Strength Training Not Bodybuilding PDF
Strength Training Not Bodybuilding PDF
Strength Training Not Bodybuilding PDF
How To Build Muscle And Lose Fat…Without Morphing
Into A Bodybuilder
By Marc McLean
Copyright 2017
By Marc McLean – All rights reserved
Author’s Legal Disclaimer
This book is solely for informational and educational purposes and is
not medical advice. Please consult a medical or health professional
before you begin any new exercise, nutrition or supplementation
programme, of if you have questions about your health.
Always put safety first when lifting weights in the gym. Any use of the
information within this book is at the reader’s discretion and risk. The
author cannot be held responsible for any loss, claim or damage arising
out of the use, or misuse, of the suggestions made, the failure to take
medical advice, or for any related material from third party sources.
No part of this publication shall be reproduced, transmitted, or sold in
any form without the prior written consent of the author.
All trademarks and registered trademarks appearing in this digital book
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Visit The Website Below To Access Your Copy
Table of Contents
Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
Part One: The Warm-Up ---------------------------------------------------- 5
Chapter 1: Strength Training Not Bodybuilding…There Is A
Difference ------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
Chapter 2: Getting Started With Weight Training ----------------- 10
Chapter 3: Overcoming The Fear ------------------------------------- 13
Chapter 4: Preparation & Goal Setting For Maximum
Results ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
Chapter 5: The Secret To Staying On Track ------------------------ 24
Part Two In The Gym ------------------------------------------------------ 27
Chapter 6: The Way To Lean Muscle, Less Fat…And Solid
Strength --------------------------------------------------------------------- 28
Chapter 7: Compound Exercises: Bigger Movements, Better
Results ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 36
Chapter 8: Muscle Isolation Moves ----------------------------------- 46
Chapter 9: How To Create Your Own Training Plans ------------ 57
Chapter 10: Gym Workout Mistakes --------------------------------- 64
Chapter 11: Bodybuilding Bullshit ------------------------------------ 69
Part Three: Outside The Gym--------------------------------------------- 73
Chapter 12: Strong Mind ----------------------------------------------- 74
Chapter 13: Strong Body ----------------------------------------------- 82
Chapter 14: Stronger Self Image -------------------------------------- 85
Chapter 15: Achieving The ‘Impossible’ ----------------------------- 91
Final Points -------------------------------------------------------------------- 95
About The Author ----------------------------------------------------------- 97
Strength Training NOT Bodybuilding
There are a few too many people catching the bug that’s spreading its
way across every gym in the world…
Where once normal looking humans are becoming big, bulky, and
super inflated.
Where grown men are flexing their bulging biceps and posting selfies
on social media like giggling 14-year-old girls.
And where posing, huge egos, and too many loud, grunting noises are
flourishing in gyms.
Yep, I’m talking about the big bad bodybuilding bug where fitness
freaks go to extremes and create huge, unnatural, overdeveloped
It’s everywhere now. What the hell has happened in the health and
fitness world? It’s a humanitarian d.i.s.a.s.t.e.r !
This book is your saviour from the bodybuilding bug. It’s a manual for
the ordinary man and woman who wants to become extraordinary
through lifting weights…without morphing into some sort of
meathead bodybuilder.
It’s your guide towards developing a lean, athletic, awesome body
instead – with a rock solid mind to match.
It’s all about Strength Training NOT Bodybuilding.
I’m Marc McLean, an online personal trainer with nearly two decades
of experience in strength training, and I’m author of the Strength
Training 101 book series.
I love lifting heavy weights. I hate bodybuilding.
I love pushing myself hard in the gym and achieving personal bests. I
hate bodybuilding.
I love coaching people to become leaner, stronger, better versions of
themselves through strength training. I kinda hate bodybuilding.
Strength Training NOT Bodybuilding
Lifting weights is without doubt, hands down, the most effective way
for you to blitz bodyfat, develop lean muscle, and strengthen your
body and mind. Then there’s the added bonuses of increased
confidence, stronger bones, better posture, injury prevention, boosting
your mood. I could go on a while here…
I bang on about these huge benefits to everyone that’ll listen. I repeat
myself quite a lot. Yet over the past 19 years I always hear the same
response from men and women of all ages…
“But I don’t want to get too muscular and look like a bodybuilder…”
“I really don’t want to become all big and bulky…”
“I’m not into bodybuilding….”
I’m trying to keep count of how many times I’ve heard comments like
these. I think we’re at 21,594 now.
I’m guessing you don’t want to end up with the bodybuilder look
either? Guess what? Neither do I. Never have done.
I’m 5ft 8ins tall, hover around 73kg, and so I’m hardly the biggest guy
in my gym. But I’ve got a lean, athletic body with good muscle
definition - and I’m in better shape now at aged 35 than I was when I
was 20.
What’s even more important for me is that I’m strong as hell, I’m
hooked on my training, I love the buzz I get from achieving new
personal bests in the gym, and I maintain a healthy mindset and overall
approach to my health and fitness. Does that sound good to you too?
This is the magical middle ground between being unfit and out of
shape, and the far extremes of bodybuilding. This book is written with
the specific intention of helping you plant your feet firmly in that
middle ground…where you can achieve amazing results through
weight training…without going down the overgrown bodybuilder
Would you like to sculpt a lean, athletic physique, with good muscle
Or how about feeling strong as an ox, and bursting with confidence?
Developing a solid mindset to go along with your new strong body?
Strength Training NOT Bodybuilding
Strength Training NOT Bodybuilding
I’ve tried to put myself back in the shoes of being a weight training
beginner again to help less experienced men and women get a head
start - and avoid making the many training mistakes I made over the
The aim of this first book is to give you a solid foundation for going
forward in your journey towards more muscle, less fat and solid
I explain all the best strength training exercises, how to easily create
your own workout plans, tactics for staying highly motivated, methods
for making steady progress, adopting an unbreakable mindset, and
I fully understand that most readers want to see pictures of all the
exercises because it’s much easier to get the hang of them this way.
However, it’s not possible to show proper high quality pictures,
particularly in the Kindle version of this book.
That’s why I’ve created a bonus exercise demos e-book for you for
FREE too. It features photos of me performing all the top weight
training moves included later in this book, along with clear descriptions
and tips for best technique.
You can grab your copy by visiting my website:
Okay, so let’s get warmed up…
Part One
The Warm-Up
Strength Training NOT Bodybuilding
Chapter 1
Strength Training NOT Bodybuilding
And it’s all Sly Stallone’s fault! When I finally figured out that it was
Rocky IV that kick-started my healthy obsession with weight training
I also realised something else. It was absolutely nothing to do with
bodybuilding. I never wanted to look like a bodybuilder; all that posing
and flexing always made me cringe.
Ever since I was eight years old I wanted to be like Rocky…superfit,
fearless, confident, and STRONG. AS. HELL. That was the goal when
I first started strength training as a seriously skinny 16-year-old…and
that’s now what I help other people like you experience.
I class bodybuilding and building a strong body (and mind) completely
differently. People generally think weight training/strength
training/resistance training…whatever you want to call it…is the same
as bodybuilding. It’s really not.
Sure, both groups lift weights and develop muscle and burn fat. But -
there’s a difference in priorities. What bodybuilders tend to put first
#1 Becoming BIG.
I’m talking inflated, over-developed, unnatural looking physiques.
#2 Competition.
Entering bodybuilding competitions. Competing with each other.
Competing on how much fake tan they can cover themselves in?
#3 Extreme diets.
Wolfing down crazy amounts of protein, counting every calorie and
macronutrient, using all sorts of supplements.
#4 Taking dodgy stuff.
It’s unfair to tar all bodybuilders with the same brush as many of them
are all natural, but bodybuilding is rife with anabolic steroids. It’s
frightening how many people are messing with their hormones and
putting their health at risk just to get bigger.
Some of these guys and gals can’t resist jagging their bum with a needle
filled with steroids, or ingesting some other dodgy performance
enhancing supplements to become even more inflated.
Strength Training NOT Bodybuilding
For me, all of that crap is a huge turn off, it’s fake, and is the opposite
of what I love about strength training. That’s why us strength training
cool cats prioritise…
#1 Developing lean, athletic, natural looking bodies.
Building lean muscle, keeping bodyfat levels low, and creating good
overall body composition. Think Greek God, not Johnny Bravo.
#2 Becoming fit and strong as hell.
A huge focus on strengthening your body – and simultaneously
strengthening your mind as a result.
#3 Bettering yourself, not being better than anyone else.
The only competition is you. Pushing yourself hard in the gym, always
aiming to progress and outdo yourself, setting new personal bests as
you keep getting stronger.
#4 Following a healthy diet that’s easy to maintain.
Who wants to constantly follow a super strict diet that’ll only make you
miserable? You can still get great results without following an extreme
nutrition plan and eating 93 chicken breasts and 42 cans of tuna every
The strength trainer also refuses to take any dodgy substances or
supplements…because this completely takes away any real sense of
achievement. There’s also the small matter of it potentially messing up
your health!
What camp would you rather be in?
Now I’m not knocking the natural bodybuilders who train hard, are
disciplined, and achieve their own personal fitness goals. I’ve actually
got respect for their level of dedication. To do what they do takes a
huge amount of effort and perseverance.
I’ve simply always had different goals and different priorities. I care
about how I look but don’t want to get too big. Also, how I feel is even
more important. I want to feel strong (in the body and mind),
confident, and as healthy as possible.
Does that sound good to you too? Focusing on yourself, not caring
about what anyone else thinks, and competing only with you
encourages all of that.
Strength Training NOT Bodybuilding
Strength Training NOT Bodybuilding
Chapter 2
It was May 12th, 1998 and I counted my birthday money with a slight
grin on my face, knowing exactly what I’d be spending it on.
Not cheap cider. Not the Mad Dog 20/20 booze that made me spew
like a scene from The Exorcist the previous weekend…
Nope, for my 16th birthday I was buying me some MUSCLES. I slipped
the £50 into my pocket and headed straight for the Argos store 10
miles away in Glasgow.
I ordered a weights bench complete with weights set. It was time to
become a strong, muscled-up, bad-ass. I was on a serious mission after
what had happened a few weeks earlier.
I’d been out with my then girlfriend and a few of our friends. This girl
was my first real girlfriend, and I was always trying to impress her to
hang on to her. Telling crappy jokes, buying her cheap presents, being
an all-round-teenage-cheeseball in general.
But this particular night it all came crashing down. I can’t remember
exactly what I was doing….singing her a song, reading her poetry,
maybe proposing…who knows? But I was interrupted by her best
friend Lynne.
“Look at how SKINNY your arms are!”, shouted Lynne.
I was always a bit of a smart-ass and would normally have come back
with a quick-fire comment, but this single cheeky comment hit hard.
It completely winded me. I malfunctioned. I just had no response at
all other than to look red-faced and stunned.
I felt shocked, embarrassed, humiliated, angry, weak…all these
different negative feelings rolled into one big crappy ball of emotion.
I was almost 16 years old, at high school, and like many teenagers I
had insecurities about how I looked. I had a pale, frail body with legs
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and arms like toothpicks and, although it bothered me, I didn’t actually
realise how much.
Until that moment.
I’ll never forget how bad it felt to be publicly judged on my skinny
appearance in front of my girlfriend and pals. In hindsight, this was the
first proper hint of self-image issues I had, and I’ve since witnessed
with many other people (without them consciously realising it).
One single cheeky comment…
One huge unexpected emotional response from me…
And that was all it took.
Weeks later the fire was still burning in my belly and I was determined
to prove her wrong. I didn’t ever want to be put in a situation like that
again where people would point and laugh at me for being ‘skinny’.
So I bought the weights bench, the weights set, and I was pumped up
to lift weights every day until I became ‘big, strong and bulletproof’.
(C’mon, I was only 16!)
I’d no idea I’d still be lifting weights nearly 20 years later. I didn’t have
a clue how much the path would twist and turn over the years...with a
fair few bumps along the way. And I didn’t realise that this one healthy
hobby could foster discipline, self-belief, ambition, personal growth,
mental strength…and have a positive knock-on effect on other areas
of your life.
For me, my strength journey began with that one reaction (or mega
over-reaction) to what Lynne said to me as a teenager.
It fired me up big time and filled me with endless fuel to power ahead
and transform my body, along with my confidence.
In many cases, we’ve reacted to a situation that made us feel less than
great. What is it that’s motivating or inspiring you to take charge of
your health, body and mind?
Is there are strong reaction to something someone said? Or to physical
circumstances you find yourself in?
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Chapter 3
“Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
“I’m here just looking to tone up,” I said as I stepped off the treadmill
feeling really sheepish.
‘Tone up’. Did I actually just spew out those words in the gym? Had
any self-respecting man ever said those words before?
Plus it was complete crap. I didn’t want to ‘tone up’ like the women
doing aerobics classes next door. I wanted to build muscle, add some
meat to my toothpick thighs, sculpt strong arms so I didn’t have to
keep hiding the ones I hated, and get me some six pack abs like that
singer Peter Andre off the TV…because the girls were going nuts for
But it was too late. I’d already announced to Billy that I wanted to tone
up. It was late 1998, it was the first time I’d ever ventured into a gym,
and I was nervous as hell. Billy was aged 26 – about 10 years older than
me – and was my big cousin’s boyfriend.
He’d spotted me sprinting like a maniac on the treadmill and walked
over just as I was stepping off. “What you doing in here, Marc?”, said
You already know my cringey response – so I won’t bother repeating
it again. My toes are curling up and I’m now pulling a ‘thin lips’ face
just thinking about it. I just blurted those words out because I was a
nervous, insecure teenager in the gym for the first time.
It took me about six months to finally build up the courage to leave
my bedroom weights behind and step into my local gym. I’ll be honest,
I was terrified.
What if I looked stupid?
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Chapter 4
Picture this...
You hit the gym with real confidence because you have a masterplan.
Clear, defined goals for once. And you’re finally focusing on the right
exercises. So no more worrying if you’re doing enough in your
workouts to build muscle. No more wandering about the gym and
simply jumping on whatever machine is free. You have focus – and
that focus alone sparks real motivation.
The post-workout soreness and surprising gains in strength after just a
handful of workouts has another positive knock-on effect... you don’t
need as much willpower to stick to a healthy diet. Junk food just ain’t
as appealing when you’re clearly making steady progress, even at this
early stage. Buzzing for every upcoming weights session, you start
hitting personal bests you thought you never had in you.
Remember when the gym used to be boring? Remember when you
were always fighting the excuses to miss a session? Not now. For the
first time you start seeing some proper muscle definition and your
posture naturally changes.
You hold yourself upwards more confidently. This confidence you’ve
quietly nurtured through a commitment to becoming a stronger,
healthier you then gradually filters into your relationships with other
people, your career, other sports etc. Why?
You may only be lifting heavy weights, but ultimately you’re bettering
yourself. This is then surprisingly reflected in other places outside of
the gym. It feels amazing when people start commenting on the
difference in your body. That spurs you on even further, but at this
stage who needs motivation now anyway? What feels even better is the
rush of endorphins bursting out of your head after every workout.
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#2 Setting goals
This is the part that most people miss out – and is one of the main
reasons we see all those new faces at the gym in January and never see
them again after February.
With clear, defined goals you’ll:
Have a target to aim for
Be inspired to get going
Put some real meaning behind your workouts
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training journal to answer to! It’s there to record your score for every
exercise – and for some reason that small pile of paper holds you to
It’s your training partner that can’t talk. It can tell you how far you
have progressed. It reminds you of exactly how you performed last
time around. And it can guilt trip you into doing even better this time.
Better performance
A training journal means your workout plan is there in front of you in
black and white. So, there’s no skipping the last couple of exercises
because then you’ll have to leave that part blank - or score the exercises
out completely - when filling in your training journal. Then the next
time you’re training you’ll be reminded of how you cheated yourself
last time around.
See what I mean about the guilt trips? This naturally makes you want
to complete ALL the exercises listed in your journal – and squeeze out
a rep or two more than you thought you could.
Staying on track
As you become stronger and continually take your training to the next
level, you’ll be surprised how hard it is trying to remember the level of
weights you reached or number of reps you completed for all the
various exercises you’re doing every week.
Our usual response to this: default to the lighter weight. This means
you’re not pushing yourself hard enough and are missing out on
As that journal starts filling up with performances you didn't think you
had in you, it’ll fire you up big time. Seeing those weightlifting numbers
climb as the weeks go past gives you an extra injection of motivation.
You’ll know for certain you’re making progress because it’s there in
black and white. That gives you more confidence, gets you buzzing for
your next workout, and automatically provides the motivation you
previously struggled to find.
Sense of achievement
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ideal period because if the deadline is too far in the distance you’ll slack
off. We want a sense of urgency as we chase these goals.
Key Points To Remember…
Proper preparation and goal setting are the difference between
quitting too soon and getting results.
Don’t lift weights at home or in your garage because your
progress will be limited. Join your local gym instead.
Use a gym training diary to properly keep track of your
progress, boost motivation and help you stay on track.
Plan your three gym workouts a week in advance - and keep
those important appointments with yourself.
Clear the junk foods out of your cupboards, so there’s less
room for temptation.
Write down your weight training goals – and make them
specific and detailed.
Take all the relevant weight/body measurements, and a
‘before’ picture, to ensure you have a clear starting point.
Set a deadline – 12-16 weeks is an ideal time frame – for hitting
your goals.
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Chapter 5
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Part Two
In The Gym
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Chapter 6
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I’d tried everything. Mastered nothing. I felt fitter. Didn’t look any
I felt confused, overwhelmed, and just wanted to be shown what
worked best – and what I was wasting my time with.
Would my £20 investment pay off?
I was beginning to think I’d been scammed as I’d heard nothing, but
around a fortnight later a thick brown envelope arrived through the
letterbox with my name on it.
I opened it up and pulled out an A4 sized book with a white glossy
cover. I can’t remember the name of it, and I actually lost it about five
years later, but this thing was to become my body’s bible. It was
basically an instruction manual for weight training beginners.
One half of the book was filled with illustrations of the best exercises,
along with an eight week training programme. There were a few pages
near the back on diet. “Eat lots of chicken” and “drink gallons of milk”
probably sums up that section best.
Not exactly the advice I dish out to clients these days, but the guidance
on weight training exercises and workouts was golden! That book
partly inspired this book and I share the best exercises from it, and
more, with you in the next two chapters. I still largely take the same
type of training approach these days and recommend it to everyone –
man or woman – when they start strength training.
Four Key Rules For Effective Strength Training
This straightforward approach comes under four key rules. These are
the way to lean muscle, less fat, and solid strength, no matter your age,
sex, or fitness level.
Rules #1 Focus mainly on ‘compound’ exercises – aka the big multi-
joint movements that work several muscle groups at once.
Rule #2 Progressively overload the muscles – aka increase the weight
gradually as you get stronger.
Rule #3 High weight, low reps – aka getting into double figures with
reps means you won’t get very far.
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Rule #4 Rest and recovery is crucial – aka avoid overtraining like the
plague as your body needs sufficient time in between weights session
to repair and develop.
Stick with these 4 rules – backed up with good nutrition and
consistency of course – and you can’t go wrong. Every strength
training newbie needs to take heed of this advice.
For the more experienced gym-goer, this might seem like plain
common sense and that I’m over-simplifying the situation. That’s
EXACTLY the point…weight training has become crazily
complicated in recent years. To the point where it’s all too confusing
and people who start lifting weights for the first time just chuck it and
head for the nearest Pizza Hut.
To this day, I still see countless people who have been training in the
gym for many years break all of these standard rules.
They skip the big compound exercises in favour of trying out the latest
fancy workout plan they saw in the latest issue of Men’s Health…
They train every day of the week to try and look good for the weekend,
giving their body little time to recover and at the risk of frazzling their
nervous system and running down their immune system…
You get the idea.
Training Frequency: More Is Not Better
I feel like a parrot because I trot out this line so often, but when it
comes to strength training, more is definitely NOT better.
To effectively trigger muscle growth and development – a process
known as hypertrophy – “progressive overload” is the way to go. This
means that instead of doing countless reps of an exercise at a particular
weight, you should be steadily going heavier to increase the resistance
on the muscles.
This causes tiny tears on the muscle fibres and leads to inflammation
and what’s known as ‘DOMS’ (delayed onset muscle soreness)
afterwards. If you’ve trained hard enough you should be sore the
following day, and probably sorer the second day.
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That’s why proper rest in between gym sessions is a must. Your body
relies on down time and the nutrients from food to properly repair
these small muscle tears and overcompensate for them.
This is when the body is actually being remodelled. Not in the gym,
but afterwards. So it doesn’t make sense to interrupt that process and
working out regularly on consecutive days will only lead to overtraining
and hamper your progress.
You’ll increase your chance of injury. You’ll increase your likelihood
of become fatigued and run-down. And you’ll not achieve your health
and fitness goal any sooner.
That’s why I always recommend roughly a 48 hour gap between heavy
weight training sessions. It’s as simply as one day on, one day off. No
more than 3-4 strength training sessions per week.
More ain’t better. Be good to your body after you put it through some
punishment. I repeat the same warning about overtraining in a couple
of my other books. (Told you I was like a parrot). It’s intentional
because it’s so important. Too much strain on the muscles and body
will have a negative effect over the long term.
Building Muscle & Burning Fat With Compound Exercises
So do you wanna know all about the biggest and best exercises I
discovered in my £20 weight training manual? The strength training
moves that have been around for generations and won’t be going away
– because they’re so damn effective.
I’m talking about compound exercises, which are crazy effective for
building muscle and burning fat at the same time. They force several
muscles groups into action at once and create an anabolic environment
in the body. The increase in anabolic hormones such as testosterone
and growth hormone build muscle tissue, but also increase fat
breakdown. A two-for-the-price-of-one bonus!
I love compounds. Within a few weeks of hitting them hard you will
be too. Why? Because you’ll finally know what it’s like to work your
body properly and feel every muscle ache afterwards. You’ll witness
your strength go through the roof. And you’ll see clear results in your
physique as gradually gain muscle and strip away fat.
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that you’re reading this book. Nothing really worth having comes easy.
Same goes for that awesome body you’ve been chasing.
It won’t come overnight, or over a fortnight, but you CAN achieve
amazing results if you’re consistent with your training and follow a
healthy diet. You can’t put a number on something like this because
our bodies are all different, with various compositions, fat levels, bone
density, rates of metabolism etc, so your body transformation is not
something you can accurately schedule.
Having said that, I’d still expect most people to start seeing a positive
difference in their body shape – and overall health and wellbeing –
within 4-6 weeks, provided they stick with the advice on training and
diet. You’ll see surprising gains in strength in as little as a fortnight.
Stay focused. Stay disciplined. Stay committed…and the results will
inevitably come. I’ll list the top 10 compound exercises I’ve been doing
religiously for over 15 years. The same moves that are at the centre of
my training programmes with online PT clients.
They’re all in the next chapter.
Key Points To Remember…
The four key rules of effective strength training are: #1 Focus
mainly on ‘compound’ exercises; #2 “Progressively overload”
the muscles by increasing the weight as you get stronger; #3
Lift heavier weight with a lower number of reps; #4 Rest and
recovery is crucial…one day on training, one day off.
More is not better - 3-4 heavy weight training sessions is
enough for muscle gain and fat loss.
For every single pound of muscle gained, the body
automatically burns 30-50 more calories.
You can build muscle and burn fat at the same time…and
heavy weight training is the way.
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Chapter 7
I’m always banging on about compound exercises and these are the
top moves I believe everyone should be doing whether you’re a man,
woman...or reptile.
Looking to build lean muscle? Develop definition? Strip fat? These 10
exercises will form the core of your training, along with some muscle
isolation moves I’ll introduce in the next chapter.
I give descriptions of each exercise but it’s too tricky to include high
quality photos in this book, particularly the Kindle version. I want to
make sure you get the most from this book and learn all the exercises
properly, so this is just a reminder that I’ve created a bonus exercise
demos e-book that you can download for FREE on my website. The
details are at the beginning and end of this book.
#1 Barbell Squats
The King of exercises – and one to master if you’re serious about
building muscle, losing fat, and changing the way you look and feel.
>> Warm up for a couple of minutes doing a light jog on a treadmill
and then a series of leg stretches.
>> Place the barbell on the squat rack at shoulder height and add the
weight plates to each side. Ensure they are locked on using a collar or
clamp. Also put safety bars in place just below waist height.
>> Position yourself under the centre of the bar so that it sits on your
shoulder blades. Stretch your hands out and grip the bar at either side
at a length that feels comfortable.
>> Lift the bar upwards off the hooks and step back with both feet.
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#2 Deadlifts
Another monster move that involves multiple muscles in the upper
and lower body. The deadlift basically involves lifting a heavy weight
off the floor and then standing with your legs straight and shoulders
back. This one can be tricky though so make sure you start off with a
light weight and pay close attention to the information below.
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>> Stand at a loaded barbell with your feet slightly wider than shoulder
width. Bend down and, with your arms on the outside of your knees,
grab the bar with one hand over the top and the other underneath.
>> The grip should be just at the outside of your feet and your palms
must be facing in different directions.
>> With your feet firmly on the floor and the bar close to your shins,
pull the bar upwards over your knees. As you rise, push your hips
forward and straighten your back.
>> The bar should be resting against your thighs as you stand straight
with your shoulder pressed back. (It should always be kept close to
your body throughout the exercise).
>> Bend your knees as you carefully lower the weight back down over
your legs to the floor.
Common mistakes to avoid
Don’t round your back. Keep it rigid and by looking straight ahead,
rather than on the floor, helps achieve this.
Don’t hitch or jerk the bar upwards. It should be lifted in one flowing,
continuous movement.
Don’t tip your feet forward – or move them at all – during the
movement. There's a fair chance you’ll end up face-planting.
Muscles worked: Glutes, quads, hamstrings, calves, traps, (lower back), (forearms),
shoulders, abs, (obliques).
#3 Bench press
The number one exercise for developing your chest muscles, especially
when it comes to adding mass. The bench can be set at an incline level
to focus more on the upper section of your chest, or decline to hit the
lower part.
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>> Lie on a bench under a weights rack with your feet flat on the floor.
The barbell should be roughly level with your nose. Your hands should
grip the bar slightly beyond shoulder width.
>> Lift off the rack and lower to the mid-section of your chest in a
controlled manner.
>> Push back up forcefully and lock out your arms.
>> The first lowering part will take roughly a couple of seconds, but
pushing to the top should take only half the time.
Common mistakes to avoid
Too narrow grip. This works the triceps and puts less strain on the
chest. It’ll also make the bar more difficult to balance, meaning you
will struggle to cope with the same level of weight.
Too wide grip. This works a smaller portion of your chest and brings
the shoulders more into play. A wider grip also makes the bar more
unsteady and harder to balance.
Raising your lower back off the bench. There may be a very slight raise
when you first lift the bar off the rack at the start of your set, but don’t
arch your back throughout as this will inevitably lead to injury.
Muscles worked: Pecs, anterior deltoids (front of shoulders), triceps.
>> Overhand grip for both hands, slightly beyond shoulder width, and
with your knees tucked in between your arms.
>> Sweep the bar upwards, pushing forcefully through your hips
almost in a jumping motion...but keep your feet on the floor.
>> As the barbell reaches your chest, flick your wrists so that your
palms are now under the bar.
>> Then, without pausing, press the bar straight up until your arms
lock out at the elbows.
>> Bring the weight down to chest again, and then bend the knees as
you lower it to the floor in a controlled fashion.
Common mistakes to avoid
Arching your back at the beginning of the exercise. Your back should
be at a straight 45 degree angle as you lean over to pick up the bar.
Otherwise you’re in danger of hurting your lower back.
Stumbling forwards or backwards during the exercise. You should be
steady and the weight should be under control in one flowing
Dropping the weight on to the floor. It’s unsafe to just drop or throw
the barbell down once you have raised it above your head. You should
control the weight as you lower it to the floor and your muscles will
still be working as you do so.
Muscles worked: Glutes, quads, hamstrings, traps, front shoulders, triceps,
#5 Bent over row
Want a V-shaped torso? Then do not miss this exercise out. Bent over
rows work the entire upper back – and your biceps. It’s also definitely
the number one exercise for developing the lats to taper the back and
give it a natural, athletic look.
>> With a loaded barbell on the floor, stand with your feet just beyond
shoulder width.
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>> Bend the knees and grab the bar. Keep your lower back arched,
chest puffed out and look straight ahead.
>> Lift the bar to your lower chest, making sure you keep the static
position and don't swing up and down.
>> The bar should be brought up hard and fast, but should it should
take twice the time to lower the bar under control.
Common mistakes to avoid
Straight legs during the lift. This makes the move awkward and
increases your chances of injury so keep your knees bent slightly
Moving upwards during the lift. After initially lifting the bar from the
floor, keep your hips in place and your upper body static. This works
your upper back harder, and means you are not compensating by using
your hips or lower back to help lift the weight.
Muscles worked: Lats, trapezius, biceps, front and rear shoulders.
#6 Upright row
The upright row of course works several muscles like the other
compounds, but it primarily hits the upper trapezius. This creates the
nice sloping look from your upper neck down to your shoulders. I
personally saw a noticeable difference in development within a
fortnight of first using this exercise.
Note: an Ez-bar (one with curves in the middle) is preferable to a
straight barbell for this exercise because it allows for a full range of
movement and causes less strain on your wrists.
>> Grab the loaded barbell at the two dipped points and have it
resting at your knees.
>> Keeping your back straight, pull firmly upwards to just under your
chin, with your elbows extending outwards.
>> Lower the bar in a controlled, slow fashion.
Common mistakes to avoid
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Lifting the bar only to your chest. This is only half a rep, you must lift
higher right up to your chin...without smacking yourself in the face.
Swinging your body to lift the weight. Your legs and back must be kept
straight throughout to target the right muscles and stay injury free.
Muscles worked: Trapezius, middle of shoulders, biceps.
#7 Chin-ups
Chin-ups blast your biceps, lats, lower traps, forearms...and abs aswell
while we’re at it. The chin-up is a variation of the pull-up. In fact, some
people switch the names about because they are so similar.
The difference between the chin-up is that your palms face inward and
you have a narrower grip on the bar. This brings the biceps more into
Both exercises are outstanding for developing upper body strength –
but most people struggle to perform even one full rep. (Don’t worry,
there’s a clever tactic you can use to gradually build your strength on
these that will eventually get you to the point where you can rattle them
out easily).
>> Reach up and grab the bar above with your palms facing inwards.
Your hands should be exactly shoulder width apart.
>> Pull yourself upwards and, just like pull-ups, cross your legs as they
come off the floor.
>> Squeeze your biceps to pull your chin over the top of the bar.
>> Lower your body to the starting position in a controlled manner.
Common mistakes to avoid
Not lowering your body far enough. We’re not interested in half reps.
Lower your body right down, lock your arms out at the elbow and drag
yourself back to the top.
Spreading your hands too far across the bar. This makes the move
awkward, putting strain on your shoulders and chest which could result
in injury – or falling.
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Not climbing high enough. For a full rep your chin must at least touch
the bar, if not go slightly over it.
Muscles worked: Lats, biceps, lower trapezius, forearms, abs.
Chin-ups and the next exercise pull-ups are so good for developing
your upper body, but they’re very difficult at first and most people
struggle to do even one rep. But don’t just give up on these amazing
exercises – you can do assisted reps until you develop enough upper
body strength and/or lose bodyfat if you need to.
Some gyms have a machine you can rest your knees on which is ideal
for assisting people in doing chin-ups, pull-ups and dips. If your gym
doesn’t have one of these then I’d highly recommend investing in a
resistance band. These serve the same purpose, taking some of the load
of your bodyweight while you do the exercise.
Once you can comfortably do 10 chin-ups, pull-ups or dips using the
band then you’ll have built your strength up to a decent level. Then
you’ll likely be able to perform the exercise without any assistance and
work on increasing your rep numbers. You can buy the bands here on
#8 Pull-ups
A mammoth exercise that blasts the entire upper back, shoulders and
arms. Pull-ups also work your core area to an extent as you balance
your body during the movement. Slightly harder than chin-ups, but so
effective for developing muscle tone. As you build up your strength
you’ll also naturally increase your reps.
>> Grab a pull-up bar with your hands positioned at wider than
shoulder width and your palms facing outwards.
>> Pull your body upwards and cross your legs as soon as they leave
the floor.
>> Pull hard until your shoulders are level with your hands and then
lower your body to the starting position.
Common mistakes to avoid
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Not dropping your body low enough. Again this is only half a rep and
simply won’t work your muscles hard enough. Your arms should lock
out at the bottom.
Swinging your head and body. It’s not easy to balance your body during
pull-ups, but focus on using the full range of your arms to raise and
lower your body, rather than trying to ‘nudge’ yourself upwards at the
Muscles worked: Shoulders, lats, trapezius, forearms, triceps, abs.
#9 Dips
I’ve heard this one being nicknamed ‘The Upper Body Squat’ – and no
wonder, it is an outstanding exercise that engages most parts of your
upper body.
>> Grab both handles of the dip bar and straighten your arms, keeping
your body rigid and crossing over your legs.
>> Looking straight ahead, bend your elbows and lower your body in
a controlled way until your arms are at a 90 degree angle (i.e. your upper
arms are parallel with the floor).
>> Focusing on keeping your body rigid, push your body upwards
again until your arms are straight and your elbows lock out.
Common mistakes to avoid
Swinging your body. Balance is important and it’s all too easy to swing
forward or backwards as you perform this exercise. Keep your body
firm and your gaze straight ahead to avoid doing this.
Not dipping low enough. A very common mistake is where people
only lower their body slightly, sometimes only a few inches. It’s
important to hit that 90 degree angle to properly work the muscles.
Muscles worked: shoulders, chest, triceps, forearms, abs.
#10 Military Press
A straightforward but highly effective compound exercise for
developing your upper body.
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>> Stand with your legs apart and hold a barbell at just above your
upper chest area, with your elbows slightly below a 90 degree angle.
>> Press the bar firmly above your head until your elbows lock out,
then lower to the starting position.
Common mistakes to avoid
Swaying backwards or forwards during the exercise. Keep your feet
planted in the same position throughout.
Muscles worked: Shoulders, chest, trapezius, triceps, forearms.
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Chapter 8
Compounds are king and will form the majority of our workouts, but
we’ll also include some isolation exercises. There are countless
variations of isolation exercises – enough to fill a book on their own.
But it’s pointless going into them all because they’ll only make up a
smaller part of our workouts.
Instead, I’ve chosen my top three isolation exercises for each of the
main muscle groups and listed them below.
Dumbbell press
Similar to the bench press, but using a dumbbell in each arm instead
to work the pectoral muscles.
>> Lying flat on a bench, hold two dumbbells at slightly wider than
shoulder width, with your palms facing outward.
>> Press dumbbells straight up and inwards till they meet in the
>> Squeeze your chest at the very top of the movement for a second
and then lower the dumbbells to the same starting position in a
controlled way.
Common mistake to avoid
Bashing the dumbbells together at the top of the movement as this can
lead to losing balance and poor form.
Dumbbell flyes
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Again involving the bench and dumbbells, but hitting the chest
muscles in a different way.
>> Lying flat on a bench, press two dumbbells straight up in the air
with your palms are facing inwards.
>> Slowly bring your arms outwards, as if you were stretching, until
your upper arms are roughly parallel with the floor. Your arms should
be slightly bent and you should feel the strain across your chest and
>> Bring your arms back up in a butterfly motion till the dumbbells
reach the starting position again.
>> Squeeze your chest muscles at the very top of the movement,
before lowering again.
Common mistake to avoid
Raising your lower back off the bench. Keep your upper and lower
back firmly on there.
Dumbbell pullover
This great single dumbbell exercise inflates the ribcage area – and your
chest if you give it enough attention!
>> Lie flat on a bench, with your head in line with the very top of it.
Hold a dumbbell straight above your head using your two palms.
>> Keeping your arms straight, slowly lower the dumbbell backwards
over your head and towards the floor.
>> Once you feel the full stretch on your ribcage and your arms can’t
lower any further, raise the dumbbell back to the starting position while
keeping your arms straight.
Common mistake to avoid
Bending the arms. Keep them as straight as possible throughout the
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Arnie press
Named after Mr Schwarzenegger because he introduced this twisting
style of exercise to really work the shoulders hard. It’s a little tricky to
master at first, but you’ll soon get comfortable with it.
>> With a bench set in the upright position your back firmly against
it, press two dumbbells straight above your head, with your palms
facing outwards.
>> Bend your elbows and slowly lower the weights – but gradually
twist your palms inwards as you do so.
>> In the final third of the movement your palms should be facing
inwards and your forearms should come together side by side.
>> In a reverse motion, open up your arms again and twist your palms
outwards while simultaneously pressing the dumbbells.
>> Do this twist/press until the dumbbells meet at the starting
position, with your palms facing outwards again.
Common mistake to avoid
Not pulling your arms in far enough at the bottom of the movement.
Bring your forearms close in together until they are side by side.
Deltoid raises
Dumbbells called into action again and doing a mix of two lifts to hit
the front and medial deltoids (aka shoulder muscles).
>> Stand straight holding two dumbbells by your side.
>> With your palms facing inwards, raise the dumbbells up in front of
you to shoulder height. Pause for a second and then lower them to the
starting position.
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>> For your next rep, turn your hands inward and then raise your arms
directly up from the side until shoulder height. Pause briefly again
before lowering the weights to your sides again.
>> Alternate between the two front and side variations throughout
the set until failure.
Common mistake to avoid
Letting your arms just drop back down again. Lower them in a
controlled way.
Reverse flyes
Using dumbbells to effectively target the rear shoulder muscles.
>> Stand with your feet together and knees slightly bent.
>> Bend forward holding dumbbells together facing inwards and
while looking straight ahead.
>> Raise your arms out to the side (in the opposite motion to chest
dumbbell flyes).
>> Lift the weights as high as possible – while keeping your back in
the same position – and lower again to the start.
Common mistake to avoid
Swinging your back up and down during the exercise. Stay steady and
only move your arms.
Cable row
99.9% of gyms have these machines and they’re great for isolating the
lats, helping develop an athletic v-shaped back.
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>> Place your feet on the foot-rests and your shins/knees against the
pads, effectively locking your legs in position.
>> Grab the cable handle and sit up straight, keeping your back rigid.
>> Pull the cable handle towards you until it almost touches your
lower chest.
>> Slowly release the handle and cable back to its starting position.
Common mistake to avoid
Moving your back forwards and backwards. Keeps your hips and back
in the same upright position throughout the move.
Lat pulldown
This is like a machine variation of the pull-up...but not nearly as
effective as that compound exercise.
>> The bench may have pads you can rest your knees under, which
helps hold your body in position. If it does, then use them.
>> ...but first grab the bar from above your head, with your hands in
a position slightly wider than your shoulders.
>> Pull the bar down as close to your upper chest as feels comfortable.
>> Return the bar and cable back to its starting position in a controlled
Common mistake to avoid
Raising your lower body off the bench as you return the weight to the
starting position. Keep your legs and waist in place, locking them in
position under the pads if the machine has them.
Dumbbell row
Another great exercise for targeting the lats and therefore hitting a
large portion of your back.
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>> Rest your right knee/shin and your straight right arm on a bench,
holding yourself in position.
>> Keep your left leg straight at the side and grab a dumbbell from
the floor with your left arm.
>> Pull the dumbbell towards your body until your arm is at a 90
degree angle.
>> Lower your weight back to the starting position until your arm is
straight again.
>> Do a full set and then switch round, placing your left limbs on the
bench, so you can then work your right side.
Common mistake to avoid
Moving your shoulder up and down. Focus on keeping the arm resting
on the bench completely straight throughout as this will hold your
body in position.
Barbell curls
The standard biceps exercise that everyone recognises. Great move for
isolating the biceps and also hitting the forearms.
>> Stand with your back straight and hold a barbell at your thighs,
with an underhand grip and your arms at shoulder width.
>> Keeping your elbows tucked in against your waist, curl the bar
upwards towards your chest.
>> Squeeze your biceps at the top for a second and then lower the bar
in a controlled way down to your thighs again.
Common mistake to avoid
Swinging your body to gain momentum and help lift the bar. Focus on
keeping your body rigid throughout the movement, with your upper
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arms flat against your body and your elbows locked in position at your
waist. Only your forearms should be moving up and down like a lever.
Narrow press
This move is basically bench pressing, but with a narrow grip which
brings the tricep muscles into action.
>> Set up a barbell and bench as you would for bench pressing, but
decrease the weight by at least 1/3 as the narrow grip makes this a bit
more tricky to balance the bar.
>> Grab the bar and move your hands inwards by a couple of inches,
so that they are narrower than shoulder width.
>> Lift the bar off the catches and straighten your arms till you’re
holding it comfortably and feel balanced.
>> Then lower the bar to the middle part of your chest and press back
to the top until your elbows lock out.
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>> Set the cable pulley to the top of the machine and attach a short
>> Facing outwards away from the machine, grab the rope from
behind your head with your fists.
>> Step forward and bend your kness, while your elbows are raised
next to your head as you pull the rope forward.
>> This is the position to hold your body in throughout – as the only
part of your body to move is your forearms.
>> Holding the rope tight, press it forward past your head until your
arms are straight in front of you.
>> While keeping your elbows in position at the side of your head,
bring your fists backwards again behind your head.
Common mistake to avoid
Not bending forward enough at the beginning. Bend your knees and
lean forward from the waist to get in the correct starting position.
Quad machine
Seated leg curl machine that totally isolates the quadriceps muscles.
>> Adjust the levers on the machine so that your back is well
supported and the cushioned bar is resting back against your lower
shin, effectively locking your legs in position.
>> Hold the bars at either side of the machine and curl your legs
upwards until your calves are parallel with the floor and you can feel
the tension on your thighs.
>> Lower the weight to the starting position in a controlled manner.
Common mistake to avoid
Arching your back. This is a shortcut to injury so keep your back firmly
pressed against the rest behind you. Holding the bars at the side of the
machine also help keep you in place.
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Hamstring machine
Virtually the reverse of the quad machine, curling from the top
downwards and isolating the hamstring muscles.
>> Sit on the chair with your legs straight, resting your heels on the
cushioned bar that is furthest away.
>> Make sure your back is supported and then pull the other
cushioned bar on to your lower thighs and lock it in position.
>> Push downwards with your heels, curling the bar inwards until the
soles of your feet are virtually parallel with the floor.
>> Hold for a second and then raise your legs to the top again in a
controlled way.
Common mistake to avoid
Not bringing the bar down low enough. Ensure you curl your legs in
until the soles of your shoes are facing the floor.
Dumbbell lunges
One step forward, bending the knees, with a dumbbell in each hand.
Really effective move for toning the glutes too.
>> Stand up straight with your arms by your side, holding a dumbbell
in each hand.
>> Take a step forward, bending your legs as if you’re about to
propose to some unlucky person.
>> Keeping your shoulders and back straight, lower your body until
your trailing knee almost touches the floor. Push back into the starting
position and then repeat with the other leg.
Common mistake to avoid
Rounding your shoulders, or leaning forward too far, which can put
you off balance. Keep your upper body rigid and your arms straight
down by your sides.
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Chapter 9
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Bent over row 65kg>> 30 secs rest max>> bent over row
50kg>> 30 secs rest max>> bent over row 40kg.
Lat pulldown 70kg>> 30 secs rest max>> lat pulldown
55kg>> 30 secs rest max>> lat pulldown 45kg.
Lying bench curls 12.5kg>> 30 secs rest max>> lying bench
curls 10kg>> 30 secs rest max>> 7.5kg.
The Finisher
Still three sets. Still lifting heavy. Still 7 or 8 exercises. Only difference
is we add in a ‘finisher’ exercise at the very end of your workout when
you’re tired to really fatigue the muscles and shock the system.
The finisher is one single additional exercise you’ve completed earlier
but with half the weight. This sounds fairly easy - but to really shock
the system we complete FIVE sets of this exercise with only 10
seconds rest in between each set.
Workout example (5 compounds, 2 isolation exercises):
Squats 80kg>> 60 secs rest>> Squats 80kg>> 60 secs rest>>
Squats 80kg.
Incline bench press 60kg>> 60 secs rest>> incline bench
press 60kg>> 60 secs rest>> incline bench press.
Cable machine row 60kg>> 60 secs rest>> cable machine row
60kg>> 60 secs rest>> cable machine row 60kg.
Clean and press 50kg>> 60 secs rest>> clean and press
50kg>> 60 secs rest>> clean and press 50kg.
Chin-ups>> 60 secs rest>> chin-ups>> 60 secs rest >> chin-
Upright row 45kg>> 60 secs rest>> upright row 45kg>> 60
secs rest>> upright row 45kg.
Dumbbell flyes 15kg>> 60 secs rest>> dumbbell flyes
15kg>> 60 secs rest>> dumbbell flyes 15kg.
FINISHER: Squats 40kg x 5 sets…with only 10 secs rest in
between each set.
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Chapter 10
Walk into any gym in the land and you’ll find at least a few swingers.
Their hips swaying back and forth, sweaty faces…
Get your filthy mind out of the gutter! I’m talking about people
breaking the number one rule when it comes to weight training: poor
exercise form. I’m talking about swinging about with barbells and
dumbbells with a death wish for their own back.
You see it most with barbell bicep curls. Probably the most well-known
weight training exercise in the world – curling a barbell upwards with
your arms and squeezing the biceps – yet it’s also the most badly
executed. No swingers allowed!
Same goes for deadlifts. This is definitely one of the most effective
strength training exercises as it works numerous muscle groups at
once…yet I’ve seen it put many strong men and women out of action
for weeks because of bad technique.
My friend Dave was one of those victims last year. He had to take time
off work and make a few visits to the chiropractor after hurting his
back doing deadlifts. He wasn’t careful about his form as he lifted
upwards, not keeping the bar close enough to his shins at the
As he leaned over the bar and tried to pull upwards and straighten his
back, he hurt his lower back. That was the end of his workout – and
all workouts for over a month.
I’ll be honest, you will inevitably experience the odd niggling pain and
strain along the way of any weight training programme. That’s just part
and parcel. But with proper exercise form you can limit these and
definitely avoid more painful injuries. So be careful and always focus
on good exercise technique.
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is very unlikely but the safety bars give you peace of mind when you’re
performing the exercise. Remember, always put safety first.
Same goes for any barbell you’re lifting too. Always make sure you put
safety collars in place at each end to hold the weights in place. I’ve
made this mistake several times and was once one inch away from
wiping out my mate Paul’s big toe with a 20kg disc.
#4 Half reps
This should really be at number one in this list because it’s my pet hate.
Way too many people don’t perform proper repetitions of exercises,
often only extending the muscle by around half before contracting it
If you’re only doing 50% of the exercise you should only expect 50%
of the results.
For example, when doing chin-ups you should lower your body till
your arms lock out at the elbow and then pull your body upwards all
the way to the top until your chin reaches the bar above. Too often
people will only lower their body halfway, or jerk their head upwards
at the top of the movement, or both.
If you’re going to do an exercise, it’s important you do it right. I often
tell my personal training clients that I’d rather see them doing 2 proper
reps than 10 half reps. As for chin-ups, don’t panic at the mention of
them. I’ll be explaining later how you can build up your upper body
strength gradually so that you can eventually rattle them reps out like
a pro.
#5 Not using the mirrors
See those mirrors in the gym? They’re not just for the posers to eye
themselves up in. They’re there for you to keep a close eye on your
exercise technique.
Don’t worry for a second that anyone will think you’re giving yourself
a wink, use them to your full advantage to see exactly how good (or
bad) your form is.
You may not realise it but your technique could be slipping big time as
you get tired for the last couple of reps. Maybe your elbows are coming
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down too low when you’re performing the military press (another
important exercise in the next chapter).
Who knows? The mirror doesn’t lie and it will really help you get the
most out of your gym sessions, particularly if you’re a weight training
#6 Putting cardio before lifting
I’m like a very badly broken record when it comes to talking about
cardio. It’s boring, ineffective, and pretty much a waste of time. In my
humble-and-very-biased-towards-strength-training opinion.
I’m referring to standard cardio, such as jogging on the treadmill,
pedalling on the exercise bike or fitness classes. These elevate your
metabolism levels and you burn some calories - but they do zilch for
proper muscle development or strength.
Weight training, on the other hand, also elevates your metabolism
levels. Unlike cardio, your metabolism levels stay heightened for much
longer…sometimes as much as 24 hours depending on the intensity of
your training. Therefore, you’re still burning calories even when you
sleep. Of course, weight training is the boss when it comes to building
muscle and strength.
That’s why it makes no sense to me when people spend 30-40 minutes
doing cardio in the gym…then wander up to the weights section
afterwards for another 30 minutes or so of lifting.
Number one: they’ve already used half their energy doing ineffective
cardio, and won’t have much left in the tank do perform at their best
with dumbbells and barbells.
Number two: if they’d just headed straight for the weights and put all
their efforts into lifting then they would experience three times the
benefit – fat burning for longer, muscle growth, and strength
My advice? Ditch cardio completely…or if you really enjoy it then at
least do it on separate days to weight training.
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#7 Skipping squats
You know that barbell squat exercise I mentioned earlier? I class it as
the “King” of strength training exercises because it’s such an effective
move for working numerous muscle groups at once and conditioning
the whole body.
It also creates optimal body composition because squatting with heavy
weights triggers an anabolic response in the body. Yet this is one of
the exercises gym-goers love to hate…and try to avoid.
Why? It’s basically because they’re tough as hell. I’ll be honest, I’ve
been squatting every week for well over 15 years and I STILL don’t
like them. But I push through anyway because they’re immense for
developing your overall body shape, particularly the legs and glutes.
Don’t be like the others and avoid squats just because they’re difficult.
Nothing good comes easy. Instead, make it a priority to master this
exercise and wait patiently for awesome results. Start with a light
weight, keep a close eye on your technique in front of the mirror,
perfect your form, gradually increase the weight as you get better, and
you’ll soon see why barbell squats is the king of exercises.
#8 Wasting too much time
I’m talking about resting for too long between sets of exercises. I mean
talking too much at the water fountain, or messing about on your
mobile phone.
These are all just distractions from the work. Those weights won’t
move themselves and the 90 minutes spent wandering around the gym
could probably be cut in half if you stay disciplined and focused.
Sixty-ninety seconds rest is plenty between each set of exercise. Get
hydrated and get back into your training session. You’ve paid your gym
entry fees so get your money’s worth by training hard and aiming to
improve on your last gym session.
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Chapter 11
Bodybuilding Bullshit
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Part Three
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Chapter 12
Strong Mind
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motivation. Diet and nutrition is a whole other huge topic on its own
and I’ve covered it extensively in my book Strength Training Nutrition
101: Build Muscle & Burn Fat Effectively…A Healthy Way Of Eating
You Can Actually Maintain.
As for motivation, this can be like a rollercoaster ride for too many
people. Feeling charged up, ready to go and hitting highs at the
beginning. Then the enthusiasm dwindles, you hit the lows, don’t really
enjoy the ride that much…and you reach a stage where you need to
drag yourself to the gym, and trying to stick with the healthy diet seems
to take so much more effort.
Again, this boils down to mindset. We need to flip our thinking away
from any idea of a struggle. If you reach a point where you really
don’t wanna go the gym and you’re feeling big resistance, then I’d
advise that you don’t waste a second going there.
Same goes for when you’re actually in the gym and pushing through
your workout. Physically, you should be…
Pushing yourself hard
Increasing the weights as you grow stronger
Aiming for personal bests and really testing yourself
Mentally, you shouldn’t be thinking…
“I don’t think I’m strong enough to lift this…”
“Man this is tough, how many damn exercises have I got left?”
“Squats next – I hate these, I could only do 5 reps last time…”
I’ve thought like this before many times. I’m sure you have too. But
can you see how this creates an inner mental struggle? Not only does
this struggle sap your motivation levels, but it physically weakens the
Think negatively and your body literally becomes weaker. The opposite
is also true. That’s why we need to stand guard over our mind and
make a conscious effort to move our thinking away from any notion
of a struggle.
Instead, flip things round and see your fitness journey from a whole
different perspective. See everything as a challenge.
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Rather than “I don’t think I’m strong enough…”, go for “I’m gonna
try and outdo myself tonight and hit a new personal best.”
Rather than “Squats – I hate these, I could only do 5 reps last time…”,
how’s about “Squats – let’s be having you, I’m gonna hit at least 6 reps
this time.”
The challenge is always with yourself. Forget what everyone else is
doing, you are your only competition…and the name of the game is to
try and consistently outdo yourself. Even if it means doing one single
more rep in your entire workout than you did last time around.
View your weekly workouts and every individual exercise included in
them as an opportunity to challenge yourself, set new personal bests,
and discover what you’re really capable of physically when you’ve got
a strong mindset.
This injects your workouts with excitement and, when approaching
what was once a “struggle” with a different mental attitude, you’ll be
surprised at how well your body reacts and how you perform in the
gym. Guaranteed.
With every extra kilogram you lift and every personal best you hit, your
self-confidence is boosted, you feel more positive and therefore your
body literally feels stronger. With the strong mind and strong body
feeding off each other – as they are both completely connected – your
motivation levels naturally stay high.
No need to drag yourself to the gym. No need for a willpower battle
to stay on track. No need to worry about quitting after a few weeks.
And it’s all in the flip of a switch – from “the struggle” to “the
Focus On Your Destination, Not The Distance In Between
I’ve coached people of all ages, shapes and sizes on strength training
and nutrition. There may be slightly different approaches to each of
them but there’s a running theme with them and everyone else.
#1 There’s where you are now.
#2 There’s where you want to be.
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Well, you’ve maybe not got the superhero outfit yet, but you get the
general idea.
Option 1: Dwelling on where you are, what you don’t want, and feeling
like shit?
Option 2: Vividly imagining where you want to be, and enjoying all
the positive feelings that come with it?
I’d pretty much bet my house, car, mum and dog on which one you’d
rather go for. BUT…there’s also option 3 to consider.
#3 The Distance In Between…
This is the option that I’ve witnessed many people take – and it’s why
they end up in a cycle of…
Starting a new fitness programme fully fired-up >> Becoming
impatient when the results don’t arrive tomorrow >> Getting fed-up
and skipping workouts >> Looking for shortcuts and trying some
fitness fad >> And eventually quitting.
By focusing on “distance in between” I mean thinking about the gap
between their ‘before’ and ‘after’. Constantly trying to figure out how
much effort it’s actually going to take to see results. Looking for sneaky
shortcuts, magic supplements, fad diets, anything that will shorten the
distance between the current and new version of them.
Thinking about the distance in between gets you nowhere. Once again,
it creates a struggle mentality like I mentioned earlier. It reinforces that
you’re not where you want to be and creates a sense of lack. A feeling
of lack only attracts more lack. In the end you’ll see little progress, feel
frustrated, and probably end up in the cycle I described above.
Focus Only On Your Destination
The only option that makes sense is to focus fully on your destination.
Keep directing your thoughts to where you want to be and…here’s the
important part…ACT like you’re already there.
Behave like you’re already that strong, athletic, confident, awesome
person you want to be. Don’t just visualise yourself feeling confident
as hell with the strong arms, powerful shoulders and six pack abs.
Literally walk around as if you’ve already achieved it.
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It may look a bit different under your shirt right now, but it’s sending
the right kind of messages to the subconscious mind and your nervous
system. You’ll then feel good, which then makes it much more likely
you’ll make better decisions health wise, and you’ll be steering yourself
on the right path towards your final destination without even realising
Sure, there’s hard physical work to be done to get you there. But that’s
the easy, enjoyable part when you see only challenges and not struggle.
The slightly more tricky part is forging the right mindset and
consistently focusing on the end goal.
Maintaining a strong mindset goes hand in hand with a positive self-
image. I’ll cover this in the final part in the book.
Key Points To Remember…
Flip your thinking from “the struggle” to “the challenge” when
it comes to your training, nutrition, and whole fitness journey.
Forget about where you are now, or how long it’s going to take
for change. Just stay focused on your destination. You’ll get
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Chapter 13
Strong Body
Most people who start out lifting weights always give themselves a
Not because it’s too hard, they’re too sore, or they just can’t get the
hang of it. No, they are stunned when they see how quickly their
strength grows in the space of just three or four sessions.
I was coaching a policeman called Scott last year who saw the amount
of weight he was lifting literally double in most exercises after a month.
It’s not that he couldn’t do it, he’d just never gone to the next level like
he should have after managing 9 reps.
So I told him I expected at least two new personal bests in his workout
programme every week. Next thing you know, he’s hitting 4 and 5
personal bests because he has a system – and a target to aim for.
Here’s the thing: we’re all MUCH stronger than what we give ourselves
credit for. As you know from the previous chapter, we often limit
ourselves in our minds. Secondly, we also limit what we’re capable of
because we simply don’t push ourselves hard enough.
Walk into any gym across the world and you’ll find people doing the
same exercises…at the exact same weights level…in the exact same
order…sometimes even at the same time every day! The very nature
of doing the same thing and not pushing your boundaries means you’ll
stay in the same place.
If you want to see some real change then you’ve got to change things
up. Increase the weights level, mix up the order of exercises, try
something new.
To really get somewhere when it comes to becoming strong and
developing lean muscle, you’ve got to tick three boxes.
#1 Get the mind focused properly…
#2 Set the intention to push the body beyond its normal limits…
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build more muscle tissue, strip away useless fat, and toughen itself up
so it’s well prepared for the next ‘attack’ (aka weights workout).
Only next time, you’re going to test it once again with more resistance,
and mixing up the exercises in your workout session so the body can’t
adapt to any set routine.
Using sneaky, deceptive tactics…on yourself!
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Chapter 14
“Our self image prescribes the limits for the accomplishment of any particular
- Maxwell Maltz.
As he slowly strolled into the caged octagon for the biggest fight of his
life, he couldn’t have looked any more relaxed.
He swaggered around comically swinging his arms like a gorilla and
didn’t have the slightest twitch of nervousness on his face, even though
millions of pairs of eyes were on him.
TV viewers around the world and more than 20,000 people in the
crowd gazed at mixed martial arts star Conor McGregor as he
confidently welcomed the day he’d always been waiting for.
It was November 12, 2016 at Madison Square Gardens in New York.
And it was being hailed as the “biggest fight card” in the history of the
UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship).
McGregor, the 27-year-old fighting hero from Ireland, was also intent
on making history. He had his sights on becoming the first person to
ever become world champion at two different weight classes
simultaneously; featherweight and now stepping up to lightweight.
Conor’s opponent, Eddie Alvarez, did what most fighters do. He
warmed up, he psyched himself up, he mentally prepared for what
could potentially be 5 rounds of bloody war as he defended his world
Something different was going on at the other side of the octagon
though. Conor stepped forward, looked Eddie in the eyes, spread out
his arms like an eagle, and puffed out his chest like he was already
celebrating the win.
Critics laughed at the crazy Irishman for thinking he had a chance,
while UFC sports commentators revealed they also had big doubts,
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especially as no one in the history of the sport had ever held two belts
simultaneously before.
Here was Conor acting like it was all over and he was already the two
weight champ. Like he’d hit the fast forward button into the future. To
the thousands of screaming Irish fans and many viewers around the
world it looked like supreme confidence or even arrogance, but to
Conor he’d already been the champ for a very long time.
Conor McGregor boldly predicted it when he first joined the fighting
organisation three years earlier as a nobody. Even before then - when
he was broke and living off state benefits in Dublin – he had become
the two weight world champ in his mind.
Within just 7 minutes of his 25 minute bout with American Alvarez,
he’d wiped the floor with him in style and finally achieved the
McGregor has become one of the biggest stars in the world and written
his name in the history books with a permanent marker. You’ve
probably figured I’m a massive fan of the guy – but not because he’s a
great fighter. Not because of his bold comments and the way he mocks
his opponents in a clever game of mental warfare.
Not even because of his dedication and hard work. I admire this crazy
Irishman because of his insane level of confidence and self-belief.
He puts together all of those qualities I’ve just mentioned and
combines them with the law of attraction to reach his goals. McGregor
speaks openly about putting the law of attraction to work by visualising
himself achieving his dreams – and acting them out in advance. Just
like he did in the octagon before his big world title fight had even
Everyone’s been talking about the law of attraction since the movie
The Secret made it mainstream when it was released in 2007. Think
positive thoughts, envision your dreams regularly, believe in them and
they’ll eventually land on your lap. Sounds easy, right? I think that’s the
big attraction of the law of attraction…because people think it’s really
that simple.
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I was one of them when I first came across it all about five years ago.
I tried it all…positive thoughts every day, a “vision board” with
pictures of the fancy BMW car I wanted, the big house I wanted, the
holiday destinations I’d be going on. My big ambitions matched my big
But there are couple of problems. The first is that hard work is usually
left out of the equation, giving no chance of dreams being realised. The
other is the same problem that holds everyone back when it comes to
every goal in every area of your life.
I’ll let you in on it in a minute, but first I’ll give you a hint with these
comments from Conor McGregor after he became champ for the first
time in 2015.
He said: “All that matters is how you see yourself. If you see yourself
as the King with all the belts, all of everything, then no matter what
anyone else says, as long as you see that and really believe in it, then
that’s what’s gonna happen.
“I saw myself in that light. I saw myself as the number one. I saw
myself as the champ before anyone else did.
“Of course I visualised the belt. That belt is on me 24/7. I believe in
myself so much that no-one is going to stop me.”
You figured it out yet? It’s all about how you see yourself – your own
self image.
Your Self Image Determines What You’ll Achieve
Most folk are aware that a negative mind rarely experiences positive
results. We’re bombarded with “think positive” messages right, left
and centre on social media and in books. I’m not knocking it, it
definitely beats getting swallowed up by a miserable mind.
What blew my mind into lots of tiny pieces was learning how our own
self-image dictates what we can and can’t achieve. While I was taping
it back together in my skull, my mind was smashed to pieces once again
after discovering that most of us don’t have a real grasp of what that
self image actually is…and therefore we often subconsciously sabotage
our own efforts in life.
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For example, John gets his first job at a growing design company and
feels inspired by the high achieving CEO. He decides he want to rise
to that position, own a flash car like the current top executive, and also
quite likes the idea of the million dollar home that goes with it.
But John comes from a working class background, his dad used to
always talk about struggling to put food on the table, and moan about
the big earners as being “greedy”. It was the same with his grandfather,
and John took the view that they were an honest working class family
who would never be wealthy.
This became a label for John; part of his self image. He may also have
subconsciously thought it was ‘wrong’ to become wealthy and
successful because he picked this up from his dad at an early age. While
he may have new goals and ambitions, there’s a conflict between where
he wants to go and his self image.
Unless he recognised and worked on changing that self image, his
thoughts and actions wouldn’t be properly aligned and it’s highly likely
he’d sabotage his own efforts and fail.
Go back to the very beginning of this chapter and re-read the quote at
the top of the page (directly under the chapter title).
This quote from Maxwell Maltz is taken from his groundbreaking book
Psycho-Cybernetics. Let the quote sink in for a couple of seconds…
It’s telling us that how we see ourselves determines what we can
and can’t achieve.
Psycho-Cybernetics has sold more than 30 million copies worldwide
and I wish I’d come across it two decades ago. It should be compulsory
reading for every human on this planet…and I highly recommend you
get yourself a copy as it has the power to change the quality of your
The book explains how, whether we realise it or not, we all carry a
mental picture of how we see ourselves. In some cases – and definitely
in mine until not so long ago – we are blind to this real image of
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Our self image is made up of beliefs about ourselves which have often
been ingrained since childhood, and developed through past
experiences in our life.
Problem is, some strongly held negative beliefs can hold us back from
achieving what we want – and that applies to health and fitness and
transforming your body too.
Think about it…women notoriously complain about feeling fat when
in many cases it’s an exaggeration or simply not true.
For me personally, I labelled myself a “weak skinny guy” for many
years which goes all the way back to my insecurities as a teenager and
And when we create this self image we usually find a way to live up to
it…whether we like it or not. It’s because that’s who we supposedly
are, in our own eyes.
Someone who has been overweight for a long time might class
themselves as “big boned” and say they’ve lost weight in the past
“…but always pile it back on again.”
That becomes their self image, how they have accepted themselves,
and therefore it can be a real struggle to burn the bodyfat and get in
shape. They might see some short term results with extreme diet plans
and working out vigorously, but unless that self image changes they’ll
probably end up back at square one.
Creating A Stronger, Better Self Image
In Psycho-Cybernetics, author Maxwell Maltz explains how the self
image can be changed with conscious effort. You can start a
deprogramming process in the mind and replace those negative
thought patterns with stronger, more beneficial ones that can help you
finally hit your fitness goals…or in other areas of your life. Maltz insists
these new programmes can be installed in the mind in as little as 21
Again, I’d recommend you buy the book to properly understand that
important process. For now, there are two crucial steps you can take –
and they tie in with what I described earlier in the Strong Mind chapter.
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Chapter 15
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“I was pretty new to strength training but felt great after every
workout, and the muscle soreness the next day was confirmation that
I’d been training well. The biggest buzz was seeing how quickly my
strength grew and being able to lift weights I just didn’t think was
“After the first week I was deadlifting more than my bodyweight and
steadily increasing the number of assisted chin-ups. I never, ever
thought I’d be able to do a single chin-up (unassisted) as it’s an exercise
you mainly see guys doing.
“But I gradually built my upper body strength up and managed it after
7 weeks. I was doing bodyweight dips even earlier than that and I’m
comfortably managing 7 or 8 reps at a time now.
“People have been commenting on how toned my legs and arms are
looking and all the work I do in the gym has definitely made me more
confident outside of it. It’s been pretty life-changing.”
“I look forward to my workouts and the feelings of accomplishment
afterwards. I have a spring in my step which was missing for a long
time and I’m determined to continue this as a lifestyle now.”
Remember Johnny Smith? He’s the guy I described earlier who is now
confidently doing pull-ups every week, having dropped 24lbs in
weight, developing muscle and supercharging his strength.
Ironically, before he came to me he was trying TWICE as hard but just
not getting the results.
He said: “I was desperate to lose weight and build muscle, so I’d be in
the gym six days per week. Sometimes I’d be exercising twice per day,
doing weight training in the morning and then metafit classes at night.
“I’d be training Monday-Friday and would be up again on Saturday
mornings too. I’ve always been willing put in the effort but it was so
frustrating when I could hardly see a difference. I think I lost two or
three pounds in eight weeks.
“I hated the weight training diet too. I was drinking protein shakes,
eating protein bars, but I wasn’t seeing any muscle definition. If
anything, I think I was looking more bloated.”
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You too can build muscle, melt bodyfat, and start seeing changes in
your bodyshape fairly quickly. How long that may be is down to
various factors including age, sex, nutrition etc. Realistically you could
see pleasing muscle development and fat loss within 3-4 weeks. These
improvements will obviously become more noticeable as the weeks go
by when you stay consistent with your training and eating clean.
As for your strength, I’ve got zero doubt you’ll be shocked at what you
can really lift in the gym – no matter how inexperienced you may be.
You could see big improvements in your strength levels within a
fortnight when you switch things up, focus on the best exercises and
training strategies.
Best of all, you can go from lacking self-belief, feeling weak, and being
self-critical…to someone who is strong, lean, confident, and achieving
what you never thought was possible in and outside of the gym.
I’ve seen it many times before with clients and friends…and that’s the
best part. The physical strength translating to mental strength,
breeding confidence, and it positively affecting other areas of your life.
I know many guys want the muscle, the six pack abs, and the rounded
shoulders and chest…but are equally put off by the big, blown-up
bodybuilder look. I get that women want firmer bodies, with good
definition, and curves in all the right places…but are afraid of ending
up ‘bulky’ and masculine.
There’s no need to have those fears with sensible weight training. I
purposely titled this book ‘Strength Training NOT Bodybuilding’ to
make a clear statement that strength training and bodybuilding are not
one and the same. I hope I made that clear at the very beginning.
There’s plenty of confusion among beginners on that front and
unfortunately it drives people away from lifting weights towards
ineffective forms of training that just don’t deliver the same muscle
building, fat burning results.
I wanted the third and final part of this book to focus on the mind
game because I believe this is the most important area to master – and
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it’s where I see most people struggle when it comes to their health and
fitness. (Trying to get their bodies working for them, while their mind
is working against them).
I strongly believe that, with the right mindset and self-image, you can
achieve just about anything.
The right mindset must be coupled with action of course. You can’t lie
on the couch thinking happy thoughts about being superfit, strong and
healthy…and expect the new you to fall off the sofa.
It takes some hard work in the gym. (Not quite as much work as you
may have feared though).
It takes discipline with your training and nutrition. (Though you don’t
have to follow a strict diet that you hate).
It takes focusing on the most effective and efficient strength training
exercises and strategies. Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered on that
front – you can grab my free exercise demos guide via the link on the
final page of this book.
In the meantime, if you’ve got any strength training questions feel free
to shoot me an email at: [email protected]
I hope you’ve enjoyed this book – and if so I’d be ridiculously grateful
if you left a review on Amazon.
To your strength,
Marc McLean
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