GL Self-Directed LP (1) - 2

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Topic: Location of the Great Grade: 4th Brooke Anderson and Breanne Livingston

Lakes and their surrounding


Lesson #____1___in a series

CCSS: RL.4.9 – Compare and contrast the treatment of similar themes and topics and pattern events in stories, myths, and
traditional literature from different cultures.

2 Literacy Strategies: Concept of a definition map, four square.

Social Studies Standard: 4.SS.2.1.2 – Show on a map of the world the continents, ocean, landforms, poles, hemispheres, equators,
and prime meridian in relation to Idaho.

Curricular objective: Students will be able to accurately locate and label each of the 5 Great Lakes along with the major cities
surrounding them by watching a video and completing the coordinating worksheets.

Vocabulary terms and definitions: Lakes – A large body of water surrounded by land. Glaciers – A thick mass of ice that covers a
large area.

Technology Integration: QR code of the video link about the Great Lakes.

Option 1: For my student with Down Syndrome she will work in a group of 3. Instead of answering every question she will pick three questions
to answer on the video worksheet. For the maps worksheet she can name at least 2 lakes and 3 cities on his/her worksheet.
Option 2: My student with Down Syndrome will be able to answers the questions on the worksheets orally either to the teacher or to her/his
Option 3: My student with Down Syndrome will be able to do computer games/quizzes about the lakes and cities instead of the worksheets.
Option 4: My student with Down Syndrome will be able to complete a computer game/quiz with a partner.

Time What the teacher will say What the student will say and do. Materials
and do.

1 min Gain Attention: Students will have a brief class Map of Great Lakes
Teacher will start by showing a discussion about what the Great Lakes
map of the Great Lakes on the are and why they think the Great Lakes
board. Ask students what they are important for the country.
know about the Great Lakes.
Teacher will record answers on Questions: Why are the Great Lakes
the board. important for the country as a whole?
What is one way we can keep the
Questions: What do you know Great Lakes pollution free?
about the Great Lakes? Why do
you think they are important to
the community? How do you
think the Great Lakes effect
everyone in the nation?

5 min Recall Prior Knowledge Students will raise their hands and None
Ask students: what states and answer the teacher’s questions.
capitals surround the Great
Lakes. What countries border
the lakes?

1 min Teacher Input Students will be given a worksheet to Video:

Today we will watch the video, fill out during the video, “What is so v=gBRcOLcEwF0
“What is so Great?” and fill out Great?”
the worksheet that goes along Worksheet: What is so Great?
with the video.

45 Procedures and Direction for Students will follow instructions in this Video Worksheet
Independent Learning packet (worksheet).
Follow specific instructions in
this packet (worksheet) to
complete your assignments.

15 Closure Nothing
Go ahead and discuss at your table, what you learned from the video and
the worksheet that you filled out. In 4 minutes we will come back together
as a class and discuss what you learned.

Can I have 3 volunteers tell us something that they learned from the video
and filling out the worksheet? What is something new that you didn’t
know before? What is something that we can do as a citizens that will
have a positive impact on the Great Lakes?

2 Curricular assessment: Students’ work

hours I will read the answers to the worksheet out loud to the students to see if
during the topic of why we need Great Lakes has been correctly identified.

Reflection (done after the lesson) Teacher reflects on lesson: What went well? What needs to be changed if this lesson were taught
again in the future? Were management strategies effective? Why or why not? Was the objective met? Does anything need to be
retaught or reviewed?
Name:_______________________________ Date: ____________

Great Lakes in 4 Minutes Video Worksheet

Click on or type in the URL below or scan the QR code:

1. List out the 5 Great Lakes:

2. How many species of animals live in and around the Great Lakes?

3. How did glaciers create the Great Lakes?

4. What percent of the world’s fresh water do the Great Lakes contain?

5. List at least one unique fact or feature of Lake Superior.

6. List at least one unique fact or feature of Lake Michigan or Lake Huron.
7. What is something that is unique about Lake Erie?

8. What waterfall connects Lake Erie and Lake Ontario?

9. What river connects the Great Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean?

10. List at least one problem the Great Lakes are currently facing.

1. Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario

2. 3,500 species
3. Glaciers created large basins that were filled with water as the glacier melted
4. 20%
5. Answers will vary
6. Answers will vary
7. Answers will vary
8. Niagara Falls
9. St. Lawrence River
10. Answers will vary, but pollutants and invasive species would be great answers.
Name:_________________________ Date: ______________

Great Lakes Map and Cities

Label the 5 Great Lakes and the major cities surrounding the Great Lakes (You may use a map for help).

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