Nightingale Institute of Nursing: Assignment ON An Annotated Bibliography
Nightingale Institute of Nursing: Assignment ON An Annotated Bibliography
Nightingale Institute of Nursing: Assignment ON An Annotated Bibliography
Ms. Rakhi Mishra Chander Jyoti Arora
Associate Professor M.SC. 1st Year
MSN Dept. NIN, Noida
NIN, Noida
Abstracts are the purely descriptive summaries often found at the beginning of scholarly
journal articles or in periodical indexes. Annotations are descriptive and critical; they may
describe the author's point of view, authority, or clarity and appropriateness of expression.
To familiarise yourself with the material available on a particular topic.
To demonstrate the quality and depth of reading that you have done.
To exemplify the scope of sources available—such as journals, books, web sites and
magazine articles.
To highlight sources that may be of interest to other readers and researchers.
To explore and organise sources for further research.
materials of an academic nature ranging from academic books dedicated to the subject.
peer reviewed journals
Text books
web pages
lecture notes /references given in class
The Lib Guide for your subject – go to:
An annotation may contain all or part of the following elements depending on the word limit
and the content of the sources been examined:
the background of the author(s)
the content or scope of the text
the main argument
the intended audience
the research methods (if applicable)
any conclusions made by the author/s
comments on the reliability of the text
any special features of the text that were unique or helpful (charts, graphs etc.)
the relevance or usefulness of the text for your research
in what way the text relates to themes or concepts in your course
the strengths and limitations of the text
Creating an annotated bibliography calls for the application of a variety of intellectual skills:
concise exposition, succinct analysis, and informed library research.
First, locate and record citations to books, periodicals, and documents that may contain useful
information and ideas on your topic. Briefly examine and review the actual items. Then
choose those works that provide a variety of perspectives on your topic.
Cite the book, article, or document using the appropriate style. Online citation guides for both
the Modern Language Association (MLA) and the American Psychological Association
(APA) styles are linked from the Library's Citation Management page.
7 Steps to Write a Perfect Annotated Bibliography
1. Summarize the Sources: At the first instance, you have to choose the sources
carefully and then make summaries out of these. You can do this by taking notes and pointing
down important aspects of your sources. Make it such that anyone could understand what
your work is all about by a mere glimpse of it.
2. Citations: Citations reference from scholarly books, academic abstracts, scholarly
articles, images of videos and websites. It is the list of the references that you are going to use
which is required to support your argument. You have to cite the journals and periodicals
using the style that has been asked for by your supervisor. The most widely used forms of
citations are American Psychological Association(APA) and Modern Language Association
(MLA) Some other popular forms of citations include the Chicago or Turabian Style,
Associated Press (AP) style and Council of Science Editors. You have to make sure about the
format of the citations. A general formal first includes the name of the author, then the full
book title of the book or article, after that comes the date of publication of the latest revision
of the book which can be found on the internet. You can organize your citations by using
some methods such as by alphabetically, chronologically, by format, by the language or by
3. Use an Annotated Bibliography: Using a little say, one-paragraphed information
about your argument shall enrich your paper, and it shall also be easy for the readers. It also
helps the reader to decide what sources they are going to use for further reference. In this
regard, it should be noted that an annotated bibliography is not an abstract, Instead of
providing a detailed summary, it is more informative and focused on a particular aspect of the
topic. It shall be much better if you annotate each and every source of your bibliography.
4. Assess the Author’s Background and Credentials in an Annotation: In an
annotated bibliography, using the author’s experience and other credentials such as his or her
educational and critical reviews. It shall be beneficial to both the readers and the writers. You
can also mention the intellectual inclination of the author and the school of thought to which
he or she belongs. This mere mention shall make your argument intellectually fertile and
more enriched, and your thesis shall be accepted with a great applause.
5. Make a list of the Central Themes and Main Arguments: By using these steps,
you can give your readers a quick view of what your work is all about. You scan also outline
the topic covered as they are used in your research question and make a molecular study
about the work. You have to make it clear to the readers why you are using this particular
book or article or journal to substantiate your arguments. Outline the importance of the
particular source and make it easily readable by any range of readers. Make it approachable
to all of them.
6. Evaluate Each Source: Make a critical evaluation of each of the sources you are
using. Under the subhead “bibliographically included” and make a note whether you the
particular source has any glossary, index or bibliography. It there are any test devices or
survey instruments, you should also make a note of that. You have to make velar the
usefulness of a particular source in your research work. Let the readers know whether the
information is biased or objective or whether it is reliable. Also, mention about the
chronology of the books. It is important to note whether a particular source is current or
7. Make a Proper Bibliography with All These Sources: After you are done with the
evaluation of your source, you jot down all the sources and write an excellent bibliography
out of it. Use these annotated sources in each of the points write it after each points. That
shall enrich your article and make it more acceptable.
Write a concise annotation that summarizes the central theme and scope of the book or
article. Include one or more sentences that
(a) evaluate the authority or background of the author.
(b) comment on the intended audience.
(c) compare or contrast this work with another you have cited.
(d) explain how this work illuminates your bibliography topic.
The following overview should help you better understand how to cite sources using MLA
eighth edition, including the list of works cited and in-text citations.
Please use the example at the bottom of this page to cite the Purdue OWL in MLA
MLA has turned to a style of documentation that is based on a general method that may be
applied to every possible source, to many different types of writing. But since texts have
become increasingly mobile, and the same document may be found in several different
sources, following a set of fixed rules is no longer sufficient.
The current system is based on a few principles, rather than an extensive list of specific rules.
While the handbook still gives examples of how to cite sources, it is organized according to
the process of documentation, rather than by the sources themselves. This process teaches
writers a flexible method that is universally applicable. Once you are familiar with the
method, you can use it to document any type of source, for any type of paper, in any field.
When deciding how to cite your source, start by consulting the list of core elements. These
are the general pieces of information that MLA suggests including in each Works Cited entry.
In your citation, the elements should be listed in the following order:
1. Author.
2. Title of source.
3. Title of container,
4. Other contributors,
5. Version,
6. Number,
7. Publisher,
8. Publication date,
9. Location.
Each element should be followed by the punctuation mark shown here. Earlier editions of the
handbook included the place of publication, and required punctuation such as journal editions
in parentheses, and colons after issue numbers. In the current version, punctuation is simpler
(just commas and periods separate the elements), and information about the source is kept to
the basics.
Begin the entry with the author’s last name, followed by a comma and the rest of the name, as
presented in the work. End this element with a period.
Title of source
The title of the source should follow the author’s name. Depending upon the type of source, it
should be listed in italics or quotation marks.
Bashai Tudu." Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature, vol. 15, no. 1, 1996, pp. 41-50.
Other contributors
In addition to the author, there may be other contributors to the source who should be
credited, such as editors, illustrators, translators, etc. If their contributions are relevant to your
research, or necessary to identify the source, include their names in your documentation.
Note: In the eighth edition, terms like editor, illustrator, translator, etc., are no longer
Inc., 2008.
ed.,Pearson, 2004.
If a source is part of a numbered sequence, such as a multi-volume book, or journal with both
volume and issue numbers, those numbers must be listed in your citation.
Dolby, Nadine. “Research in Youth Culture and Policy: Current Conditions and Future
“94 Meetings.” Parks and Recreation, created by Greg Daniels and Michael Schur, performance
Studios, 2010.
The publisher produces or distributes the source to the public. If there is more than one
publisher, and they are all are relevant to your research, list them in your citation, separated
by a forward slash (/).
Gynecologists, 2006.
Daniels, Greg and Michael Schur, creators. Parks and Recreation. Deedle-Dee Productions and
Note: the publisher’s name need not be included in the following sources: periodicals, works
published by their author or editor, a website whose title is the same name as its publisher, a
website that makes works available but does not actually publish them (such
as YouTube, WordPress, or JSTOR).
Publication date
The same source may have been published on more than one date, such as an online version
of an original source. For example, a television series might have aired on a broadcast
network on one date, but released on Netflix on a different date. When the source has more
than one date, it is sufficient to use the date that is most relevant to your use of it. If you’re
unsure about which date to use, go with the date of the source’s original publication.
In the following example, Mutant Enemy is the primary production company, and “Hush”
was released in 1999. This is the way to create a general citation for a television episode.
“Hush.” Buffy the Vampire Slayer, created by Joss Whedon, performance by Sarah Michelle
However, if you are discussing, for example, the historical context in which the episode
originally aired, you should cite the full date. Because you are specifying the date of airing,
you would then use WB Television Network (rather than Mutant Enemy), because it was the
network (rather than the production company) that aired the episode on the date you’re citing.
“Hush.” Buffy the Vampire Slayer, created by Joss Whedon, performance by Sarah Michelle
Adiche, Chimamanda Ngozi. “On Monday of Last Week.” The Thing around Your Neck, Alfred
Wheelis, Mark. "Investigating Disease Outbreaks Under a Protocol to the Biological and Toxin
A physical object that you experienced firsthand should identify the place of location.
Optional elements
The eighth edition is designed to be as streamlined as possible. The author should include any
information that helps readers easily identify the source, without including unnecessary
information that may be distracting. The following is a list of select optional elements that
should be part of a documented source at the writer’s discretion.
If a source has been published on more than one date, the writer may want to include both
dates if it will provide the reader with necessary or helpful information.
Erdrich, Louise. Love Medicine. 1984. Perennial-Harper, 1993.
City of publication:
The seventh edition handbook required the city in which a publisher is located, but the eighth
edition states that this is only necessary in particular instances, such as in a work published
before 1900. Since pre-1900 works were usually associated with the city in which they were
published, your documentation may substitute the city name for the publisher’s name.
Date of access:
When you cite an online source, the MLA Handbook recommends including a date of access
on which you accessed the material, since an online work may change or move at any time.
Bernstein, Mark. "10 Tips on Writing the Living Web." A List Apart: For People Who Make
As mentioned above, while the eighth edition recommends including URLs when you cite
online sources, you should always check with your instructor or editor and include URLs at
their discretion.
A DOI, or digital object identifier, is a series of digits and letters that leads to the location of
an online source. Articles in journals are often assigned DOIs to ensure that the source is
locatable, even if the URL changes. If your source is listed with a DOI, use that instead of a
Alonso, Alvaro, and Julio A. Camargo. "Toxicity of Nitrite to Three Species of Freshwater
The in-text citation is a brief reference within your text that indicates the source you
consulted. It should properly attribute any ideas, paraphrases, or direct quotations to your
source, and should direct readers to the entry in the list of works cited. For the most part, an
in-text citation is the author’s name and page number (or just the page number, if the
author is named in the sentence) in parentheses:
Imperialism is “the practice, the theory, and the attitudes of a dominating metropolitan center
According to Edward W. Said, imperialism is defined by “the practice, the theory, and the
Work Cited
When creating in-text citations for media that has a runtime, such as a movie or podcast,
include the range of hours, minutes and seconds you plan to reference, like so (00:02:15-
Again, your goal is to attribute your source and provide your reader with a reference without
interrupting your text. Your readers should be able to follow the flow of your argument
without becoming distracted by extra information.
The current MLA guidelines teach you a widely applicable skill. Once you become familiar
with the core elements that should be included in each entry in the Works Cited list, you will
be able to create documentation for any type of source. While the handbook still includes
helpful examples that you may use as guidelines, you will not need to consult it every time
you need to figure out how to cite a source you’ve never used before. If you include the core
elements, in the proper order, using consistent punctuation, you will be fully equipped to
create a list of works cited on your own.
General Format
APA (American Psychological Association) style is most commonly used to cite sources within the
social sciences. This resource, revised according to the 6th edition, second printing of the APA
manual, offers examples for the general format of APA research papers, in-text citations,
endnotes/footnotes, and the reference page. For more information, please consult the Publication
Manual of the American Psychological Association, (6th ed., 2nd printing).
Contributors:Joshua M. Paiz, Elizabeth Angeli, Jodi Wagner, Elena Lawrick, Kristen Moore, Michael
Anderson, Lars Soderlund, Allen Brizee, Russell Keck
Last Edited: 2016-05-13 12:06:24
Please use the example at the bottom of this page to cite the Purdue OWL in APA.
To see a side-by-side comparison of the three most widely used citation styles, including a
chart of all APA citation guidelines, see the Citation Style Chart.
Your essay should be typed, double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5" x 11") with 1"
margins on all sides. You should use a clear font that is highly readable. APA recommends
using 12 pt. Times New Roman font.
Include a page header (also known as the "running head") at the top of every page. To
create a page header/running head, insert page numbers flush right. Then type "TITLE OF
YOUR PAPER" in the header flush left using all capital letters. The running head is a
shortened version of your paper's title and cannot exceed 50 characters including spacing and
Title Page
The title page should contain the title of the paper, the author's name, and the institutional
affiliation. Include the page header (described above) flush left with the page number flush
right at the top of the page. Please note that on the title page, your page header/running head
should look like this:
Pages after the title page should have a running head that looks like this:
After consulting with publication specialists at the APA, OWL staff learned that the APA 6th
edition, first printing sample papers have incorrect examples of Running heads on pages
after the title page. This link will take you to the APA site where you can find a complete list
of all the errors in the APA's 6th edition style guide.
Type your title in upper and lowercase letters centered in the upper half of the page. APA
recommends that your title be no more than 12 words in length and that it should not contain
abbreviations or words that serve no purpose. Your title may take up one or two lines. All
text on the title page, and throughout your paper, should be double-spaced.
Beneath the title, type the author's name: first name, middle initial(s), and last name. Do not
use titles (Dr.) or degrees (PhD).
Beneath the author's name, type the institutional affiliation, which should indicate the
location where the author(s) conducted the research.
Begin a new page. Your abstract page should already include the page header (described
above). On the first line of the abstract page, center the word “Abstract” (no bold, formatting,
italics, underlining, or quotation marks).
Beginning with the next line, write a concise summary of the key points of your research. (Do
not indent.) Your abstract should contain at least your research topic, research questions,
participants, methods, results, data analysis, and conclusions. You may also include possible
implications of your research and future work you see connected with your findings. Your
abstract should be a single paragraph double-spaced. Your abstract should be between 150
and 250 words.
You may also want to list keywords from your paper in your abstract. To do this, indent as
you would if you were starting a new paragraph, type Keywords: (italicized), and then list
your keywords. Listing your keywords will help researchers find your work in databases.
Individual Resources
Contributors' names and the last edited date can be found in the orange boxes at the top of
every page on the OWL.
Contributors' names (Last edited date). Title of resource. Retrieved from http://Web address for
OWL resource
Angeli, E., Wagner, J., Lawrick, E., Moore, K., Anderson, M., Soderlund, L., & Brizee, A. (2010,
The following example uses APA style (Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association, 6th edition, 2010) for the journal citation:
Waite, L. J., Goldschneider, F. K., & Witsberger, C. (1986). Nonfamily living and the erosion
of traditional family orientations among young adults. American Sociological
Review, 51, 541-554.
The authors, researchers at the Rand Corporation and Brown University, use data from the
National Longitudinal Surveys of Young Women and Young Men to test their hypothesis that
nonfamily living by young adults alters their attitudes, values, plans, and expectations,
moving them away from their belief in traditional sex roles. They find their hypothesis
strongly supported in young females, while the effects were fewer in studies of young males.
Increasing the time away from parents before marrying increased individualism, self-
sufficiency, and changes in attitudes about families. In contrast, an earlier study by Williams
cited below shows no significant gender differences in sex role attitudes as a result of
nonfamily living.