NRC Document On GCB
NRC Document On GCB
NRC Document On GCB
Secondary - None
The standard review plan sections are numbered in accordance with corresponding sections in Regulatory Guide 1.70, "Standard
Format and Content of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants (LWR Edition)." Not all sections of Regulatory Guide 1.70
have a corresponding review plan section. The SRP sections applicable to a combined license application for a new light-water
reactor (LWR) are based on Regulatory Guide 1.206, "Combined License Applications for Nuclear Power Plants (LWR Edition)."
These documents are made available to the public as part of the NRC's policy to inform the nuclear industry and the general public
of regulatory procedures and policies. Individual sections of NUREG-0800 will be revised periodically, as appropriate, to
accommodate comments and to reflect new information and experience. Comments may be submitted electronically by email to
[email protected].
Requests for single copies of SRP sections (which may be reproduced) should be made to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, Washington, DC 20555, Attention: Reproduction and Distribution Services Section, or by fax to (301) 415-2289; or by
email to [email protected]. Electronic copies of this section are available through the NRC's public Web site at, or in the NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and
Management System (ADAMS), at, under Accession # ML100740246.
It includes two or more physically independent circuits capable of operating independently of the
onsite standby power sources and encompasses the grid, transmission lines (overhead or
underground), transmission line towers, transformers, switchyard components and control
systems, switchyard battery systems, the main generator, generator circuit breakers or load
break switches (if provided), disconnect switches, and other switchyard equipment, such as
capacitor banks and volt amperes reactive (VAR) compensators, provided to supply electric
power to safety-related and other equipment.
1. The preferred power system arrangement is reviewed to determine that the required
minimum of two separate circuits from the transmission network to the onsite distribution
system is provided. In determining the adequacy of this system, the independence of
the two (or more) circuits is examined to see that both electrical and physical separation
exists so as to minimize the chance of simultaneous failure. This includes a review of
the assignment of power sources from the grid; location of rights-of-way, transmission
lines and towers, transformers, switchyard interconnections (breakers and bus
arrangements), switchyard control systems and power supplies; and location of
switchgear (in-plant), interconnections between switchgear, cable routings, main
generator disconnect, the disconnect control system and power supply, and generator
circuit breakers/load break switches.
2. The independence of the preferred power system is evaluated with respect to the onsite
power system and any AAC power source provided for SBO. The scope of review
extends to the safety-related distribution system buses that are capable of being
powered by standby power sources. It does not include the supply breakers of the
safety-related distribution system buses. This evaluation will include a review of the
electrical protective relaying and breaker control circuits and power supplies to ensure
that loss of one preferred system circuit will not cause or result in loss of the redundant
counterpart, nor any AAC power source or standby power source.
3. Design information and analyses demonstrating the suitability of the power sources from
the grid, including transmission lines, breakers, and transformers used for supplying
preferred power from distant sources, are reviewed to ensure that each path has
sufficient capacity and capability to perform its intended function. This will require
examination of loads required to be powered for each plant operating condition;
continuous and fault ratings of breakers, transformers, and transmission lines; and
loading, unloading, and transfer effects on equipment; and power capacity available from
each source.
4. The instrumentation required for monitoring and indicating the status of the preferred
power system is reviewed to ensure that any change in the preferred power system that
would prevent it from performing its intended function will be immediately identified by
the control room operator. Also, all instrumentation for initiating safety actions
associated with the preferred power system is reviewed.
7. Quality group classifications of equipment of the preferred power system are reviewed.
8. The interface(s) of the preferred power system with the AAC power source, if provided,
is reviewed. The design, operation, and performance of the AAC power source are
reviewed in accordance with SRP Section 8.4.
9. Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria (ITAAC). For design certification
(DC) and combined license (COL) reviews, the staff reviews the applicant's proposed
ITAAC associated with the structures, systems, and components (SSCs) related to this
SRP section in accordance with SRP Section 14.3, "Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and
Acceptance Criteria." The staff recognizes that the review of ITAAC cannot be
completed until after the rest of this portion of the application has been reviewed against
acceptance criteria contained in this SRP section. Furthermore, the staff reviews the
ITAAC to ensure that all SSCs in this area of review are identified and addressed as
appropriate in accordance with SRP Section 14.3.
10. COL Action Items and Certification Requirements and Restrictions. For a DC
application, the review will also address COL action items and requirements and
restrictions (e.g., interface requirements and site parameters).
For a COL application referencing a DC, a COL applicant must address COL action
items (referred to as COL information in certain DCs) included in the referenced DC.
Additionally, a COL applicant must address requirements and restrictions (e.g., interface
requirements and site parameters) included in the referenced DC.
Review Interfaces
1. The organization responsible for electrical engineering reviews the adequacy of the
onsite power system, including standby emergency ac power sources, safety-related ac
distribution systems, station batteries and associated dc systems, and instrumentation
and control power systems, as part of its primary review responsibility for SRP Sections
8.3.1 and 8.3.2.
2. The organization responsible for electrical engineering reviews the overall compliance
with 10 CFR 50.63 requirements, as part of its primary review responsibility for SRP
Section 8.4, including the adequacy of the SBO analysis, the adequacy of reliability
targets for onsite ac sources (diesel generators), the duration for which the plant will be
able to withstand or cope with, and recover from, a SBO event.
3. The organization responsible for the review of reactor systems determines those system
components requiring electric power as a function of time for each mode of reactor
5. The organization responsible for the review of plant systems also verifies, on request,
the adequacy of those auxiliary systems required for the proper operation of the
preferred power system. These include such systems as heating and ventilation
systems for switchgear in the circuits from the preferred power sources to the onsite
power distribution system buses and main generator auxiliary systems such as the
cooling water system, hydrogen cooling system, turbine electro-hydraulic control system,
and air supply system.
6. The organization responsible for the review of plant systems verifies, on request, the
physical arrangements of components and structures of the preferred power system to
ensure that the paths from the preferred power sources to the standby power distribution
system buses will not experience simultaneous failure under operating or postulated
accident environmental conditions. This includes the effects of floods, missiles, pipe
whipping, and discharging fluids that result from equipment failures.
7. The organization responsible for the review of plant systems examines fire detection and
firefighting systems in preferred power system areas to ensure that the adverse effects
of fire are minimized as part of its primary review responsibility for SRP Section 9.5.1.
The plant systems review includes evaluation of the adequacy of fire protection provided
for redundant power supplies and circuits.
8. The organization responsible for the review of materials and chemical engineering
determines those system components requiring electric power as a function of time for
each mode of reactor operation and accident condition as part of its primary review
responsibility for SRP Sections 5.4.8, 9.2.3, 9.3.2, and 9.3.4.
9. The organization responsible for civil engineering and geosciences review provides, on
request, the information necessary to assess the effects of environmental conditions
(i.e., high and low atmospheric temperature, high winds, rain, ice, and snow) on the
preferred power system.
10. The organization responsible for the review of instrumentation and controls determines
those system components requiring electric power as a function of time for each mode of
reactor operation and accident condition as part of its primary review responsibility for
SRP Sections 7.2 through 7.7. The organization responsible for the review of
instrumentation and controls also verifies the adequacy of the preferred power system
instrumentation and controls.
12. The organization responsible for the review of containment systems and severe
accidents determines those system components requiring electric power as a function of
time for each mode of reactor operation and accident condition as part of its primary
review responsibility for SRP Sections 6.2.2, 6.2.3, 6.2.4, and 6.2.5.
13. The organization responsible for quality assurance review determines the acceptability
of the preoperational and initial startup tests and programs as part of its primary review
responsibility for SRP Section 14.2.
14. The organization responsible for human factors, reviews the adequacy of administrative,
testing, and operating procedure programs as part of its primary review responsibility for
SRP Sections,, and
15. The organizational responsible for quality assurance performs the reviews of design,
construction, and operation phase quality assurance programs under SRP Chapter 17.
In addition, while conducting regulatory audits in accordance with Office Instruction
NRR-LIC-111 or NRO-REG-108, “Regulatory Audits,” the technical staff may identify
quality-related issues. If this occurs, then the technical staff should contact the
organization responsible for quality assurance to determine if an inspection should be
The specific acceptance criteria and review procedures are contained in the referenced SRP
In general, the preferred power system is acceptable when it can be concluded that two
separate circuits from the transmission network to the onsite Class 1E power distribution system
are provided, adequate physical and electrical separation exists, and the system has the
capacity and capability to supply power to all safety loads and other required equipment.
Table 8-1 of SRP Section 8.1 lists GDCs, RGs, standards, and branch technical positions
(BTPs) utilized as the bases for arriving at this conclusion.
Acceptance criteria are based on meeting the relevant requirements of the following
Commission regulations:
1. GDC 2, found in Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50, as it relates to SSCs of the offsite power
systems being capable of withstanding the effects of natural phenomena (excluding
seismic, tornado, and flood) without the loss of the capability to perform their safety
4. GDC 17 as it relates to the preferred power system's (i) capacity and capability to permit
functioning of SSCs important to safety; (ii) provisions to minimize the probability of
losing electric power from any of the remaining supplies as a result of, or coincident with,
the loss of power generated by the nuclear power unit or loss of power from the onsite
electric power supplies; (iii) physical independence; (iv) availability.
6. GDCs 33, 34, 35, 38, 41, and 44 as they relate to the operation of the offsite electric
power system, encompassed in GDC 17, to ensure that the safety functions of the
systems described in GDCs 33, 34, 35, 38, 41, and 44 are accomplished.
7. 10 CFR 50.63 as it relates to an AAC power source (as defined in 10 CFR 50.2)
provided for safe shutdown (non-DBA) in the event of a SBO.
9. 10 CFR 52.47(b)(1), which requires that a DC application contain the proposed ITAAC
that are necessary and sufficient to provide reasonable assurance that, if the
inspections, tests, and analyses are performed and the acceptance criteria met, a plant
that incorporates the DC is built and will operate in accordance with the DC, the
provisions of the Atomic Energy Act (AEA), and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission’s (NRC's) regulations;
10. 10 CFR 52.80(a), which requires that a COL application contain the proposed
inspections, tests, and analyses, including those applicable to emergency planning, that
the licensee shall perform, and the acceptance criteria that are necessary and sufficient
to provide reasonable assurance that, if the inspections, tests, and analyses are
performed and the acceptance criteria met, the facility has been constructed and will
operate in conformity with the COL, the provisions of the AEA, and the NRC's
4. GDC 17 is satisfied as it relates to the preferred power system's (i) capacity and
capability to permit functioning of structures, systems, and components important to
safety; (ii) provisions to minimize the probability of losing electric power from any of the
remaining supplies as a result of, or coincident with, the loss of power generated by the
nuclear power unit, the loss of power from the transmission network, or the loss of power
from the onsite electric power supplies; (iii) physical independence; (iv) availability and
the guidelines of RG 1.32 (see also IEEE Std 308) as related to the availability and
number of immediate access circuits from the transmission network; and (v) capability to
meet the guidelines of Appendix A to SRP Section 8.2 as related to acceptability of
generator circuit breakers and generator load break switches.
For evolutionary light water reactor design applications, as documented in SECY 94-084
for designs such as the CE-ABB System 80+ and the GE ABWR, the design should
provide at least one offsite circuit to each redundant safety division that is supplied
directly from an offsite power source with no intervening non-safety buses, thereby
permitting the offsite source to supply power for safety buses in the event the non-safety
bus(es) fails. The design should also include an alternate power source to non-safety
loads, unless it can be demonstrated that existing design margins will ensure that
For passive reactor design applications, the passive safety-related systems only require
electric power for valves and related instrumentation, which can be supplied from the
onsite Class 1E batteries and associated dc and ac distribution systems. The
acceptability of this design for the AP 1000 is documented in SECY-05-0227 and FSER
NUREG-1793. If no offsite power is available, it is expected that the non-safety-related
diesel generators would be available for important plant functions, but this non-safety-
related ac power is not relied on to maintain core cooling or containment integrity.
Therefore, this passive reactor design supports an exemption to the requirement of GDC
17 for two physically independent offsite circuits, by providing safety-related passive
safety systems for core cooling and containment integrity (see also References 33, 34,
35). However, one offsite power source with sufficient capacity and capability from the
transmission network must be provided to power the safety-related systems and all other
auxiliary systems under normal, abnormal, and accident conditions. The offsite power
source should be designed to minimize to the extent practical the likelihood of its failure
under normal, abnormal, and accident conditions.
5. GDC 18 is satisfied as it relates to the inspection and testing of the offsite electric power
6. GDCs 33, 34, 35, 38, 41, and 44 are satisfied as they relate to the operation of the
offsite electric power system, encompassed in GDC 17, to ensure that the safety
functions of the systems described in GDCs 33, 34, 35, 38, 41, and 44 are
accomplished, assuming a single failure where applicable.
Except for passive reactor designs described in Subsection II(2) above, new applications
must provide an adequate AAC source of diverse design (with respect to ac onsite
emergency sources) that is consistent with the guidance in RG 1.155 and capable of
powering at least one complete set of normal safe shutdown loads. These issues are
reviewed in detail in SRP Section 8.4.
The technical rationale for application of these acceptance criteria to the areas of review
addressed by this SRP section is discussed in the following paragraphs:
1. Compliance with GDC 2 requires that nuclear power plant structures, systems, and
components important to safety be designed to withstand the effects of natural
phenomena such as high and low atmospheric temperatures, high wind, rain, lightning
discharges, ice and snow conditions, and weather events causing regional effects
without loss of capability to perform their intended safety function.
With regard to the offsite power system, this criterion requires that capability for the
offsite power system to perform its functions be retained during the most severe natural
phenomena that have been historically reported for the site and surrounding area.
Therefore, the offsite power system and its components must normally be located in
areas that provide protection from the effects of high and low atmospheric temperatures,
high wind, rain, lightning discharges, ice and snow conditions, and weather events
causing regional effects
Meeting this requirement provides assurance that equipment and structures are
designed to withstand the effects associated with natural phenomena, thus decreasing
the probability that climatology-related natural phenomena could initiate accidents or
prevent equipment from performing its safety function during an accident.
2. Compliance with GDC 4 requires that SSCs associated with offsite power system be
appropriately protected against dynamic effects, including the effects of missile that may
result from equipment failures.
The offsite power system is required to provide power to systems important to safety
during normal, abnormal, accident, and post-accident conditions.
Meeting these requirements provides assurance that the offsite power system supplies
electric power required for operation of systems important to safety even if/when subject
to adverse dynamic effects.
3. Compliance with GDC 5 requires that SSCs important to safety shall not be shared
among nuclear power units, unless it can be shown that such sharing will not
significantly impair their ability to perform their safety functions.
This criterion requires that component parts of the offsite power system not be shared
among units without sufficient justification, thereby ensuring that an accident in one unit
of a multiple-unit facility can be mitigated using an available complement of mitigative
features, including required ac power, irrespective of conditions in the other units and
without giving rise to conditions unduly adverse to safety in another unit. RG 1.32 is
cited to establish acceptable guidance related to the sharing of SSCs of the preferred
offsite power system.
4. Compliance with GDC 17 requires that onsite and offsite electrical power be provided to
facilitate the functioning of SSCs important to safety. Each electric power system,
assuming the other system is not functioning, must provide sufficient capacity and
capability to ensure that specified acceptable fuel design limits and the design conditions
of the reactor coolant pressure boundary are not exceeded as a result of anticipated
operational occurrences (AOOs) and that the core is cooled and containment integrity
and other vital functions are maintained in the event of postulated accidents.
GDC 17 further requires that electric power from the transmission network to the onsite
electric distribution system is supplied by two physically independent circuits designed
and located so as to minimize the likelihood of their simultaneous failure under
operating, postulated accident, and postulated environmental conditions. Each of these
circuits is required to be designed to be available in sufficient time following a loss of all
onsite ac power supplies and the other offsite electric power circuit, to assure that
specified acceptable fuel design limits and design conditions of the reactor coolant
pressure boundary are not exceeded. One of these circuits is also required to be
designed to be available within a few seconds following a loss-of-coolant accident
(LOCA) to assure that core cooling, containment integrity, and other vital safety functions
are maintained.
Provisions must also be included to minimize the probability of losing electric power from
any of the remaining supplies as a result of, or coincident with, the loss of power
generated by the nuclear power unit, the loss of power from the transmission network, or
the loss of power from the onsite electric power supplies. The trip of the nuclear power
unit is an AOO that can result in reduced switchyard voltage, potentially actuating the
plant=s degraded voltage protection and separating the plant=s safety buses from offsite
power. It can also result in grid instability, potential grid collapse, inadequate switchyard
voltages, and a subsequent LOOP due to loss of the real and/or reactive power support
supplied to the grid from the nuclear unit. Plant TS limiting condition for operations
(LCOs) require the offsite power system to be operable. However, since the capability of
the offsite power system cannot be tested except when challenged during an actual
event, the design bases for the offsite power system can only be assured through
analysis of the grid and plant conditions. Plant operators should therefore be aware of:
(1) the capability of the offsite power system to supply power, as required by TS, during
operation and (2) situations that can result in a LOOP following a trip of the plant. Plant
operators are expected to declare the offsite power system inoperable in the event of
degraded grid conditions that can not support adequate post-trip voltages. Additional
information on the adequacy of grid voltage, grid stability and grid reliability challenges
due to deregulation of the utility industry, and the effect of grid events on NPP
performance are provided in References 21, 24, 25, 29, 30, and 43.
GDC 17 also requires that the onsite power supplies and the onsite electrical distribution
system have sufficient independence, redundancy, and testability to perform their safety
functions assuming a single failure. Therefore, no single failure will prevent the onsite
Passive reactor designs incorporate passive safety-related systems for core cooling and
containment integrity, and therefore, do not depend on the electric power grid connection
and grid stability for safe operation. However, passive reactor designs also include
active systems that can provide defense-in-depth capabilities for reactor coolant makeup
and decay heat removal. The accident analysis and Probabilistic Risk Analysis (PRA)
need to be reviewed to identify these non-safety related systems. Once identified,
review of the electrical design of the plant needs to confirm that any offsite power
requirements for thses systems are met. The AP1000 safety analyses, for example,
assume that the reactor coolant pumps (RCPs) can receive power at 6.9 kV from either
the main generator or the grid for a minimum of 3 seconds following a turbine trip
assuming no electrical fault. Should a turbine trip occur during power operation, the
generator will continue rotating at synchronous speed by acting as a synchronous motor.
Anti-motoring protective relaying for the main generator will open the generator output
breaker after a time delay of at least 15 seconds, during which time the rotating
generator will provide voltage support for the grid. When the generator output breaker
trips, the plant distribution system utilizes backfeed from the grid to maintain power to
the RCPs. Therefore, grid stability analyses should verify that the grid remains stable for
a minimum of 3 seconds following a turbine trip to support the assumptions made in the
safety analyses for the passive reactor designs, such as the AP1000.
Meeting the requirements of GDC 17 provides assurance that a reliable electric power
supply can be provided for all facility operating modes, including AOOs and DBAs to
permit safety functions and other vital functions to be performed, even in the event of a
single failure.
5. Compliance with GDC 18 requires that electric power systems important to safety be
designed to permit appropriate periodic inspection and testing of key areas and features
to assess their continuity and the condition of their components. These systems shall be
designed to test periodically: (1) the operability and functional performance of the
components of the offsite power systems, such as onsite power sources, relays,
switches, circuit breakers, and buses, and (2) the operability of the systems as a whole
and, under conditions as close to design as practical, the full operational sequence that
brings the systems into operation, including operation of applicable portions of the
This criterion requires that the ac power system provide the capability to perform integral
testing on a periodic basis.
Meeting the requirements of GDC 18 provides assurance that, when required, offsite
power systems can be appropriately and unobtrusively accessed for required periodic
inspection and testing, enabling verification of important system parameters,
performance characteristics, and features and detection of degradation and/or
impending failure under controlled conditions.
6. GDCs 33, 34, 35, 38, 41, and 44 set forth requirements for the safety systems for which
the access to both offsite and onsite electric power sources must be provided.
Compliance with these criteria requires that capability be provided for reactor coolant
makeup during small breaks (GDC 33), residual heat removal (GDC 34), emergency
core cooling (GDC 35), containment heat removal (GDC 38), containment atmosphere
cleanup (GDC 41), and cooling water for structures, systems, and components important
to safety (GDC 44). These systems must be available during normal and accident
conditions, as required by the specific system.
GDC 33 requires that the system design shall be such that, for preferred power system
operation (if standby power is not available), the system safety function can be
accomplished using the piping, pumps, and valves to maintain coolant inventory during
normal reactor operations. For the offsite power system, these requirements are met if
the minimum design required by GDC 17 is provided. GDCs 34, 35, 38, 41, and 44
require that safety system redundancy shall be such that, for preferred power system
operation (if standby power is not available), the system safety function can be
accomplished, assuming a single failure.
For passive reactor design applications, such as the AP 1000, the potential risk
contribution of design basis event is minimized by not requiring ac power sources for
design-basis events (DBEs). Passive reactor designs incorporate passive safety-related
systems for core cooling and containment integrity, and therefore, do not depend on the
electric power grid connection and grid stability for safe operation. They are designed to
automatically establish and maintain safe shutdown conditions after DBEs for 72 hours,
without operator action, following a loss of both onsite and offsite ac power sources.
Consequently, passive reactor designs are not required to meet the requirements of
GDCs 33, 34, 35, 38, 41, and 44 for 72 hours.
7. Compliance with 10 CFR 50.63 requires that each light-water-cooled nuclear power
plant be able to withstand or cope with, and recover from, an SBO. As required by
10 CFR 50.63, electrical systems that are necessary support systems for SBO must be
10 CFR 50.63 also requires (through citation of the definition of AAC source in
10 CFR 50.2) minimum potential for common mode failure (i.e., acceptable
independence) between any AAC power source used for SBO and the offsite power
system or onsite power sources. Electrical ties between these systems, as well as the
physical arrangement of their interface equipment, must not prevent the use of any AAC
power source during loss of the offsite power system and/or onsite power sources. It is
also important that provisions for an AAC source will not adversely affect performance of
offsite or onsite power system functions. AAC power sources located at or near the
plant should conform to guidance provided in RG 1.155 concerning their capacity,
capability, and physical independence from onsite safety-related systems and the
preferred power system. See SRP Section 8.4 for details of the review of AAC power
sources for SBO.
For passive reactor design applications, such as the AP 1000, the potential risk
contribution of an SBO is minimized by not requiring ac power sources for DBEs. The
safety-related passive systems in these plants do not need non-safety-related ac power
sources to perform safety-related functions. They are designed to automatically
establish and maintain safe shutdown conditions after DBEs for 72 hours, without
operator action, following a loss of both onsite and offsite ac power sources.
Consequently, passive reactor designs meet the requirements of 10 CFR 50.63 for 72
Meeting the requirements of 10 CFR 50.63 provides assurance that the nuclear power
plant can be able to withstand or cope with, and recover from an SBO and will ensure
that core cooling and appropriate containment integrity are maintained.
8. 10 CFR 50.65 (a)(4) requires that licensees assess and manage the increase in risk that
may result from proposed maintenance activities before performing the maintenance
activities. Grid stability and offsite power availability are examples of emergent
conditions that may result in the need for action prior to the conduct of the assessment
or that could change the conditions of a previously performed assessment. Accordingly,
licensees should perform grid reliability evaluations as part of the maintenance risk
assessment before performing Agrid-risk-sensitive@ maintenance activities (such as
surveillances, post-maintenance testing, and preventive and corrective maintenance).
Such activities are those which could increase risk under existing or imminent degraded
grid reliability conditions, including (1) conditions that could increase the likelihood of a
plant trip, (2) conditions that could increase the likelihood of a LOOP or SBO, and (3)
conditions that could have an impact on the plant=s ability to cope with a LOOP or SBO,
such as out-of-service risk-significant equipment (for example, an EDG, a battery, a
steam-driven pump, or an alternate ac power source).
The reviewer will select material from the procedures described below, as may be appropriate
for a particular case.
These review procedures are based on the identified SRP acceptance criteria. For deviations
from these acceptance criteria, the staff should review the applicant=s evaluation of how the
proposed alternatives provide an acceptable method of complying with the relevant NRC
requirements identified in Subsection II.
1. To verify that the requirements of GDC 17 are satisfied, the following review steps
should be taken:
A. The electrical drawings should be examined to ensure that at least two separate
circuits from the transmission network to the onsite power distribution system
buses are provided (a single switchyard may be common to these paths).
For evolutionary light water reactor design applications, the design should
include at least one offsite circuit to each redundant safety division that is
supplied directly from an offsite power source with no intervening non-safety
buses, thereby permitting the offsite source to supply power for safety buses in
the event the non-safety bus(es) fail. The design should also include an
alternate power source to non-safety loads, unless it is demonstrated that
existing design margins will result in transients for loss of non-safety power
events that are no more severe than those associated with the turbine-trip-only
event specified in plant designs. See SRP Section 8.3.1 for further details.
For passive reactor design applications, such as the AP 1000, the passive
safety-related systems require electric power for valves and related
instrumentation which can be supplied from the onsite Class 1E batteries and
associated dc and ac distribution systems. If no offsite power is available, it is
expected that the non-safety-related diesel generators would be available for
important plant functions. However, this non-safety-related ac power is not relied
on to maintain core cooling or containment integrity. Therefore, the passive
reactor design supports an exemption to the requirements of GDC 17 for two
physically independent offsite circuits, by providing safety-related passive safety
systems for core cooling and containment integrity.
D. The design is examined to determine that at least one of the two required circuits
can, within a few seconds, provide power to safety-related equipment following a
LOCA. GDC 17 does not require these circuits in themselves to be
single-failure-proof for this accident. However, it is required that each circuit
have the capability to be available in sufficient time to prevent fuel design limits
and design conditions of the reactor coolant pressure boundary from being
exceeded. Therefore, the design is examined to determine that the period of
time that the station can remain in a safe condition assuming no ac power is
available is greater than the time required to reestablish ac power from the offsite
grid to the onsite Class 1E distribution buses for each single failure event.
The switchyard circuit breaker control scheme should be such that any incoming
transmission line, switchyard bus, or any path to the onsite safety-related
distribution buses can be isolated so that ac power can be reestablished to the
onsite Class 1E buses through its redundant counterpart. This should be
achieved with separate and redundant breaker tripping and closing devices that
are actuated by redundant dc battery supplies. Air stored under pressure in
accumulators or spring energy should be used to open and/or close breakers
For those designs that utilize a backfeed path through the main generator
step-up transformer, the reviewer must first ascertain if this path is required to
satisfy the GDC 17 requirement for an immediate or delayed access circuit. If
the circuit is for delayed access only, then the same determination (as discussed
in the previous paragraph) must be made, i.e., there is sufficient time to make
this circuit available (assuming the availability of the grid itself but the
unavailability of the immediate access circuit and the onsite power supplies) such
that the reactor remains in a safe condition. If the circuit is required for
immediate access or utilizes generator circuit breakers or generator load break
switches, then the reviewer should use the guidelines contained in Appendix A to
this SRP section.
E. Each of the circuits from the offsite system to the onsite distribution buses shall
have the capacity and capability to supply the loads assigned to the bus or buses
it is connected to during normal or abnormal operating conditions, accident
conditions, or plant shutdown conditions. Therefore, the loads to be supplied
during these conditions should be determined from information obtained in
coordination with other staff. The capacity and electrical characteristics of
transformers, circuit breakers, buses, transmission lines, other electrical
equipment, and the preferred power source for each path should be evaluated to
ensure that there is adequate capability to supply the maximum connected load
during all plant conditions. The design should also be examined to ensure that
during transfer from one power source to another the design limits of equipment
are not exceeded. Industry standards (References 46 & 48) and, for COL
applications, RG 1.206 (Section C.I.8.2.2), provide further information for the
reviewer regarding power system analytical studies to verify the capability of the
offsite power systems and their interfaces with the onsite power system.
F. The results of the grid stability analysis must show that loss of the largest single
supply to the grid does not result in the complete loss of preferred power. The
analysis should consider the loss, through a single event, of the largest capacity
being supplied to the grid, removal of the largest load from the grid, or loss of the
most critical transmission line. This could be the total output of the station, the
largest station on the grid, or possibly several large stations if these use a
common transmission tower, transformer, or a breaker in a remote switchyard or
substation. The station layout and the grid system layout drawings are reviewed
to determine that all the above events were included in the analysis. BTP 8-6,
industry standards (e.g., References 46 & 48), and, for COL applications, RG
1.206 (Section C.I.8.2.2) provide further information for the reviewer regarding
stability studies of offsite power systems.
The reviewer verifies that the grid stability analysis considers the effect of grid
events on the adequacy of offsite grid voltage available at the plant switchyard.
Operating experience has shown that a variety of factors, such as, power flow
The applicant should include in the grid stability analysis the consideration of
failure modes that could result in ac frequency variations exceeding the
maximum rate of change determined in the accident analysis for loss of reactor
coolant flow. Failure modes that could produce abnormal frequency events and
the plant frequency protection schemes are reviewed. Abnormal frequency
operating experience from the assessment of grid transient events (Reference
43) and industry standards (Reference 54) provide further information on
abnormal frequency considerations at nuclear power plants.
G. During the review of the electrical schematics, it should be determined that loss
of standby power will not result in loss of preferred power, loss of one preferred
power circuit will not result in loss of the other circuit, loss of the main generator
will not result in loss of either preferred power circuit, and loss of any combination
of these power sources will not prevent the use of AAC power.
H. The reviewer verifies that the preferred power system is independent of the
onsite power system. The basis for acceptance is that no single event, including
I. The reviewer verifies that adequate provisions are made in the design of the
plant and the offsite and onsite power systems for grounding, surge protection,
and lightning protection. The reviewer evaluates the plant/station grounding
systems, the methods of equipment and structural grounding, ac power system
neutral grounding and ground fault current limiting features, surge and lightning
protection features for outdoor equipment and circuits, and the measures for
isolation of instrumentation grounding systems. RG 1.204 and IEEE Stds 665,
666, 1050, and C62.23, provide acceptable guidelines for the design, installation,
and performance of station grounding systems and surge and lightning protection
J. The reviewer should verify that provisions are included in the design to minimize
the probability of losing electric power from any of the remaining supplies as a
result of, or coincident with, the loss of power generated by the nuclear power
unit, the loss of power from the transmission network, or the loss of power from
the onsite electric power supplies. The trip of the nuclear power unit is an
anticipated operational occurrence that can result in reduced switchyard voltage,
potentially actuating the plant=s degraded voltage protection and separating the
plant=s safety buses from offsite power. It can also result in grid instability,
potential grid collapse, inadequate switchyard voltages, and a subsequent LOOP
due to loss of the real and/or reactive power support supplied to the grid from the
nuclear unit. Plant TS LCOs require the offsite power system to be operable.
However, since the capability of the offsite power system cannot be tested
except when challenged during an actual event, the design bases for the offsite
power system can only be assured through analysis of the grid and plant
conditions. Plant operators should, therefore, be aware of: (1) the capability of
the offsite power system to supply power, as required by TS, during operation
and (2) situations that can result in a LOOP following a trip of the plant. Plant
operators are expected to declare the offsite power system inoperable in the
event of degraded grid conditions that can not support post-trip voltages. Further,
the reviewer should verify that communications (both voice and data) between
the NPP and its offsite transmission system operating authorities must be
implemented in assessing whether the offsite power sources are operable as
required by GDC17 and the plant TS. In addition, the reviewer should verify that
grid reliability evaluations, performed as part of the maintenance risk assessment
required by 10 CFR 50.65 before conducting Agrid-risk-sensitive@ maintenance
activities, are considered when evaluating the operability of the offsite power
The true capability of the offsite source cannot necessarily be verified through
direct readings of plant switchyard or safety bus voltages. Recent operating
experience (Reference 43) has shown that analyses of the surrounding grid and
plant conditions, based on accurate and timely transmission system data, are
needed to evaluate all possible contingencies at a given time. The reviewer
should verify that adequate status information, communications, analytical
resources, and procedures are provided to determine that the plant is operating
within the offsite power grid operability limits required by GDC 17 and the plant=s
TS. The information and guidance provided in NRC generic communications
(Reference 21), industry standards (Reference 50), and other NRC documents
(e.g., References 22, 24, 25, 29, 30, and 43) are useful in the review of the
adequacy and reliability of the plant=s interface with the offsite power grid and
communication with offsite transmission system operating authorities.
2. To ensure that the requirements of GDC 18 are satisfied, the detailed description of the
design should be examined to determine that the design includes provisions for testing
the transfer of the source of power feeding the onsite distribution system, e.g., from the
main generator supply to the preferred power system, or to any other supply. It should
also be established that the circuitry required to perform these transfer functions has the
capability of being tested during plant operation. The organization responsible for quality
assurance and maintenance should review preoperational and initial startup test
procedures. The organization responsible for quality assurance and maintenance
should also review the periodic test procedures.
RG 1.204 provides acceptable guidelines for an adequate and acceptable testing and
maintenance approach for the reviewer to confirm the proper installation of a lightning
protection system and ensure its continued ability to provide the level of protection for
which it was designed. The reviewer should verify that new lightning protection systems
(LPSs) are inspected following installation, and reinspected at least on a regular,
periodic throughout their lifetime. In particular, an LPS should be inspected whenever
any alterations or repairs are made to a protected structure, as well as following any
known lightning transient to the system. An LPS should be visually inspected at least
annually. In areas where severe climatic changes occur, it is advisable to inspect the
LPS semiannually or following extreme changes in ambient temperature. The reviewer
should verify that testing and maintenance procedures are established for each LPS.
The frequency of testing and maintenance will depend on weather-related degradation of
protective features, frequency and severity of damage attributable to lightning transients,
and required protection level. The LPS testing and maintenance program is reviewed for
the following activities: (1) inspection of all conductors and system components, (2)
tightening of all clamps and splices, (3) measurement of the earth grounding resistance,
3. GDCs 33, 34, 35, 38, 41, and 44 set forth requirements for the safety systems whose
source of power is the preferred power system. These criteria state that safety system
redundancy shall be such that, for preferred power system operation (assuming standby
power is not available), the system safety function can be accomplished assuming a
single failure.
To ensure that these requirements of the GDC identified above are satisfied, the
electrical schematics of the systems required for reactor coolant makeup, residual heat
removal, emergency core cooling, containment heat removal, containment atmosphere
cleanup, and cooling water should be examined to ensure that the circuits from the
preferred power system can supply redundant portions of these systems. If the
minimum design required by GDC 17 is provided, the immediately available preferred
circuit must be made available to the redundant portions of these systems.
4. All offsite power system equipment and components in the station switchyard and its
connection to the onsite Class 1E system are reviewed to determine that they are
appropriately included in the NPP quality assurance program. Safety-related equipment
and components, and those required to support systems with accident mitigating
functions, should have the appropriate quality classifications. The review should verify
that procedures, maintenance, and surveillance tests associated with the equipment and
components incorporate the appropriate quality controls. The organization responsible
for quality assurance and maintenance should determine the adequacy of the quality
assurance program.
5. To verify that the requirements (excluding seismic, tornado, and floods) of GDC 2 are
satisfied for the facility being considered, the organization responsible for civil
engineering and geosciences review should provide to the organization responsible for
electrical engineering review, upon request, information on the design basis, high and
low atmospheric temperatures, high wind, rain, lightning discharges, ice and snow
conditions, and weather events causing regional effects. This information should be
considered during the review to verify that the design minimizes the effects of these
conditions in accordance with GDC 17. Items such as switchyard and transformer
locations, transformer cooling, overhead transmission lines, underground or inaccessible
power and control cables could be affected by these conditions. Operating experience
provides additional information on the effects of severe heat and cold on electrical
system equipment (References 23 and 28) and on the effects of protracted
submergence and wet environments on underground electric cables (Reference 26).
Communication links between the plant operators and local TSO/ISOs serve as a means
to obtain timely information on power grid operating conditions and status to verify the
operability of the offsite power grid in accordance with the requirements of the plant=s
technical specifications. Communications with offsite entities are also important for
6. To ensure that the requirements of GDC 4 are satisfied, the organization responsible for
the review of plant systems should review the location of SSCs of the preferred power
system to determine the protection provided against dynamic effects, including effects of
missiles, pipe whipping, and discharging fluids, that may result from equipment failures
and from events and conditions outside the station. This information should be used to
determine the possibility of simultaneous loss of both paths of preferred power.
7. To ensure that the requirements of GDC 5 are satisfied, the SSCs of the preferred power
systems should be examined to identify any that are shared between units of a multi-unit
station. These should be reviewed to ascertain that they have sufficient capacity and
capability of performing all required safety functions in the event of an accident in one
unit, with a simultaneous orderly shutdown and cooldown of the remaining units. Review
of the design criteria should establish that the capacity and capability of incoming lines,
power sources, and transformers for each required circuit have margin to achieve this.
Spurious or false accident signals should not overload these circuits. SRP Section 8.3.1
further discusses spurious or false accident signal considerations.
9. The review of any automatic TSO action should ascertain that TSO actions (including
normal and postulated failure modes of operation) will not interfere with safety actions
that may be required of the reactor protection system. This system should also be
reviewed to ensure that no failure mode of the TSO system will cause an incident at the
generating station which would require protective action.
10. To verify that the relevant requirements of 10 CFR 50.63 are met, if an AAC source is
proposed for safe shutdown in the event of an SBO, the capacity, capability, reliability,
and independence of the AAC power source are reviewed in accordance with SRP
Section 8.4.
For evolutionary light water reactor design applications, the reviewer verifies, in
accordance with SRP Section 8.4, that the AAC for SBO is of diverse design (with
11. The Maintenance Rule Section 50.65(a)(4) requires that licensees assess and manage
the increase in risk that may result from proposed maintenance activities before
performing the maintenance activities. RG 1.182, used as a companion guide to
RG 1.160, provides guidance for assessing and managing the increase in risk that may
result from maintenance activities and for implementing the optional reduction in scope
of SSC=s considered in the assessment. The review should verify that grid reliability
evaluations are performed, as part of the maintenance risk assessment required by
10 CFR 50.65 before performing Agrid-risk-sensitive@ maintenance activities, including,
but not limited to, surveillances, post-maintenance testing, and corrective and preventive
maintenance. Such activities are those which could increase risk under existing or
imminent degraded grid reliability conditions, including: (1) conditions that could
increase the likelihood of a plant trip, (2) conditions that could increase the likelihood of
LOOP or SBO, and (3) conditions that have an impact on the plant=s ability to cope with
a LOOP or SBO, such as, out-of-service risk-significant equipment (e.g., an EDG, a
battery, a steam-driven pump, and alternate ac power source).
12. For reviews of DC and COL applications under 10 CFR Part 52, the reviewer should
follow the above procedures to verify that the design set forth in the safety analysis
report, and if applicable, site interface requirements meet the acceptance criteria. For
DC applications, the reviewer should identify necessary COL action items. With respect
to COL applications, the scope of the review is dependent on whether the COL applicant
references a DC, an ESP or other NRC-approved material, applications, and/or reports.
After this review, SRP Section 14.3 should be followed for the review of Tier I
information for the design, including the postulated site parameters, interface criteria,
and ITAAC.
The reviewer verifies that the applicant has provided sufficient information and that the review
and calculations (if applicable) support conclusions of the following type to be included in the
staff's safety evaluation report (SER). The reviewer also states the bases for those conclusions.
The offsite power system includes two or more identified circuits from the grid and its
transmission lines to the onsite distribution system. The review of the offsite power
system for the __________ plant covered single-line diagrams, station layout drawings
and schematic diagrams, and descriptive information.
1. The applicant has met the requirements of GDC 2, "Design Basis for Protection Against
Natural Phenomena," with respect to SSCs of the offsite power systems being capable
of withstanding the effects of natural phenomena such as high and low atmospheric
temperatures, high wind, rain, lightning discharges, ice and snow conditions, and
weather events causing regional effects by locating the offsite power system and
components in areas which provide protection from the effects of natural phenomena by
adequate plant design.
2. The applicant has met the requirements of GDC 4, "Environmental and Dynamic Effects
Design Bases," with respect to SSCs of the offsite power system being capable of
withstanding dynamic effects, including effects of missiles, pipe whipping, and
discharging fluids that may result from equipment failures and from events and
conditions outside the nuclear power unit associated with normal operation,
maintenance, testing, and postulated accidents by adequate plant design.
3. The applicant has met the requirements of GDC 5, "Sharing of Structures, Systems, and
Components," with respect to sharing of circuits of the preferred power system between
units. Each circuit has sufficient capacity to operate the engineered safety features for a
design basis accident on one unit and those systems required for concurrent safe
shutdown on the remaining units.
4. The applicant has met the requirements of GDC 17, "Electric Power Systems," with
respect to the offsite power system's (a) capacity and capability to permit functioning of
structures, systems, and components important to safety; (b) provisions to minimize the
probability of losing electric power from any of the remaining supplies as a result of, or
coincident with, the loss of power generated by the nuclear power unit or loss of power
from the onsite electric power supplies; c) physical independence of circuits; and (d)
availability of circuits. The preferred power system consists of at least two physically
independent circuits routed from the electrical grid system by transmission lines to the
onsite power distribution system. At least one circuit will be available within a few
seconds following a loss of coolant accident and is considered an immediate access
circuit. Each circuit is designed and located so as to minimize to extent practical the
likelihood of their simultaneous failure under operating and postulated accident and
environmental conditions. Each circuit has been sized with sufficient capacity to supply
all connected loads. Each circuit can be made available to the onsite power system,
assuming loss of the onsite ac standby power supplies and loss of the other offsite
circuit, to ensure that fuel design limits and design conditions of the reactor coolant
pressure boundary are not exceeded. The switchyard is arranged such that each offsite
circuit can be isolated from other circuits to permit reestablishment of offsite power to the
onsite distribution system. The switchyard is also arranged such that single events (e.g.,
a spurious relay trip or a breaker not operating during fault conditions) will not cause
This meets the guidelines of RG 1.32, "Criteria for Safety-Related Electric Power
Systems for Nuclear Power Plants."
5. The applicant has met the requirements of GDC 18, "Inspection and Testing of Electric
Power Systems," with respect to the capability to test systems and associated
components during normal plant operation and the capability to test the transfer of power
from the nuclear power unit, the offsite preferred power system, and the onsite power
6. The applicant=s overall compliance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.63 is discussed
in Section 8.4 of the SER. The applicant has met the requirement of 10 CFR 50.63,
"Loss of All Alternating Current Power," with respect to the adequacy of the AAC power
source provided for safe shutdown (non-DBA) in the event of an SBO and the
independence of the AAC source from offsite power systems and onsite power sources.
In compliance with the relevant guidance of RG 1.155, the offsite AAC power source is
located at or near the plant, has sufficient capacity, capability, and reliability to achieve
and maintain safe shutdown (non-DBA), and is adequately independent from onsite
safety-related and preferred power systems, and thus satisfies the definition for an
acceptable AAC source as specified in 10 CFR 50.2.
7. The applicant has met the requirements of 10 CFR 50.65(a)(4) with respect to the onsite
dc power system. The acceptability is based on meeting the relevant positions of
RG 1.182.
For DC and COL reviews, the findings will also summarize the staff's evaluation of requirements
and restrictions (e.g., interface requirements and site parameters) and COL action items
relevant to this SRP section.
In addition, to the extent that the review is not discussed in other SER sections, the findings will
summarize the staff's evaluation of the ITAAC, including design acceptance criteria, as
The staff will use this SRP section in performing safety evaluations of DC applications and
license applications submitted by applicants pursuant to 10 CFR Part 50 or 10 CFR Part 52.
Except when the applicant proposes an acceptable alternative method for complying with
specified portions of the Commission=s regulations, the staff will use the method described
herein to evaluate conformance with Commission regulations.
The provisions of this SRP section apply to reviews of applications submitted 6 months or more
after the date of issuance of this SRP section, unless superseded by a later revision.
3. 10 CFR Part 50, '50.65, "Requirements for monitoring the effectiveness of maintenance
at nuclear power plants."
4. 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix A, GDC 2, "Design Bases for Protection Against Natural
5. 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix A, GDC 4, "Environmental and Dynamic Effects Design
8. 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix A, GDC 18, "Inspection and Testing of Electric Power
10. 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix A, GDC 34, "Residual Heat Removal.@
11. 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix A, GDC 35, "Emergency Core Cooling.@
12. 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix A, GDC 38, "Containment Heat Removal.@
13. 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix A, GDC 41, "Containment Atmosphere Cleanup.@
17. SRP Section 8.1, Table 8-1, "Acceptance Criteria for Electric Power.@
18. SRP Section 8.1, Appendix 8-A, "General Agenda, Station Site Visits.@
19. Appendix A to SRP Section 8.2, "Guidelines for Generator Circuit Breakers/Load Break
22. NRC Information Notice 97-05, AOffsite Notification Capabilities,@ February 27, 1997.
23. NRC Information Notice 98-02, ANuclear Power Plant Cold Weather Problems and
Protective Measures,@ January 21, 1998.
24. NRC Information Notice 98-07, AOffsite Power Reliability Challenges from Industry
Deregulation,@ February 27, 1998.
25. NRC Information Notice 2000-06, AOffsite Power Voltage Inadequacies,@ March 27,
27. NRC Information Notice 2005-15, AThree-Unit Trip and Loss of Offsite Power at Palo
Verde Nuclear Generating Station,@ June 1, 2005.
28. NRC Information Notice 2006-06, ALoss of Offsite Power and Station Blackout Are More
Probable During Summer Period,@ March 3, 2006.
29. NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2000-24, AConcerns About Offsite Power Voltage
Inadequacies and Grid Reliability Challenges Due to Industry Deregulation,@
December 21, 2000.
30. NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2004-05, AGrid Reliability and the Impact on Plant Risk
and the Operability of Offsite Power,@ April 15, 2004.
31. SECY 90-16, AEvolutionary Light Water Reactor Certification Issues and Their
Relationships to Current Regulatory Requirements,@ January 12, 1990. Approved in the
SRM of June 26, 1990.
32. SECY 91-078, AEPRI=s Requirements Document and Additional Evolutionary LWR
Certification Issues,@ 1991. Approved in the SRM of August 15, 1991.
33. SECY 94-084 APolicy and Technical Issues Associated with the Regulatory Treatment of
Non-safety Systems in Passive Plant Designs,@ dated March 28, 1994. Approved in the
SRM of June 30, 1994.
34. SECY-95-132 APolicy and Technical Issues Associated with the Regulatory Treatment of
Non-safety Systems (RTNSS) in Passive Plant Designs.@ Approved in the SRM of
June 28, 1995.
35. NRC Memorandum; From: D. Crutchfield; To: File; Subject: Consolidation of SECY-94-
084 and SECY-95-132, July 24, 1995. SECY-94-084 was approved in the SRM of June
30, 1994. SECY-95-132 was approved in the SRM of June 28, 1995.
37. RG 1.32, "Criteria for Safety-Related Electric Power Systems for Nuclear Power Plants."
40. RG 1.182, AAssessing and Managing Risk Before Maintenance Activities at Nuclear
Power Plants,@ Revision 0, May 2000.
41. RG 1.204, AGuidelines for Lightning Protection of Nuclear Power Plants,@ Revision 0,
November 2005.
42. RG 1.206, ACombined License Applications for Nuclear Power Plants (LWR Edition),@
June 30, 2006.
44. NUREG-1793, AFinal Safety Evaluation Report Related to Certification of the AP1000
Standard Design,@ September 2004.
45. Region IV Task Interface Agreement (TIA) No. 2002-03; Evaluation of Potential
Unreviewed Safety Questions Associated with Modifications Made to Offsite Power at
Cooper Nuclear Station (TAC No. MB5768).
46. IEEE Std. 242-2001, ARecommended Practice for Protection and Coordination of
Industrial and Commercial Power Systems,@ (Buff Book).
47. IEEE Std. 308-2001, "IEEE Standard Criteria for Class 1E Power Systems for Nuclear
Power Generating Stations.@
48. IEEE Std. 399-1997, ARecommended Practice for Power Systems Analysis,@ (Brown Book).
49. IEEE Std. 665-1995 (Reaffirmed 2001), AGuide for Generating Station Grounding.@
50. IEEE Std. 666-1991 (Reaffirmed 1996), ADesign Guide for Electric Power Service
Systems for Generating Stations.@
51. IEEE Std. 741-1997, AIEEE Standard Criteria for the Protection of Class 1E Power
Systems and Equipment in Nuclear Power Generating Stations.@
52. IEEE Std. 765-1983, AIEEE Standard for Preferred Power Supply (PPS) for Nuclear
Power Generating Stations.@ (2002 is latest revision)
54. IEEE Std. C37.106 -2003, AGuide for Abnormal Frequency Protection for Power
Generating Plants.@
55. IEEE Std. C62.23-1995 (Reaffirmed 2001), AApplication Guide for Surge Protection of
Electric Generating Plants.@
56. EPRI ALWR Utility Requirements Document, Volume II, "Evolutionary Plants,@ Chapter
11, "Electric Power Systems,@ Revision 6, December 1993, Electric Power Research
57. NUMARC 93-01, AIndustry Guideline for Monitoring the Effectiveness of Maintenance at
Nuclear Power Plants," Section 11. Nuclear Energy Institute, February 11, 2000.
58. NRC Information Notice 2006-18, ASignificant Loss of Safety-Related Electrical Power at
Forsmark, Unit 1, in Sweden,@ August 17, 2006.
The NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a request for information or an information
collection requirement unless the requesting document displays a currently valid OMB control number.
1. Background
Generator circuit breakers have been used in nuclear generating station designs
(McGuire, Catawba) as a means of providing immediate access of the onsite ac power
systems to the offsite circuits by isolating the unit generator from the main step-up and
unit auxiliary transformers and allowing backfeeding of power through these circuits to
the onsite ac power system. Generator load break switches can also be used as a
means of providing access to the offsite circuits as described above, but only on a
delayed basis. Since this is a new design feature, the staff made the use of generator
circuit breakers and load break switches a generic safety issue (NUREG-0933, Item
B-53). In the case of McGuire and Catawba, References 1, 2, and 3, an expert
consultant was retained to evaluate the generator circuit breaker verification testing
program and its results. These guidelines are formalization of the results of that
extensive work. Also guidelines for the load break switches are incorporated, as these
devices have some common functional requirements as generator breakers as
described above.
The staff has made a determination that only devices that have the capability of
interrupting the system maximum available fault current, i.e., circuit breakers, will be
approved as a means of isolating the unit generators from the offsite power system in
order to provide immediate access in accordance with GDC 17. This is necessary
because a non fault current interrupting device, i.e., load break switch, must delay its trip
for electrical faults until the switchyard circuit breakers have interrupted the current.
Following opening of the load break switch, the switchyard circuit breakers must then be
reclosed to establish offsite power to the unit. A generator circuit breaker, however,
could interrupt the fault current and isolate the unit generator at the same time,
maintaining continuous power to the onsite ac power system.
IEEE Std. C37-013 (Reference K) was issued to cover the ratings and required
capabilities for ac high-voltage generator circuit breakers rated on a symmetrical current
basis that are installed between the generator and the transformer terminals. Guidance
for the application of generator circuit breakers is also given.
2. Specific Guidelines
A. Only devices which have maximum fault current interrupting capability, i.e., circuit
breakers, can be used to isolate the unit generator from the offsite and onsite ac
power systems in order to provide immediate access for the onsite ac power
system to the offsite source. Generator load break switches can only be used for
isolating the unit generator for the purpose of providing a delayed access offsite
(ii) Load Current Switching. Tests are made to determine the ability of the
generator circuit breaker to switch load current up to the rated continuous
current of the generator, such as load currents that may be encountered
in normal service. When switching the generator from the system, both
generator circuit breaker terminals remain energized. The power
frequency recovery voltage appearing across the generator circuit
breaker is equal to the sum of voltage drops on the reactances of the
generator and transformer and the corresponding short-circuit reactance
of the high-voltage system.
For applications which use only one generator circuit breaker, the circuit
breaker should be cycled through 40 load interruption operations (a lesser
number requires suitable justification) at a current equal to the normal full
load continuous current rating of the circuit breaker. For applications
which utilize two generator circuit breakers in a parallel circuit, the circuit
breaker should be given 40 load interruption operations (a lesser number
requires suitable justification) at a current equal to twice the normal full
load continuous current rating of the circuit breakers. The procedures
and acceptance criteria utilized for this test should be based upon those
given in IEEE Std C37.013.
(iv) Rated Transient Recovery Voltage (TRV). The ability to withstand rated
TRVs, as specified in IEEE Std C37.013 for rated symmetrical and
asymmetrical currents, is demonstrated during short-circuit tests. Both
inherent circuit transient recovery voltage and power frequency recovery
voltage must be considered when demonstrating the rating of a generator
circuit breaker. Additional information and guidance on TRV is provided
in IEEE Std C37.011 (Reference J).
The fault current chosen should be that due to a fault on the system at a
point which causes the largest I2t heating of the circuit breaker. The
short-time current-carrying capability should be demonstrated with a
current-carrying test as described in IEEE Std C37.013. It is not to be
inferred that the generator circuit breaker is to be capable of interrupting
after the required short-time current-carrying capability duty until it has
cooled down to normal heat run temperature.
(vi) Duty Cycle Capability. The duty cycle capability of the generator circuit
breaker should be demonstrated by a series of symmetrical and
asymmetrical close-open cycle tests as specified in IEEE Std C37.013.
The time between two operations to interrupt short circuit current shall be
the rated value of 30 minutes specified in the standard.
(ix) Mechanical Endurance Life Test. No-load mechanical operation tests are
made on a complete generator circuit breaker or on a single pole of the
generator circuit breaker if all three poles are identical to ensure its
satisfactory operation in normal service without excessive maintenance.
In practical applications, the generator circuit breaker is connected to the
bus duct by means of flexible copper or aluminum connections. The
enclosure of the generator circuit breaker may be welded to the enclosure
of the bus duct. These conditions should be taken into account during the
(x) Rated Interrupting Time. The rated interrupting time of the generator
circuit breaker is the maximum permissible interval between the
energizing of the trip circuit at rated control voltage and rated fluid
pressure of the operating mechanism and the interruption of the main
circuit in all poles on an opening operation. Typical values are
approximately 60B90 ms with the actual time being dependent on the
rated short-circuit current. For generator circuit breakers equipped with
resistors, the interrupting time for the resistor current may be longer.
(xi) Short Circuit Current with Delayed Current Zero. It is generally accepted
that the generator circuit breaker will be required, during its life, to
interrupt short-circuit currents from the generator-source with delayed
current zeros. It is also recognized that the magnitudes of these short
circuit currents are considerably lower than the magnitudes of the rated
short-circuit currents. The capability of the generator circuit breaker to
interrupt the delayed current zeros can be ascertained by computations
C. The availability of offsite power to the onsite loads for designs utilizing generator
circuit breakers should be no less than comparable designs which utilize
separate offsite power transformers to supply offsite power to the station loads.
In this regard the trip selectivity between the generator circuit breakers and the
switchyard high voltage generator circuit breakers should insure against
unnecessary tripping of the switchyard generator circuit breakers during
abnormal events in order to maintain offsite power to the station loads.
Revision 5 to SRP Section 8.2 updates Revision 4 of this section, dated March 2007, to reflect
the following changes:
1. This SRP section is administratively updated by the Office of New Reactors, per request
from Juan D. Peralta, Branch Chief, Quality and Vendor Branch 1, Division of Construction,
Inspection, and Operational Programs, memorandum dated February 17, 2010 (ADAMS
Accession No. ML10090148).