Words That Describe Behavior

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Here is a list of words that describe behavior that is good in social situations:

 Caring: desire to help people

 Charming: pleasant, delightful
 Considerate: thinking of others
 Enthusiastic: has strong feelings; ardent
 Excitable: gets excited easily
 Faithful: being loyal
 Funny: causing people to laugh
 Kind: thoughtful, caring
 Pleasant: polite
 Polite: exhibiting good manners
 Sincere: being totally honest
 Thoughtful: thinking things over 

For the opposite kind of behavior, here is a list of words that refer to bad social behavior:

 Aggressive: verbally or physically threatening

 Argumentative: often arguing with people
 Bossy: always telling people what to do
 Deceitful: doing or saying anything to get people to do what you want or to get what
you want
 Domineering: constantly trying to control others
 Inconsiderate: not caring about others or their feelings
 Irritating: bothering people
 Manic: acting just a little crazy
 Manipulative: always trying to influences other people
 Moody: being unpredictable; changing moods often
 Rude: treating people badly; breaking social rules
 Spiteful: seeking revenge; hurting others because you didn’t get what you want
 Thoughtless: not thinking about the effects of your actions or words

Words That Describe Personal Behavior

The following words describe behavior that is more personal in nature. The behavior is not
affected very much by the company or situation.

 Active: always busy with something

 Ambitious: strongly wants to succeed
 Assertive: being outgoing and confident
 Careless: not being careful; rushing into things
 Cautious: being very careful
 Conceited: thinks he is better than others; arrogant
 Conscientious: taking time to do things right
 Creative: someone who can make up things easily or think of new things
 Curious: always wanting to know things
 Docile: submissive, does what he is told
 Extroverted: very outgoing; confident
 Impulsive: saying or doing things without thinking first
 Introverted: keeps to himself, doesn’t share thoughts and feelings
 Inventive: thinks of new ideas
 Nervous: very uncomfortable
 Passive: does not argue; does as he is told
 Perfectionist: wants everything to be done right and perfectly
 Pragmatic always sees the practical side of things
 Reserved: keeps thoughts and feelings to himself
 Serious: no-nonsense kind of behavior
 Shy: quite and reserved; lacking in confidence
 Trustworthy: simply worthy of someone’s trust
 Volatile: changing moods very quickly

Miscellaneous Words
Here is a list of words that describe behavior in general. Following are some words that refer
to good behavior: adaptable, brave, confident, cooperative, courageous, debonair, decisive,
determined, generous, hilarious, honorable, kind, lively, pleasant, productive, protective,
receptive, reflective, responsible, romantic, self-assured, sensitive, shrewd, unusual, witty,
wonderful, zany, and zealous.

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