To Win Just Once: That Would Be Enough

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That would be enough TWJO 203 – April 2020 ISSN 1470-0247

That would be enough To Win Just Once

(incorporating Les Petites Bêtes Soyeuses)
This has been issue 203 of To Win Just Once, published 5th April 2020. It
incorporates Les Petites Bêtes Soyeuses, a game of En Garde!. Issues are
published ten times a year, roughly every five weeks. © Paul Evans 2020

Orders for Railway Rivals and Star Trader to Mike by 17th April 2020.
Orders for LPBS and Trophy Hunter plus any other contributions to Pevans by
24th April 2020.
(Following deadlines are 22nd/29th May, 26th June/3rd July, 31st July/7th Aug)

Waiting lists
En Garde! new players are always welcome in Les Petites Bêtes Soyeuses. You
will need the rules to En Garde! in order to play:
Pevans reviews
Railway Rivals – Christian Bien, Mark Cowper, Rob Pinkerton, Anthony
Uwe Rosenberg’s
Gilbert, Jonathan Palfrey and Gerald Udowiczenko are awaiting the next one,
anyone else? (Working map and rules provided).
Sopwith – up for this game of WW1 aerial combat are: Rob Pinkerton, Jonathan
Palfrey, Anthony Gilbert, Pevans.
Star Trader – There’s room for 1-2 players in the current game. Joel Halpern is
waiting for the next one. Rules provided.
Online games
Agricola (at Pevans, Brad Martin
Brass (at
Keyflower (at
Rajas of the Ganges (at
Snowdonia (at Pevans, Mike Reeves
Through the Ages (at

Credits Starting with

the last one,
To Win Just Once issue 203 was written and edited by Pevans. The LPBS
Spring Meadow
masthead (page 22) is by Lee Brimmicombe-Wood, as are the other drawings –
except the one on page 27 which is by Nik Luker. Game and book artwork is
courtesy of the publisher. Photos taken by Pevans, who played with Photoshop.
Printed and published by Margam Evans Limited
(A company registered in England and Wales, number 05152842,
Registered office: 180 Aylsham Drive, Uxbridge UB10 8UF)
Tel: 020 7183 6256, E-mail: [email protected], Web:

Issue 203: April 2020 £ 2 .00 (+ postage)

Page 40 (LPBS 336: Feb 1672) and online at
Contents TWJO 203 – April 2020 TWJO 203 – April 2020 Chatter

Contents Chatter
Contents ............................................................................................... 2 Well, well: aren’t we living in ‘interesting times’. I hope all is well with you – so
far chez Pevans is fine (apart from not going out) and no-one from our families
Chatter ................................................................................................. 3
has been affected. Fingers crossed.
Letters .................................................................................................. 4
The most entertaining bit so far has been the empty shelves in supermarkets and
Of marmots, cats and woodland creatures ...................................... 5
the procession of jokes shared by friends and relatives on WhatsApp and other
Pevans reviews Uwe Rosenberg’s puzzle trilogy .........................................................5
channels. The gags about the perceived value of toilet rolls have now lapsed – I
Reading Matter ................................................................................. 11 had no problem picking some up on my most recent visit to Sainsbury’s. Tins of
Games Events .................................................................................... 13 baked beans are a different matter – and white wine is also in
short supply. Thank goodness for Majestic!
Online Games .................................................................................... 13
Trophy Hunter .................................................................................. 14 More seriously, my opportunities for playing games have been
Turn 5 ................................................................................................................................. 14 severely curtailed. Swiggers is soldiering on by playing games
online on Wednesday evenings. The issues with this are that
Subscribing to TWJO........................................................................ 16
our choice of game is limited by what’s available and the
The Mote in God’s Eye (Star Trader game 10)............................... 17 websites are overloaded, so response times can be very slow.
Turn 8 ................................................................................................................................. 17 On the plus side, we can involve people who’ve moved away
Star systems map ............................................................................................................ 19 and can’t get to the pub any more.
UpLoders (Railway Rivals game 14 – RR2387KT) ......................... 20 I was all booked up to fly off after Easter for this year’s
Turn 8 ................................................................................................................................. 20 Gathering of Friends in Niagara Falls, but this has been
Les Petites Bêtes Soyeuses .............................................................. 22 cancelled. I will miss seeing lots of old friends but, more
February 1672 (336)........................................................................................................ 22 importantly, what will I write about? Trying out recently-
Press.................................................................................................................................... 28 published and soon-to-be-published games at the Gathering
Points Arising ................................................................................................................... 32 provides me with two issues worth of content each year…
Announcements ................................................................................................................ 33
The solution may well be to get to grips with the large pile of
Duels ................................................................................................................................... 33
unopened games that is lurking behind me as I type this.
New Characters................................................................................................................ 34
Okay, I won’t be able to play them properly, but I hope to get
Tables ................................................................................................................................. 35
enough of a flavour to know if they’re worth playing. And
Army Organisation and 1672’s Summer Deployment .................................................... 35
Brigade Positions.............................................................................................................. 35 reduce the stacks to a manageable size. Expect some (many?)
Frontier Regiments .......................................................................................................... 36 notes in the next issue of TWJO.
Battle Results ................................................................................................................... 36 Having said that, my bookkeeping clients have been keeping
Other Appointments......................................................................................................... 36
me very busy for the last couple of weeks and this looks like
Femmes Fatales................................................................................................................ 37
Regiments ......................................................................................................................... 37 continuing for at least one more week. The last of them that
The Greasy Pole ............................................................................................................... 38 insisted on using desktop software on their office computers
made a hurried migration to the cloud as the lockdown
That would be enough...................................................................... 40 loomed. This actually went very smoothly, but left me with
Deadlines ........................................................................................................................... 40 some tidying up to do. On top of this, I’m in the middle of
Waiting lists ...................................................................................................................... 40 drafting end-of-year accounts for a couple of clients, which is
Credits ................................................................................................................................ 40 always my peak workload each year. Piles of unplayed
Stay well, everybody. and/or unopened
games. Mostly.

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Letters TWJO 203 – April 2020 TWJO 203 – April 2020 Of marmots, cats and woodland creatures

Online s tats The experience taught me something: if you ever find yourself producing t he
Black Excrement of Mordor, don’t just regard it with idle curiosity before
Last issue came out at the end of February and the PDFs have been downloaded flushing. It may well indicate internal bleeding, so get medical attention.
201 times to the end of March. TWJO 201 attracted 170 more downloads, taking
I’ve just had my biennial test for bowel cancer. For those not old enough (or not
it to 277 in two months. The previous issue, 200, was downloaded a further 46
times to rack up 457 since publication. UK resident), this involves sticking a probe in your poo and posting it to a lab.
Then you get a letter telling you everything’s fine. (I don’t know what happens if
everything isn’t fine, but presumably it happens faster.)
Looking at what people have been searching for when they find their way to my
website threw up some interesting results for March. Top of the PDFs (after
TWJO) were my reviews of Civilization and High Frontier. The latter is Of marmots, cats and woodland creatures
presumably sparked by the Kickstarter for the fourth edition, but I don’t know
why there’s suddenly interest in Civ. There were also lots of searches for “Memoir
’44 expansion/s”, which suggests to me that these are out of stock everywhere, not
Pevans reviews Uwe Rosenberg’s puzzle trilogy
just at Games from Pevans. Somewhere along the way (2014, according to BGG) I completely missed Uwe
Rosenberg’s Patchwork. Probably because it’s a two-player game. I first became
Letters aware of it when I came across the queue at Spiel ’16 for Cottage Garden. “It’s
multi-player Patchwork,” enthused the people in the line. This didn’t help me
Jonathan Palfrey has some reading recommendations. much. Since then Cottage Garden has been followed by Indian Summer and then
Spring Meadow in a trilogy of ‘puzzle’ games, all themed around flora and fauna.
Recently I tried an author, T. Kingfisher, recommended by Lois McMaster
Bujold. I read Clockwork Boys and its sequel, The Wonder Engine, and they Apart from the theme, what the games have in common is that they all use
were quite good, entertaining, fluently written, with diverse and engaging polyomino tiles. That is, “a plane geometric figure formed by joining one or more
characters and a sense of humour. But it’s more all-out fantasy than Bujold’s. equal squares edge to edge” according to Wikipedia. If you’ve ever played Tetris,
Coming from a background of sf, I prefer even fantasy to have its own rules you’ll know exactly what these are. In these games the tiles can be anything from
and limitations, but T. Kingfisher (a pseudonym) is pretty casual about that one to six squares in size and in all sorts of configurations. Players draw tiles and
kind of thing, and weird stuff happens with no particular explanation except , use them to cover their own board. As you’d expect, tiles must stay within the
well, this is fantasy. confines of the printed grid on the board and can’t go on top of each other. Thus, a
six-square tile may be very useful
Having recently reread Michael Kurland’s The Unicorn Girl and Perchance in terms of the area it covers, but
(both sf), which I’m very fond of although they’re not major works, I’m now it can be tricky to fit it in – even if
trying his series of relatively mundane books set in the world of Sherlock it’s just a rectangle.
Holmes and starting with The Infernal Device.
I thought I’d cover the most recent
And a health warning for us all. game, Spring Meadow, first as it’s
Incidentally, I spent two and half days in hospital in February with a st oma ch freshest in my mind and I think
ulcer, but it seemed to heal after four blood transfusions and some it’s the simplest of the three. The
medication, and three almost sleepless nights. Going without sleep is bad for theme here is an Alpine meadow
health, I’ve read, but in my very limited experience it seems difficult to sl e e p with the first flowers of Spring
in a hospital. popping through the final snows of
Winter. Hence players’ boards are
I feel quite well now, but I’m still taking medication and avoiding wine, white and the tiles are green with
chocolate, citrus fruit, etc. I’ll be glad when I can resume normal brightly coloured flowers, so the
consumption. My stomach’s never given me any trouble before; I don’t know white turns green as the game
what it thinks it’s playing at. goes on.
Spring Meadow: a winning position

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Of marmots, cats and woodland creatures TWJO 203 – April 2020 TWJO 203 – April 2020 Of marmots, cats and woodland creatures

There are two things to notice here. First, each player’s board has a pattern of what tiles will be available to you on a later turn is invaluable. Just as long as
burrow entrances on it – marmot (or groundhog, if you’re in North America) nobody else pinches the tile you want – the only player interaction in the game. I
burrows. Tiles can be laid across these, but don’t have to be. Second, most of the don’t normally like games that are effectively competitive puzzle solving, but I do
larger tiles have a round hole in one of their squares. Position the hole on top of a enjoy this one. Spring Meadow gets 8/10 on my highly subjective scale.
burrow and that’s a bonus point towards your score. What’s more, laying a tile so
The previous game in the series is Indian Summer, where
that its hole is adjacent to other hole/s means you pick up and place a rock tile. the theme is a walk through the New England forest in Fall
This is actually a good thing as the rocks include one- and two-square polyomino
(Autumn to me). The tiles are thus more colourful: rich reds,
tiles, which are so useful for filling in the odd space (and you won’t find them oranges and yellows. It’s also much more complex. To start
amongst the flowers).
with, player boards are smaller and the winner is the first
However, I’m getting ahead of player to fill their board. (To be accurate, when one player
myself. Players have to acquire fills their board, the round is completed and there are tie-
tiles first. These are laid out at breakers if more than one player then has a full board.)
random in a 5 x 5 grid on a
The leaf tiles that players place on their board are only
central board. A marker (it’s a three-, four- and five-square shapes and each of them has a
signpost in this game as players
hole in one square. Thankfully, there are also one-square squirrels to fill the odd
are meant to be hiking) on the space. Icons printed on the player boards represent the ‘treasures’ of the forest:
edge of the board designates
berries, nuts and such like. These can be covered over, but it’s more useful to
which line of tiles the current
Select a piece from the left column this time place a tile’s hole over them. In this case the appropriate treasure token is placed
player can choose from and
over the hole.
then moves on at the end of their turn. This is very necessary as it limits the
analysis players go through when choosing a tile – they have five at most to When a player completes one of the marked sub-divisions of their board, they
consider. What’s more, players can see which rows they’ll be picking from in their take all the treasure tokens off it. They can then play these during their turn to
next turns and can assess which tiles they’d like in advance. take a special action (spending a nut to add a squirrel to their board, for example)
or modify their tile placement (adding two tiles for a feather). These are all very
Having taken their tile, the player can flip it over and/or orientate it any way
they like before placing it on their board. I should point out that Herr Rosenberg
is a nice man: he lets players take tiles and try them out before deciding (there’s
a placeholder to remind them where they took the tile from). They then place a
rock, if they gained one, and move the signpost to the next row. If this row has
only one tile left, players score their boards.
Ah yes, scoring. To do this, players start from the bottom of their board and count
the number of complete rows before their first incomplete one. Each full row is 10
points (it has ten squares) and they add the number of covered squares in their
first incomplete row. (Marmot burrows count as covered even if there isn’t a tile
over them.) Each burrow visible through a hole in a tile (anywhere on their
board) is worth an extra point, but is then covered by a marmot piece so that it
can’t be scored again. Whoever has the highest total takes a ‘hiking pin’ token. If
that’s their second pin, they win. Otherwise, the central board is refilled with
tiles drawn at random and the next player takes their turn.
Simple, eh? Well, on BGG it has a complexity rating of 2/5, which I think is a bit
high. What you think of it probably depends on your spatial awareness, though.
The strategy seems simple enough: fill your board from the bottom up, keeping a
careful eye on when a scoring is likely to happen. Being able to look ahead at
I’ve completed 5/6ths of my Indian Summer with a couple of squirrels and the badger

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Of marmots, cats and woodland creatures TWJO 203 – April 2020 TWJO 203 – April 2020 Of marmots, cats and woodland creatures

useful, which gives players an incentive to complete a sub-division. The question As in Spring Meadow, players get
to weigh up is whether the treasures gained are worth potentially compromising their tiles from a central board (4
the completion of your board. x 4 in this case). They take one
tile from the row indicated by the
Players have more control over what they’re placing in this game. Each starts
marker – a large green die. Each
with five tiles and can place any of these. However, they only refill this set when
time the die completes a circuit of
they play the last tile (there’s no ‘drawing a tile’ part of their turn). The rest of
the board, its value increases by
the tiles are lined up in a ‘path’ and a player refilling their tiles takes the next
one and the final round starts
five, so you can see what you’ll get in advance. If you spot a useful tile or two at
when it’s turned to six.
the front of the path, discarding a berry treasure lets you refill your tiles to five.
A player’s turn consists of
There’s one more wrinkle to this: animal tiles. Each of these is a specific shape
choosing a tile from the current
(the fox is a T, for example) and can only be placed over contiguous, empty tile
row – or taking a flowerpot – and
holes on a player’s board. Players can do this at any point in their turn and it
placing it on one of their
gives them any treasures visible through the (now covered) holes. Hence, you
flowerbeds. They may also add
may be able to get two treasure tokens for some treasure squares, which may
any cats they have available.
change how you value them.
They then move the green die on
The core of a player’s turn is very simple: place one of your tiles or take and place one space. If this row has one or
a squirrel. However, on top of this you may have to refill your tiles, gain fewer tiles, it’s immediately
treasures, place animals and gain more treasures. Plus, of course, you can play refilled, taking tiles in sequence
any or all of the treasures you have in hand. Early turns tend to be from the line of unused tiles.
straightforward, though players do start with a few treasure tokens. Once you’ve Thus players can look ahead to Round 1 of Cottage Garden and there are 16
got options and treasures, things get rather more complicated. see what tiles will be appearing colourful flowers available
As I said, Indian Summer is much more complex than Spring Meadow (though as rows empty.
its complexity rating on BGG is only 2.28/5). You’ll notice there isn’t significant Players score immediately when they fill one of their flowerbeds. They move one
player interaction in this one, either – though the mushroom treasure does let of their orange scoring markers forward one space for each flowerpot visible on
you pinch other players’ tiles (you have to place them immediately). Personally, I the bed and a blue marker for each plant cover. Each orange space is worth a
find it a bit too fiddly. So my strategy is simply to race to fill my board, treating point, each blue space 2. On both tracks the last space is worth extra points,
treasures as incidental bonuses. (This is probably why I keep losing to subtler giving players an incentive to get to the end. After scoring, the player clears the
players – but sometimes I win.) While I do enjoy Indian Summer, I prefer the flowerbed, adding the flower tiles to the back of the line of unused tiles, and
simplicity of Spring Meadow, so Indian Summer gets 7/10 on my highly swaps it for one of the spare ones.
subjective scale.
There are a couple of other wrinkles on the scoring track. Firstly, moving a
This brings me to the first game in the series, Cottage marker past the mice shown on the track gets you a cat token. You can’t have too
Garden. Here, the player boards are the smallest in the many cats. In this game anyway. Second, the first and second players to get a
series, a 5 x 5 grid, representing flowerbeds. However, each marker to the end of a track get a few bonus points.
player gets two of them. They also have a scoring track
At the heart of Cottage Garden, as with all three games, is the puzzle of fitting
each. This is actually two tracks, as players score for two
the oddly shaped tiles onto your board to fill it. Larger tiles cover more ground,
different things (flowerpots and plant covers – mainly
but are harder to work around or fit in. But you’ll need more of the smaller,
printed on the flowerbeds), and they have two marker cubes
easier tiles. On top of this, you then have tactical considerations: do I concentrate
for each track. The tiles are flowers – with which to fill your
on one flowerbed or fill both? When is it worth taking a flowerpot? When should I
flowerbeds – and do not have holes. There are also flowerpot
use my cats? And which marker shall I move when scoring?
and cat tokens that can be used to fill single squares.
The final thing to bear in mind is the last round of the game. During this, players
lose 2 points each turn until they’ve completed all their flowerbeds. While it may

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Of marmots, cats and woodland creatures TWJO 203 – April 2020 TWJO 203 – April 2020 Reading Matter

Reading Matter
Another of the 99p offers I picked up from Kindle (see last time)
was The Diamond Throne by David Eddings – the first novel of
the “Elenium” series, originally published in 1989. Now, I have
fond memories of Eddings’ fantasy saga, “The Belgariad”, from
the early 1980s, so I thought this was worth a look. As soon as I
started I couldn’t believe how clunky the prose is. At times it’s
actually painful to read. As my mother would say, “he needs a
good editor” (originally applied to John le Carré’s later novels).
Despite this, the plot drags you along and, by the time I was a couple of chapters
in, I was gripped. Though I still found the setting rather odd. You have a batch of
kingdoms, each populated by a different race of humans, but all subscribing to
the same religion with a central priesthood. However, each kingdom has its own
order of religious knights – we’re high mediaeval here, so it’s plate armour,
swords and lances. There’s then a separate, downtrodden human race with
magical powers – magic is used by other humans, but frowned on by the church.
Our hero is one of the knights, Sir Sparhawk. His quest is to find an antidote to
I’ve almost finished both my flowerbeds and have a cat to help (they enjoy gardening) the magic that has poisoned his Queen – more magic has preserved her inside a
giant crystal, but this only delays her death. This pits him (and his brethren)
be worth paying the penalty for a few turns to complete (and score) another against the schemes of a senior churchman who’s trying to manipulate his way to
flowerbed, it quickly becomes prohibitively expensive. Thus it’s crucial to be the top of the church, in part by putting a stooge on the throne in place of the
aware of when the game will end. queen. Swords are wielded, spells are cast, plans are thwarted but, by the end of
the book, Sparhawk still has a lot of questing in front of him.
As far as I’m concerned, Cottage Garden is definitely simpler than Indian
Summer and more complex than Spring Meadow. (However, BGG gives it the Despite my issues with the writing style, I was carried along by the plot and
lowest complexity rating of the three games.) You can also see the development of intrigued by the setting – however bonkers it may be. Sparhawk and his
the later games from this one, some mechanisms being used in one and others in supporters are interesting characters, rather different from the standard fantasy
the other. However, one thing is consistent across all three: there’s very little good guys. I’m not sure that’s enough to keep me reading the series – maybe if
player interaction. Something I’m happy with, but will turn others off these Kindle put the second book on sale…
games. I have been reading physical books, too – just stopping myself
Much as I like the simplicity of Spring Meadow, Cottage Garden remains my from buying an e-book of Kim Stanley Robinson’s Aurora which I
favourite of the three. For me, it strikes a nice balance between tactical already had on paper. As it was published in 2015, it’s probably
opportunities and simplicity. I give it 8/10 on my highly subjective scale. been sitting on my shelf for a couple of years, but I have finally
got round to reading it. The Aurora of the title is the destination
Cottage Garden, Indian Summer and Spring Meadow were designed by Uwe
of a generation ship. That is, a huge spaceship despatched to
Rosenberg and are published by Edition Spielwiese in Germany, with the US
another star system with the expectation that the descendants of
edition coming from Stronghold Games. They are puzzle-solving board
the original crew who will arrive there, centuries later, and
games for 1-4 players (each has a solitaire game in the rules), aged 10+ a nd
colonise it. No faster-than-light travel, no suspended animation, just people being
take about 15 minutes per player to play (I’d say double that for beginners born, living and dying in their sealed environment.
and for Indian Summer).
I’ve read Non-Stop (many years ago – maybe that’s a book I should re-read), so I
An earlier version of this review was published in the Winter 2019 edition of know how this goes. Except it doesn’t, of course. The novel starts with the last
Gamers Alliance Report (

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Reading Matter TWJO 203 – April 2020 TWJO 203 – April 2020 Games Events

generation of inhabitants, the people who will arrive at Aurora. This being a Kim
Stanley Robinson story, hard science is all. Thus the first part of the story is all Games Events
about patching up the ship and keeping everything working. They have the
All suspended or moved online for the foreseeable.
advantage of being able to print replacement parts (3-D printers have clearly
been a boon to SF writers) and recycle materials, but entropy wins in the end. This box concentrates on events I hope to attend.
The first hundred pages or so introduce us to the main characters as they are Swiggers: games club that meets every Wednesday evening, upstairs at The
growing up and the societies within the ship. The next section is, of course, the Shipwright’s Arms, 88 Tooley Street, London SE1 2TF (next to London Bridge
ship’s arrival at Aurora and what the crew discover there. What follows is station). For more info, see
completely unexpected – well, I certainly didn’t see it coming – and the rest of the Games Games Games Days: from noon(-ish) on the second Saturday each month at
book is a very different journey. For me, this journey ends with the penultimate the Leon in Spitalfields Market (London E1 6DW). It’s brightly lit, has big tables and
section of the book. I’m not sure what the final part is about. It feels like a coda they don’t mind us stopping all afternoon. Closest stations are Liverpool Street (Tube
telling us they lived happily ever after. Except they didn’t. Well, not all of them. and rail) and Shoreditch High Street (Overground). Please contact me if you’re
thinking of attending in case other things have got in the way.
Aurora is a fascinating story, but one that left me feeling vaguely dissatisfied at
the end. There is also a major loose end that suggests a sequel is possible. It’s UK Games Expo: postponed to August 21st-23rd 2020 at the NEC (Halls 1-3 and
definitely worth a look, especially if you like Robinson’s style. Hilton Metropole). This is a public event that showcases games of all sorts with a huge
trade hall plus demonstration and participation games and guests. For gamers there
Every now and then in recent years, I’ve remembered a series of adventure are lots of tournaments and open gaming. For details see
stories I read as a teenager and tried to find them. They were about a salvage tug
Spiel: the board games event of the year. 22nd-25th October 2020, at the Messe
in the Far East and the particular story I remember was about rescuing a (Exhibition Centre) in Essen. Contact Friedhelm Merz Verlag, Postfach 210250, Bonn,
floating crane. I had no idea there were such things and was thrilled to see one, 53157 Germany or see
many years later, in Portsmouth harbour.
MidCon: 13th-15th November 2020 at the Hallmark Hotel (and Hallmark Inn across
A couple of months ago I had a brainwave and searched for tugboat rather than the road) in Derby. MidCon is a friendly board games convention in a decent hotel.
tug. Bingo! As soon as I saw the author’s name, Arthur Catherall, I knew I’d Expect mostly open gaming plus a few organised events, including a bring ’n’ buy and
found them. The stories centre on the young Jack Frodsham, who has studied quiz, plus a trade stand from Spirit Games. See
salvage engineering and comes out to Singapore to join his father’s tug, the
Bulldog. A knife wound picked up in the first book (Ten Fathoms Deep, first For more extensive information on UK board games events, try The Queen’s
published in 1954) sends Frodsham senior back to Blighty, leaving Jack running Lane Advertiser at
things in partnership with experienced skipper Husky Hudson. Plus their loyal
crew of Malay and Chinese seamen. Online Games
I’ve managed to find secondhand paperbacks of the first three books and had
I’m playing a lot of board games online (by e-mail) and would like TWJO readers
much fun re-discovering them. The stories are ripping yarns in the best Boy’s
to join me. Let me know what games you’d like to play and I’ll add you in.
Own style, pitting Jack and Husky against the enigmatic Mr Karmey and his
henchmen, Gawse and Hardacree, captains of their own tugs, the Thunderbolt After a technical delay Brass game 89 (at is
and Rosemary G. One thing that makes the stories stand out is that Gawse and just over halfway through.
Hardacree, nasty though they are, have both been trapped by Karmey and forced
I shall try again to set up a Rajas of the Ganges game at – and how
to do his bidding.
about Snowdonia?
Another feature of the stories is that Jack and Husky appear to lose – it’s Gawse
Game 28 of Through the Ages: a New Story of Civilization (at boardgaming-
and Hardacree who bring that floating crane safely back to Singapore, for is nearing an end and it looks like being a close result. I’m just not in
example – only for a final twist to bring the good guys out on top. This is probably
contention though. If it’s not one Orwat, it’s another: Sergiusz took a fine win in
what I enjoyed when I first read the books: the ways Jack thinks his way out of
our most recent pacifist game – number 10 is under way.
sticky situations. The bad guys have nicked all your coal? Fell trees and burn the
wood! A terrific, nostalgic read. And the Keyflower game at is going nicely.

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Trophy Hunter TWJO 203 – April 2020 TWJO 203 – April 2020 Trophy Hunter

But all those taking a pot-shot find they’re firing into empty space.
Trophy Hunter
Sc ores What’s this all about
Turn 5 P l ayer S hots T his turn T otal This game is essentially a
This turn’s s hots Alex Bardy N9 1 7.72 Battleships variant and is
open to all readers of TWJO.
Chris Baylis P13, Q13 0 0.00
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T The 20 x 20 grid represents a
Bob Blanchett 0.00 safari park that needs to cull
1 x
Colin Bruce K9, N9 1 6.06 some of its animals. The
2 e e x X players are hunters who’ve
Charles Burrows H19, M9 1 1.56
3 E e a paid for the opportunity to
Mark Cowper 8.56 bag trophies.
4 l a Mike Dommett K9, M9 1 10.00
All you have to do each turn
5 l Anthony Gilbert N14, D3 1.67 4.33 is nominate two squares to
6 l William Hay N9 1 2.56 take pot-shots at: F9 and
7 M17, say (the second is only
Andrew Kendall E16, F16 0 -4.00
used if the first misses).
8 x m Nik Luker 4.00 Letters (A-T) run across the
9 x a a l X l L L Tim Macaire G9, D3 1.67 8.89 grid and numbers (1-20) up
and down (thus A1 is the top
10 a x a l x x x x x Graeme Morris N9 1 7.56
left corner).
11 m x l g m x Rob Pinkerton M9 1 3.50
The first hit on each animal
12 x Gerald Udowiczenko M9 1 1.56
scores points in proportion to
13 x X X x Pam Udowiczenko J14, P2 0 4.00 its size. For example, a Lion
Matt Wale N9 1 17.50 is three squares and worth 15
14 X X
points, so the first hit scores
15 Graeme Wilson M9 1 6.00
15/3 = 5 points. If several
16 X X Paul Wilson K9, D3 1.67 15.22 players hit the same square
at the same time, they share
17 the points; if several players hit different squares of the same animal at the same
18 a a m time, they get the points for the square they hit.
19 X Once an animal has been identified, subsequent shots share the points of the
20 a a square they hit (no more points for the first square/s). So if players A and B hit
the second square of that lion and C gets the third, C gets 5 points, A and B 2½.
“Who needs to shoot at that obvious Lion?” asks Andy Kendall. Someone who
An animal is dead when all its squares have been hit. No more points can be
wants to score points, I reckon.
scored for this animal. However, animals worth minus points are patched up
The obvious Lion is duly finished off in a very even-handed fashion. Even Graeme between turns and thus each hit scores (negative) points.
Morris gets a point, despite his plaintive “I’m sure my aim would be better if this
After 10 turns or when the board is clear (except for any snakes), the player with
bl***y surgical mask didn’t keep misting up my glasses!”
the most points wins.
The Elephant also goes, scoring the shooters more points apiece than the Lion.

Page 14 Page 15
Subscribing to TWJO TWJO 203 – April 2020 TWJO 203 – April 2020 The Mote in God’s Eye (Star Trader game 10)

K ey The Mote in God’s Eye ( Star Trader game 10)

S i ze Number P oints Notes: animals go up and down
Ani mals S ymbol or left and right, not diagonally,
( squares) on g rid Va lue
with two exceptions. Elephants Turn 8
Bush B 1 12 0 are blocks of four squares; each Another Quarter, and still ships fail to arrive at Sigma Draconis, and they cannot
Monkey M 1 12 4 Snake is two diagonal squares
continue to escape the menacing shape of the AIA warships. There was an outcry
and moves by up to three
Antelope A 2 9 8 when it was realised protection money had been paid at Mu Herculis, and opinion
squares a turn.
Snake S 2 ? 10 was outraged. Yet still the ships hang there.
Animals only touch (if at all) at
Gorilla G 3 6 -12 At Beta Hydri ARCHANGEL sold 2 Alloys for 5 HTs each and 4 Isotopes for
corners and only Snakes will go 7HTs apiece. GAMLEPCO sold 8 Monopoles for 18 HTs each and gained a
Lion L 3 3 15 next to a Bush. Dealership. QUASAR ENTERPRISES sold 5 Spice for 15 HTs apiece, but there
Elephant E 4 2 20 Send your shots to Pevans at was a little space for GAMLEPCO to sell one at 16 HTs.
Ot her symbols 180 Aylsham Drive, UXBRIDGE GAMLEPCO bought 5 Spice on Contract at Sigma Draconis where GATES-
X Missed shot UB10 8UF or LEARJET bought 5 Isotopes, also on Contract
to [email protected]
UPPER CASE = this turn, lower case = last QUASAR was busy at Mu Herculis: 3 Alloys were disposed of via Contracts and a
by 24th April 2020.
turn, Strikeout = dead animal Monopole was sold. GAMLEPCO bought heavily: 10 Monopoles at 16 HTs apiece,
though there was a Contractor’s position with it, and GATES-LEARJET sold
Isotopes on Contract as prices rose.
GAMLEPCO bought 5 Isotopes on Contract at Tau Ceti.
Subscribing to TWJO Epsilon Eridani saw GAMLEPCO selling 2 Alloys for 2 HTs each and a small
TWJO is published on paper and online at (as a PDF
document). You can buy or subscribe online or as below. And finally, at Gamma Leporis GAMLEPCO bought a further 5 Alloys using
their Market Manager position.
If you want to play in any (or all) of the games in TWJO, you have two options.
You can subscribe to the paper edition, which includes playing in the games. Or GATES-LEARJET went looking for an edge and managed to hire Agent Crip at
you can take the PDF edition and pay the “games only” subscription. Beta Hydri.
The table on the right shows the MONOGRAM INDUSTRIES joined QUASAR ENTERPRISES in trying to break
costs for the paper edition, Paper edition UK Europe World
including postage. 10-issue (1 year) Draconis, escaping with
£27.00 £36.00 £43.00
The second table on the right shows subscription Emergency Hyperjump.
the games only subscription (including VAT, UK & Else- ARCHANGEL LINES
where applicable). Games only
EU where continued its steady
To subscribe, send your name, address and 10-turn (1 year) accumulation of satisfied
payment to To Win Just Once, 180 Aylsham subscription £6.00 £5.00 Passengers.
Drive, Uxbridge UB10 8UF, UK or GAMMA LEPORIS
[email protected]. You can pay by bank transfer (contact me for the CORPORATION was
company’s bank account details), by UK cheque (payable to Margam Evans Ltd) busy. They bought a
or by PayPal to [email protected]. You can subscribe online at second Warehouse at, where you can pay by credit card (via Paypal or Sigma Draconis and
Amazon) or Paypal account. launched the two Piccolos

Page 16 Page 17
The Mote in God’s Eye (Star Trader game 10) TWJO 203 – April 2020 TWJO 203 – April 2020 The Mote in God’s Eye (Star Trader game 10)

and one Phoenix at Epsilon Eridani. All received A class crews and the Steel 6
Cargo pods.

Corporation Table

C orporation letter and C o nnections In it’v Tu rn

C ash Rep Player
n ame Bu s/Crim/Pol Bid o r der
A AIA 0 5 9 11 3 29 - Jerry Elsmore Star systems map
B GamLepCo 10 0 3 0 5 258 40 Tony Gilbert

C Quasar Enterprises 10 3 5 10 1 729 40 Mark Cowper

D Monogram Inds 6 0 4 0 6 130 40 Mike Dyer

E Gates-Learjet 10 4 3 0 4 164 40 Paul Evans

F Archangel Lines 4 0 4 10 2 520 40 Przemek Orwat

N under Initiative Bid means No move received, F indicates the Corp was floated

N ews
The description of EV 9 last turn was Turn 10 C4, B6, C4
wrong: it’s actually the technical Turn 11 B6
breakthrough in Isotopes, raising Turn 12 C6
demand for Isotopes everywhere.
(Chits are identified by the
There were three new News chits this Connection type and level required to
turn. The current list (new chits in see them and disappear/take effect in
bold) is: the News Phase of the turn listed.)
Turn 9 P4

GM N otes
If an OP chit offers Slaves, or some other illegal commodity, you have to land a
spaceship on the planet to take advantage of it, avoiding the planetary defences
on the way in. To sell them, you need to land on the planet named, with the same
risks. It is definitely not allowed to collect Weapons, as an example, from the
destination planet and take them to the planet of origin.
If you attempt an emergency hyperjump, then, succeed or fail, you can do nothing
else with that ship in the current turn. You cannot issue orders to sell or buy
goods to load directly to or from the ship.
Orders to Mike Dommett, 12 Watton Park, Bridport DT6 5NJ
or by e-mail to [email protected]
by Friday, 17th April 2020

Page 18 Page 19
UpLoders (Railway Rivals game 14 – RR2387KT) TWJO 203 – April 2020 TWJO 203 – April 2020 UpLoders (Railway Rivals game 14 – RR2387KT)


UpLoders ( Railway Rivals game 14 – RR2387KT) (SMF), Martin Jennings – Red (FBR), Rob Pinkerton – Blue
Builds: Builds:
Turn 8 None (M4) – J2 – I3 – F1 – E2
Points: 39 +1 = 40 (E83) – F82 – G82
STEAMPUNK IPA and GRACELAND MYSTERY TOURS are equal but behind Points: 12 -10 +40 = 42
(GMS), Mike Dyer – Purple STEAMPUNK I. P. A. (SIPA),
little, while SCHWEIZER MACHINENFABRIK did not race. BIEN’S INTER-
Builds: Anthony Gilbert – Black
NATIONAL EXPRESS NETWORK dropped to 4th. Memphis seems popular.
(Dyersberg) – L5 – F2 – Memphis – Builds:
This turn’s races D2 – C3 (C24) – B24 – B25 – B26 (1 to GMS)
Points: 101 -10 +1 +51 = 143 Points: 137 -10 +18 = 145
Sc ores
Rac e results N ext turn’s races
R a ce From To
9 AH Paducah 4D Pikeville +1 +2 10-2 JR 18 4H Hopkinsville AC Tullahoma

Bowling 19 5H Henderson 3D Hazard

10 9H 6C Nashville 10-3 20+3
Green 20 7H Louisville 9S Kingsport

20-5 10-3 21 JH Illinois 7S Morristown

11 3H Clarksville 6S Knoxville 0-1 +5
+3 +1 22 KH Ohio 5C Nashville

12 6D Lexington AS Cookeville +5 20-5 23 2D Middlesboro KC Arkansas

24 10D Ashland 3S Chattanooga
13 KD W Virginia 9C Memphis 5 JR 10 JR 10 JR 5 JR
25 QS Alabama QC Missouri
14 5S Knoxville 8C Memphis 5 JR 20 5 JR
26 8D Covington 8S Johnson City
15 JD N Carolina 2C 20 GM N otes

16 2H Mayfield 5D Winchester +2 20-2 Players can enter up to six races (plus

any held over from a previous turn).
17 4S Rockwood 10C Dyersburg 20 10
Note that the map has a row of mis-
TO TAL 20 100 1 51 40 18 numbered labels in hexes running
north-east from N36 (which is
JR = Joint Run; ERP = Exchange of Running Powers
actually N35) to Z42 (actually Z41).
B uilds and Points After the races, you may build up to 8 build points. Remember: known
junctions and parallel builds are deducted from these points. The build
BIEN’S INTERNATIONAL EXP- NASHVILLE CATS RAILROAD points available after the races will reduce by 2 each turn.
RESS NETWORK (BIEN), Christian (NCR), Jonathan Palfrey – Green
Bien – Brown Builds: Orders to Mike Dommett, 12 Watton Park, Bridport DT6 5NJ
Builds: (K35) – N36 (1 to BIEN) or by e-mail to [email protected]
None Points: 70 -4 +100 = 166 by Friday, 17th April 2020
Points: 97 +1 +20 = 118

Page 20 Page 21
Les Petites Bêtes Soyeuses TWJO 203 – April 2020 TWJO 203 – April 2020 Les Petites Bêtes Soyeuses

than the much more experienced Eauneurts. What’s more, he’s using a foil
Les Petites Bêtes Soyeuses against his adversary’s sabre. The two cross swords and lunge. The foil does more
damage than the blunt (-ish) tip of the sabre, but it’s F’Loppe who surrenders,
Being a correspondence game of En Garde! run by
grateful that honour has been satisfied without much damage being done.
Pevans since April 1986 and now published as
part of To Win Just Once. And finally this month we have a lightweight fight: the diminutive Alonzo Fonde-
Lapatrie of the Royal Marines takes on the titchy Zavier Ulric Turenne of the
New players are always welcome. If
69th Arquebusiers. Both men have their regimental weapons, which means a
you’d like to play, you’ll need to
hefty cutlass for Fonde-Lapatrie and a well-honed rapier for Turenne. The
subscribe to TWJO (see page 16). You
further bad news for Turenne is that his opponent is better skilled. However,
will also need (access to) a copy of the
Fonde-Lapatrie starts by jumping back. Turenne simply follows up and runs him
published rules to En Garde! (see
through. This doesn’t stop Fonde-Lapatrie putting the weight of his blade behind
a slash that knocks Turenne to his knees to surrender.
Orders for March 1672 to
Pevans at 180 Aylsham Drive, Aide, moi!
UXBRIDGE UB10 8UF, UK or GDMD Major Augustin Fourier starts this month’s intrigue with his request that
[email protected]
his immediate senior resign. He calls in just enough favours to persuade the man
by Friday 24th April 2020 to go, allowing him to buy the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel and take command of
the regiment. That all went very smoothly.
February 1672 (336) In similar vein, RFG Subaltern Camille de Polignac wants the Guards
Brigadier’s Aide to quit his post. He has a bit of influence to use, but it’s when
The snow on the ground in Paris is calf-deep, but this doesn’t stop men of honour Guards Brigadier Jean Jeanie adds his weight that the incumbent decides to
meeting to settle their differences. They just make sure to meet in freshly swept quit. Polignac clearly has his eyes on this vacancy – he has applied to be
and ice-free courtyards. There’s still no sign of Lars Kristmass showing up to his appointed Aide to a Brigadier – but Brigadier-General Jeanie is not in a hurry to
duels, though – apparently he’s “self-isolating”. Hence there’s no opponent for appoint a new Aide. In the meantime, Bdr-Gen Jean d’Ice offers Polignac the
Robert d’Lancier at all while Greg de Bécqueur moves on to his second duel. chance to be his Aide, but the Subaltern is holding out for an offer from Jeanie.
First, though, Camille de Polignac meets Norman de Bastille who, he feels, No-one else on the General Staff has a vacancy.
should have stood down to his better. This is infantry versus cavalry, but both Bendroit de Tres applies to join the Picardy Musketeers while Zavier Ulric
men are brandishing rapiers. The slightly bulkier Polignac looks to have the Turenne puts in for a transfer to the same regiment from the 69th. Both men are
advantage, particularly as he’s more skilled with the opponents’ chosen weapon. accepted and Turenne maintains his rank, buying his way to Major in his new
Neither has a second, so they just get down to it: lunge and surrender. That’s unit. Bendroit takes a Subalterncy and promptly volunteers for active service.
lunges from both men and a surrender from Bastille.
It’s the cavalry for Phillipe F’Loppe as he offers his services to the Dragoon
Flushed with success, Polignac moves on to face Bécqueur – a man who “should Guards. Colonel Jean Ettonique signs him up and offers him the job of
have known better than to try to make his jumped-up commoner self look good by Regimental Adjutant (presumably on the assumption that F’Loppe will buy a
inviting a noble to his club,” reckons Polignac. Bécqueur is using a sabre, despite Captaincy). However, as F’Loppe discovers, his social standing is insufficient
being a member of the King’s Musketeers, and is seconded by his CO, Duncan even for the rank of Subaltern. Trooper it is, then. What he may not have counted
d’Eauneurts, and Hercule D’Engin. Bécqueur is the more expert duellist, though on is that his new commanding officer, Major Percy Urbain Fanci-Free, who leads
he is carrying some partly healed injuries. Polignac starts with a furious lunge. the first squadron, orders his men into action. Barely has Trooper F’Loppe been
This catches Bécqueur completely by surprise and he surrenders without even issued with his uniform than he’s setting off for the frontier.
the semblance of trying to strike a blow.
New arrival Tarquin le Hatter has the qualifications for Duncan d’Eauneurts to
It’s then Bécqueur’s turn to be second as he supports Duncan d’Eauneurts in his accept him into the King’s Musketeers. Despite having borrowed heavily, Hatter
encounter with Phillipe F’Loppe. F’Loppe is not small, but he’s clearly smaller contents himself with purchasing the rank of Subaltern. Perhaps this is because

Page 22 Page 23
Les Petites Bêtes Soyeuses TWJO 203 – April 2020 TWJO 203 – April 2020 Les Petites Bêtes Soyeuses

he knows Bdr-General Xavier Money would like him as Aide – a position for a The main visitors to Blue Gables are new member Justin Thyme and his
Subaltern. Sadly, there’s an obstacle in the way: Money’s current Aide. companion, Sue Briquet. After two weeks with just this couple in the club, it is
suddenly busy for a week and then empty for the last week. The other visitors in
RFG CO Jean Jeanie recruits another new arrival, Louis
week 3 are Balzac Slapdash (after two weeks rapier work-out) and Alison
de Ploreable, for the august ranks of the Royal Foot
Wunderlandt, Eclair de Lame, showing off his new conquest, Freda de Ath, and
Guards. Ploreable is another man who’s borrowed to the
Thierry d’Actyl (another new member). Balzac and Alison, Justin and Sue are
hilt and he invests in a Captaincy and plenty of horses.
then off to find the treasure hunt.
There’s a bit of manoeuvring in the Queen’s Own
Hunter’s is the hangout of Xavier Money and Betty Kant for much of February,
Carabiniers. After his promotion while commanding
though they find the food is not up to the standard of recent months. Augustin
second squadron last month, Lt-Colonel Marc de Zorro is
Fourier and Pet Ulante are also in Hunter’s for a week, before Augustin decides
now in charge of first squadron. He orders his new
to spend more time (three weeks) with his sabre. Robert d’Lancier is busy
command into the field. QOC Subaltern Norman de
“recovering from his duel” this month, but finds time to pop in to Hunter’s for a
Bastille is in first squadron. However, he buys himself a Captaincy, transferring
couple of weeks. He brings Bess Ottede and they make their way to the gaming
him to second squadron. Which is still in action, too. Bastille packs his kitbag in
tables, where Robert lays a series of 100-crown wagers. On his initial visit, he
a hurry before repaying his loans and setting off, in the company of his old
wins his first bet. Then he cuts the next three, loses one and wins the last to end
comrades, to join his new comrades.
the week slightly out of pocket. His following session sees him win two, cut and
There are quite a few troops on the roads out of Paris. Jean d’Ice is leading the win again before losing the last two. This puts him slightly ahead on the session,
Cardinal’s Guard into action, while Beau Reese Jean Seine sends third battalion but his month overall is a wash.
of the RFG for some exercise. Finally, Ivor Edward Defrane marches off second
With Ella Fant on his arm, Alonzo Fonde-Lapatrie spends the month in
battalion of the Royal Marines.
Bothwell’s, celebrating his magnificent duelling prowess and watching other
And then there is Georges Hommemince’s Africa expedition. PLLD Captain visitors come and go. Lotte Bottle is there with Bastian de LaGarde for the first
Armand de Legge is accompanying the great explorer as they take ship from and last weeks – the rest of the time Bastian is occupied with rapier practice. Les
Marseille across the Mediterranean. Anonyme pops up at Bothwell’s at the end of the month after he’s exhausted his
There’s just one piece of news in Government circles: Minister of State Duncan invitations elsewhere.
d’Eauneurts appoints Terence Cuckpowder, freshly resigned as Commissioner of Those invitations have come from Leonard de Hofstadt, who’s at the Fleur de Lys
Public Safety, as a Minister without Portfolio. His Majesty makes Cuckpowder a with Frances Forrin all month. Thierry d’Actyl also Toadies to them at the start
Viscount. However, it seems Cuckpowder is after a more senior Government of February before heading off to a bawdy house, dropping in at Blue Gables and
position: he’s applied to be Minister of War. practising rapier. Beau Reese Jean Seine and Maggie Nifisent have guests at the
Fleur, too, but only in the first week. These are Beau’s regimental subordinates
Clubbing Eclair de Lame and Camille de Polignac, both of whom receive cash from their
February is devoid of major social events – apart from the anonymous treasure superior. After this Beau is to be found in the gym with his rapier, Camille goes
hunt advertised for the end of the month – but there are still several small courting (unsuccessfully) before attending to his regimental duties and Eclair
gatherings around the clubs. Take Red Phillips. Here we find Zavier Ulric wins Freda, takes her to Blue Gables
Turenne with his lady friend, Lois de Lô, for three weeks of the month. They host and then completes his duties.
a newcomer to Paris, William de Beast, presumably giving him some hints and Pierre Cardigan and Edna Bucquette
tips. Zavier and Lois spend the missing week as the guests of Gaz Moutarde in spend the month in the Fleur. Jean
the more salubrious surroundings of Bothwell’s. Gaz is alone on this occasion, but Jeanie brings Jacky Tinne to begin
spends the rest of the month with his lady at her place. (William uses the time to with, but then spends three weeks with
slake his lusts at a bawdy house.) his rapier. Madelaine de Proust is on
The Frog & Peach has the presence of Hercule D’Engin to bookend his month. Of Terence Cuckpowder’s arm for that
the middle weeks, he spends one practising with his rapier, while the other first week before he, too, feels the lure
passes in the red light district with some company. of the gym and spends the rest of the

Page 24 Page 25
Les Petites Bêtes Soyeuses TWJO 203 – April 2020 TWJO 203 – April 2020 Les Petites Bêtes Soyeuses

month practising sabre. Chopine Camus gets in his sabre practice first before he at the intensive mucking-out activity while their mounts are indoors. A double
rolls up to the Fleur with Sheila Kiwi in tow. Mention comes his way (“Never mind the men, take care of the horses”).

They’re all yellow There’s a Mention in Despatches, too, for the acting Brigadier, which brings him
an Earldom into the bargain. He also collects well over a thousand crowns of loot,
This brings us to the treasure hunt. Standing outside Notre Dame in a bright though nobody is quite sure where from. The new Earl is again offered
yellow sash and strange tall hat is Xavier Money. He distributes the first clue to permanent command of the Brigade, but prefers to remain Chancellor of the
three teams: Balzac Slapdash and Alison; Justin Thyme and Sue; Tarquin le Exchequer. Colonel of the Archduke Leopold Cuirassiers, Will Iamnot, enjoys the
Hatter and Leia Orgasma, whose affections he won at the second attempt. The snow-covered landscape. He urges his men to explore the tobogganing
first involved a stand-off on the doorstep with Louis de Ploreable – a duel will be possibilities of their saddles. His own gleeful descent of a steep hillside ends
required. He’s fitted in his regimental duties as well. The three teams set off with abruptly when he hits a tree. Apparently saddles don’t steer when used as
much enthusiasm (and flasks of wine), knowing that they need to find Xavier’s sledges. Even worse, they don’t cushion the rider’s neck from the impact. RIP.
similarly attired servants to get the subsequent clues. (See Press to join in.)
The freshly volunteered Cardinal’s Guard maintain pickets along their line,
The Minister of State is up to something. Duncan d’Eauneurts’ progress around earning their commander, Jean d’Ice, a Mention in Despatches for himself (“fine
Paris is marked by the duels he’s provoked with the men whose mistresses he’s disciplinarian, that man”).
courted. Stand up Horace Bury, Hugh Jass and Phillipe F’Loppe.
A lot of the volunteers are assigned to Frontier regiment 1 in the Pyrenees whose
Two men spend the whole month commander insists on continuing musket drill. Let me see: mountainsides, check;
practising rapier techniques: Greg de lots of fresh snow, check; loud noises, check. Avalanche! Among those buried in
Bécqueur and, of course, Jacques de the snow are DG Colonel Jean Ettonique and PM Subaltern Bendroit de Tres.
Gain. Greg has a little commentary on RIP. Major Ivor Edward Defrane leads the digging-out with his battalion of the
his practice sessions. Week 1: “Stay out Royal Marines and earns himself a Mention (“Good work with that shovel –
of the way of all these ignorant, so- almost as if he was paddling a boat”).
called nobles who love adding to my
First squadron of the Dragoon Guards,
collection of scars,” swish, swish. Week
under Major Percy Urbain Fanci-Free, is
2: “Damn! The instructor just added to
assigned to Frontier regiment 2 in
my collection of scars. I suspect he is of noble blood.” Week 3: “Time to work on
southern France. There are no madcap
your surrender. Show no pain, but retire with dignity. Get off your knees, man;
antics here and the weather is fine
it’s only a scratch!” Week 4: “Finally, a magnanimous victory. Remember: accept
enough for the horses to be exercised.
your opponent’s surrender with grace. Stop dancing!”
There’s nothing like a gallop along the
Bernard de Lur-Saluces, Henri Dubois and Henri DuShite start their February in firm sand of a beach at low tide. Unless, of course, a girth snaps while at full
a bawdy house. Baron Dubois brings his cutlass with him and demands two girls. speed, your saddle slips and you are hurled to the ground, breaking your neck.
He gets some funny looks. M DuShite has given Ingrid her marching orders RIP PUFF. Trooper Phillipe F’Loppe is brevetted to Subaltern in the aftermath.
before getting company here. Then all three head for the gyms: it’s rapier for
Both squadrons of the Queen’s Own Carabiniers are with Frontier regiment 4,
Bernard, sabre for HD and cutlass for HDS. Horace Bury spends a week with his
which suffers from an exposed position during snowfall. There’s a mention for Lt-
lady and then three weeks with his rapier, timing it just right for Duncan to
Col Marc de Zorro, leading first squadron, for his excavation efforts (“another
sneak in.
good man with a shovel”). Captain Norman de Bastille in second squadron is
I s aid, k eep quiet… brevetted to Major for his efforts (and buys a couple of useful-looking horses to go
with his new rank).
Heavy snowfall on France’s borders mean there’s little scope for action from the
frontier troops. The Crown Prince Cuirassiers’ commander, Brigadier-General The Royal North Highland Borderers are in their element in the snowy woodland
Chris Knight, is again acting Brigadier of the Heavy Brigade, leaving his of the Ardennes. General Uther Xavier-Beauregard commands a battalion to good
Lieutenant-Colonel, Ben e’Volence, in charge of the regiment. Volence does a effect, sneaking through the woods to ambush Spanish patrols. A Mention in
good job, making sure the horses are well looked after – though the men grumble Despatches comes his way (“sneaky”) and he picks up nearly fifteen hundred

Page 26 Page 27
Les Petites Bêtes Soyeuses TWJO 203 – April 2020 TWJO 203 – April 2020 Les Petites Bêtes Soyeuses

crowns from his booty as he works to restore his fortunes. His Majesty thinks Gentlemen! Are we going to let a here, which will take you to the
this, too, would make a fine donation to the Exchequer… little thing like bubonic plague ruin kingdom of the perfidious English.
our pleasures? What is a little leprosy 7) At the highest point in the city, a
More c lubbing church will be built here in the 19th
to real men (and their mistresses)? I
Meanwhile, the commander of Princess Louisa’s Light Dragoons, Bdr-General therefore invite all gentlemen of Paris century. Name the church.
Georges Hommemince, leads his expedition to Africa in search of exotic of 9 or above and their mistresses to
creatures. He is assisted by PLLD Captain Armand de Legge, whose join me, Bastian de LaGarde, at my Personal
organisational skills are crucial in getting them onto ships and across the club in Weeks 2 and 4 of March 1672.
Mediterranean to Algiers. From here they head into the Atlas Mountains, where The wine will flow, the sores ooze and To Brevet Brigadier General Marquis
their first success is the entrapment of a brightly-coloured flightless squawking a prize will be awarded for the most Chris Knight, CPC, Chancellor and
creature (see Press for Hommemince’s report). colourful disfigurement! friend
From: Lt Colonel Sir Ben e’Volence,
More appropriately, they acquire a pair of Barbary sheep. That evening their CPC
Sir Alonzo F-L, Eclair de Lame, Sir
relaxation (“a fine bottle of claret – how about another?”) is disturbed by the Chris,
Xavier Money
roaring of a lion. Convinced that this must be the albino Barbary lion the natives A good month at the front but the
I am sorry for the failure to convey
have spoken about, Hommemince is quick to investigate. Pausing only to hand communication between regiment
instructions to the club staff. I will be
out brands from the campfire, Legge follows him with the bulk of the team. As and brigade seems much more a miss
delighted to host an evening at my
the roaring escalates to “full-throated” and “blood-curdling”, the local men refuse than a hit. I have sent two riders
club with yourselves and any female
to go further and head back to camp. recently using the “black dragon” and
companionship you bring. Shall we
Thus it is only Legge who comes on the scene of confrontation as Hommemince say Week 3 of next month? † JJ “yahoo” phrases we agreed but to no
faces down the magnificent, full-maned lion with his loaded gun. He turns to avail. Perhaps the inter web of
warn Legge and the lion charges. Without hesitation, Legge hurls himself TREASURE HUNT CLUES communication is broken or these
between the two, only to be swatted aside by a mighty pawful of claws and drop 1) The nearest prison and law letters got lost alongside that batch of
his torch. The lion stalks round the edge of the light and pounces on the fallen courts, both located on the Ile de spam the quartermaster mistakenly
man. Hommemince fires, but the ball merely scores the creature’s flank. It roars Paris, from where a king will be ordered. If you are able to write back
at the pain, then dips its head at Legge’s exposed throat. Hommemince charges sentenced to death. with orders and advice for the coming
in and beats the beast unconscious with the butt of his gun, but too late to save 2) Designed as a church but never month, I’d be greatly appreciative.
his comrade. RIP Armand de Legge. consecrated, France’s most illustrious Take care, my friend, and see you in
dead will be buried in this Paris in March, all things being
Despite this setback, Bdr-Gen Hommemince is set to continue south towards the equal.
mausoleum. This building is on the
fabled city of Timbuctoo, while a man-eating lion is on its way to the royal
Left Bank, in the Latin Quarter. With respect, † Ben
menagerie. Along with the body of its victim. 
3) A pedestrian bridge where, in
modern times, courting couples hang To: All
Press padlocks to signify that “You stole the Wow, Paris what a city! The wealth,
key to my heart”. the wine and the women, such
Matters of Honour Social 4) In distant centuries, a glass delights for a young fellow setting off
pyramid will be built here and the to make his mark upon life.
If anyone is looking for a reliable FAO: Count Jean Jeanie I hear the King’s Musketeers are a
portrait of an enigmatic lady housed.
second, please contact me at my club. Forgive my confusion, but which part swish regiment to join, ably led by
5) Site of another prison. In the 21st
† JiT of “Any officers of Brigade Major or Count d’Eauneurts, a man seemingly
century, a street market will be held
above from all armies are also well adept at success both in
here. Where several revolutions will
invited.” did I misunderstand? Government and Military
† Sir Alonzo Fonde-Lapatrie, endeavours. It will be a pleasure to
6) From the 20th century, you will
1st Foot Brigade Major serve under him.
be able to catch a locomotive from

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Les Petites Bêtes Soyeuses TWJO 203 – April 2020 TWJO 203 – April 2020 Les Petites Bêtes Soyeuses

Plus, I hear there is some chap called all, and I call upon you to resign your to them and, as such, I beseech you to white mane. He is being shipped to
Cuckpowder who is currently the position and volunteer for the darkest resign as adjutant of the Cavalry His Majesty and I hope he will
Public Safety Chief and he is stepping of fights. Only through foolish Division, take a leave of absence, and provide an impressive centrepiece to
down. That sounds a grand job to bravery can the tarnish of your return to the family holdings. your menagerie.
have: we Hatters have a fine history actions be removed from your honour Yours in sympathy, Alas, I must report that this capture
in law & order with my grandfather and your soul. † Lt Col Sir Ben e’Volence cost my esteemed colleague, the brave
and cousin both having served as Yours in disgust, Captain Armand de Legge, his life.
local magistrates. Regrettably the † Lt Col Sir Ben e’Volence Your Majesty & Gentlemen of Paris: His body secured, I am making the
post seems to have aggravated A Report of African Expedition: necessary arrangements to ensure its
personal demons they both had and Dear Mssr. Beast, With the able assistance of Captain safe return to Paris, where it may be
they went stark raving mad, but I’m Welcome, young man, to Paris! Word de Legge, we assembled porters and laid to rest in the sacred soil of
sure it’s nothing hereditary. Perhaps has reached me – even as I am en supplies in Algiers and, with the Mother France.
that nice Count d’Eauneurts might route to North Africa – that you have blessing of the local Bey, journeyed Soon we will be joining a caravan
consider me for the role?! joined the local social scene. Should into the arid mountains in search of crossing the Sahara on our way to
† Tarquin le Hatter you find yourself in need of game. In a remote mountain village, Timbuktu in the Kingdom of Mali to
Subaltern, Kings Musketeers patronage, I would be happy to the locals spoke at length about the try our luck southwards.
sponsor you as a member of Princess nocturnal, high-pitched call of the Yours,
To: Lt Colonel N5, Third Division Louisa’s Light Dragoons. Should you mysterious giant flightless bird. † Sir Georges Hommemince, PLLD
Adjutant require finances to purchase rank and Eyewitnesses described a fast-moving
From: Lt Colonel Ben e’Volence, CPC horse and put a roof over your head in creature with garish, flowing The last report of Armand de Legge
My dear friend, the short term and if the exchequer plumage. With great excitement, we Your Majesty and Gentlemen of
Happy 70th Birthday. What a can deliver funds to you in quick set our Acme Tweety-trap, baiting it Paris,
milestone and surely an indication enough order, I’m happy to advance with fruit. Sure enough, the very first Sir Georges has achieved some small
that retirement should finally be you 500 crowns. If you would care to night the trap was tripped. Well, success in seeking to bring back rare
yours. You have served King and except my offer, simply let myself and imagine our surprise, Your Majesty, examples of fauna for His Majesty’s
county more than fifty years and the royal exchequer in charge of such when we returned in the morning to menagerie. In the last day alone, a
deserve the life your spoils will buy things know. Welcome again to Paris, discover our prize: “Queen Felix.” pair of Barbary sheep have been
for you. Stand down old friend and let good sir. “Let me out of here, you horrid acquired and we are laying plans for
young legs pick up your burden and little man!” was the imprisoned the journey deeper into the Dark
bring fresh honour to your appointed To: Lt Colonel N6, Cavalry Division creature’s cry. “This is my kingdom! Continent, across the Sahara and into
role. Adjutant And I shall have you flogged! Unless the Kingdom of Mali where lies the
Yours in the strongest regard, From: Lt Colonel Ben e’Volence, CPC Perci is with you. Have you seen my fabled city of Timbuktu.
† Lt Col Sir Ben e’Volence My dear friend, dear Perci-kins?” He was quite a We have just enjoyed a rather good
I was saddened to hear of your recent sight, dressed in the tattered rags of a meal prepared by our chef, François,
Lord Percy Percy says, as fashion is loss and count it as an honour to gaudy Spanish gown, screeching at an up and coming young man whose
becoming ineffectual, Cuckpowder is serve in the same army as a man the top of his lungs. Well, we let the services I had procured from Hunter’s
fashionable. such as yourself. That said, and poor fellow go and he immediately before leaving Paris. It is dusk as we
despite your bravery, I cannot ran off into the hills, shouting sit with an excellent bottle of claret
To: Lt Colonel N6, Second Division condone the behaviour of a man who commands at the local wildlife. An and the background chorus of wildlife
Adjutant leave his young family to fend for interesting start to our expedition… is changing from day- to night-time as
From: Lt Colonel Ben e’Volence, CPC themselves after the tragic The rest of efforts were greatly I write this. Sir Georges is suddenly
Sir, circumstances that have beset them. rewarded! We have captured excited. He has a heard a distant
I am astonished to find you still in Even if it is to serve his country. No incredibly rare albino Barbary Lion. growl. “Surely it is a Barbary Lion,”
post. Your actions are an affront to one will think less of you if you return A male with an impressive, snow- he exclaims, “perhaps the great

Page 30 Page 31
Les Petites Bêtes Soyeuses TWJO 203 – April 2020 TWJO 203 – April 2020 Les Petites Bêtes Soyeuses

Albino of which the natives speak.” 1 Just ’cos I’m not knighted, any month’s Points Arising page at be able to use any press. It also
And he’s off! At breakneck speed. I I find myself slighted reassures me that you’re still there.
must gather the men to follow… By noblemen’s spawn,
There’s a Yahoo! group for En Garde! Orders (and press) should be emailed
Who look on me with scorn.
players that provides a forum for to [email protected] – you’ll
Poetry Corner 2 They think they’re so tough,
players of different games to swap get an automated reply when the
But I’ve had quite enough
(All signed poetry submissions gain stories and ideas. Sign up and get message arrives in my mailbox.
Of their cuts, and their kicks,
their author at least 1 SP) talking at: Please give your name and your
And their damned little pricks. com/group/EnGardePlayers/ character’s name and specify actions
3 It’s no use complaining;
Louisa’s dragoons take great pride in full detail. If you want a query
Instead, try some training. Reminders: It is worth sending
In showing their feminine side; answered before the deadline, please
I’ll return with the skill orders in even if they’re late: I may be
One man fell off his horse use [email protected] instead.
All their blue blood to spill. able to action the orders and should
Nothing broken, of course,
† Greg
But sat there for hours and cried.
† Le Salame Disparu
Ben e'Volence asks NPC Division Beau Reese Jean Seine applies for
Points Arising Adjutant of Cavalry Div to resign Minister of War

Next deadline is 24th April you to appoint other characters to Ben e'Volence asks NPC Division Camille de Polignac applies for
posts, don’t forget to do so). Adjutant of Second Div to resign Ensign, King's Escort
Many thanks to Cameron Wood and
Paul Murphy for their contributions Abs ent friends Ben e'Volence asks NPC Division Camille de Polignac applies for Aide
about the African expedition. Though Adjutant of Third Div to resign to Brigadier
Paul’s piece was originally intended I had no orders (“No Move Received”) Ben e'Volence applies for Division Marc de Zorro asks NPC Colonel of
in case Cameron’s character died! I from the following and they suffered Adjutant of Second Division Queen's Own Carabiniers to resign
trust my re-editing meets the rather the consequences:
different circumstances of what EJ Edouard Jogue (Nik Luker) has Ben e'Volence applies for Division Pierre Cardigan applies for Minister
actually happened. NMR'd. Total now 1 Adjutant of Third Division of War
HJ Hugh Jass (Ray Vahey) has Ben e'Volence applies for Division Terence Cuckpowder applies for
In the Press (Social section), you will NMR'd. Total now 3 and is sent to a Adjutant of Cavalry Division Minister of War
find Xavier Money’s Treasure Hunt Frontier regiment
clues. There is a prize for the first Beau Reese Jean Seine asks Major 2 Zavier Ulric Turenne asks NPC
RdM Rob d'Masses (Craig Pearson)
character to solve it: send answers of Royal Foot Guards to resign Lt.Colonel of 69th Arquebusiers to
has NMR'd. Total now 1
with your orders (or separately) and resign
the first correct set to arrive wins. James Schoonmaker did not provide Beau Reese Jean Seine applies for
(Good job emails are timestamped.) orders for his new character after Minister of Justice
his previous one died without
Next month is the start of a new
season. All characters start the
orders, so I have removed this Duels
month in Paris and all duels must Duncan d'Eauneurts (with GdB,
LK (Martin Jennings) has been Res ults of February’s duels
be fought. Any vacant appointments gains 1 Exp) beat Phillipe F'Loppe.
not taken by player characters will be floated at his request. Camille de Polignac (gains 1 Exp)
filled by NPCs. However, if a player Camille de Polignac (gains 1 Exp)
N otes beat his friend Greg de Becqueur
character appoints the position, they beat Norman de Bastille.
(with HDE & DdE).
may leave it vacant. (If you have an The En Garde! rules are available to Alonzo Fonde-Lapatrie (gains 1 Exp)
appointment or a rank that allows LPBS players at a reduced rate: see
beat his enemy Zavier Ulric Turenne.

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Les Petites Bêtes Soyeuses TWJO 203 – April 2020 TWJO 203 – April 2020 Les Petites Bêtes Soyeuses

Grudges to s ettle next month: (Sabre, Seconds GdB, adv.) for Joel Halpern gets the Bastard son of a small Merchant: Init SL 2; Cash 23; MA 3;
pinching Belle. EC 3 (X8).
Lars Kristmass (Foil) has cause with
Will Iamnot (Sabre, adv.) has cause
Greg de Becqueur (Sabre, Seconds
with Tarquin le Hatter (Rapier,
HDE & DdE, adv.) as he's not Noble
Seconds XM, 3 rests) for pinching
but higher SL.
Leia. Army Organisation and 1672’s Summer Deployment
Lars Kristmass (Foil, 1 rests) has
Hugh Jass (Sabre, Seconds TC, 5 First Army (Field Ops) JdG/__/Anon/__
cause with Robert d'Lancier (Cutlass,
rests) has cause with Duncan First Division (Field Ops) N5/N/GdB
Seconds BdLG, adv.) as he's not
d'Eauneurts (Sabre, Seconds GdB, Guards Brigade (Field Ops) – RFG CG KM
Noble but higher SL.
adv.) for pinching Marie. Dragoon Brigade (Field Ops) – GDMD PLLD
Phillipe F’Loppe (Sabre, 5 rests) has Cavalry Division (Field Ops) N6/N/N6
“adv.” shows who (if anyone) has Horse Guards Brigade (Field Ops) – DG QOC
cause with Duncan d'Eauneurts
the advantage of higher Expertise: Heavy Brigade (Field Ops) – ALC CPC
(Sabre, Seconds GdB, adv.) for
his first duelling sequence need
pinching Ada. Second Army (Siege) N6/N/__/N
only contain six actions.
Louis de Ploreable (Rapier, adv.) and Frontier Division (Siege) N3/N/N1
All duels listed above (including any Frontier Regiments (Siege)
Tarquin le Hatter (Rapier, Seconds
XM, 1 rests) have mutual cause as to be voted on) must be fought next
month. Orders conditional on a Third Army (Defence) LdH/N/__/JdI
neither stood down over Lucy. Second Division (Defence) N6/N/N6
challenge being voted cause are 3rd Foot Brigade (Defence) – 27M 4A
Horace Bury (Rapier, 4 rests) has acceptable. 4th Foot Brigade (Defence) – 69A Gscn
cause with Duncan d'Eauneurts RNHB Regiment (Defence)
Third Division (Defence) N4/N/N5
New Characters 1st Foot Brigade (Defence) – RM PM
2nd Foot Brigade (Defence) – 13F 53F
Simon Peck gets the Bastard son of a wealthy Merchant: Init SL 2; Cash 225; MA Organisation and Deployment for the Campaign Season
6; EC 4 (WdB William de Beast). with Army and Division posts (Commander/Aide/Adjutant/QMG)
Entries are ID for player characters, “N” (+ MA if needed) for NPC, __ for vacant
Paul Murphy gets the Second son of a well-to-do Gentleman: Init SL 4; Cash 250;
MA 6; EC 2 (X1). Brigade Positions
Olaf Schmidt gets the Second son of a small Merchant: Init SL 3; Cash 25; MA 4;
EC 4 (X2). Guards Brigade JJ/__/BdLG Current CO/Aide/Brigade Major of
Horse Guards Brigade N1/N/HD each Brigade; entries are ID f or
Tony Hinton-West gets the Second son of a very wealthy Viscount: Init SL 10; player characters, “N” (+ MA if
Cash 750; MA 2; EC 3 (X3). Heavy Brigade __/BdZ/__
needed) for NPC, __ for vacant
Dragoon Brigade GH/N/N6
Mark Cowper gets the Orphaned First son of a wealthy Gentleman: Init SL 5;
First Foot Brigade N3/N/AFL
Cash 4550; MA 1; EC 2 (X4).
Second Foot Brigade N4/N/HDE
Charles Burrows gets the Second son of a wealthy Marquis: Init SL 8; Cash 500; Third Foot Brigade N1/N/N6
MA 2; EC 6 (X5). Fourth Foot Brigade N1/N/N5
Mark Nightingale gets the Bastard son of a small Merchant: Init SL 2; Cash 23;
MA 2; EC 3 (X6).
Toby Nightingale gets the Bastard son of a well-to-do Gentleman: Init SL 3; Cash
225; MA 1; EC 4 (X7).

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Les Petites Bêtes Soyeuses TWJO 203 – April 2020 TWJO 203 – April 2020 Les Petites Bêtes Soyeuses

appointment elsewhere.
blank for vacant. * shows the regiment adjutant; + shows ranks held by characters with a (senior) brevet rank or an
This table shows the ten senior positions in the 17 regiments by rank. Entries are Character abbreviations, N (+MA) for NPCs,

Capt 6
Capt 5
Capt 4
Capt 3
Capt 2
Capt 1
Maj 2
Maj 1

Frontier Regiments Femmes Fatales
(Assault for Mar-May) No Name SL Attr Last
64 Edna Bucquette 18 W PC
F1 F2 F3 F4 RNHB

BdLG+ N2
3 Kathy Pacific 17 B
54 Madelaine de Proust 17 TC
35 Katy Did 16 I
Colonel N4 N1 N2 N6 N7


42 Maggie Nifisent 16 B BRJS
55 Jacky Tinne 16 JJ
52 Guinevere d'Arthur 15 B/W


10 Frances Forrin 14 B LdH
21 Helen Highwater 14 W
Also at the Front 48 Fifi 14 B/W


62 Alison Wunderlandt 14 BS
11 Laura de Land 13
This table shows the Colonels of the Frontier regiments (“N” + MA for NPCs), 16 Ophelia Derrière 13


NdB N5
26 Ella Fant 13 B AFL
together with the volunteers assigned for the season. 27 Lucy Fur 13 B
30 Leia Orgasma 13 B TlH


Battle Results 45 Cath de Thousands 13
8 Lotte Bottle 12 B BdLG
Heavy Brigade: 1 12 Charlotte de Gaulle 12


Archduke Leopold Cuirassiers: 3 17 Henrietta Carrotte 12 I/W
Crown Prince Cuirassiers: 4 28 Vera Cruz 12
Cardinal's Guard: 4 31 Bess Ottede 12 I/W RdL

Frontier regiment 1: 4 1 Sue Briquet 11 B JiT
Frontier regiment 2: 3 4 Anne Tique 11 W
Frontier regiment 3: 5 9 Deb Onairre 11 I



Frontier regiment 4: 6 40 Sheila Kiwi 11 CC
RNHB regiment: 3 63 Carole Singeurs 11 Anon
20 Emma Roides 10 I

33 Anna Rexique 10 I
Other Appointments 38 Pet Ulante 10 W AF
43 Di Lemmere 10 I



King’s Escort: Ensign N Captain N 53 Angelina de Griz 10 B
56 Ingrid la Suède 10
Cardinal’s Escort: Ensign N Captain N 6 Viv Ayschus 9

Aides: to Crown Prince N to Field Marshal __ 57 Ava Crisp 9 I
59 May Banquot l'Idée 9
Provincial Military Governors: N/N/N/N/N 2 Betty Kant 8 I XM


53F 27M 4A
City Military Governor N Adjutant-General N 19 Jenny Russe 8 W
Inspectors-General: of Cavalry BdLS of Infantry N 32 Sal Munella 8 W
41 Marie Antoinette 8 B/I

Commissioner of Public Safety __ 49 Mary Huana 8 B/I/W
Chancellor of the Exchequer CK (until August 1672) 34 Freda de Ath 7 W EdL
39 Thomasina Tancenjin 7 I

Minister of Justice __ 50 Ulla Leight 7 I
Minister of War __ 5 Belle Epoque 6 B/I
13 Josephine Buonoparte 6 I/W
Minister of State DdE (until November 1672)



24 Violet Bott 6 I/W
Shows who holds appointments outside military units: 15 Ada Andabettoir 5 B/I
ID for Characters, “N” for NPC, __ for vacant, “CPS” for additional posts held by the CPS. 25 Lois de Lô 5 B ZUT



Page 36 Page 37
The Greasy Pole

Page 38
ID Name SL SPs Cash Rank, Regiment/Appointment MA Last seen Club EC Player
UXB Count Uther Xavier-Beaureg'd 27 F Comfy General/Min w/o Port 20 Flr 4 Pete Card
DdE Count Duncan d'Eauneurts 25 62 Comfy B.Bdr-General KM/State Min. 8 Flr 5 Paul Lydiate
BRJS Earl Beau Reese Jean Seine 25 49 Wlthy Lt.Colonel RFG/Min w/o Port 7 Maggie Flr 3 Bill Hay
PC Count Pierre Cardigan 24 42 Rich General 9 Edna Flr 5 Matt Shepherd
JdG Count Jacques de Gain 23 31 Flthy General/1st Army Commndr 24 Flr 6 Ben Brown
JJ Count Jean Jeanie 22 62 Flthy B.Bdr-General RFG/Gds Brigadier 28 Jacky Flr 3 Andrew Kendall
Les Petites Bêtes Soyeuses

LdH Baron Leonard de Hofstadt 21 48 Rich B.General/3rd Army Commndr 7 Frances Flr 5 Neil Packer
TC Viscount Terence Cuckpowder 20 47 Wlthy B.Lt-General/Min w/o Port 6 Madelaine Flr 5 Mike Dommett
CC Marquis Chopine Camus 20 34 Wlthy Bdr-General 9 Sheila Flr 4 Stewart Macintyre
Last=Last lover seen with this month

JE Count Jean Ettonique 19 RIP Tony Hinton-West

BdLS Marquis B de Lur-Saluces 19+64 Rich Lt-General/Insp.Gen.Cav 14 Flr 3 Rob Pinkerton
B=Beautiful, I=Influential, W = W ealth y;
This table shows the mistresses in Par i s.

JdI Baron Jean d'Ice 17 F Wlthy B.Bdr-General CG/3rd Army QMG 8 Both 3 Tym Norris
HD Baron Henri Dubois 16 40 Comfy Major DG/HGds Brigade Maj. 7 Both 3 Wayne Little
BdLG Sir Bastian de LaGarde 16 37 Wlthy Major RFG/Gds Brigade Maj. 4 Lotte Both 1 Jerry Spencer
GM Sir Gaz Moutarde 15 28 Wlthy Bdr-General 4 Both 2 Mike Clibborn-Dyer
GdB Greg de Becqueur 15 24 Comfy Lt.Colonel KM/1st Div Adjutant 6 Both 5 Anthony Gilbert
CK Earl Chris Knight 15 F Comfy B.Bdr-General CPC/Chancellor 11 Hunt 2 Paul Wilson
AFL Sir Alonzo Fonde-Lapatrie 14 35 Comfy Major RM/1 F Brigade Maj. 7 Ella Both 2 Graeme Morris
PUFF Baron Percy Urbain Fanci-Free 14 RIP Mark Cowper
GH Sir Georges Hommemince 14 F Wlthy B.Bdr-General PLLD/Drgn Brigadier6 Hunt 1 Cameron Wood
Anon Les Anonyme 14+42 Comfy Colonel 53F/1st Army Adjutnt 3 Carole Both 4 Bruno Giordan
WI Will Iamnot 12 RIP Charles Burrows
RdL Robert d'Lancier 11 24 Comfy B.Bdr-General RM 7 Bess Hunt 4 Steven Malecek
XM Sir Xavier Money 11 20 Wlthy Bdr-General 7 Betty Hunt 3 Pam Udowiczenko
LdP Louis de Ploreable 10 19 OK Captain RFG 3 Hunt 4 Bill Howell
HDS Henri DuShite 10 17 Comfy Lt.Colonel RM 7 Hunt 4 Dave Marsden
BeV Sir Ben e'Volence 10 F Comfy Lt.Colonel CPC 5 3 Ash Casey
TWJO 203 – April 2020

ID Name SL SPs Cash Rank, Regiment/Appointment MA Last seen Club EC Player

AF Augustin Fourier 9 17 Comfy Lt.Colonel GDMD 3 Pet Hunt 3 Brick Amundsen
EdL Eclair de Lame 9+ 28 OK Subaltern RFG 4 Freda BG 3 Peter Farrell
CdP Camille de Polignac 8 23 OK Subaltern RFG 4 BG 4 James McReynolds
BS Balzac Slapdash 8 15 Comfy 9 Alison BG 4 Matthew Wale
HDE Hercule D'Engin 8 14 Comfy Major 53F/2 F Brigade Maj. 2 F&P 2 Gerry Sutcliff
LK Lars Kristmass 8 0 OK 4 3 Martin Jennings
MdZ Marc de Zorro 8 F Comfy Lt.Colonel QOC 8 BG 4 Tim Macaire
TWJO 203 – April 2020

TlH Tarquin le Hatter 8+ 24 OK Subaltern KM 1 Leia BG 5 Jason Fazackarley

TdA Thierry d'Actyl 8+ 24 Poor Captain 53F/53F Regt. Adjt. 1 BG 2 John Cooke
RdM Rob d'Masses 7- 4 Poor 5 1 Craig Pearson
JiT Justin Thyme 7 14 Comfy 5 Sue BG 2 Gerald Udowiczenko
HB Horace Bury 6 6 OK Captain 27M 6 F&P 2 Sebastian Emde
IED Ivor Edward Defrane 6 F OK Major RM 7 RP 3 Graeme Wilson
NdB Norman de Bastille 6 F Poor B.Major QOC 1 HGds 4 Mark Williams
PFL Phillipe F'Loppe 5 F Poor B.Subaltern DG 3 4 Phil Urquhart
AdL Armand de Legge 5 RIP Paul Murphy
ZUT Zavier Ulric Turenne 5+ 26 Poor Major PM 3 Lois RP 1 Bob Blanchett
EJ Edouard Jogue 4- 0 Poor 1 RP 4 Nik Luker
HJ Hugh Jass 3 F Comfy Lt.Colonel 13F 3 3 Ray Vahey
X1 3 RIP James Schoonmaker
BdT Bendroit de Tres 3 RIP Olaf Schmidt
WdB William de Beast 3+ 11 Poor 6 4 Simon Peck

An F under SPs means that the character was at the Front, RIP that he died. Ret that he retired.
+ against SL means it went up this month, - means it went down.
Cash: Poor = <500, OK = 500-1500, Comfy = 1500-5000, Wlthy = 5000-10000, Rich = 10000-25000, Flthy = 25000+
Last seen is the lady the character was last seen with in public.
EC is Endurance Class: 1 = <60, 2 = 60-90, 3 = 91-120, 4 = 121-159, 5 = 160-200, 6 = 201+
Page 39
Les Petites Bêtes Soyeuses

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