The document provides guidance on describing people's physical appearance, personality, and emotions in English by listing common adjectives for each category. It includes adjectives for describing features like hair, skin, height and build as well as personality traits such as friendly, honest, and rude. Students are given examples and exercises to practice using these adjectives to describe what people look like and their character.
The document provides guidance on describing people's physical appearance, personality, and emotions in English by listing common adjectives for each category. It includes adjectives for describing features like hair, skin, height and build as well as personality traits such as friendly, honest, and rude. Students are given examples and exercises to practice using these adjectives to describe what people look like and their character.
The document provides guidance on describing people's physical appearance, personality, and emotions in English by listing common adjectives for each category. It includes adjectives for describing features like hair, skin, height and build as well as personality traits such as friendly, honest, and rude. Students are given examples and exercises to practice using these adjectives to describe what people look like and their character.
The document provides guidance on describing people's physical appearance, personality, and emotions in English by listing common adjectives for each category. It includes adjectives for describing features like hair, skin, height and build as well as personality traits such as friendly, honest, and rude. Students are given examples and exercises to practice using these adjectives to describe what people look like and their character.
Learning Outcome: • Students are able to describe physical appearance • Students are able to discuss in Small group discussion How to describe people Adjectives in English Useful Adjective to describe people in three ways:
Describing someone’s appearance
Describing someone’s character and personality
Describing someone’s feelings & emotions
“YES NO QUESTION” 1. BE+SUBJECT+ADJECTIVE OR NOUN? 2. DO/DOES+SUBJECT+VERB+NOUN? 1. Is he tall? (Apakah dia tinggi?) 1. Yes, he is 2. Is he fat? (Apakah dia gemuk?) (Jawaban positive) 3. Does he wear a hat? 2. No, he isn’t (Apakah dia menggunakan sebuah (jawaban negative) topi?) not the "yes no question" type QUESTION WORD+DO/DOES+ SUBJECT+VERB?
1. What is his name? (siapa 1. His name is Adzka
Namanya?) 2. He is tall 2. What does he look like? (Seperti 3. She wears red bag apa dia?) 4. He is 170 cm 3. What does she wear? (Apa yang 5. He is … dia kenakan?) 4. How tall is he? (Berapa tinggi badannya?) 5. What is your opinion about …? (Apa pendapatmu tentang …?) 1. Describing Someone’s Appearance • Appearance is defined as the way someone or something looks.
• This is list of adjectives to describe a person’s appearance:
a) beautiful (My younger sister is very beautiful) b) handsome (He’s the most handsome man I’ve ever met) c) cute (That’s a cute little baby) d) thin (She was looking pale and thin.) e) tall (She’s tall and thin) f) chubby (She was eleven years old and pretty in a chubby sort of way) g) muscular (He was tall, lean and muscular) h) attractive (The actress is an attractive woman) - Sharp eyes : mata tajam - Dark skin : kulit gelap - Round eyes : mata bulat - White skin : kulit putih - Slanting eyes: mata sipit - Brown skin : kulit coklat - Pointed nose : hidung mancung - Thick lips : bibir tebal - Flat nose: hidung pesek - Smooth skin : kulit lembut - Oval face : wajah lonjong - Tall : tinggi - Round face : wajah bulat - Short : pendek - Black hair : rambut hitam - Fat : gemuk - Blonde hair : rambut pirang - Thin : kurus - Curly hair : rambut keriting - Slim : langsing - Straight hair : rambut lurus - Strong : kuat - Wavy hair: rambut bergelombang - Long hair : rambut panjang - Short hair : rambut pendek big Besar small Kecil short Pendek tall Tinggi medium height tinggi sedang old Tua middle aged paruh baya young Muda skinny Kurus slim/thin ramping / kurus pretty Cantik muscular Berotot handsome Tampan stocky Kekar cute Imut chubby Tembem attractive Menarik obese/overweight obesitas funny Lucu fat Lemak elegant Anggun beautiful/gorgeous cantik/ cantik ugly jelek 2. Describing Someone’s Character and Personality
• Character traits are qualities or characteristics that describe what a person
is like. It’s important to be able to describe your own personality or someone else’s.
• English Adjectives to describe someone’s personality.
a. polite (Please be polite to our guests.) b. friendly (Everyone was very friendly towards me.) c. honest (He was a hard-working honest man.) d. generous (She’s always very generous to the kids.) e. rude (She was very rude about my driving.) f. lazy (He is the laziest boy in the class.) g. angry (I was very angry with myself for making such a stupid mistake.) attentive penuh perhatian calm Tenang cheeky bermuka tebal intelligent Cerdas faithful Setia pessimistic Pesimistis friendly Ramah naughty Nakal good tempered Pemarah (yg baik) unhappy tidak Bahagia happy Senang lazy Malas hard-working kerja keras dishonest tidak jujur honest Jujur talkative banyak bicara nervous Gugup proud Bangga humble Merendahkan disobedient Ketidaktaatan lively Hidup/lincah unpleasant Tidak menyenangkan obedient Taat hypocritical Munafik optimistic Optimis untidy Berantakan generous murah hati outgoing Keluar impatient tidak sabar patient Sabar polite Sopan popular Populer reserved Pendiam tidy Rapi rude Kasar distractive Mengganggu bad-tempered Pemarah shy Pemalu silly Bodoh unfriendly tidak ramah selfish egois 3. Describing Someone’s Feelings & Emotions
• Sometimes it’s hard to explain exactly how you feel.
a. terrified (She looked at him with wide, terrified eyes.) ketakutan (Dia menatapnya dengan mata lebar ketakutan.) b. exhausted (You look absolutely exhausted.) kelelahan (Anda terlihat sangat lelah.) c. scared (People are scared to use the buses late at night.) takut (Orang-orang takut menggunakan bus saat larut malam.) d. nervous (She was so nervous about her exams that she couldn’t sleep.) gugup (Dia sangat gugup dengan ujiannya sehingga dia tidak bisa tidur.) e. embarrassed (She’s embarrassed about her height.) malu (Dia malu dengan tinggi badannya.) • be careful using negative adjective when commenting on a person's appearance. as some people may be very offended by them! • in most situations it is safer to use a neutral or positive adjective (for the example: slender instead of thin, large instead of fat STUDENT’S TASK • What does he look like? • What does Grandmother look like? • What does he look like? What is your opinion about him? References character-traits-and- emotions/#:~:text=Describing%20Someone's%20Appearance,- Appearance%20is%20defined&text=handsome%20(He's%20the%20mo st%20handsome,(She's%20tall%20and%20thin.) rance/vocab1.html about.html Google gambar Next Meeting Nursing instruments and supplies