spectrum of therapeutic efficacy. The Standard manufacturing Procedures of Naga Bhasma prepared by two
Post Graduate Teaching & Research in
Ayurveda (IPGT & RA), Gujarat
methods by changing Bhavana dravya were developed with latex (NBAD) and leaf juice of Calatropis procera
Ayurved University (GAU), Jamnagar- (NBAS). Shuddha Manahshila (Realgar) was taken as a Maraka Dravya. Naga Bhasma was prepared by using
361008, Gujarat, India classical guidelines described in Rasa Ratna Samuchhaya. Total 10 Puta are required for preparation of Naga
Bhasma. Total three batches of each group were prepared. An Average of 8.83% increase in weight of
Dr. Prashant Bedarakar Manahshila was observed after Shodhana and 1600 ml Ardraka Swarasa was required for levigation. An
Assistant Professor, Department of
Average of 12.57 & 18.55% increase in weight was found in NBAD and NBAS groups’ respectively. An
Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana,
Institute for Post Graduate Teaching &
Average of 181.33 ml of latex and 182.66 mlleaf juice of Calatropis procera were required for Bhavana. Grey
Research in Ayurveda (IPGT & RA), coloured Naga Bhasma was obtained after 10 Puta in EMF. Both the Bhavana dravya i.e. latex and leaf juice
Gujarat Ayurved University (GAU), were found similar in view of pharmaceutical and analytical aspect, hence method of preparation of Naga
Jamnagar-361008, Gujarat, India Bhasma with Arkapatra Swarasa may be preferred in view of large scale manufacture, cost, labour and
availability of drugs.
Dr. Galib
Assistant Professor, Department of
Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana,
Keywords: Shodhana, Marana, Bhasma, Marak Dravya, Bhavna.
Institute for Post Graduate Teaching &
Research in Ayurveda (IPGT & RA),
Gujarat Ayurved University (GAU), INTRODUCTION
Jamnagar-361008, Gujarat, India
Bhasma are organo-metallic compounds in which the metal is calcinated along with various
Prof. B.J.Patgiri juices,decoction of herbal ingredients to form palatable complexes[1, 2] because of usefulness in different
HOD, Department of Rasashastra and diseased conditions since centuries without developing any major adverse effects. Bhasma are prepared
Bhaishajya Kalpana, Institute for Post in a well explained, generalized classical format, Shodhana, Jarana and Marana (programmed heating
Graduate Teaching & Research in through Puta system). The process of Jarana is laboursome, uneconomic, requires isolated set up of
Ayurveda (IPGT & RA), Gujarat laboratory in view of cross contamination and less safe for an operator. Hence an attempt was made in
Ayurved University (GAU), Jamnagar-
current study to develop standard operating procedure of Naga Bhasma without Jarana. Naga Bhasma
361008, Gujarat, India
prepared by previous researchers using arsenic trisulphide (yellow orpiment) as a Marana
Prof. P.K. Prajapati Dravyarequired 20 Puta[3]. Pravin Tate et al. studied the Naga Bhasma by adopting two different
Director, Institute for Post Graduate methods i.e. with Parada, Gandhaka and Ashwattha, Manahshila as Marana Dravya[4]. Dhirajsingh
Teaching & Research in Ayurveda Rajput et al. established a standard operating procedure with the help of Parada Pishti and Adhatoda
(IPGT & RA), Gujarat Ayurved vasica Niss[5]. Four different groups of media as Marana dravya are mentioned in classics for Marana.
University (GAU), Jamnagar-361008, The Maraka Dravya are categorised in four groups in view of superiority for Bhasma, which are Rasa
Gujarat, India
(Mercurials), plant-products, sulphur & Arilauha sequentially in decreasing order of superiority[6].
Manahshila is used as Maraka Dravya for preparation of Naga Bhasma which acts as main active
ingredients or as an auxiliary agent to assist the efficacy of Naga Bhasma. It reacts with remnant, un-
reacted lead oxide (PbO) transforming it to lead sulphide (PbS) which is the least toxic form of lead [7].
The objectives of this study are to determine yield of the medicament (Bhasma), analyze the logical
findings of Shodhana & Marana, determine physico-chemical properties of respective stage of
pharmaceutical processing and evaluation of physical & chemical test parameters according to classics
as well as contemporary science, to establish quality parameters, testing protocol and establish its
affectivity in identifying influence of controllable factors and discuss the optimum SMP of Naga
Bhasma preparation by two different Bhavana Dravya i.e. latex[8] & leaf juice of Calatropis procera.
Naga Bhasma (incinerated Lead) is one of the well known formulation indicated in the treatment of
Correspondence: various systemic diseases specially Prameha (diabetes) and is familiar as Pramehakarikeshari[9] i.e.
Ashish Verma
PhD Scholar (Ayurvedic one of the best drug for diabetes. In R.R.S. only latex of Calatropis procera has been mentioned as
Pharmaceutical Sciences), Department Bhavana dravya for preparation of Naga Bhasma but it is not possible to prepare Naga Bhasma with
of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, latex on large scale. Leaves of Arka are available in plenty. So to overcome this problem the present
Institute for Post Graduate Teaching & study has been carried out for development of Standard Manufacturing Procedure of Naga Bhasma with
Research in Ayurveda (IPGT & RA), two different Bhavana Dravya i.e. latex & leaf juice of Calatropis procera and Manahshila (Realgar) as
Gujarat Ayurved University (GAU), a Maraka Dravya prepared without process of Jarana.
Jamnagar-361008, Gujarat, India
Email: ashishvermahj[at]
The Journal of Phytopharmacology
AshuddhaNaga (3kg) and Manahshila (6kg) with characters of Kanji (sour gruel), Takra (clarified butter milk) and Kulattha Kwatha
acceptable quality [10, 11] as per Ayurvedic classics were procured from were prepared as per classical reference from Parada Vijnaniya[12],
pharmacy, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar. Sesame oil, Sushurata Sutra[13] and Sharangadhara Samhita[14] respectively.
Kulattha (horse gram) were procured from local market and cow urine 99.80% chemically pure Naga was taken and elemental analysis of
was collected from Goshala (cow shed), Jamnagar. Latex & leaves of Naga was done by previous scholar and same batch of Naga was used
Calatropis procera were collected from periphery of Jamnagar. for Shodhana purpose depicted in table 1[15].
Element Sn Sb Bi Cu As Ag Zn Cd Ni
Value 0.131 0.432 0.130 0.033 0.0023 0.0036 0.0004 0.0007 0.0001
Element Ca Al Au Fe Na P S Pb
Samanya Shodhana of Naga was done by heating it to melting and fresh liquid media every time. For Vishesha shodhana of Naga, same
quenching in sesame oil, Takra (clarified butter milk), Kanji (sour process was adopted using Churnodaka (lime water) [17]. Details of
gruel), Cow urine and Kulattha Kwatha (decoction of horse gram) ingredients and quantity taken for Shodhana are depicted in table 2.
respectively[16]. The process was repeated for three times replacing
Table 3: Average data observed during Samanya and Vishesha Shodhana of Naga
S. No Media Avg. time (min) Avg. Wt. (g) Loss of wt (Avg. in g) % of loss (Avg.)
1 Tila 4.49 1000 989.65 10.35 1.035
Batch Qty. of Ashodhit Manhshila (kg) Total Number of Bhavana Qty. of (Ardraka Swarasa) in ml Qty. of Shodhita Manahshila (kg)
1st 2 7 1600 2.14
2 2 7 1600 2.15
3rd 2 7 1600 2.18
The Journal of Phytopharmacology
Naga Patra (Lead sheets) were prepared from Shodhita Naga by RESULTS
rolling press machine and cutting into 4 X 1 inch (length X breadth).
Then paste of Shuddha Manahshila and latex of Calatropis procera The study inferred that an average of 7.57% and 1.7% loss was
was prepared by levigation method and smeared over both sides of observed after Samanya and Vishesha Shodhana respectively. An
Naga Patra and dried in sun light. Next day dried Naga Patra was average of 1600 of Ardraka Swarasa (ginger juice) was required for
weighed, collected in Sharava (an earthen saucer, covered by another levigation of 2 kg of Manahshila for duration of trituration of 7.35 hrs
earthen saucer and the junction was sealed by mud smeared cotton in stone end runner for 7 times. An average of 8.83% increase in
cloth) and was allowed for complete drying. Next day Sharava were weight of Manahshila was observed after Shodhana. Marana of Naga
subjected for Puta in Electric Muffle furnace till attainment of 500°C, by latex of Calatropis procera was comparatively early and the
followed by self cooling inside furnace. Next day after self-cooling quality of Bhasma was also found to be comparatively better as that of
(Swangsheet) sharava were collected, Chakrika (incinerated pellets) Bhasma prepared by leaf juice of Calatropis procera. Average of
were removed, weighed and ground to fine powder.Again1/20th part 12.57 & 18.55% increase in weight was found in NBAD and NBAS
Manahshila as that of weight of Naga after 1stPutawas added to this groups respectively. An Average of 181.33 ml of latex and 182.66 ml
powder and later on levigated with latex of Calatropis procera leaf juice of Calatropis procera were required for Bhavana. Grey
followed by preparation of pellets and incineration. Same procedure coloured Naga Bhasma was obtained after 10 Puta in EMF. In the
was repeated 10 times for each batch (table-5). The same procedure physico-chemical analysis, Shuddha Manahshila has slightly more
was followed for NBAS sample using leaf juice of Calatropis ash value than that of Ashuddha (6.12% and 7.25% respectively.
procera. Comparatively increase in loss on drying in Shodhita Manahshila as
that of Ashuddha Manahshila (0.22% and 0.13% respectively) was
observed. Average 0.40, 99.91 6.33, 8.46 and 0.19, 99.9, 16.58, 6.30
LOD, ash value, acid insoluble ash, pH was observed in NBAD and
NBAS group respectively.
Table 5: Details of Marana of Naga
The Journal of Phytopharmacology
Wt.of Chakrika before Puta 400.2 402 405.3 656.9 662.3 665
Naga(g) after 8thPuta 351 356.9 359.2 609.1 613.5 617
Shuddha Manahshila (g) 17.55 17.84 17.96 30.45 33.56 38
9thPuta Latex / Leaf Juice (ml) 190 180 190 180 180 190
Wt.of Chakrika before Puta 381 387.7 385.3 642.8 649 653
10thPuta Naga(g) after 9thPuta 350.5 353 359.3 595.0 606.8 610
Shuddha Manahshila (g) 17.52 17.65 17.96 29.75 30.34 30.5
Latex / Leaf Juice (ml) 190 180 190 180 190 180
Wt.of Chakrika before Puta 379.1 380 384.4 640 645.5 654
Naga(g) after 10 Puta 334 339.2 340 587 592 599.35
DISCUSSION and the desired qualities are imparted to the material. In Ayurveda, a
great emphasis is placed on Shodhana (purification) and
Naga is one among Rasavarga dravya used in Ayurvedic formulations detoxification of metals and other minerals. Shodhana is first and
which is mentioned under heavy metals[19] but used strictlyin most important step before preparing their Bhasma which is of 2 types
therapeutics only after classical processing like Shodhana, Jarana and i.e. Samanya Shodhana (common method) and Vishesha Shodhana
Marana. If Naga is used without proper Shodhana and Marana, it (specific method of shodhana). Samanya Shodhana of Naga is the
causes various diseases (Naga-Dosha) like Kushtha, Gulma, Ruja, general method of Shodhana for the Loha Varga. Samanya Shodhana
Meha, Pandu, Jwara, Tridoshaprakopa Roga[20], Mrityu[21] Udara[22] involves heating the metal to red hot stage or up to complete melting
Kilasa, Sandhishula[23], Pakshavadha, Anaha, Amsashotha, followed by quenching for either three or seven times in each liquid
Avabahuka, Shula; Kandu, Anilasada[24] etc. All Acharya advised to media which are sesame oil, clarified butter, cow urine, sour gruel and
take Swarna Bhasma (incinerated gold), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula decoction of horse gram respectively. Vishesha Shodhana involves
Lin.), and Sita (sugar) internally for 3 days to get relief from untoward similar procedure conducted with specific liquid media for different
effects of improperly processed Naga[25-27]. Author of Rasatarangini metals. Conversion of Nagain to Bhasma form is quite difficult
mentioned Vishatinduka (Strychnos nuxvomica) as an antidote for process due to its low melting point.
Nagadosha[28]. In Rasahridayatantra,cow urine, kutki (Picrorrhiza
kurroa) and root of Karavellaka (Momordia charantia) are advised as As per AFI for Samanya Shodhana of Naga, process of Dhalana is
a remedy for untoward effect of Nagadi Kalankita Rasa (a mentioned to repeat thrice[31]. In present study 99.8 % chemically pure
formulation of Lead) [29]. Shodhana is the process in which Mala 3 kg Naga (lead) was taken for Shodhana process and minimum 1
(physical and chemical impurities) are removed by means of Peshana litre liquid media was found sufficient to completely immerse material
(trituration) etc[30]. The toxic substances are minimized or removed during quenching. During quenching in sesame oil, Naga caught fire
The Journal of Phytopharmacology
which was continued even till molten stage. Pungent smell, hissing of total solid of Ardraka Swarasa. An average of 1600 of Ardraka
sound and black fumes were observed after quenching and iron ladle Swarasa (ginger juice) was required for levigation of 2 kg of
turned yellow in colour. Flame was noticed after quenching in Takra Manahshila for duration of trituration of 7.35 hrs in stone end runner
as well. Hence flame, black fumes after 1stquenching in Sesame oil for 7 times. An average of 8.83% increase in weight of Manahshila
and Takra are likely due to burning of residual oil and Ghee was observed after Shodhana.
respectively. Some part of Naga got converted into yellowish powder
after each quenching. Melting time of Naga was gradually increased Marana is a process in which Shodhita Dravya converted into
after Shodhana in each media. Average time taken for complete Bhasma by applying the procedure of Bhavana and specified heating
melting (apart from powdered part)was 4.49, 5.20, 5.59, 6.12, 6.89 protocol. The main objective of Marana is to achieve Rasibhavana of
and 7.12 min. for sesame oil, clarified butter milk, sour gruel, cow Loha (Dhatu etc rasavarga dravya) i.e. to reduce the metal mineral in
urine, decoction of horse gram and lime water respectively. Shining of to finer particle so that they could get absorbed in to the system, mix
Naga was decreased after quenching in Kanji and Gomutra, while it with the dhatulike Rasa, rakta, etc., get assimilate; metabolise and
was significantly decreased after Shodhana in Kulatthakwatha. Naga excreted easily, make them compatible with bodily structures and thus
acquired silver luster after each quenching. There was persistently produce their desired effects without producing harmful effects.
increase in percentage weight loss after quenching in each media i.e.
an Average1.03, 1.24, 1.41,1.57,1.70,1.85 % weight loss after Bhavana is also a key procedure in Marana of metals. Therapeutic
Shodhana in sesameoil, clarified butter milk, sour gruel, cow urine, efficacy of Naga Bhasma changes with change in the method of
decoction of horse gram and lime water respectively. An average of preparation e.g. Naga Bhasma prepared by Bhavana of Ahiphen
7.57% and 1.7% loss was observed after samanya and Vishesha (Papaver somniferum) possess more aphrodisiac property than the
Shodhana respectively. Gradual increase in percentage loss after Bhasma prepared from Manashila and the same when prepared using
shodhana in each media is due to conversion of Naga in to oxide Gandhaka and Vasa (Adhatodia vasaica Niss.) will be more effective
(powder) form and loss obtained during filtration. Previous study in skin diseases[37]. Latex of Calatropis procera was vigorously
reported that impurities of Naga may get attracted towards the described for Shodhana and Marana of various metals in classics[37].
chemical components present in the media forming a bond with them Bhavaprakasha described that the milky latex of Calatropis possess
and they may get separated hence each time fresh liquid media was Tikta (bitter), lavana (salty) rasa, ushnavirya (hot in potency), snigdha
taken[32].Gradual increase in melting time was observed while (unctuous), tikshna and laghu (light) guna[38]. Because of its
quenching which is due to oxidation of Lead and partial conversion of tiknshnatva it helps in reduction of particle size of metals and
Naga into powder (PbO). Powdered Naga absorbs the liquid media conversion in to nano particles[39]. Wide use of Latex of Calatropis
during quenching which upon subsequent heating to molten state, procera as a Bhavnadravya for Marana of various metals in our
delays rise of temperature of mixture and prolongs time taken to melt. classics may be attributed to these properties. There are more than 133
Powder form of Naga settles at the bottom of the iron ladle thus references of use of Arka (Calatropis procera) in pharmaceutical
changing heat transfer from iron ladle to metallic lead causing delay processes of Rasavarga Dravya (Mercurials and metallo mineral
in achievement of melting temperature[33]. Another study reported that drugs) among which 55 references are for use in various processing of
all the media utilized for Shodhana purpose form soluble-chelates Dhatu (metals). Latex of Calatropis procera is most frequently used
with metals, leading to their removal resulted in the increase of plant part of Arka and coincides with modern green synthesis of
relative mass percentage of lead from 97.13% in the raw material to particles[40]. For the preparation of both samples of Naga Bhasma
98.98%[34]. (NBAD & NBAS), Manahshila was used as Maraka dravya. In first
Puta Lead sheet was prepared to expose maximum surface for
In present study Marana process was done using two liquid media. Marana. In first Puta, sequentially temperature was raised in
Classically latex of Calatropis procera is used for Bhavana during Horizontal Electric Muffle furnace till 500°C followed by period of
Marana process, but in large scale production getting sufficient self cooling. Maximum quantity of sheets of Naga got converted to
quantity of latex is difficult. Hence to overcome this, present study powder while little fraction turned to black coloured bolus and plenty
was conducted to find out effect of both liquid media for Marana on of silvery crystals of arsenic got deposited on inner side of upper
pharmaceutico- analytical profile of Naga Bhasma. Sharava and on the upper layer of pellets. In subsequent Puta, only
1/20th part of Manahshila was added as that of material obtained after
Arsenical compounds have a long and remarkable history of each incineration cycle. After second Puta, pellets were hard, greyish
pharmacological utilities and traditional practices[35]. Arsenical black in colour, hard in touch and with absence of crating/ roughness
compounds are intentionally added to Ayurvedic formulations as main /friction during grinding but minute shining were observed in NBAD
active ingredients or as auxiliary agent to assist the efficacy of herbal group. In NBAS group, after second Puta pellets were hard, granular
drug. Temperature during Marana probably facilitates conversion of and black in colour with some metallic particles (Utthapita Naga)
arsenic sulphide (As2S2) to arsenic oxide (As2O3) and thus conversion observed during trituration, having shining at the cut surfaces. In
of PbO to PbS. The boiling point of arsenic oxide (As2O3) is about NBAD after 3rd Puta, pelletswere found soft and whitish colour was
465°C and hence would have vaporised during the incineration cycle appeared on the surrounding areas whereas in NBAS samples, pellets
where PbS is known to react with PbO when heated, leading to were more hard, granular, having metallic sound and black in colour
formation of metallic lead and sulphur dioxide. An addition of realgar but more fragile, some metallic particles of Utthapita Naga and
during each incineration cycle may probably be aimed at suppressing shining at the cut surface were observed. Greyish black colour, hard
the above reaction. The addition of realgar in excess quantity reacts pellets were found till 5thPuta. In NBAD Greyish coloured, fragile
with any unreacted PbO transforming the same to PbS. This ensures and soft pellets were found till 6thPuta and which didn’t shown
that the intermediates do not contain elemental lead. These finding shining. Pellets were soft in touch, easily breakable and without
denotes the importance of Manahshila in the preparation of Naga shining at the cut surface after 8thPuta in NBAD group and passed
Bhasma which assist the formation of PbS and ensure the safety Bhasma Pariksha. In NBAS group, pellets were somewhat hard as
aspect of Naga Bhasma because intermediate compound PbO is more that of NBAD group but after10 Puta, it passed Bhasma Pariksha like
toxic as compared to lead sulphide[36]. In Shodhana of Manahshila, Varitar, Apunarbhava, Niruttha. Colour of Bhasma was greyish black
levigation with Ardraka Swarasa changed the orange colour of (Kapot Varna). Naga Bhasma may be considered as sulphide form of
Manahshila powder to reddish yellow. In the physico-chemical lead (PbS) which is greyish black in colour[41], along with traces of
analysis, Shuddha Manahshila has slightly more ash value than that of other elements. An average of 29.66 & 30.17 % increase in weight of
Ashuddha (6.12% and 7.25% respectively, Table-6). Observed all three batches were found in NBAD and NBAS groups
increase may be due to addition of inorganic components of Ardraka respectively.
Swarasa. Comparatively increase in loss on drying in Shodhita
Manahshilaas that of Ashuddha Manahshila (0.22% and 0.13%
respectively) was found which is probably due to hygroscopic nature
The Journal of Phytopharmacology
In addition, Shodhana facilitates further pharmaceutical processing of 7. Singh SK, Gautam DN, Kumar M, Rai SB. Synthesis, characterization
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8. Dr.V.A. Dole (First Edition) Sri Vagbhatacharya’s RasaRatna
oxide vapours. Repeated Putana process plays predominant role in
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Bhasma preparation techniques follow different procedures for Naga 9. Sadananda Sharma, Rasa Tarangini, Shastri K, editor. 11th ed. New
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early and the quality of Bhasma was also found to be comparatively 14. Sharangdhar Samhita by Dr. Smt. Shailaja Shrivastava, Madhyamkhand,
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CONCLUSION Choukhamba Orientalia, Varanasi, Kriyakarana Vishranti 6/19, pp 726
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Although Naga Bhasma was prepared early by latex of Calatropis Choukhamba Krishnadas Academi, Varanasi, 1st edition, 2/2, pp 20
procera and the Bhasma was comparatively better on basis of (2005).
organoleptic characteristics, the study denotes that equal number of 22. Basavarajiyam, Acharya Basavaraj, Choukhamba Sanskrita Pratishthana,
Puta i.e.10 Puta are sufficient for preparation of Naga Bhasma with Varanasi, Chapter 25, pp 405 (2005).
both liquid media (latex and leaf juice of Calatropis procera ) without 23. Rasatarangini, Rasavigyana Hindi commentary by Pandit Kshinath
process of jarana and there were insignificant differences in Shastri, Motilal Banarasidas Publication, Delhi, 11th edition, 19/4-6, pp
457 (1979).
pharmaceutical and analytical studies of Naga Bhasma prepared by 24. Rasendrabhaskar, Siddhiprada Hindi commentary by Siddhinandan
either methods.However alternative method of Naga Marana with Mishra, Choukhamba Orientalia, Varanasi, 1st edition, 4/139, pp 79
Leaf juice of Calatropis procera without Jarana may be preferred (2009).
over Naga marana by latex of Calatropis procera in view of large 25. Bhrita Rasaraja Sundara, Dattaram Choube, Choukhamba Orientalia,
scale industrial production, economy and labour. Varanasi, 3rd edition, pp 83 (2000).
26. Rasayansara, Shyamsundaracharya Vaishya, Shyamsundar Rasayanshala
Publication, Dhatushodhana Marana chapter, verse 207, pp 363 (2000).
Conflits of Interest
27. Rasaratna Samuchchaya, edited by D. A. Kulkarni, Meharchanda
Lakshmandas Publication, New Delhi, 4/140 pp 80 (2010).
No conflicts of interest. 28. Rasatarangini, Rasavigyana Hindi commentary by Pandit Kshinath
Shastri, Motilal Banarasidas Publication, Delhi, 11th edition, 24/183, pp
REFERENCES 679 (1979).
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The Journal of Phytopharmacology