Licenta Rares Corect
Licenta Rares Corect
Licenta Rares Corect
Design of a reinforced concrete structure B+GF+Tower
IULIE 2013
Technical University “Gheroghe Asachi” Iasi
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services
Advisor: Student:
Technical Report
Technical Report
The construction with the destination of a Chapel is a reinforced concrete structure being situated in
the town of Butea, in Iasi County on a surface of 67 m 2. The shape of the building is rectangular
having a Bell tower and an open court in the back side of the building, the clock tower has 3.0x3.30 m,
the main part of the chapel has also a rectangular shape having the dimensions 6.3x11.35m. The open
court is linking the basement level with the ground floor by a stairwell.
As height regime, building is structured as B+GF+Tower with a maximum height of 20.61 m . The
structural system is made by reinforced concrete girders, columns and slabs; it has 1 spans of 6.30 m 2
small spans of 3.0m, and 2.50m 4 bays: 3x3.3 m and 1x1.45 m at the end bay which leads to the back.
The basement has a 3.0m height, the ground floor has a usable height in accordance with the shape
form 4.2 to 6 m the bell tower has a height of 16 to 20.61m.
The semi-basement contains 6 storage spaces with access from the bell tower stairwell and from the
court yard, the court yard access is made via 2 sets of stairs with 16 steps 30x16.5 cm
The Ground floor contains spaces for candles sales/deposit and spaces for the ceremonies and altar.
The main access in the chapel is done using a set of monumental stairs starting from -0.45, also has
alongside the main entrance a handicapped ramp. The Ground floor has 3 exits.
The ground floor spaces are as follows:
-candle shop Al =5.31 m2 Au =7.35 m2
-bell tower Al = 6.93 m Au = 9.9 m2
-main hall Al = 62.37 m Au = 66.2 m2
-altar Al = 9.6 m Au = 9.6 m2
1.1.1 Building location
The building is situated in The Town of Butea of the 208J Road, belonging to the county of Iasi.
The moderate continental climate of the zone, according to ST AS 6054/77, impose the placement of
the foundation under the frozen depth, for this location Df =0.90÷1.10 m
Climatic loads
The climate of Iasi is influenced by the eastern part of Europe with warmed summers and winters
generally with blizzards. The normal intensity of snow is designed according CR 1-1-3-2005.
The site organization for the execution of the works will be done at the beginning because of the
continuous need of construction supply and roads access. The site planning does not require any
demolitions, network deflections or other similar works. The position of the building is an advantage,
being placed near the electric and water supply networks and does not require any additional
operations for connecting.
Technical Report
Technical Report
In order to achieve the required service life of the structure, adequate measures shall be taken to
protect each structural element against the relevant environmental actions. The requirement for
durability shall be included when considering the following:
Structural conception
Material selection
Construction details
Quality control
Building is considered as being in the II-nd class by the durability criteria having the lifespan between
50 and 100 years.
According to PI00-1-2006 „Seismic design code - Ist part - Design precaution for buildings", the
location of the building have the corner period Tc= 0.7 sec, the peak ground acceleration a g=0.20 g,
γ i= 1.2 with earthquakes having the frequency of 100 years.
In terms of importance class, the building is situated in IIrd class according to PI00-2006.
1.1.5 Verifications according to law 10/1995
In agreement with provisions of the law 10/1995 due to quality in constructions, the verification of the
project is made at the essential requirement stages Al - Mechanical strength and stability for civil
constructions, industrial and agricultural buildings.
1.1.6 Geometrical characteristics of the building
Technical Report
H l 1=4 m ( P )
The level height:
H l 2=3.90 m ( Debasement )
H Tower=13.10m
The maximum height: H max =17.10 m
Technical Report
No. Crt Name of room No. Useful area Total useful area
1 Underground deposit 1 40.54 40.54
2 Deposit 1 4.83 4.83
3 Lobby 1 12.13 12.13
Total (m2) 57.5
No. Crt Name of room No. Useful area Total useful area
1 Chapel 1 67.78 67.78
Total (m2) 67.78
TOTAL useful area ( Au ¿ 123.7
On the construction's perimeter the foundation will be a continuous girder foundation in 2 steps with
the 1st step having the height h=0.8m and the second step Ht=0.4m with a total height of 1.2m.the total
length being 11.5 on Axis E, having extensions on the ends lco=0.75m.
Under the foundation, after executing the digging process, a layer of 5 cm of simple concrete will be
poured having C4/5 class. The continuous girder foundation is formed to size by the use of reusable
concrete forms. This type of foundation is realized from reinforced concrete C 25/30 class, with PC 52
and OB 37 reinforcement. The reinforced concrete slab over the basement has 20 cm thickness with
concrete of C 25/30 class and welded mesh reinforcement.
Technical Report
The structure is a single storied building with reinforced girders and columns of C 25/30 class. On the
longitudinal direction the building is structured in 3 bays with the size of 3.30m and on transversal
direction 5 unequal spans, 2 with 3 m size, 2 of 1.35m and one of 3.6 m.
The beams have the cross section 40x30cm, reinforced in the supports with 3 bars 16mm PC 52 and in
field with 3 bars 16mm PC 52; the stirrups have the diameter of 8 mm arranged at the distance of 10
cm at the ends of the beam and at 15 cm in the rest of the element.
The slabs, the ramps and the landings of stairs have the thickness of 12 cm, reinforced with
independent bars 6φ8/m PC 52 on both directions at the superior and inferior part. The steps will be
performed of simple concrete.
The girders, the slabs and the columns work together to create a fully restrained structure without
plastic hinges.
The building is situated at a distance of minimum 15 m off all the neighborhoods an all directions, the
safety space being respected according to table 2.2.2 from PI 18-1999. The building is considered a
single compartment of fire.
The execution project respects the norms of "Normativ de siguranță la foc a construcțiilor
-P.118/1999(ed.III) si reglementările tehnice de specialitate referitoare la prevenirea si stingerea
incendiilor". The ensemble has the class II at fire resistance, the resistance structure is composed of
reinforced concrete elements which can be subjected to fire up to 3 hours.
The access of intervention's truck can be made from the 3 sides of the building, the norms of art. 7.9.2
din P118-1999 being completed: the roads having ensured the gauge h = 4.35 m.
The evacuation ways are those from the staircase or the terrace. For the people from the ground floor,
the evacuation will be realized using all exits, one being the main entrance the other one being the
secondary exit.
The spaces are equipped with smoke detectors. Ways and installation for extinguishing the
Technical Report
Technical Report
Building is provided with carpentry equipment and other materials which give a good sound isolation.
In order to have a low energy consumption, the project have been provided with closings elements
with a high degree of resistance to heat transmission. Ensure a natural lighting.
Technical Report
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Technical Report
When executing the construction process the rules must be respected according to the
following norms and standards:
Regulament privind protecția si igiena muncii in constructii-ed. 1993 (aprobat cu ord. Nr.
9/N/1993 de MLAPT);
Norme generale de protecție a muncii - ed. 1996;
Norme specifice de protecție a muncii pentru diferite categorii de lucrări (rețele de apa,
canalizări, instalații electrice, etc.);
Legea protecție muncii - nr. 90/1996;
Normativ pentru legarea la pământ a utilajelor electrice in construcții;
Normativ pentru proiectarea si executarea rețelelor de cabluri electrice - PE -107/78;
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Technical Report
Spaces for smoking, rest areas and lockers, dining places and washing places will be
provided to workers;
When working on rough conditions, hot weather, the drinkable water should be permanently
provided to the construction site;
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Computation of The Thermal Insulation Capacity of The Building
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Computation of The Thermal Insulation Capacity of The Building
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Computation of The Thermal Insulation Capacity of The Building
The terms and measure units used are presented in table no. 1:
P Exterior building perimeter m
A Thermal transfer area. Outer cover area m2
AC Built area m2
V Interior heated volume of the building m3
Tu Temperature for the unheated spaces ℃
Te Exterior temperature ℃
Ti Interior temperature ℃
ΔT Temperature drop K
ca Air heat capacity at constant pressure J/(kgK)
ρa Apparent air density kg/m 3
R’m Corrected average heat resistance of an element m2K/W
U’m Corrected average heat transfer coefficient of an element W/(m 2K)
L Thermal bound coefficient W/K
Φ Thermal flow W
n Ventilation speed h−1
G The global factor of thermal insulation of the building W/(m 3K)
GN The standard value for the global factor of thermal insulation W/(m 3K)
Romania`s Climatic Zones
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Computation of The Thermal Insulation Capacity of The Building
The global coefficient of the thermal isolation is a thermo-energetic parameter of the envelope of a
building and it has a meaning of a sun of thermal fluxes of a building dissipated through the surface of
the envelope for a difference of temperature of 1° reported to the volume of the building plus a
coefficient afferent to the interior air refreshing.
1 Aτ
G= +∑ +0.34 η
Building category 2; type of building: Chapel adjacent to the church; climatic zone: III.
For floor : R ' min =45(m K /W )
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Computation of The Thermal Insulation Capacity of The Building
Nr crt Layer type Thickness(m 2) λi d i/ λ i
1 Sandstone 0.02 0 0
2 Leveling concrete 0.03 0.93 0.032
3 Reinforced concrete slab 0.1 1.74 0.057
4 Extruded polystyrene 0.1 0.044 2.272
Total 2.361
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Computation of The Thermal Insulation Capacity of The Building
Nr crt Layer type Thickness(m 2) λi d i/ λ i
1 Gypsum board 0.01 0.87 0.011
2 Vapor barrier
3 Diffusion layer
4 Polystyrene 0.15 0.04 3.75
5 Wooden Planks 0.05 0.64 0.0721
6 Waterproof layer
7 Lindab 0.05 0.58 0.0862
Total 3.8792
1 2
R’= m K/W
U’ =
∑ ψxl (m2K/W)
R ' A terrace
m2 K
R’ – corrected specific thermal resistance ( )
U’ – corrected thermal transfer coefficient ( )
m2 K
R - thermal resistance in the current zone (matt walls, slabs)
Ψ – linear transfer coefficient ( )
m2 K
l – length of the thermal bridge
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Computation of The Thermal Insulation Capacity of The Building
Ψ 1=0.16
l = 37.79 m
Ψ 1=0.20
l = 37.79 m
Ψ 1=0.20
l = 218.13 m
Element No Thermal bridges ψ l ψxl
Floor over the soil 1 V.J. debasement floor 0.16 37.79 6.0464
2 H.J. inf slab over the basement 0.2 37.79 7.558
Roof 3 Roof joint 0.18 37.79 6.8022
Carpentry 4 Perimeter of the carpentry 0.2 218.13 43.626
Total 64.0306
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Computation of The Thermal Insulation Capacity of The Building
G 1 ref =
V – interior heated volume
A – Area of the exterior cover of the element
τ – The correction factor (τ=1)
R ' m – Thermal resistance
n = 0.5 (table 1 from appendix 1, C107/2005)
G 1 ref = =0.653 W/m3K
V ¿ 695.3 m 3
1 55 45 218.13
G 1= ∙ [
695.3 1.45
∙ 1+
0.55 ]
∙1 ∙ 0.34 ∙ 0.5=0.1104 W/m3K
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Computation of The Thermal Insulation Capacity of The Building
G 1=0.111 (W/m3K)¿ G 1 ref =0.653 (W/m3K)
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Computation of The Thermal Insulation Capacity of The Building
Internal parameters
T i °=+ 20° C SR1907/2-1997
ρi=50 % Table VI – C107/6-2002
α i=8 ¿ ¿K)
Ri=0.125¿ ¿ K/W )
Externals parameters
Iasi is situated in climatic zone III; according to the map C 1 - anex C:
T e °=−18 ° C Table 2, chapter 5.2 T e °−¿ external temperature
T em °=4.5 ° C Table 2, chapter 5.2 T em °−¿medium external temperature
α e =24 ¿ ¿K)
Re =0.042 ¿ ¿K/W )
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Computation of The Thermal Insulation Capacity of The Building
d=0.010 m;
ρ =1700 kg/m3 - normativ CI07/3
λ=0.87 W/m∙K - normativ C107/3
μ D=8.5 C107/6, tab. Al, annex A;
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Computation of The Thermal Insulation Capacity of The Building
μ D=60
Layer 7 - Lindab
d=0.05 m; λ=0.58 W/m∙K
1 1
R se= = =0.042¿ ¿K/W )
α i 24
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Computation of The Thermal Insulation Capacity of The Building
Dew temperature
R vj=d j (μd) j ∙ M (m/s)
d j – layer thickness
μ – material permeability
M – water vapor diffusion coefficient
Rυ – vapour permeability resistance of the specific element
No. di μ M R vi(108)
1 0.005 7.1 54 1.917
2 0.1 1.1 54 5.94
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Computation of The Thermal Insulation Capacity of The Building
3 0.13 21.3 54 149.526
4 0.05 15 54 40.5
5 0.05 17 54 45.9
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Loads Evaluation
Loads Evaluation
Permanent loads:
Self-weight of the construction elements: columns, girders, slabs, roofing elements and
interior and exterior walls;
Earth pressure;
Temporary loads:
Exceptional loads:
Taking into account the 2 types of flooring systems that may be utilized:
Warm flooring using parquet as finishing layer
Cold flooring using sandstone as finishing layer
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Loads Evaluation
Nr Layer type Thickness(m) Specific weight ϒ (daN/m 3) Load (daN/m 2)
1 Parquet 0.012 800 9.6
2 Parquet support OSB 0.018 900 16.2
3 Leveling concrete 0.03 1800 54
4 Reinforced concrete slab 0.15 2500 375
5 Gypsum board 0.01 1100 11
Total 465.8
Nr Layer type Thickness(m) Specific weight ϒ (daN/m 3) Load (daN/m 2)
1 Ceramic floor 0.02 2200 44
2 Leveling concrete 0.04 1800 72
3 Reinforced concrete slab 0.15 2500 375
4 Gypsum board 0.01 1100 11
Total 502
Nr Layer type Thickness(m) Specific weight ϒ (daN/m 3) Load (daN/m 2)
1 Gypsum board 0.02 1100 22
2 Mineral wool 0.08 100 8
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Loads Evaluation
Total 30
Nr Layer type Thickness(m) Specific weight ϒ (daN/m 3) Load (daN/m 2)
1 Gypsum board 0.01 1100 11
2 Vapor barrier 0.004 1200 4.8
3 Diffusion layer 0.001 1200 1.2
4 Polystyrene 0.15 35 5.25
5 Waterproof layer 0.005 1200 6
6 Wooden planks 0.05 650 32.5
7 Lindab 0.05 1600 80
Total 140.75
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Loads Evaluation
Nr Layer type Thickness(m) Specific weight ϒ (daN/m 3) Load (daN/m 2)
1 Ceramic floor 0.02 2200 44
2 Leveling concrete 0.03 1800 54
3 Reinforced concrete slab 0.1 2500 250
4 Extruded polystyrene 0.1 35 3.5
Total 351.5
Sk - Characteristic value of the snow load;
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Loads Evaluation
μi - Shape coefficient;
S0 , k - Characteristic value of the snow load on the soil;
C e - Exposure coefficient due to site of the construction; (C e =1¿
C t - Thermal coefficient. (C t=1)
q p - the dynamic top pressure
z e - is the reference height
C pe - pressure coefficient for external pressures
q p ( z) = C e ∙ q b
qb = ∙ ρ∙ υ 2b – the pressure of reference speed
q= 1.25 – recommended value of air density
υ b=¿ 35 m/s
qb = ∙1.25 ∙ 352=765.625
q p ( z) = 2.7 ∙ 765.625=2067.187
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Loads Evaluation
W e = 2067.187 ∙ 0.5=10.336 kN /m
Given the fact that it is not a high rise building and made of concrete, wind loads will be ignored.
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Loads Evaluation
Choosing of the proper shapes on the horizontal and vertical directions for the building and for its
strength structures.
The correct disposal of the structural elements in the building ensemble as well as of the installation
system and equipment.
Securing the unfavorable interactions between structural elements, between construction parts,
structural and non structural elements.
3.4.2 Obtaining a proper structural mechanism of energy dissipation under the action of
seismic forces. This objective implies the following:
Organizing the eventual weak zones so that they won't be actioned in the post elastic domain (with
potential plastic hinges), with a higher priority to the elements which have a high post elastic potential
and which will not affect the strength structure of the - building, the eventual damages being repaired
without great technical efforts.
Plastic hinges will be distributed in such manner so that the post elastic deformation capacity will be
as high as possible, and the ductility requirements as low as possible.
Preventing the premature ruptures with brittle character by setting up the dimensioning modulus
The weak zones to be designed in such a manner so that they will have the best stability behavior.
3.4.3 Disposal of certain devices and equipment with the role of dissipating the seismic
The design method considers the dynamic and nonlinear behavior of the structure without
underlining the plasticization mechanism of the structure. The method has the following steps:
Establishing the value of the seismic forces.
Structural computation in linear domain at the seismic action in special case of loading cases.
Correcting of the bending moments at the extremities of the structural elements in order to
obtain a favorable mechanism of energy dissipation.
Dimensioning of the significant sections and reinforcement disposal and computation.
Checking up of the lateral displacements conditions.
34 | P a g e
Loads Evaluation
ϒ i=1 the building importance class.
Sd (T ) the ordinate of the design response spectrum corresponding to fundamental period T.
T the fundamental period of vibration in the plane of the horizontal direction
m the lamped mass of the structure.
λ = 0,85 the correction factor which takes into account the contribution of the fundamental
rode of vibration trough the effective modal mass associated.
β (T )
Sd ( T )=a g ∙
a g= 0.2 g - the peak ground acceleration.
β (T )=f (0.7) - elastic normalized response spectrum
T c =0.7 s - The corner period.
q=5∙ – structure`s behavior factor
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Structural Analysis
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Structural Analysis
The structural analysis of the building was performed using AxisVM11 Academic Version. The
program is used for modeling, analyzing and designing different types of structures, having the main
Defining the structural elements using a graphic editing of the model in any view including
the perspective view.
Allows you to display one or more parts, called active parts, at the same time. In addition, if
the Parts check box is enabled the commands will only affect or refer to the entities of the
active parts.
Linear, nonlinear, buckling, vibration, seismic and dynamic analysis
Possibility to define materials, their properties and their composition
4.2 Loads
No. Case Type of load
1 Self-Weight Self-Weight
2 Masonry walls
Uniform along contour elements
3 Partition walls Uniform on surface
4 Floors Uniform on surface
5 Live load Uniform on surface
6 Snow Uniform on the roof beams
7 Seismic On each level as auto-generated load using AXIS 11
∑ ξ j γ G , j Gk , j +γ P P+γ Q ,1 Qk ,1 + ∑ γ Q ,i Ψ 0 ,i Qk ,i
j≥ 1 i≠ 1
ULS(Seismic) ∑ G k , j + Pk + A Ed + ∑ Ψ 2 ,i Q k ,i
j≥ 1 i ≥1
SLS ∑ G k , j + Pk +Q k ,1+ ∑ Ψ 0 ,i Qk ,i
j≥ 1 i ≠1
37 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
4.3.2 Shapes
Nam h b Ax Ix Iy I1 I2 iy iz yG zG
e [mm [mm [mm2] [mm4] [mm4] [mm [mm4] [mm] [mm [mm] [mm
] ] 4] ] ]
1 30x4 300. 450. 135000. 2.4E+0 1E+09 2.3E+09 1E+09 86.6 129. 225. 150.
5 0 0 00 9 9 0 0
2 30x3 300. 300. 90000.0 1.1E+0 6.8E+0 6.8E+08 6.8E+0 86.6 86.6 150. 150.
0 0 0 1 9 8 8 0 0
3 30x6 300. 650. 195000. 4.2E+0 1.5E+0 6.9E+09 1.5E+0 86.6 187. 325. 150.
5 0 0 00 9 9 9 6 0 0
4 40x3 400. 300. 120000. 1.9E+0 1.6E+0 1.6E+09 9E+08 115. 86.6 150. 200.
0 0 0 00 9 9 5 0 0
4.4 Masses, per Total, cross section, type
4.4.1 Total mass of the Structure
Material Name γ[kg/m3] V [m3] G [kg]
1 C25/30 2500 90.225 225561.593
Total 90.225 225561.593
4.4.2 Mass Per Cross-Section
Cross-Section Material Name L [m] V [m3] M [kg/m] G [kg] Ao [m2]
1 30x45 C25/30 8.360 1.129 337.500 2821.500 12.540
2 30x30 C25/30 128.826 11.594 225.000 28985.885 154.591
3 30x65 C25/30 31.640 6.170 487.500 15424.500 60.116
4 40x30 C25/30 338.937 40.672 300.000 101681.207 474.512
Total 59.565 148913.092 701.760
4.4.3 Mass Per Surface Type
Element Type Material Name γ[kg/m3] A [m2] V [m3] G [kg]
1 Shell C25/30 2500 153.297 30.659 76648.501
Total 153.297 30.659 76648.501
38 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
Combination methods
Combination of modal responses: Auto
Viscous damping: ξ ’ = 0.05
Combination of the components of seismic action: SRSS
Torsional effect
Accidental eccentricity coefficient = 0.05
Stories Z[m]
Story 2 8.780
Story 1 4.180
Ground floor 0
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Structural Analysis
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Structural Analysis
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Structural Analysis
Bending Moment Mz
Shear Force Vz
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Structural Analysis
Axial Force Nx
Slab Mx
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Structural Analysis
Slab My
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Structural Analysis
Displacement ZoY
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Structural Analysis
2nd Mode of Vibration
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Structural Analysis
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Structural Analysis
The plate is divided into several parts depending on their supporting systems. The choice of the
floor is made based on criteria of maximum efficiency of the overall structure, satisfying the
technical conditions and functionality.
5.1 Preliminary design
The design of the slab is made taking into account the characteristic sections and where are
they situated: in the span and in the support area. The slab is made from the following
constructions materials:
Reinforcements are made from OB 37 and PC 52 having the following design yielding limit
of the reinforcements:
f yd =¿250 (OB 37)
f yd =¿300 (PC 52)
hp= ( 351 ÷ 451 ) L=¿ h =( 0.1714 ÷ 0.1333 ) =15 cm→ 15 cmwill be imposed
For concrete slabs reinforced in 2 directions, the reinforcement ratio is between 0.4 and 0.5 percent.
For one way reinforced concrete slabs, the optimum reinforcement percent is 0.8.The imposed
minimum cover is 10 mm.
The minimum reinforcement diameter for PC 52 is ϕ 6 for bottom bars, top bars and distribution bars.
And for OB 37 the minimum diameter for bottom bars and distribution bars for top bars is ϕ 6, for top
bars is ϕ 8. Because h p <30 cm, the minimum numbers of bars on meter is 5, and the maximum
number is 12 (also on field and support).
For slab reinforced on one direction, the constructive reinforcement is put perpendicular to the
resistance reinforcement. In the field and bearing area the constructive bars must be 4 ϕ 6 bars/m.
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Structural Analysis
5.2 Loads
Dead loads:
daN daN
gk =502 2
⇒ g dk =1.35∙ 502=677.7 2
m m
The Dead Load will be imposed from the Program
Live loads:
Church area pk = 200 daN/ m 2 => pk = 1.5 • 200 = 300 daN/ m 2
Corridor area pk = 350 daN/ m 2=> pk = 1.5 • 350 = 525 daN/ m2
Storing spaces pk = 350 daN/ m 2 => pk = 1.5 • 200 = 525 daN/ m 2
The slab have uniformly distributed loads on the support, representing the building contour, they act as
simple supports, on the intermediate supports they behave as fully restrained ones. For the loads
alternative distributed, the continuity effect is manifested by rotation of the support sections, so that
every intermediate span can be considered as independent, simply supported.
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Structural Analysis
The static computation is made in the elastic range using tables made for different types of support
conditions. The maximum bending moments are required for computation and at least favorable case
is taken into account (chess distribution for the determination of the maximum bending moments in
the field and distribution along the whole surface for computing the maximum moments on the
q = p + g = 300+677.7=977.7 daN/m 2
q’ = g + =677.7+150=827.77 daN/m 2
q” = =150 daN/m 2
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Structural Analysis
5 pannels
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Structural Analysis
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Structural Analysis
Fasii de armare
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Structural Analysis
l 1=3.3 m
l 2=2.5 m
0.3 0.3
l 01=l 1−b g=3.3− − =3 m
2 2
0.3 0.3
l 02=l 2−b g=2.5− − =2.2 m
2 2
l 02 2.2
λ= = =0.73<2 ⇒concrete slab reinforced on 2 directions
l 01 3
By linear interpolation ⇒α 41=¿0.0102, α 42=¿0.0466, α 11=¿ 0.0466, α 12=¿0.0777
β 41=¿
0.8163, β 42=¿0.05637
M max ' 2
1 =α 41 ∙ q ∙ l 01 + α 11 ∙ q ∙ {{l} rsub {01}} ^ {2} =0. 0102 ∙827.77∙ {3} ^ {2} +0.0466∙150∙ {3} ^ {2} =
M min ' 2
1 =α 41 ∙ q ∙l 01 −α 11 ∙ q ∙ {{l} rsub {01}} ^ {2} =0.0102∙827.77∙ {3} ^ {2} -0.009845∙150∙ {3} ^ {2}
M max ' 2
2 =α 42 ∙ q ∙ l 02 + α 12 ∙ q ∙ {{l} rsub {02}} ^ {2} = 0.0466 ∙827.77∙ {2.2} ^ {2} +0.100344∙150∙ {2.2} ^ {2
M min ' 2
2 =α 42 ∙ q ∙l 02 −α 12 ∙ q ∙ {{l} rsub {02}} ^ {2} = 0.0466 ∙827.77∙ {2.2} ^ {2} -0.100344∙150∙ {2.2} ^ {2}
Type 5 : Panel 2
l 1=6.3 m
l 2=3.3 m
0.3 0.3
l 01=l 1−b g=6.3− − =6 m
2 2
0.3 0.3
l 02=l 2−b g=3.3− − =3 m
2 2
l 02 6
λ= = =0.5<2 ⇒ concrete slabreinforced on 2 directions
l 01 3
By linear interpolation ⇒α 41 =¿0.0.0026, α 42 =¿0.0408, α 11=¿ 0.0143, α 12 =¿0.0833
β 41=¿0.8163, β 42=¿0.00623
M max ' 2
1 =α 41 ∙ q ∙ l 01 + α 11 ∙ q ∙ {{l} rsub {01}} ^ {2
56 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
Type 6 : Panel 3 = Panel 4
l 1=6.3 m
l 2=3.3 m
0.3 0.3
l 01=l 1−b g=6.3− − =6 m
2 2
0.3 0.3
l 02=l 2−b g=3.3− − =3 m
2 2
l 02 3
λ= = =0.5<2 ⇒ concrete slabreinforced on 2 directions
l 01 6
By linear interpolation ⇒α 41 =¿0.0059, α 42 =¿0.08, α 11=¿ 0.08, α 12 =¿0.0298
β 41=¿0.233, β 42=¿0.442
M max ' 2
1 =α 41 ∙ q ∙ l 01 + α 11 ∙ q ∙ {{l} rsub {01}} ^ {2
M min ' 2
2 =α 42 ∙ q ∙l 02 −α 12 ∙ q ∙ {{l} rsub {02}} ^ {2
57 | P a g e
58 | P a g e
-33.3433 -68.5245 -68.5245 -68.5245 -9.11086
-897.859 -3591.43 -3591.43 -3591.43 -1086.41
55.112949 60.91071 60.91071 60.91071 55.112949
798.09651 798.09651 798.09651 798.09651 798.09651
130.2884 191.5021 555.7644 555.7644 40.13727
243.1088 416.4121 636.2244 636.2244 87.94565
13.07929 0.259272 -256.182 -256.182 -57.6992
c−concrete covering
0.0777 0.0833 0.0298 0.0298 0.1205
−q 2 ∙ l202 −432.554 ∙ 32
ϕ=20 mm
10 mm
3 6 6 6 3.3
M ' 2=
Structural Analysis
b=1000 mm ;
h p =150 mm ;
a=c + ϕ ;
c=20mm ;
0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
d=h p−a
10 5 6 6 10
Structural Analysis
M rd
b ∙ d 2 ∙ f cd
ω=1− √ 1−2 μ
f cd
A s=μbd ; f yd =300 N / mm
f yd
59 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
Mrd In In
In field In support support field supp
b d f cd
μ ω Asy field μ ω Asy
10 12 16. 0.00933 0.0093 64.82 243.10 0.001 0.001 8.891 33.343
00 5 67 519 792 9 88 28 281 556 334 6φ8 6φ8
10 12 16. 0.01598 0.0161 111.0 416.41 0.002 0.002 18.27 68.524
00 5 67 991 198 43 21 631 635 321 549 6φ8 6φ8
10 12 16. 0.02443 0.0247 169.6 636.22 0.002 0.002 18.27 68.524
00 5 67 053 365 6 44 631 635 321 549 6φ8 6φ8
10 12 16. 0.02443 0.0247 169.6 636.22 0.002 0.002 18.27 68.524
00 5 67 053 365 6 44 631 635 321 549 6φ8 6φ8
10 12 16. 0.00337 0.0033 23.45 87.945 0.000 0.000 2.429 9.1108
00 5 67 705 828 22 65 35 35 563 594 6φ8 6φ8
60 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
61 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
62 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
Beam E1⇒E4
M1 11.97 V1 d 19.176
Beam 1-2 M 1-2 6.81
M2 35.64 V2 s 18.166
M2 35.64 V2 d 49.1
Beam 2-3 M 2-3 13.13
M3 23.11 V3 s 35.26
M3 23.11 V3 d 31.2
Beam 3-4 M 3-4 12.4
M4 31.97 V4 s 47
63 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
Based on the previous efforts it is necessary to compare the dimensions used for preliminary design
with the ones obtained from the relationship involving the maximum bending moments and shear
f yd 1.2 300
ω= p ∙ = ∙ =0.216
f cd 100 16.667
1 1
√ ω (1−0.5 ω)
0.216(1−0.5∙ 0.216)
M 35.8
hreq =r ∙
ϕ 2
√ b ∙ f cd √
=2.278 ∙
0.3 ∙ 16.667∙ 103
a=c + =20+ =3 cm
2 2
h eff =h req +a=0.223⇒ from architectural conditions h eff =0.4 m
b= =14 ÷ 30 cm→ bg=0.30 m
2÷ 3
64 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
f yd =¿210 (OB 37)
f yd =¿300 (PC 52)
In field
a = 30 mm ⇒ d = 370 mm
M slab slab
Rd =beff ∙ h p ∙ f cd ∙ ( d −0.5 ∙h p ) if M Rd > M Ed ; x< h p (Neutral axis cut the slab)
if M slab
Rd < M Ed ; x> h p (T cross section)
M slab 3
Rd =beff ∙ h p ∙ f cd ∙ ( d −0.5 ∙h p )=0.9 ∙ 0.15∙ 16.67 ∙ 10 ∙ ( 0.37−0.5 ∙0.15 )=663.88 kN ∙ m
M slab max
Rd > M Ed (663.88>214.4)
M rd 6.81∙ 106
μ= = =0.0033
b ∙ d 2 ∙ f cd 300 ∙370 2 ∙ 16.667
f cd 16.667
A s=μ beff d =0.0033 ∙ 900∙ 370 ∙ =108 mm2⇒ A s eff =462mm 2⇒3ϕ14
f yd 300
pmin =0.385 %
66 | P a g e
67 | P a g e
Bars 3φ14 3φ14 3φ14 3φ14 3φ14 3φ14 3φ14 3φ14 3φ14
p min 0.385 0.385 0.385 0.385 0.385 0.385 0.385 0.385 0.385
Aseff [mm2] 462 462 462 462 462 462 462 462 462
Asreq 108 62 322 322 119 209 209 112 289
ω 0.005845 0.003321 0.017505 0.017505 0.006413 0.011316 0.011316 0.006056 0.015688
μ 0.005828 0.003316 0.017352 0.017352 0.006393 0.011252 0.011252 0.006037 0.015565
fcd 16.67 16.67 16.67 16.67 16.67 16.67 16.67 16.67 16.67
370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370
beff 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900
300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300
V1 d
V2 d
V3 d
V2 s
V3 s
V4 s
11.97 6.81 35.64 35.64 13.13 23.11 23.11 12.4 31.97
M 1-
M 2-
M 3-
Structural Analysis
68 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
Columns are structural elements which carry the loads from girders and distribute them to the
foundations. They are designed using the bending moments on both directions and the axial forces.
Checking the maximum displacements for the seismic action is made for both ULS and SLS.
For the SLS the checking is done using the following relation:
r =ν ∙ q ∙ d ℜ <d r , a
r −¿ relative displacement under a specific level corresponding to the serviceability limit
ν−¿reduction factor wich takes into account the period of appearance of an earthquake
having the value 0.4
q−¿behaviour coefficient
d ℜ−¿ relative displacement of a level (d ℜ=0.5 cm−¿the maximum deflection)
r ,a −¿ maximum value for relative displacement of a level asocoated with the serviceability
limit state
c=3−2.5 ∙ =1.03< 2
69 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
r , a =0.025 ∙ H level =0.025 ∙ 420=10.5 cm
d r =c ∙ q ∙ d ℜ=1.03 ∙ 4 ∙ 0.5=2.06 cm }
r < dr, a
Reinforcements are made from OB 37 and PC 52 having the following design yielding limit
of the reinforcements:
f yd =¿210 (OB 37)
f yd =¿300 (PC 52)
70 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
Column Cross-Section C4
71 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
On x direction:
Abs , x =b c ∙ hc ⇒ h2c ≥
ν ∙ f cd
⇒ h c=
√ c
ν ∙ f cd
ν=0.4 (Normalized axial force)
f cd =16.67 N /mm2
N cELD=387.4 ∙103 N
387.4 ∙ 103
hc , x =
√ 0.4 ∙ 16.67
⇒ hc =241.05 mm ;
bc =300 mm
hc 65
= =2.167<2.5
bc 30
On y direction:
Abs , y =b c ∙ hc ⇒ h2c ≥
ν ∙ f cd
⇒ h c=
√ c
ν ∙ f cd
ν=0.4 (Normalized axial force)
f cd =16.67 N /mm
N cELD=387.4 ∙103 N
387.4 ∙ 103
hc , x =
0.4 ∙ 16.67
⇒ hc =241.05 mm
b c =650 mm
hc 30
⇒ = =0.46<2.5
bc 65 }
From architectural reasons h c, y =30 cm
72 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
Final dimensions
h c =650 mm
b c =300 mm
73 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
N 387 ∙ 103
ζ x= = ⇒ ζ x =0.119
b ∙ h0 ∙ f cd 300 ∙650 ∙ 16.67
h0 =hc −a=65−2.5=62.5 cm
ϕ 20
a=c + =20+
2 2
j−k j−k M i−
M Ed ,i =M max ,i ∙ ϒ Rd ∙ i− j
M Eb
i−¿ the specific direction
M Ed ,i −¿ design moment on the specific direction
M max , i−¿maximum bending moment on the colum on “i” direction from structural analysis
ϒ Rd−¿over strength factor is considered to be 1.3 for the base snd ultimate level and 1.2 for
the rest
M i− j
Rb −¿actual resisting moments on girders disposed on I direction who intersect the node
M i− j
Eb −¿bending moments on girders who intersect the node resulted from structural analysis
74 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
The minimum diameter for the longitudinal bars is: {ϕϕ 1612forfor OB
PC 52
The maximum diameter for the longitudinal bars is: ϕ 28
minimum 25 mm
Distance between bars: {maximum 50 mm
M i− j
j−k j−k Rb 103.9
M Ed ,i =M max ,i ∙ ϒ Rd ∙ i− j = 18.4 ∙ 1.3∙ =138.84 kN ∙ m
M Eb 17.9
ϕ 20
a=c + =5+ =15 mm
2 2
d=650−30=620 mm
M Ed
N Ed
+e a=
77.55∙ 103
+ 22=222.17 mm Where e a=max h c
{ 30
hc 650
e= + e c= +222.17−15=532.17 mm
2 2
If e c ≤ the concrete doesn’t crack and the column will be reinforced from minimum
N Ed ∙ e−hc ∙ x ∙ f cd ∙ ( d−0.5 ∙ x )
A s=
f yd ∙ ( d−a )
75 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
76 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
N Ed 387 ∙103
x= = =35.75 mm
hc ∙ f cd 650 ∙ 16.67
As 149.31
d L=
√ √
=6.89 mm
d L=18
A sr =π ∙ d L2=1017.8 mm2
d−x 620−35.75
M Rd =N Ed ∙ + A sr ∙ f yd ∙ ( d−a )=387 ∙ 103 ∙ +1017.8 ∙300 ∙ ( 620−15 ) =140.27 kN ∙ m
2 2
M i−k k−i
max Rd + M Rd
V Ed =ϒ Rd ∙
H −hw
M i−k k−i
max Rd + M Rd
E4 column Basement:V Ed =1.3 ∙
H−h w
M i−k k−i
max Rd + M Rd
E4 column Ground floor:V Ed =1.3 ∙
H−h w
77 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
Basement column
f cd
V Rd ,max =α cw ∙b c ∙ z ∙ υ1 ∙
ctg θ+tg θ
ctg θ=2.5
z=0.9 ∙ d=0.9 ∙ 255=229.5
υ 1=0.6
A sw V Rd , s
V Rd ,s = ∙ z ∙ f ywd ∙ ctg θ ⇒ A sw= ∙s ⇒ A sw=88.382mm 2
s z ∙ f ywd ∙ctg θ
π ∙ d 2bw A sw 88.382
A sw=nr ∙
d bw , eff =10 mm
θ ⇒ d bw =
π √ √
=5.3 mm
nr =4
78 | P a g e
79 | P a g e
dbw eff 10 10 10 dbw eff 10 10 10
dbw 5.304056 4.776812 1.90906 dbw 9.85423 8.010131 3.684797
Asw 88.3824 71.68459 11.44956 Asw 305.0668 201.5713 42.65566
VRd max [kN] 578.00 578.00 578.00 VRd max [kN] 266.00 266.00 266.00
Ved max [kN] 251.52 204.00 32.58 Ved max [kN] 399.07 263.69 55.80
MEd/MRd 0.12 0.09 0.03 NEd/NRd 0.119176 0.091089 0.031843
Reinforcement on 3 axis
e [mm] 532.17 486.46 808.39 e [mm] 424.8695 386.4399 676.0036
ec [mm] 222.17 176.46 498.39 ec [mm] 129.8695 91.43989 381.0036
ea [mm] 22.00 22.00 22.00 ea [mm] 25 25 25
NEd [kN] 387.40 296.10 103.51 NEd [kN] 387.40 296.10 103.51
MEd i-k [kNm] 77.55 45.74 49.31 MEd i-k 40.62644 19.67285 36.84993
Med i-j [kNm] 17.83 18.99 23.11 Med i-j 78.72 55.104 48.25
γRd 1.30 1.20 1.20 γRd 1.3 1.2 1.2
MULS j-k 10.80 9.51 34.86 MULS j-k 24.99 11.87 54.39
MRb i-j [kNm] 98.44 76.11 27.24 MRb i-j [kNm] 98.44285 76.10592 27.24167
h0 [mm] 385.00 385.00 385.00 h0 [mm] 385.00 385.00 385.00
x [mm] 35.75 27.33 9.55 x [mm] 35.75285 27.32684 9.552859
As,gr 462.00 462.00 462.00 As,gr 462 462 462
Structural Analysis
80 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
81 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
Vegetal soil
1. Depth of the layer -1.0m
2. Layer thickness 1.0m
17. Shear parameters
C=12 kPa
82 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
Silty sand in compact form with high degree of compatibility, moist
1. Depth of the layer -10.0m
2. Layer thickness 4.0m
3. Depth of the sample -9.0m
- Clay 10%
4. Granulometric composition - Silt 15%
- Sand 75%
5. Humidity W=15.8%
6. Liquid limit WL=
7. Plastic limit W p=
8. Plasticity Index Ip=10.2%
9. Degree and/or compaction capacity ID/Ci=1.02/2.098
10. Unit weight g=20.1 kN/m3
According to P100/2006 the construction site is situated in a zone having the peak ground acceleration
ag=0.2 m/s2 and a corner period of Tc=0.7 s.
10.2.2 Hydro-geological
H= ( 13 ÷ 61 ) ⋅ L =0.55 ÷ 1.2m
l 01=3 m
l 02=3 m
l 03=3 m
Ht H ≥l H =0.4
tg β ≥ 1⇒
l {
≥1⇒ t ⇒ t
l ≤ 0.4 l=0.3 {
84 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
P pl =m 1 ⋅( γ 1 ⋅ B ⋅ N 1 +q ⋅ N 2 +c ⋅ N 3)
q=Df ∙ ϒ nat =1.3 ⋅21.3=25.56 kN /m
N ⋅1.2 1991 ⋅ 1.2
B= = =1.1⇒ B=1.1m
L ⋅ P pl 11.7 ⋅208
b=B−2 ⋅ l=1.1−2⋅ 0.3 ⇒b=0.5 m
85 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
kN ⋅m kN
1 3.5 724
2 4.6 674
3 10.8 388
4 11.2 205
Gf [kN] 179.71
Pmax 53.58
Pmin 293.52
Ppl 208.00
P1 38.20
P2 302.14
86 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
Column\DIM h [cm] b [cm]
S1 30 30
S2 30 30
S3 30 65
S4 30 65
87 | P a g e
88 | P a g e
∆M i 0 0 2.181667 4.363333 6.545 8.726667 10.90833 13.09 14.28
M(x)R 124.3834 588.4767 11.38147 -273.513 -74.4851 -166.82 12.9938 1.19
M(x)L 120.8834 588.4767 6.781467 -273.513 -85.2851 -166.82 1.7938 1.19
M(x)R 0 124.3834 590.6584 15.7448 -266.968 -65.7584 -155.911 26.0838 15.47
M(x)L 0 120.8834 590.6584 11.1448 -266.968 -76.5584 -155.9112 14.8838 15.47
Table Winkler method Computations
89 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
90 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
91 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
The works are executed taking into account medium work conditions, considering that the materials
are provided at the construction site, in the range of the mechanized equipment from the location.
With new construction materials which have the optimum mechanical and physical property with
respect to the actual standards.
Tie building phases must take place at day light or using artificial light. The temperature must be
higher than +5°C, in order to provide optimum work condition and an open construction front.
12.3 Materials
The material names are those used in the actual standards. The measurement units for materials and
for other works are according to the international system for units (I.S).
They must be tested either visually or using other methods (Laboratory) in order to provide the
required strength, stiffness and property.
They must be kept in safe conditions before using them in order to avoid their deterioration or other
unfortunate factor which may affect their structural integrity.
All materials must be included in the specific consumption norms.
12.4 Technological stages
In order to draw the axes of the building the following pieces are required:
• General situation plan;
• Drawing of the main axis of the construction plan;
• Foundation plan
92 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
The main axis situated on the field is the base of the wall execution. The exterior perimeter is
delimited; afterwards the foundation axis will be established and the columns contour will be drawn.
After finishing the upward works, a set of auxiliary axis are drawn in order to provide a support for the
future works.
Drawing of the elements on the vertical axis will be realized by setting up the beginning of the works
some initial exterior landmarks (a minimum number of 3 such landmarks is needed) from which the
future distances will be measured.
12.6 Mechanical excavation
General principles that must be respected when executing the excavation works:
• The natural equilibrium of the terrain surrounding the foundation hole must not be affected;
• The natural mechanical characteristics of the soil near foundation are maintained or
• The work security must be assured;
The mechanical excavation offers a faster and more accurate work. The devices used for these kind of
works are excavators with hydraulic commands. The back acting excavators will be used for these
kind of works (excavator cu cupa intoarsa) because it is used for gravel filled with clay soils.
V=952 m3
Where V is the volume of earth needed to be excavated V=952 tons of earth needed to be transported
12.6.1 Transport for the excavation works
The transport of the soil which had been excavated is an important part of the technological process
which influences in a decisive manner the productivity of these works. The soil resulted from the
excavation is transported using trucks. A flux of trucks must be assured in order not to cause the
stopping of the excavators. The standard dump truck is a full truck chassis with the dump body
mounted onto the frame. The dump body is raised by a hydraulic ram lift that is mounted forward of
the front bulkhead, normally between the truck cab and the dump body. The standard dump truck also
has one front axle, and one or more rear axles which normally have dual wheels on each side.
V=952 tons of earth needed to be transported
The dump truck capacity is 5.5 tons.
The distance of transport is 8 km at a specific location where it will be deposited. It will be considered
that each truck will make 2 transports: one loaded one empty.
A number of 10 trucks will be established to do the required operation-» 10 trucks will carry
simultaneously 55 tons. The average speed is 30 km/h, the type of road being categorized as good
(asphalted road).
12.6.2 Drawing of the pad and column axis
Depending on the drawing of the axis with respect to the project and determining the 0 cote, the next
step is to draw the foundation beam. The excavation works for foundation take place.
12.6.3 The execution of the foundation works for spread and continuous foundation
After digging the trench, the next step is to set up the wood formwork for the beam and to prepare the
reinforcements for the works. The formwork will be realized of pine wood using kneels and steel wire
for joints. The reinforcements must be put into place respecting the imposed distances from the
project. In this stage the reinforcement for the column must be also positioned in the foundation pad,
leaving only a distance of 80 cm of reinforcement over the ground (whiskers). A layer of minimum 10
cm is poured beneath the foundation beam. After that the concrete is poured into the foundation. The
pouring operations will be realized using concrete pumps and transit mixers. When pouring the
foundation block, a continuous flux must be achieved in order not to stop the complex process of
concrete pouring.
93 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
Pouring the concrete for the foundation and removing the formworks will be the last step for these
processes. The work point must be equipped with vibrators.
The filling soil is set up in order to achieve the required height where the 0 cote was established. A
layer of gravel having 5 cm is used in order to break the capillarity. A layer of Kraft paper is set up
over the foundation in order to avoid the water infiltrations.
The pouring of the leveling concrete at the pads and mounting of the reinforcement for all foundations
and columns take place. The pouring operations will not take place until the state inspection,
projection and the owner will be there and verify. A verbal process is done which confers the quality
of the works. Depending on the concrete class, concrete is required from the supply deposits.
94 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
Foundation beams, and pad
95 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
l beam=11.2∗2+8.3∗2+1.1∗2=41.2 m
Reinforcement transport
Truck is needed with the capacity of 5.5 tons⇒ 1 transports will be realized.
Gtot =3382.88 t
No of transports (with 10 trucks)
N = 3383: 5.5 = 616 transports (with 1 truck)
N T =616 :10=62transports
• Soils spreading
• Soil compacting with a Caterpillar compaction cylinder
• Setting of the ballast layer for breaking the capillarity
• Transport of ballast at 10 Km distance
• Compacting the ballast layer using the vibration board
12.6.4 Elevation execution
After pouring the concrete from the foundation pads and leaving outside the proper whiskers for
joining the reinforcements between the columns from the ground floor with the ones from the
foundation, it is proceeding to the mounting of the formwork. At the execution of the formwork for the
building elevations, between the columns of the ground floor with a pre check by the state inspection
96 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
it is preceding to the concrete pouring. After concrete hardening 28 days) the formwork removal is
done for the elevations and the execution of the filling: operations between the empty spaces which
will be properly compacted with vibrators.
12.7 Design of the composition of concrete for the structure and infrastructure
12.7.1 Establishment of the concrete composition
97 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
∅ max ≤ d+5 mm=25+5 mm=30 mm
∅ max ≤1.3 c =1.3∗25=32.5 mm
D – Smallest dimension of the structural element
d – Distance between the reinforcing bars
c – Concrete cover layer
∅ max=32mm
Evaluation of the water quantity specific to the concrete class and its workability. (Annex 1.4
tab 1.4.4)
A= 185 l/mc for ∅ max=32mm ,river rocks
Evaluation of the A/C ratio upon consideration of the concrete class and the workability
A/C=0.45 for II/A-S 32.5 and C25/30
98 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
<200 200-300 300-400 >400
OBS.: The values indicated in the brackets will be adopted if the preliminary samples demonstrate a tendency to
99 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
TABLE 1.4.8
Zone Limit % times through the mesh, sieve
0.2 1 3 7 16 32
II max 7 30 40 60 80 100
min 2 21 31 51 71 95
average 4.5 25.5 35.5 55.5 75.5 97.5
rounded 4 25 35 55 75 100
P3−0 35−0
N 0−3= ∗A ag= ∗1814=635 kg /m3
100 100
P7−P3 55−35
N 3−7= ∗A ag= ∗1814=363 kg /m3
100 100
P16−P7 75−55
P7−16= ∗A ag= ∗1814=363 kg /m3
100 100
P31−P16 100−75
P16−31= ∗A ag= ∗1814=453 kg/m3
100 100
Total Gag= 1814 kg/m3
100 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
u n 16−32 1
P16−32= ∗N 16−32= ∗453=5l /m 3
100 100
101 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
N '0−3=G ag0−3 + ∆ A 0−3=635+13=648 kg /m3
N '3−7=G ag3−7 + ∆ A 3−7=363+7=370 kg /m3
P'7−16=G ag 7−16 +∆ A7 −16 =363+4=367 kg /m3
P'16−32=Gag 16−32 +∆ A 16−32=453+5=458 kg /m3
The water quantity delivered into 1 cubic meter of concrete is A’= A-ΔA=185-29=156 l/m3
ρb=A’+C++G’ag= 156+370+1843=2369 kg/m3 MIX:
102 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
103 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
A 167 kg
C= = =372 > Cmin =290 kg /m3
A /C 0.45 m3
104 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
P3−0 35−0
N 0−3= ∗A ag= ∗1861=652 kg /m3
100 100
P7−P3 55−35
N 3−7= ∗A ag= ∗1861=373 kg/m 3
100 100
P16−P7 75−55
P7−16= ∗A ag= ∗1861=373 kg / m3
100 100
P31−P16 100−75
P16−31= ∗A ag= ∗1861=466 kg /m3
100 100
Total Gag= 1861 kg/m3
106 | P a g e
Structural Analysis
ΣG ag=233+134+132+163=662 kg/mix
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12.7.6 Organizing the complex process of prepping, transporting and pouring concrete into
the formwork of the structural elements (foundations, frames, slabs)
1. Prepping Transportin
and 2. Waiting 5. Lifting
3. Waiting g to the
unloading time in the and
in the site and
for bunker and unloding in
6. Pouring
t1 ef
q=500dm3, Vb, r'=0.7, Vb, Qef=5tf, Qc Manually:
gb=350 kg
VT, D=2km, eff,
Vb, N, NT, δ5 Cb
kg/m3 na, δ4 δ3'', vm=15
na, δ2 km/h δ5, Cb
na, δ1, np
np, δ3, Dt
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na – the number of batches in the mixer
q – the mixer capacity in dm3 or liters
r’ = 0.8 – coefficient which takes into account the decrease in volume of the mixing of dry
components with water
ρb’ – unit weight of uncompact concrete (2100 daN/m3)
Vb’ – the bunker volume expressed in uncompact concrete units
Vt’ – the auto agitator volume expressed in uncompact concrete units
nb – the number of skips in which concrete is poured
υb’ – Skip capacity (m3)
Qm – the crane lifting capacity (tf)
gb – skip self-weight(tf)
Vb – the volume of the concrete poured from one skip (m3)
ρb - apparent density of fresh compact concrete (2400 daN/m3)
na∗q ' ' ' ' 1000∗V ' t 1000∗3.2
∗r ∗ρ b=V b∗ρ b =¿ na = = =8 batches
1000 q∗r ' 500∗0.8
V ' b∗ρ'b ¿ V ' t∗ρ'b =¿ V ' b ¿ V ' b=3. 2 m 3
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12.9 Evaluation of the duration of the specific stages of the complex process
Minimum Cycle duration of the tower crane to pour the concrete contained in a skip
δ 5=
Pex 7 m3 ν b 0.7
Pouring for foundation:C b f = = =6.36 → δ 5 f = = =0.11 h=6.6 min
1.1 1.1 h C b 6.36
Pex 7 m3 ν 0.7
Pouring for frames: C b c = = =5 → δ 5 c = b = =0.14 h=8.4 min
1.4 1.4 h Cb 5
Pex 7 m3 ν b 0.7
Pouring for slabs: C b s= = =7 → δ 5 f = = =0.10 h=6.0 min
1.0 1.0 h Cb 7
δ 4 f =( n b−1 )∗δ 5 f =( 4−1 )∗0.11=0.33 h=19.8 min
δ 4 c =( nb−1 )∗δ 5 c =( 4−1 )∗0.14=0.42 h=25.2 min
δ 4 s =( nb −1 )∗δ 5 s =( 4−1 )∗0.10=0.30 h=18.0 min
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Pouring for foundation: δ 6 f = =0.362h=21.7 min
Pouring for frames: δ 6 c = =0.490 h=29.4 min
Pouring for slabs: δ 6 s= =0.327 h=19.6 min
12.10 Checking if the technological condition for concreting is met:
t 1 ef =∑ δ i ≤ t i
In order for the working process to not become overcrowded for the workers the condition for
the necessary number of workers must be full filled:δ 5 i=δ 6 i → N m ef (no. of necessary
Concreting for the foundation: δ 5 f =δ 6 f → N m ef = =9 workers
Concreting for the frames: δ 5 c =δ 6 c → N m ef = =9 workers
Concreting for the slabs: δ 5 s=δ 6 s → N m ef = =9 workers
In the end the minimum durations for the main phases of the erection process are:
δ 1=0.018 h
δ 2=0.125 h
δ 3=0.167 h
δ 4 f =0.330 h , δ 4 c =0.420 h , δ 4 s =0.300 h
δ 5 f =0.110 h , δ 5 c =0.140 h , δ 5 s =0.100 h
δ 6 f =0.362 h , δ 6 c =0.490 h , δ 6 s=0.270 h
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The condition for the avoidance of overcrowding the transport process it is full filled by
satisfying the necessary number of transport trucks:
C b∗ρb 2D
nt ≥ ∗δ́ 3 , Where: δ´3=δ ' 3 + + δ } rsub {3 ¿
V T ∗ρ b νm
δ ' 3 – The duration of the loading of the concrete: δ ' 3=1 min=0.017 h
δ } rsub {3 ¿ – The duration of the unloading of the concrete: δ } rsub {3} =2min=0.034 ¿
δ´3=0.017+ + 0.034=0.318 h=19 min
C b∗ρb 6.36∗2.4
Concreting for the foundation: nt ≥ '
∗δ́ 3 = ∗0.318=0.720→ 1 autoagitator
V T ∗ρ b 3.2∗2.1
C b∗ρb 5∗2.4
Concreting for the frames: nt ≥ '
∗δ́3 = ∗0.318=0.568→ 1 autoagitator
V T ∗ρ b 3.2∗2.1
C b∗ρb 7∗2.4
Concreting for the slabs: nt ≥ '
∗δ́ 3 = ∗0.318=0.795→ 1 autoagitator
V T ∗ρ b 3.2∗2.1
The condition for the preparation process, to avoid becoming overcrowded the number of
preparation units must be computed:
n p =Cbi ∗N TU
Concreting for the foundation: n p =Cbi ∗N TU =6.36∗0.051=0.324 →1 mixer
Concreting for the frames: n p =C bi ∗N TU =5∗0.051=0.255→ 1 mixer
Concreting for the slabs: n p =Cbi ∗N TU =7∗0.051=0.350 →1 mixer
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Therefore, the complete description of any item of work in a Bill of Quantities should
Description of the work;
Unit of measure;
Quantity (with detailed calculation).
Beside the code, description and unit of measure, each item in a Collection of Construction Works has
attached three more indications, namely the usage rates of resources for the item (for materials, labor
and equipment).
A resource (usage) rate is the quantity of resource consumed to construct a unit of measure of the
specified item of work.
13.2 Infrastructure
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With the list of work activities are listed at the beginning and end defined by nodes aiming at:
If there are activities that make the other activities and which are those;
What activities can be started if x work ends;
What are the activities to be completed so z work can begin;
This continues until the network diagram is obtained as a flowchart, orderly and systematic. The final
version of the graph is obtained by analyzing several variants so as accurately and clearly convey the
technological structure of the building. Identification of nodes and drawing shall conform to the rules
for drawing network graphs.
Any activity, process, action is done in a time interval and using a either high or small amount of
resources can't be realized in chaotic manner, without a proper organization and orientation. Obtaining
a construction product involves a high/small number of simple or complex processes with technical,
organizational, administrative or technologic character.
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Qi ∙ N Ti
The computation is realized using the following formula: t i=
ds ∙ M ∙ I
ti- duration of the activity;
Qi- quantity of work;
ds- shift time;
M - number of workers M= g ∙ mi
I - productivity factor
Q i ∙ N Tui
NTC labor productivity rate for mechanical processes: t i=
d s ∙U I ∙ k Fu
NTui- plant performance rate;
Uc number of devices;
kFu- plant usage coefficient;
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15.1 Generalities
This chapter contains the main conditions of quality that must be accomplished by the construction
works and the verifications effectuated to check if these conditions are fulfilled.
Compliance of the technical quality conditions must be supervised, first of all, by the leaders of the
formation work and by the technical staff.
Main conditions of quality and checks which must be effectuated on categories of works at
frame structures:
Cap. I Embankments (terasamente)
Cap. II Foundation
Cap. III Monolith reinforced concrete
Cap. IV Reinforcement
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15.2 Embankments
15.3 Foundations
Before starting the execution of foundation works, preparatory work must be completed:
Drawing of foundation axes and execution of excavations
The assurance of the necessary surfaces for the placement and functionality of the plant,
deposits of the materials and auxiliary installations needed for the execution of the
Verification of foundation axes;
Checking the situation found on the site and comparing it to that present in the project in
terms of land quality, size, positions in limits of prescribed tolerances;
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If the soil characteristics don't correspond with those considered in the project, the measurements that
should be taken are established with the designer and are transmitted through the disposal site.
Drawing of foundations is part of the works detail, namely:
Materials used must match with the project instructions and prescriptions, manufacturing standards
and actual rules;
STAS 709-84 pentru betoane si mortare;
STAS 388-80 lianti hidraulici, ciment Portland
STAS 1667-76 agregate natural grele, pentru betoane cu lianti minerali;
STAS 10107/0-90 calculul si alcatuirea elementelor din beton, beton armat si beton precomprimat;
STAS 8600-79 constructii civile, industriale Sl agricole, tolerante Sl ansambluri III constructii, sistem
de tolerante;
STAS 10265/1-84 tolerante in constructii, tolerantele la suprafetele de beton armat;
STAS 12400/1-85 constructii civile si industriale, performante in constructii, notiuni si principii
NE 012 - 2010- Cod de practica pentru executarea lucrarilor de beton si beton armat.
For each type of concrete a testing program will be taken into account and consider the
Ensure workability requirements and establish the necessary amount of mixing water;
Adoption of optimal dosage of cement
Monitoring the evolution of resistance in the first 7 days of hardening;
Obtaining an average strength of 28 days age in exceed the mark with 10-15%;
For all marks of concrete, depending on the characteristics of the deposit aggregates, laboratory
personnel, a recipe of concrete will be adopted.
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Protective measures will be taken in cold weather when the ambient temperature (measured at
8 am) is less than 5 oC
Normal conditions will be ensured for hardening of the concrete;
A sufficient strength to prevent damage by frost action and thaw will be ensured;
The cracks caused by contraction by a sudden cooling of the surface layer of concrete should
be avoided;
Protection will be achieved by covering mattresses made of mats between 2 sheets of
Protection will be maintained for a period of at least 7 days after pouring concrete;
For elements with thick more than 1.0 m the protection removal is allowed if the temperature
between the concrete surface and the environment is less than 〖12〗o C;
Will contain:
The element or the work subjected to verification;
Effectuated verifications;
Resulted ascertainments;
For the main execution phases of the beneficiary's representative will check:
Quality of formwork;
Quality of mounting the reinforcement;
Before starting the concreting some checks are made: if the concrete surfaces previously cast
are properly prepared which are coming in a new concrete contact:
The grout layer have been removed;
Surfaces present roughness in order ensure a good connection between old and new concrete;
Concrete quality for each element from the structure is estimated taking into account:
Visual examination;
Tests result on samples made on site;
15.5 Reinforcement
15.5.1 Manufacturing and mounting of the reinforcements
The manufacture will be in strict accordance with the project. Cut and shaped bars are stored in
packages labeled so as to avoid confusion and ensure they keep their shape and clean until installation.
Stirrups will be made with spouts (ciocuri) at 45 0 C (135 0), their length on right portion being at
least 10 cm or 100 crn.
Mounting of reinforcement begins after qualitative receiving of the formwork;
The reinforcements will be installed in specified position from the project and details of
Keeping the position of these during concrete pouring;
To provide concrete covering will be used spacers made of plastic or mortar prisms set with a
wire, it is not recommended the use steel coupons.
In case of foundation joints will be ensured an increase of longitudinal reinforcement so that the
percentage of reinforcement in cross section where is made the interruption, to be about 0.5%;
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1) P100-112006 - "Cod de proiectare seismica - Prevederi de proiectare pentru cladiri";
2) HGR76611997 - .Privind aprobarea unor regulamente privind calitatea in constructii"
3) CR 1-1-4 - "Actiunea vantului asupra constructiilor";
4) CR 1-1-3/2005 - "Evaluarea actiunii zapezii asupra constructiilor";
5) STAS 6054177 - "Adancimi maxime de inghet";
6) 91N11993 - "Regulament privind protectia si igiena muncii in constructii";
7) C169-88 - "Normativ privind executarea lucrarilor de terasamente pentru realizarea fundatiilor constructiilor civile
si industriale";
8) NP 112-04 - "Normativ privind proiectarea si executarea lucrarilor de fundatii directe la constructii" ;
9) NE 012-2010 - "Normativ pentru producerea si executarea lucrarilor din beton, beton armat si beton
10) C56-85 - "Normativ pentru verificarea calitatii si receptia lucrarilor de constructii si instalatii aferente";
11) C107/2005 - "Normativ privind calculul termotehnic al elementelor de constructie ale cladirilor" ;
12) SR EN 1992-1 - "Proiectarea structurilor din beton";
13) NP 074/2007 - "Normativ privind documentatiile geotehnice pentru constructii";
14) STAS 3300/85 - "Teren de fundare - principii generale de calcul";
15) STAS 9867/86 - "Panouri de cofraj de lemn cu fete din placaj";
16) Law 10/95, updated on 12/0512007 - "Privind calitatea in constructii
17) Labor safety norms, presented on chapter XI;
18) Fideliu Paulct-Crainiceanu-t'Earthquake engineering" Ed Cermi 1999.
19) Ciomei AI. - "Cum concepem constructiile civile" - Editura Junimea, Iasi, 2000.
20) Petru Mihai - "Proiectarea constructiilor din beton armat ", Editura Societatii Academice¬"Matei Teiu-Botez ".
21) Raileanu P. - "Geotehnica si fundatii - indrumar de proiectare ".
22) Zoltan Kiss, Traian Onet- "Proiectarea sructurilor din beton dupa SR-EN-1992-1" Editura Abel, ClujNapoca 2008;
23) Irina Lungu, Anghel Stanciu-"Fundatii" Ed Tehnica, Bucuresti, 2006;
24) Raileanu P., Musat V., Botu- "Fundatii" vol I-II, lasi, 1992;
25) Serbanoiu I. - "Organizare si management in constructii pentru C.C.I.A ".
26) Lupastenu.R. "Construction Management" Ed Gama lasi 1997.
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1. Technical report 1
1.1 General aspects.............................................................................................................................2
1.1.1 Building location............................................................................................................2
1.1.2 Site organization.............................................................................................................2
1.1.3 Durability requirements..................................................................................................3
1.1.4 Building characteristics...................................................................................................3
1.1.5 Verifications according to law 10/1995..........................................................................3
1.1.6 Geometrical characteristics of the building.....................................................................3
1.1.7 Functional description.....................................................................................................4
1.2 Site Conditions.............................................................................................................................4
1.3 The structure...........................................................................................................................4
1.4 Essential fireproofing requirements........................................................................................5
1.4.1 Fire security for the neighborhood areas.........................................................................5
1.4.2 Class of building fire resistance......................................................................................5
1.4.3 The aces way, evacuation and intervention.....................................................................5
1.4.4 Technical equipment of preventing and extinguishing fires............................................5
1.4.5 List of equipment with portable fire extinguishers..........................................................6
1.4.6 Hygiene, health and environment...................................................................................6
1.4.7 Safety regarding internal circulation...............................................................................6
1.4.8 Protection against the noise.............................................................................................6
1.4.9 Energy saving and thermal insulation.............................................................................6
1.4.10 Hydro insulation.............................................................................................................6
1.4.11 Labor protection rules.....................................................................................................7
2 Computation of the thermal insulation capacity of the building.....................................................9
2.1 Computation of the global thermal insulation coefficient.....................................................10
2.1.1 Determination of the geometrical characteristics of the building..................................12
2.1.2 Computation of the main thermal resistances of the building elements........................13
2.1.3 The computation of the global thermal coefficient........................................................16
2.1.4 Checking up the risk of condensation for the roof........................................................17
3 Loads evaluation...........................................................................................................................22
3.1 Loads classification according to EC1:................................................................................23
3.1.1 Permanent and quasi permanent loads..........................................................................23
3.1.2 Current slab load evaluation.........................................................................................23
3.1.3 Roof loads evaluation...................................................................................................25
3.1.4 Stairs load evaluation....................................................................................................25
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3.1.5 Basement floor evaluation............................................................................................26
3.2 Live loads.............................................................................................................................26
3.3 Temporary loads...................................................................................................................26
3.3.1 Snow load (according to CR-1-1-1-2005).....................................................................26
3.3.2 Wind load computation according to SR EN 1991-1-4-2006........................................27
3.4 Exceptional lods...................................................................................................................28
3.4.1 General positive adaptation of the building which includes:.........................................28
3.4.2 Obtaining a proper structural mechanism of energy dissipation under the action of
seismic forces. This objective implies the following:...................................................................28
3.4.3 Disposal of certain devices and equipment with the role of dissipating the seismic
energy: 28
3.4.4 General rules of design of the structure.........................................................................29
3.4.5 Seismic action evaluation.............................................................................................29
4 Structural analysis........................................................................................................................30
4.1 Materials used.......................................................................................................................31
4.2 Loads....................................................................................................................................31
4.3 Combinations Formulas........................................................................................................31
4.3.1 Materials and their properties.......................................................................................31
4.3.2 Shapes...........................................................................................................................32
4.4 Masses, per Total, cross section, type...................................................................................32
4.4.1 Total mass of the Structure...........................................................................................32
4.4.2 Mass Per Cross-Section................................................................................................32
4.4.3 Mass Per Surface Type.................................................................................................32
4.4.4 Seismic parameters.......................................................................................................33
4.5 Load combinations...............................................................................................................34
5 Reinforced concrete slab design...................................................................................................41
5.1 Preliminary design................................................................................................................42
5.2 Loads....................................................................................................................................43
5.3 Slab layout............................................................................................................................43
5.4 Computation of the moments in field and supports of the panels..........................................45
5.4.1 Centralizing table for the previous computation...........................................................50
5.4.2 Computation of the necessary reinforcement area.........................................................50
6 Reinforced concrete girder design................................................................................................52
6.1 Preliminary design................................................................................................................53
6.2 Shear force and bending moments........................................................................................53
6.3 Cross-section checking.........................................................................................................54
6.4 Mechanical characteristics of materials................................................................................54
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6.5 Longitudinal reinforcement computation..............................................................................55
6.5.1 Longitudinal reinforcement design in 1-2 bay..............................................................56
7 Reinforced concrete column design..............................................................................................58
7.1 Internal forces...........................................................................................................................59
7.2 Checking the maximum displacement of section......................................................................59
7.3 Materials properties..................................................................................................................60
7.4 Preliminary design....................................................................................................................60
7.5 Establishing the compressed zone height..............................................................................62
7.6 External bending moment’s computation.............................................................................62
7.7 Longitudinal reinforcement..................................................................................................63
7.7.1 Ground floor column....................................................................................................63
7.7.2 Verification at skew eccentric compression..................................................................64
7.8 Trasversal reinforcement design...........................................................................................65
Reinforcement on E axis...............................................................................................................66
Reinforcement on 3 axis...............................................................................................................66
8 Foundation design........................................................................................................................67
8.1 Geotechnical report...............................................................................................................68
8.2 Generalities...........................................................................................................................69
8.2.1 The aim of study...........................................................................................................69
8.2.2 Hydro-geological..........................................................................................................70
8.2.3 The minimum foundation depth....................................................................................70
8.3 Foundation calculation..........................................................................................................70
8.3.1 Establishing the plan dimensions..................................................................................70
8.3.2 Internal forces computation..........................................................................................72
Table Winkler method Computations...............................................................................73
Table Longitudinal Reinforcement...................................................................................74
Table Transversal reinforcement.......................................................................................74
9 Technological design....................................................................................................................75
9.1 Technological design............................................................................................................76
9.2 General conditions for construction execution:.....................................................................76
9.3 Materials...............................................................................................................................76
9.4 Technological stages.............................................................................................................76
9.5 Setting of the axes and establishing the 0 cote......................................................................76
9.6 Mechanical excavation.........................................................................................................77
9.6.1 Transport for the excavation works...............................................................................77
9.6.2 Drawing of the pad and column axis.............................................................................77
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9.6.3 The execution of the foundation works for spread and continuous foundation.............77
Foundation beams, and pad..........................................................................................................79
9.7 Design of the composition of concrete for the structure and infrastructure...........................81
9.7.1 Establishment of the concrete composition...................................................................81
FT1. Technological Sheet for the concrete composition...................................................................85
FT2. Technological Sheet for the concrete composition...................................................................89
9.7.6 Organizing the complex process of prepping, transporting and pouring concrete into the
formwork of the structural elements (foundations, frames, slabs)................................................90
9.8 Tower crane MT100.............................................................................................................91
9.9 Evaluation of the duration of the specific stages of the complex process.............................92
9.10 Checking if the technological condition for concreting is met:.............................................93
10 Economy...................................................................................................................................95
10.1 Bill Of Quantities..................................................................................................................96
10.2 Infrastructure........................................................................................................................96
11 Organization and Management...............................................................................................106
11.1 Time parameter analysis by CPM.......................................................................................107
11.2 Technological steps for infrastructure:................................................................................109
12 Quality in Construction...........................................................................................................112
12.1 Generalities.........................................................................................................................113
12.2 Embankments.....................................................................................................................114
12.3 Foundations........................................................................................................................114
12.4 Monolith reinforced concrete..............................................................................................115
12.4.1 Preparation of concrete...............................................................................................116
12.4.2 Control quality of the concrete....................................................................................116
12.4.3 Pouring the concrete at higher temperatures...............................................................116
12.4.4 Concrete treatments after pouring...............................................................................116
12.4.5 Conditions at lower temperatures................................................................................117
12.4.6 Joints (rosturi de turnare)............................................................................................117
12.4.7 Formwork removal.....................................................................................................117
12.4.8 Quality control of reinforced concrete works..............................................................117
12.5 Reinforcement....................................................................................................................118
12.5.1 Manufacturing and mounting of the reinforcements...................................................118
13 REFERENCES.......................................................................................................................119
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