Describing People: I Am / You Are / He Is / She Is

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I am / You are / He is / She is …

Yo soy / Tú eres / É les / Ella es /
 Tall Alto
 small Pequeño
 overweight, fat Gordo, sobrepeso
 slim Deslgado
 young Joven
 old Viejo
 … years old. …..años
 beautiful / pretty - handsome Hermosa / Bonita – Atractivo
 sun-tanned Bronceado
 pale Palido
I have / You have / He has / She has (got) …
Yo tengo / Tu tienes / El tiene / Ella tiene
 blue / green / grey / brown eyes Ojos Azules/verdes/Gris/Marrón
 freckles Pecas
 a beard Una barba
 a full beard Una barba abundante
 a moustache Un bigote
 a goatee Una chivera
 a stubbly beard Barba de tres días
 blond hair Cabello rubio
 red hair Cabello pelirojo
 brown hair Cabello marron
 black hair Cabello negro
 dyed hair Cabello teñido
 blond highlights Iluminaciones
 short hair Cabello corto
 long hair Cabello largo
 straight hair Cabello liso
 curly hair / curls Cabello rizado / rulos
 a bald head Calvo
Cara cuadrada, redonda,
 a square / round / triangular / oval face triangular, ovalada
 a big / small / long nose Nariz grande, pequeña, larga
 big / small ears Orejad grandes, pequeñas
Character - Cará cter
I am / You are / He is / She is …
Yo soy / Tue res / El es /Ella es…
 Shy Timido
 Quiet Callado
 Lively Despreocupado
 Active Activo
 Easygoing Extrovertido
 Outgoing Introvertido
 Nice Agradable
 Friendly Amigable
 Funny Divertido
 Happy Feliz
 Annoying Malhumorado
 Sad Triste
 Aggressive Agresivo


absent-minded (ábsent-máindid) - distraído
aggressive (agrésiv) - agresivo
annoying (anóing) - molesto
arrogant (árrogant) - arrogante, prepotente
arrogant (árrogant) - arrogante
bad-tempered (bád témperd) - malhumorado
boastful (bóustful) - fanfarrón
boring (bóring) - aburrido
bossy (bósi) - mandón
cheeky (chíiki) - atrevido
clumsy (clamsi) - torpe
competitive (compétitiv) - competitivo
conceited (consítid) - vanidoso
cowardly (káuarly) - cobarde
credulous (crédchulos) - crédulo
cruel (crúel) - cruel
dishonest (disónest) - deshonesto
disrespectful (disrispéktful) - irrespetuoso
dominant (dóminant) - dominante
eccentric (ikséntrik) - excéntrico
envious (énvios) - envidioso
fiend (fíind) - desalmado
forgetful (forguétful) - olvidadizo
frivolous (frívolos) - frívolo
fussy (fási) - quisquilloso, exigente
gullible (gálible) - crédulo
hypocritical (jipocrítikal) - hipócrita
impatient (impéishent) - impaciente
impulsive (impólsiv) - impulsivo
indifferent (indíferent) - indiferente
insecure (ínsekiúr) - inseguro
insensitive (insénsitiv) - insensible
insolent (ínsolent) - insolente
introverted (íntrovérted) - introvertido
irascible (irásibl) - irascible
irresponsible (irrispónsibl) - irresponsable
jealous (dchélos) - celoso
lazy (léissi) - haragán
lonely (lóunli) - solitario
materialistic (matirialístic) - materialista
mean (míin) - mezquino, malo
moody (múudi) - malhumorado
naive (naíiv) - ingenuo
nosy (nóusi) - metido, fisgón
obsessive (obsésiv) - obsesivo
obstinate (óbstinet) - obstinado, testarudo
passive (pásiv) - pasivo
pessimistic (pesismístic) - pesimista
petty (péti) - mezquino
pretentious (priténshos) - presuntuoso, pretencioso
proud (práud) - orgulloso
rash (rásh) - imprudente, precipitado
rebellious (ribélios) - rebelde
restless (réstles) - inquieto
rude (rúud) - descortés, grosero
ruthless (rúzles) - despiadado
selfish (sélfish) - egoísta
shy (shái) - tímido
spiteful (spáitful) - rencoroso
stingy (stíndchi) - tacaño
strict (stríkt) - estricto
stubborn (stáborn) - terco
sullen (sólen) - hosco
talkative (tókativ) - charlatán
unpredictable (anpredíktabl) - impredecible
unreliable (anreláiabl) - desconfiable
vain (véin) - presumido
vicious (víshos) - despiadado, cruel
vindictive (vindíktiv) - vengativo


adventurous (advénchuros) - aventurero
ambitious (ambíshos) - ambicioso
amusing (amiú sing) - divertido
attentive (aténtiv) - atento, cortés
audacious (odéishos) - audaz
brave (bréiv) - valiente
broad-minded (bró od-má indid) - liberal,
calm (ká am) - calmo
carefree (kéerfri) - despreocupado
careful (kéerful) - prudente
cautious (kó shos) - cauteloso, prudente
charming (chá rming) - encantador
cheerful (chíirful) - alegre
considerate (consíderet) - considerado
courageous (caréidchos) - valeroso, valiente
creative (criéitiv) - creativo
curious (kiú rios) - curioso
dependable (dipéndabl) - fiable, confiable
determined (ditérmind) - decidido, resuelto
discreet (diskríit) - discreto
easy-going (ísi-gó uing) - relajado, tranquilo
energetic (enerdchétic) - energético
enthusiastic (enzú siá stic) - entusiasta
extrovert (ékstrovért) - extrovertido
faithful (féizful) - fiel
frank (frá nk) - franco
friendly (fréndli) - amigable
generous (dchéneros) - generoso
gentle (dchéntl) - suave, tierno
grateful (gréitful) - agradecido
hard-working (há rd wérkin) - trabajador
honest (ó nest) - honesto
humble (há mbl) - humilde
imaginative (imá dchinativ) - imaginativo
ingenious (indchínios) - ingenioso
intelligent (intélidchént) - inteligente
kind (ká ind) - amable
light-hearted (lá it-já rtid) - alegre
likable (lá ikabl) - agradable, simpá tico
lively (lá ivli) - vivaz
loyal (ló ial) - leal
mature (machú ur) - maduro
methodical (mezó dical) - metó dico
meticulous (metíkiulos) - meticuloso
modest (mó dest) - modesto
obedient (obídient) - obediente
optimistic (optimístik) - optimista
organized (ó rganaist) - organizado
outgoing (á utgó uin) - sociable, extrovertido
passionate (pá shonet) - apasionado
patient (péishent) - paciente
polite (polá it) - cortés, atento
practical (prá ktikal) - prá ctico
quiet (kuá iet) - callado, reservado
realistic (rialístic) - realista
reliable (rilá iabl) - confiable
resourceful (risó orsful) - habilidoso, ingenioso
respectful (rispéktful) - respetuoso
responsible (rispó nsibl) - responsable
self-confident (sélf-kó nfident) - seguro
sensible (sénsibl) - sensato
sensitive (sénsitiv) - sensible
serious (sírios) - serio, formal
sincere (sinsíer) - sincero
smart (smá rt) - listo, inteligente
sociable (só ushabl) - sociable
strong-willed (stró ng-uíld) - tenaz
sympathetic (simpazétic) - compasivo,
systematic (sistemá tik) - sistemá tico
talkative (tó kativ) - hablador
thankful (zá nkful) - agradecido
thrifty (zrífti) - ahorrativo
tolerant (tó lerant) - tolerante
trustworthy (trá st-wordi) - confiable
truthful (trú uzful) - veraz, sincero
understanding (anderstá nding) - comprensivo
wise (wá is) - sabio
zealous (ssélos) - entusiasta, ferviente
afraid (afréid) - temeroso, con miedo
alarmed (alármd) - alarmado
alert (alért) - alerta
amazed (améist) - asombrado
angry (ángri) - enojado
annoyed (anóid) - molesto
ashamed (ashéimd) - avergonzado
astonished (astónisht) - asombrado
bored (bóord) - aburrido
calm (káam) - calm
cheerful (chíirful) - alegre
complacent (kompléisent) - satisfecho consigo
confident (cónfident) - confiado
confused (confiúst) - confundido
content (contént) - satisfecho
content (contént) - contento
contented (conténtid) - contento, satisfecho
curious (kiúrios) - curioso
dejected (didchéctid) - desanimado
delighted (diláitid) - encantado
depressed (diprést) - deprimido
disappointed (disapóintid) - defraudado
disheartened (disjártend) - descorazonado
disillusioned (disilúshond) - desilusionado
distressed (distrést) - angustiado
dizzy (díssi) - mareado
drunk (dránk) - borracho
eager (íguer) - ansioso, deseoso
edgy (édchi) - nervioso, inquieto
elated (iléitid) - regocijado
embarrassed (embárrast) - avergonzado,
emotional (imóushonal) - emocionado, sensible
enthusiastic (enzusiástic) - entusiasmado
envious (énvias) - envidioso
excited (exáitid) - excitado
frustrated (frostréitid) - frustrado
furious (fiúrios) - furioso
glad (glad) - contento
gloomy (glúmi) - triste, pesimista
grateful (gréitful) - agradecido
groggy (grógui) - aturdido
grumpy (grámpi) - malhumorado
guilty (guílti) - culpable
happy (hápi) - feliz, contento
homesick (hóumsik) - nostálgico
hopeful (hóupful) - esperanzado
horny (hórni) - caliente, cachondo
hostile (hóstil) - hostil
humiliated (hiumílieitid) - humillado
hungry (hángri) - hambriento, con hambre
hurt (héert) - herido
impressed (imprést) - impresionado
in love (in lóv) - enamorado
indifferent (indíferent) - indiferente
indignant (indígnant) - indignado
insecure (ínsekiúr) - inseguro
irritable (írritabl) - irritable
jealous (dchélos) - celoso
jubilant (dchúbilant) - jubiloso
lazy (léisi) - perezoso
listless (lístles) - indiferente, desganado
lonely (lóunli) - solitario, solo
merry (mérri) - alegre
mischievous (míschivas) - travieso
miserable (míserabl) - triste, desgraciado
nervous (nérvos) - nervioso
nostalgic (nostáldchik) - nostálgico
offended (ofénded) - ofendido
optimistic (óptimístic) - optimista
overwhelmed (óuver-uélmd) - agobiado
playful (pléiful) - juguetón
pleased (plíist) - complacido, satisfecho
positive (pósitiv) - positivo
proud (práud) - orgulloso
puzzled (pásld) - confundido
rejected (ridchékted) - rechazado
relaxed (riláxt) - relajado
relieved (rilíivt) - aliviado
resentful (riséntful) - resentido
restless (réstles) - inquieto
sad (sad) – triste
satisfied (sátisfaid) - satisfecho
scared (skéerd) - asustado
sentimental (sentiméntal) - sentimental
shocked (shókt) - impresionado, conmovido
sick (sik) - enfermo
sleepy (slíipi) - soñoliento
surprised (sorpráist) - sorprendido
terrified (térrifaid) - aterrorizado
thankful (zánkful) - agradecido
thirsty (zérsti) - sediento, con sed
thoughtful (zótful) - pensativo
thrilled (zríld) - estremecido
tired (táierd) - cansado, fatigado
touched (tácht) - emocionado
touchy (táchi) - susceptible
uncomfortable (ankómfortabl) - incómodo, molesto
unhappy (anhápi) - desdichado
upset (apsét) - molesto
wary (wéri) - cauteloso
weary (wíiri) - cansado
worried (wórrid) - preocupado

Agressive: I tend to be aggressive when I feel attacked, an example was that

yesterday a person during class wanted to attack me with an argument, and with my
arguments, I destroyed her.

Dominant: I have always been dominant in many aspects of my life in general with
my partners, do not think that I have been a bad person I just like to be in control.

Forgetful: I tend to forget many things for a few years I have an agenda to avoid

Insensitive: I have trouble understanding the situations of others and I tend to be


Jealous: I never liked that my girlfriend had Friends

Vindictive: when I can get revenge I do it.

Germany is a beautiful country in central Europe, it has 80 million inhabitants and a
very particular history, it was a kingdom for three periods, one of those periods was
very dark and recent and to this day there is still bad talk about Germany, but today
is currently a solid democracy wie leads the European Union, the language spoken is
German with its different variants, being also spoken in Austria and Zuisa. Germany
is a federal republic, it has 16 federated states and although the country has a
president, the greatest political figure is Chancellor Angela Merkel, the most
powerful woman in Germany and therefore in the European Union.

I was in Germany doing a German course a few months ago I learned a little about
Germany and traveled all over the country from Hamburg to Munich and from
Dü sseldorf to Berlin, I traveled it all and took pictures in the most recognized places,
in Goerlitz a city On the border of Poland, I was doing social volunteering in a
second-hand store with people who were in jail and had to pay for social service. In
these photos are the friends I made in my time in Goerlitz, the Germans are very
friendly and warm people. I want to make this very clear, some people say that
Germans are cold and that is a very big lie in all my time there I ran into friendly
people and made many friends.

In the city of Essen I learned a little German, my study group was made up of
people from other countries and none of them knew how to speak Spanish, so it was
a beautiful experience, a classmate was very beautiful but unfortunately she was
married. I don't have a lot of photos of this because they were classes and it was not
allowed to take photos during classes.

Germany is known for beer but it also has good very famous sausages there are
more than 2000 types of breads and many potato-based dishes, Germany is also
recognized for its beer and automobile industry, talking about caroos when I was
visiting an automobile museum I saw Herbie, the original of the film and a race car
driven by Michael Schumagger, Germany is a country that is in need of skilled labor
on the eastern side and is the second country after United States that receives the
largest group of immigrants. It is worth noting that it is the 4th country in the
human development index.

I was living in Bochum with a beautiful Colombian German Family, the husband
Victor is Colombian and the wife Hong is German but her appearance is from China,
as the Chinese call Chinese, part of the Christian brothers who were in the church in
Bochum were also Chinese, I am going to describe these people a little because they
are interesting, Vanessa is German, I was in love with her, she was the love of my
life, but she never knew it, Mercy and Huo are married and they are from China,
Jeremy is A student from Malaysia, he was the most surprising person that I met, he
speaks Chinese, Malaysian, English, Japanese and German at C1 level and he liked
other languages for example when he saw me he spoke some phrases that he knew
in Spanish and he played the piano very well , Zion is from China she lived in the
house with us together with Victor and Zion, Eva is from the United States but she
was born in Taiwan, Faith is from the Philippines, Renata is from China but she is a
German citizen as well as Hong, and I am just me .

My experience in Germany was very pleasant, it has been one of my best moments,
in the future I will return to Germany, it is a country full of opportunities, there is
work, workers are needed and the people are really very good, I will return to
Germany next year after From the first vaccination campaigns, I will learn German
again and apply for a job, I want to spend my working life in Germany and then
when I am old, I will return to Colombia, I think that in this way you can have a
calmer life. At the moment I am learning English in Ok Classes as the first step for
this personal project.

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