Deseret Book: Theme: Prayer
Deseret Book: Theme: Prayer
Deseret Book: Theme: Prayer
Theme: Prayer
Packet #020411
“I Pray in Faith,” Children’s Songbook, p. 14.
Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my
(Psalms 55:17)
Write the following scripture references on small slips of paper:
D&C 31:12
Luke 6:28
D&C 5:24
1 Nephi 7:21
Alma 37:37
1 Thessalonians 5:18
2 Nephi 32:9
3 Nephi 18:21
Have each person take turns looking up one of the scripture references and
reading them aloud to the entire group. As each is read, have the group determine
what they can learn about prayer from that verse. The following points should be
(Beth Lefgren and Jennifer Jackson, Sharing Time, Family Time, Anytime: Book 2, [Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1994], p.
In the Canadian Mission during the year 1960, I assigned Elder Clinton Buttars to the nickel-
mining city of Sudbury, Ontario. The landscape was bleak, the missionary opportunities somewhat
limited, and yet Clinton Buttars and his companion commenced to proselyte in one of the more affluent
areas of the community.
They called at the home of Morley Dimma but found that he was at work and had his evenings
fully occupied, as reported by his wife. Mrs. Dimma then suggested that the missionaries might wish to
call upon him at his office. They grasped the opportunity and went to the office suite occupied by Mr.
Dimma, who was the local agent of a large insurance firm.
As they were escorted into his inner office and Mr. Dimma asked them the nature of their visit, fear
engulfed them. Suddenly Elder Buttars asked the question, "Mr. Dimma, how long has it been since
you prayed?"
Mr. Dimma replied jokingly, "I haven't prayed since I was at my mother's knee."
Elder Buttars then said, "Would you join us in prayer?" He dropped to his knees, for there was no
place else to go. His companion followed his lead, and reluctantly Mr. Dimma likewise joined in an
attitude of prayer—the first time, as he stated, since he was at his mother's knee.
Concluding the prayer, the two missionaries and Mr. Dimma rose to their feet. Mr. Dimma then
reported to them that he felt a strangeness come over him during that prayer and a desire to listen to the
message that the missionaries had brought.
Mr. Dimma, his wife, and their children were converted to the Church. He was so thrilled with the
truth he had discovered in the gospel of Jesus Christ that he asked if he might extend a personal
invitation to the several hundred members of his former religious congregation to each hear the
message in his home. Four other missionaries were dispatched to the Sudbury area to accommodate
this request.
A thriving branch and a lovely building later characterized the position of the Church in Sudbury,
(Thomas S. Monson, Inspiring Experiences That Build Faith: From the Life and Ministry of Thomas S. Monson, [Salt Lake
City: Deseret Book, 1994], p. 129-131.)
Make play telephones from two paper cups connected by a long string. The string should be about
25 to 40 feet long so that it can stretch from one room to another. Make sure the string is pulled tightly
and you should be able to hear each other through the cups. Liken to prayer.
(Mina S. Coletti and Roberta Kling Giesea, The Family Idea Book, [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1980], p. 187.)
Chocolate Pretzel Passion Cookies
1 cup plus 2 tablespoons butter
1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
1 cup packed brown sugar
2 eggs
2 tablespoons water
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
I teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups broken pretzel pieces
2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips (maxi size)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a large mixing bowl, cream butter until soft. Add sugars and beat until
well mixed. Add eggs, water, and vanilla. Beat until fluffy. Add the flour, baking soda, and salt and mix
until well incorporated. Add the pretzels and chocolate chips and mix briefly. Scoop with a tablespoon
for large cookies or with a teaspoon for smaller cookies and drop onto ungreased cookie sheets. Flatten
each dough ball slightly with a glass or the palm of your hand. Bake 10 to 12 minutes. Baking times
may vary depending on the size of dough. Makes 30 cookies.
(Lion House Bakery, [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2009] p. 78.)
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