PrTime Inter 1
PrTime Inter 1
PrTime Inter 1
Teacher’s Book
IWB software
ISBN 978-1-78098-918-1
keep \ki…p\ kept \kept\ kept \kept\ wake \weIk\ woke \w´Uk\ woken \"w´Uk´n\
know \n´U\ knew \nju…\ known \n´Un\ wear \we´\ wore \wO…\ worn \wO…n\
win \wIn\ won \wøn\ won \wøn\
lay \leI\ laid \leId\ laid \leId\ write \raIt\ wrote \r´Ut\ written \"rIt´n\
lead \li…d\ led \led\ led \led\
learn \l‰…n\ learnt (learned) \l‰…nt learnt (learned) \l‰…nt
“l‰…nd‘\ “l‰…nd‘\
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Student’s Book
Virginia Evans – Jenny Dooley
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Modules Grammar Vocabulary
Starter • Transport
• Places in a city
• Food/Drinks
• Cooking methods
• Natural disasters
• Adverbs of manner • Jobs
Work & Play
• Present simple/Present • Character adjectives
continuous • Hobbies
• Stative verbs • Sports
pp. 7-20
• Comparisons • Applying for a job
Language in Use 1 p. 21 • (to)-infinitive/-ing form • Student jobs
Skills Practice 1 pp. 22-23 • Phrasal verbs: break, bring
Revision 1 p. 24 • Word formation: person nouns
• Types of books
Language in Use 2 p. 39 • Tourist attractions
Skills Practice 2 pp. 40-41 • Phrasal verbs: fall, get, give
Revision 2 p. 42 • Word formation: abstract nouns from
• Present continuous/Present • Types of accommodation
pp. 43-56 simple with future meaning; • Verbs related to the weather
time clauses • Outdoor leisure activities
• Conditionals types 0, 1, 2, 3 • Camping equipment
Language in Use 3 p. 57 • Wishes • Phrasal verbs: go, look
Skills Practice 3 pp. 58-59 • Word formation: adjectives from nouns
Revision 3 p. 60
should, can/can’t, may, might, • Illnesses & ailments
healthy body could • Remedies/Solutions
• Past modals: had to, could, was • Action verbs
pp. 61-74 able to • Teenage problems and solutions
Language in Use 4 p. 75 • Relative clauses • Phobias & fears
Skills Practice 4 pp. 76-77 • both ... and, either ... or, neither • Phrasal verbs: make, put
Revision 4 p. 78 ... nor • Word formation: adjectives from verbs
• Gestures & body language
• Present perfect continuous • Annoying/Bad habits
experiences • Modals making deduction: • Cultural differences/adjustments
pp. 79-92 must, can’t, may/might • Problems with neighbours
• Tenses of the infinitive/-ing • Physical appearance & character
Language in Use 5 p. 93 form • Cultural traditions & customs
Skills Practice 5 pp. 94-95 • Phrasal verbs: take, turn
Revision 5 p. 96 • Word formation: negative adjectives
Crime & • the passive • Crime & technology
• the causative • Cyber crime
Community • reflexive pronouns • Types of art
• reported speech • Problems in the community
pp. 97-110 • Crime fighters
Language in Use 6 p. 111 • Politics
Skills Practice 6 pp. 112-113 • Phrasal verbs: run, set, wear, work
Revision 6 p. 114 • Word formation: prefixes
Vocabulary Bank pp. VB1-VB17 Grammar Reference pp. GR1-GR13 American English – British English Guide p. GR15
2 Writing Bank pp. WB1-WB6 Rules for Punctuation p. GR14 Pronunciation p. GR16
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• Hot Jobs (multiple choice) • Talking about jobs • Taking notes about jobs • Cash in Hand
• UFO Hunter (open-ended • A job interview • Sentences about UFO Hunting • PSHE: What’s
sentences) • Talking about adventure • A cover letter, applying for a the job for you?
• Listening: identifying main points sports job (quiz)
• Take a Deep Breath (multiple choice) • Asking for/giving personal • A paragraph about your
• Listening: multiple matching details hobby
• Voluntourism: how to make a • Pronunciation: intonation in
difference (T/F/DS) questions
• John’s Travels (open-ended • Talking about travel • Writing a short account of a • London’s Top
sentences) experiences story Historical
• Listening: identifying main points • Expressing opinions • Making notes about a Chinese Attractions
• The Story of Google (T/F) • Talking about a performance opera • ICT: Social
• Lady Gaga (comprehension • Talking about reading habits • A story Networks: How
questions) • Pronunciation: intonation do they work?
• Listening: multiple matching when expressing feelings
• Grand Opera (multiple choice)
• The Haunted City of York
(sequence of events)
• Listening: identifying specific
information (T/F)
• Listening: identifying specific
information (answering questions)
• Matt of the Antarctic (T/F • Talking about the weather • A short text about Antarctica • The Appalachian
statements) • Talking about extreme activities • Sentences about extreme Trail
• Extremely weird (multiple choice) • Booking accommodation/ sports • Geography:
• Climate change (T/F statements) asking for and giving • A short paragraph about Caves
• Trapped in the Wilderness (gapped information global warming
text) • Talking about environmental • A semi-formal email asking for
• Listening: identifying specific problems information
information (multiple choice) • Describing pictures • A summary of a text
• Pronunciation: intonation –
stress in compound nouns
• Modern marvels or new nasties • Talking about health problems • Writing about gadgets and • Australia’s most
(headings to paragraphs) • Talking about how to use health problems dangerous
• Remedies from the kitchen gadgets wisely • Writing suggestions about animals
cupboard (reading for specific • Visiting the doctor (at a health problems • PSHE: Catch
Information) doctor’s surgery) • Writing an interview some Zzzs!
• The French Spider-Man (multiple • Making suggestions/replying • A summary of a text
choice) • Pronunciation: rhyming words • An essay making suggestions
• Phobias (gapped text)
• Listening: (multiple matching)
• It’s annoying (T/F / DS statements) • Talking about annoying • Writing a post about an • Social Etiquette in
• Steven Marshall (T/F statements) situations annoying situation the UK
• A change for the better (reading • Talking about social etiquette • Sentences speculating about a • Science: Body
for specific information in your country character Talk
• Rites of Passage (multiple choice) • Complaining and apologising • Writing sentences about
• Listening: (T/F statements) • Commenting on changes in person you admire
appearance • A for-and-against essay
• Pronunciation: linking sounds
• Street Art: Art or not? (T/F) • Give a witness statement • An account of an experience • The Civil Rights
• Ben Langdon: Forensic Scientist • Pronunciation: epenthesis • Writing about an inspirational Movement in the
• CyberCrime Going Crackers! (headings • Comment on an event figure USA
to paragraphs) • Presentation on cybercrime • Citizenship:
• Mark’s Blog (multiple matching) • An interview Amnesty
• A letter to the editor making International
Word Formation pp. WF1-WF4 Sentence Completion pp. SC1-SC3 Irregular Verbs
Key Word Transformations pp. KWT1-KWT3 Word List pp. WL1-WL21 3
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Starter Food & drinks
1 Complete the sentences with the types of 4 Complete the spidergram. Use these words.
transport in the list. There are two words Add one to each category.
that you don’t need to use.
• tomatoes • yogurt • chicken • orange juice
• plane • bus • underground • ferry • bike • cauliflower • bread • salmon • grapes
• car • motorbike • taxi • rice • lamb • milk • eggs • cherries • tuna
• tea • peppers
1 Mr Holmes is flying to Spain on a business trip.
His ............................................ leaves at 6:00. fruit and
2 The fastest way to travel in London is below vegetables
the city on the ................................................ . dairy
3 Hannah was very late for work and had to call other products
for a ......................................... .
4 We went to the Isle of Man by .........................
last weekend. The sea was calm.
5 Tom loves riding his ............................... in the meat
park every afternoon. drinks
6 People don’t often take their ...........................
into the city centre because there is too much
Places in a city
1 A team
3 Fill in: do, lay, mop, iron, dust, make, take out, polluted
B supplies
hoover 2 child
3 rescue C waters
1 ............ the furniture 5 ............ the rubbish
4 medical D project
2 ............ the bed 6 ............ the floor
5 E lane
3 ............ the clothes 7 ....... the washing-up conservation
F labour
4 ............ the table 8 ............ the carpets 6 bus
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7 Fill in: pour, add, beat, slice, chop, stir, melt. 9 Circle the correct response.
storm chaser
3 Which job do you think is:
dangerous? demanding? interesting?
well-paid? easy? difficult?
A storm chaser’s job is dangerous
because they follow tornadoes.
flight attendant
shop assistant
police officer
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1a Hard at work
A artist
B sports coach
C taxi driver
E secretary
nurse Predicting content
The key words of a text help
you predict its content.
Work Reading
1 a) In a minute, think of as many jobs as
3 a) The words in the Check these words
possible. box on p. 9 are the key words of the
text. Read the words. What do you
b) Look at the jobs in the pictures. Who
expect the text to be about?
works: 9-5? shifts? at weekends?
Listen, read, and check.
long hours? on their own? with a team?
gets: paid well? low wages?
b) Read the text again and choose the
Character adjectives correct answer, A, B, or C.
2 Complete the sentences with a suitable job 1 Smokejumpers travel to the fire zone ...... .
from those in Ex. 1b. A through forests B by road C by air
1 A(n) .................................................. has to be 2 Before becoming a smokejumper, they must
brave; they do dangerous things at work. learn how to ...... .
2 A(n) .................................................. has to be A train B parachute C work as a team
organised; they need to plan their work well.
3 Smokejumpers are always trying to become ...... .
3 A(n) .................................................. has to be
A tough B fit C better
creative; they need to develop original ideas.
4 A(n) .................................................. has to be 4 When smokejumpers parachute into a forest,
caring; they need to look after sick people. they don’t carry ...... .
5 A(n) .................................... has to be patient; A tools B water C a backpack
they need to stay calm and not get annoyed.
5 Zach’s favourite part of the job is ...... .
6 A(n) .................................................. has to be
A flying the aeroplane B parachuting
polite; they deal with people from different
C fighting the fire
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When it comes to tough jobs,
nothing beats being a smokejumper!
S mokejumpers are elite firefighters Yellowstone. “We train all the time and
who risk their lives fighting forest we’re always trying to improve.”
fires in remote areas. They bravely When they parachute into a fire zone,
F smokejumper parachute out of aeroplanes into they wear a padded jump jacket and
burning forests, where they quickly get trousers, boots, gloves, a face mask and a
Check these words to work putting the fire out. helmet. They also carry a backpack with
A smokejumper’s duties are not easy. some food and water, and a fire shelter.
tough job, beat, elite, They have to do long, tough training The aeroplane drops the tools and
risk, remote areas, before they can become part of a team. equipment they need to fight the fire.
bravely, parachute, Smokejumpers need to be very good “People think that smokejumpers have a
put out, duty, training,
parachutists, and know how to read very dangerous job, but we don’t see it
fit, fire zone, padded,
face mask, helmet, maps to get out of a forest safely. “To be like that,” says Zach with a smile. “This
backpack, drop a smokejumper you need to be very fit, job keeps me happy. I love the feeling
and able to work for long hours in I get when I jump out of the
difficult conditions,” says Zach aeroplane and fly through the air. I
4 a) Use words
Meyers, a smokejumper at West wouldn’t want any other job in
from the
the world.”
Check these words
box to complete the sentences.
6 Form adverbs. Use them to complete the
1 They tried to ................................ the fire with sentences (1-6).
buckets of water until the firefighters arrived. 1 good .................. 4 happy ..................
2 Smokejumpers parachute from aeroplanes into 2 brave .................. 5 quick ..................
............................ that can’t be reached easily. 3 careful .................. 6 hard ..................
3 To be a firefighter you need to be ................... 1 The men check the area ..................... for fires.
and strong. 2 Smokejumpers have to train very ................... .
4 Firefighters go through difficult ....................... 3 They use aeroplanes to get to the fire ........... .
before they are ready to join the Fire Service. 4 Zach smiles ................................ when he talks
b) Match the words in bold with their about his job.
meanings: rucksack, courageously, tasks, 5 They fought the dangerous fire .........................
difficult, get better, allows to fall, isolated. and managed to put it out.
see 6 Smokejumpers know the forest very .............. .
Grammar p. GR1
Adverbs of manner
Speaking & Writing
5 Read the theory. Find examples in the text. 7 Read the text again and make notes under
the headings: job, duties, qualities needed,
• Adverbs of manner describe how we do something.
clothes & equipment, feelings. Imagine you
She talks slowly. (How does she talk? Slowly.)
• We usually form adverbs of manner by adding -ly to are Zach. Use your notes to present your
an adjective. slow – slowly, sudden – suddenly, careful job to the class.
– carefully, quiet – quietly, etc
8 Think!
Think! Would you like to work as a
• Sometimes, we need to change the spelling.
smokejumper? Why? Why not? In three
easy – easily, true – truly, gentle – gently
• Some adverbs keep the same form as the adjective. minutes, write a few sentences about the
fast, hard, late, early, etc topic. Read your sentences to your partner
• Irregular form: good – well or the class.
Vocabulary Bank 1 pp. VB1-VB2 9
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1b Hobbies
A strange shape is moving across the sky. Is it a bird?
1 a) In a minute, write as many hobbies as Is it an aeroplane? Or is it a UFO*? Nick Porter is
you can think of. Compare your list fascinated by the possibility of life on other planets, so in
with your partner’s. his free time he tries to find out what these objects are. We
asked him some questions about his unusual hobby.
b) Listen and say. Do you know
So, Nick, why are you so interested in UFOs?
any of these activities (A-E)?
Well, thousands of people see strange objects in the sky all over the
Which one would you like to world. Most of these are planets, meteors, or military planes – but what
try? Why/Why not? about the rest? I’m a very curious person, so I want to find an
And what exactly does your hobby involve?
Well, I started a UFO club and we mostly investigate sightings. We
interview witnesses and analyse videos and photos. Sometimes we go
out to a UFO ‘hotspot’, too. In fact, we’re going out tonight. We usually go
high up on a rooftop or a hillside. If we see something strange, we record
as much information as we can! We use camcorders, cameras,
ghost hunting robot building telescopes, and other devices. Then we
analyse the information on our
C D laptops.
Maybe some of our readers are
thinking about taking up UFO hunting
now! What advice do you have for them?
Well, anyone can become a UFO hunter. You
just need to be enthusiastic and patient. You
tornado chasing metal detecting
also need to join a local UFO club. This way, you
find out where the UFO hotspots are, and you
Reading have witnesses if you spot something.
So, what are you waiting for? UFO
2 a) Read the title and the
hunting is a lot of fun, and you
introduction to the article. never know – you might just
What does Nick’s hobby involve? turn science fiction into
Listen, read and check. science fact!
UFO hunting
Check these words
*UFO = unidentified flying object fascinated, strange object, planet, meteor, military
plane, curious, explanation, involve, mostly, investigate,
b) Read the article again and complete the sighting, interview witness, analyse, hotspot, rooftop,
hillside, record information, camcorder, telescope,
sentences. Imagine you are Nick and use the device, take up, enthusiastic, patient, find out, spot
words in the Check these words box to talk
about your hobby to the class.
3 Think!
Think! Complete the
1 Nick Porter likes UFO hunting because .................................. . sentences.
2 His UFO club members mainly ............................................... .
3 When they go out, they have ................................. with them. 1 I find UFO hunting ......................
4 If you want to take up UFO hunting, you need .................... . because .................................... .
2 I ............. ghost hunting because
c) Match the highlighted words to their meanings: .................................................. .
keen, inquisitive, gadgets, very interested in, make 3 My hobby is ...............................
notes on, see, look into. because .................................... .
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Grammar p. GR1 Stative verbs
Present simple -- Present 6 Read the table. Then put the verbs in
continuous brackets in the present simple or the present
continuous. Give reasons.
4 Read the table. Find examples in the text.
Some verbs do not usually have continuous forms because
We use the present simple to talk about: they describe a state, thought, or feeling rather than an
• permanent states & facts. action (e.g., see, feel, hear, look, smell, sound, taste, forget,
Nick comes from the USA. The sun rises in the east. remember, want, belong, etc). He looks good.
• habits/routines. He plays tennis every Saturday.
• timetables. The train leaves at 7 pm. Some verbs can have continuous forms but with a
Time expressions: every day, on Mondays, often, etc difference in meaning. I think he’s very clever. (I believe)
I’m thinking of going out. (I’m considering)
We use the present continuous to talk about:
• actions happening now/around the time of speaking. 1 Mark ................................................. (believe)
Janice is watching a DVD now. that UFOs exist.
Tina is studying for her exams these days.
2 Sheila ...............................................................
• future arrangements. I’m going out tomorrow.
• temporary situations. (not/understand) the exercise.
Jane is working as a waitress for the summer. 3 I ..................................................... (see) Paula
Time expressions: now, at the moment, at present, etc later today. ......................................................
(you/want) to come?
4 Martha ................................................... (love)
5 Put the verbs in brackets into the present reading science-fiction books.
simple or the present continuous. 5 A: Look! The cook ................................ (taste)
1 A: How often ................................................... the food! I think it’s ready.
(you/hang out) with your friends? B: Great! It .......................................... (smell)
B: Every weekend. We usually ......................... delicious! I can’t wait.
(go) to the mall or ...................................... 6 What ........................................ (you/look) at?
(watch) a film.
2 A: How ............................................................
(Pete/spend) his free time?
7 Complete the sentences using the present
simple or the present continuous.
B: He ............................................... (surf) the
1 Tonight, I ........................................................ .
Net or ................................... (read) comics.
2 I don’t usually ................................................ .
3 A: What .................................. (you/do) now?
3 My friends often ............................................ .
B: I ................................................. (paint) my
4 Right now, I ................................................... .
model aeroplane.
5 Next weekend I .............................................. .
4 A: Where......................................... (Jane/be)?
6 I sometimes .................................................... .
B: She .............................................. (prepare)
her bag. She ................................................
(go) UFO hunting. Speaking & Writing
5 A: ................................................. (you/come)
to the show tonight? 8 Answer the questions, and then use your
answers to write a short paragraph about
B: No. I ................................................. (meet)
your hobby. Tell your partner.
Brian for dinner.
1 What’s your hobby?
2 What does it involve?
3 How much time do you spend on it?
4 Does it need any special equipment?
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Everyday English 1d
A job interview
3 Find sentences in the dialogue
which mean: Sit down, please. –
1 Read the job adverts. What
I’d like to find out about you. – I
kind of job is each one for?
Who should apply? understand. – You will hear from
WANTED: Part-time waiter/waitress for busy Italian restaurant. 7 per
hour. Mon-Fri evenings. Must be hardworking & reliable. Experience Intonation: questions
preferred but not necessary. La Fiamma, 225 Rington Plaza,
Cloverdale Tel. (0253) 743 984
A 4 Read the theory, then listen
and repeat.
Buzz Clothing is looking for a friendly & energetic part-time shop
assistant to work evenings & weekends (10-15 hours a week). Full Yes/No questions usually have
training provided. Apply to: Mr Andrews, PO BOX 21547 rising intonation. Wh- questions
Application deadline: 20th September B usually have falling intonation.
2 a) Listen and repeat. The sentences appear in the 1 What days can you work?
dialogue below. Who says each: an interviewer or a 2 Are you a student?
job applicant? 3 Do you work on Saturdays?
4 What’s your job?
• Please have a seat.
• Tell me a little about yourself.
• Why do you think you’ll be a good shop assistant? Speaking
• Well, I think I’m hardworking and honest.
• Do you have any experience in this type of work? 5 You are applying for
• Here’s a letter of recommendation. the job in advert A. Act out
• I can start immediately. your interview with the
• Thank you very much for your time. employer. Follow the plan.
Vocabulary B
• see amazing scenery 5 Now read the text again and for questions 1-4 choose
the best answer (A, B, C, or D). Find evidence in the text.
• try something thrilling
• go really fast 1 Which of the following equipment does Sara use?
• spend time outdoors A an air tank C a monofin
• enjoy nature B two flippers D a phone
I’ve tried mountain biking before. I 2 What happens to a freediver’s lungs as they swim down?
really want to try windsurfing because I A They get a lot smaller. C They become twice as big.
think it’s fun to go really fast and B They get 22% larger. D They don’t change at all.
spend time outdoors. 3 Why can Sara hold her breath for so long?
A She is taller and stronger than other women.
Listening B Other activities she does help her.
C She has small lungs.
3 Listen to three people each D She meditates before she dives.
talking about a different sport.
What sport does each person do? 4 What does Sara particularly enjoy when she’s diving?
A the thrill of doing something dangerous
A Rob ................................... B the sounds underwater
B Rachel ................................... C the peace and quiet
C Luke ................................... D the excitement of trying to break a record
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Sara Campbell takes a final deep breath and dives into the sea. She goes down
into the blue water and carries on going down … and down. Soon, the people on
the surface can’t see her any more. She doesn’t have an air tank, just a wetsuit,
goggles and a monofin – a large flipper that makes her look like a modern-day
5 mermaid. Sara is a world champion freediver and uses only one breath to
take her as deep as she can go and back again to the surface! She holds
four world records and a world championship gold medal.
Freediving is one of the world’s most dangerous sports. On the way
down, a freediver’s lungs shrink to the size of a lemon and on the
10 way back they double in size. But to Sara, all this comes naturally.
After years of practising yoga and meditation, she can hold her
breath for over five minutes and her lungs are 22% larger
than other women her size.
Sara feels completely comfortable underwater. “I just
15 jump in and feel terrific. There are no distractions.
Dogs aren’t barking, phones aren’t ringing, and
nobody is making noise next door. It’s totally silent.”
e the
Sara has a busy life and loves every minute of it. She’s ara becam
In 2007 S
presenting a TV show, planning environmental
o m a n to dive below
first w .
20 campaigns, and training to set a new world record!
e tr e s in freediving
90 m
1f Voluntary work
build houses
take care of teach Engli
help protect an
endangered species
s get an
ica, making sure that kid
r work across poor villages of Afr
ple are taking on voluntee
More and more young peo wo rld and do education. organise
to the other side of the dlife, conservation groups
nowadays. Some even travel anisat ion the re. For people interested in wil hel wildlife
or other non-profit org hout the world. You can
unpaid work for a charity childre n En glish, volunteer holidays throug tect turtles
poor families, teach Kenya and Botswana or pro
They help to build homes for ang ere d spe cie s. research in countries like in Malaysia,
p to protect an end ewhere. On Redang Island
take care of orphans, or hel ose fro m. in Mexico, Zanzibar, or els co ns erve the
untary jobs to cho over the world to help
There is a wide variety of vol mmes volunteers come from all tur tles that
organise educational progra Participants monitor the
A number of charity groups for these endangered green turtle. egg s. Th ey also
rld. Many students volunteer protect them and their
for children around the wo h and come onto the beach and wit h the turtles
teach subjects like Englis and even snorkel
types of projects. They un and
ity get to enjoy the beach
ile staying in their comm
Mathematics to children wh o a great sometimes. ke a
and their culture. It is als people who want to ma
getting to know the people che rs and A volunteer holiday is for ir own time,
rk and train with local tea are prepared to give up the
opportunity for them to wo for bot h the difference in the world and listic though
is a learning experience Volunteers have to be rea
develop their own skills. It money and effort to do it. or three
children and the teacher. not change the world in two
would and understand that they can not doing
d with their hands or simply s, it seems that they are
Young people who are goo of the weeks. To some volunteer fac t, every
al way can pa rtic ipa te in one y a couple of weeks but, in
like to help in a very practic help much by helping out for onl live s of
ts. Several cha rity org anisat ion s s to young volunteers, the
many construction projec rld. In the bit of help counts. Thank and in their
poor children around the wo the world are improving
build houses or schools for a team of millions of people around d to.
rra Leone, for example, ning brighter than it use
village of Kamakwie in Sie hans giving eyes, the sun is probably shi
ondary school for poor orp
young volunteers built a sec going on
Other similar projects are
them more opportunities.
2 Read the text again and mark the sentences
below as T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say).
Check these words
1 Voluntourism has always been popular
volunteer work, unpaid work, charity, with young people. .........
non-profit organisation, orphan, endangered
2 You don’t need any qualifications to
species, project, community, develop skills, practical,
participate (in), conservation, wildlife research, participate in voluntourism. .........
protect, conserve, monitor, effort, improve 3 Volunteers get paid a small sum in
return for their help. .........
Reading 4 Teaching English is a popular form of
voluntourism. .........
1 a) Listen and say.
5 Some volunteers don’t feel that
b) How can the activities in the pictures they give enough. .........
be related to a volunteer holiday?
3 What types of volunteer holidays is the text
Listen and read to find out. about? Tell you partner or the class.
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1g Skills 1
video game tester 2
secret shopper
Vocabulary lifeguard
Student jobs
Writing 1h
A cover letter Dear Sir/Madam, I
of part-time lifeguard 2) that
1) I want to apply for the job
1 Read the letter. What is the te on Tuesday, 3rd April.
read about in the Daily Gazet
writer’s purpose?
form college and am consideri
I am in my final year at sixth sav ing
just got a certificate in life
a career as a PE teacher. 3) I is a
2 Which of the following summer job as a lifeguard 4)
and first aid and I feel that a
does Ruth include in her letter?
good idea for me.
Which paragraph is each in? ng
eptionist at my local swimmi
Last summer, I worked as a rec
in the evenings.
1 previous work experience pool and as a delivery person
2 her favourite college subject
thi nk I’m har dw ork ing and enthusiastic. I am also good at
5) I
3 her personal qualities
working with people. at
4 what she looks like 7) I can come for an interview
5 where she likes going on holiday 6) Here’s a copy of my CV.
wait to hear from you.
6 her age and current position your convenience. 8) I can’t
7 where she saw the advertisement 9) Best regards,
8 when she can start work Ruth Boswell
1 Think!
Think! Read the dictionary
blanket, comfort, mood,
by myself, agree on,
entry. Why do you think it is spontaneous, down-to-earth,
important to choose the right engineer, electrician, social
career? worker, psychologist,
film director
career /k´"rI´r/ (n) a job or profession
that someone does for a long period.
Jack has a successful career in sales
and marketing.
One of the keys to a happy life is enjoying the job you do. That’s why
finding the right job is very important. Take this test to help find a
2 a) What career do you want to career that best suits your skills and interests!
have? Do the test to find out
1 Which item would you describe yourself as?
what type of career suits you A A computer — I am very helpful
the best. and useful.
B A blanket — I comfort people.
b) Think!
Think! Do you agree C A TV — I have many different
with your result? Why?
Why not? Tell the class. 2 Which of these activities do you enjoy
the most?
c) Think!
Think! Do you think A fixing and building
B talking and listening
certain personality types
C painting and drawing
are suited to certain jobs?
In three minutes, write a 3 How do you prefer to work?
few sentences. Read them A I like to be part of a team.
B I prefer to work by myself.
to the class. C I’m fine either in a team or alone.
3 Complete the sentences with
4 How do you usually solve a problem?
words from the A I look for a practical solution.
Check these words section. B I try to find a solution everyone
agrees on.
1 She’s very ............................... and C I often think of a simple solution no
practical. one else thought of.
2 What ................................. do you
5 Which colour describes your personality
need to be a social worker? best?
3 Dan always surprises me. He’s so A Green — I am relaxed and calm.
............................. . B Yellow — I make people happy.
4 Do you know the .......................... C Red — I am spontaneous.
who built the new bridge?
5 I enjoy hanging out with my Mostly As
friends, but I don’t mind spending You are a realistic, down-to-earth person who likes working
with materials. You would make a good engineer, electrician, or
time ................................... either. surgeon.
ICT Choose a career that you Mostly Bs
4 You are a caring and helpful person who likes working with
think would suit you. Collect people. You would be a good nurse, social worker, or
information about qualifications, psychologist.
qualities, duties, wage, etc. Mostly Cs
Present the job to the class and You are an artistic and creative person who is also good at
tell them why you like it. solving problems. You like coming up with new ideas, and you
20 would be a good architect, film director, or interior designer.
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Language in Use 1
Phrasal verbs/Prepositions Word formation
1 Choose the correct particle. 3 Fill in the correct word derived from the
word in brackets.
break down: 1) stop working; 2) lose control of feelings
break in: enter by force (+ break into a building) Word Formation – Person Nouns
break out: 1) begin suddenly (storm, war); 2) escape We use -er (work – worker), -or (sculpt – sculptor),
break off: break a piece from something -ist (art – artist), -ian (magic-magician),
bring about: cause to happen -ee (employ – employee) and
bring sb round: 1) regain consciousness; 2) persuade
-ant (assist – assistant) to form person nouns.
bring up: raise a child
1 The machines at the factory where Dan works 1 It takes a great ................................... to make
often break down/up. a great film. (DIRECT)
2 Michael’s grandparents brought him up/about 2 A .............................. can learn a lot about the
on a farm. country they stay in. (TOUR)
3 Ann broke out/down and started crying when 3 An ........................................ should always be
she heard she didn’t get the job. pleasant, polite and well prepared. (INTERVIEW)
4 The nurse brought him about/round gently 4 The flight ................................ asked everyone
after the operation. to stay in their seats after the aeroplane landed.
5 The police are still looking for the prisoner who (ATTEND)
broke down/out of prison yesterday. 5 Sue is paying an interior ..................................
6 When Sally dropped her cup, the handle broke to decorate her new flat. (DESIGN)
up/off. 6 The ....................................... is fixing the light
7 Thieves broke into/out our house while we in the dining room at the moment. (ELECTRIC)
were at the cinema.
2 Choose the correct preposition.
Skills Practice 1
1 a) Read the rubric, then the sentences 1-6.
Underline the key words in the sentences.
You will hear a conversation between a girl,
Lucy, and a boy, Liam, about jobs. Choose
Yes (A) if the sentence is correct and No (B) if
it is not.
1 Lucy’s brother doesn’t know she has a
part-time job. A B
2 Lucy wants a career as a lifeguard. A B
3 Lucy would like to work at the beach. A B
Ten-year-old Matt is standing on the edge of the
4 Liam is working to help his father out. A B
roof. I He can’t hear what they’re saying
5 Lucy and Liam are working at the
because his heart is beating louder than their
same time. A B
calls. Matt is afraid. Suddenly, he hears his
6 Lucy’s planning to order a pizza at work. A B
mother’s voice. “Just jump, Matt!”
You’re probably wondering what’s going on.
b) Do the listening task. Compare your 2 Well, in Matt’s family it’s a phrase you
answers with your partner’s. hear all the time and Matt’s jump is his
initiation into the family business.
Matt was born into a family of stuntmen. 3
They are the fearless Eppers of Hollywood and
Reading danger is their middle name. If Matt does decide
2 Read the rubric and the sentences A-F. to become a stuntman, he will be the fourth
Do the reading task. generation of Eppers in the business. If you’re
watching someone hanging from a helicopter or
Look at the sentences A-F, then read the a dangerous car stunt, it’s probably an Epper
text to decide which sentence matches each doing a hard day’s work. They have appeared in
gap (1-5). There is one extra sentence. films like Die Hard, Commando and Transformers.
4 Her name is Jeannie Epper who happens
A In fact, the Epper family has been doing death- to be Matt’s great-grandmother. She is
defying stunts since the 1930s. considered to be the greatest stuntwoman who’s
B However, that doesn’t mean there haven’t ever lived and has received a Lifetime
been lots of injuries. Achievement Award at the Oscars. 5 She
C His family and relatives are calling out to him worked as a stunt double for Linda Carter in
from below. Wonder Woman and Linda Evans in Dynasty.
D She has been in the business for over 60 years So what’s it like living with the Eppers? Well,
and is still going strong. with all the banged-up body parts, you might
E Why would a mother be telling her son to jump hear a lot of creaky bones. Every day,
off a building? somewhere in Hollywood there is an Epper
F Of all the crazy risk-takers in this family, there flipping a car or setting themselves on fire.
is one name that stands out as being the According to Matt’s great-grandmother, “When
toughest of the bunch. we do stunts, there’s just no room for fear. You
just have to close your eyes and jump!”
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1 Revision
1 Fill in: parachute, curious, earn, take, campus, 4 Put the verbs in brackets into the (to)
enthusiastic, breath, carry, duty, champion. infinitive or the -ing form.
1 Sam is very ............................. and always asks 1 She’s looking forward ............................... (go)
lots of questions. to university.
2 I want to ................................... up street luge 2 Peter has difficulty ................................. (find)
because it looks amazing. an evening job.
3 Sally is very ............................ about her work. 3 They don’t let him ................................ (work)
4 I can get to the university library very quickly the night shift.
because I live on ............................... . 4 He agreed ....................... (work) at weekends.
5 He jumped out of the burning aeroplane and 5 I’d prefer ......................... (get) a part-time job
opened his ............................... . at the university library. 5x2=10 marks
6 It’s a doctor’s ............................. to do his best
to save a patient. 5 Put the adjectives in brackets into the
7 I hold my ........................... every time I dive in correct form.
the sea. 1 He earns ........................... (much) money than
8 .......................... on with your work. You must his brother.
finish it before 5 pm. 2 Days are getting ............. and .............. (long).
9 He’s the world .................... for the third time. 3 Ann’s a lot ............................... (hardworking)
10 Students often do odd jobs to ......................... than Sheila.
extra money. 4 Claire works ................................. (long) hours
10x2=20 marks of all in the office.
5 She’s ...................... (friendly) person at work.
5x2=10 marks
2 Circle the correct word.
1 Samuel does his job good / well. 6 Match 1-4 with A-D to make exchanges.
2 Be carefully / careful with my bag.
1 Do you have any A Thank you.
3 Does Liam always arrive lately / late to school?
experience? B I can start
4 Jim thinks that the task is easy / easily.
5 Lola is great. She works hardly / hard. 2 We’ll be in touch.
C Yes, I worked part-
6 Smokejumpers are brave / bravely men. 3 Please have a
time last summer.
6x2=12 marks seat. D Thank you very
4 When can you much for your time.
3 Complete the sentences with the present start? 4x2=8 marks
simple or present continuous form of the
verbs in brackets. 7 Write a cover letter for a job you would like
to do (80-100 words). 20 marks
1 Dan .............................. (go) to a job interview
Total: 100 marks
2 Patricia ...................................... (want) to buy Check your Progress
some old coins.
3 Dean .......................... (not/believe) in ghosts. • talk and write about jobs and careers
• talk and write about hobbies
4 What ................................... (Claire/do) at the
• talk about immediate plans for the future
• talk and write about part-time jobs
5 Amy ........................................ (think) her new • act out a job interview
job is great. • ask for personal information
5x4=20 marks
• write a cover letter