Agriculture MCQs Practice Test 1

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5/12/2019----Competitive Exams: Agriculture MCQs (Practice Test 1 of 56)- Translation in Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Sindhi, Sindhi,

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Competitive Exams: Agriculture MCQs (Practice-Test 1 of 56)

1. Which one of the following factor establishes the importance of agricultur in the national

a. Higher per capita income of the people of the country

b. Higher shar of agricultur sector in the GDP of the country

c. Higher shar of industrial sector in the GDP of the country

d. Higher percentage of agriculture dependent population in the country

2. A high percentage of cropped area in India is covered by rice cultivation because

a. Ther is adequate rainfall

b. rice can be grown in different seasons

c. A large par of the population of India is rice eating

d. rice is adaptable to most types of land and agr climatic conditions

3. National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning's concept of an agroecological zone
is a land unit

a. Having similar soil climatic belts

b. Having homogeneous agr climatic zone conditions for raising crops

c. Having the required moisture availability index for raising crops

d. Carved out of agr climatic zones when superimposed on land for and soil conditions
to act as a modifier of the length of growing period

4. Which one of the following would lead to a change in the optimum combination of two
enterprises substituting at an increasing rate?

a. A change in the prices of the inputs used and production possibility curve

b. A change in the production possibility curve and prices of the enterprises

c. A change in the prices of the enterprises and inputs used

d. A change in the prices of the inputs used

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5/12/2019----Competitive Exams: Agriculture MCQs (Practice Test 1 of 56)- Translation in Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Sindhi, Sindhi,
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5. Match List I (Organizations) with List II (Functions) and select the correct answer:

List-I List-II

a. WTO a. Agricultural prices

b. LDB b. refinance

c. NABArD c. regulatory

d. CACP d. Longter credit


a. 4 1 3 2

b. 3 4 1 2

c. 3 4 2 1

d. 4 3 1 2

6. Consider the following steps:

a. Analyzing the factor or forces which ar responsible for the existing production
patterns and resource use

b. Determining the extent to which the existing use of resources deviates from the

c. Delineating means and methods for changing the existing use of resources to the
optimum level

d. Determining and defining the conditions which provide for optimum use of

The proper sequence of these steps in the study of agricultural production economics is

a. 4, 2, 3, 1

b. 1, 2, 4, 3

c. 1, 4, 2, 3

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d. 2, 3, 1, 4

7. A farmer practices vegetable and crop cultivation. Given below ar the marginal value
productivities (MVP) of a unit of Rs. 1000 capital in each enterprise at varying levels of
capital use. Capital can be acquired at 25 per cent rate of interest.

Unit of capital MVP of capital in vegetable MVP of capital in crop

(No.) cultivation (Rs.) cultivation (Rs.)

I Rs. 1500 Rs. 1700

II Rs. 1450 Rs. 1600

III Rs. 1400 Rs. 1500

IV Rs. 1350 Rs. 1400

V Rs. 1200 Rs. 1300

VI Rs. 1150 Rs. 1200

VII Rs. 1000 Rs. 1150

How much total capital can be most profitably used by the farmer?

a. Rs. 14000

b. Rs. 12000

c. Rs. 9000

d. Rs. 7000

8. Which one of the following formulae gives the correct measure of rate of capital turnover?

a. (Net Income/Total Far Assets) x 100

b. (Gross Income/Total Far Assets) x 100

c. (Far Business Income/Total Far Assets) x 100

d. (Capital Investment/Total Far Assets) x 100

9. A linear programming simplex basic table is given below:

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C1 500 250 0 0 0 0 X3 5 1 1 1 0 0 0 X4 48 12 4 0 1 0 0 X5 150 10 50 0 0 1

Z1 0 0 0 0 0

Z1--0 − 0 0 0 0

Which one of the following sets of alternatives indicates the correct combination of the
incoming and outgoing activities? Activity Incoming Outgoing

a. X1 X3

b. X2 X4

c. X2 X5

d. X1 X4

10. Consider the following statements: Zero-sed budgeting lays emphasis on

a. Unlimited deficit financing

b. Preparing new budget from scratch

c. Preparing the budget neglecting the histor of expenditure

Which of the above statements are correct?

a. 2 and 3

b. 1 and 2

c. 1 and 3

d. 1, 2 and 3

11. Given the production functions: 0.25 0.75 Y = 30X1 X 2, Wher Y = output X1 = input
factor 1 & X2 = input factor 2 The natur of returns of scale will be

a. Increasing

b. Decreasing

c. Constant

d. Fluctuating

12. The net profit in cooperative joint farming is distributed among the member on the basis
of which one of the following principles?

a. Equal amount for each member

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b. In proportion to the shar money of the members

c. In proportion to the total hour of work provided by the member

d. In proportion to the area pooled by the member

13. Which one of the following activates is a complementar programme of agriculture?

a. Agro-irrigation

b. Agro-chanization

c. Agro-processing

d. Agro-materials control

14. Which one of the following is the main obstacle to introducing an identical farming system
throughout the country?

a. Composition of the farming community

b. Combination of cultivated crops

c. Land tenur system

d. Agro-climatic conditions

15. Groundnut originated in

a. Brazil

b. South Africa

c. Australia

d. Mexico

16. The cohesiveness and tenderness of cooked rice depend largely on the

a. Proportion of amylase and protein

b. Percentage of amyl pectin

c. Percentage of protein

d. Proportion of amylase and amyl pectin

17. The bacteria responsible for stem nodulation in some legumes is

a. rhizovium sp.

b. Brady rhizobium sp.

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c. Azo-izobium sp.

d. Non-izobium sp.

18. Consider the following statements: The response of phosphate fertilizer in acidic soil
under lowland ecosystem is better when applied in the for of

a. Water soluble phosphate

b. rock Phosphate

c. Any P-ntaining fertilizer

d. Citrate soluble phosphate

Which of the above statements are correct?

a. 1 and 3

b. 2 and 4

c. 3 and 4

d. 1 and 2

19. Which one of the following resources will continue to play the pivotal role in crop
production activity to meet the challenging demand of food, fibr and fuel for exploding
human population, fodder for animals, and industrial raw material for agro-sed industries
in the country?

a. Natural

b. Organic

c. Chemical

d. Artificial

20. Match List I (Operation) with List II (Crop) and select the correct answer:

List-I List-II

a. retting a. Flax

b. Puddling b. rice

c. Shelling c. Sugarcane

d. Earthing up d. Ground nut

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5/12/2019----Competitive Exams: Agriculture MCQs (Practice Test 1 of 56)- Translation in Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Sindhi, Sindhi,
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a. 1 2 3 4

b. 2 1 4 3

c. 1 2 4 3

d. 2 1 3 4

21. Use of high analysis fertilizer which minimize inadvertent addition of micronutrients

a. Causes toxicities of micronutrients in soils and plants

b. Increases availability of micronutrients in soils and plants

c. Leads to deficiencies of micronutrients in soils and plants

d. Immobilizes micronutrients in soils and plants

22. When a concept is outlined as interdisciplinary, holistic or interactive and is simultaneous

in approach from different angles, hopefully resulting in farmeradaptable and farmer-
oriented technology in a shorter time span, it is termed as

a. Farming system research

b. Cropping system research

c. Cropping pattern

d. Multiple cropping

23. Par grass is ideally suited for

a. Arid climate

b. Semiarid climate

c. Subhumid climate

d. Humid climate

24. Irrigation requirement (hectare-ntimeter) of autumn (aus) rice is

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a. rEquirement 50

b. rEquirement 100

c. rEquirement 150

d. rEquirement 200

25. Irrigation water becomes toxic for most of the crops, when the boron concentration is

a. Concentration 0.5 ppm

b. Concentration 1.0 ppm

c. Concentration 1.5 ppm

d. Concentration Above 2 ppm

26. Irrigation water rich in bicarbonate content leaves a higher proportion of

a. Sodium to divalent cautions in the soil solution

b. Calcium to other divalent ceitions in the soil solution

c. Magnesium to other divalent cations in the soil solution

d. Potassium to divalent cations in the soil solution

27. Match List I (Herbicide) with List II (Origin/use) and select the correct answer:

List-I List-II

a. Bialophos a. Synthetic derivative of the microbial toxin anisomycin

b. Methoxyphenone b. Naturally occurring herbicide

c. Paraquat c. Selective herbicide

d. Linuron d. Non-selective herbicide


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5/12/2019----Competitive Exams: Agriculture MCQs (Practice Test 1 of 56)- Translation in Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Sindhi, Sindhi,
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a. 1 2 3 4

b. 2 4 1 3

c. 2 1 4 3

d. 3 1 4 2

28. Crop rotations is a sequential cropping of different crops over a piece of land in a

a. Pre-planned manner of succession of crops

b. Post-planned manner of crop arrangement

c. Modified way during the implementation of crop cultivation

d. Planned manner of resource utilization

29. Consider the following statements: Yield advantage in an intercropping system is due to
the development of

a. Temporal complementarity's

b. Spatial complementarity's

c. Competitive relationship

Which of the above statements are correct?

a. 1 and 2

b. 2 and 3

c. 1 and 3

d. 1, 2 and 3

30. The approach of additive series of intercropping means

a. Some specified population of a component is replaced by the same population of

another component

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5/12/2019----Competitive Exams: Agriculture MCQs (Practice Test 1 of 56)- Translation in Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Sindhi, Sindhi,
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b. Having the full population of main crop and accommodation of some population of
other crops

c. Sowing intercrop three to four weeks after sowing the main crop

d. The system of growing arable crops in the alleys of trees

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