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23rd Year of Publication

B anking
Registration RNI No.67802/98
Volume - XXIII No.05 : May 2020


Contents of this Issue

• Priority Sector Loans of UCBs
• Electronic cards for Overdraft
• Intt. subvention for Crop Loans
• Covid-19 Assets Classification Rules


• Revised Sovereign Gold Bods
• RBI Monetary Policy of March 2020
• RBI policy of April 2020
• Practical problems based on
Ombudsman Decisions

Multi-Option questions:7-9
Data Bank : 10
Those who win, are those, who think they can

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Executive Editor - S. Chand Singh Editor in Chief - Sh. N S Toor

2 ♦ Banking events updatE ♦ May 2020

B ANKING Priority Sector Lending by UCBs

POLICY Further to guidelines dated 10.05.2018, on
Further to guidelines dated 10.05.18, on 24.04.20, RBI decided
Instrument - IPDI) which may be recognised
as capital instrument under a scheme of
restructuring/ revival of a UCB under AID,
that, with effect from March 31, 2021, all Urban Cooperative provision on the portion of deposits converted
Banks - UCBs (excluding those under all-inclusive directions) will into such instruments shall not be required.
contribute to Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) Electronic Cards for Overdraft Accounts
established with NABARD and other Funds with NABARD / NHB As per master circular dated 1.7.15, banks
/ SIDBI / MUDRA Ltd., against their priority sector lending (PSL) have been permitted by RBI, to issue debit
shortfall vis-à-vis the prescribed target. The operational details in cards to customers having Saving Bank/Current
this regard are as under: Accounts but not to cash credit/loan account
1. The PSL achievement will be determined at the end of the holders. On 23.04.20, RBI decided to permit
financial year based on the average of priority sector target / sub- banks to issue electronic cards to natural
target achievement as at the end of each quarter of the year. UCBs persons having Overdraft Accounts that are
(excluding those under all-inclusive directions) having shortfall only in the nature of personal loan without any
in PSL lending targets will be allocated amounts for contribution specific end-use restrictions. The card shall
to the Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) established be issued for a period not exceeding the validity
with NABARD and other relevant funds, as decided by the Reserve of the facility and shall also be subject to the
Bank from time to time. usual rights of the banks as lenders.
2. The interest rates on UCBs’ contribution to RIDF and other The facility shall be allowed to be used for
funds, tenure of deposits, etc. will be fixed by Reserve Bank of domestic transactions only. The restriction on
India from time to time. cash transaction will not apply to overdraft
3. The misclassifications reported by the Reserve Bank’s facility provided along with Pradhan Mantri Jan
Department of Supervision, if any, would be adjusted / reduced Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) accounts.
from the achievement of that year to which the amount of Interest Subvention (IS) and Prompt
declassification / misclassification pertains, for allocation to various Repayment Incentive (PRI) for Short
funds in subsequent years. Term Crop Loans during years 2018-19
The non-achievement of PSL targets will not be included as one and 2019-20: Extended Period due to
of the criteria for classifying a UCB as Financially Sound and Covid-19
Well Managed (FSWM) with effect from March 31, 2021. Further to circular dated 07.03.19, RBI
However, it will continue to be taken into account while granting informed banks on 21.04.20 that to ensure that
regulatory clearances/approvals for various purposes. farmers do not have to pay penal interest and
Provisioning on interbank exposure of Primary (Urban) at the same time continue getting the benefits
Co-operative Banks (UCBs) under All Inclusive Directions of interest subvention scheme, Government
The imposition of All-inclusive Directions (AID) on an Urban Co- has decided to continue the availability of 2%
operative Bank (UCB), inter alia, restricts the bank from IS and 3% PRI to farmers for the extended
discharging its liabilities except as permitted by RBI. This impacts period of repayment up to 31.05.2020 or date
the withdrawal of interbank deposits placed by other UCBs with of repayment, whichever is earlier, for short
such bank as also timely discharge of interbank exposures such term crop loans up to Rs.3 lakh per farmer
as discounted bills drawn under Letter of Credit (LC) issued by which have become due between March 01,
the UCB under AID. 2020 and May 31, 2020.
On 20.04.20, RBI decided as under: Internal ML/TF risk assessment by REs -
a) The interbank exposures arising from deposits placed by UCBs Amendment to Master Direction (MD) on
with a UCB under AID and their non-performing exposures arising KYC
from discounted bills drawn under LCs issued by a UCB under On 20.04.20, RBI advised banks that a new
AID shall be fully provided within five years at the rate of 20% section (5A) has been added to chapter II of
annually. Further, the interest receivable on the deposits shall not the MD on KYC requiring REs to carry out
be recognised as income by the UCBs. ‘Money Laundering (ML) and Terrorist
b) If the UCBs choose to convert such deposits into long term Financing (TF) Risk Assessment’ exercise
perpetual debt instruments (e.g. Innovative Perpetual Debt periodically to identify, assess and take
(COMPILATION- SAPANDEEP TOOR & MANJOT TOOR, - on the basis of information available on RBI Website)
Banking events updatE ♦ May 2020 ♦ 3

Video Lessons
effective measures to mitigate its money laundering and
terrorist financing risk for clients, countries or geographic
areas, products, services, transactions or delivery channels,
etc. While assessing the ML/TF risk, the REs are required to CAIIB-JAIIB-Promotion Exam
take cognizance of the overall sector-specific vulnerabilities, B-Sheet Analysis
if any, that the regulator/supervisor may share with REs from Certified Credit Professionals
time to time. Further, the internal risk assessment carried
out by the RE should be commensurate to its size, geographical Foreign Exchange Operations
presence, complexity of activities/structure, etc. • Use lap top / Smart Phone, as our class room
Also, the REs shall apply a Risk Based Approach (RBA) for • No travelling - no boarding/lodging charges
mitigation and management of the identified risk and should • Learn as per your time and place convenience
have Board approved policies, controls and procedures in • Watch any video any no. of times during validity
this regard.
www.banking update
update.. com
REs should be completed by June 30, 2020 and thereafter
reviewed periodically.
COVID19 Regulatory Package - Asset Classification
and Provisioning CORRESPONDENCE
On 17.04.20, RBI made following changes to existing policy:
(i) Asset Classification under the Prudential norms on Income
Recognition, Asset Classification (IRAC)
As per circular dated 27.03.20, the lending institutions were
Based on latest trends of IBPS exam. A large no. of bankers
permitted to grant a moratorium of three months on payment already succeeded by using the course material. If unable to
of all term loan instalments falling due between March 1, attend class room program, this is the best option.
2020 and May 31, 2020 (‘moratorium period’). As such, in Course Kit : The course kit include:
line with the clarification provided by the Basel Committee (a) subject-wise basic study material,
on Banking Supervision, in respect of all accounts classified (b) assignment to improve retention
as standard as on February 29, 2020, even if overdue, the (c) objective type practice exercise
moratorium period, wherever granted, shall be excluded by (d) recalled questions
(e) mock test papers.
the lending institutions from the number of days past-due
Fee : May differ from bank to bank. May be checked before
for the purpose of asset classification under the IRAC norms. remittance). Fee to be paid in advance.
Similarly in respect of working capital facilities sanctioned How to enrol : Call us at the numbers given below.
in the form of cash credit/overdraft (“CC/OD”), the

Regulatory Package permitted the recovery of interest applied
during the period from March 1, 2020 upto May 31, 2020 to
be deferred (‘deferment period’). Such deferment period, Course is based on exam pattern of IIB&F. A large no. of
wherever granted in respect of all facilities classified as candidate have succeeded in all 3 papers in first attempt with
standard, including SMA, as on February 29, 2020, shall be our study material.
excluded for the determination of out of order status. Course Kit : The course kit include:
(a) subject-wise basic study material,
(ii) Provisioning : For such accounts in default but standard
(c) objective type practice exercise
lending institutions shall make general provisions of not less
(d) mock test papers.
than 10 per cent of the total outstanding of such accounts, Fee : Fee differs for different papers. Fee payable in
to be phased over two quarters as under: advance, for which details may be obtained by calling
(i) Quarter ended March 31, 2020 – not less than 5 per cent 01722665623 .
(ii) Quarter ending June 30, 2020 – not less than 5 per cent How to enrol : To enrol, advise name, address for
correspondence, eMail id, mobile phone, bank name, subjects
These provisions shall not be reckoned for arriving at net for enrolment.

DS Institute of Banking
NPAs till they are adjusted against the actual provisioning
requirements. Further, till such adjustments, these provisions
shall not be netted from gross advances but shown separately Office:SCO No.32, Sector 33-D, Chandigarh 160 020
in the balance sheet as appropriate.
• Phone: 0172-2665623, 09988221167
4 ♦ Banking events updatE ♦ May 2020 BANKING FEATURES
Revised Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) nominee (Form D). It is not available for investment on
Scheme of Govt. of India behalf of minor. For cancellation Form E can be used.
On the death of the holder, nominee’s/nominees’ claim
SGB are issued by Govt.of India (GOI) as GOI Stock may be recognized. The claimant can be asked to furnish
as per Sec 3 of Govt. Securities Act, 2006. The Scheme a bond of indemnity. If the claim is found to be in order,
was first launched by Govt. (GOI) on Oct 30, 2015. the name/s of the nominee/s will be substituted as the
Till 31.03.20, 37 tranches of Bonds have been issued. bond holder/s in place of the deceased holder - and a
On 13.04.20, RBI notified the calendar for issue of SGB fresh COH will be issued.
2020-21- Series I, II, III, IV, V, VI between 20th April 5. Forms of holding and dematerialisation: SGBs are
to Sep 08, 2020. The Subscription shall be open from issued as Bond Ledger Account (BLA) with RBI or with
Monday to Friday. RBI also issued consolidated Depositories viz NSDL/CDSL in the demat account.
instructions superseding all the previous directions. These can be got rematerialized later.
Procedural Guidelines for servicing the bonds: 6. Transfer of Bonds: The Bonds are transferable before
1. Nodal Branches/Offices : The Receiving Offices maturity to eligible transferees either wholly or in part
(ROs) and other entities entrusted with the responsibility by execution of an instrument of transfer in Form ‘F’.
of issue/ servicing the bonds may identify a nodal office/ 7. SGB of deceased sole holder or joint holders and
branch. The applications received at various branches right of survivors of joint holders or several payees (when
or offices may be forwarded to the nodal branch/office no valid nomination exists) : RO/Depository, may
for further processing after preliminary scrutiny. recognize claims as per Sec 7 of GS Act 2006 and
2. Application : a) ROs can receive Application Form- Regulation 6 of the Govt. Securities Regulation 2007.
A from at the branches directly or through agents. 8. Loan against the bonds and creation of pledge,
b) Application must be accompanied by the PAN details. hypothecation or lien: The bonds may be used as
c) The Investor ID generated from RBI’s E-Kuber is a collateral security for any loan subject to loan to value
unique id which is created while applying for SGB. ratio rules of RBI.
d) All payments shall be accepted in Indian Rupees 9. Payment of Interest: The interest shall be paid on a
through cash up to Rs 20,000 or cheque/ demand drafts/ half yearly basis by crediting bank account of the holder.
electronic banking, in favour of the RO. 10. Repayment of Bonds: RO/depository shall inform
e) On receipt of complete application as above, the ROs the investor about the date of maturity of the Bond one
shall issue an acknowledgement receipt in Form B. month before its maturity. The Bond shall be repayable
f) The cancellation of application is permitted till the on the expiration of 8 years from the date of issue.
closure of issue. Part cancellation is not permitted. Premature redemption is permitted after 5 year from
g) ROs are to enter data or carry out bulk upload for the date of issue. The request for pre-mature redemption
subscriptions received by them in RBI’s E-Kuber portal. shall be submitted at least 10 days before the next interest
h) The applicants shall be paid interest on the payment date.
subscription amount @ savings bank rate from the date Bonds shall be redeemed and the redemption price shall
of application/realisation, up to the date of allotment. be based on simple average of closing price of gold of
No interest is payable, in case the application is rejected 999 purity of previous week (Monday to Friday) for
for any reason attributable to the investor. SGBs issued under tranche 1 to 9 and previous three
i) Any delay on the part of ROs to refund the amount to working days for tranches issued thereafter at the rate
any applicant, whose application is rejected will attract published by the India Bullion and Jewellers’ Association
penalty @ Repo rate +2% for each day of delay. Limited.
3. Allotment of Bonds and Generation of “Certificates 11. Payment of brokerage: ROs may appoint agents.
of Holding(COH)”: (i) On the date of allotment, COH Commission to such agents shall be paid @ Rs.100 of
are generated for successful subscriptions by RBI. the total subscription received. ROs shall share at least
These may be printed in colour on A4 size 100 GSM 50% of the commission with the agents / sub-agents.
paper in the prescribed Form C. 12. Preservation of Records: The application forms and
(ii) SGB is transferable/tradable and mere possession other requests may be preserved till the maturity of the
of COH should not be construed as proof of title. bond. Premature redemption request may be preserved
4. Nomination : One or max 2 person can be made for three years from the date of payment of proceeds.

Summary edited by : Arundeep Toor - Source RBI website.

BANKING FEATURES Banking events updatE ♦ May 2020 ♦ 5

RBI ’s 7th Bi-monthly Monetary Policy financial markets which brings in phases of liquidity stress
Statement, 2019-20 ( March 27, 2020) and to provide comfort to the banking system, RBI
On the basis of an assessment of the current and evolving decided to increase the accommodation under MSF from
macroeconomic situation, the Monetary Policy 2 per cent of the statutory liquidity ratio (SLR) to 3 per
Committee (MPC) decided to: cent with immediate effect. This measure will be
applicable up to June 30, 2020.
1. reduce the policy repo rate under LAF by 75 basis
points to 4.40% from 5.15% with immediate effect; Widening of the Monetary Policy Rate Corridor
2. accordingly, marginal standing facility (MSF) rate and In view of persistent excess liquidity, RBI decided to
Bank Rate stand reduced to 4.65% from 5.40%; widen the existing policy rate corridor from 50 bps to
65 bps. Under the new corridor, the reverse repo rate
3. further, due to widening of the LAF corridor to 65
under the liquidity adjustment facility (LAF) would be
basis points, reverse repo rate under the LAF stands
40 bps lower than the policy repo rate, as against existing
reduced by 90 basis points to 4.0 per cent.
25 bps. The marginal standing facility (MSF) rate would
I. Liquidity Measures:
continue to be 25 bps above the policy repo rate.
Targeted Long Term Repo Operations (TLTRO)
Moratorium on Term Loans
RBI will conduct auctions of targeted term repos of up
All commercial banks (including regional rural banks,
to 3 years tenor of appropriate sizes for a total amount
small finance banks and local area banks), co-
of up to Rs.1,00,000 crore at a floating rate, linked to
operative banks, all-India Financial Institutions, and
the policy repo rate. Liquidity availed under the scheme
NBFCs (including housing finance companies and micro-
by banks has to be deployed in investment grade
finance institutions) (“lending institutions”) have been
corporate bonds, commercial paper and non-
permitted to allow a moratorium of three months on
convertible debentures over and above the outstanding
payment of instalments in respect of all term loans
level of their investments in these bonds as on March
outstanding as on March 1, 2020.
25, 2020. Eligible instruments comprise primary market
Deferment of Interest on Working Capital
issuances and secondary market purchases, including
from mutual funds and non-banking finance companies.
Investments made by banks under this facility will be In respect of working capital facilities sanctioned in the
classified as held to maturity (HTM) even in excess of form of cash credit/overdraft, lending institutions have
25% of total investment permitted to be included in the been permitted to allow a deferment of three months on
HTM portfolio. Exposures under this facility will also payment of interest in respect of all such facilities
not be reckoned under the large exposure framework. outstanding as on March 1, 2020. The accumulated
interest for the period will be paid after the expiry of the
Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)
deferment period.
RBI decided to reduce CRR of all banks by 100 basis
The moratorium on term loans and the deferring of
points to 3.0 per cent of net demand and time liabilities
interest payments on working capital will not result in
with effect from the reporting fortnight beginning March
asset classification downgrade.
28, 2020 for a period of one year. This reduction in the
CRR would release primary liquidity of about Rs.1,37,000 Easing of Working Capital Financing
crore uniformly across the banking system in proportion In respect of working capital facilities sanctioned in the
to liabilities of constituents rather than in relation to form of cash credit/overdraft, lending institutions have
holdings of excess SLR. been allowed to recalculate drawing power by reducing
Furthermore, taking cognisance of hardships faced by margins and/or by reassessing the working capital cycle
banks in terms of social distancing of staff and for the borrowers. Such changes will not result in asset
consequent strains on reporting requirements, RBI classification downgrade.
decided to reduce the requirement of minimum daily CRR The moratorium on term loans, the deferring of interest
balance maintenance from 90 per cent to 80 per cent, payments on working capital and the easing of working
effective from the first day of the reporting fortnight capital financing will not qualify as a default for the
beginning March 28, 2020. This is a one- purposes of supervisory reporting and reporting to credit
time dispensation available up to June 26, 2020. information companies (CICs) by the lending institutions.
Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) Hence, there will be no adverse impact on the credit
history of the beneficiaries.
In view of the exceptionally high volatility in domestic
6 ♦ Banking events updatE ♦ May 2020

Practical Problems based on Banking Ombudsman Decisions

1) The complainant alleged that his system was hacked and an amount of Rs.2
lakhs was transferred from his account to another account in some other
bank. The amount was withdrawn through the latter bank’s ATM and the Study Material
party was not traceable on the address mentioned in the KYC documents.
BO observed that the bank had not introduced One Time Password (OTP)
for addition of third party and transfer of amount as also there was no cooling
period for third party addition. Further, the SMS alert for addition of third Features of CDs
party was sent after the money was transferred. As regards other bank, BO • Explanation for each question/answer.
observed that the bank had given a platinum card with Rs.2 lakh withdrawal • Improve understanding and retention.
limit per day for a new customer who had no relationship with bank earlier • Remove confusions. .
and whose income was Rs.50,000/- to Rs.2 lakh per month as per the • Improve time management. Set your own
application. The customer was given a product which was not suitable to his time during practice.
profile. Though, as per the bank’s policy last three months’ land line bills • Test your preparation before Exam.
were required as proof of residence, the bank had accepted the mobile bill of • Practice on-line without use of internet.
same month as proof of residence. BO directed both the banks to share the • Questions are shuffled when used again.
disputed amount and refund it to the complainant. • Large no. of questions based on latest
2) The complainant received a telephone call demanding the OTP which he guidelines and memory recalled questions.
had just received by SMS although, according to him, he had not conducted
any net banking transaction at that point of time. He reportedly did not disclose
the information sought by the unknown caller. But, immediately thereafter, Bank Promotion Exam - Rs.300
he received an SMS for debit of Rs.1,28,000/- from his account. Although Bank Promotion Interview - Rs.300
the bank claimed that the complainant might have responded to the call and Banking Ready Recknor - Rs.300
passed on confidential information, it did not submit any proof in support. CAIIB (New Syllabus)
The bank further informed that the fund had been transferred to the account • Bank Financial Mgmt - Rs.300
of a different bank from which they had claimed the amount. It was observed
• Advanced Bank Mgmt - Rs.300
by BO that the transaction took place without any cooling period for new
beneficiary addition and actual transfer of funds to beneficiary account, as • Retail Banking - Rs.300
required under extant RBI instruction. The complainant noticed the SMS in • Risk Management - Rs.300
his mobile phone when transfer of funds from his account had already been CAIIB (Case Studies)
effected. On receipt of the complaint, the bank had blocked the complainant’s • Advanced Bank Mgmt -Rs.300
debit card on the same day. However, the bank had informed the other bank • Bank Financial Mgmt -Rs.300
to recover the amount almost after 24 hours. During this time, the beneficiary JAIIB - All three papers Rs.300 (each)
had withdrawn entire amount. Further, as revealed from correspondence Economics Mock Test - Rs.150
with the beneficiary’s bank, one more fraudulent transfer of Rs.61,000/- to Book-Keeping Mock Test - Rs.150
the same account had taken place at that time. It was thus evident that the
account was opened with the ulterior objective of perpetrating fraud and the
beneficiary’s bank had failed to follow due diligence in KYC compliance as Online Mock Tests
per RBI guidelines. BO observed that owing to the above deficiencies on the Promotion,CAIIB/JAIIB, log in
part of the both the banks, the perpetration of the fraud was possible and,
therefore, the complainant’s bank should refund the entire amount with
applicable FD interest to the complainant against a simple indemnity and half
of this amount should, thereafter, be shared by the beneficiary’s bank.
3) An amount of Rs.20,000/- was debited from current account of the IBPS Bank PO / ClerK Exam
complainant through net banking in 10 transactions of Rs.2,000/- each for
Vodafone re-charge, without his knowledge. The bank informed that the Score High with Latest Study Kits
transactions done by him were fully secured with two sets of passwords
(login password and transaction password) and the complainant had
compromised the confidential credentials unintentionally or intentionally. It
Anywhere Anytime Learning
was ascertained that OTP was not furnished to the complainant. The bank
was advised to clarify the additional factor of authentication put in place by
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them for the ‘card not present’ transactions in the absence of OTP to which Contact
the bank replied that the customer had rejected the OTP facility during the 09814 331 661
initial stage of e-banking facility activation. BO directed the bank to pay the 01722665623
disputed amount to the complainant.
Banking events updatE ♦ May 2020 ♦07
MOCK-TEST d all the above d complete freedom route (CFR)
PAPER 05 On Apr 17, 2020, RBI decided 10 RBI decided on 17.04.20, to
to reduce to 3.75%, which of conduct targeted long-term repo
RBI direction based questions
the following: operations for an aggregate
01 As per RBI’s 24.04.20 guidelines, amount of Rs.50,000 crore, to
a repo rate
in case of shortfall in achievement begin with, in tranches of
of priority sector lending targets, b reverse repo rate
c marginal standing facility appropriate sizes. The funds
the Urban Coop Banks have to availed by banks under this
deposit the amount with (a) RIDF d bank rate
should be invested in ___ of
of NABARD (b) other funds with 06 As part of relief package, RBI NBFCs, with at least 50 per cent
NABARD or NHB or SIDBI (c) allowed the exporter to realize of the total amount availed going
MUDRA (d) EXIM Bank the foreign currency on account to small and mid-sized NBFCs
a a to d all of exports made up to 31.07.20, and MFIs.
b a to c only within a period of:
a investment grade bonds
c a and b only a 9 months
b commercial paper
d a only b 12 months
c non-convertible debentures
02 As per RBI’s 24.04.20 guidelines, c 15 months
d all the above
the Urban Coop Banks have to d 18 months
11 RBI decided on 17.04.20, to
calculate the achievement of 07 Banks in India can offer door conduct targeted long-term repo
priority sector lending targets with step banking services to senior operations for an aggregate
reference to the following: citizens on pan India basis. Age amount of Rs.50,000 crore, to
a outstanding PS loans as on 31st of senior citizen in this case begin with, in tranches of
March should be: appropriate sizes. The funds
b outstanding PS loans as on last a at least 60 years availed by banks should be
Friday of March b at least 65 years invested in different type of
c average outstanding PS loans at c more than 70 years instruments of NBFCs, with at
end of 4 quarters d more than 80 years least ___ of the total amount
d none of the above 08 With effect from 1.4.2020, availed going to small and mid-
03 Banks were required to maintain interest subvention in case of sized NBFCs and MFIs.
liquidity coverage ratio of 100% short term crop loans is available a 50%
w.e.f.1.1.19. To provide Covid-19 only if: b 40%
relief, the LCR can be maintained a farmer is regularly repaying the c 25%
at ___ % till 30.09.20 and is to be due amount d 10%
restored back to 100% w.e.f. b advance is allowed through KCC 12 On 17.04.20, RBI decided to
31.03.21. c farmer not aged beyond 60 provide special refinance
a 95% years facilities for a total amount of Rs.
b 90% d advance is covered under PM 50,000 crore to NABARD,
c 85% Fasal Bima Yojna. SIDBI and NHB to enable them
d 80% 09 For investment by non-residents to meet sectoral credit needs.
04 On Apr 17, 2020 RBI put in Govt. securities, a new route This will comprise (1) Rs.
restrictions on bank for ____ till has been implemented. It is 25,000 crore to NABARD for
further instruction: called: refinancing (2) Rs. 15,000 crore
a payment of salary to staff a approval route to SIDBI for on-lending (c) Rs.
b payment of dividend b automatic route 10,000 crore to NHB for
supporting housing finance
c payment of bonus to directors c fully accessible route
Disclaimer : We have taken every care to provide information, we believe to be accurate We strongly believe that the subscribers
and reliable and do not assume responsibility of any kind nor shall be liable for losses & are the best consultants, we have. Based
consequence arising from use thereof. Since this information is based on the published on their feed back, we keep on redesigning
reports mostly, correctness or otherwise thereof may be verified by the user with the and restructring this publication. Kindly
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8 ♦ Banking events updatE ♦ May 2020
companies (HFCs). c 6 years c can appeal within 45 days to
a 1, 2 and 3 are correct d 5 years Appellate Authority
b only 1 is correct Recalled Questions for d can appeal within 30 days of date
c only 1 and 3 is correct Promotion Exam of receipt of information about
d only 2 and 3 is correct 18 A bank branch wants a letter to rejection
13 Application for Sovereign Gold be written to its Head Office 23 Under which of the following,
Bonds can be made by justifying its failure to achieve RBI adopts selective credit
depositing cash or cheque or the budgets for profits and quality control measures:
demand draft etc. But cash can of assets. Which among the a Section 22 of RBI Act 1934
be deposited for an amount up following software will be used b Section 85 Negotiable
to: to write this letter Instruments Act
a Rs.10000 a MS Excel c Section 21 of Banking Regulation
b Rs.20000 b MS Excess Act 1949
c Rs.35000 c MS Power Point d Section 21 of RBI Act
d Rs.50000 d MS Word 24 Beyond the minimum amount of
14 Under Sovereign Gold Bonds e Any of the above Rs.1 lac for a Certificate of
scheme, any delay on the part of 19 Which of the following account Deposit (CD), it can be issued in
receiving office to refund the can be opened by NRI, jointly the multiple of Rs.:
amount to any applicant, whose with resident Indian ? a 10 lac b 5 lac
application is rejected will attract a Resident Foreign Currency c 1 lac d Rs.0.5 lac
penalty @ _____ rate +2% for Account 25 Commencement of employees’
each day of delay. b Foreign Currency non-resident working hours should be 15
a saving bank rate of 5 top banks account minutes before the
b bank rate of RBI c Non-resident external rupee commencement of business
c repo rate of RBI account hours. Which of the following
d Non-resident ordinary account committees gave these
recommendations ?
15 Under Sovereign Gold Bonds 20 A bank sold more foreign
currency than it purchased during a Jankiraman Committee
scheme, which of the following
statement is correct in a particular day. The situation b Talwar Committee
connection with nomination? would be known as: c M Narasimham Committee
a only one nomination is allowed a over-bought position d Goiporia Committee
b max 2 nominees are allowed b short position 26 On which of the following dates,
c nomination can be made only c long position Hindi was declared Official
when application is sent d overnight position Language of the Union, due to
which Hindi Diwas is observed
d nomination facility is not 21 Bank Z is selling 3 rd party
on that day?
available products and gets commission
for that. It faces, which of the a January 26, 1949
16 The maturity period of Sovereign
Gold Bonds is: following type of risk: b August 15, 1950
a 8 years a reputation risk c September 14, 1949
b 7 years b settlement risk d January 26, 1956
c 6 years c operational risk e August 15, 1957
d 5 years d liquidity risk 27 Which of the following is
22 A complaint has been rejected by categorized as a banking outlet
17 The premature payment of
the Ombudsman. The customer: as per RBI branch authorization
Sovereign Gold Bonds is possible
policy 2017?
on completion of: a cannot file suit in a court of law
a ATMs
a 8 years b can file suit in a court against
Ombudsman b Mobile branches
b 7 years
c E-lobbies
Banking events updatE ♦ May 2020 ♦9
date of creation of charge within: within 7 days, which of the
d none of the above
a 35 days b 37 days following is not correct:
28 A person going abroad can carry,
c 60 days d 30 days a Bank will pay compensation to the
currency notes and coins as per
34 A proprietorship concern has net customer
following limits (which one is
correct) profit of Rs.20 lac, deprecia-tion b Amount of compensation will be
Rs.5 lac and annual interest Rs.100 per day
a in normal cases up to USD 3000
payable on long term liabilities c Compensation will be till date of
b in case of Iraq and Libya up to
Rs.5 lac. Its DSCR is 2. What is credit to the account
USD 5000
the amount of annual instalment d Compensation will be given on
c Iran, Russia and CIS countries
of the long term liabilities ? request from the customer
without any ceiling
a 15 lac b 12 lac 39 Interest on CRR balances is:
d all the above
c 10 lac d 8 lac a not allowed wef 31.3.2007
29 The Attachment order will be
e Rs.4 lac b not allowed wef 01.4.2008
applicable only when the banker
and customer would be having 35 Which of the following accounts c allowed at saving bank rate for
following relationship: can be opened by a non-resident, the entire amount
who has permanently returned to d allowed at bank rate for the entire
a Trustee and beneficiary
India recently: amount maintained as CRR
b Principal and agent
a NRE account 40 Which of the following kinds of
c Bailor and bailee
b FCNR account charges is created on the book
d Debtor and creditor
c NRO Account debts while allowing cash credit
e creditor and debtor
d none of the above advances, by banks:
30 Which of the following is called
36 As per Income–tax (22nd a Pledge
revenue deficit in the Central
Amendment) Rules, 2015 (Rule b Assignment
Govt.’s budget exercise ?
114E), w.e.f. 1.4.2016, banks are c Hypothecation
a total receipts less total expenses
to send report to Income Tax d mortgage
b total payments less total revenue Department, through the 41 A contract is entered between an
c revenue receipts less revenue Statement of Financial exporter and importer to
payment Transactions about cash deposit exchange foreign currency
d capital receipts less capital or cash withdrawal (including flows. This is known as:
payment through bearer cheques)
a arbitrage
e a and c aggregating to Rs. ___ or above
b swap
31 Apiculture relates to which of the in a financial year from current
account of a person: c forward contract
a Rs.10 lac b Rs.20 lac d futures
a flower production
c Rs.50 lac d Rs.1 cr 42 For a home loan to be classified
b bee-keeping
in priority sector lending, the cost
c fruit production 37 Cash Reserve Ratio is maintained
of house in places with population
d mulberry production under the provisions of which of
below 10 lac is restricted to:
32 If the bank is to square the the following:
a Rs.20 lac b Rs.25 lac
oversold position and the rates of a Section 42 of RBI Act
c Rs.35 lac d Rs.30 lac
exchange are declining at that b Section 24 of Banking Regulation
time, the bank: Act
01 b 02 c 03 d 04 b 05 b
a gains b loses c Section 42(1) of RBI Act
06 c 07 c 08 b 09 c 10 d
c it may gain or may lose d Section 42(2) of RBI Act 11 a 12 a 13 b 14 c 15 b
d there is not change e Section 24 (2) of Banking 16 a 17 d 18 d 19 d 20 b

33 U/s 77 of the Companies Act Regulation Act 21 c 22 d 23 c 24 c 25 d

26 c 27 d 28 d 29 d 30 c
2013, the filing of particulars of 38 An ATM complaint relating to
31 b 32 a 33 d 34 c 35 d
charge with Registrar of debit of account and non-
36 c 37 c 38 d 39 a 40 b
Companies has to be done from disbursal of cash, if not resolved
41 b 42 d
10 ♦ Banking
Banking events ♦
events updatE updatE ♦ May
May 2020 2020
♦ 10 Registration RNI No. 67802/98 Postal Regn No.CHD /0001/2015-17
Summary of RBI Governor's Statement of 17.04.20 DATA COLUMN
Assessment of the Current Economic Situation: Business of Banks
(Rs.in cr) Mar31'19 Apr10-20
On April 14, the IMF released its global growth projections, revealing Aggregate deposits 10805150 13714927
that in 2020, the global economy is expected to plunge into the worst Cash in hand/RBI 570490 486791
Investments 3043660 3925665
recession since the Great Depression, far worse than the Global Financial Bank Credit: 7881890 10339299
Crisis. The IMF’s Economic Counsellor has named it the ‘Great -Food 53930 54073
-Non-Food 7827960 10285226
Lockdown’, estimating the cumulative loss to global GDP over 2020 and Cash-Deposit Ratio 5.27 3.75
2021 at around 9 trillion US dollars – greater than the economies of Japan Investment-Deposit 28.14 28.33
Credit-Deposit 72.95 75.39
and Germany, combined. India’s GDP growth for 2020 shall be 1.9%. Money Stock
Additional Measures announced by RBI: (Rs.in cr) Mar31'19 Apr10-20
M3 (Out of which) 15430870 16991626
Targeted Long Term Operations (TLTRO) 2.0 (a) Currency with public 2052230 2391299
(b) Demand deposits-Banks 1626310 1601947
RBI decided to conduct targeted long-term repo operations (TLTRO 2.0) (c) Time Deposits - Banks 11720590 12958954
for an aggregate amount of Rs.50,000 crore, to begin with, in tranches (d) Other deposits with RBI 31740 39426
Sources of Money Supply
of appropriate sizes. The funds availed by banks under TLTRO 2.0 should (a) Net Bank credit to Govt 4387790 5331924
be invested in investment grade bonds, commercial paper, and non- (b) Bank credit to Comrcl sectr 10380180 10991984
(c) Net Forex assets of Banks 2977860 3839237
convertible debentures of NBFCs, with at least 50 per cent of the total Important Banking Indicators
amount availed, going to small and mid-sized NBFCs and MFIs. These Statutory Liquidity Ratio 18.00% (10.04.2020)
Cash Reserve Ratio 03.00% (28.03.2013)
investments have to be made within one month of the availment of liquidity Overnight LAF (of NDTL) 0.25%
from the RBI. As in the case of TLTRO auctions conducted hitherto, 14days term Repo(of NDTL) 0.75%
Reverse Repo Rate 03.75% (17.04.2020)
investments made by banks under this facility will be classified as, held Repo Rate 04.40% (27.03.2020)
to maturity (HTM) even in excess of 25 per cent of total investment MSF Rate 04.65% (27.03.2020)
Bank Rate 04.65% (27.03.2020)
permitted to be included in the HTM portfolio. Exposures under this facility
Small Savings Interest Rates
will also not be reckoned under the large exposure framework. PPF 7.1% (01.04.2020)
5-year NSC 6.8% (01.04.2020)
Refinancing Facilities for All India Financial Institutions (AIFIs) Sukanya Smridhi 7.6% (01.04.2020)
RBI decided to provide special refinance facilities for a total amount of Senior Citizen Saving 7.4% (01.04.2020)
Rs. 50,000 crore to NABARD, SIDBI and NHB to enable them to meet Capital & Money Market Indicators
Parameter end-Apr19 end-Apr20
sectoral credit needs. This will comprise Rs. 25,000 crore to NABARD Dollar-spot TT (Rs.) 69.39 75.38
for refinancing regional rural banks (RRBs), cooperative banks and micro BSE - Sensex (points) 38638 33717
NSE - Nifty(S&P CNX) 11620 9860
finance institutions (MFIs); Rs. 15,000 crore to SIDBI for on-lending/ Foreign reserves (Million $) 418515 479455
refinancing; and Rs. 10,000 crore to NHB for supporting housing finance Gold /Oz in USD) 1286 1711

companies (HFCs). Advances under this facility will be charged at the

RBI’s policy repo rate at the time of availment.
Growth estimate for FY 2020-21 : 6-6.5%
Ways and Means Advances for States GDP@constant mkt prices (cr) 2019-20 : 20442233
On April 1, 2020 the RBI had announced an increase in the ways and GVA@2011-12 basic prices (cr) 2018-19 : 12906936
GDP projected by Govt. for 2020-21 : 22489420
means advances (WMA) limit of states by 30 per cent. RBI decided to
Fiscal Deficit Target (2020-21) 3.5% of GDP : 796337 cr
increase the WMA limit of states by 60 per cent over and above the level Revenue Deficit Target (2020-21) 2.7.% of GDP : 609219 cr
as on March 31, 2020 to provide greater comfort to the states for Wholesale Price Index : 2.7%
undertaking COVID-19 containment and mitigation efforts, and to plan Money Supply (M3) expansion - YoY : 10.3%
Exports during 2018-19 : 331.0 bn
their market borrowing programmes better. The increased limit will be
Imports during (2018-19) : 507.06 Bn
available till September 30, 2020. Export target - 2017-18 (in $) : 310 bn
India's share in world merchandise export : 1.70%
Declaration of dividends by banks India's currency rating (S&P) : BB Postv
Banks in India were granted general permission to declare dividends, India's external debt (Mar 2019) US $ : 543.0 Bn
subject to compliance with guidelines of RBI circular dated 04.05.2005. Tax-GDP ratio (2018-19) : 12.1%
Apr- Jan20:Export $ 265.3 bn Imports : 398.5 bn
On 17.04.20, RBI decided that all banks shall not make any further Per capita Income 2018-19 (Rs.) : 126406
dividend payouts from the profits pertaining to the financial year ended Indian economy's ranking in PPP terms : 3rd
March 31, 2020 until further instructions. This restriction shall be Indian economy's ranking in world in value: 7th
reassessed by the Reserve Bank based on the financial results of banks
for the quarter ending September 30, 2020.
• DATE OF DESPATCH - May 7, 2020

Published by Chand Singh at 1008, Sector 45-B, Chandigarh - Printed by Chand Singh in digital form. Editor - Chand Singh

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