Holy Week Worship Schedule: Palm Sunday Good Friday

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Volume 18, Issue 5 April 2012

Holy Week Worship Schedule

Palm Sunday Sunday, April 1st 9:00 a.m. Egg Bake Breakfast after worship Maundy Thursday Thursday, April 5th 7:00 p.m. First Communion for 5th Graders Good Friday Friday, April 6th 7:00 p.m. Easter Sunday Sunday, April 8th 7:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. First Communion for 5th Graders Cinnamon Rolls, Coffee and Juice between services

Thank You Glyndon Cub Scouts!

Glyndon Lutheran Church
The Glyndon Cub Scouts Troop #641 held a Food Drive on Saturday, March 24th. They collected food items which were then donated to Glyndon Lutheran Community Food Pantry. Thank you again. Our shelves are full again. It is much more fun to fill a food basket when there is enough food to fill it. 360# of food were gathered. Thank you Glyndon Community for all your donations.

Inside this issue:

Living the Story Over Coffee Council Update, Income and Expense Youth Notes Greeting from Sacks Prayers and Birthdays Memorials From Our Mailbag Circle Information Volunteer Committees April Calendar 2 3 4-9 10 11 12 13 14 15


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Living the Story with Pastor Jeni

Wendell Berry, that farmer poet from the hills of Kentucky, writes my favorite Easter Poem, titled Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front. I like to refer to it as Practice Resurrection; it is a poem that helps us live into our faith, as if we lived in a liberated world within the reality of a risen Christ. I invite you to read and re-read it this Easter Season (April 8th-May 27th). Here it is: Love the quick profit, the annual raise, vacation with pay. Want more of everything ready-made. Be afraid to know your neighbors and to die. And you will have a window in your head. Not even your future will be a mystery any more. Your mind will be punched in a card and shut away in a little drawer. When they want you to buy something they will call you. When they want you to die for profit they will let you know. So, friends, every day do something that won't compute. Love the Lord. Love the world. Work for nothing. Take all that you have and be poor. Love someone who does not deserve it. Denounce the government and embrace the flag. Hope to live in that free republic for which it stands. Give your approval to all you cannot understand. Praise ignorance, for what man has not encountered he has not destroyed. Ask the questions that have no answers. Invest in the millennium. Plant sequoias. Say that your main crop is the forest that you did not plant, that you will not live to harvest. Say that the leaves are harvested when they have rotted into the mold. Call that profit. Prophesy such returns. Put your faith in the two inches of humus that will build under the trees every thousand years. Listen to carrion - put your ear close, and hear the faint chattering of the songs that are to come. Expect the end of the world. Laugh. Laughter is immeasurable. Be joyful though you have considered all the facts. So long as women do not go cheap for power, please women more than men. Ask yourself: Will this satisfy a woman satisfied to bear a child? Will this disturb the sleep of a woman near to giving birth? Go with your love to the fields. Lie down in the shade. Rest your head in her lap. Swear allegiance to what is nighest your thoughts. As soon as the generals and the politicos can predict the motions of your mind, lose it. Leave it as a sign to mark the false trail, the way you didn't go. Be like the fox who makes more tracks than necessary, some in the wrong direction. Practice resurrection. Taking our cues from Berry, were calling our Easter season Practice Resurrection and we will follow the story of the early church and learn again for ourselves what it means to live in the reality of a risen Christ. Join us on Sundays and Wednesdays. Peace, Pastor Jeni

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Over Coffee with Kris

When I was in 7th grade I dyed my hair black. No, I was not going through a phase, I was in the play "South Pacific" and I was a native islander. I had to wear a lot of stage make-up to darken up my Norwegian complexion and have dark hair. During the play we had "Secret Pals" that would send little presents and encouraging notes, telling us to "break our legs" and such. One of the presents that my Secret Pal gave me was a little wooden train engine that has "I think I can" painted on its side. That little engine is still in my childhood room at my dad's. Every time I am at my dads, that train reminds me to never under estimate myself. Which reminds me, it is that time of year again, when I do my personal "New Year's Resolution". The resolutions that that I do around my birthday each year, and to add to the standard visit new places, be healthier, I have added a new one, a big one. I am going to learn how to ride bike. That phrase that says "It's like riding a bike" has never really applied to me. I mean, there was one summer that I rode bike all over Detroit Lakes with a friend. I am pretty sure that my friend is the one who taught me. But, when you are young, you have less fear. After that summer I never got on a bike until just recently. I wanted to go on a bike ride 2 summers ago with my aunt. She had an extra bike, so I got on and tried, and it was nearly a traumatic event. I had forgotten how to ride. Last summer I tried two different times, and the same...no idea how to pedal and keep balance. So, I have made it my public mission to ride bike. One of my friends told me to first start at the gym and practice pedaling on the stationary bike. I told her that I knew how to pedal, its the balance thing that I need to work on. Soon after I made this announcement a YouTube video of a 6 year-old boy who learned how to ride bicycle became a sensation. If you have internet access, type into the youtube.com search engine "Thumbs up for Rock and Rolls", the video is just over a minute long. Here is the speck that the boy said: "I feel, I feel, I feel, I feel happy on myself! Everybody! I know you can believe in yourself! If you believe in yourself you will know how to ride a bike. If you don't, you just keep practicing! You will get the hang of it I know it! If you keep practicing you will get the hang of it and then you can get better and better at it as you do it. Thumbs up everybody, for Rock & Roll!" It is a very sweet video, and it will be my mantra for my 32nd year. Just like The Little Engine That Could, and this boy, I will believe in myself. But, there is something else that will assist in my stubborn Norwegian-ness Philippians 4:13: I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. Could that verse possibly mean that I can learn how to ride bike? That and lots of protective gear! Blessings on the rest of your day, Kris Johnson

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Council Minutes
Glyndon Lutheran Church Council Meeting Feb 8, 2012 Members Present: Jeff Wallin, Pam Rudolf, Kris Johnson, Pastor Jeni, Wanda Peterson and Cindy Henriksen Devotion/Check-in/GLC Mission Statement Secretarys Report: A correction was noted to the January secretaries report that Calvin last name was listed as Johnson and should be Carlson. Read and Passed. Treasurers Report: Read and Passed. Pastors Report: Things continue to go well for me here at GLC. Colin and I are heading into some unknown waters as his job at Trinity Lutheran comes to a close in July, but we feel very well anchored by the Glyndon Community. We thank you for your prayers and words of encouragement as Colin seeks his next call. It looks as if I might get to stay here for quite some time! January has been one of my best months as a pastor so far. I have felt energized by the community and focused to do the work at hand. Theres so much to be done. Ive had a great month of visits. Ive made it to Eventide, the hospital, and many homes, having many cups of coffee and a few too many delicious desserts. Ive met with a couple who will be married at GLC in June. Ive gone to numerous basketball games and halftime dance shows and have had a great opportunity to visit with parents at their childrens events. My lunch card has been full too. What a great way to spend time! The more I get to know the people here, the deeper our ministry together becomes. I preached and presided at worship on 1/22, 1/29 and 2/05 (Sundays) and 1/18, 1/25, 2/01 and 2/08 (Wednesdays). I was glad that the congregation welcomed Pastor Tom Schlotterback into the pulpit on 1/15 while I was at the First Call Theological Education event at Concordia College. There I gathered with other first -call pastors and heard solid lectures and engaged in meaningful conversation about the church and our peculiar call as pastors within it. This was my second of three years that I will attend First Call Theological Education; I can tell you that it is a good gift not only to me, but to the congregation as well. Confirmation is back in full swing after a post-Christmas hiatus. I continue to teach 19 7th graders. It has been really helpful to have the help of volunteer parents and grandparents. We worked our way through the Old Testament in the fall and are journeying with Jesus in the Gospel of Mark this Winter. We learn through telling stories, asking questions, making plays, and using our creativity. We are also teaching the students how to look up Bible verses by playing Bible Basketball, a game that requires the students to look up Bible verses in order to take a basketball shot for candy. Administratively we continue to make some changes that will help us run more smoothly. I have been working with the Council to shore up Internal Controls, Evaluate the staff, and start to get some building projects going. Still no change in finding an organist, and despite one major kink in our schedule, we have been able to schedule organists and pianists through April. While some of our organists are quite gifted and talented, others are in the learning stages and are developing through being at GLC. Thank you for your patience and hospitality throughout. I will be on vacation/continuing education February 9th through 14th in New Orleans for the ELCA Youth Extravaganza. I look forward to great worship, engaging speakers, and time with Colins family in New Orleans. Im taking part of the time as continuing education (2/9-2/12) and part as vacation (2/13-2/14). Thanks to Jeff Wallin for stepping in to preach and lead worship on 2/12 and 2/15!

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Feb. Council Minutes cont.

Family Ministers Report: National Youth Gathering I am currently in New Orleans, LA as part of a Pre-National Gathering meeting for this summers trip where 6 of us from Glyndon Lutheran will join about 33,000 others in worship, learning and service. On Jan 12th, I led a youth ministry training and National Gathering meeting at Zion Lutheran in Thief River Falls. I also have been working on Glyndon Lutherans National Gathering trip, organizing a Butter Braid fundraiser and a Pizza Ranch fundraiser that was on January 30th, thank you to those who came out to support our youth. Education I have been tracking my hours working and started writing down how I spend my time as your Family Minister. Reflecting back on this past month I realize that I spend a lot of time on organizing Sunday and Wednesday School [finding teachers, picking out/making up activities, gathering supplies, and setting up the rooms]. It is a joy to try to make the education that we offer our young people be a meaningful experience. I also have been spending a bit more time working on the 8th grade confirmation curriculum. Being Glyndon Lutheran I had the privilege to attend the benefit for Dan Kemper that was on January 28th. I also attended a DGF Varsity Wrestling meet on January 19th. I attended Esther Circle, hosted by Pat Hemmah. I am working on the details of the Andes Ski Day, which will be on March 11th, that we are doing with Maranatha. I am slowly organizing the new Education Room; what a great and functional gift that will be once it is put together. I attended parts of the Glyndon Lutheran Annual Meeting on January 22nd. Odds and Ends I attended and received a certificate for a Boundaries Workshop put on by the Eastern North Dakota Synod on February 3rd at St. Johns Lutheran in Fargo. I led the monthly Youthworker Lunch. I held a Lutheran Youth Organization [LYO] Board meeting on January 29th at Trinity in Moorhead; at this meeting we planned our Synods Senior High Youth Gathering, which will be March 31st and April 1st. I also have spent quite a bit of time working with the hotels from the Jr. High Gathering that was in November in Grand Forks. I had a Mutual Ministry Meeting with my team. I attended my first Pathways at the Park meeting on February 6th. Pathways at the Park is tentatively set for Wednesday, June 6th. Topics of Discussion: 1. New Business a. Request to use GLC as a safe place: Stephanie Olson from Otter Tail County Social Services requested to use GLC as a safe place for supervised meetings to some children who are currently residing in Glyndon in foster care. Council approved. b. Stewardship c. Food Pantry: Council decided to give extra monies in the food pantry to FM Sheltering Churches rather then World Hunger. FM Sheltering Churches is coordinated by Churchs United. Council voted to donate monies to local needs. The other 3 places receiving $250 and approved at the January council meeting are: Dorothy Day, REACH and Churches United. 3. Properties a. Completed Projects: None at this time. b. Upcoming Projects: A committee is being formed to share ideas of how to transform our Narthex space. Keys: Pastor Jeni requested new keys for her office and would like a door with a window. Closed with the Lords Prayer. Next council meeting will be held on March 14, 2012 at 7:45 pm.

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Council Minutes March, 2012

Glyndon Lutheran Church Council Meeting March 14, 2012 Members Present: Pam Rudolf, Kris Johnson, Pastor Jeni, Carrie Smith, Calvin Carlson, Wanda Peterson and Cindy Henriksen Devotion/Check-in/GLC Mission Statement Secretarys Report: Read and Passed Treasurers Report: Council members have reviewed the February deposits and disbursements and have found everything to be in order. In the future, receipts and disbursements will be reviewed on a quarterly basis. Kris and Esther disbursed $900 from the Sunday School Fund: $250 to ELCA World Hunger, $400 for the young girl that we sponsor from Haiti, and $250 for World Relief in Africa. The remainder of the treasurers report was read and passed (and looking good!) Pastors Report: March finds us in the heart of Lent, a time of great preparation in the church. We are preparing ourselves for the cross by hearing Gods love story told through Marks Gospel that Jesus death brings us life. Whoa. My Lenten Discipline this year has been to curate a Lenten Playlist of music to match the season. You can find it, and other writings, on my blog: http://jfalkmangrangaard.posterous.com. Ive had two pieces of writing picked up this Lenten season on the Lutheran World Relief (LWR) blog, one on Ash Wednesday, and another on God, Weather and Suffering. Ive been asked once again to write for the God Pause Devotion, an email devotion sent out by Luther Seminary. I will write for the last week in the summer. Also, I am nearing the end of a project with Augsburg Fortresss sparkhouse; Ive been reviewing curriculum of their re:form Ancestors series. Ive also just received my copy of the book Broken Hallelujahs: Why Popular Music Matters to Those Seeking God by Christian Scharen, which I worked on while in seminary. I was out of the office a bit more this month than most; I took continuing education to New Orleans for the Youth Extravaganza from February 9th-12th. I took an extra day as vacation to see the city and meet some of Colins New Orleans relatives. I also took February 27-29 as continuing education at the seminary for a conference on Youth Ministry. Kris and I attended both of the above events together, which will help us to redesign the way we do faith development within our whole congregation. Confirmation is in its final descent for the school year. At this point we have only one month left in our Wednesday morning confirmation sessions. Kris and I will be taking time this summer to evaluate and redesign our program. If you have any insights or are interested in helping us in this progress, let me know; wed love to have more conversation partners. The 7th graders are following along with Jesus to Jerusalem and are learning how to navigate their bibles. Visitations this month were spent mostly around end of life care. I visited Hallie Behrens and his family at Eventide, as well with the family at their home. I visited Evelit Jegtvig at Sanford South about 3 times, each time getting to talk to her family. Ive met and counseled a few people in my office as well, usually after hours for privacy sake. As I reflect on the issues my family faces from time to time, as well as hear the brokenness of lives all around our community, I wonder if maybe everyone has something they are concerned about or dealing with and how brokenness is blessed and becomes normal; somehow this normality diminishes shame. I have followed up and kept communications lines open. While I am not a licensed counselor, my office is open to those who want to talk. I preached and presided at the funeral and interment for Hallie Behrens on Friday, February 24th at GLC and at the Riverside Cemetery in Glyndon. Many thanks for those who served and made bars. Two 7th Grade students served, making it a real neat intergenerational experience. I will assist with the memorial service for Evelit Jegtvig on Friday, March 16th at Eventide. I have preached and presided at worship this month except for February 12th and 15th (I presided at Communion only). Many thanks to Council President Jeff Wallin for preaching on rejection and faith and for leading worship. I preached, presided and put together the liturgy for Ash Wednesday (2/22). I was thankful to

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Council Minutes March, 2012 Cont.

borrow from another preacher, Barbara Brown Taylor, and her sermon Gods Sharecroppers for worship on Sunday, March 4th and Wednesday, March 7th. I am finding the practice of weekly preaching (and sometimes more than weekly) to be mentally exhausting. With Linda on vacation and Kris sick during the week preceding Sunday, February 19th, I was the Family Minister and Office Manager. It kept me busy! I got to put together the bulletin, work on the newsletter, and put together the Sunday School lesson for the week. Im glad I dont work alone most of the time! I participated in the benefit for Sonja Fuchs that was held at GLC on February 19th. It was amazing to see the community work together to support a family. It was great to meet new people, talk to some church people and see how big a heart this community really has. As the psalmist says, My cup overflows. I attended a 7th grade boys basketball game and two JV/Varsity girls basketball games. I also enjoyed going to see the girls play in two tournament games. Thanks to the members who let me sit with them and be an obnoxious basketball fan. What a month it has been! I am looking forward to Easter and a little bit of rest, as well as for the summer, when I can take some extended vacation time. I can already smell the lake! Family Ministers Report: What a whirlwind this past month has been. New Orleans I was in New Orleans, February 7th 13th. The first 2 and a half days I was in meetings for the National Gathering representing NW MN as the Synod Coordinator. I received a lot of great information and had a tour of many of the sites that will be used this summer at the National Youth Gathering. The information that I got will help me serve the other churches, we have over 800 people from the NWMN Synod heading down to the New Orleans. The 9th- 12th was the ELCA Youth Ministry Network Extravaganza; I attended wonderful worships, they had amazing preachers. I attended great workshops, The Jr. High Brain, Gods Hands in the Eye of the Storm, as well as a couple of others to gain knowledge on tweaking our Confirmation program with Pastor Jeni to make it more meaningful/impactful and to further prepare for the National Gathering. I hosted a dinner for the participants from NWMN that were there [about 15] at one of my favorite little diners in the French Quarter. The 12th and 13th I attended SYMBOL: Synod Youth Ministry Band of Leaders. Synod workers gather together to share how things are going synodically, figure out how to adapt to the ever changing world of Synod and Church-wide cut-backs [including positions for youth at the national level]. Sick I had to take my first sick days since being at Glyndon Lutheran [February 15th, 16th, and 19th]. Thank you to everyone who helped during that time, especially Pastor Jeni. FirstThird Conference: Monkey Business: A dialogue on the Confirmation process I attended a Continuing Education Conference with Pastor Jeni sponsored by Luther Seminary. This conference went over the history of Confirmation, the types of Confirmation, and where do we go from here. We also had working groups to get to the heart of our dreams/hopes for Confirmation. One of the biggest benefits of this conference was having time to chat/dream with Pastor Jeni on the future of the education for all ages with the people at Glyndon Lutheran. National Gathering The girls going to the National Gathering bussed tables at Pizza Ranch on the 20th. I also organized the Butter Braid fundraiser for the girls attending the National Gathering as well as the girls attending Elementary Classic at Camp Emmaus this summer. Thank you for your continued support of our young people. Synod I continue to tie up the loose ends from the Middle School Gathering in Grand Forks. I have been working on the Synod Senior High Gathering which is March 31st April 1st. We have great worships planned, as well as lots of fun. I have had several conversations with the Synod Council Nominating Committee on the Youth Representative positions. I have been walking with a church in Bemidji who is starting the process of looking

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Council Minutes March cont.

for a new Youth Director. I have been working with churches in the Synod that are attending the National Gathering with their housing issues. I have also have been having conversations with the people planning a post-National Gathering concert tour that wants to make a stop in our synod. Other Ministry I attended the DGF Sr. High Pep Rally seeing the Rebel Danceline Guy-Girl Dance as well as hearing from the captains of the various winter sports, and seeing a couple of fun games. I attended the wrestling state qualifying tournament on the 25th, we have some great Rebel wrestlers here at GLC. I visited Hallie Behrens family at the funeral home on Feb 23rd and assisted at his funeral on the 24th. I had a great visit with a GLC member who is healing from surgery. I attended the Pathways Annual Meeting in Crookston, with Berna Schultz, on March 10th. Pathways Outdoor Ministry is moving forward with their ministry and thanked us for our continued support. I gave a report from the Pathways at the Park Committee. The 5th Annual Pathways at the Park Fundraiser will be Wednesday, June 6th at Oak Grove High School. I organized our Annual Andes Ski Day, March 11th. It was a beautiful day of skiing with the 50 people signed up with us. We went with Maranatha Free Lutheran, having to take 2 buses; thank you to Kelly Richards for the buses and Calvin Carlson for driving. I have been talking with our Augsburg Fortress Representative on various resources to assist in planning education for our young people. I continue to organize the Sunday and Wednesday School programs. Though the numbers are down [post-Christmas, it happens most places], it has been great. I am always looking for creative ways to make it work best for Glyndon Lutheran, if you have any suggestions please talk to me. 8th grade confirmation continues to be going great. Topics of Discussion: 1. New Business; a. Synod Assembly Delegates: We need two members from our congregation to attend the Synod Assembly on May 11 and 12. Please contact Pastor Jeni if you are interested in attending. b. Stewardship Dual Control: Thanks to Patty Mehrer for developing a spreadsheet to manage and disperse offering monies. The council decided that since we are trying to go green that quarterly statements will no longer be mailed out. We will only mail out the year end statements. Other statements could be made available upon individual request. Offering stewards will count monies from offering following service. Financial Secretary will disperse to proper accounts and make deposits on Monday of each week. b. The new safe has arrived. It needs to be mounted, or a stand built for easier access. c. Properties Upcoming Projects: Randall Henriksen will over see the installation of a new sump pump in the southeast corner of the basement. He will also over see filling in the area where the sump pump is in the south west corner. Matt Fischer will be patching ceilings where there have been water leaks. We are looking at possibly sheet rocking or installing new paneling in the hallway between the education wing and the church. 4. Office a. Financial Secretary: As Linda will be resigning at the end of March we are in need of a new financial secretary. This job is one hour per week to handle the entering and disbursement of offering monies. Shirleen Wyland will be the interim financial secretary for April and May. NEW OFFICE HOURS: The new office hours beginning April 1st will be: Monday: Closed, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday: 10-noon and 2-4, Friday Closed THE OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED THE WEEK FOLLOWING EASTER APRIL 9-14THThese office hours will be for April and May. The council will be reviewing the churchs needs and setting new office hours for summer and then again in the fall. Closed with the Lords Prayer Next Meeting is April 11th at 6:30-8:30.

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Income and Expense

Income Expenses Net Income $ $ $ 18,377.88 15,522.78 2,855.10

February 2012

Funds Available (as of March 15, 2012) General Fund Designated Funds: Food Pantry Sunday School Memorials Missions Adult Education Childrens Ministry Mission Possible Bucket Youth Bible Camp Properties Team Improvements (Gave GLC Foundation $5,000. that came in for improvements) $ 2,653.92 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 239.15 450.83 520.00 33.00 640.00 (to be paid out) 168.31 95.00 $ 392.61

$ 1,673.19 $ 25.00

Unpaid Bills for March

Salaries (31st) (includes staff, organist, custodian) Fed. Withholding MN Withholding $ 4,680.00 (approx.) $ 1,545.00 (approx.) $ 200.00 (approx.)

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Youth Notes
Bible Camp
Registration Forms are in the Pathway Brochures in the Narthex, there are also some brochures in the office. Please send registration directly to Pathways. You may also register on line at www.pathwaysbiblecamps.com. Credit Card payment required for those registering on-line.

Confirmation Camp
GLC pays for 1/2 of the required Confirmation camp fees (the first time only). Camp dates this summer are July 29- August 3. If these dates have conflicts contact Kris ([email protected]) Camp fees$325. 00 GLC pays $162.50 Parents pay $162.50 ($100.00 of which is due with Registration) Your balance (of 62.50 for first timers) for summer programs are due by June 1st at Pathways office.

Half Pint Day K-2nd Grade June 22nd

Come and spend the day at camp! Worship, learn about Gods Word, play games, and create arts and crafts. We will take a bus, leaving Glyndon Lutheran at 8:45 and returning at 6:15. Cost for the day at camp is $30, please send that directly to Pathways when you register. Cost for transportation and snack on the bus is $7 [pay to Glyndon Lutheran, and let Kris know [email protected]].

Vacation Bible School this year. Pathways comes to Glyndon Lutheran For those who are in Kindergarten this year through 6th grade! June 25th-29th
Pathways sends teams of staff members, spreading lots of laughter, excitement and energy for Christ to us! The team pairs up with members from your congregation to provide a unique ministry filled with games, worships, arts & crafts, Bible experiences, field trips and much more! Cost is $40 [a $20 nonrefundable deposit is due at the time of registration]. Registrations can be found in the Narthex or email Kris.

Elementary Classic
4th & 5th grade Camp for all kids entering 4th & 5th grade, will be August 5-10th. You will enjoy playing in Gods beautiful creation, worshipping, camping out, and hanging out with your friends and counselor! You will also get a chance to experience our low ropes course! Grow in your faith and make memories at camp this year.

And for those aged 3-Kindergarten. Come SPLASH in Gods Word!

August 13th 16th 6:00 pm-8:00 pm and we will be diving into storys in the Bible about water; by hearing the story, playing games, singing songs, making crafts and having snacks! If you know anyone who is interested in attending or helping (you need to be in 7th grade or older) please contact Kris [email protected]

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2012 Greetings from the Sacks

2011 was quite a year in Japan. On March 11 we were reminded of our humanity and mortality when the huge earthquake shook our very foundations, and then as we gazed in unbelief at the televised events unfolding north of us with unprecedented tsunami force. Through the months that have followed, we have been reminded again of why we respect our Japanese friends so much and feel honored to share and receive the Love of Christ in this country. This photo was taken in August, when Bethany returned to do summer school teaching alongside her brother and sister at their alma mater, the American School in Japan. It was such fun to be together. Jon is still a kindergarten assistant at that school, and will be starting a masters course in January to certify him to teach secondary math in the future. Bethany returned to Minneapolis in March from her service in Palestine. She does waitressing to pay the rent and is highly involved in the Palestinian movement in the Twin Cities. She also did an internship through the Minnesota Council of Churches, helping refugees to get their feet on the ground. Emily studied at Parsons The New School of Design in New York City, and then decided to continue her education in Japan. She is now attending Temple University, Japan. Jim continues his pastoral care efforts through the Personal Growth and Counseling Center and the Clinical Psychology Department of the Japan Lutheran College and Seminary. Carol is finishing her sixth year/third class of women who are training to use Pastoral Harp at the bedside. One important family member is not included in the above family photo: Jons wife Miho, who, in typical Japanese fashion returned to her parents home for a month before and two months after their babys birth. Meet Kaya Evelyn Sack Born October 21, 2011! Needless to say, we are pretty thrilled! Wow, what a cutie. And how blessed we are to have her (and her parents) living only 15 minutes away from us! In the cycle and miracle of both life and death, we yielded Carols father, Carl Manfred, (93) into the hands of the Lord on December 11. Carols mother Miriam (94) is doing remarkably well, having cared for Carl at home with help of Home Hospice, and Jims mother Lorine (92) is still lovingly, being cared for at Martin Luther Manor.

We send our love and prayers that God will bless you richly in 2012.

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Members of our Glyndon family that we will be praying for in April are:

Prayers, Birthdays and Notes

Apr 1LeRoy & Lorraine Muhle; Orville Muhle; Our sincere Christian sympathy is extended to Robert Muhle; Gary & Kari Myhre, Cullen; the family and friends of Apr 8 Michael & Nichole Myhre, Keagan, Wyatt, Jayden, Peyton; Shirley Nappe; Frank & Cindy Neisen, William Lass Madelyn Vince Wastweet Apr 15 Brad & Dawn Nelson; Craig & Paula Nelson, Dane, Kjersten; Kevin & Nancy Nelson; Jim & Lovila Krueger Karen Norman Apr 22 Theresa Nygaard, Kaila, Kelsey, Kade, Kole; Barry & Lori Oberg, Jared & Carolyn; Lloyd Olson; Apr 29Monty & Susan Olson, Cody, Kyle, Cayla; Eternal rest, grant, O Lord, and light perpetual shine. Dan & Korri Olstad, Jesse, Jace; Claude & Kari Oppegard, Emily, Ashley, Andrew;

[our extended family]

Please keep Tyler Palya & Trisha Baker in your prayers as they serve their country in Iraq and Kuwait.
Almighty God, we commend to your gracious care and keeping all the men and women of our armed forces at home and abroad. Defend them day by day with your heavenly grace; strengthen them in trials and temptations; give courage to face perils that surround them; and grant them a sense of your abiding presence wherever they may be; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.

Betsy Anderson, Pelican Rapids MN Iris Barta, Senior Apartments on Riverside Drive Margaret Kingren, Eventide Orville Muhle, Eventide Lloyd Olson, Emmanuel Assisted Living (DL)

April Birthdays
1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 Kaila Nygaard LeAnn Cummings, Ryan Hamernik Brittany Blickenstaff, Alicia Thompson Malvern Jacobson Jim Norman Cory Miller Tom Palya Alex Fuchs, Barry Oberg Emily Behrens, Mariah Henriksen, Nancy Nelson Isaac Dally, Marilyn Lass Nick Kosen Barb Roelofs Kade Nygaard Sally Tanner Matt Aakre, Cullen Myhre, Joanne Stine, Roger Wyland 18 Emma Browning, Berna Schultz 19 Meghan Ellingson, Cindy Henriksen, Morgan Tollefson 20 Winter Brendemuhl 21 Trent Bekkerus, Brett Meyers, Emily Oppegard, Ashley Oppegard, Gary Wyland 23 Jean Mahlum 25 Michael Myhre, Katie Peterson 26 Dawson Hoban, Korri Olstad, Barry Orvik, Ashley Richards 27 Olivia Boyd, Teresa Radtke, Kristi Rudolf, Parker Vinje 28 Daniel Olstad 29 James Taves 30 Shane Kosen

Happy Birthday!

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General Fund Joe Fuchs in memory of Hallie Behrens Gordon & Lois Wyland in memory of Marcella Brinley Don & Alvina Lein in memory of Hallie Behrens Dan Skolness in memory of Marcella Brinley Dan Skolness in memory of Keith Brendemuhl LeRoy Babolian in memory of Hallie Behrens Russ & Lois Bekkerus in memory of Hallie Behrens Verle & Joan Rinke in memory of Hallie Behrens Roger & Joan Stenerson in memory of Hallie Behrens Mary Hanson in memory of Hallie Behrens Darlene Sandal in memory of Will Lass Russ & Lois Bekkerus in memory of Will Lass Gordon & Lois Wyland in memory of Hallie Behrens Doug Krabbenhoft in memory of Hallie Behrens Andrea Rootham in memory of Helmet Behrens Todd & Tracy Tollefson in memory of Odean Nappe Lois Seter in memory of William Lass Lois Seter in memory of Hallie Behrens Lorraine Muhle in memory of Evelit Jegtvig Tom & Linda Pavola in memory of Evelit Jegtvig Russ & Lois Bekkerus in memory of Evelit Jegtvig Mary Hanson in memory of Evelit Jegtvig Shirley Wear in memory of William Lass Sunday School (Childrens Ministry) Archie & Sally Tanner in memory of Mary Lou Pender Remodeling Fund Tracy Kuehl in memory of Dale Kuehl

Missionary Fund Curt & Jan Gytri in memory of Hallie Behrens Kay & Dennis Nelson in memory of Hallie Behrens John & Luanne Gytri in memory of Hallie Behrens Susan & Wade Allen in memory of Hallie Behrens Gordon & Lois Wyland in memory of Hallie Behrens Paul & Amy Naseth in memory of Hallie Behrens Paul & Barbara Sogden in memory of Hallie Behrens Bruce & Esther Ellingson in memory of Hallie Behrens Curt & Kristi Leach in memory of Hallie Behrens Kurt & Patricia Fischer in memory of Hallie Behrens Dan & Carol Johnson in memory of Hallie Behrens Darrel & June Barth in memory of Hallie Behrens Duane & Bev Baker in memory of Hallie Behrens Ernest & Marilyn Wahlgren in memory of Hallie Behrens Nathan & Amber Huseby in memory of Hallie Behrens Arlene Rehder in memory of Hallie Behrens Duane & Bev Baker in memory of Hallie Behrens Denise Norris in memory of Hallie Behrens Quilters Pat Lynde-Hemmah in memory of Hallie Behrens Marvel Jones in memory of Hallie Behrens James & Pauline Litch in memory of Hallie Behrens YouthNew Orleans Trip Roger & Kathy Haugen in memory of Hallie Behrens Food Pantry Tom & Sherry Watt in memory of Hallie Behrens

From Our Mailbag

Dear Friends of Glyndon Lutheran, I want to thank everyone for the phone calls, cards, flowers and gifts of food. It was so appreciated. Thank you Pastor Jeni and Kris for the good visits. Sincerely, Marvel Jones Dear GLC QuiltersIncase you havent heard, we won the quilt raffle in December & chose the green & yellow quilt. The small flower print will remind us of the asters that grew wild in our pastures & wind break and of the sunflowers that were sometimes grown in the fields to the North of us. When we move to the next step of our lifes journey, we will treasure this quilt because of the memories of your kindness, generosity and talent that go with it. We have been blessed to be a part of Glyndon Lutheran! We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for this lovely quilt that will remind us of our GLC family! Dawn Tommerdahl & Rob Quanbeck Thank you Pastor Jeni and everyone at Glyndon Lutheran Church for allowing my benefit to be held inside the church, Im very thankful to have great friends and family and to be a member of Glyndon Lutheran for many years to come. Thanks again. Dan Kemper

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Cluster 6 Spring Gathering Faith Lutheran Wolverton, MN Thursday, April 26, 2012 Registration at 5:30 p.m. Dinner and Meeting at 6:00 p.m. Cost: $8.00 Pre-registration is required

Stewardship Workday
April 3
Esther Circle Apr. 19 at 1:00 p.m. Hostess: Lois Bekkerus Bible Study: Lois Bekkerus Mary CircleApr. 17 NO Meeting

Volunteers for APRIL

Sunday April 1 Sunday April 8 Sunday April 15 Alyson B Jaiden C. Sunday April 22 Ian B. Brandon A. Sunday April 29th Quilters April 3 Jamie Swenson & Val Arends

Acolytes Amanda L. 7:00 Braydon Jake R. C. Alex B 9:30 Sam H., Michael K.


Lorraine Langseth

None Needed

Cary Anderson

Jessica LangsethKemper

Kari Myhre

Comm. Asst.

Ron & Marilyn Labrensz

7:00 Cary & Britta Don & Alvina Anderson Lein 9:30 Cindy Henriksen, Nanci Heuer 7:00 9:30 Karen Norman & Family Vonnie Anderson, Britta Anderson, Cary Anderson, Sara Anderson

Deb Langseth Jessica LangsethKemper

Marvel Jones

Altar Guild Cory Miller

Ushers & Coffee Servers

Jennifer Lee Jenny Askelson

Dan & Deb TJ & Kay Hopkins Langseth, Dan Kevin & Kim An& Jessica Kem- derson & Grace per

Volunteers still needed, sign up in the office if you can lend a hand! [email protected] or 218-498-2368. Thank you for serving! Together we are the body of Christ.

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April 2012
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9:00 Worship 3:20 Girl Scouts No Sunday School 10:00 Palm Sunday Breakfast Kris at Sr High Youth Gathering
8 9

9:00 Stewardship Workday 9:30 Staff Meeting

8:20 78s Confirmation 3:15 5th Communion Bread Baking 5:30 NO Meal 6:30 NO Worship 7:30 NO Education

11:45 Ministers & 7:00 Good Presidents Meet- Friday ing Worship 7:00 Maundy Thursday Worship


7:00 Worship No Sunday School 8:00 Coffee & Fellowship 9:30 Worship

3:20 NO Girl Scouts

8:20 NO Confirmation 5:30 NO Meal, Worship, or Education 6:30 Council Meeting

12 13 9:00 New Life Center Prayer Breakfast


Office Closed all Week

16 17 18 19 20


9:00 Worship 10:15 Education

3:20 Girl Scouts 9:30 Staff Meeting Newsletter Deadline 7:30 No Mary Circle - Cluster 6 Meeting

8:20 78s Confirmation 5:30 Meal 6:30 Worship 7:30 Education

1:00 Esther Circle @ Lois B. 11:30 Youth worker Lunch

Youth Stock Week

22 23 24 25 26 27


9:00 Worship 10:15 Education

3:20 Girl Scouts

Kris & Jeni at Youth Worker Retreat at Pathways 30

5:30 Cluster 6 8:20 Confirmation 5:30-7:30 Senior Recogni- Gathering at tion Potluck and Worship! Faith Lutheran in Wolverton


9:00 Worship 10:15 Education

3:20 Girl Scouts

Glyn don L u the r a n C hur ch

414 Parke Ave PO Box 38 Glyndon, MN 56547

Change Service Requested

Phone: 218-498-2368 Fax: 218-498-0186 E-mail: [email protected]

the web! Were on ran.org donluthe glyn

Glyndon Lutheran Church is a Christ-centered community church, nurturing the faith of all generations.

Spring Worship Schedule

Sundays at 9:00 a.m. Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.

Please check the bulletin boards and calendar on the website to sign up for serving opportunities (teaching, ushering, acolyting, stewardship workday, reading, communion stewards, etc.)

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