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Earthquake Analysis of
Linear Systems
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In this section we develop the modal analysis procedure to determine the response of a
structure to earthquake-induced ground motion ü g (t), identical at all support points of the
The differential equations (9.4.8) governing the response of an MDF system to earthquake-
induced ground motion are repeated:
mü + cu̇ + ku = peff (t) (13.1.1)
peff (t) = −mιü g (t) (13.1.2)
The mass and stiffness matrices, m and k, and the influence vector ι are determined by
the methods of Chapter 9. The damping matrix c would not be needed in modal analysis
of earthquake response; instead, modal damping ratios suffice and their numerical values
can be estimated as discussed in Chapter 11. The modal analysis procedure developed in
Chapter 12 to solve Eq. (12.4.1) is applicable to the solution of Eq. (13.1.1).
Equation (12.4.6) is specialized for earthquake excitation by replacing p(t) in Eq. (12.3.4)
by peff (t) to obtain
q̈n + 2ζn ωn q̇n + ωn2 qn = −n ü g (t) (13.1.7)
The solution qn (t) can readily be obtained by comparing Eq. (13.1.7) to the equation of
motion for the nth-mode SDF system, an SDF system with vibration properties—natural
frequency ωn and damping ratio ζn —of the nth mode of the MDF system. Equation (6.2.1)
with ζ = ζn , which governs the motion of this SDF system subjected to ground accelera-
tion ü g (t), is repeated here with u replaced by Dn to emphasize its connection to the nth
D̈n + 2ζn ωn Ḋn + ωn2 Dn = −ü g (t) (13.1.8)
Comparing Eq. (13.1.8) to (13.1.7) gives
qn (t) = n Dn (t) (13.1.9)
Thus qn (t) is readily available once Eq. (13.1.8) has been solved for Dn (t), utilizing nu-
merical time-stepping methods for SDF systems (Chapter 5).
The factor n [defined in Eq. (13.1.5a)] that multiples ü g (t) in Eq. (13.1.7) is the
same as the coefficient in the modal expansion of the influence vector:
ι= n φn
It has been called a modal participation factor, implying that it is a measure of the degree
to which the nth mode participates in the response. This is not a useful definition, how-
ever, because n is not independent of how the mode is normalized, nor a measure of the
modal contribution to a response quantity. Both these drawbacks are overcome by modal
contribution factors that were first introduced in Section 12.10 and will be utilized later
(Chapter 18) to investigate earthquake response of buildings.
leads to
fn (t) = sn An (t) (13.1.11)
where, similar to Eq. (6.4.3),
An (t) = ωn2 Dn (t) (13.1.12)
The equivalent static forces fn (t) are the product of two quantities: (1) the nth-mode contri-
bution sn to the spatial distribution mι of peff (t), and (2) the pseudo-acceleration response
of the nth-mode SDF system to ü g (t).
The nth-mode contribution rn (t) to any response quantity r (t) is determined by static
analysis of the structure subjected to external forces fn (t). If rnst denotes the modal static
response, the static value (indicated by superscript “st”) of r due to external forces† sn ,
rn (t) = rnst An (t) (13.1.13)
Observe that rnst may be positive or negative and is independent of how the mode is normal-
ized. Equation (13.1.13) also applies to the displacement response, although its derivation
had been motivated by the desire to compute forces from the displacements. The static
displacements due to forces sn satisfy kustn = sn . Substituting Eq. (13.1.6) for sn and using
Eq. (10.2.4) gives
ustn = k−1 (n mφn ) = 2 φn
Substituting this in Eq. (13.1.13) gives
un (t) = φn An (t) (13.1.14)
which is equivalent to Eq. (13.1.10) because of Eq. (13.1.12).
Combining the response contributions of all the modes gives the total response of the struc-
ture to the ground motion. Thus the nodal displacements are
u(t) = un (t) = n φn Dn (t) (13.1.15)
n=1 n=1
wherein Eq. (13.1.10) has been substituted for un (t). Using Eq. (13.1.13) gives a general
result valid for any response quantity:
r (t) = rn (t) = rnst An (t) (13.1.16)
n=1 n=1
† Although we loosely refer to s as forces, they have units of mass. Thus, r st does not have the same units
n n
as r , but Eq. (13.1.13) gives the correct units for rn .
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The response contributions of some of the higher modes may, under appropriate
circumstances, be determined by the simpler static analysis, instead of dynamic analysis.
As shown in Fig. 6.8.4, for SDF systems with very short periods the pseudo-acceleration
A(t) −ü g (t). For the design spectrum of Fig. 6.9.3, A = ü go for Tn ≤ 33
sec. If this
period range includes the natural periods of modes Nd + 1 to N , then Eq. (13.1.16) can be
expressed as
r (t) = rn An (t) − ü g (t) r −
st st st
rn (13.1.17)
n=1 n=1
In the first phase of this dynamic analysis procedure, the vibration properties—natural
frequencies and modes—of the structure are computed and the force distribution vector
mι is expanded into its modal components sn . The rest of the analysis procedure is shown
schematically in Fig. 13.1.1 to emphasize the underlying concepts. The contribution of the
nth mode to the dynamic response is obtained by multiplying the results of two analyses:
(1) static analysis of the structure with applied forces sn , and (2) dynamic analysis of
the nth-mode SDF system excited by ü g (t). Thus modal analysis requires static analysis
of the structure for N sets of forces: sn , n = 1, 2, . . . , N ; and dynamic analysis of N
different SDF systems. Combining the modal responses gives the earthquake response of
the structure.
Example 13.1
Determine the response of the inverted L-shaped frame of Fig. E9.6a to horizontal ground
Solution Assuming the two elements to be axially rigid, the DOFs are u 1 and u 2
(Fig. E9.6a). The equations of motion are given by Eqs. (13.1.1) and (13.1.2), where the influ-
ence vector ι = 1 0
T (Fig. 9.4.4) and the mass and stiffness matrices (from Example 9.6)
6E I 8 −3
m= k= (a)
m 7L 3 −3 2
The effective earthquake forces are
3m 1 3m
peff (t) = −mιü g (t) = − ü g (t) = − ü g (t) (b)
m 0 0
The force in the vertical DOF is zero because the ground motion is horizontal.
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1 r1(t) = r1st A1(t)
ω1, ζ1
u¨ g(t)
2 r2(t) = r2st A2(t)
ω2, ζ2
u¨ g(t)
• • • • • • •
• • • • • • •
• • • • • • •
N rN(t) = rNst AN(t)
ωN, ζN
u¨ g(t)
Total response r(t) = Σ rn(t)
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The natural frequencies and modes of the system are (from Example 10.3)
ω1 = 0.6987 ω2 = 1.874 (c)
m L3 m L3
1 1
φ1 = φ2 = (d)
2.097 −1.431
Substituting for m and ι in Eq. (13.1.5) gives the first-mode quantities:
3m 1
L 1 = φ1T mι = 1 2.097
= 3m
m 0
3m 1
M1 = φ1T mφ1 = 1 2.097
= 7.397m
m 2.097
L1 3m
1 = = = 0.406
M1 7.397m
Similar calculations for the second mode give L 2 = 3m, M2 = 5.048m, and 2 = 0.594.
Substituting n , m, and φn in Eq. (13.1.6) gives
3m 1 1.218
s1 = 1 mφ1 = 0.406 =m (e)
m 2.097 0.851
3m 1 1.782
s2 = 2 mφ2 = 0.594 =m (f)
m −1.431 −0.851
Then Eq. (13.1.4) specializes to
3 1.218 1.782
m =m +m (g)
0 0.851 −0.851
This modal expansion of the spatial distribution of effective forces is shown in Fig. E13.1.
Observe that the forces along the vertical DOF in the two modes cancel each other because
the effective earthquake force in this DOF is zero.
Substituting for n and φn in Eq. (13.1.10) gives the first-mode displacements
u 1 (t) 1 0.406
u1 (t) = = 1 φ1 D1 (t) = 0.406 D1 (t) = D1 (t) (h)
u 2 (t) 1 2.097 0.851
• L • 0.851m
2m m
3m 1.218m 1.782m
0 0.851m
= +
st st
Mb1 = 2.069mL Mb2 = 0.931mL
Figure E13.1
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u 1 (t) = 0.406D1 (t) + 0.594D2 (t) u 2 (t) = 0.851D1 (t) − 0.851D2 (t) (j)
The earthquake-induced bending moment Mb at the base of the column due to the nth
mode [from Eq. (13.1.13)] is
Mbn (t) = Mbn An (t) (k)
Static analyses of the frame for the forces s1 and s2 give Mb1 st and M st as shown in
Fig. E13.1. Substituting for Mbn and combining modal contributions gives the total bending
Mb (t) = Mbn (t) = 2.069m L A1 (t) + 0.931m L A2 (t) (l)
The three response quantities considered have been, and other responses can be, ex-
pressed in terms of Dn (t) and An (t). These responses of the nth-mode SDF system to
given ground acceleration ü g (t) can be determined by numerical time-stepping methods
(Chapter 5).
The modal analysis procedure is applicable after slight modification when the excita-
tion is base rotation. As shown in Section 9.4.3, the motion of a structure due to
rotational acceleration θ̈g (t) of the base (Fig. 9.4.6a) is governed by Eq. (13.1.1), with
where ι is the vector of static displacements in all the DOFs due to unit base rotation,
θg = 1. For the system of Fig. 9.4.6a, this influence vector is ι = h 1 h 2 x3
T . With ι
determined, the structural response due to base rotation is calculated by the procedures of
Sections 13.1.1 to 13.1.5 with ü g (t) replaced by θ̈g (t).
In this section the modal analysis of Section 13.1 is specialized for multistory buildings
with rigid floor diaphragms and plans having two orthogonal axes of symmetry subjected
to horizontal ground motion along one of those axes. The equations of motion for this
system, Eq. (9.4.4), are repeated:
mü + cu̇ + ku = −m1ü g (t) (13.2.1)
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N uN
j uj
where u is the vector of lateral floor displacements relative to the ground (Fig. 13.2.1), m
is a diagonal matrix with elements m j j = m j , the lumped mass at the jth floor level; k is
the lateral stiffness matrix of the building defined in Section 9.4.2; and each element of 1
is unity. The modal analysis procedure developed in Section 13.1 is applicable to the mul-
tistory building problem because its governing equations are the same as Eq. (13.1.1) with
the influence vector ι = 1. For convenience, we present the analysis procedure with ref-
erence to a single frame (Fig. 13.2.1), although it applies to a building with several frames
(see Section 9.4.2).
Substituting ι = 1 in Eqs. (13.1.4) and (13.1.5) gives the modal expansion of the spatial
distribution of effective earthquake forces:
m1 = sn = n mφn (13.2.2)
n=1 n=1
L nh
n = L nh = m j φ jn Mn = m j φ2jn (13.2.3)
Mn j=1 j=1
In Eq. (13.2.2) the contribution of the nth mode to m1 is sn , a vector of lateral forces s jn at
the various floor levels:
sn = n mφn s jn = n m j φ jn (13.2.4)
Example 13.2
A two-story shear frame has the mass and story stiffnesses properties shown in Fig. E13.2a.
Determine the modal expansion of the effective earthquake force distribution associated with
horizontal ground acceleration ü g (t).
Solution The stiffness and mass matrices (from Example 9.1) are
3 −1 2 0
k=k m=m
−1 1 0 1
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u2 m 4m 1m
3 3
u1 2m 4m 2m
= 3 + 3
m1 Mode 1: s1 Mode 2: s2
(a) (b)
Figure E13.2 (a) Two-story shear frame; (b) modal expansion of m1.
where k = 24E Ic /h 3 , and the natural frequencies and modes (from Example 10.4) are
k 2k
ω1 = ω2 =
2m m
φ1 = 2 φ2 =
1 1
The modal properties Mn , L nh , and n are computed from Eq. (13.2.3). For the first mode:
M1 = 2m 12 + m(1)2 = 3m/2; L 1h = 2m 12 + m(1) = 2m; 1 = L 1h /M1 = 43 . Similarly,
for the second mode: M2 = 3m, L 2h = −m, and 2 = − 13 . Substituting for n , m, and φn in
Eq. (13.2.4) gives
4 2 1 4
s1 = m 2 = m
3 1 1 3 1
1 2
−1 1 −2
s2 = − m =− m
3 1 1 3 1
The modal expansion of m1 is displayed in Fig. E13.2b.
The differential equation governing the nth modal coordinate is Eq. (13.1.7) with n de-
fined by Eq. (13.2.3). Using this n , Eq. (13.1.10) gives the contribution un (t) of the nth
mode to the lateral displacements u(t). In particular, the lateral displacement of the jth
floor of the building is
u jn (t) = n φ jn Dn (t) (13.2.5)
The drift, or deformation, in story j is given by the difference of displacements of the
floors above and below:
jn (t) = u jn (t) − u j−1,n (t) = n (φ jn − φ j−1,n )Dn (t) (13.2.6)
The equivalent static forces fn (t) for the nth mode [from Eq. (13.1.11)] are
fn (t) = sn An (t) f jn (t) = s jn An (t) (13.2.7)
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Story Floor
sNn N sNn
sjn j sjn
hj sin i sin st
i st
(a) (b)
Figure 13.2.2 Computation of modal static responses of story forces from force vector
sn : (a) base shear and base overturning moment; (b) ith story shear and ith floor overturn-
ing moment.
where f jn is the lateral force at the jth floor level. Then the response rn (t) due to the nth
mode is given by Eq. (13.1.13), repeated here for convenience:
rn (t) = rnst An (t) (13.2.8)
The modal static response rnst is determined by static analysis of the building due to external
forces sn (Fig. 13.2.2). In applying these forces to the structure, the direction of forces is
controlled by the algebraic sign of φ jn . Hence these forces for the fundamental mode will
all act in the same direction, as shown in Fig. 13.2.2a, but for the second and higher modes
they will change direction as one moves up the structure.
The modal static responses are presented in Table 13.2.1 for six response quantities:
the shear Vi in the ith story, the overturning moment Mi at the ith floor, the base shear
Vb , the base overturning moment Mb , floor displacements u j , and story drifts j . The
first four equations come from static analysis of the problem in Fig. 13.2.2, which also
provides modal static responses for internal forces—bending moments, shears, etc.—in
structural elements: beams, columns, walls, etc. The results for u j and j are obtained by
comparing Eqs. (13.2.5) and (13.2.6) to Eq. (13.2.8). Parts of the equations for Vbn and
are obtained by substituting Eq. (13.2.4) for s jn , Eq. (13.2.3) for L nh , and defining Mn∗
and h ∗n :
(L nh )2 L θn
Mn∗ = n L nh = h ∗n = (13.2.9a)
Mn L nh
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st =
N θ ∗ ∗
Mb Mbn j=1 h j s jn = n L n ≡ h n Mn
uj u stjn = (n /ωn2 )φ jn
j stjn = (n /ωn2 )(φ jn − φ j−1,n )
L θn = h j m j φ jn (13.2.9b)
and h j is the height of the jth floor above the base. Observe that Mn∗ and h ∗n are independent
of how the mode is normalized, unlike Mn , L nh , and n . In Section 13.2.5 physically
meaningful interpretations of Mn∗ and h ∗n are presented.
Combining the response contributions of all the modes gives the earthquake response of
the multistory building:
r (t) = rn (t) = rnst An (t) (13.2.10)
n=1 n=1
wherein Eq. (13.2.8) has been substituted for rn (t), the nth-mode response.
The modal analysis procedure can also provide floor accelerations, although these
are not necessary to compute earthquake-induced forces in the structure. The floor accel-
erations can be computed from
ü tj (t) = ü g (t) + n φ jn D̈n (t) (13.2.11)
using the values of D̈n available at each time step from the numerical time-stepping proce-
dure used to solve Eq. (13.1.8) for Dn (t).
13.2.4 Summary
The response of an N -story building with plan symmetric about two orthogonal axes to
earthquake ground motion along an axis of symmetry can be computed as a function of
time by the procedure just developed, which is summarized next in step-by-step form:
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As will be shown later, usually only the lower few modes contribute significantly to the
response. Therefore, steps 3, 4, and 5 need to be implemented only for these modes, and
the modal summation of Eq. (13.2.10) truncated accordingly.
Example 13.3
Derive equations for (a) the floor displacements and (b) the story shears for the shear frame of
Example 13.2 subjected to ground motion ü g (t).
Solution Steps 1 to 4 of the procedure summary have already been implemented in Exam-
ple 13.2.
(a) Floor displacements. Substituting n and φ jn from Example 13.2 in Eq. (13.2.5)
gives the floor displacements due to the each mode:
4 12 1 −1
u 1 (t) u 1 (t)
= D1 (t) =− D2 (t) (a)
u 2 (t) 1 3 1 u 2 (t) 2 3 1
Combining the contributions of the two modes gives the floor displacements:
(b) Story shears. Static analysis of the frame for external floor forces sn gives Vinst ,
i = 1 and 2, shown in Fig. E13.3. Substituting these results in Eq. (13.2.8) gives
s21 = 4m/3 s22 = -m/3
2m st st
s11 = 4m/3 V21 = 4m/3 s12 = 2m/3 V22 = -m/3
st st
V11 = 8m/3 V12 = m/3
Figure E13.3
The floor displacements and story shears have been expressed in terms of Dn (t) and
An (t). These responses of the nth-mode SDF system to prescribed ü g (t) can be determined
by numerical time-stepping methods (Chapter 5).
Example 13.4
Derive equations for (a) the floor displacements and (b) the element forces for the two-story
frame of Fig. E13.4a due to horizontal ground motion ü g (t).
Solution Equation (9.3.4) with pt (t) = −mtt 1ü g (t) governs the displacement vector ut =
u 1 u 2
; where mtt and ktt , determined in Example 9.9, are
E I 54.88 −17.51
mtt = m k̂tt = (a)
1 h 3 −17.51 11.61
where h = 10 ft. The natural frequencies and modes of the system, determined in Exam-
ple 10.5, are
ω1 = 2.198 ω2 = 5.850 (b)
mh 3 mh 3
0.3871 −1.292
φ1 = φ2 = (c)
1 1
u5 u6
h = 10′
u4 ua = 0 ub = 0
u3 u1 θa = u3 θb = u4
h = 10′ 2EI
2EI 2EI (b)
• L = 20′ •
Figure E13.4
The joint rotations associated with these floor displacements are determined from Eq. (d) of
Example 9.9 by substituting u1 from Eq. (d) for ut :
u (t) −0.4426 −0.2459
1 −0.4426
u 4 (t) −0.2459 0.5284
u01 (t) = = D1 (t)
u 5 (t)
h 0.9836 −0.7869 1.365
u 6 (t) 1 0.9836 −0.7869
1 −0.5696
= D1 (t) (e)
Similarly, the floor displacements u2 (t) and joint rotations u02 (t) due to the second mode are
u 1 (t) 0.4716
u2 (t) = = D2 (t)
u 2 (t) 2 −0.3651
u (t) −0.1189
u 4 (t) −0.1189 1
u02 (t) = = D2 (t)
u 5 (t)
u 6 (t) 2 0.7511
Combining the contributions of the two modes gives the floor displacements and joint
(b) Element forces. Instead of implementing step 5 of the procedure (Section 13.2.4),
we will illustrate the computation of element forces from the floor displacements and joint
rotations by using the beam stiffness coefficients (Appendix 1). For example, the bending
moment at the left end of the first-floor beam (Fig. E13.4b) is
4E I 2E I 6E I 6E I
Ma = θa + θb + 2 u a − 2 u b (h)
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The vertical displacements u a and u b are zero because the columns are assumed as axially
rigid; joint rotations θa = u 3 and θb = u 4 , where u 3 and u 4 are known from Eqs. (e), (f), and
(g); thus
0.5696 0.1189
θa (t) = − D1 (t) − D2 (t) θb (t) = θa (t) (i)
h h
Substituting for u a , u b , θa , and θb in Eq. (h), replacing E I by 2E I , and using Dn (t) =
An (t)/ωn2 gives
Equations for forces in all beams and columns can be obtained similarly.
Comparing the two terms in Eq. (j) for Ma (t) with Eq. (13.2.8) indicates that Ma1 st =
−0.7077mh and Ma2 = −0.0209mh. These modal static responses could have been obtained
fjn(t) M*n
Vbn (t) Vbn (t)
(a) (b)
Figure 13.2.3 (a) Equivalent static forces and base shear in the nth mode; (b) one-story
system with effective modal mass and effective modal height.
the distribution of the mass of the building over its height and on the shape of the mode,
as indicated by Eqs. (13.2.9a) and (13.2.3). As intuition might suggest, the sum of the
effective modal masses Mn∗ over all the modes is equal to the total mass of the building
(see Derivation 13.1):
Mn∗ = mj (13.2.14)
n=1 j=1
Now we compare the base overturning moment equations for multistory and one-
story systems. The base overturning moment in a multistory building due to its nth mode
is obtained by specializing Eq. (13.2.8) for Mb :
Mbn (t) = Mbn
An (t) (13.2.15a)
which after substituting for Mbn from Table 13.2.1 becomes
Mbn (t) = h ∗n Vbn (t) (13.2.15b)
In contrast, the base overturning moment in a one-story system with mass m lumped at
height h above the base is given by Eq. (6.7.3), repeated here for convenience:
Mb (t) = hVb (t) (13.2.16)
Comparing Eqs. (13.2.15a) and (13.2.16) indicates that if the mass of this SDF system were
Mn∗ and it were lumped at height h ∗n (Fig. 13.2.3b), its base overturning moment would be
the same as Mbn , the nth-mode base overturning moment, in a multistory building with
its mass distributed among the various floor levels. Thus h ∗n is called the base-moment
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effective modal height or, for brevity, effective modal height. It may also be interpreted as
the height of the resultant of the forces sn (Fig. 13.2.2a) or of the forces f jn (t) (Fig. 13.2.3a).
Equation (13.2.16) implies that the total height h of a single mass system is effective
in producing the base overturning moment. This is so because the mass of the structure and
hence the equivalent static force is concentrated at height h above the base. In contrast, the
effective modal height h ∗n is less than the total height of the building because the building
mass and hence the equivalent static forces are distributed among the various floor levels;
h ∗n depends on the distribution of the mass over the height of the building and on the shape
of the mode [Eqs. (13.2.9) and (13.2.3)]. The sum of the first moments about the base of
the effective modal masses Mn∗ located at effective heights h ∗n is equal to the first moment
of the floor masses about the base (see Derivation 13.2):
h ∗n Mn∗ = hj mj (13.2.17)
n=1 j=1
For some of the modes higher than the fundamental mode, the effective modal height
may be negative. A negative value of h ∗n implies that at any instant of time, the modal static
st st
base shear Vbn and the modal static base overturning moment Mbn for the nth mode have
st st
opposite algebraic signs; the Mb1 and Vb1 for the first mode are both positive, by definition.
Derivation 13.1
Premultiplying both sides of Eq. (13.2.2) by 1T gives
1T m1 = n (1T mφn )
mj = n L nh
j=1 n=1
This provides a proof for Eq. (13.2.14) because the nth term on the right side is Mn∗
(Table 13.2.1).
Derivation 13.2
A modal expansion of the force vector mh where h = h 1 h2 ··· h N
T is obtained by
substituting s = mh in Eqs. (12.8.2) and (12.8.3):
L θn
mh = mφn
L θn
1T mh = 1T mφn
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wherein Eq. (13.2.9) has been used. This provides a proof for Eq. (13.2.17).
Example 13.5
Determine the effective modal masses and effective modal heights for the two-story shear
frame of Example 13.2. The height of each story is h.
Solution In Example 13.2 the m, k, ωn , and φn for this system were presented, and L nh
and Mn for each of the two modes computed. These are listed next, together with the new
computations for Mn∗ and h ∗n . For the first mode: L 1h = 2m, M1 = 3m/2, M1∗ = (L 1h )2 /M1 =
θ ∗ θ h
3 m, L 1 = h(2m) 2 +2h(m)1 = 3hm, and h 1 = L 1 /L 1 = 3hm/2m = 1.5h. Similarly, for the
8 1
0, and h ∗2 = L θ2 /L 2h = 0.
Observe that M1∗ + M2∗ = 3m, the total mass of the frame, confirming that Eq. (13.2.14)
is satisfied; also note that the effective height for the second mode is zero, implying that the
base overturning moment Mb2 (t) due to that mode will be zero at all t. This is an illustration
of a more general result developed in Example 13.6.
Example 13.6
Show that the base overturning moment in a multistory building due to the second and higher
modes is zero if the first mode shape is linear (i.e., the floor displacements are proportional to
floor heights above the base).
Solution Equation (13.2.15) gives the nth-mode contribution to the base overturning mo-
ment. A linear first mode implies that φ j1 = h j /h N , where h j is the height of the jth floor
above the base and h N is the total height of the building. Substituting h j = h N φ j1 in (13.2.9b)
L θn = h j m j φ jn = h N φ1T mφn
and this is zero for all n = 1 because of the orthogonality property of modes. Therefore, for
all n = 1, h ∗n = 0 from Eq. (13.2.9a) and Mbn (t) = 0 from Eq. (13.2.15).
In this section the earthquake analysis procedure summarized in Section 13.2.4 is imple-
mented for the five-story shear frame of Fig. 12.8.1, subjected to the El Centro ground
motion shown in Fig. 6.1.4. The results presented are accompanied by interpretive
comments that should assist us in developing an understanding of the response behavior of
multistory buildings.
story is 12 ft. The damping ratio for all natural modes is ζn = 5%. The mass matrix m,
stiffness matrix k, natural frequencies, and natural modes of this system were presented
in Section 12.8. For the given k and m, the natural periods are Tn = 2.0, 0.6852, 0.4346,
0.3383, and 0.2966 sec. (These natural periods, which are much longer than for typical
five-story buildings, were chosen to accentuate the contributions of the second through
fifth modes to the structural response.) Thus steps 1, 2, and 3 of the analysis procedure
(Section 13.2.4) have already been completed.
Mode Mn L nh L θn /h
and substituted in Eq. (13.2.4), together with values for m j and φ jn , to obtain the sn vectors
shown in Fig. 13.2.4. Observe that the direction of forces sn is controlled by the algebraic
sign of φ jn (Fig. 12.8.2). Hence, these forces for the fundamental mode act in the same
direction, but for the second and higher modes they change direction as one moves up the
structure. The contribution of the fundamental mode to the force distribution s = m1 of
the effective earthquake forces is the largest, and the modal contributions to these forces
decrease progressively for higher modes.
= 0.684m
+ 0.394m
+ 0.059m
+ -0.088m
+ -0.049m
m1 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5
Modal static responses. Table 13.2.3 gives the results for four response
quantities—base shear Vb , fifth-story shear V5 , base overturning moment Mbn , and roof
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Mode st /m
Vbn st /m
V5n st /mh
Mbn u st
displacement u 5 —obtained using the equations in Table 13.2.1 and the known s jn , φ5n ,
and ωn2 (step 5a of Section 13.2.4). Observe that the modal static responses are largest
for the first mode and decrease progressively for higher modes. The effective modal
masses Mn∗ = Vbn st
and effective modal heights h ∗n = Mbn st
are shown schemati-
∗ in Fig. 13.2.5; note that h n are plotted without their algebraic signs.
∗ Observe that
Mn = 5m, confirming
that Eq. (13.2.14) is satisfied. Also note that h n M n = 15mh;
this is the same as h j m j = 15mh, confirming that Eq. (13.2.17) is satisfied.
m 4.398m
5@h = 5h
m =
¨ug(t) ¨ug(t)
Mode 1 2 3 4 5
6 1 Mode 1
0 0
-6 -1
6 2.583 1 0.5628 2
0 0
-6 -1
6 1 3
Dn, in.
A n, g
0 0
-6 -1 0.8149
6 1 0.7837 4
0 0
-6 -1
6 1 5
0 0
-6 -1 0.7585
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Time, sec Time, sec
Figure 13.2.6 Displacement Dn (t) and pseudo-acceleration An (t) responses of modal SDF
implemented for the SDF systems corresponding to each of the five modes of the struc-
ture, and the results are presented in Fig. 13.2.6.
Total responses. The total responses, determined by combining the modal con-
tributions rn (t) (step 6 of Section 13.2.4) according to Eq. (13.2.10), are shown in
Figs. 13.2.7 and 13.2.8. The results presented indicate that it is not necessary to include
the contributions of all the modes in computing the response of a multistory building; the
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75 60.469 40 Mode 1
0 0
-75 -40
75 24.533 40 2
0 0
-75 -40 20.382
75 40 3
Vbn, kips
V5n, kips
0 0
9.867 12.923
-75 -40
75 40 4
0 0
2.943 4.951
-75 -40
75 40 5
0 0
0.595 1.141
-75 -40
73.278 35.217
75 40 Total
Vb, kips
V5, kips
0 0
-75 -40
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Time, sec Time, sec
Figure 13.2.7 Base shear and fifth-story shear: modal contributions, Vbn (t) and V5n (t), and total
responses, Vb (t) and V5 (t).
lower few modes may suffice and the modal summations can be truncated accordingly. In
this particular example, the contribution of the fourth and fifth modes could be neglected;
the results would still be accurate enough for use in structural design. How many modes
should be included depends on the earthquake ground motion and building properties. This
issue is addressed in Chapter 18.
Before leaving this example, we make three additional observations that will be es-
pecially useful in Part B of this chapter. First, as seen in Chapter 6, the peak values
of Dn (t) and An (t), noted in Fig. 13.2.6, can be determined directly from the response
spectrum for the ground motion. This fact will enable us to determine the peak value of
the nth-mode contribution to any response quantity directly from the response spectrum.
Second, the contribution of the nth mode to every response quantity attains its peak value
at the same time as An (t) does. Third, the peak value of the total response occurs at a
time instant different from when the individual modal peaks are attained. Furthermore,
the peak values of the total responses for the four response quantities occur at different
time instants because the relative values of the modal contributions vary with the response
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0 0
0.239 90.402
-8 -3
8 3 4
0 0
0.055 20.986
-8 -3
8 3 5
0 0
0.01 3.718
Mb, 103 kip-ft
-8 -3
6.847 2593.2 Total
8 3
u5, in.
0 0
-8 -3
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Time, sec Time, sec
Figure 13.2.8 Roof displacement and base overturning moment: modal contributions, u 5n (t) and
Mbn (t), and total responses, u 5 (t) and Mb (t).
This section is concerned with the earthquake analysis and response of a four-story build-
ing with a light appendage—a penthouse, a small housing for mechanical equipment, an
advertising billboard, or the like. This example is presented because it brings out certain
special response features representative of a system with two natural frequencies that are
System properties. The lumped masses at the first four floors are m j = m, the
appendage mass m 5 = 0.01m, and m = 100 kips/g. The lateral stiffness of each of the first
four stories is k j = k, the appendage stiffness k5 = 0.0012k, and k = 22.599 kips/in. The
height of each story and the appendage is 12 ft. The damping ratio for all natural modes is
ζn = 5%. The response of this system to the El Centro ground motion is determined. The
analysis procedure and its implementation are identical to Section 13.2.6; therefore, only a
summary of the results is presented.
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Figure 13.2.9 Natural periods and modes of vibration of building with appendage.
1 2 3 4 5
st /m
Vbn 1.951 1.633 0.333 0.078 0.015
V5n /m 5
st 9.938 −8.979 0.046 −0.007 0.0001
Summary of results. The natural periods Tn and modes φn of this system are
presented in Fig. 13.2.9. Observe that T1 and T2 are close and the corresponding modes
show large deformations in the appendage. Table 13.2.4 gives the modal static responses
for the base shear Vb and appendage shear V5 . Observe that Vbn for the first two modes are
similar in magnitude and of the same algebraic sign; V5n for the first two modes are also of
similar magnitude but of opposite signs.
The responses Dn (t) and An (t) of the SDF systems corresponding to the five modes
of the system are shown in Fig. 13.2.10. Note that Dn (t)—also An (t)—for the first two
modes are essentially in phase because the two natural periods are close; the peak values
are similar because of similar periods and identical damping in the two modes.
The modal contributions to the base shear and to the appendage shear together with
the total response are presented in Fig. 13.2.11. Observe that the response contributions
of the first two modes are similar in magnitude because the modal static responses are
about the same and the An (t) are similar. In the case of base shear, the two modal static
responses are of the same algebraic sign, implying that the two modal contributions are
essentially in phase [because so are A1 (t) and A2 (t)], and hence additive. The combined
base shear is therefore much larger than the individual modal responses. In contrast, the
modal static responses for the appendage shear are of opposite algebraic sign, indicating
that the two modal contributions are essentially out of phase, and hence tend to cancel each
other. The combined appendage shear is therefore much smaller than the individual modal
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6 5.378 1 Mode 1
0 0
-6 -1
6 5.335 1 2
0 0
-6 -1
6 2.631 1 0.5950 3
Dn, in.
A n, g
0 0
-6 -1
6 1 4
0 0
-6 -1 0.8176
6 1 5
0 0
-6 -1 0.7407
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Time, sec Time, sec
Figure 13.2.10 Displacement Dn (t) and pseudo-acceleration An (t) responses of modal SDF
75 2 1.367 Mode 1
0 0
-75 -2
75 25.429 2 2
0 0
-75 -2 1.397
75 2 3
Vbn, kips
V5n, kips
0 0
-75 -2
75 2 4
0 0
6.414 0.005
-75 -2
75 2 5
0 0
1.09 0.001
-75 -2
75 56.66 2 0.997 Total
Vb, kips
V5, kips
0 0
-75 -2
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Time, sec Time, sec
Figure 13.2.11 Base shear and appendage shear: modal contributions, Vbn (t) and V5n (t), and total
responses, Vb (t) and V5 (t).
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In this section the modal analysis of Section 13.1 is specialized for multistory buildings
with their plans symmetric about the x-axis but unsymmetric about the y-axis subjected
to ground motion ü gy (t) in the y-direction. Equation (9.5.28) governs the motion in 2N
DOF of the system of Fig. 9.5.3, which has rigid floor diaphragms with centers of mass
along the same vertical axis and the same radius of gyration r ; this equation is repeated for
m 0 ü y k yy k yθ uy m 0 1
+ = − ü gy (t) (13.3.1)
0 r 2m üθ kθ y kθ θ uθ 0 r 2m 0
The general analysis procedure developed in Section 13.1 is applicable to unsymmetric–
plan buildings because Eq. (13.3.1) is of the same form as Eq. (13.1.1).
The effective earthquake forces peff (t) are defined by the right side of Eq. (13.3.1):
peff (t) = − ü gy (t) ≡ −sü gy (t) (13.3.2)
The spatial distribution s of these effective earthquake forces can be expanded as a sum-
mation of modal inertia force distributions sn (Section 12.8):
2N 2N
m1 mφ yn
= sn = n (13.3.3)
0 n=1 n=1
r 2 mφθ n
In this equation φ yn includes the translations and φθ n the rotations of the N floors about a
vertical axis in the nth mode (i.e., φn = φTyn φθTn
L nh
n = (13.3.4)
m1 N
L nh = φTyn φθTn = φTyn m1 = m j φ j yn (13.3.5)
0 j=1
m φ yn
Mn = φTyn φθTn
r 2m φθ n
Mn = φTyn mφ yn + r 2 φθTn mφθ n = m j φ2j yn + r 2 m j φ2jθ n (13.3.6)
j=1 j=1
where j denotes the floor number and m j the floor mass. Equation (13.3.5) differs
from Eq. (13.2.3b) for symmetric-plan systems because φ yn is not necessarily the same
as φn . Equations (13.3.4) to (13.3.6) for n can be derived by premultiplying both
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sides of Eq. (13.3.3) by φrT and using the orthogonality property of modes. In Eq.
(13.3.3) the nth-mode contribution to the spatial distribution of effective earthquake
forces is
s mφ yn
sn = yn = n (13.3.7)
sθ n r 2 mφθ n
The jth element of these subvectors gives the lateral force s j yn and torque s jθ n at the jth
floor level:
s j yn = n m j φ j yn s jθ n = n r 2 m j φ jθ n (13.3.8)
Premultiplying each submatrix equation in Eq. (13.3.3) by 1 , two interesting results
can be derived:
2N N 2N
Mn∗ = mj ∗
I On =0 (13.3.9)
n=1 j=1 n=1
(L nh )2
Mn∗ = ∗
I On = r 2 n 1T mφθ n (13.3.10)
Although this equation for Mn∗ for unsymmetric-plan systems appears to be the same as
Eq. (13.2.9a) for symmetric-plan systems, the two may not be identical because the mode
shapes φ yn and φn in the two cases are not necessarily the same. We shall see later that Mn∗
is the base shear effective modal mass for the nth mode, and also the modal static response
for base shear. As for symmetric-plan buildings, Eq. (13.3.9a) implies that the sum of the
effective modal masses over all modes is equal to the total mass of the building. As we
shall see later, I On is the modal static response for base torque; their sum over all modes is
zero according to Eq. (13.3.9b).
Example 13.7
Determine the modal expansion for the distribution of the effective earthquake forces for the
system of Example 10.6. Also compute the modal static responses for base shear and base
torque, and verify Eq. (13.3.9)
Solution The DOFs are the lateral displacement u y and rotation u θ of the roof. With refer-
ence to these DOFs, the natural frequencies and modes were determined in Example 10.6:
ω1 = 5.878 ω2 = 6.794 rad/sec
−0.5228 −0.5131
φ1 = φ2 =
0.0493 −0.0502
Specializing Eqs. (13.3.6), (13.3.5), and (13.3.4) to a one-story system with roof mass m and
radius of gyration r yields
L nh
Mn = m(φ2yn + r 2 φ2θ n ) L nh = mφ yn n = (a)
For this system, m = 1.863 kip-sec2 /ft and r 2 = (b2 + d 2 )/12 = (302 + 202 )/12 = 108.3 ft2
(see Example 10.6). In Eq. (a) with n = 1, substituting known values of m, r, φ y1 , and φθ 1 ,
we obtain M1 = 1.863 (−0.5228)2 + 108.3(0.0493)2 = 1.0, L 1h = 1.863(−0.5228) =
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−0.974, and 1 = −0.974. Similarly, in Eq. (a) with n = 2, substituting for m, r, φ y2 , and
φθ2 , we obtain M2 = 1.0, L 2h = −0.956, and 2 = −0.956. Specializing Eq. (13.3.10) to a
one-story system gives
(L nh )2
Mn∗ = ∗
I On = n r 2 mφθ n (b)
With n = 1, substitute numerical values for n , L nh , Mn , r , m, and φθ n to obtain
M1∗ ∗
(−0.974)2 I O1
= = 0.509 = (−0.974)108.3(0.0493) = −5.203
m 1.863 m
Similarly, for the second mode,
M2∗ ∗
I O2
= 0.491 = 5.203
m m
Observe that these data show that M1∗ + M2∗ = m and I O1 ∗ + I ∗ = 0, which provides a
numerical confirmation of Eq. (13.3.9) for this one-story (N = 1) system.
The modal expansion of the effective earthquake force distribution is obtained from
Eq. (13.3.3) by specializing it to a one-story system:
m M1∗ + M2∗
= ∗ + I∗ (c)
0 I O1 O2
∗ gives
Substituting numerical values for Mn∗ and I On
1 0.509 0.491
m =m +m
0 −5.203 5.203
This modal expansion is shown on the structural plan in Fig. E13.7.
m 0.509m 0.491m
= 5.203m + 5.203m
s s1 s2
Figure E13.7 Modal expansion of effective force vector shown on plan view of the
Building forces. The equivalent static forces fn (t) associated with displacements
un (t) include lateral forces f yn (t) and torques fθ n (t). These forces are given by a general-
ization of Eq. (13.1.11):
f yn (t) s
= yn An (t) (13.3.13)
fθ n (t) sθ n
The lateral force and torque at the jth floor level are
Then the response r due to the nth mode is given by Eq. (13.1.13), repeated here for
The modal static response rnst is determined by static analysis of the building due to external
forces s yn and sθn . In applying these forces to the structure, the direction of forces is
controlled by the algebraic sign of φ j yn and φ jθ n . In particular for the fundamental mode,
the lateral forces all act in the same direction, and the torques all act in the same direction
(Fig. 13.3.1). However, for the second and higher modes, the lateral forces or torques, or
both, will change direction as one moves up the structure.
The modal static responses are presented in Table 13.3.1 for eight response quanti-
ties: the shear Vi and torque Ti in the ith story, the overturning moment Mi at the ith floor,
the base shear Vb , the base torque Tb , and the base overturning moment Mb , floor transla-
tions u j y , and floor rotations u jθ . The equations for forces are determined by static analysis
of the building subjected to lateral forces s yn and torques sθ n (Fig. 13.3.1); and the results
for u j y and u jθ are obtained by writing Eqs. (13.3.12) in a form similar to Eq. (13.3.15).
sNyn x
hj s1θn
st st st
Parts of the equations for Vbn , Mbn , and Tbn are obtained by substituting Eq. (13.3.8) for
s j yn and s jθ n , Eq. (13.3.5) for L n , Eq. (13.3.10) for Mn∗ and I On
, and Eq. (13.2.9a) for h ∗n
with φ jn replaced by φ j yn in Eq. (13.2.9b).
st st st
Specializing Eq. (13.3.15) for Vb , Mb , and Tb and substituting for Vbn , Mbn , and Tbn
from Table 13.3.1 gives
For reasons mentioned in Section 13.2.5, Mn∗ is called the effective modal mass and h ∗n the
effective modal height.
Frame forces. In addition to the overall story forces for the building, it is desired
to determine the element forces—bending moments, shears, etc.—in structural elements—
beams, columns, walls, etc.—of each frame of the building. For this purpose, the lateral
displacements uin of the ith frame associated with displacements un in the floor DOFs of
the building
are determined from Eq. (9.5.21). Substituting Eq. (9.5.22) for axi and a yi ,
unT = uTyn uθnT
, and Eq. (13.3.11) for u yn and uθ n leads to
uin (t) = n (−yi φθn )Dn (t) uin (t) = n (φ yn + xi φθ n )Dn (t) (13.3.17)
The first equation is for frames oriented in the x-direction and the second for frames in the
y-direction. At each time instant, the internal forces in elements of frame i can be deter-
mined from these displacements and joint rotations (see Example 13.4) using the element
stiffness properties (Appendix 1).
Alternatively, equivalent static forces fin can be defined for the ith frame with lateral
stiffness matrix kxi if the frame is oriented in the x-direction or k yi for a frame along the
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fNin N
fjin j
y-direction. Thus
fin (t) = kxi uin (t) = (n /ωn2 )kxi (−yi φθ n )An (t) (13.3.18a)
fin (t) = k yi uin (t) = (n ωn2 )k yi (φ yn + xi φθ n )An (t) (13.3.18b)
where Eqs. (13.3.17) and (13.1.12) are used to obtain the second part of these equations.
At each instant of time the element forces are determined by static analysis of the ith frame
subjected to the lateral forces fin (t) shown in Fig. 13.3.2.
Combining the response contributions of all the modes gives the total response of the
unsymmetric-plan building to earthquake excitation:
r (t) = rn (t) = rnst An (t) (13.3.19)
n=1 n=1
wherein Eq. (13.3.15) has been substituted for rn (t), the nth-mode response.
13.3.4 Summary
The response history of an N -story building with plan unsymmetric about the y-axis to
earthquake ground motion in the y-direction can be computed by the procedure just devel-
oped, which is summarized next in step-by-step form:
5. Compute the response contribution of the nth mode by the following steps, which
are repeated for all modes, n = 1, 2, . . . , 2N :
a. Perform static analysis of the building subjected to lateral forces s yn and torques
sθn to determine rnst , the modal static response for each desired response quantity
r (Table 13.3.1).
b. Determine the deformation response Dn (t) and pseudo-acceleration response
An (t) of the nth-mode SDF system to ü gy (t), using numerical time-stepping
methods (Chapter 5).
c. Determine rn (t) from Eq. (13.3.15). This equation may also be used to determine
the element forces in the ith frame provided that the modal static responses are
derived for these response quantities. Alternatively, these internal forces can
be determined by static analysis of the frame subjected to the lateral forces of
Eq. (13.3.18).
6. Combine the modal contributions rn (t) to determine the total response using
Eq. (13.3.19).
Only the modes with significant response contributions need to be included in modal
analysis. The system considered has coupled lateral-torsional motion in 2N modes or N
pairs of modes. For many buildings both modes in a pair have similar natural frequencies
and responses of similar magnitude (see Example 13.8). Usually, only the lower few pairs
of modes contribute significantly to the response. Therefore, steps 3, 4, and 5 need to
be implemented only for these modal pairs, and the modal summation in step 6 truncated
5 4.256 1 Mode 1
0 0
Dn, in.
-5 -1
An , g
5 1 2
0 0
-5 -1 0.498
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Time, sec Time, sec
Figure E13.8a Displacement Dn (t) and pseudo-acceleration An (t) responses of modal SDF
Substituting numerical values for n , φ yn , and φθ n (from Example 13.7) for the first mode
in Eq. (a) gives u sty1 = 0.509/ω12 and u st
θ 1 = −0.0480/ω1 . Similarly, for the second mode,
the two modes are also of similar (identical for a one-story system) magnitude but of opposite
Step 5b: Response analysis of the first-mode SDF system (T1 = 2π/ω1 = 2π/5.878 =
1.069 sec and ζ1 = 5%) and the second-mode SDF system (T2 = 2π/ω2 = 2π/6.794 =
0.9248 sec and ζ2 = 5%) to the El Centro ground motion gives the Dn (t) and An (t) shown
in Fig. E13.8a. Observe that Dn (t)—also An (t)—for the two modes are roughly in phase
because their natural periods are similar.
st and T st from step 5a in Eq. (13.3.15) gives the contributions
Step 5c: Substituting Vbn bn
of the nth mode to the base shear and base torque:
Vb1 (t) = 0.509m A1 (t) Tb1 (t) = −5.203m A1 (t) (b)
Vb2 (t) = 0.491m A2 (t) Tb2 (t) = 5.203m A2 (t) (c)
Figure E13.8b shows Vbn (t) and Tbn (t) computed from Eqs. (b) and (c) using m =
1.863 kip–sec2 /ft and the An (t) in Fig. E13.8a.
Substituting u styn and u st
θ n from step 5a in Eq. (13.3.15) give the contributions of the nth
mode to roof displacements:
u y1 (t) = 0.509D1 (t) u θ 1 (t) = −0.0480D1 (t) (d)
u y2 (t) = 0.491D2 (t) u θ 2 (t) = 0.0480D2 (t) (e)
where Dn (t) is in units of feet. Figure E13.8c shows u yn (t) and (b/2)u θ n (t) computed from
Eqs. (d) and (e) using the Dn (t) in Fig. E13.8a.
The lateral force for frame A is given by Eq. (13.3.18b) specialized for a one-story
frame: !
f An (t) = k A u yn (t) + x A u θ n (t) (f)
Substituting for k A = 75 kips/ft, x A = 1.5 ft, u yn (t) and u θ n (t) from Eqs. (d) and (e) gives
f A1 (t) = 32.80D1 (t) kips f A2 (t) = 42.19D2 (t) kips
where Dn (t) are in feet. The base shear in a one-story frame is equal to the lateral force; thus
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30 11.63 2 Mode 1
-30 -2 118.8
30 2 2
0 0
-30 14.64 -2 155.2
30 20.63 2 174.3 Total
0 0
-30 -2
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Time, sec Time, sec
Figure E13.8b Base shear and base torque: modal contributions, Vbn (t) and Tbn (t), and total re-
sponses, Vb (t) and Tb (t).
5 2.167 5 Mode 1
0 0
uθn b/2, in.
uyn, in.
-5 -5 3.065
5 5 2
0 0
-5 2.042 -5 2.999
5 3.348 5 3.724 Total
uθ b/2, in.
uy, in.
0 0
-5 -5
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Time, sec Time, sec
Figure E13.8c Lateral displacement and b/2 times roof rotation: modal contributions, u yn (t) and
(b/2)u θn (t), and total responses, u y (t) and (b/2)u θ (t).
30 11.63 30 Mode 1
0 0
VbBn, kips
VbAn, kips
-30 -30
30 30 2
0 0
14.64 6.66
-30 -30
30 20.63 30 Total
0 0
-30 -30
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Time, sec Time, sec
Figure E13.8d Base shears in frames A and B: modal contributions, Vb An and VbBn , and total
responses, Vb A and VbB .
where Dn (t) are in feet. The base shear due to the two modes is
VbB1 (t) = 19.2D1 (t) VbB2 (t) = −19.2D2 (t)
These base shears in frame B are computed using the known Dn (t) from Fig. E13.8a and are
shown in Fig. E13.8d.
Figure E13.8b–d show that the two modes contribute similarly to the response of this
one-story system. This is typical of unsymmetric-plan systems where pairs of modes in a
structure with one axis of symmetry (or triplets of modes if the system has no axis of symme-
try) may have similar response contributions.
Step 6: Combining the modal contributions gives the total response for this two-DOF
r (t) = r1 (t) + r2 (t)
The combined values of lateral displacement, rotation, base shear, and base torque for the
building, and base shear for frames A and B are shown in Fig. E13.8b–d. Observe that the
combined response attains its peak value at a time instant different from when the modal peaks
are attained.
Interpretive Comments. Observe that the modal contributions to lateral displacement
(and to base shear) are similar in magnitude because the modal static responses are about
the same and the Dn (t) and An (t) are similar for the two modes (Fig. E13.8a). The modal
contributions are roughly in phase because Dn (t)—also An (t)—for the two modes are roughly
in phase and the two modal static responses are of the same algebraic sign. The peak of the
total response is therefore much larger than the peaks of the modal responses. In contrast,
the modal contributions to roof rotation (and to base torque), although similar in magnitude,
are out of phase; and the peak of the total response is only slightly larger than the peaks of the
modal responses.
Consider another one-story unsymmetric-plan system similar to the one analyzed in
Example 13.8 (Fig. 9.5.1) but with a smaller e, say e = 0.5 ft instead of 1.5 ft. The two
natural periods will now be much closer than for the structure analyzed in Example 13.8, and
the Dn (t)—also An (t)—for the two modes will be essentially in phase. For such a system,
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the modal contributions to lateral displacement (and to base shear) will be essentially in phase
because the modal static responses are of the same sign; the two modal peaks will be almost
directly additive, and the peak of the total response will be much larger than the peaks of the
modal responses. On the other hand, the modal contributions to roof rotation (and to base
torque) will have essentially opposite phase because the modal static responses are of the
opposite sign; the two modal peaks will tend to cancel each other, and the peak of the total
response will then be much smaller than the peaks of the modal responses.
Example 13.9
Identify the effects of plan asymmetry on the earthquake response of the one-story system of
Example 13.8 by comparing its response with that of the symmetric-plan one-story system
defined in Section 9.5.3.
Solution The response of the symmetric-plan system to ground motion in the y-direction is
governed by the second of the three differential equations (9.5.20). Dividing this equation by
m and introducing damping gives the familiar equation for an SDF system:
Vb A = m A(t, ω y , ζ y ) (c)
Unsymmetric-plan system
Symmetric-plan system
uy, in.
-5 4.445
VbA, kips
-30 27.781
0 5 10 15
Time, sec
where D(t, ω y , ζ ) and A(t, ω y , ζ ) denote the deformation and pseudo-acceleration responses,
respectively, of an SDF system with natural frequency ω y and damping ratio ζ to ground
acceleration ü gy (t). Frames B and C would experience no forces.
For the symmetric-plan system associated with Example 13.8, ω y = 6.344 (see Exam-
ple 10.7) and the damping ratio is the same, ζ = 5%. The response of this SDF system is
computed from Eqs. (a) to (c) and shown in Fig. E13.9, where it is also compared with the
response of the unsymmetric-plan system (Example 13.8). It is clear that plan asymmetry has
the effect of (1) modifying the lateral displacement and base shear in frame A, and (2) caus-
ing torsion in the system and forces in frames B and C that do not exist if the building plan
is symmetric. In this particular case, the base shear in frame A is reduced because of plan
asymmetry, but such is not always the case, depending on the natural period of the structure,
ground motion characteristics, and the location of the frame in the building plan.
In this section the torsional response of multistory buildings with their plans nominally
symmetric about two orthogonal axis is discussed briefly. Such structures may undergo
“accidental” torsional motions for mainly two reasons: the building is usually not perfectly
symmetric, and the spatial variations in ground motion may cause rotation (about the ver-
tical axis) of the building’s base, which will induce torsional motion of the building even
if its plan is perfectly symmetric.
Consider first the analysis of torsional response of a building with a perfectly sym-
metric plan due to rotation of its base. For a given rotational excitation ü gθ (t), the gov-
erning equations (9.6.1) can be solved by the modal analysis procedure, considering only
the purely torsional vibration modes of the building. This procedure could be developed
along the lines of Section 13.3. It is not presented, however, for two reasons: (1) it is
straightforward; and (2) in structural engineering practice, buildings are not analyzed for
rotational excitation. Therefore, in this brief section we present the results of such analysis
and compare them with building torsion recorded during an earthquake.
Consider the building shown in Fig. 13.4.1, located in Pomona, California. This
reinforced-concrete frame building has two stories, a partial basement and a light pent-
house structure. For all practical and code design purposes, the building has a nominally
symmetric floor plan, as indicated by its framing plan in Fig. 13.4.2. The lateral force-
resisting system in the building consists of peripheral columns interconnected by longitu-
dinal and transverse beams, but the L-shaped exterior corner columns as well as the interior
columns in the building are not designed especially for earthquake resistance. The floor
decking system is formed by a 6-in.-thick concrete slab. The building also includes walls in
the stairwell system—concrete walls in the basement and masonry walls in upper stories.
Foundations of columns and interior walls are supported on piles.
The accelerograph channels located as shown in Fig. 13.4.3 recorded the motion of
the building during the Upland (February 28, 1990) earthquake, including three channels
of horizontal motion at each of three levels: roof, second floor, and basement. The peak
accelerations of the basement were 0.12g and 0.13g in the x and y directions, respectively.
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These motions were amplified to 0.24g in the x-direction and 0.39g in the y-direction at
the roof. The building experienced no structural damage during this earthquake.
Some of the recorded motions are shown in Fig. 13.4.4. These include the
x-translational accelerations at two locations at the basement of the building and at two
locations at the roof level. By superimposing the motions at two locations on the roof in
Fig. 13.4.5 it is clear that this building experienced some torsion; otherwise, these two
motions would have been identical. Assuming rigid base, its rotational acceleration is
computed as the difference between the two x-translational records at the basement of the
building divided by the distance between the two locations. This rotational base accelera-
tion is multiplied by b/2, where the building-plan dimension b = 109.75 ft, and plotted in
Fig. 13.4.6. The peak value of (b/2)ü gθ (t) is 0.029g compared with the peak acceleration
of 0.12g in the x-direction.
The torsional response of the building to the rotational motion of the basement,
Fig. 13.4.6, is determined by modal solution of Eq. (9.6.1) with modal damping ratios
of 5%. These damping ratios were estimated from the recorded motions at the roof and
basement using some of the procedures mentioned in Chapter 11, Part A. The response
history of the shear force in a selected column of the building is presented in Fig. 13.4.7.
This is only a part of the element force due to the actual torsional motion of the building
during the earthquake, as will be demonstrated next.
Approximate values of the element forces due to recorded torsion can be determined
at each instant of time by static analysis of the building subjected to floor inertia torques
I O j ü tjθ (t) at all floors ( j = 1, 2, . . . , N ), where I O j is the moment of inertia of the jth
floor mass about the vertical axis through O, the center of mass (CM) of the floor, and
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1 2 3 4 5 6
Seismic column
Nonseismic column
Column 26
109′ - 9″
Nonseismic column
Moment-resisting frame
Figure 13.4.2 Framing plan of First
• •
91′ - 5.5″ Federal Savings building.
y y
• • CH1 (vert.)
• •
548.75″ x 548.75″ x
• • • •
• • • •
5 @ 219.5″ 5 @ 219.5″
Second Floor and Basement Roof
0.25 0.24g Channel 2 0.22g Channel 3
Acceleration, g
Channel 6 Channel 7
0.12g 0.10g
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Time, sec Time, sec
Figure 13.4.4 Motions recorded at First Federal Savings building during the Upland earthquake of
February 28, 1990.
Channel 2
Channel 3
Acceleration, g
0 2 4 6 8 10
Time, sec
Figure 13.4.5 Motions recorded at two locations on the roof of First Federal Savings building during
the Upland earthquake of February 28, 1990.
(b/2) ügθ, g
0 2 4 6 8 10
Time, sec
Figure 13.4.6 Rotational acceleration of basement multiplied by b/2. [From De la Llera and Chopra
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0 2 4 6 8 10
Time, sec
Figure 13.4.7 Comparison of shear force (x-component) in column 26 due to recorded torsion of
the building and computed torsional response of the building to rotational basement motion. [From
De la Llera and Chopra (1994).]
ü tjθ is the torsional acceleration of the jth floor diaphragm. By using these inertia forces
as equivalent static forces, we have included the damping forces and this is a source of
approximation (see the last paragraph of Section 1.8.2). The results of these static analyses
for the shear force in the same column are also presented in Fig. 13.4.7.
This figure show that the peak force due to rotational basement motion is about 45%
of the peak force due to the actual torsional motion of the building. The remaining 55% of
the force arises, in part, because this building is not perfectly symmetric due to several fac-
tors, the most obvious of them being the stairwell system shown in Fig. 13.4.2, and because
the basement, which is under one-half of the floor plan, is not symmetrically located.
Torsional motion of buildings with nominally symmetric plan, such as the building of
Fig. 13.4.1, is usually called accidental torsion. Such motion contributes a small fraction
of the total earthquake forces in the structure. For the building and earthquake considered,
accidental torsion contributed about 4% of the total force (results not presented here), but
larger contributions have been identified in the earthquake response of other buildings.
The structural response associated with accidental torsion is not amenable to calculation in
structural design for two reasons: (1) the rotational base motion is not defined, and (2) it is
not practical to identify and analyze the effect of each source of asymmetry in a building
with nominally symmetric plan. Therefore, building codes include a simple design provi-
sion to account for accidental torsion in symmetric and unsymmetric buildings; in the latter
case it is considered in addition to torsion arising from plan asymmetry (Section 13.3). Re-
search has demonstrated deficiencies in this code provision.
In this section the modal analysis procedure of Section 13.1 is extended to MDF systems
excited by prescribed motions ü gl (t) at the various supports (l = 1, 2, . . . , N g ) of the
structure. In Section 9.7 the governing equations were shown to be the same as Eq. (13.1.1),
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where Dnl (t) is the deformation response of the nth-mode SDF system to support acceler-
ation ü gl (t).
The displacement response of the structure, Eq. (9.7.2), contains two parts:
1. The dynamic displacements are obtained by combining Eqs. (13.1.3) and (13.5.4):
u(t) = nl φn Dnl (t) (13.5.5)
l=1 n=1
Combining the two parts gives the total displacements in the structural DOFs:
ut (t) = ιl u gl (t) + nl φn Dnl (t) (13.5.6)
l=1 l=1 n=1
The forces in structural elements can be obtained from the structural displacements
ut (t) and prescribed support displacements ug (t) without additional dynamic analyses by
using either of the two procedures mentioned in Section 9.10. In the first method, the
element forces are calculated from the known nodal displacements using the element stiff-
ness properties. This method is usually preferred in computer implementation of force
calculations for multiple support excitation. It is instructive, however, to generalize the
second method based on equivalent static forces. The rest of this section is devoted to this
The equivalent static forces in the structural DOF are given by the last term on the
left side of Eq. (9.7.1):
f S = kut + kg ug (13.5.7)
Substituting Eq. (9.7.2) for ut and using Eq. (9.7.7) gives
f S (t) = ku(t) (13.5.8)
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These forces depend only on the dynamic displacements, Eq. (13.5.5). Therefore,
f S (t) = nl kφn Dnl (t) (13.5.9)
l=1 n=1
which can be written in terms of the mass matrix by utilizing Eq. (10.2.4):
f S (t) = nl mφn Anl (t) (13.5.10)
l=1 n=1
Anl (t) = ωn2 Dnl (t) (13.5.11)
is the pseudo-acceleration response of the nth-mode SDF system to support acceleration
ü gl (t).
The equivalent static forces along the support DOF are also given by the last term on
the left side of Eq. (9.7.1):
Substituting Eq. (9.7.2) for ut and using Eq. (9.7.3) for the quasi-static support forces psg (t)
Observe that the support forces f Sg depend on the displacements in the structural DOFs
as well as on support displacements, and can no longer be obtained by statics from the
force vector f S . This is different from Section 13.1, where for a structure excited at its only
support, or excited by identical motion at all supports, the base shear could be determined
from f S . By utilizing Eqs. (9.7.9) and (13.5.5), the support forces can be expressed as
f Sg (t) = kgT ιl + klgg u gl (t) + nl kgT φn Dnl (t) (13.5.14)
l=1 l=1 n=1
where kgg is the lth column of kgg .
The element forces at each time instant are evaluated by static analysis of the struc-
ture subjected to the forces f S (t) and f Sg (t), given by Eqs. (13.5.10) and (13.5.14), re-
spectively. Although this procedure was presented to show that the equivalent static force
concept can be generalized to structures excited by multiple support excitation, as men-
tioned earlier, in computer analysis it is usually preferable to evaluate the element forces
directly from the nodal displacements using the element stiffness properties.
Example 13.10
In the two-span continuous bridge of Example 9.10, support A undergoes vertical motion
u g (t), support B describes the same motion as A, but it does so t seconds later, and support
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C undergoes the same motion 2t after support A. Determine the following responses as a
function of time: displacement of the two masses; bending moments at the midpoint of each
span; and bending moment at the center support. Express all results in terms of Dn (t) and
An (t), the displacement and pseudo-acceleration responses of the nth-mode SDF system to
ü g (t). Compare the preceding results with the response of the bridge if all supports undergo
identical motion u g (t).
1. Evaluate the natural frequencies and modes. The eigenvalue problem to be solved is
kφ = ω2 mφ
ω1 = 6.928 ω2 = 10.47 (b)
m L3 m L3
−1 1
φ1 = φ2 = (c)
1 1
2. Determine nl = L nl /Mn .
L nl = φnT mιl l = 1, 2, 3, n = 1, 2
Substituting for φn and m from Eqs. (c) and (a), respectively, and for ιl from Eq. (g) of
Example 9.10 gives
−0.5000m 0 0.5000m ← mode 1
L = [L nl ] =
0.3125m 1.375m 0.3125m ← mode 2
↑ ↑ ↑
ü g1 ü g2 ü g3
Mn = φnT mφn n = 1, 2
−1 −1 −1
− 0.25 D1 (t) + 0 D1 (t − t ) + 0.25 D1 (t − 2t )
1 1 1
1 1 1
+ 0.15625 D2 (t) + 0.6875 D2 (t − t ) + 0.15625 D2 (t − 2t ) (h)
1 1 1
1 1 1
+ 0.15625 m A2 (t) + 0.6875 m A2 (t − t ) + 0.15625 m A2 (t − 2t ) (i)
1 1 1
6. Compute the equivalent static support forces. In Eq. (13.5.12) substituting for kg
and kgg from Eq. (d) of Example 9.10 and ut (t) from Eq. (h) gives
# $ # $ # $
−0.125 0 0.125
f Sg (t) = 0 m A1 (t) + 0 m A1 (t − t ) + 0 m A1 (t − 2t )
0.125 0 −0.125
# $ # $ # $
−0.0488 −0.2149 −0.0488
+ −0.2148 m A2 (t) + −0.9454 m A2 (t − t ) + −0.2148 m A2 (t − 2t )
−0.0488 −0.2149 −0.0488
# $ # $ # $
1.5 −3 1.5
+ −3.0 u g (t) + 6 u g (t − t ) + −3 u g (t − 2t ) ( j)
1.5 L3 −3 L3 1.5
where Eq. (b) was used to express E I /L 3 in terms of ωn and Eq. (13.5.11) to express Dnl
in terms of Anl . The equivalent static forces given by Eqs. (i) and (j) are shown in Fig.
E13.10. Observe that at each time instant, these forces defined by Eqs. (i) and ( j) are in
9. Comparison. If the support motions are identical, the quasi-static forces psg (t) in
Eq. (13.5.13) are zero, there is no quasi-static component in the bending moments, and all
support forces and internal forces can be computed directly (by statics) from the equivalent
static forces in the structural DOFs. In contrast, if the support motions are different, the
calculation of forces is more involved. In particular, the quasi-static forces associated with
the different displacements of the supports must be included, and support forces cannot be
obtained from only the equivalent static forces in the structural DOF.
With the development of earthquake analysis procedures presented in this chapter and the
availability of modern computers, it is now possible to determine the linearly elastic re-
sponse of an idealization (mathematical model) of any structure to prescribed ground mo-
tion. How well the computed response agrees with the actual response of a structure during
an earthquake depends primarily on the quality of the structural idealization.
To illustrate this concept, we return to the natural periods and damping ratios for the
Millikan Library building. Presented in Chapter 11 were these data from low-amplitude
forced vibration tests, and from the Lytle Creek and San Fernando earthquakes, which
caused roof accelerations of approximately 0.05g and 0.31g, respectively. These results
demonstrated that with increasing levels of motion the natural periods lengthen and the
damping ratios increase. The loss of stiffness indicated by this period change is be-
lieved to be primarily the result of cracking and other types of degradation of the non-
structural elements during the higher-level earthquake responses, especially from the San
Fernando earthquake. A nonlinear structural idealization having stiffness and damping
properties varying with deformation level would be necessary to reproduce this period
change and to describe the behavior of a structure through the complete range of deforma-
tion amplitudes.
However, if the structure experiences no structural damage, good estimates of the
response during the earthquake can usually be computed from an equivalent linear model
with viscous damping. If the computed natural periods and modes and the estimated damp-
ing ratios represent the properties of the structure during the earthquake, the modal analy-
sis procedure (Sections 13.1–13.3) will accurately predict “linear” response. This has been
demonstrated by numerous analyses of recorded motions of structures during earthquakes;
one such example is the response of the Millikan Library building during the San Fernando
earthquake (Figs. 11.1.3 and 11.1.4). Using the natural periods and damping ratios of this
building determined from these recorded motions and system identification procedures (Ta-
ble 11.1.1), the displacement response of this building to the basement motion calculated
by modal analysis was shown to agree almost perfectly with the displacements (relative to
the ground) shown in Fig. 11.1.5, which were determined from the accelerations recorded
at the roof and at the basement.
The usual situation, however, is different in the sense that the natural periods and
modes are computed from an idealization of the structure. It is the quality of this ide-
alization that determines the accuracy of response. Therefore, only those structural and
nonstructural elements that contribute to the mass and stiffness of the structure at the
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amplitudes of motion expected during the earthquake should be included in the structural
idealization; and their stiffness properties should be determined using realistic assump-
tions. Similarly, as discussed in Chapter 11, selection of damping values for analysis of a
structure should be based on available data from recorded earthquake responses of similar
The response history analysis (RHA) procedure presented in Part A provides structural
response r (t) as a function of time, but structural design is usually based on the peak values
of forces and deformations over the duration of the earthquake-induced response. Can the
peak response be determined directly from the response spectrum for the ground motion
without carrying out a response history analysis? For SDF systems the answer to this
question is yes (Chapter 6). However, for MDF systems the answer is a qualified yes. The
peak response of MDF systems can be calculated from the response spectrum, but the result
is not exact—in the sense that it is not identical to the RHA result; the estimate obtained
is accurate enough for structural design applications, however. In Part B we present such
response spectrum analysis (RSA) procedures for structures excited by a single component
of ground motion; thus simultaneous action of the other two components is excluded and
multiple support excitation is not considered. However, these more general cases have been
solved by researchers and the interested reader should consult the published literature.
The peak value rno of the nth-mode contribution rn (t) to response r (t) can be obtained
from the earthquake response spectrum or design spectrum. This becomes evident from
Eq. (13.1.13) by recalling that the peak value of An (t) is available from the pseudo-
acceleration spectrum as its ordinate A(Tn , ζn ), denoted as An , for brevity. Therefore,
rno = rnst An (13.7.1)
The algebraic sign of rno is the same as that of rnst because An is positive by definition.
Although it has an algebraic sign, rno † will be referred to as the peak modal response
because it corresponds to the peak value of An (t). This algebraic sign must be retained
because it can be important, as will be seen in Section 13.7.2. All response quantities rn (t)
associated with a particular mode, say the nth mode, reach their peak values at the same
† This notation r should not be confused with the use of a subscript o in Chapter 6 to denote the maximum
(over time) of the absolute value of the response quantity, which is positive by definition.
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time instant as An (t) reaches its peak (see Figs. 13.2.6 to 13.2.8, 13.2.10, 13.2.11, and
This upper-bound value is usually too conservative, as we shall see in example computa-
tions to be presented later. Therefore, this absolute sum (ABSSUM) modal combination
rule is not popular in structural design applications.
The square-root-of-sum-of-squares (SRSS) rule for modal combination, developed
in E. Rosenblueth’s Ph.D. thesis (1951), is
ro 2
rno (13.7.3)
The peak response in each mode is squared, the squared modal peaks are summed, and
the square root of the sum provides an estimate of the peak total response. As will be
seen later, this modal combination rule provides excellent response estimates for structures
with well-separated natural frequencies. This limitation has not always been recognized
in applying this rule to practical problems, and at times it has been misapplied to systems
with closely spaced natural frequencies, such as piping systems in nuclear power plants
and multistory buildings with unsymmetric plan.
The complete quadratic combination (CQC) rule for modal combination is applica-
ble to a wider class of structures as it overcomes the limitations of the SRSS rule. Accord-
ing to the CQC rule,
ro ρin rio rno (13.7.4)
i=1 n=1
Each of the N terms on the right side of this equation is the product of the peak responses
in the ith and nth modes and the correlation coefficient ρin for these two modes; ρin varies
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between 0 and 1 and ρin = 1 for i = n. Thus Eq. (13.7.4) can be rewritten as
% N
N N &1/2
ro rno +
ρin rio rno (13.7.5)
n=1 i=1 n=1
' () *
to show that the first summation on the right side is identical to the SRSS combination rule
of Eq. (13.7.3); each term in this summation is obviously positive. The double summation
includes all the cross (i = n) terms; each of these terms may be positive or negative. A
cross term is negative when the modal static responses rist and rnst assume opposite signs—
for the algebraic sign of rno is the same as that of rnst because An is positive by definition.
Thus the estimate for ro obtained by the CQC rule may be larger or smaller than the esti-
mate provided by the SRSS rule. [It can be shown that the double summation inside the
parentheses of Eq. (13.7.4) is always positive.]
Starting in the late 1960s and continuing through the 1970s and early 1980s, several
formulations for the peak response to earthquake excitation were published. Some of these
are identical or similar to Eq. (13.7.4) but differ in the mathematical expressions given for
the correlation coefficient. Here we include two: one due to E. Rosenblueth and J. Elorduy
for historical reasons because it was apparently the earliest (1969) result; and a second
(1981) due to A. Der Kiureghian because it is now widely used.
The 1971 textbook Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering by N. M. Newmark
and E. Rosenblueth gives the Rosenblueth–Elorduy equations for the correlation coeffi-
ρin = (13.7.6)
1 + in
where + "
ωi 1 − ζi2 − ωn 1 − ζn2 2
in = ζn = ζn + (13.7.7)
ζi ωi + ζn ωn ωn s
and s is the duration of the strong phase of the earthquake excitation. Equations (13.7.6)
and (13.7.7) show that ρin = ρni ; 0 ≤ ρin ≤ 1; and ρin = 1 for i = n or for two modes
with equal frequencies and equal damping ratios. It is instructive to specialize Eq. (13.7.6)
for systems with the same damping ratio in all modes subjected to earthquake excitation
with duration s long enough to replace Eq. (13.7.7b) by ζn = ζn . We substitute ζi = ζn = ζ
in Eq. (13.7.7a), introduce βin = ωi /ωn , and insert Eq. (13.7.7a) in Eq. (13.7.6) to obtain
ζ 2 (1 + βin )2
ρin = (13.7.8)
(1 − βin )2 + 4ζ 2 βin
The equation for the correlation coefficient due to Der Kiureghian is
√ 3/2
8 ζi ζn (βin ζi + ζn )βin
ρin = (13.7.9)
(1 − βin ) + 4ζi ζn βin (1 + βin
2 2 2
) + 4(ζi2 + ζn2 )βin
This equation also implies that ρin = ρni , ρin = 1 for i = n or for two modes with equal
frequencies and equal damping ratios. For equal modal damping ζi = ζn = ζ this equation
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simplifies to
8ζ 2 (1 + βin )βin
ρin = (13.7.10)
(1 − βin ) + 4ζ 2 βin (1 + βin )2
2 2
Figure 13.7.1 shows Eqs. (13.7.8) and (13.7.10) for the correlation coefficient ρin plotted
as a function of βin = ωi /ωn for four damping values: ζ = 0.02, 0.05, 0.10, and 0.20.
Observe that the two expressions give essentially identical values for ρin , especially in the
neighborhood of βin = 1, where ρin is the most significant.
This figure also provides an understanding of the correlation coefficient. Observe
that this coefficient diminishes rapidly as the two natural frequencies ωi and ωn move far-
ther apart. This is especially the case at small damping values that are typical of structures.
In other words, it is only in a narrow range of βin around βin = 1 that ρin has significant
values; and this range depends on damping. For example, ρin > 0.1 for systems with
5% damping over the frequency ratio range 1/1.35 ≤ βin ≤ 1.35. If the damping is 2%,
this range is reduced to 1/1.13 ≤ βin ≤ 1.13. For structures with well-separated natural
frequencies the coefficients ρin vanish; as a result all cross (i = n) terms in the CQC rule,
Eq. (13.7.5), can be neglected and it reduces to the SRSS rule, Eq. (13.7.3). It is now clear
Eq. (13.7.8)
Eq. (13.7.10)
Correlation coefficient ρin
ζ = 0.20
0.2 0.05
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.5 2
Figure 13.7.1 Variation of correlation coefficient ρin with modal frequency ratio, βin =
ωi /ωn , as given by two different equations for four damping values; abcissa scale is loga-
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that the SRSS rule applies to structures with well-separated natural frequencies of those
modes that contribute significantly to the response.
The SRSS and CQC rules for combination of peak modal responses have been
presented without the underlying derivations based on random vibration theory, a sub-
ject beyond the scope of this book. It is important, however, to recognize the impli-
cations of the assumptions behind the derivations. These assumptions indicate that the
modal combination rules would be most accurate for earthquake excitations that contain
a wide band of frequencies with long phases of strong shaking, which are several times
longer than the fundamental periods of the structures, which are not too lightly damped
(ζn > 0.005). In particular, these modal combination rules will become less accurate for
short-duration impulsive ground motions and are not recommended for ground motions
that contain many cycles of essentially harmonic excitation.
Considering that the SRSS and CQC modal combination rules are based on random
vibration theory, ro should be interpreted as the mean of the peak values of response to an
ensemble of earthquake excitations. Thus the modal combination rules are intended for
use when the excitation is characterized by a smooth response (or design) spectrum, based
on the response spectra for many earthquake excitations. The smooth spectrum may be
the mean or median of the individual response spectra or it may be a more conservative
spectrum, such as the mean-plus-one-standard-deviation spectrum (Section 6.9). The CQC
or SRSS modal combination rule (as appropriate depending on the closeness of natural
frequencies) when used in conjunction with, say, the mean spectrum provides an estimate
of the peak response that is reasonably close to the mean of the peak values of response
to individual excitations. The error in the estimate of the peak may be on either side,
conservative or unconservative, and is usually no more than several percent for typical
structures and earthquakes; see examples later.
It has been found that Eq. (13.7.3) or (13.7.4) also approximates the peak response to
a single ground motion characterized by a jagged response spectrum. The errors are larger,
however, in this case: perhaps in the range of 10 to 30%, depending on the fundamental
period of the structure; see examples later.
The response spectrum analysis (RSA) described in the preceding section is a procedure
for dynamic analysis of a structure subjected to earthquake excitation, but it reduces to a se-
ries of static analyses. For each mode considered, static analysis of the structure subjected
to forces sn provides the modal static response rnst , which is multiplied by the spectral
ordinate An to obtain the peak modal response rno [Eq. (13.7.1)]. Thus the RSA proce-
dure avoids the dynamic analysis of SDF systems necessary for response history analysis
(Fig. 13.1.1). However, the RSA is still a dynamic analysis procedure, because it uses the
vibration properties—natural frequencies, natural modes, and modal damping ratios—of
the structure and the dynamic characteristics of the ground motion through its response
(or design) spectrum. It is just that the user does not have to carry out any response his-
tory calculations; somebody has already done these in developing the earthquake response
spectrum or the earthquake excitation has been characterized by a smooth design spectrum.
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In this section the response spectrum analysis procedure of Section 13.7 is specialized for
multistory buildings with their plans having two axes of symmetry subjected to horizontal
ground motion along one of these axes. The peak value† of the nth-mode contribution rn (t)
to a response quantity is given by Eq. (13.7.1). The modal static response rnst is calculated
by static analysis of the building subjected to lateral forces sn of Eq. (13.2.4). Equations for
rnst for several response quantities are available in Table 13.2.1. Substituting these formulas
for floor displacement u j , story drift j , base shear Vb , and base overturning moment Mb
in Eq. (13.7.1) gives
u jn = n φ jn Dn jn = n (φ jn − φ j−1,n )Dn (13.8.1a)
j fjn ujn
Figure 13.8.1 Peak values of lateral
displacements and equivalent static lateral
forces associated with the nth mode.
† From now on, the subscript o is dropped from ro for brevity [i.e., r will denote the peak value of r (t)].
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replacing An (t) in Eq. (13.2.7) by the spectral ordinate An . Because only one static anal-
ysis is required for each mode, it is more direct to do so for the forces fn instead of sn and
then multiplying the latter results by An . In contrast, the use of the modal static response
rnst was emphasized in response history analysis because it highlighted the fact that the
static analysis for forces sn was needed only once even though the response was computed
at many time instants.
Thus the peak value rn of the nth-mode contribution to a response quantity r is de-
termined by static analysis of the building due to lateral forces fn ; the direction of forces
f jn is controlled by the algebraic sign of φ jn . Hence these forces for the fundamental
mode will act in the same direction (Fig. 13.8.1), but for the second and higher modes they
will change direction as one moves up the building. Observe that this static analysis is
not necessary to determine floor displacements or story drifts; Eq. (13.8.1a) provides the
more convenient alternative. The peak value of the total response is estimated using the
modal combination rules of Eq. (13.7.3) or (13.7.4), as appropriate, including all modes
that contribute significantly to the response.
Usually, only the lower modes contribute significantly to the response. Therefore, steps 2
and 3 need to be implemented for only these modes and the modal combinations of
Eqs. (13.7.3) and (13.7.4) truncated accordingly.
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Example 13.11
The peak response of the two-story frame of Example 13.4, shown in Fig. E13.11a, to ground
motion characterized by the design spectrum of Fig. 6.9.5 scaled to 0.5g peak ground ac-
celeration is to be determined. This reinforced-concrete frame has the following properties:
E = 3 × 103 ksi, I = 1000 in4 , h = 10 ft, L = 20 ft. Determine the lateral displacements of
the frame and bending moments at both ends of each beam and column.
u5 u6
u2 2
5 6
h = 10′
ua ub
EI EI 5 6 θa θb
u3 u4
u1 1 EI
3 4 a b
h = 10′
• •
2EI 2EI 3 4 L
1 2 (c)
• L = 20′ •
(a) (b)
396 kip-ft 179 kip-ft (
) ) ( (
374 kip-ft
) ) ) )
(d) (e)
Figure E13.11
Solution Steps 1 and 2 of the summary have already been implemented and the results are
available in Examples 10.5 and 13.4. Substituting for E, I , and h in Eq. (b) of Example 13.4
gives ωn and Tn = 2π/ωn :
Step 4: Using the SRSS rule for modal combination, estimates for the peak values of
the floor displacements are
u1 (7.252)2 + (2.159)2 = 7.566 in.
u2 (18.73)2 + (−1.672)2 = 18.81 in.
Second mode. Joint rotations u02 are obtained from Eq. (d) of Example 9.9 with ut
replaced by u2 . Computations for the element forces parallel those shown for the first mode,
but using u2 and u02 , leading to the results in Table E13.11 and in Fig. E13.11e.
Step 4: The peak value of each element force is estimated by combining its peak modal
values by the SRSS rule. The results are shown in Table E13.11. Note that the algebraic signs
of the bending moments are lost in the total values; therefore, it is not meaningful to draw the
bending moment diagram and the total moments do not satisfy equilibrium at joints.
In this section the RSA procedure is implemented for the five-story shear frame of Fig.
12.8.1. The complete history of this structure’s response to the El Centro ground motion
was determined in Section 13.2.6. We now estimate its peak response directly from the
response spectrum for this excitation (i.e., without computing its response history).
Presented in Sections 12.8 and 13.2.6 were the mass and stiffness matrices and the
natural vibration periods and modes of this structure. From these data, the modal properties
Mn and L nh were computed (Table 13.2.2). The damping ratios are estimated as ζn = 5%.
0. 83 9g
= 0.7 14
28 g
56 7
= 0.8
3 =
D 3 = 0 0.6
D 4 5=
1. 77 in.
05 in.
.8 53
10 •
Pseudo-velocity V, in./sec
T5 T4 T3 T2 T1
0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50
Natural vibration period Tn, sec
Figure 13.8.2 Earthquake response spectrum with natural vibration periods Tn of example structure
shown together with spectral values Dn and An .
These forces are also shown in Fig. 13.8.3a. Alternatively, fn can be computed by multi-
plying known values of sn (Fig. 13.2.4) by An (Fig. 13.8.2). Repeating these computations
for modes n = 2, 3, 4, and 5 leads to the remaining results of Fig. 13.8.3. Observe that the
equivalent static forces for the first mode all act in the same direction, but for the second
and higher modes they change direction as one moves up the building; the direction of
forces is controlled by the algebraic sign of φ jn (Fig. 12.8.2).
For each mode the peak value of any story force or element force is computed by
static analysis of the structure subjected to the equivalent static lateral forces fn . Ta-
ble 13.8.1 summarizes these peak values for the base shear Vb , top-story shear V5 , and
base overturning moment Mb . The earlier data for roof displacement u 5 are also included.
These peak modal values are exact because the errors in reading spectral ordinates had
been eliminated in this example. This is apparent by comparing the data in Table 13.8.1
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Figure 13.8.3 Peak values of displacements and equivalent static lateral forces due to the five natural
vibration modes.
and the peak modal values from response history analysis in Figs. 13.2.7 and 13.2.8. The
two sets of data agree except possibly for their algebraic signs because the peak values Dn
and An are positive by definition.
Alternatively, Eq. (13.7.1) could have been used for computing the peak modal
st st
response. For example, the modal static responses Vbn and Mbn are available from
Vb V5 Mb u5
Mode (kips) (kips) (kip-ft) (in.)
1 60.469 17.211 2549.4 6.731
2 24.533 −20.382 −354.33 −0.936
3 9.867 12.923 90.402 0.239
4 2.943 −4.951 −20.986 −0.055
5 0.595 1.141 3.718 0.010
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Table 13.2.3 and An from Fig. 13.8.2. For example, the first-mode calculations are
Vb1 = Vb1
A1 = [4.398(100/g)]0.1375g = 60.469 kips
Mb1 = Mb1
A1 = [(15.45)(100/g)12]0.1375g = 2549.4 kip-ft
As expected, these are the same as the data in Table 13.8.1.
Modal combination. The peak value r of the total response r (t) is estimated by
combining the peak modal responses according to the ABSSUM, SRSS, and CQC rules of
Eqs. (13.7.2) to (13.7.4). Their use is illustrated for one response quantity, the base shear.
The ABSSUM rule of Eq. (13.7.2) is specialized for the base shear:
Vb ≤ |Vbn | (13.8.3)
Substituting for the known values of Vbn from Table 13.8.1 gives
Vb ≤ 60.469 + 24.533 + 9.867 + 2.943 + 0.595 or Vb ≤ 98.407 kips
As expected, the ABSSUM estimate of 98.407 kips is much larger than the exact value of
73.278 kips (Fig. 13.2.7).
The SRSS rule of Eq. (13.7.3) is specialized for the base shear:
Vb 2
Vbn (13.8.4)
Substituting for the known values of Vbn from Table 13.8.1 gives
Vb (60.469)2 + (24.533)2 + (9.867)2 + (2.943)2 + (0.595)2 = 66.066 kips
Observe that the contributions of modes higher than the second are small.
The CQC rule of Eq. (13.7.4) is specialized for the base shear:
5 5
Vb ρin Vbi Vbn (13.8.5)
i=1 n=1
Needed in this equation are the correlation coefficients ρin , which depend on the frequency
ratios βin = ωi /ωn , computed from the known natural frequencies (Section 13.2.6) and
repeated in Table 13.8.2 for convenience.
For each βin value in Table 13.8.2, ρin is determined from Eq. (13.7.10) for ζ =
0.05 and presented in Table 13.8.3. Observe that the cross-correlation coefficients ρin
(i = n) are small because the natural frequencies of the five-story shear frame are well
The 25 terms in the double summation of Eq. (13.8.5),computed using the known
values of ρin (Table 13.8.3) and Vbn (Table 13.8.1), are given in Table 13.8.4. Adding these
25 terms and taking the square root gives Vb 66.507 kips. It is clear that only the i = n
terms are significant and the cross-terms (i = n) are small because the cross-correlation
coefficients are small. Note that the contributions of modes higher than the second mode
could be neglected, thus reducing the computational effort.
Comparison of RSA and RHA results. The RSA estimates of peak response
obtained from the ABSSUM, SRSS, and CQC rules are summarized in Table 13.8.5 to-
gether with the RHA results from Figs. 13.2.7 to 13.2.8. In the preceding section, com-
putational details for estimating the peak base shear by RSA were presented; similarly,
results for V5 , Mb , and u 5 were obtained. These data permit several observations. First, the
ABSSUM rule can be excessively conservative and should therefore not be used. Second,
the SRSS and CQC rules give essentially the same estimates of peak response because the
cross-correlation coefficients are small for this structure with well-separated natural fre-
quencies. Third, the peak responses estimated by SRSS or CQC rules are smaller than the
RHA values; this is not a general trend, however, and larger values can also be estimated
when using a jagged response spectrum for a single excitation. Fourth, the error in SRSS
(or CQC) estimates of peak response, expressed as a percentage of the RHA value, vary
with the response quantity. It is about 15% for the top-story shear V5 , 10% for the base
shear Vb , and less than 1% for the base overturning moment Mb and top-floor displacement
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Vb V5 Mb u5
(kips) (kips) (kip-ft) (in.)
u 5 . The error is largest for V5 because the responses due to the higher modes are most
significant (compared to other response quantities considered) relative to the first mode
(Table 13.8.1). Similarly, the error is smallest for Mb because the higher-mode responses
are a very small fraction of the first-mode response (Table 13.8.1).
Now consider a typical application of the RSA procedure in which the peak response
is estimated for excitations characterized by a smooth design spectrum, say the mean or
median spectrum derived from individual spectra for many ground motions (Section 6.9).
The error in this RSA estimate relative to the mean of the exact peak values (from response
history analyses of the structure) for individual excitations will be generally much smaller
than the errors noted above for a single excitation—perhaps no more than several percent.
Avoid a pitfall. Observe that the peak value r of each response quantity was de-
termined by combining the peak values rn of the modal contributions to the same response
quantity. This is the correct way of estimating the peak value of a response quantity.
On the other hand, it is wrong to compute the combined peak value of one response
quantity from the combined peak values of other response quantities. For example, it is de-
sired to determine 5 , the drift in the fifth story of the building just analyzed. It is incorrect
to determine its peak value from 5 = u 5 − u 4 , where u 5 and u 4 have been determined by
combining their modal peaks u 5n and u 4n , respectively. The correct procedure to determine
5 is by combining the peak modal values, 5n = u 5n − u 4n .
Similarly, it is erroneous to compute the combined peak value of an internal force
from the combined peak values of other forces. In particular, it is incorrect to determine the
story shears or story overturning moments from the combined peak values of the equivalent
static forces. The SRSS combination of the peak values of the equivalent static forces f jn
for each mode of the five-story shear building (Fig. 13.8.3) is shown in Fig. 13.8.4. Static
30.074 kips
Figure 13.8.4 Wrong procedure for
Vb = 127.55 kips computing internal forces.
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analysis of the structure with these external forces gives the base shear Vb = 127.55 kips,
which is almost twice the correct SRSS value presented in Table 13.8.5. This erroneous
value is much larger because the algebraic signs of f jn (Fig. 13.8.3) are lost in the SRSS
combination and the forces shown in Fig. 13.8.4 are all in the same direction.
This section is concerned with the four-story frame with a light appendage of Section 13.2.7,
where its response history due to El Centro ground motion was presented. In this section
the peak responses of the same structure are estimated by the RSA procedure directly from
the response spectrum for the ground motion. The analysis procedure and the details of
its implementation are identical to those described in Section 13.8.2. Therefore, only a
summary of the results is presented.
Table 13.8.6 shows the natural periods Tn and the associated spectral ordinates for
5% damping together with the peak modal responses for two response quantities: base
Tn Dn Vb V5
Mode (sec) (in.) An /g (kips) (kips)
1 2.000 5.378 0.1375 26.805 1.367
2 1.873 5.335 0.1556 25.429 −1.397
3 0.672 2.631 0.5950 19.816 0.027
4 0.439 1.545 0.8176 6.414 −0.005
5 0.358 0.928 0.7407 1.090 0.001
shear Vb and appendage shear V5 . The ratios βin of natural frequencies are given in
Table 13.8.7. The correlation coefficients computed by Eq. (13.7.10) for each βin value
are listed in Table 13.8.8.
The 25 terms in the double summation of Eq. (13.8.5) for Vb are presented in
Table 13.8.9; similar data for V5 appear in Table 13.8.10. The cross (i = n) terms in
Table 13.8.9 are all positive because the modal static responses Vbn for base shear are all
positive. Some of the cross terms in Table 13.8.10 are negative because all the modal static
responses V5n for the appendage shear do not have the same algebraic sign; a cross term
is negative when V5ist and V5n
assume opposite signs. Finally, estimates for the peak val-
ues of the two response quantities obtained by ABSSUM, SRSS, and CQC procedures are
presented in Table 13.8.11.
These results bring out several response features of systems with two modes having
close natural frequencies and contributing significantly to the response (e.g., the first two
modes of the four-story building with an appendage). The cross-correlation coefficient for
these two modes is 0.698 (Table 13.8.8), which is significant relative to its largest possible
value of unity. As a result, the 1–2 cross terms for V5 and Vb are comparable in magni-
tude to the individual modal (1–1 or 2–2) terms (Tables 13.8.9 and 13.8.10). Therefore,
Vb V5
(kips) (kips)
ABSSUM 79.554 2.797
SRSS 42.428 1.954
CQC 52.774 1.074
RHA 56.660 0.997
the SRSS and CQC modal combination rules provide very different estimates of peak re-
sponses (Table 13.8.11). The CQC rule gives a base shear that is larger than its value from
the SRSS rule because all the cross (i = n) terms are positive (Table 13.8.9). For the
appendage shear, however, the significant cross-term associated with the first two modes is
negative (Table 13.8.10). Therefore, the CQC rule gives an appendage shear that is smaller
than that obtained from the SRSS rule. Table 13.8.11 shows that only the CQC modal
combination rule provides estimates of peak response that are close to the RHA results of
Fig. 13.2.11. The errors in the SRSS estimates are unacceptably large; and they are even
larger in the ABSSUM results.
An examination of the RHA results reveals the reasons for these large errors in the
SRSS combination rule. Observe that the SDF system responses An (t) for the first two
modes are highly correlated, as they are essentially in phase because the two natural pe-
riods are close (Fig. 13.2.10); the peak values of the two An (t) are similar because their
natural periods are close and their damping ratios are identical. As a result and because
the modal static responses are similar for the first two modes (Table 13.2.4), the response
contributions of the first two modes are similar in magnitude (Fig. 13.2.11). These modal
contributions to the base shear are almost directly additive because they are essentially in
phase (Fig. 13.2.11a). This feature of the response is not represented by the SRSS rule,
whereas it is recognized in the CQC rule by the significant cross term (between modes 1
and 2) with positive value (Table 13.8.9). In contrast, the two modal contributions to the
appendage shear tend to cancel each other because they have essentially opposite phase
(Fig. 13.2.11b). This feature of the response is again not represented by the SRSS rule,
whereas it is recognized in the CQC rule by the significant cross term (between modes
1 and 2) with negative value (Table 13.8.10). It is clear from this discussion that the
SRSS modal combination rule should not be used for systems with closely spaced natural
In this section the response spectrum analysis procedure of Section 13.7 is specialized for
multistory buildings with their plans symmetric about the x-axis but unsymmetric about
the y-axis subjected to ground motion in the y-direction. The peak value of the nth-mode
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contribution rn (t) to a response quantity is given by Eq. (13.7.1). The modal static re-
sponse rnst is calculated by static analysis of the building subjected to lateral forces s yn and
torques sθn of Eq. (13.3.7). Equations for the modal static response rnst for several response
quantities are available in Table 13.3.1. Substituting these formulas for floor translation
u j y , floor rotation u jθ , base shear Vb , base overturning moment Mb , and base torque Tb in
Eq. (13.7.1) gives
u j yn = n φ j yn Dn u jθ n = n φ jθ n Dn (13.9.1a)
Vbn = Mn∗ An Mbn = h ∗n Mn∗ An ∗
Tbn = I On An (13.9.1b)
Equations (13.9.1) for the peak modal responses are equivalent to static analysis of
the building subjected to the equivalent static forces associated with the nth-mode peak
response; the lateral forces f yn and torques fθ n are
f yn s yn
= An (13.9.2)
fθ n sθ n
The lateral force and torque at the jth floor level (Fig. 13.9.1) are
f j yn = n m j φ j yn An f jθ n = n r 2 m j φ jθ n An (13.9.3)
For reasons mentioned in Section 13.8, it is more direct to do the static analysis for the
forces f yn and fθn instead of s yn and sθ n and then multiplying the latter results by An .
For any response quantity, therefore, the peak value of the nth-mode response is de-
termined by static analysis of the building subjected to lateral forces f yn and torques fθ n ; the
direction of forces f j yn and f jθ n is controlled by the algebraic signs of φ j yn and φ jθ n . Ob-
serve that this static analysis is not necessary to determine floor displacements or rotations;
Eq. (13.9.1a) provides the more convenient alternative. Although such a three-dimensional
static analysis of an unsymmetric-plan building provides the element forces in all frames
fNyn x
of the building, it may be useful to recognize that the element forces in an individual (ith)
frame can also be determined by planar analysis of the frame subjected to lateral forces:
fin = (n /ωn2 )kxi (−yi φθ n )An fin = (n /ωn2 )k yi (φ yn + xi φθ n )An (13.9.4)
The first of these equations applies to frames in the x-direction and the second to frames
in the y-direction. They are obtained from Eq. (13.3.18) with An (t) replaced by the corre-
sponding spectral value An .
Once these peak modal responses have been determined for all the modes that con-
tribute significantly to the total response, they can be combined using the CQC rule,
Eq. (13.7.4), with N replaced by 2N —the number of DOFs for the unsymmetric-plan
building—in both summations, to obtain an estimate of the peak total response. The SRSS
rule for modal combination should not be used because many unsymmetric-plan buildings
have pairs (or triplets) of closely spaced natural frequencies.
Usually, only the lower pairs of modes contribute significantly to the response. There-
fore, steps 2 and 3 need to be implemented for only these modes and the double summa-
tions in the CQC rule truncated accordingly.
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Example 13.12
Determine the peak values of the response of the one-story unsymmetric-plan system of Ex-
amples 13.7 and 10.6 with modal damping ratios ζn = 5% to the El Centro ground motion in
the y-direction, directly from the response spectrum for this ground motion.
Solution Steps 1 and 2 of the procedure summary just presented have already been imple-
mented in Example 10.6.
Step 3a: Corresponding to the known Tn and ζn = 5%, Fig. 6.6.4 gives the ordinates
Dn and An . For T1 = 1.069 sec: D1 = 4.256 in. = 0.3547 ft and A1 /g = 0.381. For
T2 = 0.9248 sec: D2 = 4.161 in. = 0.3468 ft and A2 /g = 0.497. (Obviously, numbers
cannot be read to four significant figures from the response spectrum; they were obtained
from the numerical data used in plotting Fig. 6.6.4; see also Fig. E13.8a.)
Step 3b: The peak values of roof displacement and rotation are obtained by specializing
Eq. (13.9.1a) for the one-story system:
u yn = n φ yn Dn u θ n = n φθ n Dn (a)
Substituting numerical values for n , φ yn , and φθ n (from Example 13.7) in Eq. (a) with n = 1
gives the first-mode peak responses:
u y1 = (−0.974)(−0.5228)(0.3547) = 0.1806 ft = 2.168 in.
b 30 (b)
u θ1 = (−0.974)(0.0493)(0.3547) = −0.2555 ft = −3.065 in.
2 2
where (b/2)u θ1 represents the lateral displacement at the edge of the plan due to floor rotation.
Similarly, the second-mode peak responses are
u y2 = (−0.956)(−0.5131)(0.3468) = 0.1701 ft = 2.042 in.
b 30 (c)
u θ2 = (−0.956)(−0.0502)(0.3468) = 0.2497 ft = 2.999 in.
2 2
Step 3c: The peak values of f yn and f θ n , the lateral force and torque, are obtained by
specializing Eq. (13.9.3) for this one-story frame:
f yn = n mφ yn An f θn = n r 2 mφθ n An (d)
By statics, the base shear and base torque are
Vbn = f yn Tbn = f θ n (e)
Alternatively, Eq. (13.7.1) can be used for computing the peak modal response. For example,
the modal static responses Vbnst and M st are available from Example 13.8. Substituting V st =
bn b1
0.509m, Tb1st = −5.203m, m = 60 kips/g, and A = 0.381g in Eq. (13.7.1) gives
Step 3d: The peak lateral force for frame A is given by Eq. (13.9.4b) specialized for a
one-story frame:
f An = k A n (φ yn + x A φθ n )Dn (h)
Substituting k A = 75 kips/ft, xa = 1.5 ft, and numerical values for n , φ yn , φθ n , and Dn
f A1 = 75(−0.974)[−0.5228 + 1.5(0.0493)]0.3547 = 11.63 kips
uy b/2u θ Vb Tb Vb A VbB
Mode (in.) (in.) (kips) (kip-ft) (kips) (kips)
1 2.168 −3.065 11.63 −118.8 11.63 6.814
2 2.042 2.999 14.64 155.2 14.64 −6.662
Step 4: For this system with two modes, the ABSSUM, SRSS, and CQC rules, Eqs.
(13.7.2)–(13.7.4), specialize to
r ≤ |r1 | + |r2 | r (r12 + r22 )1/2 r (r12 + r22 + 2ρ12 r1 r2 )1/2 (l)
For this system, β12 = ω1 /ω2 = 5.878/6.794 = 0.865. For this value of β12 and ζ = 0.05,
Eq. (13.7.10) gives ρ12 = 0.322. The results from Eq. (l) are summarized in Table E13.12b,
wherein the peak values of total responses determined by RHA are also included. These
were computed using the results of Example 13.8, where Dn (t) and An (t) were computed by
dynamic analysis of the nth-mode SDF system.
As expected, the ABSSUM estimate is always larger than the RHA value. The SRSS
estimate is better, but the CQC estimate is the best because it accounts for the cross-correlation
term in the modal combination, which is significant in this example because the natural fre-
quencies are close, a situation common for unsymmetric-plan systems.
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uy (b/2)u θ Vb Tb Vb A VbB
(in.) (in.) (kips) (kip-ft) (kips) (kips)
ABSSUM 4.210 6.064 26.27 274.0 26.27 13.48
SRSS 2.978 4.289 18.70 195.5 18.70 9.530
CQC 3.423 3.532 21.43 162.3 21.43 7.848
RHA 3.349 3.724 20.63 174.3 20.63 8.275
Example 13.13
Figure E13.13a–c shows a two-story building consisting of rigid diaphragms supported by
three frames, A, B, and C. The lumped weights at the first and second floor levels are 120 and
60 kips, respectively. The lateral stiffness matrices of these frames, each idealized as a shear
frame, are
225 −75 120 −40
ky A = ky = kx B = kxC = kx =
−75 75 −40 40
The design spectrum for ζn = 5% is given by Fig. 6.9.5 scaled to 0.5g peak ground accelera-
tion. Determine the peak value of the base shear in frame A.
Frame B
ujθ Frame A
20′ x
Frame C
• •
• 1.5′ •
(a) Plan
u2A u2B and u2C
Figure E13.13a–c
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Solution This system has four DOFs: u y j and u θ j (Fig. E13.13a); j = 1 and 2. The stiffness
matrix of Eqs. (9.5.25) and (9.5.26) is specialized for this system with three frames:
ky ek y
ek y e2 k y + (d 2 /2)kx
Substituting for kx , k y , e = 1.5 ft, d = 20 ft, gives
225.0 −75.00 337.5 −112.5
75.00 −112.5 112.5
k= ,
(sym) 24,506 −8169
The floor masses are m 1 = 120/g = 3.727 kip-sec2 /ft and m 2 = 60/g = 1.863 kip-
sec2 /ft, and the floor moments of inertia are I O j = m j (b2 + d 2 )/12 = m j (302 + 202 )/12 =
1300m j /12. Substituting these data in the mass matrix of Eq. (9.5.27) gives
The eigenvalue problem is solved to determine the natural periods Tn and modes φn
shown in Fig. E13.13d. Observe that each mode includes lateral and torsional motion. In the
first mode the two floors displace in the same lateral direction and the two floors rotate in
the same direction. In the second mode the two floors rotate in the same direction, which is
0.0403 0.0285
Floor 0.4269 0.4190 0.0410 0.3019
2 0.2963 0.0290
0.0201 0.0290
Floor 0.2134 0.2095 0.0205
1 0.3019
Figure E13.13d
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opposite to the first mode. In the third and fourth modes the lateral displacements at the two
floors are in opposite directions; the same is true for the rotations of the two floors.
The n are computed from Eqs. (13.3.4) to (13.3.6): 1 = 1.591, 2 = 1.561, 3 =
−0.562, and 4 = 0.552.
For Tn = 1.512, 1.307, 0.756, and 0.654 sec, the design spectrum gives A1 /g = 0.595,
A2 /g = 0.688, A3 /g = 1.191, and A4 /g = 1.355.
The peak values of the equivalent static lateral forces for frame A are [from
Eq. (13.9.4b)]
f An = (n /ωn2 )k y (φ yn + eφθ n )An
Substituting for 1 , ω1 (= 4.156), k y , A1 , φ y1 , and φθ 1 gives the lateral forces associated
with the first mode:
, -
f A1 1.591 225 −75 0.2134 −0.0201 24.2
= (0.595 × 32.2) + 1.5 =
f A2 1 (4.156)2 −75 −75 0.4269 −0.0403 24.2
Static analysis of the frame subjected to these lateral forces (Fig. E13.13e) gives the internal
forces. In particular, the base shear is Vb A1 = f 11 + f 21 = 48.4 kips. Similar computations
lead to the peak base shear due to the second, third, and fourth modes: Vb A2 = 53.9, Vb A3 =
12.1, and Vb A4 = 13.3 kips.
24.2 kips
24.2 kips
The peak value r of the total response r (t) will be estimated by combining the peak
modal responses according to the CQC rule, Eq. (13.7.4). For this purpose it is necessary to
determine the frequency ratios βin = ωi /ωn ; these are given in Table E13.13a. For each of
the βin values the correlation coefficient ρin is computed from Eq. (13.7.10) with ζ = 0.05
and presented in Table E13.3b.
Substituting the peak modal values Vb An and the correlation coefficients ρin in the CQC
rule, we obtain the 16 terms in the double summation of Eq. (13.7.4) (Table E13.13c). Adding
the 16 terms and taking the square root gives Vb A = 86.4 kips. Table E13.13c shows that the
terms with significant values are the i = n terms, and the cross terms between modes 1 and 2
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and between modes 3 and 4. The cross terms between modes 1 and 3, 1 and 4, 2 and 3, or 2 and
4 are small because those frequencies are well separated. The square root of the sum of the four
i = n terms in Table E13.3c gives the SRSS estimate: Vb A = 74.7 kips. This is less accurate.
De la Llera, J. C., and Chopra, A. K., “Evaluation of Code Accidental Torsional Provisions from
Building Records,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 120, 1994, pp. 597–616.
Der Kiureghian, A., “A Response Spectrum Method for Random Vibration Analysis of MDF Sys-
tems,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 9, 1981, pp. 419–435.
Newmark, N. M., and Rosenblueth E., Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering, Prentice Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1971, pp. 308–312.
Rosenblueth, E., “A Basis for Aseismic Design,” Ph.D. thesis, University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill.,
Rosenblueth, E., and Elorduy, J., “Responses of Linear Systems to Certain Transient Disturbances,”
Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile, Vol. I, 1969,
pp. 185–196.
13.1 For the two-story shear frame of Fig. P13.1 (also of Problems 9.5 and 10.6) excited by hori-
zontal ground motion ü g (t), determine (a) the modal expansion of effective earthquake forces,
(b) the floor displacement response in terms of Dn (t), (c) the story shear response in terms of
An (t), and (d) the first-floor and base overturning moments in terms of An (t).
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• 2h
• • Figure P13.1
∗ 13.2 The response of the two-story shear frame of Fig. P13.1 (also of Problems 9.5 and 10.6) to El
Centro ground motion is to be computed as a function of time. The properties of the frame
are h = 12 ft, m = 100 kips/g, I = 727 in4 , E = 29,000 ksi, and ζn = 5%. The ground
acceleration data are available in Appendix 6 at every t = 0.02 sec.
(a) Determine the SDF system responses Dn (t) and An (t) using a numerical time-stepping
method of your choice with an appropriate t; plot Dn (t) and An (t).
(b) For each natural mode calculate as a function of time the following response quantities:
(i) the displacements at each floor, (ii) the story shears, and (iii) the floor and base overturning
(c) At each instant of time combine the modal contributions to each of the response quantities
to obtain the total response; determine the peak value of the total responses. For selected
response quantities plot as a function of time the modal responses and total response.
13.3 Determine the effective modal masses and effective modal heights for the two-story shear
frame of Fig. P13.1 (also of Problems 9.5 and 10.6); the height of each story is h. Display this
information on the SDF systems for the modes. Verify that Eqs. (13.2.14) and (13.2.17) are
∗ 13.4 Figure P13.4 shows a two-story frame (the same as that in Problems 9.6 and 10.10) with
flexural rigidity E I for beams and columns. Determine the dynamic response of this structure
to horizontal ground motion ü g (t). Express (a) the floor displacements and joint rotations in
terms of Dn (t), and (b) the bending moments in a first-story column and in the second-floor
beam in terms of An (t).
m/2 EI
h = 12′ h = 12′
L = 24′
• • Figure P13.4
13.5– For the three-story shear frames of Figs. P13.5–P13.6 (also of Problems 9.7–9.8 and 10.11–
13.6 10.12) excited by horizontal ground motion ü g (t), determine (a) the modal expansion of ef-
fective earthquake forces, (b) the floor displacement response in terms of Dn (t), and (c) the
story shear response in terms of An (t), and (d) the base overturning moment in terms of An (t).
h EI EI h EI/3 EI/3
m m
h EI EI h 2EI/3 2EI/3
m m
2h 2h
• • • •
∗ 13.7– The response of the three-story shear frames of Figs. P13.5–P13.6 (also of Problems 9.7–9.8
13.8 and 10.11–10.12) to El Centro ground motion is to be computed as a function of time. The
properties of the frame are h = 12 ft, m = 100 kips/g, I = 1400 in4 , E = 29,000 ksi, and
ζn = 5%. The ground acceleration data are available in Appendix 6 at every t = 0.02 sec.
(a) Determine the SDF system responses Dn (t) and An (t) using a numerical time-stepping
method of your choice with an appropriate t; plot Dn (t) and An (t).
(b) For each natural mode calculate as a function of time the following response quantities:
(i) the roof displacement, (ii) the story shears, and (iii) the base overturning moment.
(c) At each instant of time combine the modal contributions to each of the response quantities
to obtain the total response; determine the peak value of the total responses. For selected
response quantities plot as a function of time the modal responses and total response.
13.9– Determine the effective modal masses and effective modal heights for the three-story shear
13.10 frames of Figs. P13.5–P13.6; the height of each story is h. Display this information on the
SDF systems for the modes. Verify that Eqs. (13.2.14) and (13.2.17) are satisfied.
∗ 13.11–Figures P13.11–13.14 show three-story frames (the same as those in Problems 9.9–9.12 and
13.14 10.19–10.22) with flexural rigidity E I for beams and columns. Determine the dynamic
m m EI/2
3@h = 12′
m m EI/2
L = 24′ 2h
• • • •
response of this three-story frame to horizontal ground motion ü g (t). Express (a) the floor
displacements and joint rotations in terms of Dn (t), and (b) the bending moments in a first-
story column and in the second-floor beam in terms of An (t).
m/2 m/2
EI/3 EI/6
h EI/3 EI/3 h EI/3 EI/3
m m
2EI/3 EI/3
h 2EI/3 2EI/3 h 2EI/3 2EI/3
m m
2h 2h
• • • •
13.15 For the inverted L-shaped frame of Fig. E9.6a excited by vertical ground motion ü g (t), deter-
mine (a) the modal expansion of effective earthquake forces, (b) the displacement response in
terms of Dn (t), and (c) the bending moment at the base of the column in terms of An (t).
13.16 Solve Problem 13.15 for the ground motion shown in Fig. P13.16.
∗ 13.17 For the umbrella structure of Fig. P13.17 (also of Problems 9.13 and 10.23) excited by hori-
zontal ground motion ü g (t), determine (a) the modal expansion of effective earthquake forces,
(b) the displacement response in terms of Dn (t), and (c) the bending moments at the base of
the column and at location a of the beam in terms of An (t).
2m u3 u2
m 3m
u1 c d
u2 m EI a EI m
• • L L
ug(t) • • •
∗ 13.21 Solve Problem 13.17 for rocking ground motion in the plane of the structure.
∗ 13.22 A cantilever tower is shown in Fig. P13.22 with three lumped masses and its flexural stiffness
properties; m = 0.486 kip-sec2 /in., E I /L 3 = 56.26 kips/in., and E I /L 3 = 0.0064 kip/in.
Note that the top mass and its supporting element are an appendage to the main tower. Damp-
ing is defined by modal damping ratios, with ζn = 5% for all modes.
(a) Determine the natural vibration periods and modes; sketch the modes.
(b) Expand the effective earthquake forces into their modal components and show this expan-
sion graphically.
(c) Compute the modal static responses for three quantities: (i) the displacement of the ap-
pendage mass, (ii) the shear force at the base of the appendage, and (iii) the shear force at the
base of the tower.
(d) What can you predict about the relative values of modal contributions to each of the re-
sponse quantity from the results of parts (a) and (c)?
• m/1000
3@L = 3L = 30′
Figure P13.22
∗ 13.23The response of the tower with appendage of Fig. P13.22 to El Centro ground motion is to be
computed as a function of time. The ground acceleration is available in Appendix 6 at every
t = 0.02 sec. The damping of the structure is defined by the modal damping ratios ζn = 5%
for all modes.
(a) Determine the SDF system responses Dn (t) and An (t) using a numerical time-stepping
method of your choice with an appropriate t.
(b) For each vibration mode calculate and plot as a function of time the following response
quantities: (i) the displacement of the appendage mass, (ii) the shear force in the appendage,
and (iii) the shear force at the base of the tower. Determine the peak value of each modal
(c) Calculate and plot as a function of time the total values of the three response quantities
determined in part (b); determine the peak values of the total responses.
(d) Compute the seismic coefficients (defined as the shear force normalized by the weight) for
the appendage and the tower. Why is the seismic coefficient for the appendage much larger
than for the tower?
13.24 For the one-story, unsymmetric-plan system of Fig. P13.24 (the same as that defined in Prob-
lem 9.14 for which the natural vibration frequencies and modes were to be determined in
Rigid slab,
total mass, m = 90 kips/g
a b
uθ uy
2k k
25′ ux
d c k = 1.5 kips/in.
12′ 2k k
• •
Figure P13.24
13.25 For the one-story, unsymmetric-plan system of Fig. P13.24 (the same as that defined in Prob-
lem 9.14 for which the natural vibration frequencies and modes were to be determined in
Problem 10.24) which is excited by ground motion ü g (t) along the diagonal d–b:
(a) Expand the effective earthquake forces in terms of their modal components and show this
expansion graphically.
(b) Verify that Eq. (13.3.9) is satisfied.
(c) Determine the displacement u y and rotation u θ of the slab in terms of Dn (t).
(d) Determine the x and y components of the base shear and base torque in terms of An (t).
∗ 13.26 The response history of the system of Problem 13.24 (the same as that in Problem 9.14 for
which the natural vibration frequencies and modes were to be determined in Problem 10.24)
to El Centro ground motion along the y-direction is to be determined. In addition to the
system properties given in Fig. P13.24, ζn = 5% for all natural vibration modes. The ground
acceleration is available in Appendix 6 at every t = 0.02 sec.
(a) Determine the SDF system responses Dn (t) and An (t) using a numerical time-stepping
method of your choice with an appropriate t; plot Dn (t) and An (t).
(b) For each vibration mode calculate and plot as a function of time the following response
quantities: u y , b/2u θ , base shear Vb , and base torque Tb .
(c) Calculate and plot as a function of time the total responses; determine the peak values of
the total responses.
13.27 For the system of Fig. P13.27 (also of Problems 9.18 and 10.28), which is subjected to ground
motion in the x-direction: (a) expand the effective earthquake forces in terms of their modal
components and show this expansion graphically; (b) determine the displacements u x , u y , and
u z of the mass in terms of Dn (t); and (c) determine the bending moments about the x and y
axes and the torque at the clamped end a in terms of An (t).
z uy
m d
c •
a x Figure P13.27
13.31 The system of Fig. P13.31 (and of Problem 9.19) is subjected to support motions u g1 (t) and
u g2 (t). Determine the motion of the two masses as a function of time for two excitations:
(a) u g1 (t) = −u g2 (t) = u g (t), and (b) u g2 (t) = u g1 (t) = u g (t); express all results in terms
of Dn (t), the deformation response of the nth-mode SDF system to ü g (t). Comment on how
the response to the two excitations differs and why.
ug1 ug2
m m
k k k
Figure P13.31
13.32 The undamped system of Fig. P13.32 (and of Problem 9.20), with L = 50 ft, m = 0.2 kip-
sec2 /in., and E I = 5 × 108 kip-in2 , is subjected to support motions u g1 (t) and u g2 (t). De-
termine the steady-state motion of the lumped mass and the steady-state value of the bending
moment at the midspan due to two harmonic excitations: (i) u g1 (t) = u go sin ωt, u g2 (t) = 0;
and (ii) u g1 (t) = u g2 (t) = u go sin ωt. The excitation frequency ω is 0.8ωn , where ωn is the
natural vibration frequency of the ω is 0.8ωn , where ωn is the natural vibration frequency of
the system. Express your results in terms of u go . Comment on (a) the relative contributions
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of the quasi-static and dynamic components in each response quantity due to each excitation
case, and (b) how the responses to the two excitations differ and why.
ug1 u ug2
EI m
50′ 50′
• • • Figure P13.32
∗ 13.33 The equations governing the motion of the system in Fig. P9.21 due to support motions were
formulated in Problem 9.21.
(a) Support a undergoes motion u g (t) in the x-direction and support b undergoes the same
motion, but t seconds later. Determine the following responses as a function of time: (i) the
displacements u 1 and u 2 of the valves, and (ii) the bending moments at a, b, c, d, and e.
Express the displacements in terms of u g (t) and Dn (t), and forces in terms of u g (t) and
An (t), where Dn (t) and An (t) are the deformation and pseudo-acceleration response of the
nth-mode SDF system to ü g (t).
(b) Compare the preceding results with the response of the system if both supports undergo
identical motion u g (t). Comment on how the responses in the two cases differ and why.
∗ 13.34 The equations governing the motion of the system in Fig. P9.22 due to spatially varying
Problem 10.24, and the equations governing its motion due to spatially varying ground motion
in the x-direction were formulated in Problem 9.24.
(a) The supports of columns a and b undergo motion u g (t) in the x-direction and the supports
of columns c and d undergo the same motion, but t seconds later. Determine the following
responses as a function of time: (i) the displacements u x , u y , and u θ of the roof slab, and
(ii) the shear in each column. Express the displacements in terms of u g (t) and Dn (t), and
forces in terms of u g (t) and An (t), where Dn (t) and An (t) are the deformation and pseudo-
acceleration response of the nth-mode SDF system to ü g (t).
(b) Compare the preceding results with the response of the structure if all column supports un-
dergo identical motion u g (t). Comment on how the responses in the two cases differ and why.
∗ 13.37 Implement numerically the solution to Problem 13.36 for El Centro ground motion with t =
0.1 sec. In addition to the system properties given in Fig. P13.24, ζn = 5% for all modes.
The ground acceleration is available in Appendix 6 at every t = 0.02 sec. Plot (i) Dn (t),
and (ii) the modal contributions and the total response for each response quantity. Determine
the peak values of the total response. Comment on the influence of spatial variations in the
∗ 13.38 (a) In the intake tower of Problem 9.25, the base of the tower undergoes horizontal motion
u g (t), and the right end of the bridge undergoes the same motion as the base, but it does so t
seconds later. Determine the following responses as a function of time: (i) the displacement
at the top of the tower, (ii) the shear and bending moment at the tower base, and (iii) the axial
force in the bridge. Express the displacements in terms of Dn (t) and forces in terms of An (t),
where Dn (t) and An (t) are the deformation and pseudo-acceleration response of the nth-mode
SDF system to ü g (t).
(b) Compare the preceding results with the response of the tower if both supports undergo
identical motion u g (t). Comment on how the responses in the two cases differ and why.
Part B
∗ 13.39Figure P13.4 shows a two-story frame (the same as that in Problems 9.6 and 10.10) with
m = 100 kips/g, I = 727 in4 for beams and columns, and E = 29,000 ksi. Determine the
response of this frame to ground motion characterized by the design spectrum of Fig. 6.9.5 (for
5% damping) scaled to 13 g peak ground acceleration. Compute (a) the floor displacements,
and (b) the bending moments in a first-story column and in the second-floor beam.
13.40 The two-story shear frame of Fig. P13.1 (also of Problems 9.5 and 10.6) has the following
properties: h = 12 ft, m = 100 kips/g, I = 727 in4 for columns, E = 29,000 ksi, and
ζn = 5%. The peak response of this structure to El Centro ground motion is to be estimated
by response spectrum analysis (RSA) and compared with the results of Problem 13.2 from
response history analysis (RHA). For the purposes of this comparison the RSA is to be imple-
mented as follows.
(a) Determine the spectral ordinates Dn and An for the nth-mode SDF system as the peak val-
ues of Dn (t) and An (t), respectively, determined in part (a) of Problem 13.2. [We are doing
so to avoid errors inherent in reading Dn and An from the response spectrum. However, in
the standard application of RSA, Dn (t) or An (t) would not be available and Dn or An will be
read from the response or design spectrum.]
(b) For each mode calculate the peak values of the following response quantities: (i) the floor
displacements, (ii) the story shears, and (iii) the floor and base overturning moments.
(c) Combine the peak modal responses using an appropriate modal combination rule to obtain
the peak value of the total response for each response quantity in part (b).
(d) Comment on the accuracy of the modal combination rule by comparing the RSA results
from part (c) with the RHA results of Problem 13.2.
∗ 13.41–Figures P13.11–P13.14 show three-story frames (the same as those in Problems 9.9–9.12
13.44 and 10.19–10.22) with m = 100 kips/g, I = 1400 in4 , and E = 29,000 ksi. Determine the
response of this frame to ground motion characterized by the design spectrum of Fig. 6.9.5 (for
5% damping) scaled to 13 g peak ground acceleration. Compute (a) the floor displacements,
and (b) the bending moments in a first-story column and in the second-floor beam.
13.45–The three-story shear frames of Figs. P13.5–P13.6 (also of Problems 9.7–9.8 and 10.11–10.12)
13.46 have the following properties: h = 12 ft, m = 100 kips/g, I = 1400 in4 , E = 29,000 ksi, and
ζn = 5%. The peak response of this structure to El Centro ground motion is to be estimated
by response spectrum analysis (RSA) and compared with the results of Problems 13.7–13.8
from response history analysis (RHA). For the purposes of this comparison the RSA is to be
implemented as follows.
(a) Determine the spectral ordinates Dn and An for the nth-mode SDF system as the peak
values of Dn (t) and An (t), respectively, determined in part (a) of Problem 13.9. [We are
doing so to avoid errors inherent in reading Dn and An from the response spectrum. However,
in the standard application of RSA, Dn (t) or An (t) would not be available, and Dn or An will
be read from the response or design spectrum.]
(b) For each mode calculate the peak values of the following response quantities: (i) the floor
displacements, (ii) the story shears, and (iii) the floor and base overturning moments.
(c) Combine the peak modal responses using an appropriate modal combination rule to obtain
the peak value of the total response for each response quantity in part (b).
(d) Comment on the accuracy of the modal combination rule by comparing the RSA results
from part (c) with the RHA results of Problems 13.7–13.8.
13.47 Determine the response of the inverted L-shaped frame of Fig. E9.6a to horizontal ground
motion characterized by the design spectrum of Fig. 6.9.5 scaled to 0.20g peak ground accel-
eration, given that L = 10 ft, m = 1.5 kips/g, E = 29, 000 ksi, and I = 28.1 in4 ; the given
value of I is for a 6-in. standard steel pipe.
13.48 Solve Problem 13.47 for vertical ground motion.
13.49 Solve Problem 13.47 for the ground motion shown in Fig. P13.16.
13.50 The umbrella structure of Fig. P13.17 (also of Problems 9.13 and 10.23) is made of 6-in.
nominal diameter standard steel pipe. Its properties are: I = 28.1 in4 , E = 29,000 ksi,
weight = 18.97 lb/ft, m = 1.5 kips/g, and L = 10 ft. Determine the peak response of this
structure to horizontal ground motion characterized by the design spectrum of Fig. 6.9.5 (for
5% damping) scaled to 0.20g peak ground acceleration. Compute (a) displacements u 1 , u 2 ,
and u 3 , and (b) the bending moments at the base of the column and at location a of the beam.
Comment on the differences between the results from the SRSS and CQC modal combination
13.51 Solve Problem 13.50 if the excitation is vertical ground motion characterized by the design
spectrum of Fig. 6.9.5 (for 5% damping) scaled to 0.20g peak ground acceleration.
13.52 Solve Problem 13.50 if the excitation is ground motion in the direction b–d, characterized by
the design spectrum of Fig. 6.9.5 (for 5% damping) scaled to 0.20g peak ground acceleration.
13.53 Solve Problem 13.50 if the excitation is ground motion in the direction b–c, characterized by
the design spectrum of Fig. 6.9.5 (for 5% damping) scaled to 0.20g peak ground acceleration.
13.54 The peak earthquake response of the tower with the appendage of Fig. P13.22 is to be de-
termined. The ground motion is characterized by the design spectrum of Fig. 6.9.5 (for 5%
damping), scaled to 13 g peak ground acceleration.
(a) Using the SRSS and CQC modal combination rules, calculate the peak values of the fol-
lowing response quantities: (i) the displacement of the appendage mass, (ii) the shear force at
the base of the appendage, and (iii) the shear force at the base of the tower.
(b) Comment on the differences between the results from the two modal combination rules
and the reasons for these differences. Which of the two methods is accurate?
13.55 The peak response of the tower with the appendage of Fig. P13.22 to El Centro ground motion
is to be estimated by response spectrum analysis (RSA) and compared with the results of
Problem 13.23 from response history analysis (RHA). For the purposes of this comparison
the RSA is to be implemented as follows.
(a) Determine the spectral ordinates Dn and An for the nth-mode SDF system as the peak
values of Dn (t) and An (t), respectively, determined in part (a) of Problem 13.23. [We are
doing so to avoid errors inherent in reading Dn and An from the response spectrum. However,
in the standard application of RSA, Dn (t) or An (t) would not be available and Dn or An will
be read from the response or design spectrum.]
(b) For each mode calculate the peak values of the following response quantities: (i) the
displacement of the appendage mass, (ii) the shear force in the appendage, and (iii) the shear
force at the base of the tower.
(c) Using the CQC method, combine the modal peak to determine the peak value of each of
the response quantities of part (b). Which of the modal correlation terms must be retained and
which could be dropped from CQC calculations, and why?
(d) Repeat part (c) using the SRSS method.
(e) Comment on the accuracy of the CQC and SRSS modal combination rules by comparing
the RSA results from parts (c) and (d) with the RHA results by solving Problem 13.23.
13.56 The peak response of the one-story, unsymmetric-plan system of Fig. P13.24 with ζn = 5%
is to be estimated by response spectrum analysis (RSA) and compared with the results of
Problem 13.26 from response history analysis (RHA). For purposes of this comparison the
RSA is implemented as follows.
(a) Determine the spectral ordinates Dn and An for the nth-mode SDF system as the peak
values of Dn (t) and An (t), respectively, determined in part (a) of Problem 13.26. [We are
doing so to avoid errors inherent in reading Dn or An from the response spectrum. However,
in the standard application of RSA, Dn (t) or An (t) would not be available, and Dn or An will
be read from the response or design spectrum.]
(b) For each mode calculate the peak values of the following response quantities: u y , (b/2)u θ ,
the base shear Vb , and the base torque Tb .
(c) Using the SRSS and CQC modal combination rules, compute the peak value for each
response quantity.
(d) Comment on the accuracy of the SRSS and CQC methods by comparing the RSA results
from part (c) with the RHA results of Problem 13.26.
13.57 Determine the peak response of the one-story, unsymmetric-plan system of Fig. P13.24 to
ground motion along the y-direction. The excitation is characterized by the design spectrum
of Fig. 6.9.5 (for 5% damping), scaled to 0.5g peak ground acceleration:
(a) Using the SRSS and CQC modal combination rules, calculate the peak values of the fol-
lowing response quantities: u x , u y , b/2uθ, the base shears in the x and y directions and the
base torque, and the bending moments about the x and y axes at the base of each column.
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(b) Comment on the differences between the results from the two modal combination rules
and the reasons for these differences. Which of the two methods is accurate?
13.58 Determine the peak response of the one-story, unsymmetric-plamn system of Fig. P13.24 to
ground motion along the diagonal d–b. The excitation is characterized by the design spectrum
of Fig. 6.9.5 (for 5% damping), scaled to 0.5g peak ground acceleration.
(a) Using the SRSS and CQC modal combination rules, calculate the peak values of the fol-
lowing response quantities: (i) u x , (ii) u y , (iii) b/2uθ, (iv) the base shears in the x and y
directions and the base torque, and (v) the bending moments about the x and y axes at the
base of each column.
(b) Comment on the differences between the results from the two modal combination rules
and the reasons for these differences. Which of the two methods is accurate?
13.59 The three-dimensional pipe of Fig. P13.27 is made of 3-in.-nominal-diameter standard steel
pipe. Its properties are I = 3.017 in4 , J = 6.034 in4 , E = 30,000 ksi, G = 12,000 ksi,
m = 1.0 kip/g, and L = 36 in. Determine the peak response of the system to ground motion
in the x-direction characterized by the design spectrum of Fig. 6.9.5 (ζ = 5%) scaled to 0.20g
peak ground acceleration. Using the SRSS and CQC modal combination rules, calculate the
peak values of (a) the displacements u x , u y , and u z of the mass, and (b) the bending moments
about the x and y axes and the torque at a. Comment on the differences between the results
from the two modal combination rules.
13.60 Solve Problem 13.59 for ground motion in the y-direction.
13.61 Solve Problem 13.59 for ground motion in the z-direction.
13.62 Solve Problem 13.59 for ground motion in the direction a–d.
13.63 For the structure and ground motion defined in Problem 13.59, estimate the peak bending
moment at a about an axis oriented at an angle α = 30o counterclockwise from the x-axis.
Comment on the differences between the SRSS and CQC estimates.
13.64 Solve Problem 13.63 for ground motion in the y-direction.
13.65 Solve Problem 13.63 for ground motion in the z-direction.
13.66 Solve Problem 13.63 for ground motion in the direction a–d.
13.67 (a) For the structure defined in Problem 13.59 and ground motion in the x-direction, estimate
the peak bending moment at a about an axis oriented at an arbitrary angle α counterclockwise
from the x-axis.
(b) Compute the maximum value of the peak bending moment in the pipe at a and the corre-
sponding value of α. Comment on the differences between the SRSS and CQC estimates.
13.68 Solve Problem 13.67 for ground motion in the y-direction.
13.69 Solve Problem 13.67 for ground motion in the z-direction.
13.70 Solve Problem 13.67 for ground motion in the direction a–d.
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