IndusFood 2025 Exhibition - New Delhi India
IndusFood 2025 Exhibition - New Delhi India
IndusFood 2025 Exhibition - New Delhi India
Η Έκθεση IndusFood αποτελεί μια ολοκληρωμένη έκθεση στον τομέα ποτών και
τροφίμων στην Ασία με στόχο την σύνδεση μεταξύ αγοραστών και πωλητών.
Με εκτίμηση,
Μιχάλης Κούλλουρος
Λειτουργός Τμήματος Βιομηχανικής Ανάπτυξης,
Καινοτομίας και Περιβάλλοντος.
Λεωφ. Γρίβα Διγενή 38 & Δεληγιώργη 3, 1066, Τ.Θ 21455, 1509 Λευκωσία, Κύπρος
T: +357 22889860 F: +357 22665685 E: | W:
Nicosia, May 15, 2024
We would like to inform you that the Trade Promotion Council of India in cooperation
with the Ministry of Commerce and Industrialists of India, is organizing the 8th IndusFood
Exhibition on 8-10 January 2025 in New Delhi.
Please find attached a relevant brochure with information about the exhibition as well as
the report of the exhibition for 2024.
Yours faithfully,
Michalis Koullouros
Officer Department of Industrial Development,
Innovation and Environment.
38 Grivas Dhigenis Avenue & 3 Deligiorgis Street 1066, PO BOX 21455, 1509 Nicosia, Cyprus
T: +357 22889860 F: +357 22665685 E: | W:
Post Show
$1.5 bn+
On-spot business
Exhibitors from 15+
sq m of exhibition
Large International
Supermarket Chains
Visiting buyers
visitor profile segment-Wise Breakup
% 1.3%
Global Sourcing Platform 100+
Share of attending buyers by region Exhibitors
North South
America 12% Asia
19% CIS 7% United Russia
7% Kingdom
1% 11% NE Asia Oceania UAE
2% 8%
Canada Australia
Saudi Turkey
Vietnam Lebanon
Uzbekistan Bangladesh
new pavillions
Spices Consumer
viraj bahl, Managing director, sunil d’souza, md & ceo, tata paras desai, Executive Director
veeba consumer products ltd wagh bakri tea group
“I truly appreciate the unique “Indusfood has rapidly grown “Indusfood is a major trade
initiatives by Indusfood, to be the premier event in show to promote India’s
making it a truly standout Asia, showcasing F&B brands F&B industry. Most of our
show. Its strong commitment to global buyers. We see it international distributors
to bring in international as a fantastic event to display attend this vibrant trade
buyers showcases a our strengths, brands and show. It contributes to
progressive approach, which products and form strategic global visibility of Indian
is crucial to put India on the partnerships to grow our food products and facilitates
global export map.” international business.” partnerships.”
mani bakshi, vice president, yovaraja hari rama krishnan Sridhar Moosapeta, ceo Dr. Sanjay Nagarkar, founder &
singh & singh distribution, USA MD, sabrini foods, australia khimji ramdas llc, oman ceo, globex biotech, Hong Kong
“This year, Indusfood has “It’s a great opportunity to “I can visibly see the “We are trying to find
been a great event and visit Indusfood with this difference between when products that represent USPs
everything has been very well quantum of good exhibitors Indusfood started and what of Indian processed food,
organized from the quality participating in the show. It we’re doing right now. It has which we can import to Hong
vendors they have to the looks like a good future for become bigger, better and Kong, as it is a global hub.
entire setup here. Everything us, as we don’t need to go much more productive. We Indusfood has a lot of such
has been top of the line and anywhere else. I appreciate are on a platform that can products, which we find to
I congratulate TPCI for the the organizers & look forward take us forward for many be very appropriate for the
sucess of the event.” to upcoming editions too.” decades to come.” global market.”
Online exhibitor and buyer listing along with profile page helps in digital
promotion and matchmaking.
atanu dey, head-international amit kumar balecha, director, dhaval shah, Director manjeet singh gill, president,
business, bambino agro itf foods pvt ltd jairaj group indian federation of culinary
“Indusfood facilitates “Indusfood is building a way “Indusfood is an exception-
meaningful connections towards Atmanirbhar Bharat, ally curated platform, offering “Indusfood will raise awareness
between exporters and enabling exporters to engage a conducive environment for of the variety of food products
importers, making it a with global buyers, who meaningful engagements. that can be imported from
crucial and commendable access the hidden treasures We are extremely happy India to meet growing demand.
event. I congratulate TPCI of India under one roof. about the networking I am confident that shortly, we
for its dedication to create a Being associated from the 1st opportunities that Indusfood will be able to make it one of
purposeful & effective event edition, it is a true catalyst in opened up, helping us the biggest trade shows in the
for the Indian F&B industry.” our global journey.” expand our presence.” world of food.”
Shanavas Padiyath Mohamed pankaj sajnani, category Rob Diamantopoulos, National pradeep salwan, President, apna
Ibrahim, Regional manager, manager, fmcg retail, Business Manager, Ostindo foods imports co, US
lulu hypermarket, qatar choithrams Foods, australia
“Indusfood has proved to be “Indusfood is a fantastic “Indusfood serves as an ideal “Indusfood is the best
an exceptional experience for platform where various platform for our business, platform for buyers like us
us, featuring a diverse array brands come together under as we concentrate on who look for quality business
of Indian food and beverage one roof. It is crucial for us to introducing innovative snack at one place and this edition
products in one place. Our stay informed about current and beverage products to the is the greatest among all the
focus will on searching for trends. It helps us plan and Australian market. We aim previous events. We have
and sourcing items and strategize, discover new to distribute them to both seen great buyer footfall
innovative products that are brands and connect with independent retailers and and many of us have signed
inspired by nature.” existing ones.” major outlets.” various deals.”
Products nominated
by participating
Shortlisting for
Innovation Showcase
by esteemed jury.
opportunity at
Indusfood Innovation
Felicitation of
winners at Indusfood
Innovation Awards.
Indus Knowledge Hub
Intense knowledge sessions to help businesses navigate the complexities of
the dynamic global F&B market.
Total impressions
across Digital Media
Engagement rate
New followers
Shri Piyush Goyal inaugurates Indus Food Indus Food 2024: Global extravaganza for food trade set
2024; exhibition to showcase India’s vibrant to impress in Greater Noida
and diverse food ecosystem
Union Minister of Commerce & Industry, Consumer Affairs, Food & Public
Distribution and Textiles, Shri Piyush Goyal inaugurated the ‘Indus Food 2024’,
exhibition to showcase India’s vibrant and diverse food ecosystem, being held in
India Exposition Mart, Greater Noida. While delivering an inspiring address at the
inauguration of the exhibition, the Minister praised India’s diverse food industry,
emphasizing its potential to captivate global markets.
Speaking on India’s food processing sector, Shri Goyal highlighted the 150%
growth in processed food exports over the last nine years. The Minister highlight-
ed that India’s agricultural exports stood at an aggregate of about US$ 53 Billion.
Shri Piyush Goyal quoted the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi and said that the
time has come for a fusion of technology and taste. He emphasized the need for
large-scale food processing, product branding, and export focus to provide better
value to farmers, generate employment, and enhance the country’s earnings.
The Minister recognized the burgeoning demand for Indian foods globally, he
underscored the country’s diverse agro-climatic zones, 158 food and agri Geo-
graphical Indications (GIs), and the identification of 708 unique food items across
districts under the One District One Product (ODOP) initiative.
The 7th Edition of Indus Food was inaugurated by the Union Minister for Commerce & Industry, Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Shri Piyush Goyal praised the significant success and outstanding achievements
Distribution and Textiles, Piyush Goyal. He praised India’s diverse food industry, emphasizing its potential to captivate global markets. of the seventh edition of Indus Food, hailing it as the epicenter for food and
He commended the sector’s exponential growth, citing a remarkable 150% increase in processed food exports over the past nine
years. He underscored India’s agricultural export potential, currently standing at approximately US$ 53 Billion, with a projected target
beverage excellence in South Asia. He highlighted the international prominence
of US$ 100 Billion by 2030. of the event, revealing plans for India Global Culinary Exchange, welcoming 20 top
international chefs to experience the country’s culinary excellence firsthand.
He quoted Prime Minister, Narendra Modi and said that the time has come for a fusion of technology and taste, emphasizing a new era in
the food processing sector. He stressed the importance of large-scale food processing, effective product branding, and an export-oriented
approach to benefit farmers, boost employment, and elevate the nation’s economic gains. Expressing confidence in India’s capacity to host the world’s largest fairs, the Min-
The platform not only provided exposure and experience but also facilitated substantial business opportunities for entrepreneurs from ister emphasized Delhi’s potential as a global hub for various expos. He shed light
Jammu & Kashmir. The region’s exceptional products and culinary traditions stood out, contributing to the success of Indus Food 2024 as on the ongoing Aatmanirbhar Bharat Utsav at Bharat Mandapam and announced
a significant avenue for promoting India’s diverse food industry on the global stage.
the upcoming Bharat Mobility in the following month, followed by Bharat Tex at
The triumph at Indus Food 2024 reinforces Jammu & Kashmir’s position as a powerhouse of culinary excellence and a vital contributor the end of February 2024. He shared his vision for these events to lay the ground-
to India’s diverse food industry on the global stage. The event served as a testament to the region’s commitment towards promoting its
unique offerings and fostering meaningful connections within the global food and beverage community.
work for even larger exhibitions in the coming years. Envisioning 2025 as the year
for multi-venue, large-scale shows, he aspired for India to host the world’s largest
food fair, setting global benchmarks.
Speaking on India’s food processing sector, Shri Goyal highlighted the 150% growth in processed food
exports over the last nine years. The Minister highlighted that India’s agricultural exports stood at an ag-
India’s trade promotion board in collaboration gregate of about US$ 53 Billion. Shri Piyush Goyal quoted the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi and said
that the time has come for a fusion of technology and taste. He emphasized the need for large-scale food
with the Ministry of Commerce is gearing up for processing, product branding, and export focus to provide better value to farmers, generate employment,
and enhance the country’s earnings.
a grand event Indus Food, which will be held from
The Minister recognized the burgeoning demand for Indian foods globally, he underscored the country’s
8-10 January 2024 at the India Expo Centre in diverse agro-climatic zones, 158 food and agri Geographical Indications (GIs), and the identification of 708
unique food items across districts under the One District One Product (ODOP) initiative.
Greater Noida. This is reported by ANI , a partner
of TV BRICS. He lauded the success of food security initiatives of the government such as the ‘Pradhan Mantri Garib
Kalyan Anna Yojana’, providing free food grains to 81 Crore people and ensuring zero starvation deaths in
the country. Additionally, he commended efforts to mitigate food inflation through strategic interventions
like ‘Bharat Atta’ and ‘Bharat Dal’.
The area of Indus Food 2024 will be doubled from The Minister highlighted India’s economic strengths as the fastest-growing large economy, attributing the
30,000 square metres to an impressive 60,000 success to solid macroeconomic foundations and a youthful demographic dividend. He credited social
media and global influencers for promoting Indian culinary delights, leading to a surge in the popularity of
square metres. diverse regional cuisines. Shri Piyush Goyal highlighted the richness of Indian cuisine, noting its distinctive
8th Edition
08 09 10 January, 2025
India Exposition Mart, Greater Noida, New Delhi, NCR, India
Organised By
supported by
Department of Commerce
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Government of India
8th edition
08 09 10 January, 2025
India Exposition Mart, Greater Noida, New Delhi, NCR, India
buyers &
visitors from 100+ Countries
THE fastest
price early bird price
Inclusions - (Valid till April 30, 2024)
• From 18 sqm to 24 sqm - 6 Badges
• 27 sqm to 33 sqm -8 Badges
USD 420 /SQM USD 380 /SQM
• 36 sqm and above - 10 badges
+ 18% TAX + 18% TAX
* PLC 10% of the booth Value
(MINIMUM 18 SQM) *Catalogue Entry USD 250 per Company
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