Cbcpmonitor Vol15 n03
Cbcpmonitor Vol15 n03
Cbcpmonitor Vol15 n03
Renewing PCP-II
Pastoral •C1 Ugnayan
The News Supplement of
•d1 Millions of devotees
pay homage to
Plan Couples for Christ Nazarene icon
Prelates back whistleblower in Garcia plunder case SEVERAL Catholic bishops are special prosecutor Dennis Villa- for relentlessly seeking informa- ates also called on President
supporting Heidi Mendoza, the Ignacio and retired Lt. Col. George tion regarding the case. Aquino and the Sandigan Bayan
former state auditor who claimed Rabusa for showing “lay leader- “This is an opportunity for us to pursue the truth behind the
to have been asked by a govern- ship” in renouncing corruption in to get our acts together inspired irregularities of the controversial
ment agency to go easy on Carlos pursuit of common good. by courageous men and women plea bargain agreement.
Garcia, a former military comp- “As bishops, we support and who stand up for the truth for “We implore his Excellency,
troller accused of plunder. encourage such people. We the good of our nation,” read the Benigno Aquino III, to criti-
In a manifesto, the 20 prelates are with Mendoza in speaking one-page manifesto. cally review the decision of the
© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media
said they are one with Mendoza out against abuse of office that Mendoza and the other whis- Ombudsman in the plunder
and other whistleblowers in op- impoverishes the people and tleblowers testified against Gar- chargers against Garcia,” said
posing the plea bargain agree- harm the common good,” the cia giving accounts on her expe- the bishops.
ment between the Office of the bishops said. riences as a member of the team “We likewise call on the San-
Ombudsman and Garcia. The church leaders said they that investigated the plunder digan Bayan to pursue the case
They also lauded former Om- also appreciate the efforts made case against the latter. in the interest of transparency
Odchimar, Aniceto and Pabillo
budsman Simeon Marcelo, former by the lawmakers and the media On the other hand, the prel- Whistleblower / A6
but RH bill,
ing January 29 with a call from an envoy can live and grow only by working
of Pope Benedict XVI to courageously and by sharing the faith to others,”
bear witness to their faith. Grocholewski told his brothers in the
says bishop
Papal Legate Cardinal Zenon Gro- episcopate.
cholewski told the prelates who were The Vatican official made the state-
gathered at the Pius XII Center in ment in his homily during a Mass to
© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media
Manila that only by doing so could open the 102nd Plenary Assembly of
they become “credible and effective” the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the POLITICIANS can fool around with
evangelizers. Philippines (CBCP). the Catholic Church on other issues but
Such faith, he pointed out, can also While faith can grow through the never on the sanctity of life, a retired
inevitably be a source of Christian “dy- church leaders, he said, it can also archbishop warned.
namism” in the midst of secularism. weaken and even disappear “because For the church, Archbishop Oscar
“Faith of itself if it does not have work Envoy / A6 Cruz said, the protection of human life,
especially of the unborn children, is an
be preserved” in Egypt. His concern Zannini said that although Islamic ex-
appeared to reflect the fact that Muba- tremists had begun to join the protests in
rak’s opponents include both radical Egypt, he doubted whether they would
and moderate Muslim groups, and it ever present a governing alternative
was unclear who might assume power there. He said he thought radical Islam
if the president resigns. was losing influence among the popula-
Father Pizzaballa spoke on a church- prayer to “lead minds and hearts to- The pope, joined by two Italian In his comments to Vatican Radio, Fa- tions of the Middle East, and had shown
sponsored day of prayer for peace in ward concrete projects of peace.” He youths, then released two doves from ther Pizzaballa said the search for peace itself too inflexible to have success
the Holy Land. At the Vatican, Pope did not specifically mention the unrest his apartment window as a sign of and freedom involves “not allowing on a political level, where consensus-
Benedict XVI marked the day with a in Egypt. peace. oneself to be dominated by passions.” building is needed. (CNS)
that the cause will advance quickly,” the He was ordained as an auxiliary bishop politicians
foundation said in a Jan. 27 statement. in New York City in 1951 and broadcast his With her deep prayer life and total devotion to serving God
The foundation added that the Archdio- famous television program “Life is Worth Liv- and the good of her fellow citizens, St. Joan of Arc is a wonder-
cese of New York’s failure to fulfill a verbal ing” from there. He was Bishop of Rochester ful model for Christian politicians, Pope Benedict XVI said.
promise to transfer Sheen’s remains caused from 1966 until his 1969 retirement and he was “Hers is a beautiful example of holiness for laypeople involved
“great upset and even scandal among those buried in the crypt of St. Patrick’s Cathedral in in politics, especially in difficult situations. Faith is the light
who had so long supported the cause.” The New York City after his death in 1979. that guided all her choices,” the pope said Jan. 26 during his
people and clergy of the Diocese of Peoria Sheen was one of the first national televi- weekly general audience. The pope’s remarks about St. Joan
were “particularly distressed,” it said. sion personalities and an author of bestsell- were part of an ongoing series of audience talks about influ-
Patricia Gibson, chancellor of the Dio- atification effort “in light of the months of ing works on Christianity and Jesus Christ. ential Catholic women of the Middle Ages. (CNS)
cese of Peoria and an officer of the Sheen unresolved questions regarding the transfer More information about his life is available
Foundation, explained that Bishop Jenky of the remains.” at the Sheen Foundation website: http:// Lodging in Rome snapped up for JP II’s beatification
felt compelled at the time to pause the be- “Even though this issue remains unsettled, www.ArchbishopSheenCause.org (CNA) Rome is already bracing for the impact of the many pilgrims
who will converge on St. Peter’s for the May 1 beatification
of Pope John Paul II. Sleeping space in religious communities
Indian bishops meet priests to sort grievances across the city - around 15,000 beds - was booked up within
a day of the Jan. 14 announcement. The Domus Aurelia hotel
BHOPAL, India, Feb. 1, 2011—A CDPI secretary Father John Tamil Nadu-based bishop told of their legitimate needs. run by the Emmanuel Community has been reserved “since
meeting of bishops and priests in Kulandai, a special invitee to ucanews.com. “A priest who has got any literally two minutes after the announcement,” said Lorenzo
a central Indian state has helped the meeting, said the two groups The bishops have agreed to problem can approach their re- Amico, who was working the hotel desk at the time. The hotel
the two groups to understand discussed priests’ suggestion provide all helps the priests re- spective bishop as we are all part is located a short way from St. Peter’s on foot. (CNA)
each other, claims an official to have a uniform policy for quire to discharge their mission of the same family,” the prelate
of the Conference of Diocesan transfer and remuneration for a work effectively. told ucanews.com. Vatican plans colloquia, party for nonbelievers
Priests of India (CDPI). decent sustenance among other Although the two groups had He also said bishops would As part of a new initiative to promote dialogue between be-
Archbishop Leo Cornelio of things. discussed the issues earlier, the “always be available to their lievers and nonbelievers, the Pontifical Council for Culture is
Bhopal, who heads the Catholic Father Kulandai recommend- priests were unhappy as they priest to resolve their problems. planning three colloquia and a youth party in Paris. A Vatican
Church in Madhya Pradesh, ed fixing common parameters did not produce satisfactory “No bishop wants their priests communiqué announced the launch of the “Courtyard of the
convened the meeting yes- for the working conditions of results. to suffer,” he added. Gentiles,” an initiative proposed by Benedict XVI in an address
terday to sort out grievances priests across the country. Archbishop Cornelio told the Father Dominic Thomas, lead- to the Roman Curia at the end of 2009. It explained that this is
among priests regarding their “The meeting helped the bish- meeting that every bishop is sen- er of the priest’s regional forum, “a new permanent Vatican structure to promote dialogue and
maintenance and working ops and the priests to under- sitive to their priests’ needs and said they are happy with the out- encounter between believers and nonbelievers.” (Zenit)
conditions. stand each other’s needs,” the would do everything to take care come of the meeting. (UCAN)
News Features
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 3
January 31 - February 13, 2011
not heard his message of salva- opment, justice and liberation
tion,” the pope said. from every form of oppression,
Just as important is the cul- obviously with respect for au-
tural transformation of tradi- tonomy in the political sphere,”
tionally Christian countries that it said. (CNS)
VATICAN City, Jan. 24, 2011—Facebook, MySpace and
Twitter should be used by Christians looking to bring “truth,
proclamation and authenticity of life” to the web today, the
Pope said in his message for the 45th World Day of Social
In his message released on Jan. 24, the Pope called for a
For ‘I’ and for ‘us,’ Pope urges responsibility
greater Christian presence online in the midst of the “vast VATICAN City, Jan. 24, 2011— the Pontiff stressed “our pro-
cultural transformation” caused by the digital age. New tech- In his message for today’s found personal responsibility,
nologies, he said, are “giving birth to a new way learning and World Communications Day, both in the building of our ‘I’
thinking, with unprecedented opportunities for establishing Benedict XVI links digital com- as well as in encounters with
relationships and building fellowship.” munication with self-image and others.”
If technologies are used with wisdom, he explained, “they coherence. Archbishop Celli cited the
can contribute to the satisfaction of the desire for meaning, This commentary was pro- Holy Father when he said:
truth and unity which remain the most profound aspirations vided by the president of the “[A] person is always involved
of each human being.” Pontifical Council for Social in what he or she communi-
Pope Benedict also warned about the dangers of falsifying Communications, Archbishop cates. When people exchange
one’s online profile and creating a “parallel existence.” Claudio Celli, when he pre- information, they are already
He instead urged people to be authentic and faithful when sented the papal message at a sharing themselves, their view
they share information or make “friends” online. press conference today. of the world, their hopes, their
The “Christian way” of being present in the digital world Three other officials from ideals.”
means being “honest and open, responsible and respectful the council joined Archbishop The prelate also noted the
of others,” he explained. It is a way of communicating that is Celli in presenting the message, message’s reference to a Chris-
consistent with the Gospel, supported by actions worthy of delivered on today’s feast of St. tian style of Internet presence.
the same witness in one’s daily life. Francis de Sales, patron of com- “This,” he said, “is what gives
“New and more complex intellectual and spiritual horizons municators. meaning to the title [...] in the
(and) new forms of shared awareness” are opened up by new According to the archbishop, sense that the witness of Catho-
technologies and Christians are also called to proclaim their the papal message, titled “Truth, lic users cannot be exhausted in
faith in God in these spaces, the Pope said. Proclamation and Authenticity the simple treatment of religious
“Believers who bear witness to their most profound con- of Life in the Digital Age,” links topics, but is called to manifest
victions greatly help prevent the internet from becoming an “three important human aspects itself on the plane of concrete
instrument which depersonalizes people, attempts to ma- of today’s life: digital commu- personal witness. Coherence of
nipulate them emotionally or allows those who are powerful nication, image of oneself and life with the Gospel is itself a
to monopolize the opinions of others,” he said. coherence of life.” form of proclamation; an explic-
Christ’s truth is not a question of online popularity, the Pope “The communicative dynam- it communication which makes
added, rather, it is “the full and authentic response to that hu- ics in the digital world trigger the proclamation credible.”
man desire for relationship, communion and meaning which new ways of building one’s “More than ever,” Archbish-
is reflected in the immense popularity of social networks.” identity, and it is here that the op Celli concluded, “the need
While noting that “direct human relations” are always Pope’s call comes for coherence, to make the Gospel known in
essential to sharing the faith, he invited Christians to “confi- for authenticity,” he explained. its integrity must be manifested
dently and with an informed and responsible creativity, join Archbishop Claudio Celli
Digital proclamation as a distinct ‘sign’ of the digital
the network of relationships which the digital era has made According to the archbishop, era.” (Zenit)
ORDINARY time has begun. Yes, life—yes, into the ordinary. Taking on human flesh and And yet, we realize that our
each year, usually during the Yet, there is a profound con- blood (our ordinary humanity) lives—life itself—are filled with
middle of January, the Church’s nection between the major feasts was God’s design in Jesus, so routine, repetitive, monotonous,
“liturgical season” moves to of the Christmas season and that “he should in this way be- ordinary activities. Herein lies
“ordinary time” or the “period ordinary, daily life. Because come completely like his broth- our vocation and mission, our
Pedro C. Quitorio Kris Bayos throughout the year.” This series of Christ’s coming, no time is ers and sisters, so that he could spirituality; we are called to be
Features Editor of 34 weeks, two-thirds of the 52- ordinary; all time takes on new be a compassionate and faithful “saints of the ordinary.” We are
week calendar year, is devoted meaning and significance. Seem- high priest…. Because he himself called to walk the unspectacular
Pinky Barrientos, FSP Gloria Fernando to reflection on the mystery of ingly ordinary, daily life and was tested by what he suffered, path to sanctity.
Christ and our mission of daily everyday existence have been he is able to help those who are Mother Teresa of Calcutta
LAST Christmas, someone gave capture ideas more quickly and ally be a sweet poison to us. factors that also mark our life.
me an MP4 player. It’s a small
electronic gadget that stores a
to explore them more deeply
and widely.
This is because things depend
on how our mind works, what
We might simply follow the
requirements of practicality, Tiger Mother and her
critics: both wrong
tremendous load of material for All of a sudden, my time for motivations move us, what ob- profitability and popularity, and
listening. To the young, it has driving, commuting, waiting jectives we want to pursue. If we forget about morality that tries to
become an irresistible apparatus, in terminals for my boat or are not properly grounded, we conform our life to God´s will.
a must-have. It’s where they can plane rides has acquired a more can appear to do a lot of things For example, politicians may AMY Chua, the now infamous “Tiger Mother,“ delivered her
have their fill of music in the substantial and meaningful di- and yet end up with nothing. We just think about what will get parenting manifesto two weeks ago in a Wall Street Journal
most convenient way. mension. Instead of just trying can think we are gaining, when them more votes, at the expense article headlined “Why Chinese Mothers are Superior.” The
I know there are many other to pass the time, snoozing or in fact we are losing. of what is objectively good article, excerpted from her book, “The Battle Hymn of the
more powerful and sophisti- struggling to read and stay away We have to understand that for the people. We have to be Tiger Mother,” outraged American moms.
cated gadgets like the Ipod, from distractions, I now have a the reality that governs us is warned about this predicament Circling about, sometimes snarling, American mommy-
Iphone, etc., but they are still good way of keeping my mind, not simply a physical, mate- that can likely fall on us if we are cats pounced on the Tiger’s arguments, shredding them
beyond my reach. heart and soul in focus. I can rial reality. Neither is it only not careful. with sharpened claws. Bewildered and a bit scratched up,
When you see a teener wired now say goodbye to these idle intellectual which already gives That´s why, the tremendous Chua has been in defensive mode ever since, appealing for
with earphones, looking hypno- time-fillers. us infinite possibilities of sce- practical advantages offered to parents to see her book as a “personal memoir about her
tized but with sudden twitches In fact, even in my time meant narios, always malleable and us now by our growing technol- own struggles with child-rearing” not as “judgment on any-
on his face or jerks in his shoul- for serious study and prayer, ever morphing. ogy, like the MP4 player, should body else.” Chua’s daughter even came to her beleaguered
ders or legs, you can be sure he I sometimes use it, since it fa- Our ultimate reality lies on always be related to God. We mother’s defense, publishing a warm letter thanking her
is in his own world, enjoying cilitates things. Yes, it´s truly how we develop our relation just cannot get stuck at the level mom for parenting her, Tiger style.
music. He is either singing or a blessing as long as one has with God our Creator and Fa- of fascination because of the One thing’s for sure. Chua’s book has sparked an Ameri-
dancing in his mind or simply mastered the appropriate dis- ther. That´s because our spiritual novelty it offers, the convenience can conversation about children, their parents, and the
dreaming. cipline and has a clear sense of faculties of intelligence and will and practicality it gives. We elusive notion of “success.” What have we learned?
But I have discovered that it is purpose. Otherwise, I know it that put us into a subjective should relate them to God. First, that we are utterly confused, as a society, about what
a good instrument to help me in will dominate me and can lead world in the end have a begin- At the very least, we can thank “good parenting” means. And second, following from the
my prayer. There I download the me to unknown and dangerous ning and an end, and these can God for them. After all, the hu- first, we don’t really know what defines “success.” What do
gospel, the Holy Rosary, homi- destinations. only be God. man ingenuity that produced we really want for our children?
lies of famous saints, the psalms, This discovery has also made I just hope that we can be more them comes from God. These
etc. I’m still in the process of me realize that though we can be aware of this truth about us. new things should bring us The Tiger method
gathering more materials. swimming in an ocean of images, Very often, we get stuck in the closer to God and to one another, For Amy Chua, a law professor at Yale University, her
Instead of reading them, I just data and information, thanks physical and material dimen- instead of distancing us from children’s success is all about high academic and musical
listen to them. It’s a more relax- again to the high tech we have sion of our life, and then in the Him and putting us in self- achievement. Her “Tiger” method produces nothing less
ing way of learning, thinking now, the media and publicity purely biological, emotional and absorption. than perfection, in classroom and concert hall.
and praying, since it frees me work that has gone ballistic, we psychological level. From here, let´s try to discern What ignited the firestorm surrounding Chua’s book
from some eye and intellectual can manage to get nothing, or Or we just play the game of what God´s purpose is for these is her thesis: she asserts that, unlike “Western” mothers,
strain, and allows my mind to worse, something that can actu- the social, political and economic new powerful things. “Chinese” mothers produce successful kids—perfect stu-
dents and musical prodigies—because their parents expect
perfection and force the habits that produce it. She scorns
Teresa R. Tunay, OCDS the permissive parenting model where children make their
own decisions and quit when things get tough (like when
6 Lebanon-bound
litical dynasties and land reform
after Ozamiz Archbishop Jesus Dosado Low income and rising publication costs Ozamiz chapter will take over the operation
met with his vicar, delegates of some of the have left the diocesan paper on the brink of and publication of the weekly diocesan news
Bishop Leo Drona Archdiocesan commissions, and the Archdi- financial collapse. paper. (Wendell P. Talibong)
Catholic charis-
CAGAYAN DE ORO City—A member of the peace negotiat-
ing panel of the MILF said that the ongoing MILF consulta-
tions “allow the masses of our people to take part in the
decision-making mechanisms that propels the struggle for
matic renewal
self-determination and freedom.” Therefore, such consulta-
tions “fortify the Islamic foundations of the Moro Nation,” said
Robert Maulana Marohombsar Alonto. (Bong D. Fabe)
The prelate said he was also hoping that the Catholic move- Elmer Labog, KMU national chair said the water rate increase
ment will spread in other dioceses and be felt at the national level. Archbishop Jose Palma is inappropriate especially that everything is going up—toll
(CBCPNews) fee, taxi fare, and oil prices. (Noel Barcelona)
Pope to UST on its 400th year: Focus faith in Christ FAITH and Reason are always part cant event in the life of the Church.”
of a truly integrated education, Pope “Although I am not able to be with
Benedict XVI told the Asia’s oldest you physically,” he said, “I am delight-
university on its 400th year celebration ed to be able to speak to you personally
on Jan. 28. in this way, to join with you spiritually
The Holy Father said this through and offer to all my best wishes on this
a pre-recorded video message during happy occasion.”
UST’s quadricentennial Mass at the UST He also thanked “the many priests,
campus in Sampaloc, Manila. religious and laypeople at Santo Tomas
The anniversary celebration that who transmitted the faith, knowledge
coincided with the feast of St. Thomas and wisdom found in the religious
was graced with the presence of Papal and secular sciences to generations of
Legate Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski, Filipinos.”
Prefect of the Vatican’s Congregation He specifically cited UST’s founder
for Catholic Education. Bishop Miguel de Benavides and “the
In his message, the pontiff wants UST, great commitment of the Domini-
which “continues to play a very impor- cans who have guided this institution
tant role in the Church of the region,” through the many challenges of the past
to ensure that education given to its four centuries.”
students is centered on faith in Christ. The pope has earlier declared a Jubilee
“I pray that you will always continue Year from January 2011 to January 2012 to
to seek a knowledge of human and di- mark UST’s Quadricentennial celebration.
vine things in the light of that ultimate In a decree last Dec. 21, the Vatican’s
clarity that is in the person of Jesus Apostolic Penitentiary allowed Manila
Christ,” Benedict XVI said. Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal Rosa-
“I am confident that keeping in mind les to bestow a Papal Blessing carrying
the faith and reason which are always a Plenary Indulgence following the
The string of month-long activi- the Virgin Mary in a Marian Regatta
ties will begin with a mass on Feb- Prayer Rally to be held in the after-
ruary 1 at 12:15 at the North Wing noon of February 13 at the Subic Bay,
of the House of Representatives in Olongapo City. (CBCPNews)
A CONTINUOUS oral reading of casters Kata Inocencio, Alex Tinsay, Among the proposed biblical activi-
2 Papal aides visit Manila Cathedral Scriptures kicked off the week-long
nationwide observance of Bible week
that went on from January 24 until
Dodie Lacuna and Maloi Salumbides,
NCCP/IEMELIF Bishop Nathanael
Lazaro; Lighthouse Bible Bishop Reu-
ties for the bible week include Bible En-
thronement in Families, BECs, Schools,
Churches, Institutes, Convents, Houses
TWO aides of Pope Benedict XVI made and premier cathedral—the mother of January 30. ben Abante; Dr. Dave Sobrepena of of Formation, Public Places etc.; Gospel
a visit to the Manila Cathedral, the all churches and cathedrals in the coun- Dubbed i-proclaim, the ecumenical Word of Hope; Dr. Buth Belgica of the Sharing in homes, campuses and public
Archdiocesan See, recently. try at the St. Pius X Chapel; Exhibit on reading of the bible on January 24 at Lord’s Vineyard, Fr. Archie Guiriba places; Family Bible Encounter (quiz);
Dressed in their clerical garb, Archbish- the post-war Manila Cathedral at the the Quezon City Memorial Circle was of Shalom; Bishop Rene Mayugba of Extemporaneous speech (proclamation)
ops Francisco-Javier Lozano Sebastian, Sta. Potenciana Chapel; Exhibit on Mary led by representatives from various CBCP-ECBA; Atty. Jose Tale of Cou- of the Word of God on Creation Texts;
Papal nuncio to Romania and Edward at the Our Lady of Pillar Chapel. churches, non government organiza- ples of Christ; Papuri singer Jonaver and Biblialympics (walk - run for the
Joseph Adams, apostolic nuncio to the The papal aides also paid homage to the tions and government personalities. Luklukan, multi-awarded composer bible, palaro sa biblia).
Philippines, made the visit on Jan. 8. former Manila archbishops visiting their i-proclaim is the continuous reading Jonathan Manalo; Radio DJ Jordan Alunday also suggested to organiz-
Archbishop Sebastian was in Manila tombs located at the cathedral’s crypt. of the entire bible which can be done Escusa, members of the clergy, NGOs ers of Bible Week activities to highlight
for a “friendly visit to his old friend, Entombed are the four former Manila in 15 minutes or an hour depending on and sectoral groups. stewardship of creation and maximize
Archbishop Adams. archbishops: Miguel O’ Doherty, Gabriel how many people are assigned to read Meanwhile, Fr. Oscar Alunday, Ex- the use of tri-media to promote active
Msgr. Nestor Cerbo, the cathedral’s Reyes, Rufino Cardinal Santos and Jaime and how long the readings are allotted ecutive secretary of the CBCP Episcopal participation.
rector, welcomed the archbishops and Cardinal Sin. Msgr. Cerbo then took them to on each reader. Commission of the Biblical Apostolate, With the theme “May they be one:
acted as their tour guide as they went the newly constructed ground Belfry which House Speaker Feliciano R. Bel- in a letter, has urged biblical directors Becoming One nation in the steward-
around the cathedral. houses the 7 big bells of the cathedral. monte led the roster of Bible read- in various dioceses to celebrate the ship of Creation”, the celebration calls
The apostolic nuncios viewed the fol- Archbishops Sebastian and Adams ers at the opening ceremony which bible week meaningfully with activities on all Filipinos to take an active part in
lowing exhibits which are located at the were also given a miniature figurine of include Quezon City Vice Mayor Joy “that respond to the social concerns of caring for the environment, especially
side chapels of the cathedral: Exhibit on the cathedral in remembrance of their Belmonte, Justice Raoul Victorino, in- ecological care, family and life values in view of the calamities that hit the
Manila Cathedral as the premier church visit. (CBCPNews) spirational speaker Bo Sanchez, news- and youth formation.” country recently. (CBCPNews)
DIED. Sr. Mary Consuelo v. Ferrer, RGS, January 11, 2011. A native
night showcasing the best of the Baroque composed by J.S. of Binmaley, Pangasinan, Ferrer was a member of the Religious of the
the Philippines that only every Bach and Henry Purcell, among Good Shepherd for 58 years until her death.
Filipino can be proud of,” orga- others. (CBCPNews)
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 3
January 31 - February 13, 2011 Pastoral Concerns B1
PCP-II files
(In celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Second Plenary Council of the Philippines (PCP-II) we are reprinting
excerpts of the talk of Archbishop Leonardo Z. Legaspi, O.P. , archbishop of Caceres and conciliar president of PCP-II,
delivered during the National Pastoral Consultation on Church Renewal held in Makati on January 22-27, 2001—Eds)
Renewing PCP-II
National Pastoral Plan
By Archbishop Leonardo Z. were then inter-related within to the
analogy of a pilgrim church responding
set numbered only 6 features but
were expanded to 15 by the ad hoc
of social Catholicism for it challenged
Catholics to be involved in reforming
authority, on the meaning of “religious
liberty”, on how to reform the liturgy,
Legaspi, O.P.
to Christ’s call for conversion and committee which finalized it. These 15 the social order and in struggling for on how the Church understood its
renewal. ecclesial features were: Christocentric social justice. By shifting its punto de identity and work in modern times.
Thirdly, the 132 decrees were biblical, Marian, liturgical, catechetical, vista its way of viewing and analyzing There were discussions on how to heat
IN my homily at the opening differentiated according to those ecumenical, pastoral, ecclesial, reality, the Church made a decisive the scandalous division in Christianity,
of the Second Plenary Council that were orientational in intent preferential love for the poor, evangelical, shift in favor of the working class. influenced by the views of theologians
of the Philippines on January from those that were operational in prophetic, missionary, contextualized, This breakthrough, this paradigm like Yves Congar, O.P., the Council
20th 1991, I quoted this passage purpose. Orientational decrees were inculturated, communitarian. As you shifts as it were, sparked within the asked how the Church could make
from 1 Kings 19:7 “Surge, those embodying doctrinal or pastoral can probably surmise, the long list church concrete efforts at renewal. The better use of the gifts and charism of
principles to guide action. Operational of 15 features weighed against their Belgian priest, Father Cardijn founded the laity.
grandis tibi restat via,” Arise, decrees were those intended for action implementation. the Young Christian Workers whose By confronting the critical questions
a long journey lies ahead of through specific programs under the The NPP’s implementation was programs reached the minds and hearts of modern times, the Council opened
you. Words spoken to the responsibility of assigned agents of not left unattended with the closure of young workers and prevented them the doors of renewal. It called for many
Prophet Elijah by the angel renewal. of PCP-II Secretariat. The vital role of from leaving the Church. This period changes that touched the lives of the
Finally, the decrees were classified promoting its implementation was left also saw the emergence of influential faithful and demanded of them radical
of Yahweh, summoning him in two ways: a) through the 4 areas in the hands of the Episcopal Vicars for Christian trade unions, originally led changes in attitude.
to the mountain Horeb for an of concern used by PCP-II, namely: PCP-II concerns. By virtue of Canons by priests but eventually managed by These two historical examples give us
encounter with God. Christian Life, Religious Concerns, Social 476 and 479, these PCP-II Episcopal workers themselves. This encyclical was some insights into the process of church
Concerns and Agents of Communion Vicars possessed executive functions also the inspiration in Europe for the renewal. Both drew their proposals for
As a pilgrim church, our journey and Renewal. The second classification for the dissemination, promotion and formation of powerful political parties renewal from three sources. Firstly, from
has indeed been a long and arduous mode was through the major themes implementation of PCP-II Acts and such as the Christian Democratic Parties a discernment of historical experiences
one. These days, we have another used by PCP-II, namely: Ecclesial Decrees through the NPP and in close of Germany and Belgium. Thus, by of injustices, evil and oppression.
rare opportunity to pause and refresh Communion; Inculturation; Renewal collaboration with their bishops, chosen aligning the Church with the promotion Secondly, from a profound reflection
ourselves in order to reflect on how and Christian Community; Missionary members of the clergy, religious and of social justice, Pope Leo XIII was able on the meaning and purpose of human
far we have travelled, what we have Thrust. laity. However, except for an April 1993 to give Catholicism a renewed identity life. And thirdly, in the words of Pope
achieved along the way and with There is another feature of the NPP seminar held for these PCP-II Vicars, no as a progressive social force. Paul VI, by exploring the nature of the
what spirit we have animated our which is important but which in my further activities related to them were The second historical example of Church and her relationship to Jesus
pilgrimage. opinion was not realized adequately. It done. Thus, the question could now be church renewal I wish to cite is that of Christ.
was an attempt to address the problem relevant as to whether there still is need Vatican II. In our own efforts at church renewal,
Features of the National Pastoral of isolated, competitive, uncooperative to reactivate them. Through the initiative of Pope John what questions should we ask that might
Plan activities within the Church. The PCP-II XXIII, the first official act of Vatican II as uncover our own social reality? What
When PCP-II concluded on 17 clearly considered this to be a serious Some historical Examples its Message to Humanity. It was to set the methods of discernment are we to adopt
February 1991 it left behind a rich problem since it led to demoralization The 20th century Industrial Revolution tone for the discussions of the Church’s in order to discover our people’s true
collection of Decrees 132 in all. It was and division among clergy and faithful, was the age of Pope Leo XIII. It was the Twenty-First Ecumenical Council. What condition? In the midst of a Philippine
left to the responsibility of the CBCP to the uprooting of church activities from advent of mass society. In the words were the main themes of this opening society with its seemingly endless
systematize this wealth into pastoral their spiritual foundations and to the of the historian Thomas Bokenkotter: message? Fr. Walter Abbot, SJ who was problems of conflicts and injustices,
prescriptions. This was done through wasteful duplication of scarce resources. “industrialization brought great numbers the general editor of “The Documents of how can the church be a sign of hope
the instrumentality of a National Thus, PCP-II sharply stated in its Act of people off the land and herded them Vatican II” listed the following: to bring and reconciliation?
Pastoral Plan (NPP). 182 that “no true renewal can happen into congested areas of smoky factories about its renewal, the Council adopted
The NPP needed a conceptual in one area (e.g. catechesis) in isolation and dingy streets in a way that made the process of compassionate dialogue Pastoral reflections
framework that would systematize the from the other areas.” the average person susceptible to mass with modern men and women and to In this final section of my sharing with
132 Decrees for purposes of planning The NPP tried to address this problem suggestion and mass action.” In these their concerns of peace, justice and unity. you, I wish to explore some pastoral
while preserving the spirit and substance by offering a set of pastoral orientations, inhuman conditions, socialism which It emphasized the quest for community reflections on the meaning of church
of PCP-II. This was done through the later, to be called “ecclesial features” was committed to Marxist ideology among peoples, the centrality of Jesus renewal and its implication in the lives
following steps: which were intended to inform and seemed to offer the working class the Christ as light of the world. It had the of people.
Firstly, the key pastoral dimensions inspire every pastoral program. If made only liberating hope. pastoral courage to ask and confront I would also like to attempt basing my
of PCP-II were identified as: a) Church a constitutive element of each church It was in this critical period, when the questions bothering modern men personal reflections on some theological
of the Poor; b) Community of Disciples program these pastoral orientations the Church appeared to be losing the and women. foundations. Thus, in the same manner
of the Lord; c) Renewed Integral would bring about a convergence working class, that Pope Leo XIII issued What were some of these questions? that I went to Vatican II to draw historical
Evangelization. among the different church programs his great encyclical Rerum Novarum. It There were questions touching on insights, so now I wish to return to
Secondly, these three key dimensions and commissions. Originally, this has been rightly called the Magna Carta the essence and exercise of pastoral PCP-II / B4
B2 Updates CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 3
January 31 - February 13, 2011
© Noli Yamsuan/RCAM
and penal provisions for the 2nd Category: “[E]verything
second category of truths. definitively proposed by the
Given the compelling need to Church regarding teaching
forestall and refute the theological on faith and morals.” These
opinions being raised against this constitute what Dogmatic
second category of truths, the Holy Theology has always referred
Father decided to promulgate the to as Catholic truths or Church the CIC stipulates “A religious universal Magisterium and are the Congregation for the Doctrine will read:
Apostolic Letter Ad tuendam fidem doctrines, which are to be accepted respect of intellect and will, even if hence infallible. of the Faith, which must be made Canon 750 ─ §1. Those things
last May 28, by which precise with a faith based on the sole not the assent of faith” (c.752). by specific members of the faithful are to be believed by divine and
norms are established in canon authority of the Church (fides Reach of “religious respect when they receive an office that catholic faith which are contained
law regarding the second category ecclesiastica). Even if the Profession Source of Confusion (obsequium) of intellect and is directly or indirectly related in the word of God as it has
of truths indicated in the second fidei did not expressly state it, As previously stated, while will” to deeper investigation into the been written or handed down
paragraph of the concluding these are as infallibly certain as the 1st and 3rd Categories had This religious submission truths of faith and morals, or is by tradition, that is, in the single
formula of the Professio Fidei, dogmas proper.1 their corresponding provisions means more than the usual united to a particular power in the deposit of faith entrusted to the
through modifications to canons 3rd Category: “[T]he teachings in the Code of Canon Law, there obedience required for the governance of the Church. Church, and which are at the
750 and 1371 n.1 of the CIC and which either the Roman Pontiff or was no expressed provision for legitimate command of the The Profession of Faith, which same time proposed as divinely
to canons 598 and 1436 of the the College of Bishops enunciate the 2nd Category. Thus, cc.750 hierarchical authority of the appropriately begins with the revealed either by the solemn
CCEO. when they exercise their authentic & 752 described the 1st and 3rd Church. Specifically, it means: Nicene Constantinopolitan Creed, Magisterium of the Church, or
Magisterium, even if they do Categories respectively, and a. The ordinary response will be a contains three propositions or by its ordinary and universal
Three Categories of Truths not intend to proclaim these c.1371 provided for the penal sincere adherence not only of the paragraphs, intended to describe Magisterium, which in fact is
What was the reason for the teachings by a definitive act.” sanction for their violation. will but also of the intelligence. the truths of the Catholic faith, manifested by the common
confusion—and accompanying These are the teachings for which This has given rise to not a few In an exceptional case, a teaching which the Church, in the course adherence of Christ’s faithful
cases of open dissent, perhaps might not be intellectually of time and under the guidance under the guidance of the sacred
emboldened by a seeming lacuna convincing. Then the first duty is of the Holy Spirit “who will teach Magisterium. All are therefore
Bows in the
in Canon Law, especially as to doubt oneself, giving credibility the whole truth” (Jn 16,13), has bound to avoid any contrary
regards the penal provisions. to the Magisterium. This does not ever more deeply explored and doctrines.
A more attentive reading of mean that one must stop working will continue to explore. §2. Furthermore, each and
the Profession fidei, however, on research and presenting The first paragraph states: everything set forth definitively
coupled with a solid grounding the authorities—in a private “With firm faith, I also believe by the Magisterium of the Church
in Dogmatic Theology, shows way—one’s own reasons and everything contained in the Word regarding teaching on faith and
that there was really no lacuna. the possible formulations that of God, whether written or morals must be firmly accepted
As Ott would affirm, the 2nd one might suggest as being better handed down in Tradition, which and held, namely those things
Category are “as infallibly certain suited for expressing the truth. the Church either by a solemn required for the holy keeping
as dogmas proper”—i.e., the b. In any case, religious judgment or by the ordinary and and faithful exposition of the
norm for the 1st Category should submission implies the obligation universalMagisteriumsetsforthto deposit of faith; therefore, anyone
hole also for the 2nd. Hence, to avoid every dissent; the only be believed as divinely revealed.” who rejects propositions which
when the CIC expressly provided thing admissible is to suspend This paragraph appropriately are to be held definitively sets
for the 1st and 3rd Categories, it or withhold assent. If dissent is confirms and is provided for in himself against the teaching of
(Father Edward McNamara, professor of liturgy at the Regina tacitly provided also for the 2nd made publicly and obstinately, the Church’s legislation in c.750 the Catholic Church.
Apostolorum university, answers the following query:) Category of truths. opportune sanctions would be of the Code of Canon Law and Canon 1371, n.1 of the Code of
Nevertheless, since abuses in order (c.1371). c.598 of the Code of Canons of the Canon Law, consequently, will
Q: Regarding the genuflections during the old rite, would a have arisen, and such may be Eastern Churches.4 [Referred to receive an appropriate reference
profound bow suffice for a priest suffering from arthritis, etc.? legally defended against sanction Conclusion in Dogmatic Theology as De fide to c.750, §2, so that it will now
I am 70 years young, and was ordained according to the new with the principle of “nulla poena From the foregoing, and the Divina et Catholica.] read:
rite and have never celebrated Mass in the old rite. One of sine lege”, the Supreme Church preceding three issues of this The third paragraph states: Canon 1371 ─ The following
my biggest joys will be to celebrate Mass using the old rite. I Authority has come up with this column, I think it is quite clear that “Moreover I adhere with are to be punished with a just
am also a Dominican tertiary priest. Can I use the Dominican new legislation to fill up that the Bishops are quite empowered submission of will and intellect penalty:
rite?—F.A.C., Comayagua, Honduras. seeming lacuna. to call the attention of all the erring to the teachings which either the 1° a person who, apart from
theology professors, in Catholic Roman Pontiff or the College the case mentioned in c.1364, §1,
Infallibility of Ordinary and institutions or otherwise, and of Bishops enunciate when teaches a doctrine condemned
A: The Code of Canon Law covers the case of priests with Universal Magisterium in the case of obstinacy, apply they exercise their authentic by the Roman Pontiff, or by
physical limitations. To wit: It is fitting to note also that canonical sanctions. Magisterium, even if they do not an Ecumenical Council, or
“Can. 930 §1. If an infirm or elderly priest is unable to stand, almost all infallible teachings in [Following is an abridged version intend to proclaim these teachings obstinately rejects the teachings
he can celebrate the eucharistic sacrifice while seated, but the field of morality are contained of the Apostolic Letter, excluding by a definitive act.” This paragraph mentioned in c.750, §2 or in
not before the people except with the permission of the local not in solemn definitions (so what is pertinent to the CCEO, and has its corresponding legislative c.752 and, when warned by the
ordinary; the liturgical laws are to be observed. called definitive acts or definitively retaining the original numbering for expression in c.752 of the Code of Apostolic See or by the Ordinary,
Ҥ2. A blind or otherwise infirm priest licitly celebrates the proposed in the language of the easy reference.]3 Canon Law and c.599 of the Code does not retract;
eucharistic sacrifice by using any approved text of the Mass Profession fidei and in the CIC), To protect the faith of the of Canons of the Eastern Churches.5 2° a person who in any other
with the assistance, if needed, of another priest, deacon, or but precisely in the teachings Catholic Church against errors [Referred to in Dogmatic Theology way does not obey the lawful
even a properly instructed lay person.” of the ordinary and universal arising from certain members of as De fide Catholica.] command or prohibition of the
These canons specifically refer to the present rite but are Magisterium. This has led some the Christian faithful, especially 3. The second paragraph, Apostolic See or the Ordinary or
probably applicable to the extraordinary form. In the case of to think that there are no infallible from among those dedicated to however, which states: “I also Superior and, after being warned,
doubt one can always have recourse to the local ordinary as teachings in the field of morality, the various disciplines of sacred firmly accept and hold each and persists in disobedience.
Canon 930 codifies faculties granted to bishops in 1963. Before inasmuch as, in fact, there theology, we, whose principal everything definitively proposed
this date it was necessary to have recourse to the Holy See are no texts in which such duty is to confirm the brethren by the Church regarding teaching NOTES
which, however, habitually granted such favors. infallibility is explicitly claimed. in the faith, consider it absolutely on faith and morals” has no
The novelty is that the code allows the infirm priest to
Ref. Ludwig Ott, Fundamentals of
This assertion fails to recognize, necessary to add to the existing corresponding canon in the Catholic Dogma, Tan Books and Publish-
decide himself if his condition merits remaining seated while however, that the ordinary and texts of the Code of Canon Law Codes of the Catholic Church. ers Inc., Illinois (1960), p.9.
celebrating Mass alone or with one or few attendants. universal Magisterium, which (CIC) and the Code of Canons of This second paragraph of the 2
Address of 15.X.1988.
I believe that the same basic rule would apply—for both by nature does not adopt such the Eastern Churches (CCEC) new Profession of Faith is of utmost
forms of the Roman rite—in the case of omitting or substituting solemn expressions, is precisely norms which expressly impose importance since it refers to truths 3
Taken from L’Osservatore Romano,
gestures such as genuflections when a priest is impeded by the normal way in which the the obligation of upholding that are necessarily connected
some physical limitation. Even young priests can sometimes infallibility of the Church is truths proposed in a definitive to divine revelation. These 4
Can.750 of the CIC states: All that is
have injuries which make it practically impossible to perform exercised. truths, in the investigation of contained in the written word of God or
way by the Magisterium of the in tradition, that is, in the one deposit of
these gestures, and this should not prevent them from being As Pope John Paul II affirms, Church, and which also establish Catholic doctrine, illustrate faith entrusted to the Church and also
able to celebrate Mass. “The Magisterium (...) includes related canonical sanctions. the Divine Spirit’s particular proposed as divinely revealed either by
Once more, each priest can decide for himself how best to the charism of infallibility, which inspiration for the Church’s the solemn magisterium of the Church
or by its ordinary and universal mag-
proceed when celebrating alone. He can probably also make is present not only in the solemn 1. From the first centuries to deeper understanding of a truth isterium, must be believed with divine
an ad hoc decision with respect to Mass for the people in the definitions of the Roman Pontiff the present day the Church has concerning faith and morals, and catholic faith; it is manifested by
case of a short-term impediment. If the impediment is long and the Ecumenical Councils, professed the truths of her faith with which they are connected the common adherence of the Christian
term or permanent, he should ask the bishop’s permission faithful under the leadership of the
but also in the ordinary and in Christ and the mystery of his either for historical reasons or by sacred magisterium; therefore, all are
and explain his situation to parishioners. universal Magisterium, which redemption. These truths were a logical relationship. bound to avoid any doctrines whatever
The venerable Dominican rite, a form of celebrating Mass can be considered the usual subsequently gathered into the 4. Moved therefore by this need, which are contrary to these truths.
that was proper to the Order of Preachers, is no longer in expression of the infallibility of Symbols of the faith, today known and after careful deliberation, we 5
Can. 752 of the CIC states: A religious
general use. In 1968 the general chapter of the religious order the Church.”2 and proclaimed in common by have decided to overcome this respect of intellect and will, even if not
opted to adopt the reformed Roman rite of Paul VI. The old Practically all concrete and the faithful in the Solemn and lacuna in the universal law in the the assent of faith, is to be paid to the
teaching which the Supreme Pontiff or
rite was not abolished, however, and Dominican provincials absolute moral norms that are festive celebration of Mass as following way: c.750 of the Code of the college of bishops enunciate on
may grant permission to their subjects to celebrate according under debate today (e.g., abortion, the Apostles’ Creed or the Nicene Canon Law will now consist of two faith or morals when they exercise the
to its provisions. I do not know if this authority extends to contraception, homosexual acts, Constantinopolitan Creed. This paragraphs; the first will present authentic magisterium even if they do
tertiary priests, and it would be necessary to consult the local not intend to proclaim it with a definitive
premarital relations, euthanasia, same Nicene Constantinopolitan the text of the existing canon; the act; therefore the Christian faithful are
provincial to find out. divorce, masturbation), have Creed is contained in the second will contain a new text. to take care to avoid whatever is not in
been taught by the ordinary and Profession of Faith developed by Thus c.750, in its complete form, harmony with that teaching.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 3
January 31 - February 13, 2011
May They Be One Bibles for a Big Harvest Praise God for the strong
or the Congregation of Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Si- interest expressed by different
enna based in Quezon City, “The harvest is plentiful” (Matthew sectors to get involved in the
Bible Campaign
9:37a) but the Bibles are few. They have an outreach to several 2-year (2011-12) Handwritten
community partners and to more than a thousand elementary and high
school students throughout the country but most of these do not have Unity Bible (HUB) and for 57
Bibles. Among the 625 Catechists – the Bible teachers themselves − churches and organizations
Help Put a Bible in Every Filipino Home only 30% had Bibles. A positive turnaround came when the Congregation that have signed up as Writing
was able to acquire 600 subsidized Bibles under the May They Be One Centers.
Bible campaign. As a result, 100% of the Congregation’s Catechists Pray for wisdom for the
now have access to the Word. Among the Bible recipients were the far
flung areas in Pilar, Sorsogon and Palawan, which can only be reached leadership of the HUB as they
through small motor boats. Sis. Rhea Castillo, Congregational Director finalize the Project Mechanics
of Religious Education, observes that the regular practice of reading and other organizational
God’s Word has brought about a deepening and strengthening of the details. Let’s pray for more
Catechists’ prayer life. They have also become more active in sharing organizations to sign up as
their faith-life experiences to each other. Many of the students, though
they still don’t have their own Bibles, must have absorbed the Catechists’ HUB Writing Centers.
high regard for the Word. Before starting meetings, programs and even
parties, they have made it a point to honor the Word by including Bible
verses in these activities.
To learn more about how you can be
No. of Dioceses participating in the Bible Campaign – 78 out of 86 part of the Campaign and make signifi-
Dioceses cant change, call us at PBS 526-7777,
Bibles Distributed (Jan 1, 2011 – Jan 26, 2011): 10,918 cps ECBA 527-9386 or visit www.bible.org.
Bibles Distributed by Languages – Tagalog (2,661 cps.), Cebuano ph and www.ecba-cbcp.com. Donations
(1,200 cps.) English (3,720 cps.), Ilocano (2,025 cps.), Hiligaynon (0 can be made by making a deposit to the
cps.), Bicol (750 cps), Pangasinan ( 0 cps.), Pampango (62 cps.), Sa- following bank accounts: PBS-MTBO
marenyo (500 cps.) Account#393-0649-34 (BPI Sta. Mesa
Parishes/Communities served: 17 Branch) Fax deposit slip to 521-5803
Total Bible Distribution: (Jan 2009 – Jan. 26, 2010): 318,892 cps or ECBA-CBCP Account #0251-021376
Target No. of Bibles for Distribution for 2010: 400,000 cps. (BPI-Tayuman Branch) Fax deposit slip to
Public School Instruction at the Holy Trinity College in Puerto Princesa, Palawan
Total Funds Needed for Printing and Transport of Bibles in 2010: 527-9386. For credit card payments – go
P60M to PBS website (www.bible.org.ph)
CBCP Monitor
B4 Vol. 15 No. 3
January 31 - February 13, 2011
Mr. Brian Clowes, HLI’s Director of Research and Training worldwide, speak
before pro-life representatives during the 17th Asia-Pacific Congress held
in Manila on November 6, 2010.
Vatican II sources in order to draw some fellowship realized when Jesus Christ when the thunder of protests and the and evaluations. An efficient church of others.
pastoral reflections. by His incarnation united himself with stormy winds of political conflicts structure can be achieved at the price Finally, this national consultation
Vatican II in its Lumen Gentium us in o9rder to show us how to achieve render all but impossible that serenity of dehumanizing its staff. for church renewal is a reminder of the
describes the Church as the mystery of communio with the Father. And how and pace of mind needed to arrive are The pastoral strategy for church renewal principle ecclesia simper reformanda.
communio. First of all what is meant is this life of communion to be gained? clear and objective judgments—are you involves two interrelated dimensions. The Church—bishops, priests, religious
here by “mystery”? It does not refer to Through following the example of the at the Crucified One, are you like Elijah The first is internal, it involves the and laity—in their pilgrim journey to
something unknowable but rather it is Crucified Christ in his manifestations of old, standing in the right place to hear church’s mission and ministry within the Kingdom are still in the process of
the manifestation in a visible way of of supreme love and forgiveness in that gentle breeze into which is enfolded its own community. The second is taking on the fullness of Jesus Christ.
a transcendental saving reality. What the words of Pope John Paul II during the message of God—a message of external and involves its giving witness The effort for reform and renewal is
is that “transcendental saving reality” the World Day of Peace on January 1st love, a call to unity, a challenge to and proclaiming its mission to the wider unceasing.
which the Church makes visible? It is 2001: forgive and reconcile? Even as we society. It is understandable to give In this consultation, you are carrying
communio. “The example of Christ makes us have elaborated effective strategies for priority to the first dimension but we on this vital task of renewal in a period
How is communio manifested in the certain that the many impediments to denouncing political corruption and cannot ignore the second since the church‘s of great national crisis. The challenge is
world by the Church? Not through its communication and dialogue between economic injustice should we not also mission is essentially outward looking. for Filipino Catholics to face this time of
structures, its rituals, its dogma—but people can indeed to be torn-down. work at designing strategies for national We cannot turn the church into a ghetto, peril with courage and hope lest we be
through its faithful. The faithful who Gazing upon the Crucified One, we are reconciliation and unity? concerned exclusively with building up its further torn apart, unable and unwilling
in the early church shared their goods filled with confidence that forgiveness You are focused these days on arriving resources, its power, its interests. to heal our conflicts for lack of love and
with one another and which made and reconciliation can become the at doable propositions for church Accordingly, your doable programs humility.
observers exclaim: “See how these normal practice of everyday life renewal. But does your focus limit you will help motivate the individual to Help make our Church in the
Christians love another”. Communio and every culture, and thus a real to view church renewal merely in terms reach outwards to help not only his Philippines the home of hope and not of
emerges when in the midst of rancor opportunity for building humanity’s of structural and ritual reforms? These or her immediate community but also despair, the abode of a new humanity, of
amid intense confrontations, a Christian peace and future.” laudable efforts if detached from the the wider community; not simply men and women practicing truth, justice,
brings in a formula for forgiveness and It is the promotion and proclamation renewal and emergence of the mystery the members of his or her church freedom, love and peace in renewed
reconciliation. of the Church as communio that is at the of the Church, which is communio organization but the unreached sectors Community of Disciples of the Lord
Why does communio manifest and heart of church renewal. might only limit you to administrative of society who are deprived of the Jesus Christ.
emerge when people manifest love and In these long days and nights of our and procedural reforms. In this manner ministry and sacraments of the church. May our Blessed Mother guide you
forgiveness for one another? Because it crisis, when our faithful are confused, one runs the danger of becoming a The only thing that really counts in in this exploration of new ways, new
is an invitation lodged in our hearts by divided and manipulated by diverse carbon copy of secular organizations church renewal is a life of faith, hope fervor, new insights that will bring forth
the Creator for fellowship with Him, a political ideologies and vested interests, when they make their yearend review and charity that is lived through service about church renewal in our times.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 3
January 31 - February 13, 2011
down. As Alexander Solzehnitsyn are recognized as Christ’s community in
writes: “Communism was condemned their love for one another (John 13:35).
the day it was born… Inside the Soviet The same qualities are emphasized in
Union it held on for seventy years Paul’s description of the community: “I
only thanks to repression and blood plead with you to live a life worthy of the
violence—don’t forget that it killed up calling you have received, with perfect
to 60 million people. Abroad it was able and to the new awareness that shakes Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5-7) in which let us climb the Lord’s mountain, to the humility, meekness, and patience,
to hold sway thanks to demagogy and people of out fatalistic resignation and Matthew outlines what is distinctively house of the God of Jacob, that he may bearing one another lovingly. Make
lies. It fascinated the West, because it was spurs them on to liberate themselves Christian in the life of the community instruct us in his ways, and we may walk every effort to preserve the unity which
like a sickly blossoming of humanism. and be responsible for their own destiny of believers. For Matthew, the Christian in his paths” (Isa 2:2-3a). In this passage, has the Spirit as its origin and peace as
Didn’t the intellectuals of the 1930s (cf Synod of Bishops, Convenientes community does not isolate itself from the mountain represents the people of its binding force. There is but one body
believe that it had brought us paradise ex universo). After all, it is the bearer the world of sin and injustice, but has God who do his will, who are faithful and one Spirit, just as there is but one
on earth?” There is really much truth to of the Gospel, which is precisely the a role to play in the transformation of to his covenant. By appropriating this hope give all of you by your call” (Eph
the maxim attributed to John Galbraith: Good News of salvation; and, as such, that world. That function he describes imagery and applying it to his disciples, 4:1-4).
“Under capitalism, man exploits man. represents God’s will to change this as being a city set on a hill: “You are the Jesus wanted to emphasize that the It is by living this kind of life that
And under communism, it is the exact world of sin, division and injustice, light of the world. A city set on a hill world of sin and injustice cannot be the community of disciples functions
opposite.” since God himself wishes all men to be cannot be hidden” (Matt 3:14). Here changed through violent revolution, but like a city set on a hill that gives light to
What does the Church have to say to saved (1 Tim 2:4). But the Church is not Jesus was speaking to his disciples about through his community of disciples who the world. Hence, Jesus described the
men and women who aspire to alter the equivocal about changing the world by their function in the world. This imagery fulfill their role as a city set on a hill that community as “the light of the world”
present order of injustice and violence means of armed revolution; it outrightly is undoubtedly taken this text in Isaiah: gives light to the world. Which is why (Matt 3:14). With such kind of life, the
and replace it will a new one, just rejects it, because it is not consistent with “In the days to come, the mountain of the in Matthew, before Jesus delivered the disciples lead a life that is in contrast with
and more humane? The Church is, of the teaching and life of Jesus. What the Lord’s house shall be established as the Sermon on the Mount, he first called the world. But Jesus was convinced that
course, not insensitive to the existence Church sanctions finds answer in this highest mountain, and raised above the some men to constitute the community if the community is faithful to its call, it
of serious injustices that build a network Sunday’s Gospel. hills. All nations shall stream toward it; of disciples (Matt 4:18-22), and it is this will have an influence on the nations. Like
of domination, oppression and abuses, The Sunday reading is part of the many peoples shall come and say: Come, community that he describes as a city Change / B7
living with them, showing them not just that which followed
what religious life was all about, the last breath on earth. To
helping them with their studies, the ancient Hebrews, death
and organizing everything in was the rejection of the living
their lives from work to play. God. “Seek the Lord and you
The Trafficking
of Children
Life / B4 Truth / B5
Solomon Islands; Archbishop productive trip we have had to the team of auditors is a case for misgivings. The the abuse of office that impoverishes the people schools to review our formation programs
Paciano Aniceto, Director of the Philippines. More than 500 people surreptitious transfer of funds amounting and harm the common good. It is unfortunate that may unwittingly breed selfishness and
Episcopal Commission on Family attended the Congress, and there to 200 M, authorized by Garcia from AFP that the greatest threat to our country’s well- narcissism, equating academic excellence
and Life; and Bishop Nereo were more high-ranking Church Land Bank account to a private account in being has come not so much from globalization with financial success. We must develop
P. Odchimar, President of the officials there than at any other HLI UCPB, is a major transaction that should or financial crises but from the entrenched pastoral programs for our erring alumni as
Catholic Bishops Conference of conference we have ever held. We have been properly reflected in AFP’s book of system of corruption that has crippled our well as support mechanism for those who
the Philippines (CBCP). also helped achieve more strategic records. Thus, a defense of “late recording”, development and eroded public trust. But it serve as moral exemplars.
The two and a half days goals than at any other conference, as argued by the prosecutors and upheld would be even worse if truth-tellers themselves, We call on offices—public and private
of talks stretched from early the most important being the by the Ombudsman, is insubstantial to say who struggle to live a life of integrity, would alike—to look deeper into your procurement
Saturday to noon on Monday. organization of the pro-life leaders the least because a two-year delay of bank be left in the cold, while the real culprits were practices, and enhance transparency and
We had eleven different talks, of the entire nation to fight the reconciliation is in itself a qualification for allowed to enjoy impunity. accountability.
and the open forum discussions Reproductive Health Bill. misconduct and corruption. This is also a challenge to our institutions, We remind lawyers, law enforcers and
were extensive. As usual, the To lose the Philippines to On the other hand, the integrity and noble including our families, schools, and even law schools, too, of your public oath of honor
most important work happened the culture of death would not sacrifices of public servants show an inspiring religious communities. This is not anymore and integrity. Beware of just being used as
behind the scenes with meetings only be a devastating blow to side of the Filipino people. Former COA about Gen. Garcia; this is now more about the instruments of impunity of corruption. We
and networking. the morale of pro-lifers all over auditor Heidi Mendoza, former Ombudsman honor and integrity of the country that is at knock on the doors of the OMB and OSP. It takes
One of our speakers was the world, it would open the Simeon Marcelo, former special prosecutor stake. This is now more about the reputation years to build trust and a few seconds to destroy
Congressman Roilo Golez, the floodgates to funds pouring in Dennis Villa-Ignacio, and more recently of fiduciary institutions – the Office of the it, and takes longer time to restore it. We beg on
author of House Bill 13, which to devastate Filipino families. Lt. Col. Rabusa, have risked their lives and Ombudsman (OMB) and the Office of the bended knees, do not fail the country.
would protect all human life from So we are appealing to all of our the security of their families to unmask the Special Prosecutor (OSP) – that is suspect. This We will also have to examine ourselves.
fertilization. He presented me friends to support our efforts in arrogance of those who abuse their power. is now more about the entire Filipino people Where have we gone wrong? We beg the
with a thick pile of papers proving the Philippines with generous They have also exposed the desperate moves losing trust and faith on these institutions. This Lord for the gift of discernment in order to
statistically that the main causes donations. Please also pray of government and financial institutions that is a classic betrayal of public trust. see what is right, for commitment to do what
of high maternal mortality in the fervently for the future of the try to cover up the crimes. A good number of is just, and for the gift of pronouncement to
provinces of the Philippines is not Philippines. If the RH Bill passes, lawmakers have displayed love of country Challenge to All speak the truth from the heart (Ps. 15).
the lack of “safe” abortion, but a there will be abortion mills all by the way they are probing the case. And Gen. Garcia’s case is corruption that creeps Amidst these challenges, we thank God,
lack of attended childbirth. But over the country within three media has been generous in informing and into our families. His wife had admitted that in particular, for Mrs. Heidi Mendoza whose
the population controllers do not years, and the soul of this most educating the public. the whole family shares in the loot. How sad Christian witness in public service ignites spaces
care about this; all they want is Catholic nation will quickly indeed that a few families benefit from this of hope for many Filipinos. The undersigned
fewer Filipinos. wither and die. The West will A Test Case corrupt system while other soldiers and their networks stand firmly behind her.
Cardinal Rosales encouraged have occupied the Philippines This is a test case for the sincerity and poor children suffer. Finally, we call on our fellow Filipinos to
all of us during his homily at the yet again, but this time the stamina of the administration of President And so, we call on the parents to serve pray that out of our brokenness—speaking
closing Mass of the Congress, occupation would be in the Benigno Simeon Aquino, III, who pledged as good examples to their children and the truth from the heart—we may become
emphasizing that prayer and form of anti-life resources and a clean government with zero tolerance espouse the virtue of honest toil. We call whole again.
action are both needed in the structures that would destroy for corruption. There are so many other on the children to ask your parents about
world today. We also outlined what is so beautiful and unique unresolved cases pending in the courts. They their sources of income. We also call on FR. ALBERT ALEJO, SJ
our plans for the next Congress, about this great country: its all cry for a strong, no-nonsense drive against family movements, prayer groups, and other Ehem/Aha Movement
which will be held in Kazakhstan faithful and joyful families, and the perpetrators. lay communities to include parenting for
in September of 2011. indeed, its future. Please heed the call of noble Filipinos, like integrity in your prayer and ministry. FR. CARMELO O. DIOLA
This was definitely the most Join us—don’t let it happen! Heidi Mendoza, when they come out against We call on the schools and the coalition of Dilaab Movement
Change / B6 Choose / B6
a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden, Of course, it is often said that what is Perhaps all this helps us understand lives, the life of Jesus within us. We hypocritical. If we live in our own
the quality of life that the community needed is a change of heart. This is the Gospel for this Sunday. The Sermon cannot love God and hate another false little worlds where we attempt
leads will not be hidden; nations will needed, it is true, but this approach is on the Mount is not about do’s and person at the same time. to create reality with our lies, we will
take notice of it and ask: why do these too individualistic, and fails to take into don’ts. It is not about limitations: how We have to fight that within us be dead to Jesus Christ. The truth sets
people live that kind of life? Jesus must consideration that man is conditioned little must I do to slip by St. Peter at which destroys the love relationships us free to be who we are rather than
have thought that because of the quality by society and culture. A change of the gates of heaven. The Sermon on we have committed ourselves to in who we fabricate ourselves to be. We
of life lived by the community members, heart would not be workable without a the Mount is about being fully alive life, whether this be your marriages, have to teach our children that Jesus
it would earn the admiration and envy community or environment that makes in Jesus Christ. It is about nourishing my priesthood, the love of your Christ is the Truth and that living in
of men. As Isaiah points out, when the change possible. That is why the the eternal life within us. families, your ability to love others. our lies results in being dead to Christ.
the community becomes an example present Gospel text actually provides The Sermon on the Mount is We cannot be alive to Jesus Christ if But trusting in the truth is trusting in
of a people who, because of their love, a third alternative to social change: not demanding. It is just not enough to within us we have a secret desire to Jesus, even when the truth might not
release those bound unjustly, who free by violent revolution, not simply by a avoid external sins of great magnitude. replace His Love, sacrificial love, with be pleasant such as admitting that you
the oppressed and break every yoke, change of heart, but through a community It is not enough to avoid murder. It is our selfishness. We cannot be alive to broke something or did something
sharing the bread with the hungry, and that exhibits the new life in Jesus. By its not enough to avoid adultery. It is not Jesus Christ unless we are continually wrong.
sheltering the homeless, their light will way of life, by being a contrast-society, enough to avoid taking false oaths. fighting to protect His Love from our St. Leo the Great used to challenge
break forth (Isa 58:6-8a, First Reading). the Christian community can renew the We have to fight that within us lust. We have to teach our adolescents the Christians of the fifth century,
Thus, it truly reflects the presence of world of sin and injustice. Of course, which results in murder, namely our and teens the difference between love “Remember your dignity.” We also
God for other nations to see. Since in for people who think they are “wise” anger, our hatred, our grudges, our and sex. We have to teach them that have to remember the dignity we have,
their manner of life and action the glory in the ways of the world, this might past hurts. Hatred, anger, and grudges people who have sacrificed their lives the dignity of being fully alive with the
of God is manifested, other nations will appear impractical, even quixotic. This destroy the life of Christ within us. for each other make love and grow in life of Jesus Christ.
stream toward it (Isa 49:6), and learn is precisely the reason why hardly any We cannot be fully alive if we treasure the Love of Jesus Christ and are fully “Before man are life and death,
from its ways. Thus, evil nations will be world leaders listen to this teaching but our hatred more than we treasure the alive. And we have to teach them that whichever he chooses shall be given
transformed even without violence. rather resort to their own wisdom which Love of God, Jesus Christ. We have to people who desire to use the bodies him.” the first reading states, to which
Violence begets violence. Revolution they think is practical and effective—kill teach our children that there is never of others for their own selfish needs Jesus adds, “Love the Lord, your God,
always engulfs its sons and daughters. those who they think are evil! But what room for hatred in the world. And yes, have no concept of love and are dead with all your heart, with all your
Theologically considered, violence is a the world considers a wise decision is they may be very upset with a teacher, to the Lord. being, with all your strength, and with
contradiction of faith in God, the creator folly before God, whose wisdom defies a playmate or a family member and We have to fight that which is within all your mind, and your neighbor as
of man, who cares for man and loves the wisdom of men. The Christian this upset may be justified by someone us that results in lying and cheating yourself.”
him (Pope’s Message for the World community, on the other hand, rests not hurting them, but if we allow upset to and what the Gospel calls false oaths. Today we pray for the strength to
Day of Peace). That is why a Christian, on the wisdom of men but on the power turn into hatred we destroy ourselves, We cannot be alive to Jesus Christ if be fully alive, and the grace to choose
qua Christian, cannot espouse violence. of God (1 Cor 2:5, Second Reading.) we destroy our ability to live genuine we are dishonest, disingenuous and the Life of Christ.
B8 Entertainment CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 3
January 31 - February 13, 2011
Abhorrent Poor
Disturbing Below average
Acceptable Average
Wholesome Above average
Exemplary E
Having to deal with the loss anti-hero characters in the film. TITLE: The Green Hornet
of his mother at a young age Although there are some hilarious CAST: Seth Rogen, Jay Chou,
and with a father (who owns a and comic moments in the movie, Cameron Diaz, Christoph
journalism empire who doesn’t some parts still lack the supposed Waltz; Edward James
seem to have time for him), Britt wit it tries to convey. Rogers is Olmos, David Harbour,
Reid (Seth Rogers) grows up solid as the Green Hornet while Tom Wilkinson, Edward
Furlong, Chad Coleman,
into becoming an irresponsible, Chou still needs a bit of a push to Robert Clotworthy
directionless man who parties all register strong screen presence. DIRECTOR: Michael Gondry
night with alcohol and different Their contrasting characteristics WRITER: Evan Goldberg,
women. But when his father works well as a tandem at times, Seth Rogen, Fran Striker,
suddenly dies mysteriously but sometimes, it falls flat. Camera George W. Trendle
because of a bee sting, Britt works, editing and direction SCREENPLAY: Seth Rogen
finds himself overwhelmed are imaginative but some fight PRODUCER / DISTRIBUTOR:
inheriting the family newspaper and chase scenes seem to lack Columbia Pictures
business and living up to his coherence. As a whole, The Green GENRE: Action/ Adventure
RUNNING TIME: 108 minutes
father’s legacy, thus, turning Hornetstill delivers a certain level
him all the more into a useless of entertainment value and does Technical Assessment:
bum. Then he finds rescue with not really disappoint, only that Moral Assessment:
his father’s brilliant mechanic it can still do better than what CINEMA Rating: For viewers
Kato (Jay Chou) who knows it is. 14 and above
martial arts as well. After the What do audiences really through executing criminals via
two have a night of encounter get out of an anti-stereotypical extra-judicial means. There’s
with criminals, Britt gets an idea super hero? Well, it makes them no way that this can ever be
of how they could further help realize and appreciate even right. This might also be rooted
resolve criminality in their area more that human weakness in the fact that Reid’s intention
by becoming masked vigilantes can possibly be turned into of becoming a vigilante-hero is
themselves. Their actions later strength. Although his past is not fuelled by his anger towards his
blow up into proportions that a justification, Reid’s character father. Although such intention
attract the attention of hard core could well be a wake-up call to is later on purified, still, their
underworld boss Chudnofsky parents to nurture their children end does not justify their means.
(Christoph Watz). even more. Time and again, How could Green Hornet and his
The Green Hornet is a the family remains to be most sidekick be really heroes if they
deconstruction of the usual crucial in bringing up useful cause unnecessary destruction,
superhero audiences see on citizens of the land. The Green thus, hurting and killing lives
screen. This time around, the Hornet says it is never too late for in the process? The way Reid
main superhero seems to be less anyone to start over. However, manipulated the press for his own
competent and hardly dependent looking at the film closely, such agenda is also disturbing. Some
on a sidekick that he takes for intention is not quite coherent scenes of suggestive sex, violence
granted. Britt Reid as the Green with its plotlines as a whole. and gore, although a necessity to
Hornet is just as flawed and weak Reid wants the Green Hornet portray the underworld, might
as any other man. This is quite and his sidekick to be heroes leave a lasting impression on
an interesting premise to begin a while appearing as villains but the vulnerable minds of a young
story with, however, something is they kill people (although yes, audience, so CINEMA finds the
still missing in the whole gamut of criminals) without remorse. They movie unfit for viewers below
exploring the dynamics of hero/ took the law in their own hands 14 years old.
Buhay Parokya
WRITER: Peter Images of
Morgan Immaculate
GENRE: Sus- Heart of Mary,
pense/ Pope John Paul
Thriller II and Saint
RUNNING TIME: Lorenzo Ruiz.
129 min.
Technical: 4
Moral: 3
Rating: V 14 (14
years old
and above)
By Arnel Santos 2010 accomplishments, announced the structure and there will be chaos. The
2011 directions to ensure CFC’s strong structure works. Go back to it.” He em-
legacy in terms of Evangelization, phasized that although the structure has
CFC leaders from all over the world Leadership, Pastoral Formation, and evolved, the basics are still the same.
gathered on January 16, 2011, at the Spiritual Deepening. Joe Yamamoto summarized the dis-
Marikina Convention Center for the There will be established a “Pastoral cussions with these key words: “United,
annual Global Leaders Summit, titled Institute to teach the Word of God, train Integrated and Obedient.” Thus, “all
“Evangelization and Mission Confer- catechists and formulate CFC formation directions and activities must reinforce
ence.” tracks within CFC” and a “Leaders oneness; everyone must be part of one
The event started with a mass cel- Institute to train leaders and review, bigger body, relating well with territo-
ebrated by CFC’s Spiritual Director, retool and make responsive CFC forma- rial leadership.”
Monsignor Allen Aganon, whose tion courses.” Workshops marked the afternoon
homily expounded on God’s message Efforts are also under way for the session. The activity was capped by a
for CFC as inspired by the Gospel for “alignment and integration of all min- talk by CFC Chairman Joe Tale on “Full
the day, Mt. 18:1-5, the Feast of the Sto. istries- the Family Ministries, the Social Steam Ahead for ANCOP.” Joe Tale from Ephesians 6:11, also the verse “Rely on the Mighty Power of God.”
Nino. Ministries and ANCOP.” There will be explained that although ANCOP Tekton anchor for CFC’s theme for 2011. Quoting Nehemiah, Eric reminded
Msgr. Aganon explained that “the “no more parallel structure/ dual lead- Foundation, Inc. is a distinct entity from The conference featured new and everyone that true joy is not based
eyes of a child could see reality in total- ership” with the territorial leadership CFC, it embraces CFC’s directions and young speakers. From the prologue on what is happening to us. It is an
ity and without filters” but “when we and the relationship among various its CFC volunteers follow the territorial (Fighting for Fullness) delivered by attitude. It is a heart that completely
grow older, reality is seen in a certain ministries clarified. structure and governance of CFC. Shok Ariola to the five talks of the trusts in the Lord. Eric encouraged
perspective. We become cynics and On the integration of the Family Thus the general principle guiding conference proper, the speakers rep- everyone to go on mission, “You’ll
sophisticated. We lose that sense of Ministries, Melo Villaroman, a member CFC in its work with the poor is: “AN- resented freshness and change and get a different sense of what we’re
wonder, the sense of God.” of the International Council, explained COP is the institutional work with the signaled the community’s readiness doing in CFC when you go on mis-
Msgr. Aganon continued, quoting that the Family Ministries will empha- poor of CFC.” Joe explained that this to face the future, clothed in God’s sion.” He also stressed that as we
G.K. Chesterton: “The greatest illusion size oneness, relevance, collaboration means that ANCOP is therefore “con- armor and as one global army. go about our work and our mission,
is the illusion of familiarity.” This is and support for the global family sistent with the Vision and Mission, “We have to fight for the fullness whether in our own countries or on
when the grace and surprises of God ministries. principles and core values of Couples of life we have received,” Shok mission, we can be sure of being on
are lost. He said that “we must all be champi- for Christ.” Ariola said in the prologue to open track if we rely not on our own power
Thus, according to Msgr. Aganon, ons of oneness and fullness in the vision For the guidance of the leaders pres- the conference. “God has given us but on God’s mighty Hand.
“we must go again to the womb of dark- and mission of CFC” such that “before ent and in response to lingering ques- a gift of a full life through Couples Arnel Santos, sector head of West
ness, so that when we get out, we will the ministry goals, the more important tions about the status of CFC sites, Joe for Christ” but as he explained, B, affirmed that aside from God’s
have the sense of wonder and the sacred is the bigger community goal.” presented the following conditions for “Everyday, we are challenged by love, we have pure dynamite on our
once again.” For, “God is a God of sur- For the CFC territorial leadership transitioning these sites to ANCOP: the enemy to doubt. He strikes fear side. His talk “Stand Firm Against
prises” and again quoting Chesterton, structures, Manny Garcia, a member in our hearts.” the Foe” provided a simple answer
“Things grow new as I grow old.” This, of the International Council who has 1.There is significant justification for The first talk, given by newly- to how we can indeed stand firm. We
according Msgr. Aganon, is “part of been in CFC since its nascent stages, the change from GK to ANCOP in the appointed Flame Ministry Head and stand firm because God loves us and
putting on the armor of God.” reminded everyone of the international viewpoint of the poor. former YFC International Coordina- we get additional support from the
The “surprises” were unveiled during governmental structure of CFC, which 2.There is voluntary decision of the tor Rommel Ancheta dealt with the Holy Spirit, who is our dynamite.
the daylong conference. delineates the functions and responsi- village’s authorized representative, “Field of Battle.” Rommel explained Quoting Max Lucado, Arnel cau-
In his talk, “The Path to Take,” CFC bilities of CFC elders. legally documented, to change the GK that “Our fullness as an individual tioned against climbing the following
Executive Director Joe Yamamoto, after He reiterated that “God gifted us with Village into an ANCOP community and and as a community prepares us CFC / C3
recounting the CFC milestones and the structures that are Biblical. Subvert this Growing / C3
C2 Ugnayan CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 3
January 31 - February 13, 2011
On Turning 60
BY God’s grace, I turn 60 this month. that we can give. It is still early to be in our small ranch in the mountains of We linger in the lowlands because we are downhill from here. The horizon beck-
Praise God, the author and giver of distracted by the thought of stepping Siaton, Negros Oriental. afraid to climb the mountains. The steepness ons. The sunlit fields and mountains cry
life. down to the dark valley of our lives. At But most of all he, together with my and ruggedness discourage us, so we stay out to be explored. The summit we are
My wife Babylou and I embarrass- this stage, especially if we are serving mother, taught us values without being in the mist of the valleys and never learn still called to overcome might be profes-
ingly recall that when we were children the Lord, what we see before us are not preachy. One incident I cannot forget the mystery of the hills. We do not know sional and personal goals, but it could
(yes, we were childhood friends in the valleys, but more mountains to climb, was when he brought us along to visit what is lost by our self-indulgence, what also very well be the challenging climb
idyllic town of Valencia, Negros Orien- more peaks to be conquered, more op- his friend in a well-managed farm in glory awaits if we only have the courage to to repent of previous wrongs, to forgive,
tal), we considered those who were 60 portunities to love as Jesus did, and to another town. It was in that farm that I climb, or what blessings we will find if we and to ask for forgiveness, to restore
years old and above as very old, as in share that love with many more. first came across a poster that reads: only ascend the mountains of God!” broken relationships, indeed, to love.
ancient. Perhaps that’s how the young At 60, we continue to have, or maybe In the same book, the author takes a Let us go forth, bravely. No excuses. It is
ones see us now. are even better placed to achieve, I shall pass through this world but once piece from the strong admonition of the not about weak knees, it is about a stout
Perhaps, but really, many times we the full potential of what we can be. Any good, therefore, that I can do evangelist Charles H. Spurgeon: heart, and a heart after God’s own.
don’t feel having grown old. We forget The wisdom of the years, the width or any kindness I can show “ Wake up believers, from your lowly One thing though – we should not
we have advanced in age, except when and breadth of experience, the gifts to my fellow creature, condition! Throw away your laziness, slug- insist on staying on the same sunlit field,
we see the salt and pepper in our hair, or and skills honed and sharpened with Let me do it now. gishness, coldness or whatever is interfering or on the same mountain ridge. When
more prominent wrinkles in our faces, increasing responsibilities, even the Let me not defer or neglect it with your pure love for Christ. Make Him the conditions are right, we should be
or when the hypertension, the gout, and maturity that comes with committing For I shall not pass this way again. the source, the Center, and the One who ready and even excited to conquer other
the occasional aches and pains strike, mistakes, if matched with a heart set encompasses every delight of your soul. mountains and explore new territories.
or when forgetfulness (euphemistically for the Lord, all these form a platform This piece, which I now know to Refuse to be satisfied any longer with your As applied to us in CFC, we should not
called “senior moments”) happen more to spring to a higher level, to be what be attributed to one Stephen Grellet meager accomplishments. Aspire to a higher, stick to our service designations as if
often, or when, in a game of basketball, more we can be. (thanks to our daughter Vida who did a nobler, and a fuller life. Upward to heaven! these are the only things we can do, or
our mind says Jump! but our legs don’t At 60, by God’s grace, we have an the research), has stuck to me since, Nearer to God!” as if we own the position. We should
follow. Then reality sets in, and the advantage. We have a keener sense and I have tried to live by it, though not Christians should always strive, with continue to make ourselves available,
acceptance that yes, we have indeed of our mortality. It is clearer to us that always successfully. It is not couched in the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, to but at the same time be ready to pass on
moved on in years. although life is a gift, it is not forever, theological language (although Grellet become the best that they can be. the baton. We should be open and ex-
For some, growing old is something and that therefore we must make the was said to be a Quaker missionary), but Importantly, the gift of being 60 can cited to play another role, allowing the
to be ashamed of; for others, something most use of the time given to us. At it is a wonderful guidepost for us in fol- still give us a special opportunity, if we others, especially the next generation, to
to dread. I say though that growing old this period in our life, we should have lowing Jesus’ commandment to love. have not done so yet, to right what may take center stage. There continues to be
is a gift from God. Thus, turning 60 is acquired a greater sense of urgency to Indeed, we should not postpone shar- have been wrong in our lives before. It is an important role to play for every one.
a cause for thanksgiving, for rejoicing, do what needs to be done immediately, ing goodness. another chance to make up for what we At some point, a star ball player can be
for celebration. It is a blessing to have and not to postpone it. We should also still aspire to live life may have missed out. It is a great time better off as a coach rather than insist on
survived this long. My father did not reach 60. He was 58 to the full. It is not just about coming to go to confession, to repent, to change playing. At some point, CFC leaders can
Moreover, among the generation of when the Lord called him to Himself. up with a “bucket list” of things we still for the better, to turn around, to have a be better off becoming resource persons,
baby boomers, which many of us in My father was a lawyer, an officer in want to do, places we still want to see. metanoia resolve. e.g. in pastoral formation, rather than
CFC belong to, the age watchers have the Philippine Army, a USAFFE guerilla That is nice too, but it is beyond that. Cardinal Gaudencio Rosales, in his insist on continuing to exercise day- to-
observed that 60 is the new 40! If before, veteran during World War II, and was Jesus challenges us, regardless of age, to homily during the mass preceding the day operational responsibilities.
people used to say “life begins at 40,” a justice of the peace (now known as be “light for the whole world,” so others groundbreaking in Monte Maria in Al- It is indeed a blessing to be 60. Actu-
now, because of medical advances and municipal trial court judge). He was may see the good we are doing, not for fonso, Cavite on January 11, 2011, shared ally, it is blessing to be any age, when
increase in life expectancy, it is sup- a quiet person, did not talk much, but ourselves, but so others will praise our his thoughts that I believe remained we have a life filled with meaning, and
posed to be “life begins at 60!” I will raised up his three boys with loving dis- Father in Heaven (Matthew 5:16). in many of those who were there. He that happens when we have a life lived
soon find out if this is true. cipline. When we had exams in school, In the devotional book “Streams in said “God gives every person the time for others, when we are on the path the
Seriously, it is great to be 60! And he would wake us up at dawn, and then the Desert,” a collection of prayerful and the chance to think and do what is Lord has set for us, when we live out
not only because of the significant 20% light the “petromax”so we could study meditations of L.B. Cowman, edited by good.” He quickly added, when that our love for the poor, when, wherever
discounts and other privileges senior (our town didn’t have electricity at that James Reimann, the Christian believer moment comes, “grab the chance!” we are, whatever we do, we give of our
citizens are entitled to. time). He taught us many things – ride is confronted thus: And so, for my fellow senior citizens best, and offer everything to God and
At 60, by God’s grace, there is more the bike, ride on horseback, brand cattle “Not many of us are living at our best. of whatever age, it is far from being to His glory!
CFC / C1
© quiapo files
By Pinky Barrientos, FSP lions of poor Filipinos who identify their Quiapo Church since it was moved The Traslacion its present course to avert injuries and
sufferings and tribulations with those of there some time in 1791. When the Every January 9, the Black Nazarene stampede. The change in route is also in
the suffering Christ. icon was brought into the country is brought out in procession to com- keeping with the original meaning of the
AMID the mammoth crowd This fact is further reiterated by Ma- by the Augustinian Recollects in memorate the icon’s transfer from its traslacion, which is the transfer of the im-
of pilgrims, the statue of the nila Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal 1606, the image was first enshrined original location in Luneta to its present age from Luneta to Quiapo. Last January
Rosales who said that people are drawn in a Recoletos church in Bagumbayan shrine in Quiapo Church. 9, the number of people injured has risen
Black Nazarene floated atop to the devotion to the Black Nazarene (now Luneta Park). It was later on The traslacion is usually preceded to 708, tripled than that of last year’s 246,
heads of devotees as its car- because they recognize in His cross their transferred to Quiapo Church upon by an overnight vigil at the Quirino but no death was reported.
riage inched its way along a own struggles. the order of the then Archbishop of grandstand in Luneta where thousands
4.2 kilometer-long procession “The image of the Black Nazarene is Manila Basilio Sancho de Santas Justa of devotees gather in prayer to prepare Black Nazarene’s 404th year
the image of suffering, struggling, that y Rufina. for the next day’s procession of the im- The overnight vigil held at the Lun-
that would last for at least 15 is why people like Him… they see in the The image is said to have been made age back to the shrine. eta before the procession on the feast
and a half hours. cross a picture of them,” he explained. by a Mexican carpenter and came into This year’s procession, according to day is a practice that has been in place
Devotees believed their devotion to the country via the galleon trade. Tradi- news reports, has an estimated 7 million for three years now. The vigil gives
Considered one of the country’s big- the suffering Christ will help improve tion also holds that the galleon carrying devotees, slightly higher than last year’s pilgrims the chance to spiritually pre-
gest and spectacular religious events, their lives, bring forgiveness to sins, the image caught fire which explains the count. Organizers said that the increase pare themselves for the feast through
the annual celebration of the feast of cure illnesses of family members as Nazarene’s dark color. in number of pilgrims might have also liturgical celebration, healing service
the Black Nazarene every 9th of Janu- well as bring peace and prosperity in contributed why the procession took so and catechesis. They also get the chance
ary draws millions of pilgrims from all the country. Papal approval long to reach the shrine. to venerate and kiss the image before
walks of life who come from all over the The church in Quiapo, where the Two popes on separate instances have Devotees wear clothing that is of the it goes in procession.
country to pay homage to the revered image is enshrined has become a place given their blessing on this uniquely same color the image has and join the Simultaneous with the celebration of
icon. of refuge for people who are burdened Filipino devotion. A papal bull was is- procession barefooted in imitation of the feast of Black Nazarene in Manila is
Devotees believed the image is mi- with life’s troubles. Pilgrims can be seen sued by Pope Innocent X in 1650, giving Jesus’ walk in Calvary. a similar observance in the Archdiocese
raculous and many have attested for ex- walking on their knees as they implore his pontifical blessing for the canonical Processions in the past were infamous of Cagayan de Oro where a replica of
traordinary healings as well as spiritual God for special blessings. establishment of the Confraternity of for the record number of injuries and the image donated by Quiapo Church
and material blessings obtained after Although daily masses are often well the Most Holy Black Christ Nazarene. In death of devotees who were trampled is enshrined in the church of Jesus
touching the statue. Those who joined attended, it is the first Friday Masses the 1880s, Pope Pius VII granted plenary upon by the mammoth crowd. In 2006, Poon Nazareno in Calamian, Cagayan
the procession do so to fulfill their vow and novenas celebrated in honor of indulgence to those who pray devoutly two people died and around 20 people de Oro city. The replica that used to
or panata, often in thanksgiving of a the Black Nazarene that draw the most before the image of the Black Nazarene were injured. In 2008, the number of be the pilgrim image was given to the
particular grace received from God. number of devotees. and fulfill all the requirements neces- injuries climbed up to 50, again with Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro in 2009
sary to gain an indulgence. two reported deaths. to make it easier for devotees from the
Popular devotion The Black Nazarene In 1988, the Quiapo Church was de- During the celebration of the Naza- regions of Mindanao and Visayas to
Devotion to the Black Nazarene is The life size statue of the Black clared the Minor Basilica of the Black rene’s 402nd year, the procession’s origi- make their annual pilgrimage in a place
particularly close to the hearts of mil- Nazarene has been enshrined at the Nazarene. nal 4.7 kilometer route was changed to nearer to them.
will show utmost concern for volunteers who came with their the image as “intense” because B. Cardinal Rosales and the
their countrymen. ambulances which were strategi- they had to cross and jump over other archdiocesan ministries
“The key to change is show- cally located around Luneta and fences and barricades and found who supported their pro-
ing concern for your neigh- Quiapo church. their way through despite the gram including the Liturgical
bors. If people will not show The rector also lauded the police presence in the area. Commission, Social Com-
© quiapo files
concern for others, change mandated organizations in “There were no serious in- munications, Radyo Veritas
will not happen,” said Ma- maintaining order among the cidents this year, thank God and TV Maria and the Social
nila’s archbishop. devotees because pilgrims wish- and it’s enough miracle there Communications team. (Melo
He called on the faithful to ing to kiss the image have been were no fatalities and serious Acuna/Roy Lagarde)
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 15 No. 3
January 31 - February 13, 2011 The Black Nazarene of Quiapo D3
isang piging, huwag nating piliin ang patungo ng ating mapagmataas na mga
pinakamataas na puwesto, kundi ang noo at magpataas muli ng ating mga ulo Message
ANO nga ba ang ibig sabihin ng “Ya- pinakamababa (lk 14:7-8) At sinabi pa na may ngiti sa ating mga labi at liwanag
pak ng Mahal na Poong Nazareno?” ni Hesus, ang pinakadakila ay dapat sa ating mga mata sa pagtanaw natin sa THE throng of
Ito nga ba yung paglalakad na walang maging lingkod, ang nagmamataas ay pagmamahal ng Diyos sa atin.
sandalyas o tsinelas ng ating Mahal na
devotees that
ibababa at ang nagpapakumbaba ay Dahil sa pagpapakababang ginawa ng
Poon? Madalas, nakikita natin sa araw itataas (Mt 23:11-12) ating Mahal na Poon, ang mundong ito
flock the church
ng prusisyon na ang mga deboto ay Si Juan Bautista, ang ating patron, ang na nalugmok sa kadiliman ay binigyan of Quiapo on
patungo sa ating Simbahan na nakaya- siyang dinakila ni Kristo upang tularan. Niya ng liwanag at pag-asa. Dahil sa January 9 of
pak. Ito ang kapansin pansin sa mga Si Juan ang nagsabi na mayroong darat- pagpapahalaga ni Kristo sa daigdig every year has
kapatid nating mamamasan. Ito nga ing pagkatapos niya na siyang nauuna na ito, dahil sa kanyang paglalakbay always amazed
ba ang nais isalarawan ng ating tema at kaysa sa kanya at ang kanyang sanda- sa daigdig na ito, sa pagbubuhos ng us. We always
bakit nga ba tayo nagtatanggal ng ating lyas, hindi man lang siya karapat-dapat kanyang dugo sa lupa ng daigdig na
mga sandalyas, tsinelas o mga sapatos
witnessed how
magkalas (Jn 1:27). Ang pagsasalarawan ito, ginawang banal ng Diyos ang mga
sa ating mga prusisyon? Sinusundan ba ni Juan sa kanyang sarili bilang aliping lansangan natin na ngayo’y Kanyang
those who join
natin si Kristo na nakayapak nuong Siya nagsisilbi ay isang birtud ng pagpa- pinananahanan. the procession
ay naglalakad sa mga lansangan nuong pakababa. Ang birtud na ito ay malaki Mga kapatid, ang Yapak ng Poong wanted to each
panahon nang siya’y naririto sa lupa? ang maitutulong sa ating pagbabago na Nazareno ay Yapak ng Pagpapakumba- the image of
Totoo, naglakad si Kristo na nakaya- siyang naging paanyaya ni Juan. ba at Pagmamahal. Sa ating pagyaya- the Black Naza-
pak, ngunit hindi sa mga lansangan Si Maria rin ay tinuringan ang kan- pak, nawa’y maisapuso natin ang mga rene and touch
kundi sa pagpasok Niya sa mga tahanan yang sarili bilang alipin ng Panginoon birtud na ito na tutulong sa ating makita
(Lukas 7:38) at sa mga banal na lugar
Him. For oth-
at sinabi niya “Mangyari nawa sa akin pa ang maraming aral na ipinahayag ng
tulad ng mga sinagoga o ng templo ang kalooban ng Diyos (Lk 1:38)” Ang ating Mahal na Poon sa mga lansangang
ers, holding on
sapagkat sa mga banal na lugar na iyon, halimbawa ni Maria ay siya nawang Kanyang pinabanal. Ngunit alalahanin to the rope or
naroroon ang Diyos (Eksodo 3:5). Sa magbigay rin sa atin ng lakas ng loob na na rin natin na ginawang sagrado na ng having their
mga lansangan, ang mga Hudyo ay magpakababa at yakapin ang kalooban Diyos ang ating mga lansangan, kung towels wiped on the image is already enough.
nagsasandalyas (Markos 6:9). ng Diyos. kaya’t tayo’y naghuhubad rin ng ating More than looking at these practices as fanaticism,
Kung gayon, bakit tayo nagyayapak? Ang ating Mahal na Poon, nuong gabi mga panyapak, tulad ni Moises nang we see here how our people, especially the poor and
Isang Hudyo si Kristo at Siya’y gumamit bago siya ipagkanulo, hinubad niya ang madama niya ang presensiya ng Diyos
ng sandalyas? Ano nga ba ang ating
the underprivileged, put their trust in Someone they
panlabas na balabal na suot niya at nag- sa nagliliyab na punong-kahoy.
ginugunita kung tayo ay nagyayapak? bigkis ng tuwalya. Pagkatapos, naglagay Ang ating mga lansangan ay hindi
know worthy of their trust. The fiesta of the Black
Totoo, si Kristo ay nagsusuot ng san- Siya ng tubig sa palanggana at lumuhod natin dapat ituring na mga basurahan. Nazarene of Quiapo is a very powerful image of our
dalyas. Ngunit sa mga turo at aral ni at hinugasan ang mga paa ng kanyang Sagrado na iyan dahil naglakad na riyan people’s hope in the Lord. They know that it is not dif-
Kristo, kanyang hinubad ang kanyang mga alagad at pinunasan ang mga ito ang ating Mahal na Poon. Mahalin natin ficult to reach and touch this God because He Himself
mga sandalyas upang ipakita sa atin ng tuwalya na nakabigkis sa Kanyang ang ating mundo at alagaan natin ito is the first to reach out and touch His people.
kung ano nga ba ang landas na itinuturo baywang (Jn 13:4-5). Ginawa niya ang tulad ng pangangalaga at pagmamahal The Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, explains in
at isinabuhay ng ating Mahal na Poon. napakababang pagkilos na ito - ng isang ng mga tunay na disipulo ng Mahal
Isa sa mga napakababang uri ng
his second encyclical letter Spe Salvi: God cannot
alipin—mga tinataguriang mahihirap at na Poon. Nawa ang buhay natin ay
pagsisilbi noong panahon ni Kristo walang karapatan sa lipunang iyon. Sila maging isang buhay na YUMAYAKAP
suffer, but he can suffer with. Man is worth so much to
ay ang mga gawain ng mga alipin na ang mga walang sandalyas (Lk 15:22)— SA YAPAK NG ATING MAHAL NA God that he himself became man in order to suffer with
nagtatanggal ng mga sandalyas ng ang mga mahihirap. POON, isang buhay na mapagmahal, man in an utterly real way—in flesh and blood—as is
mga bisita at naghuhugas ng kanilang Kung gayon, totoo nga na hinubad isang buhay na patuloy na nagbabago revealed to us in the account of Jesus’ Passion. Hence is
mga paa (Lk 7:44). Ang gawaing ito ay ni Kristo ang Kanyang mga sandalyas. tungo sa landas ng kabanalan! all human suffering we are joined by one who experiences
nakakahiya at napakababa. Ito’y para Nagpakababa Siya! At dahil dito, nakita Maligayang Piyesta po ng Traslasyon and carries that suffering with us (#39).
sa mga alipin lamang. Ngunit ito ang natin, nagpakababa ang ating Diyos! Ito 2011!
paanyayang itinuro at isinabuhay ni
As we gaze at Nuestro Padre Jesus Nazareno de Qui-
ang naalaala ng kanyang mga apostol.
Kristo, ang pagpapakababa. Sinabi niya, Kahit na Siya ay Diyos, nagpakababa (Msgr. Jose Clemente F. Ignacio is the
apo, the Suffering Messiah, may we who are suffering
hangga’t hindi tayo maging tulad ng Siya! (Filipos 2:6-11) At sa Kanyang rector and parish priest of the Minor Ba- find hope. May our celebrations make us realize
maliit na bata, hindi tayo makakapasok pagpapakababa, nakilala natin Siya, silica of the Black Nazarene / St. John the that we can always continue to hope, that there is
sa Kanyang Kaharian (Lk 9:48). Sinabi ang kanyang pagpapakumbaba at pag- Baptist Parish) always hope even if it seems there is nothing left to
hope for. In Jesus, we have a reason to hope because
ating mga paa, tayo—ikaw at ako— niya ang kanyang pagiging tao upang APOSTOLIC NUNCIATURE
Ni Fr. Jack M. Padua tuwang-tuwa sa pag-uwi ng anak mula ating mga bisig, tayo—ikaw at ako— sa kanya sa panalangin at paglapit sa
Manila, Philippines
ay nabibigyan ng pagkakataon na sa paaralan at, dahil sa kanyang ligaya, ay nabibigyan ng pagkakataon na kanyang imahen bilang tanda ng ating makipamuhay sa gitna natin at maitatag
magnilay hinggil sa ating relasyon sa ay ninayakap ang anak. Masasabi magnilay hinggil sa ating relasyon sa matinding relasyon sa kanya, kailangan ang Kaharian ng Diyos dito sa mundo.
KUMUSTA ang iyong mga paa? Panginoon. Sinasalamin, pala, ng ating namang kaduda-duda ang karakter ng Diyos at sa ating kapwa. Sinasalamin, pa palang sumunod sa kanyang mga Yakapin natin, kung gayon, hindi lang
Ang ating mga paa—ang mga landas mga paa ang ating kabanalan o, di kaya, isang tao kung, sa pamamagitan ng pala, ng ating mga bisig ang apgiging yapak at yakapin ang kanyang mga sana ang ating mga mahal sa buhay, Message
na tinahak ng mga ito—ay palatandaan ang ating pagkamakasalanan. Hindi isang nakuhang larawan, siya ay na- makitid o maluwag ng ating kalooban niyakap. kundi pati na rin ang mga nasa tabi-tabi
ng uri ng ating pagkatao. Kung ang ipagtataka, kung gayon, kung bakit sa kikitang ninayakap ang isang corrupt at ang kasikipan o kalawakan ng ating Pagsunod sa yapak ng Poong Naza- ng ating lipunan: ang mga walang tira-
isang tao ay isang estudyante, ang kan-
THE Church
Huling Hapunan, hinugasan ni Hesus na pulitiko. Kung ninayakap ng isang abot-tanaw at kakayahan. Nang makita reno. Ibig sabihin, kung paano nili- han, ang mga walang makain, ang mga
yang mga paa ay magdadala sa kanya ang mga paa ng kanyang mga apostol: indibidwal ang problema hindi lamang bot ni Hesus ang buong bayan ng batang nasa lansangan na dapat ay nasa in the Philip-
ni Hesus ang mga tao, ayon sa Ebanghe-
mula sa bahay papunta sa paaralan at dahil, sa paglalakbay natin sa iba’t ng kanyang pamilya kundi mga sulira- lyo, nabagbag ang kanyang damdamin Israel upang magturo, magpagaling paaralan, at marami pang iba. Maaaring pines has just
pabalik sa bahay. Kung ang isang tao ibang daan, ang ating mga paa, kung nin din ng iilang mahihirap na kapit- dahil para silang kawan ng mga tupa na ng mga maysakit, magpalayas ng mga napakalawak ng mundo para sa ating observed the
ay ahente ng softdrinks o kung ano baga, ang nababahiran ng alikabok ng bahay katulad ng kawalan ng pagkain, walang pastol. Niyakap ni Hesus ang demonyo, tayo—sa ating mga komu- dalawang maliliit na bisig ngunit kung Feast of the
mang produkto, ang kanyang mga paa lupa, ng kasalanan ng mundo. Hindi rin ibig sabihin, siya ay may malasakit sa kanyang pagiging tao at ang kalooban nidad na ginagalawan—ay magturo isa-isa tayong yayakap sa kung anong Black Naza-
ay magdadala sa kanya sa iba’t ibang dapat ipagkaila na sa katapusan, bilang iba. Kung lampas sa kanyang sariling ng Ama sa kanyang pagiging tao—sa din, magpagaling sa mga maysakit at maaabot ng ating kakayahan, maaaring rene on 9 Janu-
background PHOTO © Noli Yamsuan / RCAM Media
dako ng bansa na sakop ng kanyang masugid na tagasunod ng Poong Naza- pangangailangan, ninayakap ng isang kahuli-hulihan, kanyang inialay ang magpalayas ng demonyo sa iba’t ibang maitatag nga natin, sa tulong ng Poon,
teritoryo. Kung ang mga paa ng isang
ary last. The
reno, ang ating mga paa ay magdadala tao ang pagtugon sa iba’t ibang usapin kanyang sarili para sa atin upang tayo paraan. Kung paano si Hesus nagpak- ang Kaharian ng Lupa dito sa lupang
tao ay nagdadala sa kanya sa simbahan sa atin sa Daan ng Krus. Kung paano sa lipunan katulad ng pangangalaga ain ng mga tao, tayo rin ay magsikap na ibabaw. Maaaring mapagbago natin CBCP Monitor
ay maligtas mula sa pagkaalipin ng sala
tuwing araw ng Linggo, ibig sabihin, tinahak ni Hesus ang Daan ng Krus ng kalikasan, ibig sabihin, siya ay may at kadiliman ng mundo. Kung paano magpakain ng iba. Kung paano si Hesus ang bayang Pilipino. is preparing a
siya ay nagsusumikap na maging isang papunta sa Bundok ng Kalbaryo bilang malawak na pananaw sa kanyang niyakap ni Hesus ang kanyang misyon nag-alay ng buhay para sa iba, tayo rin Nitong araw ng Traslacion, o paglipat supplement to
mabuting Kristiyano. Kung ang mga pagsunod sa kalooban ng Ama, ang mga pananagutan bilang isang nilalang sa sa lupa kahit ito ay nangangahulugang ay mag-alay ng ating buhay para sa ating ng imahen ng Poong Nazareno mula sa commemorate
paa naman ng isang tao ay nagdala sa paa din natin ay inaasahang susunod sa mundong ito. kamatayan sa krus, ang ating mga bisig kapwa. Kilalanin natin ang mga sanhi Luneta papunta sa Basilica Minore ng this special
kanya sa kulungan, ibig sabihin, siya Yapak ng Poon. Sinu-sino at anu-ano, kung gayon, ay inaasahang susunod sa mga niyakap ng karamdaman at pagkaalipin ng ating Nazarenong Maitim, lumapit tayo sa event, and I am
ay napalihis sa matuwid na landas at Kumusta naman ang iyong mga ang ating ninayakap? Hanggang saan ng Poon. lipunan at, katulad ni Jesus, magsikap Poon, sundan natin ang kanyang mga
naligaw sa isang balikong uri ng pa-
happy to con-
bisig? ang abot ng ating mga bisig? Maaari ko May dalawang yugto pa, kung gay- na mapalaya mula sa sakit at pagkatali yapak, at yakapin natin ang kanyang
mumuhay o baka siya ay nasangkot sa Ang ating mga bisig—ang mga ni- bang yakapin ang buong mundo para ang ating bayan mga niyakap. Sa ating pagsunod sa tribute these
© quaipo files
ng mga Deboto
Office of the Secretary
Elliptical Road, Diliman 1100, Quezon City, Philippines
SA mga pagsubok sa buhay Hindi biro ang aking tanging sa kanya lang ang It is my honor and privilege to join devotees in the celebration
tanging ang pagkapit ko sa pinagdaanan ako ay may aking kagalingan. Himala of the Feast of the Black Nazarene, one of the country’s revered
Poong Nazareno ang nagpap- asawa at walong anak, isang at talaga naman pinagaling icons. Through the years, our countrymen’s faith in the beloved
atibay sa akin. Sa aking panan- driver, ngunit kadalasan ay niya ako kaya naman ngayon Nazarene has strengthened, further bringing the Divine Creator
alig na lubos ay nakayanan ko nawawalan ng hanapbuhay. patuloy akong deboto Niya na closer to the people.
ang pagsubok sa buhay. Hindi Kapag nasa punto na ako’y nagpapasalamat at nananalig We at the agriculture sector culls inspiration from the persever-
Niya ako iniwan at laging ti- walang trabaho ako’y naka- ng lubos. Irene ance and resolve of Christ on His journey to Calvary. Much like
nutulungan. Kaya naman ako susumpong sa paglakad ng farmers and fishers, He too has felt the harsh heat of the sun, the
ay nagpapasalamat ng lubos paluhod sa dambana ng ma- Ako’y isang ina, ang aking roughness of the terrain and has suffered callous hands. These
lubos. Josephine hal na Poong Hesus Nazare- are all for us. In the same way farmers and fishers offer this to
anak na babae ay umalis
no. Parang tuwing ako’y may their family.
at matagal na di bumalik.
These hardship and sacrifices prove to be worthwhile. While
Tubong Quiapo, nakagisnan trabaho ako’y nakalilimot sa Mga tatlong taon din kami Christ has
ko ang pagdedebosyon sa kanya at agad naaalala ko hindi nagkita. Sa sobrang saved humanity, farmers and fishers have continued to strive to
Mahal na Hesus na turo na siya kapag ako’y nawalan ng pag-aalala ko sa kanya halos feed Filipino families. Their efforts have ensured a stable supply
rin ng aking mga magulang. hanapbuhay. Salamat at sa mawalan na ako ng panan- of food and other commodities.
Sa araw-araw na pagsisimba lahat ng panahon hindi niya alig sa Diyos at pag-asa. In response, the Department of Agriculture family has worked
ako ay nakatagpo ng kara- ako pinabayaan. Ricardo Ang akala ko sa araw-araw to increase yields and boost farmers’ income. Providing the neces-
may at tanging. maaasahan. na aking pagdarasal ay di sary infrastructure, training and coming up with new technologies
Ako’y dalaga magpahang- Dalaga pa ako ay deboto niya ako naririnig. Hangang are keys to further propel growth in the sector. We have always believed in farmers’ and fishers’
gang ngayon. Ilang ulit na rin na ako ng Mahal na Hesus isang araw sinagot niya ang resolve and dedication. Given adequate assistance, they would produce more and generate greater
ako na-stroke at patuloy pa Nazareno. Hindi ko akalain aking dalangin bumalik livelihood opportunities. Besides being producers, they have the potential to be businessmen
rin pinagagaling ng Mahal na mapapalayo kami ng tinitara- ang anak ko at nasa mabut- with their respective agri-enterprises.
Poong Hesus. Sa edad kong han, sa mahabang panahon ing kalagayan, nagsisi at Thus as we again give thanks for the blessings this past year, we look to a new year full of hope.
85 years old ako’y nakakapag- ako’y napalayo din sa Kanya. ngayon kaming dalawa na With faith and trust in the Black Nazarene, we prepare ourselves to be worthy of His guidance
simba pa rin. At patuloy na Ako’y nagkasakit hindi ako ang dumudulog sa Mahal and blessings.
kumukuha ng lakas sa ating halos makalakad salamat sa na Poong Hesus Nazareno. Mabuhay!
Panginoong Hesus. Nita kanya at ako’y nanalig na Leonila
Knowing the importance of unity towards achieving a goal, the Department has heeded the Under SEA-K, DSWD provides technical assistance and non-collateral, non-interest loans
call of the Aquino administration to pursue Private-Public Partnership (PPP) for a more efficient to the entrepreneurial poor. The program enables the poor to have access to credit, increase
way of delivering public service. PPP is a strategy which combines the expertise of government their income, enhance socio-economic skills, and develop positive entrepreneurial values.
and the private sector towards achieving a noble objective for the benefit of the citizens.
In support to this program, the private sector can complement government initiatives
Through this concept, gone is the “my business only” attitude and hopefully, achieves syn- through assistance in enterprise development, microfinance, business development services,
ergy among different sectors such as the government, civil society, faith-based organization, and market matching.
and non-government organizations (NGOs) to work towards the total development of the
Filipinos, especially the poor. The three components of the Convergence Framework are driven by empowerment process
wherein the resources and its success are in the hands of the poor themselves. The poor and
Alleviating poverty is a tremendous task being faced by the current administration. As the disadvantaged must help themselves and the Convergence Framework provides them the
the lead agency mandated to protect, safeguard and provide social protection to the poor, opportunity to do so.
the DSWD values the efforts of all stakeholders in achieving an improved quality of life for
the poor and the disadvantaged. Collectively, the three components under the Convergence Framework create social account-
ability, build social capital and transform patron-dependent communities into empowered and
Hence, the Department has developed a core poverty alleviation strategy with unity and con- active citizenry. It is a solid building block for true democracy.
vergence as its founding principle, called the Convergence Framework on Poverty Reduction.
Further, the program hinges on the strength of unity as the key towards success. The lessons of
Under this concept, the three major poverty reduction programs of the Department namely: unity and convergence are embodied in the celebration of the Feast of the Black Nazarene.
Pantawid Pamilya, Kapit-Bisig Laban sa Kahirapan – Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery
of Social Services (KALAHI-CIDSS), and Self-Employment Assistance – Kaunlaran (SEA-K) With the guidance of the Lord, we are determined to realize the goals of the convergence
have been merged to complement one another. framework to enable us to continue providing sincere public service to our countrymen.
This poverty reduction approach of the Department responds to the unique needs of the Most importantly, we, in the DSWD, believe in the power of faith and loyalty to a laud-
poor based on their needs. In the course of the implementation of the three programs, both able cause in achieving our goals. We hope that this year’s Feast of the Black Nazarene,
public and private sectors will be engaged to contribute to the improvement of the lives of and the devotion of millions be our inspiration towards a hope-filled new year for the
the beneficiaries. Filipinos.
The Pantawid Pamilya program is the first component of convergence, responding to the From the DSWD family, a blessed 404th year of the Feast of the Black Nazarene to all!
needs of the poorest households by providing assistance for education and health through
the conditional cash transfer. (signed)
DSWD believes that Pantawid Pamilya is an investment in human capital, more than any- Secretary
thing else. It emphasizes that education and health are important in achieving a better future Department of Social Welfare and Development
for the beneficiaries and instill the values of responsibility, through faithful compliance with IBP Road, Batasan Pambansa Complex, Constitution Hills Quezon City
program conditionalities. Website: www.dswd.gov.ph