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Service Manual


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Service Manual

0070-02-0705-02_PPV srv b_w.indd 1 2/17/11 4:33 PM

CapnoLine® is a U.S. registered trademark of Oridion Medical Ltd.

DRYLINE™ is a trademark of Artema Medical AB

Durasensor® is a U.S. registered trademark of Nellcor Puritan Bennett Inc.

Edwards® is a U.S. registered trademark of Edwards Lifesciences Corp.

FilterLine® is a U.S. registered trademark of Oridion Medical Ltd.

LNCS® is a U.S. registered trademark of Masimo Corp.

LNOP® is a U.S. registered trademark of Masimo Corp.

Masimo SET® is a U.S. registered trademark of Masimo Corp.

Max-Fast™ is a trademark of Nellcor Puritan Bennett Inc.

miniMediCO2® is a U.S. registered trademark of Oridion Medical Ltd.

Microstream® is a U.S. registered trademark of Oridion Medical Ltd.

Navigator™ is a U.S. trademark of Mindray DS USA, Inc.

Nellcor™ is a U.S. trademark of Nellcor Puritan Bennett Inc.

NIV Line™ is a trademark of Oridion Medical Ltd.

Oxiband® is a U.S. registered trademark of Nellcor Puritan Bennett Inc.

OxiMax™ is a U.S. trademark of Nellcor Puritan Bennett Inc.

Oxisensor® is a U.S. registered trademark of Nellcor Puritan Bennett Inc.

Passport V™ is a U.S. trademark of Mindray DS USA, Inc.

Velcro® is a registered trademark of Velcro Industries B.V.

Viewstation OR™ is a U.S. trademark of Mindray DS USA, Inc.

Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp.

Copyright © Mindray DS USA, Inc., 2009. All rights reserved. Contents of this publication may not be reproduced in any
form without permission of Mindray DS USA, Inc.

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705

Table of Contents

Foreword ....................................................................................................................................................... v
Warnings, Cautions, and Notes ....................................................................................................................... v
Warnings ...................................................................................................................................................... v
Cautions ........................................................................................................................................................ v
Notes ............................................................................................................................................................ vi
Theory of Operation ......................................................................................................... 1 - 1
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................1 - 1
System Connections ........................................................................................................................................1 - 2
Mounting the Patient Monitor ....................................................................................................................1 - 2
Connectors for Peripheral Devices .............................................................................................................1 - 2
Main Unit ......................................................................................................................................................1 - 3
Input System ...........................................................................................................................................1 - 4
Output System.........................................................................................................................................1 - 4
Processing and Communications System.....................................................................................................1 - 6
Power Management System ......................................................................................................................1 - 6
Equipment Interface System.......................................................................................................................1 - 8
Parameter modules ..................................................................................................................................1 - 10
Block Diagrams ................................................................................................................ 2 - 1
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................2 - 1
Block Diagram................................................................................................................................................2 - 2
Repair Information ........................................................................................................... 3 - 1
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................3 - 1
Safety Precautions...........................................................................................................................................3 - 1
Troubleshooting Guidelines ..............................................................................................................................3 - 2
Special Tools Required ....................................................................................................................................3 - 2
Disassembly Instructions...................................................................................................................................3 - 2
Removal of the Key Panel and Keys ...........................................................................................................3 - 3
Removal of the Front Housing Assembly .....................................................................................................3 - 4
Removal of the Main Board ......................................................................................................................3 - 5
Removal of the Inverter .............................................................................................................................3 - 6
Removal of the LCD Panel .........................................................................................................................3 - 7
Removal of the Keyboard .........................................................................................................................3 - 8
Removal of the Alarm LED Board ...............................................................................................................3 - 9
Removal of the Encoder............................................................................................................................3 - 9
Removal of the Multi-parameter Board Assembly .........................................................................................3 - 10
Removal of the Parameter Front Panel Assembly ..........................................................................................3 - 12
Removal of the Multi-parameter board........................................................................................................3 - 13
Removal of the CO2 Module.....................................................................................................................3 - 13
Removal of the Masimo SpO2 Module .......................................................................................................3 - 14
Removal of the Nellcor SpO2 Module ........................................................................................................3 - 14
Removal of the NIBP Assembly ..................................................................................................................3 - 15
Removal of the Local Printer Assembly ........................................................................................................3 - 15
Removal of the Local Printer Cover (if needed).............................................................................................3 - 16
Removal of the Main Frame and Multi-parameter Board Assembly .................................................................3 - 16
Removal of the Speaker Assembly .............................................................................................................3 - 17
Removal of the Fan Assembly....................................................................................................................3 - 18
Removal of the CF Card Assembly .............................................................................................................3 - 19
Removal of the Power Board .....................................................................................................................3 - 19
Removal of the Li-ion Battery Interface Board Assembly.................................................................................3 - 21
Removal of the Interface Board Assembly ...................................................................................................3 - 23
Removal of the Wireless AP ......................................................................................................................3 - 25
Nurse Call Cable............................................................................................................................................3 - 27

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 i

Table of Contents

P/N 8000-21-10361 ..............................................................................................................................3 - 27

Analog Output Cable ......................................................................................................................................3 - 27
P/N 6100-20-86360 ..............................................................................................................................3 - 27
Defib Synch Cable ..........................................................................................................................................3 - 28
P/N 6100-20-86361 ..............................................................................................................................3 - 28
Serial Port to Gas Module 3 Cable ...................................................................................................................3 - 29
P/N 0012-00-1276-XX ............................................................................................................................3 - 29
Null Modem Cable .........................................................................................................................................3 - 30
P/N 0012-00-1275-01............................................................................................................................3 - 30
Universal ECG Lead Wires ..............................................................................................................................3 - 31
P/N 0012-00-1503-XX ............................................................................................................................3 - 31
ECG Cable, 3/5-lead (ESIS and Non ESIS)........................................................................................................3 - 32
P/N 0012-00-1745-XX ............................................................................................................................3 - 32
12-pin 3-lead Neo ECG Trunk Cable (IEC/AHA) ................................................................................................3 - 32
P/N 040-000072-00 ..............................................................................................................................3 - 32
IBP Cable.......................................................................................................................................................3 - 33
P/N 040-000052-00 ..............................................................................................................................3 - 33
P/N 040-000053-00 ..............................................................................................................................3 - 33
P/N 040-000054-00 ..............................................................................................................................3 - 33
P/N 040-000096-00 ..............................................................................................................................3 - 34
Temperature Cable .........................................................................................................................................3 - 34
1.15.1 P/N 040-000055-00 ...................................................................................................................3 - 34
P/N 040-000056-00 ..............................................................................................................................3 - 34
P/N 040-000057-00 ..............................................................................................................................3 - 35
P/N 040-000058-00 ..............................................................................................................................3 - 35
P/N 040-000091-00 ..............................................................................................................................3 - 35
P/N 040-000100-00 ..............................................................................................................................3 - 36
P/N 040-000224-00 ..............................................................................................................................3 - 36
Troubleshooting Menus....................................................................................................................................3 - 37
ECG Troubleshooting ...............................................................................................................................3 - 37
NIBP Troubleshooting...............................................................................................................................3 - 39
SpO2 Troubleshooting..............................................................................................................................3 - 40
Temperature Troubleshooting ....................................................................................................................3 - 42
Resp Troubleshooting ...............................................................................................................................3 - 43
IBP Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................................3 - 44
CO2 Troubleshooting ...............................................................................................................................3 - 45
Gas Module Troubleshooting ....................................................................................................................3 - 48
Trends Troubleshooting.............................................................................................................................3 - 50
Remote/Local Printer Troubleshooting.........................................................................................................3 - 50
Monitor/Display Troubleshooting ..............................................................................................................3 - 52
Remote View Troubleshooting ...................................................................................................................3 - 52
Installation Menu ............................................................................................................................................3 - 53
Installation Mode.....................................................................................................................................3 - 53
Advanced Installation Setup Menu .............................................................................................................3 - 56
Options Menu .........................................................................................................................................3 - 57
Trend Storage ................................................................................................................................................3 - 57
Software Download ........................................................................................................................................3 - 58
Isometric Drawings and Parts List ..................................................................................... 4 - 1
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................4 - 1
Top Level Assembly .........................................................................................................................................4 - 2
Main Unit Assembly ........................................................................................................................................4 - 4
Front Housing Sub-assembly .............................................................................................................................4 - 5

ii 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Table of Contents

Rear Housing Sub-assembly .............................................................................................................................4 - 7

Main Chassis Sub-assembly .............................................................................................................................4 - 8
Interface Connector PCB Assembly....................................................................................................................4 - 10
Parameter Sub-assembly ..................................................................................................................................4 - 11
Patient Connector Sub-assembly........................................................................................................................4 - 12
NIBP Module Assembly ...................................................................................................................................4 - 13
Microstream CO2 Module Assembly .................................................................................................................4 - 14
DPM CO2 Module Assembly ............................................................................................................................4 - 15
Masimo SpO2 PCB Assembly ...........................................................................................................................4 - 16
Nellcor SpO2 Module Assembly .......................................................................................................................4 - 17
Calibration Procedure ....................................................................................................... 5 - 1
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................5 - 1
Warnings and Guidelines ................................................................................................................................5 - 1
Test Equipment and Special Tools Required........................................................................................................5 - 2
Services .........................................................................................................................................................5 - 2
ECG Channels Check ..............................................................................................................................5 - 3
NIBP Maintenance...................................................................................................................................5 - 4
NIBP Accuracy Test .........................................................................................................................5 - 4
NIBP Leakage Test ...........................................................................................................................5 - 5
NIBP Calibration .............................................................................................................................5 - 5
IBP Calibration ........................................................................................................................................5 - 6
CO2 Calibration .....................................................................................................................................5 - 6
Gas Calibration ......................................................................................................................................5 - 8
Monitor Log ............................................................................................................................................5 - 11
Verification ....................................................................................................................................................5 - 12
Initial Set-up ............................................................................................................................................5 - 12
ECG ......................................................................................................................................................5 - 13
Initialization ....................................................................................................................................5 - 13
Leads OFF ......................................................................................................................................5 - 13
Pacer Detect ...................................................................................................................................5 - 13
Performance Test .............................................................................................................................5 - 14
IBP 1 and IBP 2 Verification ......................................................................................................................5 - 14
Temperature Verification...........................................................................................................................5 - 14
SpO2 Verification ....................................................................................................................................5 - 14
NIBP Verification .....................................................................................................................................5 - 14
Battery Operation Verification ...................................................................................................................5 - 15
CO2 Operation Verification......................................................................................................................5 - 15
Leakage Current Tests ..............................................................................................................................5 - 15
Preventative Maintenance................................................................................................. 6 - 1
User Preventative Maintenance Introduction .......................................................................................................6 - 1
Preventative Maintenance Schedule ..................................................................................................................6 - 2
Mechanical / Physical / Visual Inspection - Annually ...................................................................................6 - 2
Visual test ...............................................................................................................................................6 - 2
Power on test ..........................................................................................................................................6 - 2
Perform NIBP Verification and Calibration – Annually ..................................................................................6 - 2
Perform CO2 Verification and Calibration -- Annually ...................................................................................6 - 2
Perform IBP Verification and Calibration – Annually .....................................................................................6 - 2
Perform ECG Verification – Annually..........................................................................................................6 - 2
Perform Verification and Gas Calibration – Annually ...................................................................................6 - 3
Temperature Perform Verification – Annually ...............................................................................................6 - 3
SpO2 Perform Verification – Annually ........................................................................................................6 - 3
Electrical Safety Tests – Annually ...............................................................................................................6 - 3

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 iii

Table of Contents

Cleaning and Disinfection of the Passport V Monitor ...........................................................................................6 - 4

Care and Cleaning of SpO2 Sensors.................................................................................................................6 - 5
Cleaning and Re-use of a Nellcor® Sensor..................................................................................................6 - 5
Cleaning CO2 Sensors, Adapters and Sampling Components ..............................................................................6 - 6
Sterilization and Cleaning of Cuffs....................................................................................................................6 - 7
Reusable Cuffs with Bladders ....................................................................................................................6 - 7
Reusable Bladderless Cuffs .......................................................................................................................6 - 8
Disposable Blood Pressure Cuffs ................................................................................................................6 - 8
Care and Cleaning of Gas Module ...................................................................................................................6 - 9
Care and Cleaning of 3- and 5-lead ECG Cables and Leadwires .........................................................................6 - 10
Battery Replacement and Maintenance ..............................................................................................................6 - 11
Battery Replacement ................................................................................................................................6 - 11
Battery Maintenance ................................................................................................................................6 - 11
Local Printer Maintenance ................................................................................................................................6 - 12
Cleaning the Local Printer Printhead...........................................................................................................6 - 12
Local Printer Paper Replacement ................................................................................................................6 - 12
Care and Storage of Thermal Chart Paper ..................................................................................................6 - 12
Warranty Statements .......................................................................................................................................6 - 14
USA, Canada, Mexico, and Puerto Rico.....................................................................................................6 - 14
International (excluding North America) .....................................................................................................6 - 15
Phone Numbers and How To Get Help ......................................................................................................6 - 16
Manufacturer’s Responsibility ....................................................................................................................6 - 16

iv 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Foreword Introduction

The Passport V Service Manual is intended as a guide for technically qualified personnel
during repair and calibration procedures. This publication may have been updated to reflect
product design changes and/or manual improvements.

Warnings, Cautions, and Notes

Please read and adhere to all warnings, cautions, and notes listed here and in the
appropriate areas throughout this manual.

A WARNING is provided to alert the user to potential serious outcomes (death, injury, or
serious adverse events) to the patient or the user.

A CAUTION is provided to alert the user to use special care necessary for the safe and
effective use of the device. They may include actions to be taken to avoid effects on patients
or users that may not be potentially life threatening or result in serious injury, but about which
the user should be aware. Cautions are also provided to alert the user to adverse effects on
this device of use or misuse and the care necessary to avoid such effects.

A NOTE is provided when additional general information is applicable.

WARNING: The Passport V operates on line voltages. Therefore, an
electric shock hazard may exist when the instrument covers
are removed. Repair and calibration procedures should only
be performed by qualified personnel who proceed with care
and follow proper servicing techniques. Warnings are given
in various chapters, as well as in other appropriate

WARNING: Internal Electrical Shock Hazard - This unit does not contain
any user-serviceable parts. Do not remove instrument
covers. Refer Servicing to qualified personnel.

WARNING: Whenever the monitor is opened for calibration or repair, a

risk (leakage) current safety check and a verification of
basic functions of all parameters should be performed
before the monitor is returned to Clinical use. See
“Verification” on page 5-12.

WARNING: Do not clean the monitor while it is powered on and/or

plugged in.

WARNING: Perform the decontamination process with the unit powered

off and the power cord removed.

CAUTION: Calibration is not to be performed while monitoring a

CAUTION: A functional tester cannot be used to assess the accuracy of

the pulse oximeter probe or a pulse oximeter monitor.

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 v

Introduction Notes

CAUTION: When cleaning the monitor, do not allow cleaning solutions

into the vent openings.

CAUTION: When cleaning sensors, do not use excessive amounts of

liquid. Wipe the sensor surface with a soft cloth dampened
with cleaning solution. Do not attempt to sterilize.

CAUTION: Some disinfectants may cause skin irritation. Please rinse

cuff thoroughly with water to remove any residual

CAUTION: Using dark colored soaks may stain the cuffs. Test a single
cuff to ensure that no damage will occur.

CAUTION: When ironing or pressing the cuffs, be aware that the

Velcro® fasteners can melt at temperatures above 325°F

CAUTION: Disposable cuffs can be cleaned using a mild soap solution

and dried with a clean cloth.

CAUTION: Do not clean the Gas Module while it is on and/or plugged


CAUTION: The internal sampling system of the Gas Module does not
need to be cleaned or sterilized. There is no reverse flow
back to the patient. If the internal sampling system is
suspected to be clogged or dirty, the module should be
serviced by an authorized service person only.

CAUTION: To avoid permanent damage, do not expose metal

components (e.g., pins, sockets, snaps) to disinfectants,
soaps, or chemicals.

CAUTION: Recharge batteries in the Passport V.

CAUTION: Remove the batteries if the Passport V is not likely to be

used for an extended period of time.

CAUTION: Never pull the local printer paper with force when a
recording is in process; it may cause damage to the local

CAUTION: Do not leave the local printer door open unless reloading
paper or troubleshooting.

NOTE: Unauthorized servicing may void the remainder of the
warranty. Check with the factory or with a local authorized
representative to determine the warranty status of a
particular instrument.

vi 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

1.0 Theory of Operation

1.1 Introduction
This patient monitor is intended to be used for monitoring, displaying, reviewing, storing,
and transferring of multiple physiological parameters including: ECG, respiration (Resp),
temperature (Temp), SpO2, pulse rate (PR), non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP), invasive
blood pressure (IBP), End tidal CO2 value (EtCO2) and anesthetic gas (AG) of single adult,
pediatric, and neonatal patients.

FIGURE 1-1 The Passport V Monitor

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 1-1

System Connections Theory of Operation

Additional Passport V features:

• Provides audible and visual alarm indications.

• Incorporates multiple input devices such as a keypad and knob.
• Enables program upgrade over the network.

1.2 System Connections

1.2.1 Mounting the Patient Monitor
The Passport V can be mounted on a wall mount bracket, a rolling stand, or a bedrail
hook, which can be ordered optionally. Each type of mounting solution is delivered with a
complete set of mounting hardware and instructions. Refer to the documentation delivered
with the mounting hardware for instructions on assembling mounts.

1.2.2 Connectors for Peripheral Devices

On the back of the Passport V are the connectors for peripheral devices.

FIGURE 1-2 Connectors for Peripheral Devices

1-2 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Theory of Operation Main Unit

1. Auxiliary Output
A standard BNC connector, through which defibrillator synchronization signals, analog
output signals, and nurse call signals can be outputted, depending on how the monitor is
2. SB Connector
A connector for an external storage device.
3. VGA Connector
A connector for a standard SVGA color monitor.
4. Network Connector
An RJ45 connector, through which an Ethernet network or a PC can be connected.
5. RS232 serial port
A DB9 connector, used to connect a PC for data or a Gas Module 3, depending on how
the monitor is configured.
6. RS232 serial port
A DB9 connector, used to connect a PC for data or a Gas Module 3, depending on how
the monitor is configured.
7. AC Power Connector
A connector for an AC power source (100 to 240 VAC, 50/60Hz).
8. Equipotential lug
A connector for common ground with other equipment.

1.3 Main Unit

The Passport V consists of the following:

• Input system:
keypad, knob, and power switch.
• Output system:
LCD panel, alarm LED board, local printer, speaker, AC/battery status LEDs).
• Processing and communications system:
CPU board, Power management and interface board.
• Power management system:
battery, battery interface board, power board (AC/DC), Power management and
interface board.
• Equipment interface system:
power management and interface board, Ethernet-wireless adapter.
• Parameter modules:
multi-parameter board, CO2 module, OEM SpO2 module, NIBP module.

Additionally, the patient monitor can also connect a DPM SB storage device, a Gas
Module 3, or a PC for data transfer.

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 1-3

Main Unit Theory of Operation

The following diagram illustrates the structure of the patient monitor.

FIGURE 1-3 Patient monitor structure

1.3.1 Input System

The keypad, located at the lower part of the monitor’s front panel, contains 18 keys, AC
status LED and battery status LED, and also provides a connection for the knob to the CPU

The knob can be pressed, or rotated either clockwise or counter-clockwise. It connects to the

Power switch
The power switch, located at the right side of the monitor, is a single-throw rocker switch.
Pressing it will power the monitor on or off. The power switch’s status is detected by the
power management and interface board.

1.3.2 Output System

LCD Panel
The monitor uses an LCD panel with a resolution of 800x600, which runs power and gets
digital signals from the CPU board. The backlight is powered by the backlight board, which
is powered by the CPU board.

1-4 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Theory of Operation Main Unit

Alarm Lamp
The monitor has an alarm lamp on the front panel. The alarm LED board converts the electric
signals into visual signals and then sends the visual signals to the alarm lamp through a light
pipe. The alarm lamp illuminates either red or yellow, depending on how the alarm is

Local Printer
The local printer receives data coming from the CPU board through a UART and then sends
them to the thermal print head for printing. The local printer has a hard key (starting/
stopping recordings) and a green LED on its front. It connects to the power management and
interface board.

The following diagram shows its operating principle.






FIGURE 1-4 Operating principle

Power supply interface Introduces a DC from the CPU board.
Power module Converts the input power into voltages that fit each module and
then forwards them to each module.
CPU Controls the communications between modules.
Signal interface Controls the communications between the CPU board and the
local printer CPU.
Drive circuit Receives control signals from the CPU and then forwards them to
the stepper motor.
Local Printer key board Sends key commands to the CPU and receives commands from
the CPU to control the LED on the local printer.
FPC interface Sends the thermal print head information to the CPU and
receives commands from the CPU to control the thermal print

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 1-5

Main Unit Theory of Operation

The speaker provides sound for alarms, key strokes, heart beats, pulse, and so on. It is driven
directly by the CPU board.

AC and battery status LEDs

The AC status LED and the battery status LED, located at the keypad, are controlled by the
MCU on the power management and interface board. The driving signals come from the
power management and interface board and then go to the keypad via the CPU board.

1.3.3 Processing and Communications System

CPU board
The CPU board is the heart of the patient monitor. It implements a series of tasks including
input and output control, data storage and processing, display processing, system control,
communication management, print management, alarming, etc.

The CPU board has a CPU system comprising the CPU, FLASH, memory, real-time clock,
EEPROM, FPGA, etc. Among them, FPGA deals with audio, video, and interfacing signals.
Also, it provides interfaces to other boards, modules, and devices.

Connections and communications with other components are implemented via the CPU
board, which provides interfaces to:

• A built-in display
• The power management and interface board. Between this board and the CPU board,
the signals of USB+Network+UART+SVGA+I2C+Speaker+GPIO are communicated.
Among them, UART signals finally go to the parameter boards.
• The keypad. Between the keypad and the CPU board, there are two signal wires: one is
the UART signal wire and another is the AC power and battery status signal wire.
• The alarm LED board

Power management and interface board

The power management and interface board is a multi-functional board. It transmits UART
signals to several boards and modules (e.g., multi-parameter board, CO2 module, OEM
SpO2 module, NIBP module, local printer module, etc.).

1.3.4 Power Management System

The monitor uses two rechargeable lithium-ion batteries (11.1 V, 4400 mAh). The battery
compartment door is located at the left-bottom of the patient monitor. The battery power is
introduced to the power module via the battery interface board, and then processed and
distributed to each component by the power management and interface board.

Battery interface board

The battery interface board serves as an interface between the batteries and the power
management and interface board.

1-6 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Theory of Operation Main Unit

Power board (AC/DC)

The power board (AC/DC) converts the input AC power to DC power (16.8V DC), which
then serves as the input of the power management and interface board.

Power management and interface board

This board is responsible for power management and interfaces. Power management can
perform the functions below:

1. Auto-select the DC source between the power board and the two batteries.
2. Convert the DC source into 12V, 5V, and 3.3V DC and then output them to other boards
and modules.
3. Provide over-voltage and under-voltage protection for 12V, 5V, and 3.3V DC.
4. Detect the power switch status and control power on/off.
5. Detect the battery capacity and control battery charge/discharge.
6. Control the LED for battery and AC status.
7. Control the fan and detect its running status (the complex control algorithm is
implemented via the CPU board).
8. Detect the internal temperature of the patient monitor.

On this board there are four sub-boards: 3.3V and 5V DC board, 12V DC board, and two
battery charge boards. The 3.3V and 5V DC board converts the DC source into 5V and
3.3V. The 12V DC board converts the DC source into 12V DC. Both of them have an over-
current protection mechanism. Each of the two battery charge boards controls the charging
of a battery.

The DC power system is illustrated below:

Power Battery
board interface
(AC/DC) board

16.8V 11.1V

Power management
and interface board DC source


3.3V 5V 12V

3.3V 5V 12V

CPU board Alarm Multi-

digital circuit indicator Parameter
Interface board CF control OEM SpO2
digital circuit board module

LCD digital Local Wireless CO2 board
circuit Printer Adapter module

FIGURE 1-5 DC power system

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 1-7

Main Unit Theory of Operation

1.3.5 Equipment Interface System

Power management and interface board
This board is also responsible for digital interfaces.

A USB HUB is located at the board. It receives USB signals from the CPU and then distributes
them to three USB ports, of which two connect the USB sockets, and the other connects the
CF control board.

FIGURE 1-6 The USB hub

This board provides connections for both wired network and wireless adapter. In the figure
below, switch 2 always stays off during normal use. The operator can switch between wired
network and wireless adapter through the software UI. Then, the CPU applies the operator’s
selection by controlling switch 1. In configuration mode, the CPU turns off switch 1 and then
turns on switch 2 so that the operator can connect a PC to the wired network to configure the
wireless adapter.

The Ethernet wireless adapter enables the patient monitor to go wireless.

FIGURE 1-7 The ethernet wireless adapter

1-8 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Theory of Operation Main Unit

The CPU generates analog signals by controlling the DAC chip on the power management
and interface board via the I2C bus. The analog signals are transmitted to the BNC socket
via the amplifier circuit.

FIGURE 1-8 The amplifier circuit

The signal r_flag from the multi-parameter board goes to the power management and
interface board. The CPU can select the source of defibrillator synchronization signals by
controlling the output of the DAC. The signal r_flag also goes to the CPU for a self-test.

Two UART interfaces (serial port 1 and serial port 2) from the CPU board are extended as
two RS232-level ports via the power management and interface board. Both interfaces can
be configured to accommodate a PC for data or an AG module.

FIGURE 1-9 The serial ports

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 1-9

Main Unit Theory of Operation

1.3.6 Parameter modules

Multi-Parameter board
The multi-parameter board incorporates multiple parameters, such as ECG, RESP, DPM
SPO2, 2-channel IBP, TEMP, etc. Details include the following:

• The multi-parameter board employs a high-speed DSP, making digital filtering, arrhythmia
analysis, and ST analysis faster and more effective.
• The DSP is in charge of 3- and 5-lead ECG monitoring, arrhythmia and ST analysis, RESP
monitoring, and communicating with the CPU board.
• The multi-parameter board also employs an MCU, which supports 1-channel temperature
measurement, DPM SpO2, and 2-channel IBP measurement. The MCU transfers all the
measurement data to the DSP.
• Respiration rate is monitored using the impedance method and can only be measured
with two ECG leads.
• The multi-parameter board integrates the DPM SpO2 circuit. If a monitor is configured
with an OEM SpO2 module, then DPM SpO2 functions are overridden.

CO2 Module

• There are two types of CO2 modules: DPM CO2 and Microstream CO2.
• The DPM CO2 module measures the CO2 concentration using the NDIR technology. It
performs a zero calibration periodically to ensure accurate measurements for a long
period of time. An appropriate compensation can be applied according to the patient
environment, thus preventing measurements from being influenced by interfering gases.
• The Microstream CO2 module ensures that measurements will not be affected by other
gases and the accuracy can be maintained without any gas compensation. Additionally,
the module has a very low sample flow rate, reducing its effect on the patient and the
environment to a minimum.

OEM SpO2 Module

There are two types of OEM SpO2 modules: Masimo-2013 SpO2 module and Nellcor SpO2

An isolation power board is attached to each of them and used to isolate the DC power and
the UART signal of the OEM SpO2 modules from other circuits in the main unit. The UART
signal comes from the CPU board and passes through the power management and interface

1 - 10 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Theory of Operation Main Unit

NIBP Module
The figure below shows the NIBP module parameter board diagram.





FIGURE 1-10 The NIBP module parameter board

The Passport V calculates NIBP values using the oscillometric method of noninvasive blood
pressure measurement. These measurements correspond to comparisons with auscultatory
values, measured using the fifth Korotkoff sound within ANSI/AAMI SP10 standards for

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 1 - 11

Main Unit Theory of Operation

This page intentionally left blank.

1 - 12 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

2.0 Block Diagrams

2.1 Introduction
The Block Diagrams indicate the internal organization of the instrument. The block diagrams are used to
gain both familiarity with the instrument and to locate malfunctioning PC boards as readily as possible.


NIBP Module 6100-30-86329
Masimo SpO2 Module 6100-30-86335
Nellcor SpO2 Module 6100-30-86336
Microstream CO2 Module 6100-30-86333
DPM CO2 Module 6100-30-86334
Power board (AC/DC) 9211-30-87311
Alarm LED Board 9211-30-87306
Battery interface board assembly 9211-30-87331
Keypad Overlay 6100-20-86264-XX or
Keypad 6100-20-86265-XX
Main board 9211-20-87303
Power management and interface board 6100-20-86294
Back light board 022-000001-00
LCD Display 0000-10-11092
Local Printer 6101-30-46619
Wireless AP Module 6100-30-86332
CF card assembly 6100-30-86330
Power Switch with Cable Assembly 6100-21-86306
Speaker 020-000001-00
Fan Assembly 6100-21-86315

NOTE: See Isometric Drawings and Parts List for a complete list of
Part Numbers.

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 2-1

Block Diagram Block Diagrams

FIGURE 2-1 Passport V Block Diagram

Block Diagram

2-2 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

3.0 Repair Information

3.1 Introduction
This chapter provides the necessary technical information to perform repairs on the
Passport V. The most important prerequisites for effective troubleshooting are a thorough
understanding of the instrument functions as well as understanding the theory of operation.

3.2 Safety Precautions

In the event the instrument covers are removed, observe the following warnings and

1. Do not short component leads together.

2. The instrument covers must not be removed by anyone other than qualified technical
personnel who have received supplementary instructions regarding maintenance of
medical equipment or have equivalent experience in this area.

WARNING: Internal Electrical Shock Hazard - This unit does not contain
any user-serviceable parts. Do not remove instrument
covers. Refer Servicing to qualified personnel.

WARNING: Whenever the monitor is opened for calibration or repair, a

risk (leakage) current safety check and a verification of
basic functions of all parameters should be performed
before the monitor is returned to Clinical use. See
“Verification” on page 5-12.

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 3-1

Troubleshooting Guidelines Repair Information

3.3 Troubleshooting Guidelines

1. Identify the problem
Due to the wide variety of potential symptoms, certain problems may be more subtle
than others. One approach to troubleshooting is to set up the instrument as described in
Chapter 5.0. Following the guidelines of the tests will help determine the problem if one
2. Avoid shorting component leads
During repair procedures, it can become tempting to make a series of quick
measurements. Always turn the power off before connecting and disconnecting the test
leads and probes. The accidental shorting of leads can easily stress the components and
cause a second failure (aside from the safety risk).
3. Use the Proper equipment
The equipment listed below is suggested to fulfill a wide range of troubleshooting
requirements. It is imperative to use the designated equipment in order to ensure proper
results of any and all test procedures.
4. Clean up the repair area
After any repair, especially after any soldering or desoldering, clean off the repair area
with alcohol and a stiff brush. This will remove any residual solder flux, in turn allowing
the instrument to return to its original appearance.

3.4 Special Tools Required

• Digital Voltmeter
• Digital Mercury Manometer – 0 to 300 mmHg
• Safety Analyzer
• Patient Simulator
• Test Chamber / Dummy Cuff (P/N 0138-00-0001-01 (700 cc) or -03 (500 cc))
• Desktop PC or notebook PC.
• Microsoft Windows 2000/XP operating system
• Intel Pentium CPU, above 500MHz
• Above 128M memory
• At least one network card and at least one USB port
• CAT-5 crossover cable
• USB cable or DPM SB storage device

3.5 Disassembly Instructions

Before disassembling the unit, perform the following:

• Power down the unit and remove the line cord.

• Remove all cable assemblies from the left side, right side, and rear of the unit.
• Remove any batteries that were installed.
• Perform all work on a properly grounded ESD workstation.

3-2 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Repair Information Disassembly Instructions

3.5.1 Removal of the Key Panel and Keys

1. Place the unit on a protective surface.
2. Carefully remove the knob with a pair of pliers that have protection on the jaws. Some
pliers may damage the knob.

FIGURE 3-1 Remove the knob

3. Release the key panel’s four clips from the bottom of the unit with a flat-bladed

FIGURE 3-2 Release the key panel clips

4. Remove the key panel from the front.

5. Remove the keys and place to the side with the key panel.

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 3-3

Disassembly Instructions Repair Information

3.5.2 Removal of the Front Housing Assembly

1. Place the unit face down on a protective surface.
2. Remove the six screws from the rear of the unit.

FIGURE 3-3 Remove the screws from the rear of the unit

3. Turn the unit over and carefully separate the front housing assembly and rear housing
4. Disconnect the 50-pin ribbon cable from the front housing assembly.

FIGURE 3-4 Disconnect the ribbon cable from the front housing assembly

5. Remove the front housing assembly.

3-4 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Repair Information Disassembly Instructions

3.5.3 Removal of the Main Board

1. Remove the front housing assembly as stated in “Removal of the Front Housing
Assembly” on page 3-4.
2. Remove the keyboard cable.
3. Remove the inverter cable.
4. Remove the LCD panel cable.
5. Remove the alarm LED board cable.
6. Remove the five screws that secure the main board to the front housing bracket.
7. Remove the main board carefully.

FIGURE 3-5 Remove the main board

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 3-5

Disassembly Instructions Repair Information

3.5.4 Removal of the Inverter

1. Remove the front housing assembly as stated in “Removal of the Front Housing
Assembly” on page 3-4.
2. Remove the inverter cable.
3. Remove the two backlight board cable from the inverter.
4. Remove the two screws that secure the inverter to the front housing bracket.
5. Remove the inverter carefully.

FIGURE 3-6 Remove the inverter

3-6 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Repair Information Disassembly Instructions

3.5.5 Removal of the LCD Panel

1. Remove the front housing assembly as stated in “Removal of the Front Housing
Assembly” on page 3-4.
2. Remove the two backlight board cables from the inverter.
3. Remove the keyboard cable.
4. Remove the alarm LED board cable.
5. Remove the LCD panel cable.
6. Remove the eight screws that secure the front housing bracket.
7. Remove the front housing bracket and place to the side.

FIGURE 3-7 Remove the LCD panel

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 3-7

Disassembly Instructions Repair Information

8. Remove the four screws that secure the LCD panel.

9. Remove the LCD panel carefully.

FIGURE 3-8 Remove the LCD panel

3.5.6 Removal of the Keyboard

1. Remove the front housing assembly as stated in “Removal of the Front Housing
Assembly” on page 3-4.
2. Remove the keyboard cable.
3. Remove the encoder cable.
4. Remove the four screws that secure the keyboard to the front housing.
5. Remove the four keyboard pads and four silica washers.
6. Release the clip on the right side of the keyboard and remove the keyboard carefully.

FIGURE 3-9 Remove the Keyboard

3-8 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Repair Information Disassembly Instructions

3.5.7 Removal of the Alarm LED Board

1. Remove the front housing assembly as stated in “Removal of the Front Housing
Assembly” on page 3-4.
2. Remove the alarm LED board cable.
3. Remove the two screws that secure the board to the front housing.
4. Remove the alarm LED board and light conducting pipe carefully.

FIGURE 3-10 Remove the alarm LED board

3.5.8 Removal of the Encoder

1. Remove the front housing assembly as stated in “Removal of the Front Housing
Assembly” on page 3-4.
2. Remove the encoder cable from the keyboard.

FIGURE 3-11 Disconnect the encoder cable

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 3-9

Disassembly Instructions Repair Information

3. Carefully remove the knob with a pair of pliers that have protection on the jaws. Some
pliers may damage the knob.
4. Remove the nut that secures the encoder.
5. Remove the encoder carefully.

FIGURE 3-12 Remove the encoder

3.5.9 Removal of the Multi-parameter Board Assembly

1. Remove the front housing assembly as stated in “Removal of the Front Housing
Assembly” on page 3-4.
2. Disconnect the 50-pin ribbon cable from the interface board.
3. Disconnect the cable from J15 of the interface board.
4. Disconnect the NIBP communication cable from the interface board.

FIGURE 3-13 Disconnect the cables from the multi-parameter board

3 - 10 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Repair Information Disassembly Instructions

5. Remove the four screws that secure the assembly to the rear housing and main frame.
6. Disconnect the CO2 tubing and cable from the multi-parameter board assembly (if CO2
module is configured).
7. Remove the multi-parameter board assembly carefully.

FIGURE 3-14 Remove the multi-parameter board assembly

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 3 - 11

Disassembly Instructions Repair Information

3.5.10 Removal of the Parameter Front Panel Assembly

1. Remove the multi-parameter board assembly as stated in “Removal of the Multi-
parameter Board Assembly” on page 3-10.
2. Unplug the tubing from the NIBP connector.

FIGURE 3-15 Unplug the tubing from the NIBP connector

3. Unfasten the two screws that secure the SpO2 connector and then remove the connector
(if Masimo or Nellcor SpO2 module is configured).

FIGURE 3-16 Masimo SpO2 FIGURE 3-17 Nellcor SpO2

4. Remove the three screws that secure the parameter front panel.
5. Remove the parameter front panel.

FIGURE 3-18 Remove the parameter front panel

3 - 12 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Repair Information Disassembly Instructions

3.5.11 Removal of the Multi-parameter board

1. Remove the parameter front panel assembly as stated in “Removal of the Parameter
Front Panel Assembly” on page 3-12.
2. Remove the three screws that secure the multi-parameter board.
3. Remove the multi-parameter board.

FIGURE 3-19 Remove the multi-parameter board

3.5.12 Removal of the CO2 Module

1. Remove the multi-parameter board assembly as stated in “Removal of the Multi-
parameter Board Assembly” on page 3-10.
2. Remove the two screws that secure the module to the main frame.
3. Remove the CO2 module.

FIGURE 3-20 DPM CO2 FIGURE 3-21 Microstream CO2

4. Remove the water trap connector assembly or microstream CO2 connector fixture
assembly from the parameter front panel assembly (if necessary).

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 3 - 13

Disassembly Instructions Repair Information

3.5.13 Removal of the Masimo SpO2 Module

1. Remove the multi-parameter board assembly as stated in “Removal of the Multi-
parameter Board Assembly” on page 3-10.
2. Disconnect the SpO2 communication cable from the multi-parameter board.
3. Cut the tie of flexible cable.
4. Unfasten the screw that secures the Masimo SpO2 module to the multi-parameter board
installation frame.
5. Unfasten the two screws that secure the Masimo SpO2 connector.
6. Remove the Masimo SpO2 module.

FIGURE 3-22 Remove the Masimo SpO2 module

3.5.14 Removal of the Nellcor SpO2 Module

1. Remove the multi-parameter board assembly as stated in “Removal of the Multi-
parameter Board Assembly” on page 3-10.
2. Disconnect the SpO2 communication cable from the multi-parameter board.
3. Cut the tie of flexible cable.
4. Unfasten the screw that secures the Nellcor SpO2 module to the multi-parameter board
installation frame.
5. Unfasten the two screws that secure the Nellcor SpO2 connector.
6. Remove the Nellcor SpO2 module.

FIGURE 3-23 Remove the Nellcor SpO2 module

3 - 14 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Repair Information Disassembly Instructions

3.5.15 Removal of the NIBP Assembly

1. Remove the multi-parameter board assembly as stated in “Removal of the Multi-
parameter Board Assembly” on page 3-10.
2. Unplug the tubing from the NIBP gas nipple.
3. Disconnect the NIBP communication cable from the NIBP board.
4. Unfasten the screws that secure the NIBP assembly to the multi-parameter board
installation frame.
5. Remove the NIBP assembly.

FIGURE 3-24 Remove the NIBP assembly

3.5.16 Removal of the Local Printer Assembly

1. Remove the two screws that secure the local printer.
2. Release the two clips and pull out the local printer.

FIGURE 3-25 Remove the local printer assembly

3. Disconnect the local printer cable.

4. Remove the local printer.

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 3 - 15

Disassembly Instructions Repair Information

3.5.17 Removal of the Local Printer Cover (if needed)

1. Pry up the local printer cover with a flat-bladed screwdriver.

FIGURE 3-26 Remove the local printer cover

3.5.18 Removal of the Main Frame and Multi-parameter Board Assembly

1. Remove the front housing assembly as stated in “Removal of the Front Housing
Assembly” on page 3-4.
2. Remove the local printer assembly (if installed) as stated in “Removal of the Local Printer
Assembly” on page 3-15.
3. Disconnect the power switch cable from the interface board.
4. Remove the eight screws that secure the main frame and multi-parameter board
assembly to the rear housing.

FIGURE 3-27 Remove the screws and cables from the main frame

3 - 16 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Repair Information Disassembly Instructions

5. Remove the two screws that secure the main frame from the bottom.
6. Remove the main frame and multi-parameter board assembly.

FIGURE 3-28 Remove the main frame and multi-parameter board assembly

3.5.19 Removal of the Speaker Assembly

1. Remove the main frame and multi-parameter board assembly as stated in “Removal of
the Main Frame and Multi-parameter Board Assembly” on page 3-16.
2. Cut the clamp that secures the speaker cable.
3. Disconnect the speaker cable from the interface board.

FIGURE 3-29 Disconnect the speaker cable from the interface board

4. Remove the three screws that secure the speaker.

5. Remove the speaker assembly.

FIGURE 3-30 Remove the speaker assembly

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 3 - 17

Disassembly Instructions Repair Information

3.5.20 Removal of the Fan Assembly

1. Remove the main frame and multi-parameter board assembly as stated in “Removal of
the Main Frame and Multi-parameter Board Assembly” on page 3-16.
2. Cut the clamp that secures the fan cable.
3. Disconnect the fan cable from the interface board.

FIGURE 3-31 Disconnect the fan cable from the interface board

4. Remove the fan EVA cushion.

5. Remove the two screws that secure the fan.

FIGURE 3-32 Remove the fan assembly

6. Remove the fan.

3 - 18 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Repair Information Disassembly Instructions

3.5.21 Removal of the CF Card Assembly

1. Remove the main frame and multi-parameter board assembly as stated in “Removal of
the Main Frame and Multi-parameter Board Assembly” on page 3-16.
2. Remove the two screws that secure the CF card assembly.
3. Disconnect the CF card cable.
4. Remove the CF card assembly.

FIGURE 3-33 Remove the CF card assembly

3.5.22 Removal of the Power Board

1. Remove the main frame and multi-parameter board assembly as stated in “Removal of
the Main Frame and Multi-parameter Board Assembly” on page 3-16.
2. Remove the two screws that secure the local printer connecting board and then remove the

FIGURE 3-34 Remove the screws securing the local printer connecting board

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 3 - 19

Disassembly Instructions Repair Information

3. Disconnect the power board connecting cable from the interface board.

FIGURE 3-35 Disconnect the power board connecting cable

4. Remove the three screws that secure the power socket support from the back of the main
5. Remove the screw that secures the grounding wire.

FIGURE 3-36 Remove the screws that secure the power socket

3 - 20 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Repair Information Disassembly Instructions

6. Disconnect the power socket cable from the power board.

7. Remove the four screws that secure the power board.
8. Remove the power board.

FIGURE 3-37 Remove the power board

3.5.23 Removal of the Li-ion Battery Interface Board Assembly

1. Remove the front housing assembly as stated in “Removal of the Front Housing
Assembly” on page 3-4.
2. Remove the local printer assembly (if installed) as stated in “Removal of the Local Printer
Assembly” on page 3-15.
3. Remove the two screws that secure the local printer connecting board and then remove
the board.

FIGURE 3-38 Remove the screws securing the local printer connecting board

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 3 - 21

Disassembly Instructions Repair Information

4. Disconnect the Li-ion battery interface board cable from the interface board.

FIGURE 3-39 Disconnect the Li-ion battery interface board cable

5. Remove the four nuts that secure the Li-ion battery interface board assembly.
6. Remove the Li-ion battery interface board assembly.

FIGURE 3-40 remove the Li-ion battery interface board assembly

3 - 22 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Repair Information Disassembly Instructions

3.5.24 Removal of the Interface Board Assembly

1. Remove the multi-parameter board assembly as stated in “Removal of the Multi-
parameter Board Assembly” on page 3-10.
2. Remove the local printer assembly (if installed) as stated in “Removal of the Local Printer
Assembly” on page 3-15.
3. Disconnect the power switch cable from the interface board.
4. Remove the six screws that secure the main frame to the rear housing.

FIGURE 3-41 Remove the screws from the main frame

5. Remove the two screws that secure the main frame from the bottom.
6. Remove the main frame assembly and place to the side.

FIGURE 3-42 Remove the screws securing the main frame

7. Disconnect the Li-ion battery interface board cable from the interface board.
8. Disconnect the power cable from the interface board.
9. Disconnect the local printer cable from the interface board.

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 3 - 23

Disassembly Instructions Repair Information

FIGURE 3-43 Disconnect the cables from the interface board

10. Disconnect the speaker cable from the interface board.

11. Disconnect the fan cable from the interface board.
12. Disconnect the CF card cable from the interface board.
13. Disconnect the wireless AP (if installed) cable from the interface board.

FIGURE 3-44 Disconnect the cables from the interface board

14. Remove the two screws that secure the interface board assembly to the main frame.
15. Remove the interface board assembly.

FIGURE 3-45 Remove the interface board assembly

3 - 24 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Repair Information Disassembly Instructions

3.5.25 Removal of the Wireless AP

1. Remove the multi-parameter board assembly as stated in “Removal of the Multi-
parameter Board Assembly” on page 3-10.
2. Remove the local printer assembly (if installed) as stated in “Removal of the Local Printer
Assembly” on page 3-15.
3. Disconnect the power switch cable from the interface board.
4. Remove the six screws that secure the main frame to the rear housing.

FIGURE 3-46 Remove the screws from the main frame

5. Remove the two screws that secure the main frame from the bottom.
6. Remove the main frame assembly.

FIGURE 3-47 Remove the screws securing the main frame

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 3 - 25

Disassembly Instructions Repair Information

7. Remove the nut that secures the wireless AP to the main frame.

FIGURE 3-48 Remove the nut securing the wireless AP to the main frame

8. Disconnect the wireless AP cable from the wireless AP.

9. Remove the wireless AP.

FIGURE 3-49 Disconnect the cables from the wireless AP

3 - 26 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Repair Information Nurse Call Cable

3.6 Nurse Call Cable

3.6.1 P/N 8000-21-10361

FIGURE 3-50 Nurse Call Cable

3.7 Analog Output Cable

3.7.1 P/N 6100-20-86360

FIGURE 3-51 Analog Output Cable

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 3 - 27

Defib Synch Cable Repair Information

3.8 Defib Synch Cable

3.8.1 P/N 6100-20-86361

FIGURE 3-52 Defib Synch Cable

3 - 28 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Repair Information Serial Port to Gas Module 3 Cable

3.9 Serial Port to Gas Module 3 Cable

3.9.1 P/N 0012-00-1276-XX


12" 9-pin mini-D serial to 25-pin D-shell -01
72" 9-pin mini-D serial to 25-pin D-shell -02

FIGURE 3-53 Serial Port to Gas Module 3 Cable

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 3 - 29

Null Modem Cable Repair Information

3.10 Null Modem Cable

3.10.1 P/N 0012-00-1275-01

FIGURE 3-54 Null Modem Cable

3 - 30 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Repair Information Universal ECG Lead Wires

3.11 Universal ECG Lead Wires

3.11.1 P/N 0012-00-1503-XX

10 24", snap, 5-lead set, Domestic -02
11 24", snap, 3-lead set, Domestic -05
12 24", snap, 5-lead set, International -11
13 24", snap, 3-lead set, International -14

FIGURE 3-55 Universal ECG Lead Wires

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 3 - 31

ECG Cable, 3/5-lead (ESIS and Non ESIS) Repair Information

3.12 ECG Cable, 3/5-lead (ESIS and Non ESIS)

3.12.1 P/N 0012-00-1745-XX

FIGURE 3-56 ECG Cable, 3/5-lead (ESIS and Non ESIS)

3.13 12-pin 3-lead Neo ECG Trunk Cable (IEC/AHA)

3.13.1 P/N 040-000072-00

FIGURE 3-57 12-pin 3-lead Neo ECG Trunk Cable (IEC/AHA)

3 - 32 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Repair Information IBP Cable

3.14 IBP Cable

3.14.1 P/N 040-000052-00

FIGURE 3-58 5-pin IBP Cable (IM2301, Hospira)

3.14.2 P/N 040-000053-00

FIGURE 3-59 5-pin IBP Cable (IM2302, BD)

3.14.3 P/N 040-000054-00

FIGURE 3-60 5-pin IBP Cable (IM2303, Edwards)

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 3 - 33

Temperature Cable Repair Information

3.14.4 P/N 040-000096-00

FIGURE 3-61 IBP Adapter Cable (5-pin to 6-pin)

3.15 Temperature Cable

3.15.1 1.15.1 P/N 040-000055-00

FIGURE 3-62 5-pin Esophageal/Rectal Temp Probe (Adult)

3.15.2 P/N 040-000056-00

FIGURE 3-63 5-pin Esophageal/Rectal Temp Probe (Pediatric/Infant)

3 - 34 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Repair Information Temperature Cable

3.15.3 P/N 040-000057-00

FIGURE 3-64 5-pin Skin Temp Probe (Adult)

3.15.4 P/N 040-000058-00

FIGURE 3-65 5-pin Skin Temp Probe (Pediatric/Infant)

3.15.5 P/N 040-000091-00

FIGURE 3-66 5-pin Temp Cable for 400 Series Disposable Sensor

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 3 - 35

Temperature Cable Repair Information

3.15.6 P/N 040-000100-00

FIGURE 3-67 5-pin Temp Adapter Cable (5-pin to 6.35 Phone)

3.15.7 P/N 040-000224-00

FIGURE 3-68 5-pin Temp Cable for MRS Disposable Sensor (5.5 DC Jack)

3 - 36 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Repair Information Troubleshooting Menus

3.16 Troubleshooting Menus

3.16.1 ECG Troubleshooting


Noisy ECG traces 1 Loose or dry electrodes. 1 Apply fresh, moist
2 Defective electrode wires. electrodes.
3 Patient cable or leads are 2 Replace wires as
routed too close to other necessary.
electrical devices. 3 Eliminate 60Hz
Excessive Electro-surgical 1 Wrong ECG cable used. 1 Use ESIS ECG cable with
Interference internal filter block.

NOTE: Respiration
monitoring via the
ECG electrodes will
not be available
when using an ESIS
ECG cable.
Muscle Noise 1 Inadequate skin 1 Repeat skin preparation
preparation prior to and electrode location
application of electrode, procedures.
tremors, tense subject, 2 Apply fresh, moist
and/or poor electrode electrodes.
placement. 3 Avoid areas of the torso
that are very muscular.
Excessive alarms: heart rate, 1 Electrodes dry 1 Re-prep skin and apply
lead fault 2 Alarm limits set too close fresh, moist electrodes.
to patient's normal heart 2 Readjust.
rate. 3 Must have a higher
3 R-wave wrong size. amplitude than the other
4 Excessive patient ECG waves, like the P
movement or muscle and T waves.
tremor. 4 Reposition electrodes and
secure with tape, if
ECG Noise 1 External interference. 1 Check patient.
2 Patient movement. 2 Check electrode contacts
/reposition electrodes/
3 Check environment for
source of interference.
No ECG Waveform 1 Gain set too low. 1 Readjust as required (Set
2 Lead wires and patient via the Size key).
cable not fully or properly 2 Check for proper
inserted. insertion.
3 Cable or lead wires 3 Check with lead
damaged. continuity tester.

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 3 - 37

Troubleshooting Menus Repair Information


Base Line Wander 1 Patient moving 1 Secure lead wires and
excessively. cable to patient.
2 Patient's respiration. 2 Reposition electrodes.
Electrodes dry or loose. 3 Re-prep skin and apply
3 Static build up around fresh, moist electrodes.
patient. 4 Check with local
4 ECG Filter set to “ST” or biomedical personnel.
“Diagnose” mode. 5 Set ECG Filter to
“Monitor” mode.
ECG Artifact 1 Electrical interference 1 Check patient.
from auxiliary devices. 2 Check Electrode Contacts
2 Patient movement. /reposition electrodes/
3 Check for electrical
interference, replace
wires as necessary.
Self Test Error 1 During power-on of the 1 Power cycle unit. If
unit, if ECG module can message reappears,
not self-test successfully, contact Technical
this message will display. Support.
Communication Stop 1 As the ECG module 1 Contact Technical
communication stops, the Support.
data packets sent by the
module can not be
Communication Error 1 The ECG module 1 Contact Technical
communication error. The Support.
command can not be sent
ESU-Resp Off 1 The high frequency 1 Wait until the high
electrosurgery unit frequency electrosurgery
interference signal is unit interference
detected. disappears.
ECG Signal Invalid 1 Connections not tight or 1 Ensure proper
properly secured. connection. (Electrode to
2 Electrodes dry or loose. lead, lead to cable, cable
3 Cable or lead wires to monitor).
damaged. 2 Re-prep skin and apply
fresh, moist electrodes.
3 Check with continuity
Pacer Rejection On 1 When Pacer Reject is set 1 This is normal operation.
to On. When Pace Reject is set
to Off, this message
Learning 1 Displayed when a /
learning cycle has been
requested for Arrhythmia
or ST.
No Arrhythmia Detection at 1 Central Station does not /
Central have arrhythmia Analysis

3 - 38 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Repair Information Troubleshooting Menus


ECG Channels Checking... 1 Appears when the ECG 1 This is normal operation.
Module is calibrating. Turn off ECG module
calibration and the
message will be cleared.
Initialization Error 1 During the ECG module 1 Contact Technical
power-on, as the ECG Support.
module communication
stops, system fails to
communicate with

3.16.2 NIBP Troubleshooting


NIBP: Self Test Error 1 Failed self-test. 1 Power cycle unit. If
2 Sensor or A/D sampling message reappears,
may have error. contact Technical
NIBP: Communication Error 1 NIBP module 1 Power cycle unit. If
communication error. The message reappears,
command can not be sent contact Technical
correctly. Support.
NIBP: System Error 1 System error. After start- 1 Power cycle unit. If
up, the inflating pump, message reappears,
A/D sampling unit or contact Technical
pressure sensor may have Support.
error or the pointer may
have error when the
software is running.
2 Power supply is not stable
or circuit failure leads to
voltage error.
NIBP: Cuff Overpressure 1 The hardware 1 Power cycle unit.If
overpressure limit has message reappears,
been exceeded. contact Technical
2 Overpressure. The cuff Support.
pressure exceeds 297
mmHg in ADU mode,
240 mmHg in PED mode
or 147 mmHg in NEO
NIBP: Pneumatic Leak 1 Leakage. In Pneumatic 1 Change the cuff.
check, air leakage is
found in hose.
NIBP: Unable to Measure 1 Unable to make 1 Check Patient.
measurement after three 2 Retry measurement. If
automatic retries. message reappears,
power cycle unit. If
message reappears,
contact Technical
NIBP: Reset Failed 1 Reset failed. 1 Power cycle unit.If
message reappears,
contact Technical

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Troubleshooting Menus Repair Information


NIBP: Retry Pump Higher 1 A measurement has been 1 Retry will be attempted.
attempted but no reading 2 Check that appropriate
was possible. This results patient size is set.
from inadequate cuff 3 Pre-set initial inflation
inflation pressure. pressure.
NIBP: Retry 1 Cuff is loosely wrapped. 1 Retry will be attempted.
The cuff may be too Check for leaks and
loosely wrapped or not quality of peripheral
attached at all. pulses. Decrease patient
2 Weak signal. The pulse of movement. Switch cuff to
the patient may be too another limb.
weak or the cuff is loosely
3 Excessive motion. In
measurement, signals
contain motion artifact or
too much interference.
4 Time-out. Measurement
takes more than 120
seconds in ADU/PED
mode and 90 seconds in
NEO mode.
5 Retry Overpressure or
bad measurement.
NIBP: Initialization Error 1 During the IBP module 1 Contact Technical
power-on, as the IBP Support.
module communication
stops, system fails to
communicate with
NIBP: Communication Stop 1 As the Resp module 1 Contact Technical
communication stops, the Support.
data packets sent by the
module can not be

3.16.3 SpO2 Troubleshooting


SpO2: No Sensor 1 Sensor is not plugged in 1 Plug the sensor into the
to the monitor. monitor.
SpO2: Sensor Off 1 Sensor may not be 1 Check patient connection.
connected to the patient.
SpO2: Interference 1 Noise detected on the 1 Decrease patient motion,
(Masimo/Nellcor Only) pulse signal prevents check sensor.
pulse discrimination.
SpO2: Pulse Search 1 Hardware settings are 1 Change to site where
being adjusted in order to pulse is stronger if patient
discriminate a pulse is vasoconstricted.
waveform. 2 Change or readjust
sensor if loose.
SpO2: No Pulse (DPM/Nellcor 1 No detectable pulse is 1 Check to patient
Only) measured. connection and patient

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Repair Information Troubleshooting Menus


SpO2: Failure 1 The system has detected 1 Power cycle unit. If
an unrecoverable failure message reappears,
of the SpO2 system. contact Technical
SpO2: Low Perfusion 1 Patient perfusion is low. 1 Check to patient
(Masimo/DPM only) connection and patient
SpO2: Too Much Light 1 There is too much 1 Minimize the room light
(Masimo/DPM only) ambient room light for the around the patient. Check
sensor to function sensor.
SpO2: Unrecognized Sensor 1 The monitor does not 1 Replace the sensor with a
(Masimo SET Only) recognize the sensor. recommended sensor.
SpO2: Communication Error 1 The monitor and the 1 Power cycle unit. If
SpO2 modules are not problem persists, contact
communicating properly. Technical Support.
SpO2: Board Fault 1 Masimo SET board failed 1 See Proper Service Menu:
(Masimo Only) to operate properly. Suggestion.
SpO2: Sensor Fault 1 Defective Sensor. 1 Replace Sensor.
SpO2: Motion 1 Motion is detected. 1 Decrease patient motion,
(Nellcor Only) check sensor.
SpO2: Weak Pulse 1 Low pulse amplitude. 1 Contact Technical
(Nellcor Only) Support.
SpO2: Low Signal 1 The SpO2 signal is too 1 Check sensor placement,
(Nellcor Only) low or too weak. move as necessary.
2 Switch limb / Notify
SpO2: Check Sensor 1 The SpO2 module has 1 Reconnect the same
(Nellcor Only) sensed a poor connection sensor. If problem
or a bad sensor. persists, replace sensor.
SpO2: Weak Signal 1 The SpO2 signal is too 1 Check patient.
(Nellcor Only) low or too weak. 2 Reposition sensor.
3 Change sensor.
Unable to obtain SpO2 1 Patient has poor 1 Switch limbs / Notify
reading perfusion. Sensor not on physician.
Patient. 2 Reapply sensor.
2 Cables loose / not 3 Check connections,
connected. switch cable.
3 Ambient light. 4 Switch limbs and cover
sensor with opaque
No SpO2 waveform 1 Waveform not selected to 1 Go to the Display Setup
Display. Menu, choose to display
2 Cable or sensor not Pleth in the waveform
plugged in. area.
2 Check cable and sensor.
SpO2: Initialization Error 1 No response after send 1 Contact Technical
order during Support.

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Troubleshooting Menus Repair Information


SpO2: Communication Error 1 The monitor and the 1 Contact Technical
SpO2 modules are not Support.
communicating properly.
SpO2: Communication Stop 1 As the SpO2 module 1 Contact Technical
communication stops, the Support.
data packets sent by the
SpO2 module can not be

3.16.4 Temperature Troubleshooting


Temperature Probes not 1 Poor contact from probes 1 Check the body surface
Working to body. contact at the probe tip.
2 Reposition or apply
thermoconductive gel.
Temperature not displayed 1 Improper display setup. 1 Check display setup in
2 Cable not plugged in. Monitor Setup Menu and
change as desired.
2 Check the cable.
Temp: Communication Stop 1 As the Temp module 1 Contact Technical
communication stops, the Support.
data packets sent by the
Temp module can not be
Temp: Communication Error 1 Temp module 1 Contact Technical
communication error. The Support.
command can not be
send correctly.
Temp: SelfTest Error 1 Module sends out error 1 Contact Technical
during selftest because of Support.
some unspecified
Temp: Calibration Error 1 A calibration failed. 1 Restart the monitor.
2 Contact Technical
Temp: Initialization Error 1 During the Temperature 1 Contact Technical
module power-on, as the Support.
Temperature module
communication stops,
system fails to
communicate with

3 - 42 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Repair Information Troubleshooting Menus

3.16.5 Resp Troubleshooting


Resp. Waveform Too Large 1 Scales set 1 Change lead selection.
inappropriately. 2 Change Respiration
Resp. Waveform Too Small 1 Patient breathing is 1 Change lead selection.
shallow or patient is 2 Change respiration scale.
turned on side.Scale set
False Apnea Alarm 1 Apnea delay may be 1 Choose another apnea
improperly set. delay.
2 Patient may be having 2 Reposition electrodes to
frequent episodes of CVA. better detect respirations.
3 Scale size may be too 3 Change Respiration
low. scale.
No Resp. Waveform or Rate 1 Respiration turned Off. 1 Turn respiration On (Off
Displayed 2 Patient connected using will be displayed in Resp.
ESIS choke cable. window).
3 Cable not connected. 2 Check that proper patient
cable is used. Use non
ESIS patient cable.
3 Check cable.
“CHK Lead” Message 1 Increased impedance 1 Prep chest.
caused by one of the 2 Change electrodes.
following: 3 Replace electrode.
2 Chest hair under 4 Replace lead.
electrodes. 5 Replace lead wires.
3 Dried electrode gel. 6 Clean and abrade skin
4 Electrode off. Lead off. before applying
5 Cracked lead wires. electrodes.
6 Poor skin prep.
Resp high impedance 1 Connections not tight 1 Ensure proper
and/or properly secured. connection. (Electrode to
2 Electrodes dry or loose. lead, lead to cable, cable
3 Cable or lead wires to monitor).
damaged. 2 Re-prep skin and apply
fresh, moist electrodes.
3 Check with continuity
“CVA” Message 1 Can be caused by 1 Check the patient.
shallow breathing or an 2 Adjust scales or leads if
apnea event. necessary. Check the
2 Patient HR and patient.
respiratory rate identical.
Resp: Initialization Error 1 During the Resp module 1 Contact Technical
power-on, as the Resp Support.
module communication
stops, system fails to
communicate with

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Troubleshooting Menus Repair Information


Resp: Communication Error 1 System cannot 1 Restart the monitor. If the
communicate correctly error still appears, please
with Resp module, and contact Technical
receive the error data Support.
Resp: Communication Stop 1 As the Resp module 1 Contact Technical
communication stops, the Support.
data packets sent by the
module can not be

3.16.6 IBP Troubleshooting


Damped Invasive Waveform 1 Air bubbles in tubing. 1 Eliminate air from tubing.
2 Kinked catheter. 2 Change position of
3 Catheter against wall of catheter, check patient.
blood vessel. 3 Check for leaks at
4 Blood in tubing connector, flush catheter.
5 Catheter partially 4 Pump pressure bag up to
occluded with clot. 300 mmHg.
5 Consult physician.
IBP not Displayed / No IBP 1 Improper Setup. 1 Check display setup in
Waveform 2 Cable not plugged in monitor setup.
3 Transducer not 2 Check cable.
connected. 3 Check transducer
4 Stopcock turned connection.
improperly. 4 Check transducer.
5 Transducer not zeroed. 5 Check and zero the
Abnormally High or Low 1 Transducer too HIGH or 1 Check patient adjust
readings too LOW. transducer, re-zero.
Sensor Off 1 The IBP sensor 1 Reconnect sensor, re-zero
disconnected from the IBP channel.
patient or the monitor.
Sensor Off. Cannot Zero! 1 Sensor Off. And can not 1 Reconnect sensor, re-zero
zero IBP channel. IBP channel.
Pulsatile Pressure. Cannot 1 Input the pulsatile 1 Input the static pressure,
Zero! pressure, can not zero IBP re-zero IBP channel.
Pressure Overrange. Cannot 1 The pressure is 1 Check the static pressure
Zero! overrange, can not zero value, re-zero IBP
IBP channel. channel.
Initialization Error 1 During the IBP module 1 Contact Technical
power-on, as the IBP Support.
module communication
stops, system fails to
communicate with

3 - 44 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Repair Information Troubleshooting Menus


Communication Error 1 IBP communication error. 1 Power cycle unit. If
The command can not be message reappears,
send correctly. contact Technical
Communication Stop 1 As the IBP module 1 Power cycle unit. If
communication stops, the message reappears,
data packets sent by the contact Technical
IBP module can not be Support.

3.16.7 CO2 Troubleshooting


CO2: Check Flow Rate 1 The system has detected a 1 Check Filterline and
(Microstream only) high or low flow rate. replace if necessary.
CO2: Filtering Disconnected 1 Filtering disconnected. 1 Connect Filterline to
(Microstream only) monitor.
CO2: Purge 1 Sample line is blocked or 1 Check sample line. Clear
(Microstream only) kinked. blockage or kink or
replace with a new
sample line.
CO2: Occlusion 1 Sample line is blocked or 1 Check sample line. Clear
(Microstream only) kinked. blockage or kink or
replace with a new
sample line.
CO2: Sensor High Temperature 1 Temperature over ranges 1 Check, stop using or
(DPM only) high limit checked by replace the sensor.
CO2: Sensor Low Temperature 1 Temperature over ranges 1 Check, stop using or
(DPM only) low limit checked by replace the sensor.
CO2: High Airway Press. 1 Measurement of Flux 1 Check airway's output
(DPM only) Sensor in module is and connection.
higher than 790 mmHg. 2 If problems remain, return
it to factory for
CO2: Low Airway Press. 1 Measurement of Flux 1 Check airway's output
(DPM only) Sensor in module is less and connection.
than 400 mmHg. 2 If problems remain exist,
return it to factory for
CO2: High Barometric 1 Atmospheric pressure is 1 Check the CO2
(DPM only) too high (higher than connections, make sure
790mmHg). that the monitor
application site meets the
requirements, and check
for special sources that
affect the ambient
2 Restart the monitor.

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 3 - 45

Troubleshooting Menus Repair Information


CO2: Low Barometric 1 Atmospheric pressure is 1 Check the CO2
(DPM only) too low (lower than connections, make sure
428mmHg). that the monitor
application site meets the
requirements, and check
for special sources that
affect the ambient
2 Restart the monitor.
CO2: FilterLine Error 1 Filterline is leaked or 1 Check if there is a leak in
(DPM only) blocked. the CO2 sample line or
the CO2 sample line has
been occluded.
CO2: Initialization Error 1 No response after send 1 Contact Technical
(DPM/Microstream only) order during Support.
CO2: SelfTest Error 1 Module can not work 1 Contact Technical
(DPM/Microstream only) because of software fault, Support.
circuit error, etc.
CO2: Communication Error 1 The monitor receives 1 Contact Technical
(DPM/Microstream only) wrong response from Support.
CO2 module.
CO2: Communication Stop 1 Sending out order is 1 Contact Technical
(DPM/Microstream only) failed during work. Support.
CO2: Check Airway 1 Airway Error 1 Check airway
(Microstream only) connection.
CO2: Main Board Error 1 Module has problems. 1 Reset the module.
(Microstream only) 2 Contact Technical
CO2: Replace Scrubber & 1 Module has problems. 1 Restart the monitor.
Pump 2 Contact Technical
(Microstream only) Support.
CO2: 15V Overrange 1 Power supply to module is 1 Check power supply.
(Microstream only) out of range. 2 Restart the monitor.
3 Contact Technical
CO2: Hardware Error 1 Module has problems. 1 Restart the monitor.
(DPM only) 2 Contact Technical
CO2: No Watertrap 1 No watertrap on CO2 1 Make sure to plug-in
(DPM only) module water trap, and make
sure it is firmly connected
and fastened.
CO2: Temperature Overrange 1 Temperature sensor 1 Make sure the device is
(Microstream only) installed in the gas cell not working in extreme
has read temperature hot or cold condition.
value below 5 or above Apply cooling or heating
70. if possible.
CO2: Check Sensor 1 Possible Faulty sensor. 1 Replace the module.
(Microstream only) 2 Contact Technical

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Repair Information Troubleshooting Menus


CO2: Warming up 1 The CO2 sensor has not 1 It takes typically 30
(DPM/Microstream only) reached its operating seconds for the sensor to
temperature. warm up.
2 Wait for the message to
go away.
CO2: Startup 1 The CO2 is starting up. 1 Wait for the message to
(DPM only) go away.
Calibration Completed 1 Calibration finished and /
Successfully successful.
(DPM/Microstream only)
Not Ready For Calibration 1 Module in unable to 1 Repeat calibration
(DPM/Microstream only) initialize calibration. procedure. If problem
persists, contact Technical
CO2: Zeroing... 1 The device is adjusting 1 This is normal operation.
(DPM/Microstream only) the sensor signal to Wait for message to
predefined range for clear.
better measurement.
CO2: Zero Failed 1 Signal cannot be adjusted 1 Check the CO2
(DPM/Microstream only) to predefined range connections. After the
within zeroing duration. sensor's temperature
becomes stabilized,
perform a zero
calibration again. If
problem persists, contact
Technical Support.
Calibration Error 1 The actual concentration 1 Make sure the
(DPM/Microstream only) of calibration gas applied concentration value
is in wide discrepancy entered is the same as the
with the concentration calibration gas applied.
value entered by the user 2 Repeat calibration
in the Calibration dialog. procedure. If problem
persists, contact Technical
Caused by no gas or wrong 1 No gas or wrong gas 1 Check the gas
gas concentration concentration. connections or gas
(Microstream only) concentration. Repeat
calibration procedure. If
problem persists, contact
Technical Support.
Caused by Measurement Error 1 Measurement Error 1 Repeat calibration
(Microstream only) procedure. If problem
persists, contact Technical
Caused by no stable gas flow 1 No stable gas flow 1 Check the gas
(Microstream only) connections or gas
concentration. Repeat
calibration procedure. If
problem persists, contact
Technical Support.

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 3 - 47

Troubleshooting Menus Repair Information

3.16.8 Gas Module Troubleshooting


GM: Agents Uncalibrated 1 Appears after an 1 Ensure proper gas mixture
unsuccessful calibration is attached tightly and
attempt of the agent regulator is on. Repeat
sensor. The numeric data calibration procedure. If
for all agents will appear problem persists, contact
as XXX, and the agent Technical Support.
waveform will be a
GM: CO2 Uncalibrated 1 Appears after an 1 Ensure proper gas mixture
unsuccessful calibration is attached tightly and
attempt of the CO2 regulator is on. Repeat
sensor. The numeric data calibration procedure. If
for CO2 will appear as problem persists, contact
XXX, and the CO2 Technical Support.
waveform will be a
GM: N2O Uncalibrated 1 Appears after an 1 Ensure proper gas mixture
unsuccessful calibration is attached tightly and
attempt of the N2O regulator is on. Repeat
sensor. The numeric data calibration procedure. If
for N2O will appear as problem persists, contact
XXX, and the N2O Technical Support.
waveform will be a
GM: O2 Uncalibrated 1 Appears after an 1 Ensure proper gas mixture
unsuccessful calibration is attached tightly and
attempt of the O2 sensor. regulator is on. Repeat
The numeric data for O2 calibration procedure. If
will appear as XXX, and problem persists, contact
the O2 waveform will be Technical Support.
a flatline.
GM: Agent Zero Error 1 Appears when the system 1 Manually start zeroing
has been unable to the system again. If
successfully zero the problem persists, contact
anesthetic agent sensor. Technical Support.
GM: CO2 Zero Error 1 Appears when the system 1 Manually start zeroing
has been unable to the system again. If
successfully zero the CO2 problem persists, contact
sensor. Technical Support.
GM: N2O Zero Error 1 Appears when the system 1 Manually start zeroing
has been unable to the system again. If
successfully zero the N2O problem persists, contact
sensor. Technical Support.
GM: O2 Zero Error 1 Appears when the system 1 Manually start zeroing
has been unable to the system again. If
successfully zero the O2 problem persists, contact
sensor. Technical Support.

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Repair Information Troubleshooting Menus


GM: Cannot Zero...Retrying 1 Appears when 1 Allow system to retry
Passport V requests without intervention. If
Zeroing (either on the problem persist, contact
automatic cycle or by a Technical Support.
user request) and the Gas
Module is unable to
initialize the cycle.
GM: Warming Up 1 Appears when the system 1 Wait for the message to
has been turned on, and go away. It takes up to
the sensors have not five minutes for the device
reached their stable to warm up.
operating temperature.
GM: Air Leak 1 Appears when the system 1 Turn Gas Module and
detects a pneumatic leak. Passport V Off.
2 Also may appear when 2 Install/check sample
the Gas Module has been lines, filters, water trap
turned on without a and electrical
sample line attached. connections.
3 Gas Module has been on 3 Turn off Gas Module. Turn
for a long period of time on Gas Module and
without Passport V Passport V Monitor
Monitor being on.
GM: Replace Trap 1 Indicates residue build-up 1 Replace water trap
on the water trap reservoir.
membrane that is
decreasing airflow.
GM: Exhaust Blocked 1 Appears when the system 1 Remove waste gas
detects a blockage at the scavenging assembly,
exhaust gas outlet, as check if message
indicated by an increase disappears.Check
in internal pressure. exhaust line for blockage
and clear if possible. If
message persists contact
Technical Support.
GM: Failed 1 Appears when the Gas 1 Contact Technical
Module detects an Support.
unrecoverable error in its
own operation.
GM: Occlusion 1 Appears when the system 1 Empty and rinse water
detects an obstruction in trap. Change water trap,
the sampling line or the if necessary,
water trap bottle is full. 2 Check sampling line and
filter for blockage, clear
sampling line if possible.
Replace sampling line
and/or filter if necessary.
3 Check exhaust line for
blockage and clear if
possible. If problem
persists, contact Technical
GM: Pump Off 1 Appears when the system 1 Restart the pump from the
has turned off the pump Gas Menu. If problem
due to a pneumatic error. persists, contact Technical

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Troubleshooting Menus Repair Information


GM: Unknown Agent 1 Appears when the system 1 Use recognized agent.
detects a gas that does
not match the
spectroscopic signatures
of the five known
anesthetic agents.
Sampling Error 1 Appears when a 1 Repeat calibration
sampling error occurs on procedure. If problem
one or more Gas Module persists, contact Technical
channels during Support.
Not Ready For Calibration 1 Appears when the Gas 1 Repeat calibration
Module is unable to procedure. If problem
initialize calibration. persists, contact Technical
Zeroing Error 1 Appears when the Gas 1 Repeat calibration
Module cannot perform a procedure. If problem
Zeroing during persists, contact Technical
calibration. Support.
GM: Communication Error 1 System cannot 1 Restart the monitor. If the
communicate correctly error still appears, please
with Resp module, and contact Technical
receive the error data Support.
GM: Disconnected 1 Appears when the 1 Ensure Gas Module is
Passport V cannot turned on and interface
detect signals being sent cable is properly
by the Gas Module. connected. If problem
persists, contact Technical

3.16.9 Trends Troubleshooting


No Trends displayed 1 Trend page is scrolled. 1 Use scroll button in Trend
Menu to scroll to top of
Trend Menu.
Patient data is missing when 1 Data storage card 1 Contact Technical
power cycling unit abnormal. Support.

3.16.10 Remote/Local Printer Troubleshooting


Local Printer Report Appears 1 Thermal paper may be 1 Remove paper and re-
Totally Blank installed incorrectly (up- install with paper feeding
side down). off of the spool from the
Local Printer Door Open 1 The printer door is not 1 Close the printer door.
Local Printer Out Of Paper 1 Printer out of paper. 1 Replace with a new roll of

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Repair Information Troubleshooting Menus


Local Printer Busy 1 Printer received multiple 1 Wait until the printer is
print requests at one time. not busy.
Local Printer Unable To Print 1 The system has detected 1 Power cycle unit. If
an unrecoverable printer message reappears,
failure. contact Technical
Check Remote Printer 1 Remote printer is busy, 1 Check remote printer.
disconnected, out of
paper or has a fault
No print on Alarm 1 Alarm printing not active. 1 Go to Alarm Setting
Menu and set Print on
Alarm to Active, then set
Local Printer to On.
Trends not printing 1 Print Trend not pressed. 1 Press Print Trend when
2 No Trends displayed. trend window is open.
3 No paper. Use scroll feature to scroll
to the top of the trend,
then press Print Trend.
2 Check / Replace paper.
Local Printer Comm Error 1 Thermal paper may be 1 Remove paper and re-
installed incorrectly (up- install with paper feeding
side down). off of the spool from the
Local Printer SelfTest Error 1 The printer door is not 1 Close the printer door.
Thermal Printhead Overheated 1 Printer out of paper. 1 Replace with a new roll of
Printer Buffer Full 1 The printer buffer is full. /
No printer selected or 1 No printer selected is 1 Check the selected printer
available available from the from the network and
network. make sure the printer
model is supported by
Passport V monitor.
Remote Printer Not Available 1 This message is displayed 1 Fix the printer.
in the case of a printer

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Troubleshooting Menus Repair Information

3.16.11 Monitor/Display Troubleshooting


No trace for a desired 1 Improper attachment of 1 Check transducer / cable
parameter transducer or cable to connection.
monitor. 2 Replace transducer or
2 Faulty transducer or cable.
Display Appears to be Off 1 Mains power switch may 1 Check mains power
not be on. switch on side panel.
2 Unit may not be plugged 2 Check if power cord is
into an AC outlet. plugged into an AC
3 If used as a portable, outlet.
battery pack may be 3 If battery pack is drained,
drained. plug into an AC outlet to
recharge the battery.
Power unit back on.
Contact Technical
Disabled Alarm Tone 1 Silence key pressed. 1 Check for alarm silence
2 Beep volume low. symbol and message.
2 Increase beep volume.
Cooling Fan Failure 1 The unit running on AC 1 Contact Technical
power and the cooling Support.
fan is not operational.
Patient Information did not 1 No data entered. 1 Enter proper patient data.
appear on display 2 Done was not selected 2 Go to the proper keypad,
from keypad after enter data, and select
entering data. Done when finished.
Incorrect Date or Time 1 Data not entered or 1 Follow instructions from
entered incorrectly. “How to Set the Clock /
Date and Time”.

3.16.12 Remote View Troubleshooting


The patient monitor is 1 Incorrect LAN cable 1 Check LAN cable
connected to a LAN but cannot connection. connection. LAN cable
view other patients in the 2 Excessive requests for shall not be longer than
Remote View window. viewing the patient 50m.
monitor at the same time. 2 A patient monitor can
3 Incorrect IP configuration. only be viewed by 4
other patient monitors at
the same time. The
excessive view requests
system will be ignored.
3 Check for IP address
conflict. Reconfigure IP

3 - 52 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Repair Information Installation Menu

3.17 Installation Menu

3.17.1 Installation Mode

FIGURE 3-69 Installation Menu

The following items are set through the Installation Mode menu: Language, Date Format,
Time Format, NIBP Timeout, Temperature Units, Weight Units, Height Units, CO2 Units, ECG
Standard, Notch Filter, ESU Filter, SpO2 Sensor Off Audio, SpO2 Tones, Enable Arrhythmia
All Off Selection, Apnea Latch, Enable Silence All Permanent Selection, Auxiliary Output,
Nurse Call Mode, Set up Serial Port 1, Set up Serial Port 2, Copy Monitor Defaults to
Storage Device, Copy Monitor defaults from Storage Device, Reboot in demo mode, Restore
factory defaults, Advanced Installation Setup, Change Password, and Options.

1. Enter Installation Mode by pressing and holding the Discharge key while powering on
the monitor.
2. Set each item as necessary. The operation of the menu is the same as that of the normal
operating mode. To save all of the selected settings, choose Save Current before exiting
this menu. To access the normal operation screen, power the unit OFF and ON again.

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 3 - 53

Installation Menu Repair Information

The following table describes the Installation Menu structure:

Save Current Select to save current
settings as defaults.
Select Language English, French, English Select to change
German, Italian, language.
Spanish, Portuguese,
Russian, Dutch
Date Format M/D/Y, D/M/Y, Y/ M/D/Y Select to change date
M/D format.
Time Format 12 hour, 24 hour 12 hour Select to change time
NIBP Timeout 15min, 30min, 15min Selects time old and
45min, 60min data is removed from
Temperature Units ºC, ºF ºF Select to change
temperature units.
Weight Units kg, lbs lbs Select to change
weight units.
Height Units cm, Ft/inches inches Select to change
height units.
CO2 Units mmHg, %, kPa mmHg Select to change CO2
ECG Standard AHA, IEC AHA Select to change ECG
lead standard.
Notch Filter 50Hz, 60Hz 60Hz Select to change notch
filter frequency.
ESU Filter Auto, Disable Auto Select to change ESU
Filter setting.
SpO2 Sensor Off Off, Once, Repeat Off Select to change
Audio SpO2 Sensor Off
SpO2 Tones Standard Tones, Standard Tones Select to change the
Alternative Tones SpO2 tones.
Enable Arrhythmia All Yes, No No Select to enable or
Off Selection disable the Arrhythmia
All Off menu
Apnea Latch On, Off On Select to turn apnea
alarm latching on or
Enable Silence All Yes, No No Select to enable or
Permanent Selection disable the Permanent
Audio Off menu
Auxiliary Output Nurse Call, Analog Nurse Call Select to change the
Output, Defib Sync Auxiliary Output.
Nurse Call Mode Normally Open, Normally Open Select to change
Normally Close Nurse Call Mode.
Set up Serial Port 1 None, DIAP, Gas None Select to set up a
Module serial output protocol

3 - 54 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Repair Information Installation Menu

Set up Serial Port 2 None, DIAP, Gas None Select to set up a
Module serial output protocol
Copy Monitor Defaults Select to copy the
to Storage Device monitor defaults and
settings to the DPM SB
storage device.
Copy Monitor Defaults Select to copy the
from Storage Device monitor defaults and
settings from the DPM
SB storage device.
Re-boot in demo mode Yes, No No Set to YES to start the
monitor in demo mode
on next power-up.
Normal monitoring
will resume after
cycling power in
demo mode.
Restore factory Select to restore
defaults factory defaults.
Advanced Setup Select to view/edit
Advanced Setup.
Change Password Select to change
Options Select to view/edit

Transferring Monitor Default Settings

When installing several monitors with identical display and alarm settings, a DPM SB storage
device can be used to copy the settings from monitor to monitor.

1. Insert the DPM SB storage device into the SB slot of the source monitor.
2. Access the Installation menu by pressing and holding the Discharge key while
powering on the monitor.
3. Select Copy Monitor Defaults to Storage Device. A status message will report completion
of the transfer.
4. Remove the DPM SB storage device and insert it into the SB slot of the receiving monitor.
5. Enter Installation Mode on the receiving monitor by pressing and holding the
Discharge key while powering on the monitor.
6. Select Copy Monitor Defaults from Storage Device. A status message will report
completion of the transfer.
7. Select Save Current and power-cycle the receiving monitor to enter normal monitoring

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 3 - 55

Installation Menu Repair Information

3.17.2 Advanced Installation Setup Menu

FIGURE 3-70 Advanced Setup Menu

This menu is accessed by selecting Advanced Installation Setup from the Installation Menu.
Select each letter using the Navigator Knob. When finished, rotate to Previous Menu and
select using the Navigator Knob.

DIAP Baud Rate 9600, 19200 9600 Select to change the
DIAP baud rate.
Enable Network Wired, Wireless Wired Select to change
IP Address [0,255] Select to set up IP
Subnet Mask ID [0,255] Select to set up Subnet
Mask ID.
Configure Wireless Select to configure
AP wireless AP.
Search Printer Select to search
Paper Size A4, Letter A4 Select to change
paper size.
Device ID

3 - 56 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Repair Information Trend Storage

3.17.3 Options Menu

FIGURE 3-71 Options Menu

Select Update Monitor From Storage Device from Options Menu to update the monitor via
DPM SB storage device. Updating via DPM SB storage device can only be used to enable
certain system functions.

The Update button only appears on the left of an item not yet updated (with “/” on the right)
after Update Monitor From Storage Device is selected and license file verification is passed.
When Update is selected, updating will begin. When update is complete, Permanent will be
displayed in Expiration column. If Update is selected again before the update is completed,
updating will be cancelled and “/” will be displayed.

3.18 Trend Storage

The Passport V monitor is capable of storing, in non-volatile memory, up to 6000 trend
data entries. When the maximum number of entries has been reached, the oldest entry will
be deleted to allow storage of new data.

Patient information and trend data stored in the CF card will be available if the monitor
restarts within one hour after being powered off. Otherwise, the data will be deleted.

The CF card is a standard configuration.

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 3 - 57

Software Download Repair Information

3.19 Software Download

There are two ways to perform a software download: using PC Software Upgrade Tool to
update the monitor via the network, or reading the license in the DPM SB storage device to
update the monitor.

The PC Software Upgrade Tool can create a network update package and license only when
the software is installed through the administrator’s serial number. The user can use the
upgrade package to upgrade the patient monitor.

To access the update mode, press the panel key Trends while powering up the monitor. If an
update signal from the same network is detected, the monitor starts to update software.

The monitor screen will indicate the BIOS version, Host software version, module version,
and corresponding status message. The status message “Upgrade is successful! Disconnect
the network cable, and reboot the monitor.” will display after download is complete.

To update by DPM SB storage device, select Options in installation mode. The update button
only appears after Update Monitor From Storage Device is selected and license file
verification is passed.

When Update is selected, updating will begin. When update is complete, Permanent will be
displayed in the Expiration column. If Update is selected again before update is complete,
updating will be cancelled and “/” will be displayed.

Updating by DPM SB storage device can only be used to enable certain system functions.

3 - 58 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

4.0 Isometric Drawings and Parts List

4.1 Introduction
This chapter provides information necessary to identify the replacement parts and assemblies
of instruments.

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 4-1

Top Level Assembly Isometric Drawings and Parts List

4.2 Top Level Assembly

FIGURE 4-1 Top Level Assembly

4-2 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Isometric Drawings and Parts List Top Level Assembly


1 Knob service kit 801-6100-00007-00
2 Overlay, Keypad, English 6100-20-86264-51
2 Overlay, Keypad, German 6100-20-86264-52
2 Overlay, Keypad, French 6100-20-86264-53
2 Overlay, Keypad, Spanish 6100-20-86264-54
2 Overlay, Keypad, Italian 6100-20-86264-55
2 Overlay, Keypad, Dutch 6100-20-86264-56
2 Overlay, Keypad, Russian 043-001681-00
2 Overlay, Keypad, Brazilian Portuguese 6100-20-86264-57
2 Overlay, Keypad Without IBP, English 6100-20-86341-51
2 Overlay, Keypad Without IBP, German 6100-20-86341-52
2 Overlay, Keypad Without IBP, French 6100-20-86341-53
2 Overlay, Keypad Without IBP, Spanish 6100-20-86341-54
2 Overlay, Keypad Without IBP, Italian 6100-20-86341-55
2 Overlay, Keypad Without IBP, Dutch 6100-20-86341-56
2 Overlay, Keypad Without IBP, Russian 043-001682-00
2 Overlay, Keypad Without IBP, Brazilian Portuguese 6100-20-86341-57
3 Keypad, English 6100-20-86265-51
3 Keypad, German 6100-20-86265-52
3 Keypad, French 6100-20-86265-53
3 Keypad, Spanish 6100-20-86265-54
3 Keypad, Italian 6100-20-86265-55
3 Keypad, Dutch 6100-20-86265-56
3 Keypad, Russian 049-000294-00
3 Keypad, Brazilian Portuguese 6100-20-86265-57
4 Label, Patient Connector, All 6100-20-86316-51
4 Label, Patient Connector, Basic 6100-20-86346-51
4 Label, Patient Connector, ECG/NIBP/T1/IBP 6100-20-86347-51
4 Label, Patient Connector, ECG/NIBP/T1/CO2 6100-20-86348-51
5 Label, Product Information 6100-20-86317
6 Bedrail Hook 801-6100-00001-00

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 4-3

Main Unit Assembly Isometric Drawings and Parts List

4.3 Main Unit Assembly

FIGURE 4-2 Main Unit Assembly


1 Front Housing Sub-assembly N/A
2 Cable Assembly, Parameter board to Mainboard 9211-20-87225
3 Cable Assembly, Parameter board to Interface Board 9211-20-87237
4 Local Printer door 043-000184-00
4 Local Printer 801-6101-00011-00
5 Power Switch with Cable Assembly 6100-21-86306
6 Screw, Pan Head Phillips M3X6 M04-002505---
7 Sub-assembly, Rear Housing N/A
8 AC Inlet Hook 9211-20-87369
9 Screw, Flat Head Phillips M3X8 M04-000405---
10 Sub-assembly, Main Chassis N/A
11 Microstream CO2 Module Assembly 801-6100-00029-00
11 DPM CO2 Module Assembly 801-6100-00030-00
12 Sub-Assembly, Parameter board subassembly N/A

4-4 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Isometric Drawings and Parts List Front Housing Sub-assembly

4.4 Front Housing Sub-assembly



FIGURE 4-3 Front Housing Sub-assembly


1 Insulator, Inverter N/A
2 CCFL Inverter Unit 801-6100-00003-00
3 PCBA, main board service kit 801-6100-00004-00
4 Screw, Pan Head W/Washer Phillips M3X6 M04-004012---
5 Plate, Front Housing 6100-20-86263
6 Screw, Flat Head Phillips M3X6 M04-005005---
7 12.1 Inch TFT-LCD Module kit 801-6100-00033-00
8 Encoder, Optical,16 pos. 5VDC Dip6 0000-10-10789
9 Spring, EMI 0000-10-10996
10 Spacer 043-001578-00
11 Spacer Gasket 047-004776-00
12 PCBA, Keypad 801-6100-00006-00
13 Front housing service kit 801-6100-00005-00

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 4-5

Front Housing Sub-assembly Isometric Drawings and Parts List


14 Lens, Alarm Light 6100-20-86267
15 PCBA, Alarm Light 801-6100-00008-00
16 Screw, Self-Tapping PT2X6 M04-051003---
17 Cable Assembly, Mainboard to Keypad PCBA 6100-20-86304
18 Cable Assembly, Inverter to Mainboard 9211-20-87235
19 Overlay, Alarm Light 6100-20-86268

4-6 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Isometric Drawings and Parts List Rear Housing Sub-assembly

4.5 Rear Housing Sub-assembly

FIGURE 4-4 Rear Housing Sub-assembly


1 Handle service kit 801-6100-00009-00
2 Rear Housing service kit 801-6100-00010-00
3 Foot DA6H-20-22831

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 4-7

Isometric Drawings and Parts List Main Chassis Sub-assembly

Main Chassis Sub-assembly

FIGURE 4-5 Main Chassis Sub-assembly


Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 4-8

Isometric Drawings and Parts List Main Chassis Sub-assembly


1 Interface Connector PCB Assembly 801-6100-00025-00
2 Cable from the interface board to CF card board 6100-20-86302
3 CF card assembly 801-6100-00012-00
4 Storage card CF card 1GB iCF4000 801-0000-00006-00
5 Speaker bolster plate 6100-20-86281
6 Fan service kit 801-6100-00013-00
7 Plate, Fan Retaining 6101-20-46731
8 Screw, Flat Head Phillips M3X25 M04-051172---
9 Module, Wireless AP 801-6100-00014-00
10 Retainer plate, speaker 6100-20-86280
11 Speaker gasket 6006-20-39418
12 Screw, Combined screw M3X8 N/A
13 Speaker cable 4ohm 2W 350mm 020-000001-00
14 Gasket, Speaker pressure plate and spacer 8002-20-36218
15 AC Inlet with Cable Assembly 9211-20-87221
16 Grounding terminal 0509-20-00098
17 Serrated lock washers external teeth GB/T862.2-1987 6 M04-021048---
plated with anti-rustiness nickel
18 Washer, Grounding pillar 6100-20-86393
19 Bracket, AC Inlet N/A
20 PCBA, Power Supply 801-6100-00015-00
21 Insulator, Power Supply Board N/A
22 Screw, Flat Head Phillips M3X6 N/A
23 Battery latch 6100-20-86255
24 Battery latch spring 6100-20-86252
25 Battery compartment overlay 6100-20-86406
26 Clapboard, battery (tool HM-070) 9000-20-07329
27 Screw, Flat Head Self-Tapping PT3X8 N/A
28 Bracket, Main N/A
29 Battery latch retaining plate N/A
30 Spring, EMI 0000-10-10996
31 PCBA, Li-Battery 801-6100-00016-00
32 Nut, Lock WasherM3 N/A
33 Cable Assembly, Local Printer 9211-20-87228
34 Plate, Local Printer Mounting N/A
35 Screw, Pan Head W/Washer Phillips M3X6 M04-004012---

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 4-9

Interface Connector PCB Assembly Isometric Drawings and Parts List

4.7 Interface Connector PCB Assembly

FIGURE 4-6 Interface Connector PCB Assembly


1 Spring, EMI M6T-030006---
2 Bracket, Interface Board Mounting 6100-20-86277
3 Seal (O-ring) 9.5X1.8 silicone A75 (brown) M6M-010009---
4 Silica gel waterproof wrap, SB 6100-20-86275
5 PCBA, Power Supply Management and Interface Use assembly P/N
6 Bracket, Interface Board Top N/A
7 Bracket, Interface Board Bottom N/A
8 Gasket, Network Socket 9211-20-87440
9 Screw, Pan Head W/Washer Phillips M3X6 M04-004012---
10 Spring, EMI 0000-10-10996

4 - 10 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Isometric Drawings and Parts List Parameter Sub-assembly

4.8 Parameter Sub-assembly

FIGURE 4-7 Parameter Sub-assembly


1 Screw, Pan Head W/Washer Phillips M3X6 M04-004012---
2 Module, Integrated Parameter 801-6100-00017-00
3 Frame, Parameter Board Mounting 6100-20-86276
4 Cable Assembly, NIBP 6100-20-86305
5 NIBP Module Assembly 801-6100-00026-00
6 Masimo SpO2 Module Assembly 801-6100-00028-00
6 Nellcor SpO2 Module Assembly 801-6100-00027-00
6 DPM SpO2 Module Assembly 801-6100-00024-00
7 Sub-assembly, Patient Connector 801-6100-00018-00

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 4 - 11

Patient Connector Sub-assembly Isometric Drawings and Parts List

4.9 Patient Connector Sub-assembly

FIGURE 4-8 Patient Connector Sub-assembly


1 Blank Cover Plate, CO2 Opening 6100-20-86297
1 Watertrap assembly, Sidestream CO2 See DPM CO2 Module
1 Assembly, Micro-stream CO2 Receptacle 801-6100-00020-00
2 Gas Outlet 6200-20-11614
3 Assembly, NIBP Connector DA6H-20-22833
4 Parameter Connector Panel 6100-30-86328
5 Nut, Stainless Steel M5 GB6170 N/A

4 - 12 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Isometric Drawings and Parts List NIBP Module Assembly

4.10 NIBP Module Assembly

FIGURE 4-9 NIBP Module Assembly


1 Plate, NIBP Mounting N/A
2 PCBA, NIBP PCBA module 801-6100-00019-00
3 Connector. Elbow Reduction, 1/8" & 3/32" ID, White N/A
4 Connector Tee, 200Barb, 3/32" ID, White Nylon N/A
5 Tubing. Silicone, 1/16" X 3/16", TYGON 3350 (1feet) M6G-020006---
6 Air filter hose ID. 1/8", 25um S1-0378-02-0004
7 Valve, Quick Deflate 801-6101-00012-00
8 Screw, Pan Head Phillips M3X18 N/A
9 Proportional solenoid valve: normally open 801-6101-00013-00
10 Frame, NIBP Tubing Retaining N/A
11 Tubing, Silicone, Five Branch N/A
12 Screw, Pan Head Phillips M3X6 N/A
13 TUBE. Silicone, 1/8" X 1/4" X100ft,2800546-100 A21-000002---
14 Pump 801-6101-00018-00
15 Cable Assembly, NIBP 6100-20-86305
16 Screw, Self-Tapping PT2.6X6 N/A
17 Screw, Flat Head Phillips M2X4 N/A

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 4 - 13

Microstream CO2 Module Assembly Isometric Drawings and Parts List

4.11 Microstream CO2 Module Assembly

FIGURE 4-10 Microstream CO2 Module Assembly


1 Screw, Pan Head W/Washer Phillips M3X6 N/A
2 Bracket, Micro-Stream CO2 Mounting N/A
3 Cable Assembly, Micro-Stream CO2 to Transfer Board 9201-20-35932
4 PCBA, Micro-Stream CO2 Transfer N/A
5 Cable Assembly, Micro-Stream CO2 9211-20-87247
6 Screw, Pan Head Phillips M3X6 N/A
7 Module, Micro-Stream CO2 N/A
8 Assembly, Micro-stream CO2 Receptacle 801-6100-00020-00

4 - 14 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Isometric Drawings and Parts List DPM CO2 Module Assembly

4.12 DPM CO2 Module Assembly

FIGURE 4-11 DPM CO2 Module


1 Bracket, Sidestream CO2 Mounting N/A
2 Cable Assembly, Sidestream CO2 6100-20-86321
3 Screw, Pan Head Cross Recessed M3X6 N/A
4 Moisture exchanger (Nafion Tube for DPM CO2) M02A-10-25936
5 Cushion, water trap receptacle 6100-20-86355
6 Mounting Frame. DRYLINE, Flush 040-000226-00
7 Screw, Pan head Self-Tapping PT2X6 N/A
8 Tubing (ID 1/16’ OD 1/8’) (20feet) 3001-10-07069
9 Flush Mount, Water Trap 040-000225-00
10 Flow restrictor tube M02A-21-25944
11 Cable Assembly, Watertrap cable 009-000101-00
12 Module, CO2 Host (M02B) N/A
13 Screw, Pan Head W/Washer Phillips M3X6 M04-004012---

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 4 - 15

Masimo SpO2 PCB Assembly Isometric Drawings and Parts List

4.13 Masimo SpO2 PCB Assembly

FIGURE 4-12 Masimo SpO2 PCB Assembly


1 Large Flat Washer, GB96 3 N/A
2 Spring Washer, GB93 3 N/A
3 Screw, Stud M3X7 N/A
4 PCBA, Masimo Transfer Board 801-6101-00015-00
5 Communication cable. OEM SpO2 9211-20-87242
6 Screw, Pan Head W/Washer Phillips M3X6 M04-004012---
7 Nut, Stainless Steel M3 GB6170 N/A
8 Washer, insulating 3X1mm N/A
9 SpO2 flex cable assembly 2685 040-000150-00
10 Screw, Flat Head PhillipsM2.5X4 N/A
11 Frame, Masimo SpO2 Connector 6101-20-46720-52
12 Screw, Self-Tapping PT3X8 N/A
13 Screw, Pan Head Phillips M3X6 N/A
14 Masimo MS-2013 board 801-6101-00016-00

4 - 16 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Isometric Drawings and Parts List Nellcor SpO2 Module Assembly

4.14 Nellcor SpO2 Module Assembly

FIGURE 4-13 Nellcor SpO2 Module Assembly


1 Nellcor SpO2 board service kit 801-6100-00023-00
2 Nellcor cable assembly 801-6100-00022-00
3 Screw, Flat Head Phillips M2.5X4 N/A
4 Frame, Nellcor SpO2 Interface 6101-20-46719-52
5 Screw, Self-Tapping PT3X8 N/A
6 Nut, Stud M3X12 N/A
7 Screw, Phillips Pan Head Washer M3X18 N/A
8 Isolated power and signal conversion board PCBA, 801-6101-00017-00
Nellcor SpO2 module
9 Communication cable. OEM SpO2 9211-20-87242
10 Screw, Pan Head W/Washer Phillips M3X6 M04-004012---

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 4 - 17

Nellcor SpO2 Module Assembly Isometric Drawings and Parts List

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4 - 18 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

5.0 Calibration Procedure

5.1 Introduction
The following procedures are provided to verify the proper operation of the Passport V
Monitor. Service Diagnostics provides the capability of diagnosing problems within the
Passport V hardware. A menu driven interface, similar to that of the Passport V user
interface, is used to execute all tests.

CAUTION: Calibration is not to be performed while monitoring a


5.2 Warnings and Guidelines

If the instrument covers are removed, observe the following warnings and general guidelines:

1. Do not short component leads together.

2. Perform all steps in the exact order given.
3. Use extreme care when reaching inside the opened instrument. Do not contact exposed
metal parts which may become electrically active.
4. Read and understand each step of the procedure prior to beginning the step.

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 5-1

Test Equipment and Special Tools Required Calibration Procedure

5.3 Test Equipment and Special Tools Required

• Digital/Mercury manometer with bulb and valve 0-500 mmHg - Accuracy 0.25% Full
• Test Chamber/Dummy Cuff - P/Ns 0138-00-0001-01 (700 cc), 0138-00-0001-03 (500
• Digital Voltmeter
• Patient Simulator
• Digital Flow Meter
• CO2 Calibration Gas P/N 0075-00-0033-01
• Calibration Gas Regulator P/N 0119-00-0166
• GM Calibration Gas P/N 0075-00-0028
• Safety Analyzer-601 safety analyzer, Demsey Model 431, or equivalent

5.4 Services
To enter the Service mode:

1. Turn the power OFF.

2. Press and hold the Mark Event key while powering on the monitor. The Service Menu
will appear on screen. Release the Mark Event key.
3. Rotate the NavigatorTM Knob to move the cursor within the Service Menu. Pressing the
NavigatorTM Knob will select the desired test and open the second test menu.

FIGURE 5-1 Service Menu

5-2 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Calibration Procedure Services

5.4.1 ECG Channels Check

The ECG signal may be inaccurate due to hardware or software problems. As a result, the
ECG wave amplitude becomes greater or smaller. If so, the ECG module must be serviced.

FIGURE 5-2 ECG Channels Check Menu

1. Select the ECG Channels Check button in the Service Menu

2. Use the NavigatorTM Knob to select the Start Channels Check button and activate the
test. A square wave should appear on the screen.
3. Compare the amplitude of the square wave with the wave scale. The difference should
be within 5%.

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 5-3

Services Calibration Procedure

5.4.2 NIBP Maintenance

The NIBP Maintenance offers the choice of NIBP Accuracy Test, NIBP Leakage Test, and
Calibrate NIBP.

FIGURE 5-3 NIBP Maintenance Menu NIBP Accuracy Test

1. Connect the equipment as shown in FIGURE 5-4.
2. Select NIBP Accuracy Test using the NavigatorTM Knob to activate the test.
3. Using the manometer’s bulb valve, raise the pressure in the test chamber to 300mmHg.
4. Compare the pressure displayed on the screen with the pressure viewed on the
manometer. The difference between readings should not be greater than +/-3 mmHg.

NOTE: An NIBP simulator can be used to replace the reference

manometer with the bulb valve to perform the test.

Specifications: 0 to 300 mmHg +/- 3 mmHg

5-4 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Calibration Procedure Services

FIGURE 5-4 NIBP Accuracy Test NIBP Leakage Test

The purpose of the leak test is to verify the leak rate of the pneumatic components.

1. Connect the dummy cuff/test chamber to the side panel fitting.

2. Select NIBP Leakage Test using the NavigatorTM Knob to activate the test.
3. The chamber is inflating. At the same time, the “NIBP Leakage Test” button changes to
“Stop Leakage Test”, and the real-time pressure and the message “Leakage Testing…”
appears in the prompt message area.
4. When the leakage test is completed, the button “Stop Leakage Test” changes back to
“NIBP Leakage Test.” If any leakage is detected, the message “NIBP Pneumatic Leak”
appears. NIBP Calibration

The purpose of this test is to verify the pressure transducer sensitivity for optimal accuracy.

1. Connect the equipment as shown in FIGURE 5-4.

2. Use the NavigatorTM Knob to select Calibrate NIBP.
3. Select Inflate to activate the calibration. At the same time, the Inflate button changes to
4. Select Reference Pressure to set the calibration reference pressure.

NOTE: The reference pressure can be set from 240 mmHg to 260
mmHg. The default pressure is 250 mmHg and the input
step is 1 mmHg.

5. When the pressure viewed on the manometer matches the reference pressure, select
Accept to accept the calibrated result. The measured pressure will replace the reference
pressure to complete the calibration.

NOTE: If the calibration is successful, the calibration time will be

displayed in the format of year, month, day, hour, and
minute. Otherwise, the calibration time is displayed as

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 5-5

Services Calibration Procedure

NOTE: During the calibration process, pressing the Deflate button

will abort the calibration. However, if the calibration has
already been accepted, it cannot be aborted.

5.4.3 IBP Calibration

The purpose of this test is to verify the pressure transducer sensitivity for optimal accuracy.

1. Connect the patient simulator to the pressure connector on the module.

2. Set the pressure on the simulator to 0.
3. Press the Zero Key on the module to start a zero calibration.
4. Select Calibrate Pressure to set the calibration reference pressure. The default pressure is
200 mmHg.

NOTE: The Calibrate Pressure is adjustable from 80 mmHg to 300

mmHg at 2 mmHg intervals.

5. Adjust the simulator to match the calibration reference pressure.

6. If the value in the Calibrate IBP Menu does not match the calibration reference pressure,
select Calibrate to calibrate the pressure module.

FIGURE 5-5 Calibrate IBP Menu

5.4.4 CO2 Calibration

It is recommended that, in order to provide accuracy verification of the CO2, calibration is
performed once a year or whenever CO2 readings appear suspicious. The date of the last
successful calibration appears on the Calibration CO2 Menu.

The CO2 module must be warmed up before calibration.

5-6 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Calibration Procedure Services

NOTE: For maximum accuracy during calibration, a 20 minute

warm-up time is recommended.

1. Use the NavigatorTM Knob to select Calibrate CO2.

2. Connect the gas cylinder with the tubing using a T- connector. Check the airway and
make sure there are no leaks.
3. Select Zero on the Calibrate CO2 Menu (only for Sidestream CO2).

NOTE: A zero (optional) is recommended before calibration. If

zeroing fails, the message CO2 Zeroing Failed appears.
Otherwise, no message will appear.

4. Adjust the concentration of the standard gas to 5%.

NOTE: The concentration of the standard gas used to calibrate the

Sidestream CO2 module can be adjusted from 3% to 7% at
1% intervals. For the Microstream CO2 module, it can be
adjusted from 4.0% to 6.0% at 0.1% intervals.

5. Make sure the CO2 tubing is vented before flowing the gas. CO2 readings will appear
during the calibration.

NOTE: If the Sidestream CO2 module is used, the Calibrate CO2

Menu will show the measured CO2 concentration,
atmospheric pressure, and sensor temperature. If the
Microstream CO2 module is used, the Calibrate CO2 Menu
will show the measured CO2 concentration and atmospheric

6. After the measured CO2 concentration becomes stable, select Calibrate to calibrate the
CO2 module. Continue to steadily flow gas until a calibration message appears at the
bottom of the calibration tile.
7. If the calibration is successful, the message “Calibration Completed Successfully”
appears. Otherwise, the message “Calibration Failure” appears. If so, another
calibration is required.

FIGURE 5-6 Sidestream CO2 Calibrate Menu

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 5-7

Services Calibration Procedure

FIGURE 5-7 Microstream CO2 Calibrate Menu

5.4.5 Gas Calibration

It is recommended that to maintain accuracy of the Gas Module 3, calibration is required
once a year or whenever gas readings appear suspicious.

NOTE: Single gas calibration is intended for 5%CO2 or 55%O2 or

33%N2O or 2%Des only. For mixed gas calibration, 5% CO2,
55%O2, 33% N2O and 2% Des are calibrated

NOTE: The Gas Module 3 must fully warm up before performing a

gas calibration. For maximum accuracy, a warm-up time of
10 minutes is recommended.

1. Use the NavigatorTM Knob to select Calibrate Gas.

2. Connect the gas bottle and the tubing using a T-connector as shown in FIGURE 5-8.
3. Check the airway and make sure that there is no occlusion or leakage.
4. Press the Gas Selection button to select the type of calibration gas.
5. Select Start to activate a calibration. At the start of the calibration, the message
“Zeroing…” will be displayed for each of the gas labels as the Gas Module zeros the
gas channels. After zeroing is successful, the Gas Module will request the calibration
gas as indicated in the next step.

NOTE: After the calibration is started, the module will begin

zeroing, sampling, and calibrating automatically.

NOTE: If the Gas Module fails zeroing, a zeroing error will be

displayed and the previous calibration data will be
restored. If so, repeat the calibration procedure from step 1.
If problems persist, contact Customer Support.

5-8 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Calibration Procedure Services

6. The message “Feed Calibration Gas” will be displayed. At this time, vent the desired
standard gas or gas mixture to the tubing opening the gas valve. Gas values will appear
in the window as the Gas Module samples the calibration gas.
7. When the calibration is completed, the message “Feed Calibration Gas” will disappear
and the message “Complete” will be displayed next to each value that was successfully
measured. If at least one gas was successfully measured, the Accept menu choice will
become available. If the values are acceptable, select Accept. To cancel the calibration
and restore the previous calibration data, select Abort.

NOTE: When the Accept menu choice is selected, the message

“Calibration Completed Successfully” and “Disconnect
Calibration Gas” will be displayed. To avoid premature
emptying of the gas bottle, always remove the regulator at
the end of the procedure.

NOTE: For Gas Module 3, if any input data is corrupt or if there are
any other errors, a Calibration Error message will appear
after the Accept button is selected. The Gas Module 3 will
not accept span calibration with errors in any channel.

FIGURE 5-8 Gas Calibration

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 5-9

Services Calibration Procedure

FIGURE 5-9 Calibration

5 - 10 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Calibration Procedure Services

5.4.6 Monitor Log

FIGURE 5-10 Monitor Log Menu

1. Select the Monitor Log using the NavigatorTM Knob to enter the Monitor Log Menu.
2. Errors log will appear on screen. Each error is time stamped and dated.
3. Use the NavigatorTM Knob to move the cursor within the list of errors.
4. To clear all data from the error log, use the NavigatorTM Knob to select Clear.

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 5 - 11

Verification Calibration Procedure

5.5 Verification
5.5.1 Initial Set-up
1. Using a patient simulator, connect the ECG, IBP1, IBP2 and temperature cables to the
left side connector panel. Set the ECG simulator for 60 bpms, 1mv QRS signal.
2. Set up the Patient Menu for Adult (Patient Size) as follows:
A. Monitor Setup
1. Display Setup – 3 Waveforms
2. ECG Speed – 25 mm/sec
3. IBP Speed – 25 mm/sec (optional)
4. Respiration / Gas Speed – 12.5 mm/sec
B. Print Setup
1. Waveform 1 – ECG 1
2. Waveform 2 – ECG 2
3. Select Printer – Local
C. Parameters
1. ECG
a. ECG 1 – II
b. ECG 2 – I
c. ECG 3 – III
d. ECG 1 thru 6 Size - 1 cm/mV
e. ECG 1 - I
f. ECG 2 - II
g. ECG 3 - III
h. ECG 4 - AVR
i. ECG 5 - AVL
j. ECG 6 – AVF
k. ECG 7 – V
a. Set Start Pressure – 180 mmHg
Interval – 5 minutes

b. IBP1 – Scale 0 to 160 mmHg

c. IBP2 – Scale 0 to 80 mmHg
3. SpO2
a. Averaging mode – 2
b. Sensor Off Audio – off
4. CO2 (optional)
a. Apnea Delay – 60
b. Scale 40 mmHg

5 - 12 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Calibration Procedure Verification

5. Respiration
a. Resp lead – II
b. Apnea Delay – 60
c. Resp source – Auto
d. Scale – 3
6. Gases (optional)
a. Select agent – Auto
b. O2 scale - 100%
c. Agent scale– 10%

5.5.2 ECG Initialization
1. Observe that the trace display sweeps across the waveform 1 screen in six (6) seconds.
There should be six (6) complete ECG cycles. The same display and timing should be
seen on the Waveform 2 screen.
2. Check the following sweep speeds for the appropriate displays:
12.5 mm/sec – 12 second sweep/window Leads OFF

1. Disconnect one lead at a time RA, RL, LL, LA, and C (V) from the simulator and observe
that the message Lead OFF appears on the display
2. Set the ECG simulator to Short Leads. Verify that the resolution does not exceed one
pixel. Pacer Detect

1. Set the Pacer Enhancement feature to ON in the ECG Setup Menu.
2. Set the ECG simulator to Ventricular Pacer.
3. Verify the pacer pulse (white line) is displayed before the R wave of the QRS signal.

Heart Rate
1. Set the ECG simulator to ECG QRS Waveform. Set the rate to 250 bpm.
2. Verify the Rate display is 250 ± 5 bpm.
3. Decrease the rate to 30 bpm and allow signal to stabilize. Verify that the rate display is
30 bpm ± 3 bpm.

1. Set the simulator to 1mv ECG QRS signal, rate set to 60 bpm.
2. Set to Print on Alarm, install paper in the local printer, and set the Low HR alarm to 50
bpm, and High alarm to 120 bpm.

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 5 - 13

Verification Calibration Procedure

3. Increase the HR to 125 and verify the following:

a. The high alarm violates with an audio tone and red LED on keypad.
b. The local printer is initiated and prints the ECG strip displaying the ECG information.
c. Verify the overall width of the grid is 40 mm ± 2 cm.
d. Silence the alarm by pressing the Silence All key.
e. Verify that the Silence Alarm message is displayed in the Message Area “A” and the
alarm is silent.
4. Press the Mark Event key. Press the Trends key and examine the trend data. The high
HR rate should be red (LCD) indicating the High HR was violated. Performance Test

Tool required: Patient simulator

1. Connect the patient simulator to the ECG/Resp connector on the module.

2. Set HR output to 80 bpm in the ECG simulator.
3. The displayed HR value should be 80 ± 1 bpm for 3- and 5-lead ECG monitoring.

5.5.3 IBP 1 and IBP 2 Verification

1. Set the simulator to 0 mmHg for both IBP 1 and IBP2.
2. Press the Zero All key. Verify the systolic, diastolic and mean values display as 0 ±
3. Apply 50,150, and 300 mmHg and verify that Sys/ Dia /Mean parameters match.
4. Apply a 120/80/mmHg signal into IBP 1 and apply a 60 / 20/ mmHg signal into
IBP 2 and verify that the correct waveforms are displayed on the screen.

5.5.4 Temperature Verification

400 Series Probe

1. Set the Simulator to 37° C. Connect to the monitor using a 400 series probe.
2. Verify the temperature is 37° ± 0.1°C.

5.5.5 SpO2 Verification

1. Connect the patient simulator to the SpO2 connector on the monitor.
2. Select the model and the manufacturer of the SpO2 module under test, and then
configure the patient simulator as follows: SpO2 96%; PR 80 bpm.
3. The displayed SpO2 and PR values should be within the following ranges:
DPM, Masimo, and Nellcor SpO2: 96% ± 2% PR (bpm):80 ± 3
4. Verify that SpO2 displays the pleth waveform, and the SpO2 indicates a valid reading.
Verify the HR source is SpO2 and a beep tone is present.

CAUTION: A functional tester cannot be used to assess the accuracy of

the pulse oximeter probe or a pulse oximeter monitor.

5.5.6 NIBP Verification

1. Connect the Adult cuff connector to the NIBP hose. Attach the NIBP hose to the Cuff
connection on the left side of the monitor.

5 - 14 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Calibration Procedure Verification

2. Apply cuff and press the Start key.

3. Verify the pump motor starts pumping and inflating the cuff to 180 mmHg (Adult).The
cuff will begin to deflate and obtain a blood pressure reading of Sys/Dia/Mean in
about 20 to 30 seconds after peak pressure is obtained.
4. Verify the reading on screen.

5.5.7 Battery Operation Verification

1. Remove the batteries if they are installed in the unit.
2. Verify that the unit functions properly, powered via line cord.
3. Install the two batteries in the appropriate slots located on the left side of the monitor.
4. Remove the line cord from the unit. Verify that the unit operation is not interrupted.
5. Remove one of the batteries and verify the unit still operates. Verify the second battery
operates, if installed alone.

5.5.8 CO2 Operation Verification

1. Connect the FilterLine® Short Term assembly to the input port of the CO2 connector on
the left side of the monitor.
2. Attach a can of Calibration Gas (P/N 0075-00-0033-01) to the Filterline Short Term
assembly. Feed gas into monitor and verify the ETCO2, Inspired CO2 and respiration
readings are displayed on the screen.

5.5.9 Leakage Current Tests

1. Plug the line cord of the unit into the safety analyzer. Connect the case ground lead of
the analyzer to the equipotential lug of the monitor on the rear of the monitor.
2. Perform the tests under the following conditions:
a. Case Grounded:
Normal polarity
Normal polarity with open neutral
b. Case ungrounded:
Normal polarity
Normal polarity with open neutral
Reverse polarity

Specifications: Verify the current reading of the test is less than 100 µA under normal
operating conditions Less than 300 µA under a single fault condition for 120 VAC and less
than 500 µA under a single fault condition for 230 VAC

Patient Leakage
1. Lead to ground: Sink Current Patient circuit (Test V, Model 431 Dempsey; patient
leakage with line voltage on leads).

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 5 - 15

Verification Calibration Procedure

2. Connect the ground wire from the safety analyzer to the equipotential lug of the monitor.
3. Connect the ECG cable from the Analyzer to the monitor.
4. On the safety analyzer depress the Apply 115 VAC button and note the reading.
5. Repeat the test for normal and open ground polarity combinations.

Specifications: Verify the current readings of the test are below 50µA under a single fault

5 - 16 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

6.0 Preventative Maintenance

6.1 User Preventative Maintenance Introduction

This chapter outlines routine user maintenance guidelines. The Passport V Monitor is
designed for stable operation over long periods of time. Under normal circumstances, the
monitor should not require technical maintenance beyond that described in this chapter.
However, routine maintenance, calibration, and safety checks are recommended at least
once a year or more often as required by local statutory or hospital administration practice.

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 6-1

Preventative Maintenance Schedule Preventative Maintenance

6.2 Preventative Maintenance Schedule

The following is a list of activities required for periodic maintenance of the Passport V
monitor. The physical inspection, replacement of consumable items, and performance checks
should be performed at the recommended intervals stated below. Mindray DS USA, Inc. is
not responsible for component failure or loss resulting from the use of stated consumable
items beyond their recommended replacement interval.

6.2.1 Mechanical / Physical / Visual Inspection - Annually

Suggested Inspections for Wear and Abuse:

1. Inspect outer case, line cords, rolling stands, wall mounts, modular accessories and
interconnecting cables.
2. Inspect patient interface connections (ECG, IBP, SpO2, Temp, CO2, and NIBP).

6.2.2 Visual test

1. Perform when first installed or reinstalled.

6.2.3 Power on test

1. Perform when first installed or reinstalled.
2. Perform following any maintenance or the replacement of any main unit parts.

6.2.4 Perform NIBP Verification and Calibration – Annually

1. Perform NIBP test. See “NIBP Verification” on page 5-14.
2. Perform NIBP calibration. See “NIBP Calibration” on page 5-5.

6.2.5 Perform CO2 Verification and Calibration -- Annually

1. Perform CO2 test. See “CO2 Operation Verification” on page 5-15.
Perform every 12 months thereafter, and each time the unit is serviced.
2. Perform CO2 calibration. See “CO2 Calibration” on page 5-6.
Perform every 12 months thereafter, and each time the unit is serviced.
3. For DPM CO2, replace the CO2 assembly after 20,000 operating hours or as required
by the service code.

6.2.6 Perform IBP Verification and Calibration – Annually

1. Perform IBP test. See “IBP 1 and IBP 2 Verification” on page 5-14.
2. Perform IBP calibration. See “IBP Calibration” on page 5-6.

6.2.7 Perform ECG Verification – Annually

1. Perform ECG test. See “ECG” on page 5-13.
2. Perform ECG channels check. See “ECG Channels Check” on page 5-3.

6-2 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Preventative Maintenance Preventative Maintenance Schedule

6.2.8 Perform Verification and Gas Calibration – Annually

1. Perform Gas test. See “Verification” on page 5-12.
2. Perform Gas calibration. See “Gas Calibration” on page 5-8.

6.2.9 Temperature Perform Verification – Annually

1. Perform temperature test. See “Temperature Verification” on page 5-14.

6.2.10 SpO2 Perform Verification – Annually

1. Perform SpO2 test. See “SpO2 Verification” on page 5-14.

6.2.11 Electrical Safety Tests – Annually

1. Perform test. See “Leakage Current Tests” on page 5-15.

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 6-3

Cleaning and Disinfection of the Passport V Monitor Preventative Maintenance

6.3 Cleaning and Disinfection of the Passport V Monitor

WARNING: Be sure to shut down the monitor and disconnect all power
cords from the outlet before cleaning.

The equipment should be cleaned regularly. Please consult your hospital’s policy for the
recommended frequency for cleaning and disinfecting equipment.

The exterior surfaces of the equipment may be cleaned with a clean and soft cloth, sponge or
cotton ball, dampened with either of the following cleaning solutions:

• Mild soap (Diluted)

• Sodium hypochlorite bleach (10%)
• Isopropyl alcohol (70%)
• Super sani-cloth (0.5% quaternary ammonia + 55% Isopropyl alcohol)
• Virkon
* If using LpH germicidal detergent, wait 10 minutes then use a clean, dry wipe to dry the

To avoid damage to the equipment:

• ALWAYS use solutions in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

• ALWAYS wipe off the excess cleaning solution with a dry cloth after cleaning.
• NEVER submerge the equipment into water or any cleaning solution, or pour or spray
water or any cleaning solution on the equipment.
• NEVER permit fluids run into the casing, switches, connectors, or any ventilation
openings in the equipment.

6-4 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Preventative Maintenance Care and Cleaning of SpO2 Sensors

6.4 Care and Cleaning of SpO2 Sensors

NOTE: Refer to the individual instruction sheets that are packaged
with each sensor.

1. Check sensors and cables daily for signs of damage. Replace as required.
2. Sensors should be cleaned before and after each new patient.
3. Wipe the patient contact area using a soft cloth with mild soap and water solution or
isopropyl alcohol. Hydrogen peroxide can be used to remove dried blood.
4. Allow the sensor to completely dry before using.

CAUTION: When cleaning sensors, do not use excessive amounts of

liquid. Wipe the sensor surface with a soft cloth dampened
with cleaning solution. Do not attempt to sterilize.

6.4.1 Cleaning and Re-use of a Nellcor® Sensor

Sensors may be reattached to the same patient if the emitter and detector windows are clear
and the adhesive still adheres to the skin. The adhesive can be partially rejuvenated by
wiping with an alcohol wipe and allowing the sensor to thoroughly air dry prior to
replacement on the patient.

Do not immerse any Oxisensor®, OxiMax®, Durasensor®, Oxiband®, or Duraform® oxygen

transducers, the Nellcor® RS-10 or Max-Fast® oxygen transducers, or any Nellcor® adhesive
in water or cleaning solution. Clean Durasensor®, Oxiband®, and Duraform® oxygen
transducers, and the Nellcor® RS-10 or Max-Fast® oxygen transducers by wiping with a
disinfectant such as a solution containing 70% alcohol. Do not sterilize by irradiation, steam,
or ethylene oxide. Use a new Oxiband® adhesive wrap or FORM-A adhesive bandage for
each patient. Do not re-sterilize Oxisensor® or OxiMax® oxygen transducers.

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 6-5

Cleaning CO2 Sensors, Adapters and Sampling Components Preventative Maintenance

6.5 Cleaning CO2 Sensors, Adapters and Sampling

Microstream CO2 patient monitoring accessories are designed for single patient use and
should not be cleaned or reused.

6-6 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Preventative Maintenance Sterilization and Cleaning of Cuffs

6.6 Sterilization and Cleaning of Cuffs

NOTE: Accuracy of cuff-pressure transducers/indicators is to be
verified at intervals specified by the manufacturer.

6.6.1 Reusable Cuffs with Bladders

Remove the bladder from the cuff before cleaning and disinfecting the cuff.


The cuff can be hand washed or machine washed in warm water or with mild detergent. The
bladder can be cleaned with a damp cloth. Air dry the cuff thoroughly after washing.

NOTE: Machine washing may shorten the service life of the cuff.


Disinfect the cuff with a damp cloth with 70% ethanol or 70% isopropanol or with ultraviolet.
Disinfect the bladder only with ultraviolet.

NOTE: Prolonged use of disinfectant may cause discoloration of the


Replace the bladder after cleaning and disinfecting the cuff, as follows:

1. Place the bladder on the top of the cuff, as the figure shows.
2. Roll the bladder lengthwise and insert it into the large opening. See the figures below.
3. Hold the hose and the cuff and shake the complete cuff until the bladder is in position.
4. Thread the hose from inside the cuff, and out through the small hole under the internal

CAUTION: Do not dry clean the cuff.

Do not press the cuff with a hot iron.
Do not use detergent and disinfectant other than 70%
ethanol or 70% isopropanol.
Clean and disinfect the cuff according to the instructions.

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 6-7

Sterilization and Cleaning of Cuffs Preventative Maintenance

6.6.2 Reusable Bladderless Cuffs

Clean cuffs with warm water and a mild detergent. Do not use a detergent containing hand
conditioners, softeners, or fragrances.

NIBP cuffs can be sterilized with gamma sterilization without affecting the repeated
performance of the cuff. Steam sterilization is not recommended. Use of a washing liquid
containing bleach is not recommended because chlorine will chemically break down the
urethane on the inside of the cuff.

Antimicrobial Definition
Bladderless cuffs are treated with an antimicrobial coating. Antimicrobial technology
effectively controls a broad spectrum of bacteria, fungi, algae and yeasts on a wide variety
of treated substrates.

6.6.3 Disposable Blood Pressure Cuffs

Disposable cuffs are intended for single patient use only. Once a cuff is used on a patient it
should be discarded. Do not use the same cuff on any other patient. Do not sterilize or use an
autoclave on disposable cuffs.

CAUTION: Disposable cuffs can be cleaned using a mild soap solution

and dried with a clean cloth.

6-8 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Preventative Maintenance Care and Cleaning of Gas Module

6.7 Care and Cleaning of Gas Module

The Gas Module enclosure may be cleaned with a mild soap and water solution or
ammoniated window cleaner. Apply cleaning solution to the cloth, not directly onto the Gas
Module. DO NOT apply large amounts of liquid. DO NOT use abrasive cleaning agents or
organic solvents.

CAUTION: Do not clean the Gas Module while it is on and/or plugged


CAUTION: The internal sampling system of the Gas Module does not
need to be cleaned or sterilized. There is no reverse flow
back to the patient. If the internal sampling system is
suspected to be clogged or dirty, the module should be
serviced by an authorized service person only.

1. The Water Trap Reservoir must be checked and emptied whenever changing patients or
if it is more than half full.
• To remove the water trap, push the water trap latch to the right. The water trap is
spring loaded and will pop out. An Air Leak message will be displayed. The monitor
will suspend sampling.
• Detach the reservoir from the water trap assembly by pulling it down carefully.
• Empty the reservoir and rinse with water only.
• Re-attach the reservoir to the assembly tightly.
• Re-install the whole unit into the Gas Module making sure the latch is set. Check that
the Air Leak message disappears and monitoring resumes.

NOTE: Do not disinfect or open the water trap. If an occlusion

message appears it may be necessary to replace the water
trap assembly part number 0202-00-0129.

The Water Trap Assembly must be replaced every two months.

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 6-9

Care and Cleaning of 3- and 5-lead ECG Cables and Leadwires Preventative Maintenance

6.8 Care and Cleaning of 3- and 5-lead ECG Cables and

Recommended cleaning method of ECG cables and leadwires is a cloth wipe using ordinary
alcohol-free hand soap or USP green soap tincture. When disinfection is required, a cloth
wipe using disinfectants such as isopropyl alcohol, chlorine bleach in water (1:10 mixture) or
2% Glutaraldehyde solution (i.e., Cidex) is recommended. After cleaning, the ECG cables
and leadwires should be wiped with water using a clean damp cloth, and then dried with a
clean dry cloth.

CAUTION: To avoid permanent damage, do not expose metal

components (pins, sockets, snaps) to disinfectants, soaps or

NOTE: ECG cables and leadwires must never be immersed, soaked

in any fluids, and they should not be cleaned with harsh
chemicals such as acetone or non-diluted bleach.

NOTE: Do not autoclave, radiation or steam sterilize ECG cables or


NOTE: Extended exposure to Ethylene Oxide gas may shorten life

of the ECG cables and leadwires, leading to poor signal

6 - 10 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Preventative Maintenance Battery Replacement and Maintenance

6.9 Battery Replacement and Maintenance

6.9.1 Battery Replacement
1. Open battery compartment door, on left side of unit, by pressing the finger grip area
and sliding the door to the left.
2. Press the release button, located on the left-upper side of the installed battery. This will
eject the battery. Slide out old battery.
3. Slide in replacement battery until it clicks into place.
4. Close battery compartment door by sliding the door to the right until it firmly clicks into

6.9.2 Battery Maintenance

The batteries may be subject to local regulations regarding disposal. At the end of the
battery life, dispose of the batteries in accordance with any local regulations.

CAUTION: Recharge batteries in the Passport V.

CAUTION: Remove the batteries if the Passport V is not likely to be

used for an extended period of time.

Storage of the lithium-ion batteries depends on temperature, time period and the degree of
cell charging state. After one month of storage at 23 degree, fully charged lithium-ion
batteries have a retention capacity of 96%.

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 6 - 11

Local Printer Maintenance Preventative Maintenance

6.10 Local Printer Maintenance

6.10.1 Cleaning the Local Printer Printhead
If the local printer has been used for a long time, deposits of paper debris may collect on the
printhead, compromising the print quality and shortening the life of the roller. Follow this
procedure to clean the printhead:

1. Take measures against static electricity such as wearing a Disposable Wrist Strap for the
2. Open the local printer door and remove the paper.
3. Gently wipe around the printhead using cotton swabs dampened with alcohol.
4. After the alcohol has been dried completely, reload the paper and close the local printer

CAUTION: Do not use anything that may destroy the thermal element.

CAUTION: Do not add unnecessary force to the thermal head.

6.10.2 Local Printer Paper Replacement

The instructions below describe the replacement of local printer paper. Use only
recommended thermal paper. This ensures that the print quality is acceptable and reduces
print head wear.

1. Use the latch at the upper right corner of the local printer door to pull the door open.
2. Remove the empty paper spool.
3. Insert a new paper roll so that it fits snugly into its housing and the sensitive side of the
paper faces the print head at the top of the local printer (paper feeding off of the spool
from the bottom).
4. Pull out approximately 4 inches of paper.
5. Align the paper across the top of the roller.
6. Holding the paper in place, close the local printer door.
7. To ensure that the paper is aligned properly and has not been pinched in the door, pull
the loose edge out a couple of inches. If the paper jams, open the door and return to
step 5.

CAUTION: Never pull the local printer paper with force when a
recording is in process. Otherwise, it may cause damage to
the local printer.

CAUTION: Do not leave the local printer door open unless you reload
paper or remove troubles.

6.10.3 Care and Storage of Thermal Chart Paper

Thermal Chart Paper is chemically treated and the permanency of a recording is affected by
storage and handling conditions. These conditions are:

6 - 12 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Preventative Maintenance Local Printer Maintenance

• Ultraviolet Light
We recommend storing the recordings in a filing cabinet within a few days of printing.
Long term exposure to natural or artificial U.V. sources is detrimental.
• Storage Temperature and Humidity
Keep the recordings in a cool and dry area for a longer lasting image. Extreme
temperature and humidity (above 80° F/26° C and 80% humidity) should be avoided.
• Solvent Reactions
Do not store the recordings in plastic bags, acetate sheet protectors, or similar items
made from petroleum products. These products emit a small amount of vapor which will,
over a period of time, deteriorate the image on the chart paper.
• Adhesive Tape
Never place adhesive tape over recordings. The reaction between the adhesive
compound and the chemical/thermal paper can destroy the image within hours.
• Archives
We recommend that if long term archives are required, make a photocopy of the
recordings as back-up. Under normal office filing conditions, the recordings should retain
acceptable image quality for about five years

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 6 - 13

Warranty Statements Preventative Maintenance

6.11 Warranty Statements

Mindray DS USA, Inc. warrants that components within the monitor unit will be free from
defects in workmanship and materials for the number of years shown on the Mindray
invoice. Under this extended warranty, Mindray DS USA, Inc. will repair or replace any
defective component at no charge for labor and/or materials. This extended warranty does
not cover consumable items such as, but not limited to batteries, displays, external cables
and sensors.

Recommended preventative maintenance, as prescribed in the service manual, is the

responsibility of the user, and is not covered by this warranty.

Except as otherwise provided herein, the terms, conditions and limitations of Mindray DS
USA, Inc.’s standard warranty will remain in effect.

6.11.1 USA, Canada, Mexico, and Puerto Rico

Mindray DS USA, Inc. warrants that its products will be free from defects in workmanship
and materials for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase except that disposable
or one-time use products are warranted to be free from defects in workmanship and materials
up to a date one year from the date of purchase or the date of first use, whichever is sooner.
This warranty does not cover consumable items such as, but not limited to, batteries, external
cables, sensors, cuffs, hoses, or mounts.

Mindray DS USA, Inc. will not be liable for any incidental, special, or consequential loss,
damage, or expense directly or indirectly arising from the use of its products, liability under
this warranty and the buyer’s exclusive remedy under this warranty is limited to servicing or
replacing at Mindray’s option at the factory or at an authorized Distributor, any product
which shall under normal use and service appear to the Company to have been defective in
material or workmanship.

No agent, employee, or representative of Mindray DS USA, Inc. has any authority to bind
Mindray DS USA, Inc. to any affirmation, representation, or warranty concerning its
products, and any affirmation, representation or warranty made by any agent, employee, or
representative shall not be enforceable by buyer.

This warranty is expressly in lieu of any other express or implied warranties, including any
implied warranty or merchantability or fitness, and of any other obligation on the part of the

Damage to any product or parts through misuse, neglect, accident, or by affixing any non-
standard accessory attachments or by any customer modification voids this warranty.
Mindray DS USA, Inc. makes no warranty whatever in regard to trade accessories, such
being subject to the warranty of their respective manufacturers.

A condition of this warranty is that this equipment or any accessories which are claimed to
be defective be returned when authorized by Mindray, freight prepaid to Mindray DS USA,
Inc., Mahwah, New Jersey 07430. Mindray DS USA, Inc. shall not have any responsibility
in the event of loss or damage in transit.

6 - 14 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Preventative Maintenance Warranty Statements

Calibration may be performed without the need to disassemble the instrument. It is the
responsibility of the purchaser to perform calibration as necessary, in accordance with the
instructions provided in this manual.

6.11.2 International (excluding North America)

Mindray DS USA, Inc. warrants that its products will be free from defects in workmanship
and materials for a period of two (2) years from the date of purchase except that disposable
or one-time use products are warranted to be free from defects in workmanship and materials
up to a date one year from the date of purchase or the date of first use, whichever is sooner.
This warranty does not cover consumable items such as, but not limited to, batteries, external
cables, sensors, cuffs, hoses, or mounts.

Mindray DS USA, Inc. shall not be liable for any incidental, special, or consequential loss,
damage, or expense directly or indirectly arising from the use of its products, liability under
this warranty and the buyer’s exclusive remedy under this warranty is limited to servicing or
replacing at Mindray’s option at the factory or at an authorized Distributor, any product
which shall under normal use and service appear to the Company to have been defective in
material or workmanship.

No agent, employee, or representative of Mindray DS USA, Inc. has any authority to bind
Mindray DS USA, Inc. to any affirmation, representation, or warranty concerning its
products, and any affirmation, representation or warranty made by any agent, employee, or
representative shall not be enforceable by buyer.

This warranty is expressly in lieu of any other express or implied warranties, including any
implied warranty or merchantability or fitness, and of any other obligation on the part of the

Damage to any product or parts through misuse, neglect, accident, or by affixing any non-
standard accessory attachments or by any customer modification voids this warranty.
Mindray DS USA, Inc. makes no warranty whatever in regard to trade accessories, such
being subject to the warranty of their respective manufacturers.

A condition of this warranty is that this equipment or any accessories which are claimed to
be defective be returned when authorized by Mindray, freight prepaid to Mindray DS USA,
Inc., Mahwah, New Jersey 07430. Mindray DS USA, Inc. shall not have any responsibility
in the event of loss or damage in transit.

Calibration may be performed without the need to disassemble the instrument. It is the
responsibility of the purchaser to perform calibration as necessary, in accordance with the
instructions provided in this manual.

Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 6 - 15

Warranty Statements Preventative Maintenance

6.11.3 Phone Numbers and How To Get Help

Mindray DS USA, Inc. maintains a network of service representatives and factory-trained
distributors. Prior to requesting service, perform a complete operational check of the
instrument to verify proper control settings. If operational problems continue to exist, contact
the Service Department (800) 288-2121or (201) 995-8000 for assistance in determining the
nearest field service location.

Please include the instrument model number, the serial number, and a description of the
problem with all requests for service.

Any questions regarding the warranty should be directed to the closest authorized location.
A list of international offices, along with their phone numbers, is provided at the end of this

6.11.4 Manufacturer’s Responsibility

Mindray DS USA, Inc. is responsible for the effects on safety, reliability and performance of
the equipment only if:

a. Assembly operations, extensions, readjustments, modifications or repairs are carried

out by persons authorized by Mindray; and
b. The electrical installation of the relevant room complies with the appropriate
requirements; and
c. The equipment is used in accordance with the instructions for use.

6 - 16 0070-10-0705 Passport V™ Service Manual

Preventative Maintenance Warranty Statements

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Passport V™ Service Manual 0070-10-0705 6 - 17

0070-10-0705 Rev D July 1, 2011
Mindray DS USA, Inc. • 800 MacArthur Boulevard • Mahwah, NJ 07430 • USA •
Dom. Customer Service: 1.800.288.2121 • Intl. Customer Service: +1.201.995.8000 •
Dom. Fax: 1.800.926.4275 • Intl. Fax: +1.201.995.8680 • www.mindray.com

Mindray Medical Netherlands B.V.• Drs. W. van Royenstraat 8 • P.O. Box 26 • 3870 CA
Hoevelaken • The Netherlands • Tel: +31 33 25 44 911 • Fax: +31 33 25 37 621

Mindray (UK) Limited • 3 Percy Road • St. John’s Park • Huntingdon • Cambridgeshire PE29 6SZ •
United Kingdom • Tel: 01480 416840 • Fax: 01480 436588

Mindray Medical France SARL • Europarc Créteil •123, Chemin des Bassins •
94035 Créteil Cedex • France • Tel: (0) • Fax: (0)

Mindray Medical Germany GmbH • Zwischen den Bächen 4 • 64625 Bensheim • Deutschland •
Tel: +49.6251.17524-0 • Fax: +49.6251.17524-20

Mindray Medical International Ltd. • 2813 Office Tower, Convention Plaza • No 1 Harbour Road •
Wanchai • Hong Kong • Tel: +852 2793 5596 • Fax: +852 2344 8824

Medstar Importação e Exportação Ltda • Av. Vereador José Diniz, 3300 • São Paulo, SP • CEP
04804-000 • Brazil • Tel: 55 11 2872-3385 • Fax: 55 11 2872-3385


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