Gateway B2 - Unit 4/ Unit 5
Gateway B2 - Unit 4/ Unit 5
Gateway B2 - Unit 4/ Unit 5
Personality adjectives 1:
- Clever (inteligente)
- Friendly (amigable)
- Hard-working (trabaja duro)
- Patient (paciente)
- Polite (educado)
- Quiet (callado)
- Reliable (en quien puedes confiar)
- Serious (serio)
- Tidy (ordenado)
Personality adjectives 2:
- Ambitious: having a strong wish to be successful, powerful, or rich (ambicioso)
- Arrogant: behaving in an unpleasant or rude way because you think you are
more important than other people (arrogante/creído)
- Assertive: behaves confidently and is not frightened to say what they want or
believe (seguro)
- Bad-tempered: person who becomes angry and annoyed easily
(malhumorado/de mal carácter)
- Big-headed: thinking that you are more important or more intelligent than you
really are (creído)
- Bossy: person who is always telling people what to do (mandón)
- Broad-minded: respecting the opinions of others (tolerante/abierto de mente)
- Brusque: abrupt in manner (brusco)
- Determined: you never give up; you always keep trying (decidido)
- Down-to-earth: practical and realistic (con los pies en la tierra)
- Easygoing: able to stay calm about things that anger or worry most people
- Frank: direct and telling the truth (franco/sincero)
- Gifted: clever, or having a special ability (dotado/con talento)
- Good-natured: pleasant or friendly (Bueno)
- Immature: not behaving in a way that is as calm and wise as people expect
from someone of your age (inmaduro)
- Insecure: people who have little confidence and are uncertain about their own
abilities or if other people really like them (inseguro)
- Mature: someone who acts like an adult (Maduro)
- Modest: you don’t like to blow your own trumpet (you don’t like to shout
about you own victories) (discreto/modesto)
- Narrow-minded: you don’t accept ideas that are different from your own
(cerrado de mente)
- Outgoing: person who is friendly and energetic and finds it easy and enjoyable
to be with others (extrovertido/que sale)
- Pushy: behaving in an unpleasant way by trying too much to get something or
to make someone do something(prepotente/agresivo)
- Reserved: shy and quiet(reservado)
- Self-confident: behaving calmly because you have no doubts about your ability
or knowledge (seguro de sí mismo)
- Sensitive: someone who feels things quickly and deeply, they’re easily upset.
- Shy: nervous and uncomfortable with other people (tímido)
- Stubborn: you don’t like to change your mind; you stay in your position. (terco)
- Tactful: careful not to say or do anything that could upset someone
(discreto/con tacto)
- Tactless: not careful about saying or doing something that could upset
someone (insensible/sin tacto)
- Talented: with talent; able or skillful (talentoso/dotado)
Personality adjectives 3:
- +
Impetuous: to act without thinking in a Impulsive: to act without thinking
rude way
Taciturn: reserved because you think Reserved: shy and quiet
you are better than everyone else
Gullible: you’re too trusting, you believe Trusting: you trust other people
what anybody tells you
Bossy: You are always telling people Assertive: you tell people what to do;
what to do you organize them in a positive way
Obstinate/stubborn/pig-headed: you Determined: you never give up, you
don’t like to change your mind, you stay always keep trying.
in your position.
Stingy/tight fisted: you don’t open your Thrifty/frugal: you are careful with your
hands to give money money
Full of yourself: arrogant, they think Self-assured: you value yourself
they are better than anyone else
Blunt/curt: very direct in a rude way Direct/frank: direct telling the truth
Nosy: enjoy finding out about other Curious: ex: children and scientists are
people’s business curious
Extravagant: you like spending too much Generous: you share your money
Naïve: you don’t know much about the Innocent: you’re in the first stage of life
world (opposite of wise or experienced) like a child that is innocent
Garrulous: talks too much about Chatty: someone who is talkative, who
unimportant things enjoys a good chat
- (im-)Mature: someone who acts like an adult
- (im-)Modest: you don’t like to blow your own trumpet (you don’t like to shout
about you own victories)
- (im-)Patient: somebody who doesn’t mind waiting
- (im-)Polite: somebody who says please and thank you
- (ir-)Responsible: someone who acts like an adult, who takes responsibility
- (ir-)Rational: someone who’s sensible, logical
- (in-)Sincere: honest
- (in-)Sensitive: someone who feels things quickly and deeply, they’re easily
***sensible: rational, logical
- (in-)Considerate: kind
- (in-)Adequate: you have enough of something
- (un-)Reasonable
- (un-)Communicative
- (un-)Imaginative
- (un-)Co-operative
- Jealous: you don’t like seeing your partner with someone else.
- Possessive: You like to treat your friends like possessions or objects
Noun suffixes:
- Able- ability
- Act- action/activity/actor
- Appear- appearance
- Art- artist
- Confident- confidence
- Create- creation/creativity/creator
- Dark- darkness
- Different- difference
- Direct- direction
- Educate- education
- Electric- electrician/electricity
- Employ- employer/employment
- Enjoy- enjoyment
- Happy- happiness
- Ill- illness
- Important- importance
- Improve- improvement
- Invent- invention/inventor
- Investigate- investigation/investigator
- Mad- madness
- Music- musician
- Perform- performance
- Politic- politician
- Relevant- relevance
- Science- scientist
- Write- writer
Buying and selling:
- Afford (permitirse algo)
- Bargain (ganga)
- Cash (efectivo)
- Change (cambio)
- Discount (descuento)
- Receipt (recibo)
- Refund (reembolso)
- Sale (venta)
- Value for money (buena relación calidad-precio)
- Waste (desperdiciar)