4 Evs Ncert ch3 PDF

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Class 4 EVS
NCERT Solutions
Chapter 3

Find out (Page 22)

Q.1. What is your weight?

Ans. 40 kg.

Q.2. Nandu is only three months old, but he weighs 200kilograms. The weight of how
many children like you will add up to Nandu’s weight?

Ans. Five children.

Page 24

Q.1. If you were Nandu, and you lived in a herd, what kinds of things would you do?

Ans. I would play, sing, dance, eat, etc.

Q.2. In the elephant herd, oldest female elephant decides everything. Who takes
decisions about thing in your family?

Ans. My father.

Page 25

Q.1. Nandu did things that he liked to do. If you could spend a whole day to go around
with your friends, what all would you do?

Ans. 1. Play

2. Dance

3. Sing

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4. Eat

Q.2. Find out and write which are some of the animals that live in herds.

Ans. Sheep, elphants.

Q.3. Do you also live in a group? Do you like to live together like that? What do you
think are the good points and the bad points of living in a group? Write them.

Ans. Good Points:

(1) We can enjoy with others.

(2) We get help from others.

(3) We have to do less work.

Bad Points:

(1) There may be quarrel.

Page 26

Q.1. Have you ever taken ride on an elephant? How did it feel?

Ans. Yes. It feels great.

Q.2. Which animals have you sat on? Write their names.

Ans. Elephant, horse, camel,

Think and Write (Page 27)

Q.1. Why is the egret sitting on the buffalo?

Ans. It eats insects on the skin of buffalo.

Q.2. Have you seen any animals reading on another animals? Write their names:

(1) The animal which is riding.

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Ans. Sparrow.

(2) The animal which gives the ride.

Ans. Buffalo, Crocodile.

Q.3. Write the names of animals that are used for riding on.

Ans. Elephant, horse, camel.

Q.4. Write the names of animals that are used for carrying loads.

Ans. Donkey, bullock, buffalo.

Discuss (Page 30)

Q.1. You have read what these animals say. Why you think that some of them are sad?

Ans. People use them for different purposes and then give them pain.

Q.2. How do you think they are different – the monkeys that dance to entertain people
and the monkeys that are free?

Ans. The monkeys which are free, are very happy. They do whatever they like, go wherever
they want.

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