Case Concerning Passage Through The Great Belt (Finland Denmark) (Provisional Measures) Order of 29
Case Concerning Passage Through The Great Belt (Finland Denmark) (Provisional Measures) Order of 29
Case Concerning Passage Through The Great Belt (Finland Denmark) (Provisional Measures) Order of 29
In an Order made in the case concerning the Passage Rules of Court, by which it requested the Court to indicate
through the Great Belt (Finland v . Denmark) the Court the following provisional measures:
found, unanimously, that the circumstarices, as they pre- "(1) Denmark should, pending the decision by the
sented themselves to the Court, were not such as to require Court on the merits of the present case, refrain from con-
the exercise of its power under Article 4:l of the Statute to tinuing or otherwise proceeding with such construction
indicate provisional measures. works in connection with the planned bridge project over
The Court was composed as follows: President Sir Robert the East Channel of the Great Belt as would impede the
Yewdall Jennings; Vice-President Shigeru Oda; Judges: passage of ships;, including drill ships and oil rigs, to and
Manfred Lachs, Roberto Ago, Stephen M. Schwebel, from Finnish ports and shipyards;
Mohammed Bedjaoui, Ni Zhengyu, Jens Evensen, Nikoldi "(2) Denmark should refrain from any other action
Tarassov, Gilbert Guillaume, Mohamed Shahabuddeen, that might prejudice the outcome of the present proceed-
Andrds Aguilar Mawdsley, Christopher IG.Weeramantry, ings."
Raymond Ranjeva; Judges ad hoc Paul Fischer and Bengt
Broms. On 28 June 19!)1 Denmark filed in the Registry of the
Court its written observations on the request for provisional
Judge Tarassov appended a declaration tmo the Order of the measures and requested the Court
Vice-Resident ODA, Judge Shahabuddeen and Judge ad "(1) To adjudge and declare that . . . the Request of
Finland for an o~derof provisional measures be rejected.
hoc Broms appended separate opinions to the Order of the
Court. "(2) In the alternative, and in the event that the Court
should grant the Request in whole or in part, to indicate
that Finland shall1 undertake to compensate Denmark for
my and all losses incurred in complying with such provi-
sional measures, should the Court reject Finland's submis-
sions on the merits".
In its Order, the Court recalls that on 17bfay 1991Finland At public hearings held from 1 to 5 July 1991 the Court
instituted proceedings against Denmark in respect of a dis- heard oral argument presented on behalf of the two Parties.
pute concerning passage through the Great Belt (Storebaelt), On the question of jurisdiction, the Court, recalling that it
and the project by the Government of Denmark to construct a ought not to indicate provisional measures unless the pmvi-
fixed traffic connection for both road and rail traffic across sions invoked by the Applicant appear, prima facie, to afford
the West and East Channels of the Great Belt. The effect of a basis on which the jurisdiction of the Court might be
this project, and in particular of the planned high-level sus- founded, noted that Finland founded the jurisdiction of the
pension bridge over the East Channel, woulcl be permanently Court primarily upon declarations made by the Parties
to close the Baltic for deep draught vessels of over 65 metres' accepting the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court, and that
height, thus preventing the passage of such clrill ships and oil it had been stated by Denmark that the Court's jurisdiction on
rigs manufactured in Finland as require mon: than that clear- the merit was not in dispute. The Court concluded that in the
ance. circumstancesof the case it was satisfied that it had the power
The Government of Finland requested the Court to to indicate provisional measures.
adjudge and declare: The right which Finland submits is entitled to protection is
"(a) That there is a right of free pasage through the the right of passage t:hroughthe Great Belt of ships, including
Great Belt which applies to all ships entering and leaving drill ships and oil rigs; this right is of particular importance
Finnish ports and shipyards; because, according to Finland, the East Channel of the Great
"(b) That this right extends to drill ships, oil rigs and Belt is for certain vessels the only passage-way to and from
reasonably foreseeable ships; the Baltic. Denmark, while acknowledging that there is a
right of free passage through the Danish Straits for merchant
"(c) That the construction of a fixed bridge over the ships of all States, denies that there is such a right of passage
Great Belt as currently planned by Denimark would be for structures up to 170 metres high, on the ground, inter
incompatible with the right of passage mentioned in sub- alia, that such struc~turesare not ships. Denmark contends
paragraphs (a) and (b) above; that no measures should be granted because not even a prima
"(d) That Denmark and Finland should start negotia- facie case has been made out in favour of Finland. The Court
tions, in good faith, on how the right of k t : passage, as set however notes that the existence of a right of Finland of pas-
out in subparagraphs(a) t.j (c) above shall lx guaranteed." sage through the Great Belt is not challenged, the dispute
On 23 ~ a19-91, i Finland filed in the Registry of the Court between the Parties king over its nature and extent, and con-
a request for indication of provisional measures, relying.on cludes that such a disputed right may be protected by provi-
Article 41 of the Statute of the Court and Article 73 of the sional measures.
The Court observes that prcfvisionalmeasuies are only jus- action taken pendente lire by a State engaged in a dispute
tified if there is urgency in the sense that action prejudicial to before the Court with another State can have any effect what-
the rights of either party is lilcely to be taken before a final ever as regards the legal situation which the Court is called
decision is given. According to the planned schedulefor con- upon to define, and such action cannot improve its legal posi-
struction of the East Channel Bridge, no physical hindrance tion vis-rf-visthat other State.
for the passage through the Cireat Belt will occur before the After observing that it is for Denmark to consider the
end of 1994; Denmark contends that by that time the case impact which a judgment upholding Finland's claim could
could have been finally decided by the Court, so that no indi- have upon the implementation of the Great Belt project, and
cation of provisional measures is required. Denmark also to decide whether or to what extent it should accordingly
contends that the constructic~nof the East Channel Bridge delay or modify that project, and that it is for Finland to
will hardly represent any prac:tical hindrance for the passing decide whether or not to promote reconsideration of ways of
of drill ships and oil rigs, inasmuch as most of the units in enabling drill ships and oil rigs to pass through the Danish
question will be able to take another mute, and the remainder Straits in the event that the Court should decide against it, the
will be able to pass under the planned East Channel Bridge if Court states that, pending a decision of the Court on the mer-
left partly unassembled until after passage of the bridge. its, any negotiation between the Parties with a view to
The Court however notes that the right claimed by Finland achieving a direct and friendly settlement is to be welcomed.
is to passage specifically through the Great Belt of its drill In conclusion, the Court declares that it is clearly in the
ships and oil rigs, without modification or disassembly, in the interest of both Parties that their respective rights and obliga-
same way as such passage hets been effected in the past, and tions be determined definitively as early as possible, and
observes that it cannot at this interlocutory stage of the pro- therefore it is appropriate that the Cow:, with the co-
ceedings suppose that interference with the right claimed by operation of the Parties, ensure that the decision on the merits
Finland might be justified on the grounds that the passage to be reached with all possible expedition.
and from the Baltic of dri1.l ships and oil. rigs might be Judge Tarassov, in a declaration, expresses his preoccupa-
achieved by other means, which may moreover be less con- tion that Denmark's East Channel Bridge project is so con-
venient or more costly. The Court concludes that i.fconstruc- ceived that even in the construction process it would impose
tion works on the East Chanral Bridge which would obstruct serious limitations not only on passage for Finland through
the right of passage claimed were expected to be carried out the international strait of the Great Belt but on navigation into
prior to the decision of the Cclurt on the merits, this might jus- and out of the Baltic by craft of all States. Moreover, its inte-
tify the indication of provisional measures. However the gration in a wider communications plan would render it even
Court, placing on record thc: assurances given by Denmark less amenable to modification if Finland were to win the
that no physical obstruction of the East Channel will occur case.
before the end of 1994, and considering that the proceedings
on the merits in the present case would, in tht: normal course, Judge Tarassov sees the Order's main significance in its
be completed before that time, finds that it has not been reflection of the Court's intention to forestall thefait accom-
shown that the right claimeti will be infringed by construc- pli thal: could be created by any accelerated execution of an
tion work during the pendency of the proceedings;. unmodified project. He analyses those paragraphs which
emphasize that intention, and which alone enabled him, like
Finland claims moreover that the Danish project is already the other judges, to conclude that the circumstances did not
causing damage to tangible economic interests inasmuch as require the immediate indication of special provisional meas-
Finnish shipyards can no longer fully participate in tenders ures.
regarding vessels which would be unable to pass through the
Great Belt after completion of the East Channel Bridge, and Judge Tarassov is further of the opinion that the reference
that the existence of the bridge project is having and will con- to negotiations should have taken the form of a straightfor-
tinue to have a negative effczt on the behaviour of potential ward call to seek a technical method of ensuring the continu-
customers of those shipyards. In this respect, however, the ance of free passage as in the past between the Kattegat and
Court finds that proof of the damage alleged has not been the Baltic, and believes that the Court had power to recom-
supplied. mend that the Parties invite the participation of experts from
third countries or proceed under the aegis of the International
Finland observes further that the inter-relation'between the Maritime Organization.
various elements of the Great Belt project has as a conse-
quence that completion of iumy one element would reduce the Vice-President Oda, in his separate opinion, agrees with
possibilities of modifying otller elements, aid concludesthat the finding that no urgency existed to justify a grant of
there is thus urgency, inasmuch as many of the activities interinn measures-that is, in his view, a sufficient ground
involved in the project anticipate a final closing of the Great for rejecting the Finnish request-but regrets that the Court
Belt by excluding practical j?ossibilities for accommodating did not underline the fact that such a grant would in any case
Finnish interests and giving effect to Finnish lights in the have done little to help Finland, in that would-be customers
event of a judgment in favour of Finland. Denmark on the of its shipyards would still have had to weigh the risk of the
other hand argues that, if tht: Court ruled in favour of Finland Court's finally rejecting Finland's case. In fact, the only way
on the merits, any claim by Finland could ncit be dealt with by the Court could assist either Party is by handing down a judg-
an order for restitution, bur could only be satisfied by dam- ment ,assoon as possible.
ages inasmuch as restitution in kind would be excessively Meanwhile the Court had been well-advised to warn Den-
onerous. mark that, if it should lose the case, it could not rely on the
The Court, while not at present called upon to determine Court's determining that compensation would be an accept-
the character of any decision which it might makt: on the mer- able alternative to restitution.
its, observes that in principle if it is established that the con- It had not however been necessary to suggest at this stage
struction of works involves an infringement of n legal right, that Finland consider promoting reconsideration of ways to
the possibility cannot and should not be excluded apriori of a enable drill ships and oil rigs to continue passing through the
judicial finding that such 'works must not be continued or Danish Straits. It would now be sufficient for Finland to rec-
must be modified or dismlantled. The Ccburt adds that no ognize the obvious possibility that in the event of its losing
the case it might have to abandon or modify any plans to con- States constraineti, the Court must be concerned to satisfy
struct drill ships and oil rigs higher than 6.5metres. itself that there is at least a possibility of the rights claimed
existing, the degree of proof required depending on the cir-
Another, in Judge Odds view, superfl~louscomponent of cumstances of tlx particular case. In Judge Shahabuddeen's
the Order was the encouragement of negotiations prior to the view, the limited nature of the required examination did not
conclusion of the case. While he was not opposed to any ini- create any signific:antrisk of prejudgment.
tiative the Parties might take in that sense, they needed the
Court to resolve some central legal issues first. Indeed, their Judge Broms, in his separate opinion, stresses the impor-
very readiness to negotiate on a basis of la~wmade it impera- tance of Denmark's assurance that no physical hindrance to
tive to finish the case as speedily as possiblle. passage through the Great Belt will exist before the end of
1994. This, combined with the Court's resolve to finish the
Judge Shahabuddeen, in his separate opinion, refers to case well before then, had enabled the issue of urgency to be
Denmark's submission that, tojustify a grant of interim meas- seen in a new light and diminished the material grounds for
ures, Finland had been required, inter aluz, to show a prima indicating provisional measures. The Parties, especially Fin-
facie case as to the existence of the right sought to be pre- land, had furthermore received an additional guarantee in the
served. In his view, Finland had indeed teen obliged to do emphasis laid by the Court on the norm that a litigant State
so, in the sense of demonstrating a possibillity of existence of could not improve its legal position vis-ci-vis its adversary by
the specific right of passage claimed in rezrpect of drill ships any action taken irr the course of the proceedings.
and oil rigs of over 65 metres' clearance height; it had in fact Judge Broms pints out that Finland, in the event of injury
done so. to its alleged right., is seeking restitution, not compensation.
The Court in its jurisprudence had never pronounced on He therefore endorses the Court's declining to confirm Den-
the general validity of the proposition inherent in Denmark's mark's contention that compensation might be an acceptable
submission,and Judge Shahabuddeenrecognized the need to alternative should1 Finland win its case and restitution
avoid any appearance of prejudging the merits of rights appears excessively onerous. He welcomes the Court's
claimed. encouragement of negotiations and considers that these
might well focus oa the technical possibilities of modifying
Nevertheless, given the consensual basis of the Court's the Danish project so as to accommodate an opening in the
jurisdiction, the exceptional character of the procedure and fixed-bridge for taller drill ships and oil rigs, to use their right
the potentially serious impact of provisional measures on of free passage.