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Registration RNI No.67802/98
Volume - XXIII No.03 : March 2020
Those who win, are those, who think they can • Banking Developments
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(COMPILATION- SAPANDEEP TOOR & MANJOT TOOR, - on the basis of information available on RBI Website)
Banking events updatE ♦ March 2020 ♦ 3
Video Lessons
Number (PAN) or their loan account must be categorized as
MSME by the concerned bank.
4. Allow trading activities also without Udyog Aadhar Number CAIIB-JAIIB-Promotion Exam
Merchant Acquiring Business using Aadhhar Pay etc.
B-Sheet Analysis
by Regional Rural Banks Certified Credit Professionals
On 06.02.20, RBI decided to allow RRBs to act as merchant Foreign Exchange Operations
acquiring banks using Aadhaar Pay – BHIM app and POS • Use lap top / Smart Phone, as our class room
terminals. The features of the scheme, are as under: • No travelling - no boarding/lodging charges
1. All RRBs intending to act as merchant acquiring banks • Learn as per your time and place convenience
(Aadhaar pay – BHIM app), shall be permitted to deploy
• Watch any video any no. of times during validity
their own devices subject to fulfilling the conditions as under:
www.banking update
update.. com
a) The RRB should have the permission for mobile banking
from the Reserve Bank
b) Additionally, the RRB shall be required to fulfil the
following conditions:
1. The bank’s IT systems & CBS should have been subjected
to an IS Audit not earlier than six months from the date of COURSE
application to confirm that the system is adequately secure.
2. The bank must ensure necessary infrastructure for PROMOTION EXAM
application development, safety and security of the Based on latest trends of IBPS exam. A large no. of bankers
already succeeded by using the course material. If unable to
transactions and handling of customer grievance. attend class room program, this is the best option.
3. A customer grievance redressal mechanism duly approved Course Kit : The course kit include:
by the bank’s board should be in place; (a) subject-wise basic study material,
(b) assignment to improve retention
4. The bank should have a board approved policy on merchant
(c) objective type practice exercise
acquisition for card transactions;
(d) recalled questions
5. There should not be any restrictions imposed on the bank (e) mock test papers.
for accepting deposits/ withdrawals by Reserve Bank of India. Fee : May differ from bank to bank. May be checked before
remittance). Fee to be paid in advance.
6. No penalty should have been imposed in last two financial
How to enrol : Call us at the numbers given below.
All RRBs intending to act as merchant acquiring bank (POS
terminals), shall be permitted to deploy their own devices CAIIB/JAIIB
provided they meet the above conditions, as also the conditions
Course is based on exam pattern of IIB&F. A large no. of
given hereunder: candidate have succeeded in all 3 papers in first attempt with
c) In the preceding financial year, the RRB should have our study material.
Course Kit : The course kit include:
1. Net worth of Rs.100.00 crore or more as on March 31 of
(a) subject-wise basic study material,
the preceding financial year (c) objective type practice exercise
2. Minimum CRAR at 9% (d) mock test papers.
3. Net NPA below 5%. Fee : Fee differs for different papers. Fee payable in
advance, for which details may be obtained by calling
In addition, the RRBs may be required to comply with 01722665623 .
instructions and guidelines on Merchant Acquisition for card How to enrol : To enrol, advise name, address for
transactions and POS issued by Department of Payment and correspondence, eMail id, mobile phone, bank name, subjects
Settlement Systems, RBI from time to time. for enrolment.
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8 ♦ Banking events updatE ♦ March 2020 2019 Financial Events
transparent and will do away with paper bids that have been purpose of grant of extension in service or
the norm. The Platform which has been developed by state- otherwise will be reviewed in two stages
run MSTC will allow suitors for state-run companies to not under the evaluation metrics: First Stage on
just submit bids online but will encrypt them so that even the completion of 30 years of service/
transaction advisors and government officials dealing with the pensionable service or on attaining 55 years
sale can not access them. The latest platform has already been of age, whichever occurs first. (For grant
tested and is based on the recommendations of the independent of extension in service up to 58 years of
external monitoring group comprising former Chief Justice RC age). Second stage will be on attaining 58
Lahoti, former CAG VK Shunglu and former Chief Vigilance years of age for grant of extension/
Commissioner. continuation in service up to 60 years of
• MERGED BANKS TO GAIN FROM TAX: The Union Budget age, being the age of retirement.
has allowed carry forward of losses and depreciation for state- • CABINET NOD TO AMEND BR ACT ON
run banks and general insurance companies that are being CO-OP BANKS: The Cabinet has given its
merged, a move that would substantially reduce tax outgo of nod to amend the Banking Regulation (BR)
recently merged state-run banks. Banks are allowed to carry Act so as to put certain co-operative banks
forward depreciation and net loss in their books for up to 8 under the regulatory ambit of RBI. Under
years and use them to offset their future profits and pay lower the proposed amendments, co-operative
tax. However, as per the current regulations, in the event of a banks will need to take the RBI approval
merger they can not take either depreciation or loss on the for the appointment of CEO. Besides, such
books of the merged entity. co-operatives banks will also come under
• MCA NOTIFICATION ON MAJORITY SHAREHOLDERS the RBI’s supervision in terms of audit. The
TO BUY MINORITY STAKE: According to a February 3 Regulator will also have power to supersede
notification by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) majority the board of multi-state Co-operative Banks.
shareholders planning to buy minority investors from an unlisted Currently, there are 1540 Co-operative
public or private company will now have to deposit 50% of the Banks.
acquisition price in a separate bank account. The notification • RBI TO LAUNCH DIGITAL PAYMENTS
also stipulated that shareholders with a 75% stake can now INDEX: RBI would launch in July a Digital
make an offer to buy out the remaining shareholders holding Payments Index (DPI) to capture the extent
25%. Prior to the February 3 notification, rules provided that of digitisation of payments in the country.
shareholders with a 90% stake could buy out the remaining The DPI would be based on multiple
10% stake. Majority shareholders through special resolution parameters and shall reflect accurately the
always had an ability to cause reduction of capital and achieve penetration and deepening of various digital
squeeze-out of minority shareholders. payment modes. The Index will help the
• COs TO PAY STIFF PENALTY FOR FAKING EXPENSES: regulator to understand the impact and
The Government has said that the fake bills to lower profits spread of digital payments in rural, urban
and evade tax through artificial expenses will attract a stiff and semi-urban areas as well as
penalty from the next financial year. Companies caught with understanding the impact of policy decisions
false entries in their account books will have to cough up a made by it.
penalty as high as the total value of the invoice –over and above • SEBI ISSUES NORMS FOR AIF
the amount of tax it will have to pay. The penalty will now be BENCHMARKING: SEBI has issued the
100% of the aggregate of the amount of such false or omitted guidelines for benchmarking the
entry and not the tax evaded, as per old provisions. Now the performance of Alternative Investment
law has a new provision primarily targeted at bogus purchases, Funds (AIFs) with a view to streamlining
capital gains or expenses. disclosure standards and helping investors
• SBI PLANS EVALUATION METRICS FOR OFFICERS: SBI in assessing scheme performance.
has decided to link grant of extension for officers to evaluation Benchmarking will apply to all schemes that
metrics comprising parameters such as performance, attitude have completed at least one year from the
and credentials, compliance and integrity, conduct and date of “First Close”. Funds incorporated
benchmark-qualifying score. The cases of officers for the overseas with India track record shall also
Banking events updatE ♦ March 2020 ♦ 9
provide the data to agencies when they seek registration as AIFs. Consumer Forum and the National
Performance benchmarking shall be done on a half-yearly basis Consumer Commission also rejected the
based on data as on September 30 and March 31 of each year. case on the same ground. The Party then
• WhatsApp PAY GETS APPROVAL FROM NPCI: Facebook- appealed the Supreme Court which held
owned messaging service WhatsApp has secured regulatory and ruled as follows- “When the party
approval for launching its digital payment platform- “WhatsApp had lodged the FIR immediately after the
Pay” –in a phased manner, around two years after a small-scale theft and when the police after
pilot run. The National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) investigation have lodged a final report
granted permission to the company to operate the platform that that the vehicle was not traced and when
would cater to 10 million users in India in the first phase. The the surveyors/ investigators appointed by
NPCI’s approval followed the RBI’s go-ahead. WhatsApp assured the company have found the claim of the
RBI and NPCI that it would comply with data localisation norms. theft to be genuine, mere delay in
intimating the insurance company can
not be a ground to deny the claim”.
DIMENSION: SBI wants to ensure that its new ATMs, which
will be installed under the fully outsourced model, are equipped • IRDAI REVISES NORMS FOR
with adjustable cassettes that can hold and dispense currency notes INSURERS TO MONITOR INVESTEE
of any dimension. To minimise disputes between customers and FIRMS: IRDAI has issued revised set
the bank, the new ATMs will have a camera at the cash slot to of stewardship guidelines for insurance
capture the movement of cash from the presenter belt and final companies to closely monitor the
withdrawal by the customer. Besides enabling the usual companies they invest in, intervene if
transactions, such as cash withdrawal, balance enquiry, mini- required and also compulsorily vote if
statement, PIN change and cheque book request, SBI wants its they own more than a specified amount
ATMs to provide value-added services. of equity in the firm. Insurers have been
asked to have a clear policy on voting
and disclosure of voting activity every
INCOME: The Government has allowed the Multi National
quarter. Revised guidelines focus more
Companies (MNCs) having a permanent establishment (PE) in India
on voting activities.
to enter into Advance Pricing Agreements (APA) with the Income
Tax Authorities and they can negotiate how much of the margin • NPCI’S MONOPOLY IN PAYMNETS
on profits accrued in India would be taxed for having PE in India. AND SETTLEMENT TO END:
Until now, such an arrangement was possible only in transfer- Currently, National Payments
pricing matters. The new provision will allow about 3500 foreign Corporation of India (NPCI) is the sole
firms and 1400 PEs to access APAs or a safe harbour regime in organisation operating retail payments
which they can pre-decide the income for at least nine years and settlement systems in India. As many
(Including the rollback of four years) and accordingly pay tax. At as 56 member banks are shareholders in
present, the rate of tax on PEs is 43% including cess and surcharge, NPCI. Now NPCI’s reign as the sole
while subsidiaries of MNCs come under the corporate tax structure. umbrella organisation could come to an
end with RBI allowing private entities to
apply for a licence to set up rival umbrella
(Gurshinder Singh VS. Shriram General Insurance) In this case
entities. RBI said that entities keen on
the person whose tractor was stolen had lodged a complaint with
setting up a pan-India New Umbrella
police but the vehicle could not be traced. He filed a claim but the
Entity (NUE) for retail payments system
insurer rejected the claim due to delay of 52 days. The District
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Adv Bank Mgmt Banking/General
Finance 8th Edn Banking 8th Edn Banking 8th Edn
4th Edn Rs.200 4th Edn Rs.175 Awareness
can incorporate a company in India under the are there on a single platform- Insurer, Insured and
Companies Act, 2013. The NUE should have a Hospital- and the claims will be processed on this
minimum paid-up capital of Rs.500 Crore. platform. This will give a rich wealth of data apart from
• CBDT FOR SHARING INFORMATION TO standardising settlement and ensuring that settlements
SEBI FOR FRAUD PROBE: CBDT, which are done within a specified period in time. The Regulator
frames policy for the tax department, has issued has already formed a committee for this purpose and
an order in this context on Feb 10, 2020. The the platform will be developed by the Insurance
Income Tax Department will share all taxpayers’ Information Bureau.
data, such as PAN information with SEBI in order • NHAI TO ADOPT PROJECT-BASED FUNDING
to help the Market Regulator in its probe against MODEL FOR FUTURE PROJECTS: National Highway
various entities including those involved in stock Authority of India plans to adopt a project based funding
market manipulation. The sharing of information model for future projects to reduce debt. They will
will be under three broad heads- Request-based convert each project into a Special Purpose Vehicle
Exchange of Data, Suo Moto and lastly Automatic. (SPV). The funds will be arranged by that company.
• SUPREME COURT DIRECTION TO They have a list of 22 expressways and access-controlled
POLITICAL PARTIES ON “CRIMINALS”: highways where they plan to implement this model.
The Supreme Court has directed the political According to the proposal, every project would have
parties to upload on their respective websites and an SPV seed funded by NHAI to the tune of 30% equity
social media platforms the details of pending and remaining 70% would be sourced through debt
criminal cases against candidates contesting on which would be serviced by SPV from the toll revenue.
their party symbols, the reasons for selecting them • SEBI ISSUES TIGHTER NORMS FOR INVESTMENT
and for not giving a ticket to those without criminal ADVISORS: SEBI has issued the tighter norms for
antecedents. The Apex Court further said that Investment Advisors. SEBI has barred use of titles like
these details should be published within 48 hours independent “financial advisors” by those dealing in
of the selection of the candidate or at least two distribution of securities unless they are registered as
weeks before the first date for filing of investment advisors also. The Regulator requires
nominations whichever is earlier. investment advisors and distributers of financial products
• PMO TO BANKS ON NPA CASES TO BE to segregate their services. Distributers of financial
REFERRED TO NCLT: Banks find it safer option products will no longer be able to act as investment
to refer all bad loan cases to NCLT as they fear advisors to the same clients.
that resolutions through one time settlement or • SUPREME COURT RULING ON PERMANENT
sale to an Asset Reconstruction Company could COMMISSION FOR WOMEN IN ARMY: The
invite scrutiny from investigative agencies. As a Supreme Court ruled and ordered the Government to
result, most banks especially public sector banks, grant permanent service to women officers in the Army’s
are using NCLT as an escape route rather than a non-combat support units on par with their male
tool to empower and keep companies running. In counterparts, should they wish to continue with it after
view of such type of situation, the Prime completing their short service commission. Denial of
Minister’s Office (PMO) has suggested to banks such an opportunity combined with the Army Policy of
that they should refer cases to a Tribunal where not giving them command posts of (Colonel and beyond
the loan amount is at least Rs.200 Crore. This is based on performance index) lowered their status to that
aimed at declogging the overburdened NCLT of a jawan/JCO.
ecosystem. Where the loan amount is less than • GOVT. REVAMPS CROP COVER SCHEME PMFBY:
Rs.200 Crore, the PMO wants banks to work with The Government has announced that it would reduce
the current promoters to find long term solution its share in premium subsidy for the flagship crop
to prevent closure of companies and job losses. insurance scheme –PM Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY)-to
• IRDAI TO SET UP COMMON ELECTRONIC 30% and 25% respectively for un-irrigated and irrigated
PLATFORM: IRDAI plans to set up a Common crops from the existing 50% for major states, even as it
Electronic Platform for settling health insurance made the crop protection cover voluntary for farmers.
claims. The idea to form this platform is that all Further the central share in the premium subsidy would
be increased to 90% for the north-eastern states.
Banking events updatE ♦ March 2020 ♦11
The securities offered as a collateral for LTROs will be marked to market Indian economy's ranking in world in value: 7th
on a quarterly basis, on the basis of latest prices published by Financial OUR PUBLICATIONS : REFER PAGE 9,11
Benchmarks India Pvt. Ltd. (FBIL).
DATE OF DESPATCH - Mar 7/ 10, 2020
Published by Chand Singh at 1008, Sector 45-B, Chandigarh - Printed by Chand Singh in digital form. Editor - Chand Singh