Case, Concerning Passage Through The Great Belt: International Court O F Justice
Case, Concerning Passage Through The Great Belt: International Court O F Justice
Case, Concerning Passage Through The Great Belt: International Court O F Justice
1 ""3'""k.
Node vente :
595 1
29 JULY 1991
29 JUILLET 1991
1991 YEAR 1991
29 July
General List
No.86 29 July 1991
"(a) that there is a right of free passage through the Great Belt which
applies to al1 ships entering and leaving Finnish ports and ship-
yards ;
(b) that this right extends to drill ships, oil rigs and reasonably fore-
seeable ships ;
(c) that the construction of a fixed bridge over the Great Belt as
currently planned by Denmark would be incompatible with the
right of passage mentioned in subparagraphs (a) and (6) above;
(2) Denmark should refrain from any other action that might preju-
dice the outcome of the present proceedings" ;
8. Whereas on 17 May 1991 the Registrar transmitted a copy of the
Application to the Government of Denmark and on 23 May 1991 the
Registrar notified Denmark of the filing of the request for provisional
measures ;
9. Whereas, pursuant to Article 40, paragraph 3, of the Statute and
Article 42 of the Rules of Court, copies of the Application were transmit-
ted to the Members of the United Nations through the Secretary-General
and to other States entitled to appear before the Court;
10. Whereas inasmuch as the Court does not include upon the bench a
judge of the nationality of either of the Parties, the Government of Den-
mark has chosen Mr. Paul Fischer, and the Government of Finland
Mr. Bengt Broms, to sit as judges ad hoc in this case;
1 1. Whereas written observations by Denmark on the request for pro-
visional measures were filed in the Registry on 28 June 1991, and whereas
the submissions therein, which were repeated at the close of the hearings,
were as follows :
"The Government of Denmark requests the Court :
(1) to adjudge and declare that . . .the request of Finland for an order
of provisional measures be rejected;
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(2) in the alternative, and in the event that the Court should grant the
request in whole or in part, to indicate that Finland shall under-
take to compensate Denmark for any and al1 losses incurred in
complying with such provisional measures, should the Court
reject Finland's submissions on the merits";
12. Whereas oral observations of the Parties on the request were
presented, at public hearings held, pursuant to Article 74, paragraph 3,
of the Rules of Court, from 1 to 5 July 1991, by the following represen-
tatives :
on behalfof the Republic of Finland:
H.E. Mr. Tom Gronberg, Agent,
Mr. Martti Koskenniemi, Co-Agent,
Sir Ian Sinclair, Q.C.,
Mr. Tullio Treves ;
on behalfof the Kingdom of Denmark:
H.E. Mr. Tyge Lehmann,
Mr. Per Magid and
H.E. Mr. Per Fergo, Agents,
Mr. Niels Jorgen Gimsing,
Mr. Eduardo Jiménez de Aréchaga,
Mr. Derek Bowett, Q.C.;
and replies were given by the Parties to questions put by Members of the
Court during the hearings ;
15. Whereas the Court in the circumstances of the present case is satis-
fied that it has the power to indicate provisional measures;
18. Whereas the Court is informed that there are four routes available
to ship traffic to and from the Baltic, namely the Sound (Oresund)
between Sweden and the Danish island of Zealand, the Great Belt (Store-
bælt) between the Danish islands of Zealand and Funen, the Little Belt
(Lillebælt) between the island of Funen and the peninsula of Jutland, and
the Kiel Canal; whereas the Little Belt and the Kiel Canal are crossed by
bridges considerably lower than that planned for the East Channel of the
Great Belt, while the Great Belt and the Sound have up to the present not
been bridged; whereas the reason why, according to Finland, the Great
Belt permits passage of vessels which cannot use the Sound is that the
minimum water-depth of the "T-Channel" of the Great Belt is 17 metres
while that of the Sound is less than 8 metres;
19. Whereas the particular importance to Finland of the right which it
claims lies in the fact that, according to Finland, the East Channel of the
Great Belt is, for certain vessels, including some drill ships and oil rigs, the
only passage-way they can use when communicating to and from the Bal-
tic; whereas Finland claims that completion of the Danish Great Belt pro-
ject in its presently planned form would irreparably prejudice the right of
free passage claimed by Finland in these proceedings by preventing the
passage of vessels, including drill ships and oil rigs, exceeding 65 metres
in height ;
26. Whereas it appears to the Court that the right claimed by Finland is
to passage specifically through the Great Belt of its drill ships and oil rigs,
without modification or disassembly, in the same way as such passage has
been effected in the past; whereas the Court cannot at this interlocutory
stage of the proceedings suppose that interference with the right claimed
by Finland might be justified on the grounds that the passage to and from
the Baltic of drill ships and oil rigs might be achieved by other means,
which may moreover be less convenient or more costly; whereas accord-
ingly if construction works on the East Channel Bridge which would
obstruct the right of passage claimed were expected to be carried out prior
to the decision of the Court on the merits in the present proceedings, this
might justify the indication of provisional measures;
27. Whereas however the Court, placing on record the assurances given
by Denmark that no physical obstruction of the East Channel will occur
before the end of 1994, and considering that the proceedings on the merits
in the present case would, in the normal course, be completed before that
time, finds that it has not been shown that the right claimed will be
infringed by construction work during the pendency of the proceedings;
28. Whereas Finland claims moreover not only that continuation of the
Danish project as planned will cause irreparable damage to the right of
passage claimed by Finland but that the project is already causing such
darnage to tangible economic interests inasmuch as Finnish shipyards can
no longer fully participate in tenders regarding vessels, including drill
ships and oil rigs, which would be unable to pass through the Great Belt
after completion of the East Channel Bridge; and that the existence of the
bridge project in its present form is having and will continue to have a nega-
tive effect on the behaviour of potential customers of those shipyards;
29. Whereas however evidence has not been adduced of any invitations
to tender for drill ships and oil rigs which would require passage out of the
29 VI1 91)
Baltic after 1994, nor has it been shown that the decline in orders to the
Finnish shipyards for the construction of drill ships and oil rigs is attribu-
table to the existence of the Great Belt project; whereas accordingly proof
of the damage alleged has not been supplied;
30. Whereas Finland contends further that the completion of the East
Channel Bridge will be only the final step in a continuous process in which
Finnish rights are already being irreparably harmed; whereas Finland
observes that the interrelation between the various elements of the Great
Belt project has as a consequence that completion of any one element
would reduce the possibilities of modifying other elements so as to enable
effect to be given to a judgment of the Court in Finland's favour on the
merits, and in this connection has drawn attention to the fact that, accord-
ing to Denmark, tender offers for the construction of the East Channel
Bridge expire on 18 August 1991; whereas Finland concludes that there is
thus urgency, inasmuch as many of the activities involved in the project
anticipate a final closing of the Great Belt by excluding practical possibili-
ties for accommodating Finnish interests and giving effect to Finnish rights
in the event of a judgment in favour of Finland;
(Signed) R. Y. JENNINGS,
(Signed) Eduardo VALENCIA-OSPINA,
appends a declaration to the Order of the Court.
(Znitialled) R.Y.J.
(Znitialled) E.V.O.