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Fedrel Urdu Universty Islamabad, Pakistan Department of Electrical Engineering Muhammad Aamir

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Automatic Lightning Control System and Office Automation




1.1 Project Background

1.2 Problem Statement

1.3 Project Objectives

1.4 Scope of the Project

1.5 Significance of the Project



2.1 GSM Based Remote Control System of High Efficiency Intelligent Street Lighting

2.2 The Core Technology of the Street Light Control System

2.3 Zigbee Based Street Light Control System

2.4 Zigbee Based Street Light

2.5 Using GSM for intelligent street lighting system

2.6 Smart lighting system

2.7 Energy efficient pedestrian aware Smart Street Lighting system for dynamic switching of street lamps

2.8 Smart street lighting system by using wireless sensor network

2.8 Smart street lighting system by using wireless sensor network

2.9 Summary



3.1 Project Model

3.2 Project Topology

3.2.1 LDR

3.2.2 PIR Sensor

3.2.3 Relays

3.2.4 FPGA
3.2.5 WIFI Module

3.3 Proposed Project Scheme

3.3.1 FPGA coding

3.3.2 Implementation of Hardware

3.4 Methodology

3.4.1 Theoretical Studies

3.4.2 Experimental Setup



4.1 Expected Project Outcomes

4.2 Conclusion




1.1 Project Background

Today electricity is a major concern worldwide and most of the power generation stations are based on
conventional fuels like coal, oil and Hydraulic but we have limited sources. However proper usage of electricity
could also be one of the effective tools for saving the energy. Street lights are one of the most crucial parts for
public lighting systems which consume a major part of the generated electricity. This project describe an energy
efficient approach of smart street lighting system, which can automatically control the switching and intensity of
street lights based on surrounding light intensity and movement. Basically a smart street lighting system is a
flexible street lighting system consists of various sensors and a controller which make it an intelligent street
lighting system.

1.2 Problem Statement

This project Automatic Street Lights control System and office automation is a cost effective, practical eco-
friendly and the safest way to save energy. According to statistical data we can save more that 40 % of electrical
energy that is now consumed by the highways and street lightning. Initial cost and maintenance can be draw
backs of this project. With the advances in technology and good resource planning the cost of the project can be
cut down and also with the use of good equipment the maintenance can also be reduced in terms of periodic
checks. Several problems will be subjected to solve in the whole project. At the beginning Smart Street light had
been only programmed only for automatic ON/OFF purpose, which has a basic program code. But now automatic
switching of Street lights and office automation considering intensity of sun light, brightness control of lights on
detecting movement and heat

1.3 Project Aims and Objectives

a) Energy saving
b) Automatic switching of street lights
c) Home automation
d) Reduction of manpower
e) Simpler to control

1.4 Scope of the Project

Day by day, the field of automation is blooming and these systems are having great impact on human beings. The
project which is to be implemented is a home automation using Easy IOT mobile application and WIFI and has
very good future development.

Further Scope of our project given as

1. Smart cities
2. Home automation
3. Agriculture field monitoring
4. Timely automated lights
5. Hospitals, Malls, Airport, Industries etc
1.5 Significance of the Project
The significance of the project is to save energy. Maintenance cost is much low compared to conventional street
light. Intensity of LED can be controlled effectively without changes in its light color. Risk of accidents is very
low. It is environmental friendly, no harmful emissions. Longer life compared to conventional street lights. Power
consumption is much lower. LDRs are sensitive, inexpensive and readily available devices. They have good
power and voltage capabilities, similar to those of a conventional resistor. They are small enough to fit into
virtually any electronic device and used all around the world as a basis component in many electrical
systems. Photo resistors convert light into electricity and are not dependent on any other force. Photo resistors
are simply designed and are made from materials that are widely available, allowing hundreds of thousands of
units to be produced each year. A LDR may be connected either way round and no special precautions are required
when soldering.



2.1 GSM Based Remote Control System of High Efficiency Intelligent Street Lighting
Anila Devi [1] worked on GSM Based Remote Control System of High Efficiency Intelligent Street Lighting
System UsingZigbee Network of Devices and Sensor. New intelligent and smart street light system is designed
with wireless technology for maintenance and network of sensors for controlling. In which, they used high
efficiency LED lamp which consumes less energy with high life time.

2.2 The Core Technology of the Street Light Control System

Hengyu Wu, MinliTang [2]propose about The core technology of the street light control system is an AT89S52
single-chip microcomputer. It integrates a power circuit, a fault detection circuit, a photosensitive detection
circuit, an infrared detection circuit, an LCD display circuit, a street light control circuit, an alarm circuit, a
pressed key control circuit and so on. This system cans automatically turn on or off the lights and controls the
switches according to traffic flow. It expands the fault detection circuit and the corresponding alarm circuit. It
also has a convenient and flexible button control circuit to switch on and off fictions mentioned above. Main
weakness is that they didn’t say about the working principle behind the system. It also said to use fault detection
circuit whichwhen it is damaged, the voltage is zero, so it will create a problem. This paper is and theoretic proof
andshows only simulation result but not as a real time set up experiments. The focus of this paper to build a way
for the framework which may leads to many follow up research activities in the Low-rate and also plan to
investigate the applicability of this proposal to detect performance.

2.3 Zigbee Based Street Light Control System

S.H. Jeo[3] describes about the development of Zigbee based Street Light Control System which controlled
monitor status of street lights installed alongside load. Lights are switched to ON/OFF by this system’s control
command. Its local status information is also monitored by control system via communication channel. Status
information which is monitored are ON/OFF status information, energy saving mode status, control group status
information and safety related information, etc. To transfer control command and status information between
street light control system and remote street light control terminals which installed at each light pole, various
communication media and communication protocols are using. As communication media, wireless or power lines
are used generally. Various frequency bands from tens of MHz to Rebrands are used for wireless case. This Street
light control system can save maintenance time and costs and which can improve safety level.

2.4 Zigbee Based Street Light

Richu Sam Alex [4] This reduce the power consumption of the street lighting system about 20-35 % compared
to conventional design. This system is fully automated and is using ZIGBEE so that the control station can analyze
all the performance of the system.

2.5 Using GSM for intelligent street lighting system

Prof. K. Y. Rajput[5] presented a approach using GSM for intelligent street lighting system which targets energy
saving and autonomous operation on economical affordable for street. This system is designed using two LDR
sensors one for monitoring day/night status and other monitors the lamp health status. The status data collected
on their server through GSM module.

2.6 Smart lighting system
Roxana Alexandru [6] studies different approaches of Smart lighting like Variable Lighting, Part Night Lighting
and Light Trimming and come up with solution using Motion Detection and Dimming, Wireless communication.
Dimming involves adjusting the lighting levels of LEDs such that lower lighting levels are used when there are
no pedestrian or cars on the streets.

2.7 Energy efficient pedestrian aware Smart Street Lighting system for dynamic switching
of street lamps
Reinhard [7] proposed an energy efficient pedestrian aware Smart Street Lighting (SSL) system for dynamic
switching of street lamps. This system able to track pedestrian location via his/her smart phone and desired safety
zones. CO2 emission will be reduced by such systems. The limitation identified about this system is trees like
objects interrupt wireless communication between lampposts and another is inaccuracy of global positioning
system position detection.

2.8 Smart street lighting system by using wireless sensor network

Chetna Badgaiyan[8] presented smart street lighting system by using wireless sensor network ,
pyroelectricinfrared sensor(PIR) and Zigbee. PIR is used to detect movement of pedestrians and vehicle and
according to that the intensity of light is adjusted. Street Lights remained less brightif there is no movement.

2.9 Summary
This chapter will discuss about sources or articles that related to the project. There are many sources or researchers
done before and from there details about this project are known and can understand briefly about the project. In
this chapter the theoretical background, literature review of previous work, and the summaries about the previous
work will be covered.



3.1 Project Model

3.2 Project Topology

This project based on IoT which makes it smart. We use field programmable gate array. PIR sensor connected
with output pins of analog to digital converter. LDR used to sense the light from sun day in time LEDS remain
off and at night time LEDS glowing dim, if IR sensor sense any movement or heat then LEDS glowing. Also
with node MCU IC we control office lights, fan and AC with android app using WIFI. The detail of these
component is following.

3.2.1 LDR
A Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) or a photo resistor is a device whose resistivity is a function of the
incident electromagnetic radiation. Hence, they are light sensitive devices. They are also called as photo
conductors, photo conductive cells or simply photocells. They are made up of semiconductor materials having
high resistance. A light dependent resistor works on the principle of photo conductivity. Photo conductivity is an

optical phenomenon in which the materials conductivity (Hence resistivity) reduces when light is absorbed by
the material.

3.2.2 PIR Sensor

An infrared sensor is an electronic instrument that is used to sense certain characteristics of its surroundings by
either emitting and/or detecting infrared radiation. It is also capable of measuring heat of an object and detecting
motion. Infrared waves are not visible to the human eye. In the electromagnetic spectrum, infrared radiation is
the region having wavelengths longer than visible light wavelengths, but shorter than microwaves. The infrared
region is approximately demarcated from 0.75 to 1000µm. IR (infrared) sensors detect infrared light. The IR
light is transformed into an electric current, and this is detected by a voltage or amperage detector.

3.2.3 Relays

A relay is usually an electromechanical device that is actuated by an electrical current. The current flowing in
one circuit causes the opening or closing of another circuit. Relays are like remote control switches and are used
in many applications because of their relative simplicity, long life, and proven high reliability. Although relays
are generally associated with electrical circuitry, there are many other types, such as pneumatic and hydraulic.
Input may be electrical and output directly mechanical, or vice versa. Relays are mainly made for two basic
operations. One is low voltage application and the other is high voltage. For low voltage applications, more
preference will be given to reduce the noise of the whole circuit. For high voltage applications, they are mainly
designed to reduce a phenomenon called arcing.

3.2.4 Field programmable gate array

Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are semiconductor devices that are based around a matrix of
configurable logic blocks (CLBs) connected via programmable interconnects. FPGAs can be reprogrammed to
desired application or functionality requirements after manufacturing. This feature distinguishes FPGAs from
Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs), which are custom manufactured for specific design tasks.
Although one-time programmable (OTP) FPGAs are available, the dominant types are SRAM based which can
be reprogrammed as the design evolves.

3.2.5 WiFi Module

Smart Connectivity Platform (ESCP) of high performance wireless for mobile platform designers provides
unsurpassed ability to embed Wi-Fi capabilities within other systems, at the lowest cost with the greatest
functionality. ESP8266 offers a complete and self-contained Wi-Fi networking solution, allowing it to either
host the application or to offload all Wi-Fi networking functions from another application processor.
Alternately, serving as a Wi-Fi adapter, wireless internet access can be added to any microcontroller-based design
with simple connectivity.

3.3 Proposed Work Scheme

Basically the two main part of proposed work scheme is given below

3.3.1 FPGA Coding

The project FPGA based we use code for our project to control the lights with respect to sunlight and objects
movement and also controlling the office lights, fan and AC.

3.2.2 Implementing hardware

After the successful testing of simulation, we will first develop PCB by using Proteus software and then we will
place components on PCB and solder them. When PCB is ready then we will test it.

3.4 Methodology

3.4.1 Theoretical Studies

This project calls for complete theoretical study related to each and every circuit. In this project “IoT Based Street
Light and Office Automation Control System”. We use different sensors such as LDR, IR, relays and control
from mobile app through WIFI. We use FPGA for control street lights and office appliances. Datasheet of each
IC and pin configuration must be kept in mind to assemble the circuit. Sensors need to be studied to make its use
possible with precision. Digitally the lightning control system depends on the light from sun on the LDR and
movement and heat detection by inferared sensor and also room light is depend on the presence of men in room.
All in all, complete theoretical study is required to make sure the completion of project.

3.4.2 Experimental Setup

All the circuitry systems controlling will require a complete experimental setup which will help in designing of
project. Each feature will be checked separately as experiment. After checking, it will be combined in a single
module. In experimental setup there are two working method. First is input module working and second is output
module working.

In this input module of the project, we used 6 to 8 IR sensors which are interfaced with ADC and FPGA work
individually with respective to each other. In this we are connecting the output pins of IR sensor to pins to FPGA
to give status of IR sensor. IR sensor senses the presence of a vehicle or a pedestrian on the road and increases
the intensity of LED street lamps on the road through output module and in room IR Sensor sense the heat and
presence of men and lamp glow and other appliances are controlled by wifi module through mobile app.

In this output module of project, the digital output pins of connected with high intensity led’s and relays to
control office appliances This output pins are connected to LED street lamps and increases the light intensity
when required. LDR is connected to analog pin A0 of ADC and FPGA helps in switching between day, evening
and night time modes. Also with ESP8266 IC we control the office lights, fan and AC with android app using


4.1 Outcomes
Street lights and office automation for power saving. In office automation we control the lights by using mobile
app therefore it vanish the difficulties of disable person. Also the whole project is controlled automatically not

4.2 Conclusion
Our manuscript aims to develop a system which will lead to energy conservation and by doing so, we would be
able to lighten few more homes. The proposed work is accomplished by using FPGA and sensors that will control
the lights based on night and object's detection. The beauty of the proposed work is that the wastage of unused
electricity can be reduced, lifetime of the streetlights gets enhance because the lights do not stay ON during the
whole night, and also helps to increase safety measurements. We are confident that the proposed idea will be
beneficial in the future applications of microcontrollers and sensors. This project can be used as a product which
can be used for different purposes.

1) Primary utilization is to energy saving.

2) Secondary automatic switching and office automation.

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IOSR J of VLSI and Signal Processing Vol. 4, Issue 4, Aug. 2014.

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60 Jan 2013.

[3]A. Somasekhar, B, “An Intelligent Lightening System for Power Saving Applications”, International Journal
of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT). Volume 13 Number 1 – Jul 2014.

[4]Abdul Latif S, Raj Sagar . R, Sachin Datta N. S, Usha MS., "Street Light Monitoring and Control System,"
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[5]K.Y.Rajput , G. Khatav . M. Pujari . P. Yadav "Intelligent Street Lighting Sytem using GSM," International
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[6]S. Srivastava , "Automatic Street Lights," Advance in Electronic and Electric Engineering, vol. 3, no. 5, pp.
539- 342, 2013.

[7] Mustafa , Abdal , Ahamed S "Automatic Street Light Control using Microcontroller," International Journal
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[8] Sharath Patil G.S, Rudresh S. M, Kallendrachari.K. Vani . H.V, "Design and Implementation of Automatic
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