Holy Week Worship Schedule: Palm Sunday Good Friday
Holy Week Worship Schedule: Palm Sunday Good Friday
Holy Week Worship Schedule: Palm Sunday Good Friday
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Council Minutes
Glyndon Lutheran Church Council Meeting Feb 8, 2012 Members Present: Jeff Wallin, Pam Rudolf, Kris Johnson, Pastor Jeni, Wanda Peterson and Cindy Henriksen Devotion/Check-in/GLC Mission Statement Secretarys Report: A correction was noted to the January secretaries report that Calvin last name was listed as Johnson and should be Carlson. Read and Passed. Treasurers Report: Read and Passed. Pastors Report: Things continue to go well for me here at GLC. Colin and I are heading into some unknown waters as his job at Trinity Lutheran comes to a close in July, but we feel very well anchored by the Glyndon Community. We thank you for your prayers and words of encouragement as Colin seeks his next call. It looks as if I might get to stay here for quite some time! January has been one of my best months as a pastor so far. I have felt energized by the community and focused to do the work at hand. Theres so much to be done. Ive had a great month of visits. Ive made it to Eventide, the hospital, and many homes, having many cups of coffee and a few too many delicious desserts. Ive met with a couple who will be married at GLC in June. Ive gone to numerous basketball games and halftime dance shows and have had a great opportunity to visit with parents at their childrens events. My lunch card has been full too. What a great way to spend time! The more I get to know the people here, the deeper our ministry together becomes. I preached and presided at worship on 1/22, 1/29 and 2/05 (Sundays) and 1/18, 1/25, 2/01 and 2/08 (Wednesdays). I was glad that the congregation welcomed Pastor Tom Schlotterback into the pulpit on 1/15 while I was at the First Call Theological Education event at Concordia College. There I gathered with other first -call pastors and heard solid lectures and engaged in meaningful conversation about the church and our peculiar call as pastors within it. This was my second of three years that I will attend First Call Theological Education; I can tell you that it is a good gift not only to me, but to the congregation as well. Confirmation is back in full swing after a post-Christmas hiatus. I continue to teach 19 7th graders. It has been really helpful to have the help of volunteer parents and grandparents. We worked our way through the Old Testament in the fall and are journeying with Jesus in the Gospel of Mark this Winter. We learn through telling stories, asking questions, making plays, and using our creativity. We are also teaching the students how to look up Bible verses by playing Bible Basketball, a game that requires the students to look up Bible verses in order to take a basketball shot for candy. Administratively we continue to make some changes that will help us run more smoothly. I have been working with the Council to shore up Internal Controls, Evaluate the staff, and start to get some building projects going. Still no change in finding an organist, and despite one major kink in our schedule, we have been able to schedule organists and pianists through April. While some of our organists are quite gifted and talented, others are in the learning stages and are developing through being at GLC. Thank you for your patience and hospitality throughout. I will be on vacation/continuing education February 9th through 14th in New Orleans for the ELCA Youth Extravaganza. I look forward to great worship, engaging speakers, and time with Colins family in New Orleans. Im taking part of the time as continuing education (2/9-2/12) and part as vacation (2/13-2/14). Thanks to Jeff Wallin for stepping in to preach and lead worship on 2/12 and 2/15!
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February 2012
Funds Available (as of March 15, 2012) General Fund Designated Funds: Food Pantry Sunday School Memorials Missions Adult Education Childrens Ministry Mission Possible Bucket Youth Bible Camp Properties Team Improvements (Gave GLC Foundation $5,000. that came in for improvements) $ 2,653.92 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 239.15 450.83 520.00 33.00 640.00 (to be paid out) 168.31 95.00 $ 392.61
$ 1,673.19 $ 25.00
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Youth Notes
Bible Camp
Registration Forms are in the Pathway Brochures in the Narthex, there are also some brochures in the office. Please send registration directly to Pathways. You may also register on line at www.pathwaysbiblecamps.com. Credit Card payment required for those registering on-line.
Confirmation Camp
GLC pays for 1/2 of the required Confirmation camp fees (the first time only). Camp dates this summer are July 29- August 3. If these dates have conflicts contact Kris ([email protected]) Camp fees$325. 00 GLC pays $162.50 Parents pay $162.50 ($100.00 of which is due with Registration) Your balance (of 62.50 for first timers) for summer programs are due by June 1st at Pathways office.
Vacation Bible School this year. Pathways comes to Glyndon Lutheran For those who are in Kindergarten this year through 6th grade! June 25th-29th
Pathways sends teams of staff members, spreading lots of laughter, excitement and energy for Christ to us! The team pairs up with members from your congregation to provide a unique ministry filled with games, worships, arts & crafts, Bible experiences, field trips and much more! Cost is $40 [a $20 nonrefundable deposit is due at the time of registration]. Registrations can be found in the Narthex or email Kris.
Elementary Classic
4th & 5th grade Camp for all kids entering 4th & 5th grade, will be August 5-10th. You will enjoy playing in Gods beautiful creation, worshipping, camping out, and hanging out with your friends and counselor! You will also get a chance to experience our low ropes course! Grow in your faith and make memories at camp this year.
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We send our love and prayers that God will bless you richly in 2012.
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Members of our Glyndon family that we will be praying for in April are:
Apr 1LeRoy & Lorraine Muhle; Orville Muhle; Our sincere Christian sympathy is extended to Robert Muhle; Gary & Kari Myhre, Cullen; the family and friends of Apr 8 Michael & Nichole Myhre, Keagan, Wyatt, Jayden, Peyton; Shirley Nappe; Frank & Cindy Neisen, William Lass Madelyn Vince Wastweet Apr 15 Brad & Dawn Nelson; Craig & Paula Nelson, Dane, Kjersten; Kevin & Nancy Nelson; Jim & Lovila Krueger Karen Norman Apr 22 Theresa Nygaard, Kaila, Kelsey, Kade, Kole; Barry & Lori Oberg, Jared & Carolyn; Lloyd Olson; Apr 29Monty & Susan Olson, Cody, Kyle, Cayla; Eternal rest, grant, O Lord, and light perpetual shine. Dan & Korri Olstad, Jesse, Jace; Claude & Kari Oppegard, Emily, Ashley, Andrew;
Betsy Anderson, Pelican Rapids MN Iris Barta, Senior Apartments on Riverside Drive Margaret Kingren, Eventide Orville Muhle, Eventide Lloyd Olson, Emmanuel Assisted Living (DL)
April Birthdays
1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 Kaila Nygaard LeAnn Cummings, Ryan Hamernik Brittany Blickenstaff, Alicia Thompson Malvern Jacobson Jim Norman Cory Miller Tom Palya Alex Fuchs, Barry Oberg Emily Behrens, Mariah Henriksen, Nancy Nelson Isaac Dally, Marilyn Lass Nick Kosen Barb Roelofs Kade Nygaard Sally Tanner Matt Aakre, Cullen Myhre, Joanne Stine, Roger Wyland 18 Emma Browning, Berna Schultz 19 Meghan Ellingson, Cindy Henriksen, Morgan Tollefson 20 Winter Brendemuhl 21 Trent Bekkerus, Brett Meyers, Emily Oppegard, Ashley Oppegard, Gary Wyland 23 Jean Mahlum 25 Michael Myhre, Katie Peterson 26 Dawson Hoban, Korri Olstad, Barry Orvik, Ashley Richards 27 Olivia Boyd, Teresa Radtke, Kristi Rudolf, Parker Vinje 28 Daniel Olstad 29 James Taves 30 Shane Kosen
Happy Birthday!
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General Fund Joe Fuchs in memory of Hallie Behrens Gordon & Lois Wyland in memory of Marcella Brinley Don & Alvina Lein in memory of Hallie Behrens Dan Skolness in memory of Marcella Brinley Dan Skolness in memory of Keith Brendemuhl LeRoy Babolian in memory of Hallie Behrens Russ & Lois Bekkerus in memory of Hallie Behrens Verle & Joan Rinke in memory of Hallie Behrens Roger & Joan Stenerson in memory of Hallie Behrens Mary Hanson in memory of Hallie Behrens Darlene Sandal in memory of Will Lass Russ & Lois Bekkerus in memory of Will Lass Gordon & Lois Wyland in memory of Hallie Behrens Doug Krabbenhoft in memory of Hallie Behrens Andrea Rootham in memory of Helmet Behrens Todd & Tracy Tollefson in memory of Odean Nappe Lois Seter in memory of William Lass Lois Seter in memory of Hallie Behrens Lorraine Muhle in memory of Evelit Jegtvig Tom & Linda Pavola in memory of Evelit Jegtvig Russ & Lois Bekkerus in memory of Evelit Jegtvig Mary Hanson in memory of Evelit Jegtvig Shirley Wear in memory of William Lass Sunday School (Childrens Ministry) Archie & Sally Tanner in memory of Mary Lou Pender Remodeling Fund Tracy Kuehl in memory of Dale Kuehl
Missionary Fund Curt & Jan Gytri in memory of Hallie Behrens Kay & Dennis Nelson in memory of Hallie Behrens John & Luanne Gytri in memory of Hallie Behrens Susan & Wade Allen in memory of Hallie Behrens Gordon & Lois Wyland in memory of Hallie Behrens Paul & Amy Naseth in memory of Hallie Behrens Paul & Barbara Sogden in memory of Hallie Behrens Bruce & Esther Ellingson in memory of Hallie Behrens Curt & Kristi Leach in memory of Hallie Behrens Kurt & Patricia Fischer in memory of Hallie Behrens Dan & Carol Johnson in memory of Hallie Behrens Darrel & June Barth in memory of Hallie Behrens Duane & Bev Baker in memory of Hallie Behrens Ernest & Marilyn Wahlgren in memory of Hallie Behrens Nathan & Amber Huseby in memory of Hallie Behrens Arlene Rehder in memory of Hallie Behrens Duane & Bev Baker in memory of Hallie Behrens Denise Norris in memory of Hallie Behrens Quilters Pat Lynde-Hemmah in memory of Hallie Behrens Marvel Jones in memory of Hallie Behrens James & Pauline Litch in memory of Hallie Behrens YouthNew Orleans Trip Roger & Kathy Haugen in memory of Hallie Behrens Food Pantry Tom & Sherry Watt in memory of Hallie Behrens
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Cluster 6 Spring Gathering Faith Lutheran Wolverton, MN Thursday, April 26, 2012 Registration at 5:30 p.m. Dinner and Meeting at 6:00 p.m. Cost: $8.00 Pre-registration is required
Stewardship Workday
April 3
Esther Circle Apr. 19 at 1:00 p.m. Hostess: Lois Bekkerus Bible Study: Lois Bekkerus Mary CircleApr. 17 NO Meeting
Acolytes Amanda L. 7:00 Braydon Jake R. C. Alex B 9:30 Sam H., Michael K.
Lorraine Langseth
None Needed
Cary Anderson
Jessica LangsethKemper
Kari Myhre
Comm. Asst.
7:00 Cary & Britta Don & Alvina Anderson Lein 9:30 Cindy Henriksen, Nanci Heuer 7:00 9:30 Karen Norman & Family Vonnie Anderson, Britta Anderson, Cary Anderson, Sara Anderson
Marvel Jones
Dan & Deb TJ & Kay Hopkins Langseth, Dan Kevin & Kim An& Jessica Kem- derson & Grace per
Volunteers still needed, sign up in the office if you can lend a hand! [email protected] or 218-498-2368. Thank you for serving! Together we are the body of Christ.
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April 2012
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9:00 Worship 3:20 Girl Scouts No Sunday School 10:00 Palm Sunday Breakfast Kris at Sr High Youth Gathering
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8:20 78s Confirmation 3:15 5th Communion Bread Baking 5:30 NO Meal 6:30 NO Worship 7:30 NO Education
11:45 Ministers & 7:00 Good Presidents Meet- Friday ing Worship 7:00 Maundy Thursday Worship
7:00 Worship No Sunday School 8:00 Coffee & Fellowship 9:30 Worship
3:20 Girl Scouts 9:30 Staff Meeting Newsletter Deadline 7:30 No Mary Circle - Cluster 6 Meeting
5:30 Cluster 6 8:20 Confirmation 5:30-7:30 Senior Recogni- Gathering at tion Potluck and Worship! Faith Lutheran in Wolverton
Glyndon Lutheran Church is a Christ-centered community church, nurturing the faith of all generations.
Please check the bulletin boards and calendar on the website to sign up for serving opportunities (teaching, ushering, acolyting, stewardship workday, reading, communion stewards, etc.)