Novena Prayer of Immaculate Conception
Novena Prayer of Immaculate Conception
Novena Prayer of Immaculate Conception
in honor of
Our Lady’s
This novena is offered by the Franciscan Discipleship
Commission of St. Bonaventure Province to help prepare for
the celebration of the Solemnity of the Immaculate
Conception. The booklet is formatted so it can be used year
after year. These prayers may be prayed together at table or
added to any hour of common prayer. The novena takes
place on the nine days before December 8. These prayers
are also intended as preparation for the Act of Consecration
of the Order to Our Lady (page 9), which is renewed every
December 8. On December 8, the novena prayers are not
repeated. The prayers for that day begin on page 9.
Daily Novena
Concluding Prayer
Day 1 – November 29
Prayers of St. Francis
Leader: Hail, O Lady,
All: Holy Queen,
Mary, holy Mother of God,
who are the Virgin made Church,
chosen by the most Holy Father in heaven
consecrated by Him
with His most holy beloved Son
and with the Holy Spirit the Paraclete,
on you descended and in you still remains
all fullness of grace and every good.
Day 2 – November 30
Prayer of St. Anthony of Lisbon and Padua
Day 3 – December 1
Prayer of St. Bonaventure
Day 5 – December 3
Prayer of St. Joseph of Cupertino
Leader: Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of the Lord,
All: rose without thorn, lily of love,
refuge of sinners, have pity on us.
Gain for us the grace of final perseverance.
Day 6 – December 4
Prayer of St. Francis Anthony Fasani
you are the Mother, Daughter and Spouse
of the God who created you.
O Immaculate Conception! Amen.
Day 7 – December 5
Prayer of St. Francis Anthony Fasani
Leader: O Immaculate Conception:
All: You are Mother of the Lord,
but preserved in your virginity;
you stand alone and you have no equal;
you are distinct and pre-elected.
You are elect, like the sun;
you are beautiful, like the moon;
you are a light never failing,
never wanting, never weakening.
O Immaculate Conception! Amen.
Day 8 – December 6
Prayer of St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe
December 8 – Solemnity of the
Immaculate Conception
Leader: All the friars should fervently venerate the
Blessed Virgin Mary in the mystery of the
Immaculate Conception as the special
protectress of the Order and as our Queen. All
the friars shall celebrate that feast everywhere
with as much solemnity as possible, on this
occasion renewing the consecration of the Order
to her; and they should encourage and spread
devotion to the mystery of the Immaculate
Conception as much as they can.
Constitutions of the Order of Friars Minor Conventual (77.2)
our spiritual blessings and our temporal goods.
We entrust ourselves entirely to your care.
This we do for the greater honor of God,
for the prosperity of holy Mother Church,
and for the welfare of our Holy Father, N…
Leader: We consign and consecrate to you:
All: Our words and actions, our prayers and
our acts of penance and of love,
our apostolic works and trials,
the smallest duties of our state of life.
Leader: May all of it be directed and guided by you,
so that throughout the world
there may be renewed and strengthened,
the kingdom of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus:
All: the kingdom of truth and life,
the kingdom of holiness and grace,
the kingdom of justice, charity, and peace.
Leader: We consecrate to you:
All: Our ministers, guardians, and directors,
the novices and candidates,
and all our brothers and sisters
in the entire Franciscan family,
so that they may be strengthened by
God’s grace,
to remain full of zeal and true to their vocation
until death.
Leader: Immaculate Heart of Mary:
All: Make holy and perfect all the members of our
Leader: Immaculate Heart, full of burning love:
All: Fill our hearts with the glow of seraphic love.
Leader: Obedient Heart of Mary:
All: Help us faithfully keep
the commandments of God,
and the precepts of our holy Rule. Amen.
2 n d Printing • November, 2002