Intelligent Street Light System Using RF Transmission

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Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2015 ISSN: 2277 128X

International Journal of Advanced Research in

Computer Science and Software Engineering
Research Paper
Available online at:
Intelligent Street Light System using RF Transmission
Sakshi Anand*, Dr. Neelu Jain
Department of Electronics & Comm.,
PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh, India

Abstract— Street lights are the large consumer of energy in the cities, consuming up to fifty percent of the city’s
energy. In order to reduce energy consumption, an intelligent street light system based on LED lamps and wireless
communication technologies can be designed. The proposed prototype of intelligent street light can detect daylight and
vehicles and vary the intensity of the LED based street lamps as per the traffic flow. It can also help in monitoring of
street light system and fault detection through RF wireless technology. If intelligent street light is designed and
installed in the cities, then, lot of power can be saved and this will also minimize the cost of maintenance over
traditional wired systems. The system is versatile, and can be extended as per user needs.

Keywords— Intelligent Street Light System, LED street lamps, Arduino, RF transceiver, LDR, power consumption.

In recent years, environmental issues have gained widespread international attention, resulting in the development of
energy-efficient technologies aimed at reducing energy consumption. One aspect of the situation is an increasing demand
for the reduction of the amount of electricity used for illumination. In particular, energy conservation for large scale
illumination tasks such as street lighting is gaining considerable importance. The street light system is one of the largest
energy expenses for a city, accounting for upwards of 35-45% of a municipality’s utility budget. An intelligent lighting
control system can cut municipal street lighting costs as much as 70% [1].
A Street light use HID (High-Intensity Discharge) Lamp as light source. Due to global concerns regarding the amount of
power consumed by HID lamps and the amount of atmospheric CO2 released because of power consumption, LED array
illumination has received attention recently as an energy reducing light source. LED illumination requires about one third
to one half of the electric power needed for HID lighting. The lifecycle of an LED can be more than three times as long
as an HID light and LED system would be comparatively maintenance free. In recent years, LED lighting can be
expected to fully replace earlier used light sources.
An intelligent street lighting system is a system that adjusts light intensity based on usage and occupancy of the traffic as
it illuminates a certain number of street lights ahead and fewer behind, depending on movement of vehicles. The system
also proposes the wireless based system to remotely track and control the actual energy consumption of the street lights
and take appropriate energy consumption reduction measures through power conditioning and control.

Fig.1 Structure of streetlight power cable monitoring system based on wireless sensor networks

As shown in Fig. 1 [2], the street light controller should be installed on the pole lights which consist of microcontroller
along with various sensor and wireless module. The street light controller installed on the street light pole will control
LED Street lighting depending on traffic flow of the road, and will transmit this data of each street light to control station
via wireless technology to monitor the system. The mode of operation of the system can be conducted using auto mode
and manual mode. The control system will switch on-off the lights at required timings and can also vary the intensity of
the street light according to requirement.
The benefits of this technology are [3]:
1) Energy savings: During night, the intensity of LED lamp varies according to traffic, thus, energy can be saved.
2) Maintenance cost reduction: The lifetime of LEDs is more than the exiting lamps, thus, there can be reduction in
maintenance cost.
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Anand et al., International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 5(5),
May- 2015, pp. 1450-1454
3) Reduction in CO₂ emissions: As power consumption can be reduced with this technology, therefore, reduction in CO₂
emissions can be observed.
4) It doesn’t contain toxic chemicals, such as, mercury in the light lamp.
The comparison of the lamps used in the present street lights and the proposed street lights are shown in table I [4]. It is
inferred that LED light provides many advantages over high pressure sodium light.

Table I: Comparison of Light technology

Light technology Life time lumens Ignition Remarks
per watt time
High pressure sodium light 12.000 - 45 – 130 up to 15 low color rendering index with yellow light,
24.000 min contains mercury and lead
LED light 50.000 - 70 – 150 instant relatively higher initial cost

The comparison of the different wireless technologies that can be used for monitoring the proposed street light system is
shown in table II [5].

Table II: Comparison of Wireless technology

Parameters PLC Zigbee nRF24L01 Single Chip
Data rate(kbps) 0.625-50 250 250, 1000 and 2000
Power consumption More Less Less
Installation cost Expensive Expensive Low
Maintenance cost Good Very Good Low
Frequency - 900 MHz and 2.4 2.4-2.525 GHz
Range - 10m-1.6km 100 m and can be extended using


The system can be designed as a modular system which can be extended effectively. The measuring stations are used to
observe street conditions depending on the intensity of daylight and flow of the traffic on the road, based on the observed
conditions; lamp is either activated or remains off. The different factors affecting the activation are: seasons, climatic
conditions, geographical location, etc [6]. Consequently, every street lamp is designed independently to decide about the
activation of light.

Fig. 2 Schematic of Intelligent Street Light System

The base station co-jointly checks if any lamp is correctly operating and sends the message using the wireless network to
the operator who will act in case of malfunction.
Fig. 2 [6] shows the function of the intelligent street light system. The street lights are switched ON when the vehicles
come near the lamp. The LED in the street lamp is set to DIM condition when the vehicle or human crossed the first lamp
and reaches the second lamp. This dimming of LED is controlled using PWM technique. All these data’s are sent through
wireless communication to the base station.


The block diagram of the proposed system is depicted in Fig. 3(a) and 3(c). A microcontroller ATmega 328 used on
developed Arduino Uno board performs controlling actions along with certain sensors namely, LDR sensors and
temperature sensor. These sensors are connected to the ports of the microcontroller through an interfacing circuit. The
microcontroller generates a PWM signal which is fed to the LED circuit which changes the operating cycles of each LED
in the LED Array.
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May- 2015, pp. 1450-1454

Fig. 3(a) Block Diagram of Transmitter-end on the Pole Fig. 3(b) Street Lamp of the proposed system

In Fig. 3(a), microcontroller ATmega 328 is interfaced with LDR1 circuit which senses night, LDR2 which senses
presence of vehicle. It is also interfaced with temperature sensor and RF module (nRF24L01). The sensors are mounted
on street light as shown in Fig 3(b). When power is supplied to the system, system starts functioning. As LDR1 circuit,
senses day light, the LED array (i.e., 4 LEDs) remains in OFF state. As LDR1 circuit, detects night condition, the LED
array turns ON with half of its LEDs (i.e., 2 LEDs turn ON). When LDR1 is ON, then only LDR2 circuit will function,
where, LDR2 detects vehicle approaching the lamp. As vehicle approaches LDR2 circuit, resulting in increase in
intensity of light at LDR2, thus, all LEDs in the LED array turns ON (i.e., all 4 LEDs are in ON state). As soon as
vehicle crosses the lamp, intensity of light decreases near LDR2 circuit, resulting in turning off 2 LEDs of the LED array
for reducing wastage of power of the system. The temperature sensor is connected to sense the temperature of the
environment. The changes in parameters i.e., LDR1 light intensity (in %), LDR2 light intensity (in %), temperature (in
ºC), current at lamp node (in mA) is observed on PC which is connected to developed Arduino board on the other end.
All the information displayed on transmitter PC is transferred to receiver terminal in the form of encoded packet with the
help of RF module (nRF24L01) for monitoring of the system at receiver-end.

Fig. 3(c) Block Diagram of Receiver-end

In Fig. 3(c), microcontroller ATmega 328 is connected to RF module (nRF24L01) to receive packets, decode these
received packets and display the information of LDR1 light intensity (in %), LDR2 light intensity (in %), temperature (in
ºC), current at lamp node (in mA) on receiver PC.

Fig. 4 Flowchart of the Proposed Intelligent Street Light System

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Anand et al., International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 5(5),
May- 2015, pp. 1450-1454
The flowchart of the system is given in Fig 4. The working of the entire system is mainly with the sensors present. The
main idea behind the system is that the LED array will be in OFF state at day time using LDR1 sensor. At night, the array
will remain in half ON condition, i.e., if 4 LEDs are connected in an array, then, only 2 will be in ON state and the other
2 will be in OFF state. The rest 2 LEDs will get turned ON only if the LDR2 sensor detects vehicle. This is done so as to
minimize the power consumption of the array. Here light is activated only when it is needed. At night, when roads are
empty, there is no use of illuminating all the lamps. So, half set of LEDs are ON and can conserve the power.
In order to operate the proposed system intelligently, LDR1 will check daylight with condition LDR1 < 40% and LDR2
will check detection of vehicle with condition LDR2 > 40%. Thus, detection of night and vehicle can be identified with
LDR1 and LDR2 respectively, resulting in autonomous operation of the system.


In the proposed intelligent street light system, the following steps are observed during its operation:-
STEP1: During day light, the LED array is in OFF state (as shown in Fig. 5(a)).
STEP 2: During night, which is sensed by LDR1, half of the LEDs of LED array turns ON (as shown in Fig. 5(b)).
STEP 3: The variation of the current at the lamp node can be observed (in table III) according to the variation of light
intensity in LDR1 and LDR2 (as shown in Fig. 5(c)).
STEP 4: When vehicle is detected by the LDR2, all the LEDs of LED array turns ON and correspondingly, there is
increase in the current at lamp node(as shown in Fig. 5(d)).
STEP 5: As vehicle crosses the lamp node, half of the LEDs again turns OFF.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 5 (a) Lamp is OFF during day light, (b) Half of the LEDs of Lamp turns ON detecting night, (c) Variation in
intensity of Lamp according to LDR1 and LDR2, (d) All LEDs of Lamp turns ON detecting vehicle.

Due to variation in intensity of light, there is change in current at lamp node, thus, power consumption is reduced which
results in energy saving of this system. The monitoring of the variation in the parameter of lamp node can be observed in
FLASH MAGIC terminal at transmitter as well as receiver end using RF module (nRF24L01). If the transmission
between transmitter-end and receiver-end is successful, then, the message “Sending….ok.” (Fig. 6(a)) is displayed, else,
the message “Sending….failed” (Fig. 6(b)) is displayed at transmitter terminal. The information received by receiver-end
is shown in Fig. 6(c). The range of the wireless network tested is around 40 meters.

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 6 (a) Sending Ok for transmitting information at transmitter terminal of the system, (b) Sending Failed for
transmitting information at transmitter terminal of the system, (c) Receiver terminal for monitoring the system.

Table III: Analysis of various parameters:-

S. Light Light - T AT CONSU-
No. Intensity Intensit ERA- LAMP MPTION
1 599% 0% 32ºC 0 mA 0 mW During day light, LDR1 senses more light intensity,
and if LDR2 is not exposed to light, then, no LEDs
will turn on, resulting in no current at lamp node.

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Anand et al., International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 5(5),
May- 2015, pp. 1450-1454
2 212% 13% 31ºC 0 mA 0 mW During day light, LDR1 senses more light intensity,
and if LDR2 light intensity also starts increasing,
then, also, no LEDs will turn on, resulting in no
current at lamp node.
3 0% 9% 31ºC 27 mA 27mA x During night, LDR1 will sense no light and light
12V= intensity at LDR2 is also less. In this condition,
324 mW half of the LEDs connected in LED array turns ON
will full intensity.
4 12% 8% 31ºC 23 mA 23mA x During night, light intensity at LDR1 is less and
12V= light intensity at LDR2 is also less. In this
276 mW condition, half of the LEDs connected in LED
array remain ON but the current at lamp node
varies according to intensity of light falling on
5 12% 13% 32ºC 26 mA 26mA x During night, light intensity at LDR1 is less and
12V= light intensity at LDR2 is also less. In this
312 mW condition, half of the LEDs connected in LED
array remain ON but the current at lamp node
varies according to intensity of light falling on
6 12% 481% 32ºC 30 mA 30mA x During night, light intensity at LDR1 is less and
12V= light intensity at LDR2 is more, then, all the LEDs
360 mW connected in LED array turns ON and the current at
lamp node starts increasing.
7 14% 564% 33ºC 32 mA 32mA x During night, light intensity at LDR1 is less and
12V= light intensity at LDR2 is even more, then, all the
384 mW LEDs connected in LED array turn ON and the
current at lamp node starts increasing.

The proposed intelligent street light can detect day/night time and vehicles and vary the intensity of the street lights using
PWM technique in LED lamps as per the traffic flow. This system helps in monitoring of street lights and can also detect
fault through RF technology. Thus, if intelligent street light is designed and installed in the cities, then, lots of power can
be saved. The intelligent street light system may be criticized as being expensive, however, considering its advantages:
slightly higher prices of the lampposts are compensated by lack of costly wiring and the availability of power network
and considerably lower prices of maintenance. The goal is, therefore, reduction of power consumption and harmful
atmosphere emissions. The system is versatile and can be extended according to user needs.

[2] Chunguo Jing, DongmeiShu, DeyingGu. Design of Streetlight Monitoring and Control System Based on
Wireless Sensor Networks, Second IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, Harbin, 23-25
May 2007, pp. 57 – 62.
[5] Hassan Khawari, Majid Baghaei-Nejad, Sayeed Reza Alawi, Mohammad Nazem Jafari. Intelligent Lighting
Control System Based on Zigbee Communication Technique.
[6] Archana M., Mahalahshmi R. E-street: LED powered intelligent street lighting system with automatic brightness
adjustment based on climatic conditions and vehicle movements, International Journal of Advanced Research in
Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE), Vol. 3, Issue 2, April 2014: pp. 60-67.

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