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Code No: 09A60302 R09 SET-1

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B. Tech III Year II Semester Examinations, April/May -2012

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any five questions
All questions carry equal marks
1. a) Discuss in detail about the concepts of FEM formulation .How is that FEM
emerged as powerful tool. Discuss in detail about applications of finite element
b) Derive an equation for finding out the potential energy by Rayleigh –Ritz method.
Using Rayleigh – Ritz method, find the displacement of the midpoint of the rod
shown in Fig.1. Assume E = 1, A = 1, ρ g = 1 by using linear and quadratic shape
functions concept. [15]

2. a) Discuss in detail about Linear and Quadratic shape functions with examples.
b) For the truss shown in fig.2 determine the displacements at point B and stresses in
the bars by considering linear and quadratic shape functions. [15]
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3. a) Consider axial vibration of the Aluminum bar shown in Fig.3, (i) develop the
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global stiffness and (ii) determine the nodal displacements and stresses using
elimination approach and with help of linear and quadratic shape function
concept. Assume Young’s Modulus E = 70Gpa.
b) Determine the mass matrix for truss element with an example. [15]

4. a) Establish the shape functions for a 3 – noded triangular element.

b) Find the deformed configuration, and the maximum stress and minimum stress
locations for the rectangular plate loaded as shown in the fig.4. Solve the problem
using 2 triangular elements. Assume thickness = 10cm; E = 70 Gpa, and
υ = 0.33. [15]

5. a) Determine the shape functions for 4 – nodded quadrilateral element.

b) For a beam and loading shown in fig.5, determine the slopes at 2 and 3 and the
vertical deflection at the midpoint of the distributed load. [15]
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6. a) Clearly explain the finite element formulation for an axisymmetric shell with an
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axisymmetric loading.Determine the matrix relating strains and nodal

displacements for an axisymmetric triangular element.
b) Determine the temperature distribution in a straight fin of circular c/s. Use three
one dimensional linear elements and consider the tip is insulated. Diameter of fin
is 1 cm, length is 6 cm, h = 0.6 W/cm2 –C, φ∞ = 250C and base temperature is
φ1 =800 C. [15]

7. a) Determine the element stresses, strains and support reactions for the given bar
problem as shown in Fig. 6

Δ = 1.2mm; L = 150mm; P = 60000 N ; E = 2 X 10 4 ; A = 250mm.

Fig. 6
b) What are shape functions? Indicate briefly the role of shape functions in FEM
analysis. [15]

8. a) Derive one dimensional steady state heat conduction equation.

b) An axisymmetric triangular element is subjected to the loading as shown in fig.7
the load is distributed throughout the circumference and normal to the boundary.
Derive all the necessary equations and derive the nodal point loads. [15]
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Code No: 09A60302 R09 SET-2

Engineershub Android App

B. Tech III Year II Semester Examinations, April/May -2012

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any five questions
All questions carry equal marks

1.a) Consider the bar shown in figure loaded as shown in Fig.1. Determine the nodal
displacements, element stresses and support reactions. E = 200 GPa

b) Starting from first principles derive the matrix relating strains and nodal
displacement for a triangular element under in plane loading. [15]

2. A triangular element is as shown in figure. The (x, y) coordinates are as shown at

respective nodes. The elements nodal displacement vector is specified as
{q}= {0,1,0.2,0.6,0.3,0.4,0.8}and is shown in Fig.2.
a) Jacobian of the element
b) The natural coordinates of the point P (x = 5, y = 5)
1 1
c) The x , y coordinates of the point Q (ς = ,η = ).
3 5
d) The displacement vectors at the points P& Q. [15]
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3.a) With a suitable example explain the procedure for the analysis of an axisymmetrix
solid. Explain the various steps involved in detail.
b) An axi symmetric body with a linearly distributed load on the conical surface is
shown in Fig.3. Determine the equivalent nodal point loads. [15]

4.a) Establish the interpolation functions for 8 noded quadrilateral element.

b) Establish the interpolation functions for a 2 node beam element.
c) Write a note on beams on elastic foundations and the treatment of boundary
d) Write a short note on numerical integration. [15]

5.a) Establish the interpolation functions for a six noded triangular element.
b) Distinguish the bar, beam, frame element and give the applications of these
elements with suitable examples.
c) Write a note on boundary consideration in beams and frames.
d) Write a note on natural coordinates. [15]

6.a) Give the fundamental concept of FEM.

b) Give the limitations of FEM.
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c) What do you understand by discritisation of the domain?

d) Write the properties of shape functions. [15]

7.a) Determine the matrix relating strains and nodal displacements for an
axisymmetric triangular element.
b) Evaluate the integral by using one and two – point Gaussian quadrature and
compare with exact value.


+2 +2
I= ∫ ∫ ( x3 + x 2 y + xy 2 + sin 2 x + cos 2 y )dx dy
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−1 −1

8.a) Consider axial vibration of the steel bar shown in Fig.4, (i) develop the global
stiffness and consistent mass matrices and (ii) determine the natural frequencies
and mode shapes using the characteristic polynomial technique with help of
linear and quadratic shape function concept and E = 210GPa.

b) Determine the temperature distribution in a straight fin of circular c/s. Use three
one dimensional linear elements and consider the tip is insulated. Diameter of fin
is 1 cm, length is 6 cm, h = 0.6 W/cm2 –C, φ∞ = 250 C and base temperature is
φ1 = 800C. [15]

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Code No: 09A60302 R09 SET-3

Engineershub Android App

B. Tech III Year II Semester Examinations, April/May -2012

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any five questions
All questions carry equal marks

1.a) Explain Isoparametric – subparametric and super parameteric elements with

b) Explain what is a jacobian matrix and its use in Finite Element Analysis.
c) Establish the shape functions for a 6 – noded triangular element.
d) Obtain the D – matrix for 2 – D and 3 – D problems using Hook’s law.

2.a) Derive the interpolation functions at all nodes for the quadratic serendipity
element, shown in Fig.1.

b) Evaluate the integral by using one and two – point Gaussian quadrature and
compare with exact value.
+1 +1
I= ∫ ∫ ( x3 + x 2 y + xy 2 + sin 2 x + cos 2 y )dx dy [15]
−1 −1

3.a) Clearly explain the finite element formulation for an axisymmetric shell with an
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axisymmetric loading. Determine the matrix relating strains and nodal

displacements for an axisymmetric triangular element.
b) Establish the Hermite shape functions for a beam element Derive the equivalent
nodal point loads for a u.d.I. acting on the beam element in the transverse
direction. [15]


4.a) Derive the stiffness matrix [K] and the load vector for the two dimensional
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simplex element shown in Fig.2, also determine nodal displacements of triangular

element, strain and stress of an element. Assume E = 260MPa, μ =0.3 and t =

b) Using the isoparametric element, find the Jacobian and inverse of Jacobian matrix
for the element shown in Fig.3 (a) & (b) for the following cases.
i) Determine the coordinate of a point P in x- y coordinate system for the ξ = 0.4
η = 0.6.
ii) Determine the coordinate of the Q in ξ andη system for the x = 2.5 and y =
1.0. [15]

5.a) Consider axial vibration of the steel bar shown in Fig.4, (i) develop the global
stiffness and consistent mass matrices and (ii) determine the natural frequencies
and mode shapes using the characteristic polynomial technique with help of linear
and quadratic shape function concept and E = 210GPa.
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b) Differentiate between Consistent Mass matrix and Lumped Mass matrix. [15]

6.a) Distinguish between local, natural and global coordinates

b) For the pin jointed configuration shown in Fig.5, determine;
i) Element stiffness matrices ii) Global stiffness matrix
iii) Stress in the element 1 iv) Strain in the element 2
v) Strain energy of the system vi) Any one of the support reaction. [15]

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7.a) Determine the temperature distribution in a straight fin of circular c/s. Use three
one dimensional linear elements and consider the tip is insulated. Diameter of fin
is 1 cm, length is 6cm, h = 0.6 W/cm2 –C, φ∞ = 250 C and base temperature is φ1 =
b) Derive one dimensional steady state heat conduction equation and apply to one
dimensional fin problem. [15]

8.a) What are the necessary requirements for convergence and explain about h- and p-
b) Derive the stiffness matrix for truss element in case of linear and quadratic shape
functions At 200 C an axial load P = 300 x 103 N is applied to the rod as shown in
Fig.6. The temperature is then raised to 600C. Assemble the element stiffness
matrix and the element temperature force matrix (F).Again determine the nodal
displacements and element stresses. Also find element strains. Assume E1= 70 x
109 N/m2, A1= 900 mm2, α1 = 23 x 10-6/ 0C, E2 = 200 X 109 N/m2 , A2 = 1200
mm2 , α 2 = 11.7 x 10-6 / 0C. [15]
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Code No: 09A60302 R09 SET-4

Engineershub Android App

B. Tech III Year II Semester Examinations, April/May -2012

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any five questions
All questions carry equal marks

1.a) Establish the shape functions for four nodded Quadrilateral element.
b) Obtain the D – matrix for Plane Stress problems using Hook’s law.
c) Plane truss in 2 – D.
d) LST
e) Steady state problems [15]

2.a) Discuss in detail about the concepts of FEM formulation. How is that FEM
emerged as a powerful tool.
b) Discuss in detail about calculation of Principal stresses in case of 3 –D problems.

3.a) Explain in detail about different weighted residual methods with examples.
b) Define shape function and its properties. Establish the interpolation functions in
Natural coordinate system for 3 noded truss element and derive the stiffness
matrix for truss using intrinsic coordinates. [15]

4.a) Consider axial vibration of the Aluminum bar shown in Fig.1, (i) develop the
global stiffness and (ii) determine the nodal displacements and stresses using
elimination Approach and with help of linear and quadratic shape function
concept. Assume Young’s Modulus E = 70GPa.
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b) Derive an equation for finding out the potential energy by Rayleigh – Ritz
method. Using Rayleigh –Ritz method, find the displacement of the midpoint of
the rod shown in Fig.2.Assume E = 1, A = 1, ρ g = 1 by using linear and
quadratic shape functions concept. [15]

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5.a) Determine the matrix relating strains and nodal displacements for three and six
noded triangular element and compare the behaviour.
b) Determine the deflection and stresses at the point of load application on a plate,
by considering two triangular elements shown in Fig.3. Assume thickness t = 4
mm, Poisson’s ratio = 0.25 and Young’s Modulus E = 210 GPa. [15]

6.a) Derive the interpolation functions at all nodes for the quadratic serendipity
element, shown in Fig.4.
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b) Evaluate the integral by using one and two – point Gaussian quadrature and
compare with exact value.
+1 +1
1= ∫ ∫ ( x3 + x 2 y + xy 2 + sin 2 x + cos 2 y )dx dy [15]
−1 −1
7.a) Derive element equations for a one dimensional heat conduction element using
weak form formulation.


b) Determine the necessary boundary conditions for one dimensional heat

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conduction problem with an example. [15]

8.a) Discuss in detail about finite element formulation for an axisymmetric shell with
an axisymmetric loading. Determine the matrix relating strains and nodal
displacements for an axisymetric three noded triangular element.
b) Obtain the functional approach of finite element equations for a one dimensional
heat conduction problem. [15]

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