Sueb, Aisy Hanifah and Nadiya Dini Rifqi
Sueb, Aisy Hanifah and Nadiya Dini Rifqi
Sueb, Aisy Hanifah and Nadiya Dini Rifqi
1. Introduction
Waste is a complex, subjective and sometimes controversial issue. Based on Republic of
Indonesia Act Number 18 of Solid Waste Management (2008), Waste is defined as as the rest of
human daily activities and or natural processes that are solid[1]. Specific waste is garbage which
because of its nature, concentration, and or volume requires special management. Waste producer is
every person and or due to natural processes that produce waste.
Environmental pollution generally comes from waste that loosens up on one shelter or
disposal. Revamp organic waste in an anaerobic atmosphere (oxygen-poor) will cause unpleasant
odors. Higher protein content inside rubbish, the more odor it causes. Another impact is due to deep
landfill large number is a dirty environment and a rundown landscape. Waste dumps become a nest for
vectors and diseases[2].
The increasing volume of solid waste in landfills contributes to unprecedented levels of
environmental problems, such as water and soil contamination via leaching of heavy metals, and air
pollution via emission of greenhouse gases[3]. The environmental problems being discussed is plastic
pollution by the sea. There has been an almost 2000% increase in the annual global production of
plastic during the past 65 years, generating to the “plasticsphere” in marine ecosystems. In Indonesia,
the greatest archipelago in the world, the presence of plastics in marine environments has gained
public attention during the past 3 years. Indonesia produces an estimated 5.4 million metric tons of
plastic waste. 3.2 million metric tons of plastic waste was mismanaged so that 0.48–1.29 million
metric tons will end up in marine environments[4].
Actually the problem of waste is closely related to the pattern of human life it self. The
amount of waste every year continues to increase in line and as the population increases and the
quality of life of the people or people and is accompanied by advances in technological knowledge
which also results in a shift in the lifestyle of people who tend to be consumptive[5].
Waste depletes natural resources, uses energy and water, places pressure on land, pollutes
the environment and, finally creates an additional economic cost for managing the waste[6]. Thus, the
problem of waste becomes a barrier to the implementation of sustainable environmental development.
In Republic of Indonesia Law Number 32 of 2009 about Protection and Management of Environment,
Sustainable Development is an effort conscious and planned that integrates environmental, social and
economic aspects into development strategies to ensure the integrity of the environment and safety, the
ability, welfare, and quality of life of present and future generations.
To realize sustainable development, we need to move to a position where there will be no such
thing as waste, merely transformation; this position is called zero waste. ‘Zero Waste’ is one of the
most visionary concepts for solving waste problems[7]. Zero waste is a very complex system, and
there are still mountains of works need to done in future. In order to minimize the solid waste to zero
waste, it needs all of people together to act to reduce, reuse, and recycling them for getting rid of waste
from our land[8]. With more awareness campaigns and educational programs the society can be made
more aware of zero waste and its benefits. With such awareness and awareness programs it would also
encourage the zero waste lifestyles, i.e. reduction in consumption and waste generation[9].Zero waste
has become an aspirational goal for tackling waste problems. Many cities such as Adelaide, San
Francisco and Vancouver have adopted zero waste goals as a part of their waste management
One place that has the potential to produce waste is campus. The number of students,
lecturers, educational staff, and campus officers who carry out activities in it, so that the campus
becomes a place that is found in many waste generated from these activities. The usual waste
produced in educational buildings, such as a campus in the form organic waste, recyclable waste, and
waste that cannot be recycled [11].
The Faculty of Mathematics and Science is one of the faculties at Universitas Negeri Malang.
Behavior of the campus community in the Faculty of Mathematics and Science is still considered to be
less concerned about the environment, especially in the matter of waste. Whereas as humans are
educated in the world of science, they should contribute to the environment and become role models
for others. Therefore, the aim for the research are to determine the zero waste lifestyle habits and
environmental literacy of students in Faculty of Mathematics and Science, to correlate views zero
waste lifestyle habits and environmental literacy, and to compare the result of environmental literacy
based on department.
1. Methods
The research was carried out with a quantitative approach as the aim for the research are to
determine the zero waste lifestyle habits and environmental literacy of students in Faculty of
Mathematics and Science. The research was conducted in the Faculty of Mathematics and Science at
Universitas Negeri Malang, Jalan Semarang 5, Lowokwaru, Malang , Jawa Timur. This research was
conducted in March until April 2019. The population in this study were the community campus in the
Faculty of Mathematics and Science at State University of Malang. Therefore, the aim for the
research are to determine the zero waste lifestyle habits and environmental literacy of students in
Faculty of Mathematics and Science, to correlate views zero waste lifestyle habits and environmental
literacy, and to compare the result of environmental literacy based on department.
This design was adopted from the study ‘The relationship between environmental literacy and self-
efficacy beliefs toward environmental education’ by Saribas et al., 2014[12]. The study was carried
out by collecting data with the help of questionnaire distribute to students of Biology Department,
students of Physics Department, students of Chemistry Department, students of Mathematics
Department and students of Mathematics and Science Study Program. The questionnaire used in this
research involve two topics multiple choices:
1. Choose your opinion about environmental literacy below (5 questions)
2. Choose your opinion about zero waste lifestyle habits below (10 questions)
With Likert scale data we cannot use the mean as a measure of central tendency as it has no
meaning. To test hypotheses one, Kruskal-Wallis test was used for the purpose of measuring “Zero
Waste” Lifestyle Habits and environmental literacy, survey instrument which use questionnaire items
on a five point Likert scale with option strongly disagree (=1) to strongly agree (=5)[13]. To measure
To compare the result of environmental literacy based on department used One Way ANOVA.
Correlation between Community’s environmental literacy and zero waste lifestyle, Correlation
Pearson was employed to determine the significance of the relationship.
3. Result
The total results of environmental literacy score students of the faculty of mathematics and
natural sciences scores from 5 department as many as 80 students are listed in Table 2.
Table 2. Total Score Environmental Literacy Students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
environmental literacy 80 17,00 25,00 22,4375 1,86808
Valid N (listwise) 80
Based on Table 2, the average overall environmental literacy score is 22,4375, with a standard
deviation of 1,86808, a minimum score of 17,00 and a maximum score of 25,00.
The overall results of the Environmental Literacy score based on Biology Department (16
students), Physics Department (16 students), Chemistry Department (16 students), Mathematics
Department (16 students), Mathematics and Science education study program (16 students) are listed
in Table 3.
Table 3. Number of Respondens, Environmental Literacy Score, and Standard Deviation of Biology
Department, Physics Department, Chemistry Department, Mathematics Department and Mathematics
and Science Study Program
and Science
Biology Physics Chemistry Mathematics Education
Mean 22,3750 22,3750 22,5000 21,3750 22,8750
N 16 16 16 16 16
Std. Deviation 2,41868 1,40831 1,67332 2,24722 1,78419
From Table 3 it appears that the number of respondens of each deparment is 30 students with an
average score of 22,38 with a standard deviation of 2,41 for Biology Department; average score of
22,38 with a standard deviation of 1,40 for Physics Department, average score of 22,50 with a
standard deviation of 1,68 for Chemistry Department, average score of 21,38 with a standard deviation
of 2,25 for Mathematics Department, average score of 22,88 with a standard deviation of 1,78 for
Mathematics Department and Mathematics and Science Study Program.
Based on table 4, it is known that the average environmental literacy score is significantly the same.
Obtained sig. amounting to 0,092 which is greater than α = 0,05.
There is a significant correlation between environmental literacy and the lifestyle of zero
waste students . Based on the results of the Pearson correlation (Table 5) obtained p = 0,007 which is
smaller than α = 0,05. This means that there is a significant correlation between environmental literacy
and a lifestyle of zero waste students. Which means the more environmental literacy, the better the
zero waste lifestyle.
Based on table 6, there is 12 (15%) students whose score are in Good Category, 55
(68,75%) students have score in Enough Category and 13 (16,25%) students have a Bad
Category score. Majority of respondens, students of Mathematics and Science Faculty, have
enough literacy score.
4. Discussion
The overall Environmental Literacy Score was 22.44 (standard deviation or SB = 1.86) out of a
total of 5 majors of 80 respondents. This score is close to a score that indicates good
environmental literacy of 25.00, which means students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Sciences have good environmental literacy. This is in accordance with the study of Saribas et. al
(who obtained a mean total score of 38.52 (SB = 1.49). This means they have good environmental
literacy. There are 68,75% students have enough environmental literacy, so majority of student are
well-educated in environmental-science and favourable attitudes toward the environment,
accordance with the study of Alp et. al (who obtain students’ mean scores on the environmental
Attitude subscales (M ranging from 72.7 to 80.4) were relatively high.)
The results of the Pearson correlation obtained p = 0,007, the community whose environmental
literacy is good, they will have a good zero waste lifstyle. In order to make an environment with a
less waste problem, the community should apply zero waste lifestyle in their daily routine. As
science community, zero waste lifestyle can be one of a good example of contribution in
environmental awareness. So, waste problem can be minimized and in another faculty if
community of Mathematic and Science Faculty can achieve a good progress in minimazing waste
problem through zerowaste lifestyle.
5. Conclusion
Based on the results and discussion, it can be concluded that student environmental literacy leads
to pro-environment, there is no difference in environmental literacy among biology students,
physics, chemistry students, mathematics students and mathematics and science study program
students, there is a correlation between environmental literacy and zero waste lifestyle students. in
the future it is necessary to improve environmental literacy which leads to the pro-environment so
that the awareness of students in particular and society generally increases.