SGEN - Scientific Paper Rubrics

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Measuring the Viscosity of New and Used Palm Oil Using the Falling Ball Method 94 %
Bergonio, Alyssa Corinn C.
Title  Is descriptive of question and work  Gives a general description of question and  Is present  Not present
performed work performed  Missing two of the following: dependent
 Includes dependent variable, independent  Missing one of the following: dependent variable, independent variable and organism 4
variable, and organisms studied variable, independent variable and organism studied
 Statement form studied
Introduction  Provides the reader with the necessary  Contains some superfluous information  Is missing one or two components of a good  Is missing needed information to understand
(Background of information to understand the present study.  Is missing some needed background introduction the present study or is
the Study)  Gives appropriate information to previous information  Contains significant superfluous information  Is missing a description of the specific
studies that has an impact on the current  Gives too much information--more like a purpose of the study, a description of the
study summary hypothesis being tested and a brief summary 3
 Does not contain superfluous information  Has all the components of a good of the experimental strategy being used at
and/or is not wordy introduction but some parts may be difficult the end of the introduction
to understand

Significance of  Gives a description of the problem and the  Purpose is identified. Relevant variables are  Purpose is somewhat vague. Relevant  Purpose is not identified. Relevant variables
the Study and specific purpose of the study, a description described. variables are described in somewhat unclear are not described.
Statement of the of the hypothesis being tested and a brief manner. 3.5
Problem summary of the experimental strategy being
used at the end of the introduction.
Hypothesis  Predicted results and hypothesized  Predicted results and hypothesized  Predicted results and hypothesized  Predicted results and hypothesized
relationship between variables clearly stated relationship between variables stated relationship between variables stated are relationship between variables are unclear 4
and reasonable reasonable
Review of  Literature is well-differentiated and  Literature is present but not differentiated  Contains some unrevised literature and  Literature simple copy pasted from their
Related explained; contains non-copy-paste literature and explained well; contains non-copy-paste limited sources are cited references
Literature from foreign and local books, journals, and literature from foreign and local books,  Literature from a single source
other forms of materials that are relevant to journals, and other forms of materials that 3
the study are relevant to the study
 Current citation is used in all
References  All cited sources present in APA format  All cited sources present  Most cited sources present  Many sources absent
 No references not cited in the body present  In required APA format  Generally in required APA format  Inappropriate format
 In the required format  References relevant and appropriate  References relevant and appropriate  References not most relevant/appropriate to
 References all highly relevant study

Grammar and  Paragraphs well organized  Most paragraphs well organized  Many paragraphs well organized  Paper lacks well organized paragraphs
Mechanics  Sections with logical organization of  Sections with logical organization of  Several grammatical errors, typos, and  Sections do not contain information
paragraphs (especially introduction, results paragraphs (especially introduction, results misspelling may be present presented in a logical order
and conclusions) and conclusions)  Many grammatical errors
 Few grammatical errors, typos and  Several grammatical errors, typos, and  Many misappropriate word usage errors
misspellings misspelling may be present (e.g., effect vs. affect) 3.5
 Appropriate word selection  Some misappropriate word usage errors  Many misuses of scientific term
 Correct use of scientific terms (effect vs. affect)
 Some misuse of scientific terms

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