Fire has played an important role in human development and civilization. Early humans discovered fire through natural occurrences like lightning and volcanoes and eventually learned to deliberately produce fire through methods like rubbing sticks together. Fire provided many benefits like keeping people warm, cooking food, and making tools, but was also important in religion and mythology. The key components of fire are fuel, heat, and oxygen. The fire triangle illustrates this, but a more accurate model is the fire tetrahedron which also includes the chemical chain reaction component. Various solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels can be used to produce fire when the right conditions exist.
Fire has played an important role in human development and civilization. Early humans discovered fire through natural occurrences like lightning and volcanoes and eventually learned to deliberately produce fire through methods like rubbing sticks together. Fire provided many benefits like keeping people warm, cooking food, and making tools, but was also important in religion and mythology. The key components of fire are fuel, heat, and oxygen. The fire triangle illustrates this, but a more accurate model is the fire tetrahedron which also includes the chemical chain reaction component. Various solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels can be used to produce fire when the right conditions exist.
Fire has played an important role in human development and civilization. Early humans discovered fire through natural occurrences like lightning and volcanoes and eventually learned to deliberately produce fire through methods like rubbing sticks together. Fire provided many benefits like keeping people warm, cooking food, and making tools, but was also important in religion and mythology. The key components of fire are fuel, heat, and oxygen. The fire triangle illustrates this, but a more accurate model is the fire tetrahedron which also includes the chemical chain reaction component. Various solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels can be used to produce fire when the right conditions exist.
Fire has played an important role in human development and civilization. Early humans discovered fire through natural occurrences like lightning and volcanoes and eventually learned to deliberately produce fire through methods like rubbing sticks together. Fire provided many benefits like keeping people warm, cooking food, and making tools, but was also important in religion and mythology. The key components of fire are fuel, heat, and oxygen. The fire triangle illustrates this, but a more accurate model is the fire tetrahedron which also includes the chemical chain reaction component. Various solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels can be used to produce fire when the right conditions exist.
The ability of primitive people to use fire was crucial to their development. Every human culture of the recent past is known to have had endless experience with fire; a site near in Nice France has yielded evidence that hominids used fire even half a million years ago. Although the first sources of fire were assumed to be the results of the natural effects (lightning or volcano), the methods originally used for deliberate fire making are not clearly known, it is likely thought that some means of generating heat by friction we first used many variations of these principles have been used. The earliest used of fires was to keep warm. As civilization advanced, people learned to use fire in many other ways. People learned to use fire to cook food, to shape weapons and tools, to change clay into pottery and to furnish light. But early people had extremely slow and quite satisfactorily ways of kindling fires. Today, we have not only improved the methods of kindling fires, but we also use fire in many ways. Fire furnishes the energy to drive machines and keeps industry running. It supplies the power to drive trains, ships and plane and it generates electricity. Fire also sometimes used to remove and destroy waste materials. In additions, fire is used is separating most metals from their ores, as well as forging and shaping metal into useful things Fire in Legend and Religion Prehistoric people may have gained knowledge of fire from observing things in nature such as lightning, the fire of volcanoes and the heat of the sun. They also must have noticed that sparks fly when stones are struck upon one another or when the hoofs or claws of an animal strike some hard substance. In Persian literature, there is a story of the discovery of fire in a fight with a dragon. One of the stones that the hero used as weapon missed the monster and struck a rock. Lights shone forth and human beings saw fires for the first time. The mythology of nearly all early people contains some account of accidental or supernatural happenings that the first revealed fire to human beings. Early people regarded fire as a true gift of the Gods Fire was considered sacred because it was so essential to the welfare of people. Fire worship and sun worship have existed since very early times. Because fire was so hard to produce, the custom soon became common of keeping a public fire, which was never allowed to die out. These fire were kept in every village among the Egyptians Persian, Greeks and Romans. They were often in the civic centre of the community. The temple of Vesta in Rome was outstanding example of the importance of the fire to the Romans. Vesta was originally the goddess of the hearth (fire place) and her shine was in every home. But when religion became an affair of the state, a temple was erected in which the sacred fire was kept burning at all times In Greek mythology, Promethous bestowed godlike power when he stole fire from the gods to give it to humanity. Humans have always worshiped fire for its role in religion. It has been personified as a god and recognized as a symbols of home and family in many cultures. It has also been symbols of purification and of immorality and renewal, hence, the lightning of flame s remembrance and the myth of POENIX EARLY MEANS OF PRODUCING FIRE Primitive methods of igniting wood enable Neolithic man to produce at will essential tool of fire: 1. Two Sticks- one of the oldest methods of starting fires consists of rubbing two sticks together. The rubbing create friction between the sticks, and the friction generates heat. This heat eventually causes the wood to ignite. The methods oftentimes takes a lot of time and energy. 2) Hand Drill- the hand drill is a more efficient methods of rubbing two pieces of wood together. Rapidly spinning a stick of woods against another piece of wood can generate enough friction. 3) Bow drill- as people developed tools, they adapted some of these fire marking. Drawing the bow back and forth spins the stick rapidly against piece of wood, producing a large amount of friction. This friction between stick and the piece of wood can heat the woods until it ignites. 4. Weighted Bow Drill- the weighed bow drill by weighing down the wooden stick, making it push with more force against the other piece of wood. Moving the bow back and forth creates frictional heat between the stick and piece of wood, which can ignite the wood. 5. Striking Flint- another ancient methods of starting fires consists of striking flint against another piece of flint to produce sparks. Later, peoples also used flint and metal to produce sparks. The sparks can ignite tinder to stars the fire. The tinder usually consists of a substance that burns readily, such as wood or metal shavings. 6. Magnifying Glass- people have used magnifying glasses and sunlight to light fire since the invention of lenses several thousand years ago. The magnifying glass focuses the sunlight on tinder, and the energy of the sunlight's heats the tinder until it ignites. COMPONENTS OF FIRE Concept Both fire and animals require the same elements to exist, and each ceases to exist if anyone of these elements is withdrawn. As an Animal needs foods, fire needs fuel; and as animal requires oxygen, the fire also requires oxygen; and as animal requires warmth, the fire also requires heat. Therefore, to create fire we must have fuel, oxygen, and heat. Fire Triangle Fuel Heat Oxygen In flaming combustion, fuel and the oxidizing agent are both in the gaseous state, hence this is referred to as gas-to gas reaction. COMPONENTS OF FIRE This triad was illustrated by the fire triangle, which symbolized, in the most basic terms, a chemical relationship that would require hours to explain. However, the fire triangle falls short of integrating all the components involved in producing flaming combustion. Today, the fire triangle is used to technically explain glowing combustion, which occurs when fuel mass glows/burns without flaming. This so called solid to gas reaction. (Fuel being solid and the oxidizing agent a of a gas) The additional component that is needed to explain flaming combustion chemical chain reaction. Such a reaction yields energy or produce that cause further reactions of the same kind, and the process is self- sustaining. To show the interrelation of all four components a more sophisticated geometric figure than the fire triangle needed; the three dimensional, four- faceted tetrahedron is the most appropriate commonly used. FUEL Is any material or any substance capable of burning? It may be solid liquid or gas. Solid Fuels- the principal substance is carbon Liquid Fuels- the principal component is hydrocarbon Gaseous Fuels- the principal component is hydrocarbon SOLID FUELS The most obvious solid fuels are woods, fibres and plastics 1. WOOD AND WOOD-BASED PRODUCTS- wood is very versatile material which is commonly used for construction, furniture and interior decoration among others. When the thermal environment is conductive to a given reaction, they will char, smoulder, and ignite burn. PYROLYSIS OF WOOD Before solid fuel will burn, it must be changed to the vapour state. In a fire situation, this changes usually result from the initial application of heat. The process is known as pyrolysis, which is generally defined as “chemical decomposition of matter by the action of heat.” In this case, the decomposition causes a change from the solid state to the vapour state. If the vapour mixes sufficiently with air and is heated to a high enough temperature (by flame, spark, hot motor etc) combustion occurs FACTORS AFFECTING IGNITION AND BURNING OF WOOD 1. PHYSICAL FORM- wood used for kindling is chopped to smaller pieces in order to speed up burning test. Heavier wood logs or timber shows considerable resistance to ignition. The reason for this observation is that sizes of the particles are smaller. The ratio surface area to volume (mass) increases. There is a greater exposure of fuel to air and less mass to conduct heat away from the surface of the particle. Hence, heat does not readily dissipate within the material. 2. Moisture Content- From laboratory ignition and burning test, it has been shown that the behaviour of combustible solids of the same size, shape, and chemical composition will vary with moisture content. The moisture content of the material also influences the rate of burning. Since the specific of heat of water is high, the amount of heat necessary to drive off moisture is quite considerable. 3. Heat of Conductivity- It is a measure of the rate in which absorbed heat will flow through the mass material. It is the inverse property of insulating. The heat of conductivity of a particular material also plays a major role in its behaviour under fire condition EXAMPLE Wood is a vapour conductor of heat, thus it has a high insulating value. An illustration of this facts is that the matchstick burning at one end can be held at the other end between the fingers. In contrast, a steel needle of the same size as a matchstick when heated at one end cannot be held at the other end with equal ease 4. Rate and Period of Heating- It influences the susceptibility of woods and woods products to ignition. Combustible solids are usually considered less hazardous compared to flammable liquid or gases because they do not vaporize readily nor do they give off flammable vapours at ordinary temperature and atmospheric pressure. Ignition of solids usually requires contact between the heat source and the material for a long period enough to permit release of flammable vapours. 5. Rate of Combustion- It is markedly the moisture content and the other factors but for influence by physical form combustible, the air supply present, complete combustion to proceed there should be progressive evaporation of the solid. 6. Ignition Temperature- specific ignition temperature of wood is difficult to determine because of variable concerned. IGNITION TEMPERATURE OF WOODS VARIES WIDELY DEPENDING ON A NUMBER VATIABLES The specific gravity of a sample The physical characteristics of sample i.e. size form moisture content The rate and period of heating The air (oxygen) supply The nature of heat source II. Fibers and Textiles- almost all textiles fibers are combustible. Since textile are an intimate part of daily living – clothes we wear carpets, curtains, beddings etc. there is highly involvement of textiles in fire. FACTORS TO INFLUENCE THE BURNING OF TEXTILES Chemical Composition- the following are the classification of fiber according to chemical composition Natural fibers 1) Vegetables (cellulosic) as cotton; kapok (seed fibers); pulp (woods fibers); coconut oil(nut fibers) 2) Animal (protein) as wool (from sheep); silk (from cocoon of silk worn) 3) Mineral (inorganic) asbestos b. Synthetic or Artificial Fibers Organic – this fiber imitates vegetables fibers, divided into cellulose, as for example rayon, which is “reconstituted” cellulose and cellulose ac etate which is prepared by creating cellulose with acetic acid; non- cellulose includes rayon. Inorganic- Fiberglass and steel. FIBER FINISH If sufficient combustible coating or decorative materials are placed on fabric, this will support continued flaming FABRIC WEIGHT It affects the rate of combustion at which the textile undergoes. The heavier the fabric of the same composition, the more considerable resistance to ignition. TIGHTNESS OF WEAVE The closer the fibres are in the weaving of fabrics the more it will minimize the air space between them and thus delay the rate burning. Flame Retardant Treatment The effect of chemical treatments in reducing the flammability of combustible fabrics is varied and complex. III- PLASTICS Plastics, other than cellulose nitrates are classified as ordinary combustibles. They comprise a group of material consisting mainly of organic substances or high molecular weight substances. They are solid in the finished state although at some stage of manufactured plastics can be made to follow into a desired shape, usually through the application of heat or pressure or both. LIQUID FUEL The most common liquid fuels are: kerosene, gasoline, oil based products and other volatile substance (though they may be compressed slightly) Liquid like gases assume the shape of their containers and may diffuse. Unlike gases, they have a definite volume. Classification of liquid fuels Flammable liquid -It refers to any liquid having a flash point below 37.8C. 2. Combustible Liquid -It refers to any liquid having a flash point at or above or 37.8C Flammable and combustible liquid strictly speaking, will not cause fire. It is then the vapors from the evaporation of this liquid when exposed to air and under the influence of heat, which will burn or explode. Gasoline in the most widely used flammable liquid. Its generation of flammable vapors at atmospheric temperature is common knowledge (Redsicker and O’connor, 1997) BURNING CHARACTIRISTICS OF LIQUIDS Pound by pound flammable liquid produced about 2.5 times more heat than wood. This heat is liberated 3 to 10 times faster than liquid than from woods. These ratio illustrate quite clearly why flammable liquid vapor burns with such intensity. When flammable liquids spill, they expose a very large surface area, release a great amount of vapor and thus produce great amount of heat when ignited. This is one reason why large open tank fires and liquid spill fires burn so violently. GASEOUS FUEL Gaseous fuels are either natural or manufactured flammable gases. Gaseous fuel are those in which molecules are in rapid movement and random motion. They have no definite shape or volume, and assume the shape and volume of the container. Other properties include compressibility, expandability, permeability, and diffusion. CLASSIFICATION OF GASES ACCORDING TO PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Physical properties of gases are of primary concern of fire protection since the affect the behaviour gases when they are accidentally released. From the standpoint the fire technology, the classes of gas according to physical properties are: Compressed Gas- is one which at all normal atmospheric temperature Liquefied Gas – is one which, at normal atmospheric temperature inside its container, exist solely partly in the liquid state and partly in the gaseous state. Cryogenic Gases- is a liquefied gas which exist in tis container at temperature far below normal atmospheric temperature CLASSIFICATION OF GASES ACCORDING TO USAGE The primarily concern of this methods of classification is the relation between principal use and life protection. Not only does general industry use this classification but also standards and codes. Fuel Gases- this is customary used for burning with air to produce heat, which in turn is utilized as power, light and process. Industrial Gases- this is used for industrial processes as those used in welding and cutting Medical Gases- this is used for treatment and respiratory therapy. HAZARDS OF GASES For the purpose of systematic evaluation of gas hazards, distinction should be made by hazards presented by gas when confined in a container and the hazards when the gas escapes from a container. Hazards of Confinement Gas expands when heated, and when confined, the heating results in an increase in pressure, which can results in gas release and or cause container failure Heat container can fail due to contact with flames from an exposing fire, thus loss in strength of the material of which the container is made. 2) Hazards of Gas when released from their container – it may vary with the physical and chemical properties of the gas and the nature of the environment into which they are released Physical Properties of Matter Related to Fire. Specific Gravity- it is the weight of a substance compared with an equal volume of water (thus water= 1.0). The most flammable liquid has a specific gravity of less than that water. Gasoline specific gravity is 0.70, so it will float on water. That of carbon disulphide is 1.3 so it will sink (redsicker and O’Conner) Boiling point – the constant temperature at which the vapour pressure of the liquid is equal or above to the atmospheric pressure Ignition temperature – the temperature at which a flammable material will ignite, whether it be gas, liquid, or solid for example STATE MATERIAL TEMPERATURE Gas Acetylene 571 Liquid Turpentine 448 Solid Magnesium 1200 4. Flash Point The temperature at which the vapour has given off is not in sufficient quantity to burn example, the fire point of gasoline, this is 50 F for kerosene, 100F 5. Fire point- the temperature at which the material will give off vapour sufficient quantity to sustain combustion Flashpoint and fire point can be demonstrated by the use of a small block of wood, a heating element and the match. Hold a match above the block of wood. Note that the ignition does not occur because the wood has not reached its flashpoint. Place the block of wood on a heating material (such as hot plate). Allow time for the wood to heat, and then apply the match to the vapours given off by the wood. The vapours will ignite and flash back to the wood, but will not continue to burn, demonstrating that it has reached its “flashpoint”. Heating the wood further and applying the match to the vapours, they will continue to burn indicating that it has reached its “fire point” (Gayon) CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF FIRE Endothermic Reactions- these are changes whereby energy (heat) is absorb or is added before the reaction takes place Exothermic Reactions- are those that release or give off energy (heat) thus they produced substances with less energy than the reactants Oxidation – it is a chemical change that is exothermic. It is actually deterioration or aging materials Flames- it refers to incandescent gases. In order to be sustained, it should maintain a high temperature and a concentration of short live intermediate chemical reactions between fuel and oxidizer Different types of Flames Based on colour and completeness of combustibility of fuel 1. Luminous flame is orange –red, will not deposit at the bottom of a container being heated due to incomplete combustion of fuel and has a lower temperature. 2. Non- Luminous flame is blue will not deposit soot due to almost complete combustion of the fuel and has relatively high temperature. Based on fuel and air mixture Premixed flame is exemplified by the Bunsen Type laboratory burner where the hydrocarbon is thoroughly mixed with air before reaching the flame zone Diffusion flame is observed when gas (fuel) alone is force through the nozzle into the atmosphere, in order to form a flammable mixture C. Based on smoothness Laminar Flames – are flames that follow a smooth path through a gaseous flame Turbulent flames – are those having unsteady, irregular swirls and eddy. As physical size, gas density or velocity is increased, all laminar gas flows tend to become turbulent. “Fire Destruction Is One Man's Job, Fire Prevention Is Everybody's Job.” “Be Alert, Avert Fire.” “Let's Blaze The Way, To Keep The Blaze Away.” “Fire Is A Welcome Visitor, But Always See It Out.”