Our Town August 16, 1924
Our Town August 16, 1924
Our Town August 16, 1924
: • •
. '.
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. "."
PI f N B (llng i';lretindingl'lentytoellga~l.'their'l:lrlll'd
_________________________________ "ll"llli, ,11 the"e cb.1 ".
irl'III''( Ii-it t" h,'r 1111,1t-. \ar].ertl1 "tnl,'k a "l1ag at 1111:1' Trinil\ I,UllH'rall Cl1urch
Ill'. l'b;lrll'" 111,111,. In \ IlalJtic \\ a\ Ill' b~t ~aturda\, \I 11 ell lb'" with s'uilahle e'xerci"e~ will IIII"I.'rYe
LI _/' / / 7\ r , . ,I Ilreparatilln" Illr "\\ Yl1<lha11l l'III'. i"lk', "Ut II\1T" tre;lteli 11'l'ir glll'"I' Ill' 1:t1 lilt.: IIi tl1,· CIl1'1ll'1'"t(1I1e of
I7 a~'frJ orr a II( 1., a rocrtll 1::lir," \I bich II ill \1(> held (lcllllwr' . >11' 1'1 illljllllit"!I, 111 f;I'-,·. the\' th, ir II~'\I cllur,·h. 1111\1' il1 I,rlll'l'''~ of
To Blli/rl at > . , ';11 \Ii,- I':"" rt·,idellce in Hr~n: \11'. alll] .'dr, :-:Ie\lalt \l1dl'1" hallded the 1:,:r"u;:llile- ;111 11,;: lTeclilll1 at the cortllT IIi \\'oIHlhine
i,A'azoe !)orolljl,-h 1JII'IItJ l .\1,1\\r.cIII.l1illlll·" -1~':ldily, \Ir,. ,I" '1111 ancl dau~llln, Il"r',lit.l. :Ir,· 111 ,I"le;tI, .,: ,qrlll'T'tll ;II\,IIU,'-, 011 :-:l'j,te11l-
A ~'eJl!{l'J ; Mllst i \uhre\ ~11tl'<11. 11\ .\rdnlclre, I~;'I'(,;III l'it~. '(1\11' '1'0\111· .... -I",rtillg depart- "r ,;11.\3'1" \1 .da~lighl,~a\ing
, \ . , IIJIII1l1111er IIf thi, "1 ell 1. ,1t'1l1 ha' l1eell l1ittill:,: on IIlIh' I'IH' tilll'"
'\n announcenll'nt uf • grl'at l11ter- \ actlYe (chl'ck11lg) account. ()\'('r"I \1 , , " . , ' 1O'l' ;11(('l1tl1111
. ,b I'elll~.Y
. I \11' '11111 \11'- 1:1·'ll·'t \.. I' ""1' "1111,1"r . ' . I ". 1'''1''1'" ',1'1'1 ,'II','ltl'I'll' .'11'(' 11')\\'
" ~,I' '"111
" ' till'· 1"1'1 II \\ I "III
1.',1 and 1111llorlance to ;\arlJerlh ,"",a" I I" 100 q\'llIg" , <lccount" 'I art'
' l'ntl'T"'d,
,"IIl'1I til t'e 1 '
\arl<:U' l' 1all" I' I,r kin" . ,;111'!
. .,011.. ':1',,'11,
. . , )1,111' 1'1'1111",I"I!
' ,." 1;11 Ill'ltl'r tll'lll . "I' II \\." '11111' 'I' I 11111:"1' \1:1\ til n':II." Illi, all I ,'ca"ion
.. '
11.'\cll' ..
\l',tncl;I\' 11\ the :'Ilertoll I ilk, .,,·arll'. a Ihll\l ..alld ll1'1 ..tllla' Cluh 11';1';lng ~ I' t IH' "(',t'!' () Ut -t 1It·- \. "t, ' .. ;'1'.'111 a 1;lcatioll I al \ 1·l1tll"r. \,1. ' .rt!"t• I,f IIllrd,.
, ' "\ \. ,- IIi 'I'C·,·,;11 , ,~g;,illl';llh" ill Ihl' hi"te>ry
I' II. , (,';ll1i-
~ I ru't. lllll1llall\.
It rl'lal'·" til
' I 'II' \ the: ,'''I'd, ;11'(' . 110\1' l'tlrrl'nt.
. ' ' C;lll1\,;II~'l1 ;1 ,\1'·C'·_-. Th,·\ art' l'1I1t'rt;lil1ill~ \11'. and' . ·;tr,'-. e<:'l'n"iclt'nl "i II1l' 1ca~ul'. I
I" II ,. ,'lilr,', ) ·,'1 ll'r(' II I,
'1' I ll' a
,!:tn" Ilir , ..a 11<:11 . JIll I III~. III 10\1-l' ~III1 ,. III Ihe-" 11"lln"
,., III l'1I11r,l'
., \1 r". l' I' . I''11\1 11'1'. II I' ",. :11·1 ,('I,tl I, \1 r~ .I' ,hll ~t", k!Ja11l :llld \1 I' 111 l!e-cril.e the -bughlt'r, ILlrk: I ~ I .\ III \I'L'II \,a"-
11111111 'I'I' II I' \ I' 'I't'll
Ithl' ;\CII\'lt\l"
.. 01 l' tl1('
I llrll'I'l'nlu~
I IIlerbl'
' )Jlll ;1 cllll1l,art-1I11 \Iilh thl' 1\ 1'II 1- . CI '
lalrlllall II I'tl Ie "(',(' I - ()ut ' !\IC ' I larc I .\1 ;Iddllck II h" II1111"rl'd ThreJll"h lhl' 11Il'diu11l oi ,-r,l,hl'll<> tors ." from the \icillit,\' .lI'ho m;I,\' ]Iar-
Jral1c 11 II ff 1l'l' \\ IIl'I 'l'n l" tIl' I 111111111('
.1' . oi.hlllilie,
. ill Ihl' ,'Illll' I IIt' \. II 1e " Cll1111111'tl ('e l' or tIle 1111111 I '"rt-111 l\1th Ilhi" . I" , I.. , I ', , 1 , tlclpate 111 tIle e"•.;e, 1"1 ,e",,l. 11 .L,..,-
' II"
Illlllllil~ I, 1111''fe''tlllg, Ll'a~tle, ,a~l"lll' att ll' n{.: It tll1·I.',all' 1'(lI\'- 111<11,1'" 111- IIf ClI \IIin'- I\'ill he
Ibllrough,. . \1 "lItl!"l1H'1'\ l'III1I1I\' .',.
Hea!lzlIIg tha.t Ihe 11:tllklllg ac,III11-1 'l'hi" ;1-lIlili"hill,1! t.:rl,I\[h Ita" l'l'l'l1 I l'll',ih' IIccupi,"! orl!al11Z1I1g E, k. i- "11 .1 lhn'\' \Ir~. 1~;llIlT l·~·ill1:h::::lc~~111\\<~llIl'th~\"III;11111,~,lc\I:\:.::~··
:ra'II" 1 i'l 1'1' \ . ' 1\ \1l'lhorl1. of
1110datlolh III '\arl>l'rth \l'l'1'l' el1tm'- i 01111' ;t1l1ll1't l'l1tirl'iI' to the eH(lrt" 'l'I'I,I1"ltlillt the n'l1l1t\ : and \Ir". 1I'('ek trip tbl' :-:lItltlt I I tltl·"t1~lt
. " , 1:' I '. f' " -, 1'ltibelc1l'hi:1. Iloat \\·ill rl'l1dn ~ 1I1u~ic
ly illac!t-Iltlate tl11.' \Iertoll 'I'llit' ~';llld l'n-III1:tlity ;,f \11'. !Jalli('1 \\'i]ii~1l1 \1. (;c'!l111allt1. "f ('\,11' Il'rt I. hr.. t- 1;( t c 1;1 1,11 !' ICIh (j tIl' of ;1 "lIjlLTior IIrdt'r. 1111lkr the
'j' t {' I II 1\11'1'11 ( Ill" 1'1 t II ' I ' I 1 ~ \1:1111 LillI." I. eag 111:., 111 the b:t.~l'hall 1...·\I!l·r-lll·l) CI!' \1 r". I. '-,', ('.I·I'II,·lrcl,
~ '''. I ,"IlL I. II ,Ill, a, ;11111111111cel :'Ilr. \\':tlli" I~IIi!t-a\l i" a\I:II' i(lr
f\1;. '- (II IJ>a y ' h ;1,,1 II 1'11. 1I'1t" i" ,.hair111:J1l I,i the ,.( ,et·
lI'inler 11t'1!0liall'el the I'urdl:t;.e III IlIeel. ill thl"(' ,'IIhI11111", h:,' 1>1'('11 ()l1t-111(,-\'''le'' c"111ll1ittee i"r three ;11 lh(' 'l'a,h"n'. wl:l'k~ at :\ last
director of the ~a111C Jd:t~ed a~ne Lutherall Sat~Il:'. ~ari)crth
thl' y, \1, C. ,\.Il\lilelillgotl Ilan-r- :,In.ted trt';I'l1rlT oi th(' "olllpan~.
1,1 \1(,1' \I'Till'l to\\'l1"hip. "p;lr- i~ <I,ly:ltt<:rnn(lll :--core. II to,). ht· ,hc::r, :Itld il1 ;,,:d1:il'11 a "(lntralto
fllrd. a\l'I1\1", It \Ia, t11l'lllhl'lr ' 111-'' I\Ir 1 l."it,.·1t Ila" .i11 ,'harge I 1IIi till'
' nil ,.tT"n in arr:Jlll" il;~
r ill',,' b1,1:In,',
i l I' l ' ! \.. .aldlld1 elr,,\,' til \I<lh,n lit the :'len ~ llub frol11 nl('n thealld t1e;lr,\ -lIln \I'ill ' 11'~'1I ~atl'tl(,~ t1~\\.
\Ir,. '11.111"
Ill' 'I'll' ;,1,1'I 11111111 .\1-
'11 \'111'l',t- 111a:,I~'" '\1n~
~ent1ll11 til 1'l't1HIl 1\ (. t II" I II''' t t 111111' 'I' 111.1<11 I II, 1"1,c11lng cay,. \\]('11 t It·1 III :1lJ1,,':t1 to th,· ielcal, (Ii 1'\I'I'\!I a"t 1I('('k-ellel III !'rill"- hal·k hi- all of thl'l11 tigured"il.1 Ihe ~,"llrill'~' ''I, ,. I II, ,III '. -11' 1,'1" - 11',".1 II ,. Ill"'C]
11110 a ,'Ollljl t I('tl:jatl. ' 11 I ul' '\. t ~".a .r 'I1)1';llll'I 1 1\ ;1,I ,UI ;111 l'xl'l·1'1l1ll'11I. ani:
1\1 t "rlh 1 llatri"tic ,.il;i'etl anel I>rin~ •,ut tbr I '1",:IIt'r anel 1']'Illhl'r" ;111.] "i"tl'r" .111 eX;l111l'k of. dhcIl'11l·Y. luI' till' sa,y 11 0 Ihil1_.<T furtl]('r,
l~l.g. ljU:lr er, III 11', .I I('
1-,1.:1- .'C"11 111' 111:I11al!"r (,\'l'r "lIlC" t lat Ilar,",c'''t jl,,,,-il,J",II,tr in ~1l1'l'111J,c,r, .,11" hall' 111'1'11 -lle'1'li11~'.~ -,:'nal \.oullgl·r ,gl'l1er:ll!oll til ,,11'1\'(' :1 f ter " "]l<' 1':1'1111- IIi Ii:<' 1111111 \\ill he
. · \ n'cellt. 1 t nlltllg II
litI the .\11111'11(·\ till"
, I he call11'all!II cara\'an \I.JI] I • 1'('1.;" lhnL'.
\11'. I.('i" h 1J:I' ]1("'11 all "1111 \'c'" I ""T\' the "1H"'1:'CI 1 1:1r (';111 111 \·"tc I
'11:l' .;tralg
111'. Ittil time"
lh.l· '\C
\ I I
Jlbtter .eo.
\1 I
alldnr\,11\'e :t~1.cd
lY ,,",' to he 1,1' prt'"cnt
111- !,,'I'and,'1', through
111','11'1\' the
,ellera CJ
(111'111ltenal1CC 1'111\1": lallla
of 'ranch IItltce" h\' I _"11 'Iof thl' 1' 1';1I11
1 1I111 I ' I~ fl,r \l'ar".
. .Ilc' I " C.·\C'fI· (,"11111\' "i 1't'III1'\'l\·allia.
" \11'. I ;llId . \11'''' \. \\'. l'n'd,TI"],', ,'r,lIght tlllle- did he 1:~10ck Ol1t a \'itatioll i" t.:i"·11 III ;111\ ;111 I ail the I' -
• . J 1 I]~ ~tart('( a . . a l()o1...l...l'cper. progre . . . ..;,l11g -------- I (It I a\Tr1()rd ;l\l'lltll', are at BllCI h'~""(' Llo\\': a t101,le ('1Iort (;,Cl<lOlll \ I . .. . tIle
trust C011l11a111('S
. ., . 10\\'('\'('1'
'1 10 C" I I ' I
t lrllllg 1 \,;II')(l\b I el'arln1t'lIh to hl~
. .
Firemen In Series.
' I . .
II ill 1< a1l~. I a.
, \("llnlled ·tllIng thl.' \1'1111 I ille ] Lb
1"- .. , "' • I' ,'- I ,,' '11'11 1Il
that tru~t C011lpa111e~ 111u~t 1:t\'(' a . . ser\'lce.
, _. 1 I" '1"1 l'fl·"ell[ 1I11\'lIrtant PIISt. .\t the tnne
l'.\,rn·ol1c \\ lw has the chanre \ D [
--" . c(l1leaglle~
. , • "
\\ere 111(1"1 diligent aho 111
• . ,
I' I' ·1 1" 111,'11·,' tll1'- a tl'Il1e
as VOI1] 1r. 1 ~a\\TenCl' I la\ h \1h keell1l1~',
. ,. certa1l1 hxel
trallsact ulbllle~S all'
l' 1 '1""
pale 1111tl·'\\ Ile
TI t
1 I to
lIS I' :tce IS
' CI f l'
l '
II' «\11011
l',I"t \\(e,
IIrer. 1l' \\':t~ assIstant treasurer,
., I. ,h
, tre.\~- . " rl1n 10 a fire. ~lIrelv
. ;
hear the oln sIren hlo\\' ltS \\'arn-
. ,ac Ie or la
I!I 1'1
II' 11 e
I),' collecll11" the old base-hit" . each'lllel' 0 t' t.I"' .
. :' (l"e,'II'I: e\'l'ryolle h:\\·ill.g at .ll·.I"t on(', with I n;I11". ill Ihe ,['lad 111~o111i'e IIf their
r" ans'" .' 1
P .111111'1IIIt 1'111\ , II' II'" 1.llt11-
' "
111,.,,;, 0\1 (r~p ~ our \\ or I t Ie ~{j I.' exception oj .l' Iy
\\'here 111 I Ie
111 thc la\\' IS a 11\' a\ltllllrtty I ' l '
la no- .\ ]'('"ic1t'llt I I (If 1 :'Ilr,
f' ' « . 1 . • k ani 1 fnl- Cltv the are 111 I 1 I f () I) 011- !illi,;J1l'c1 church building-. hilt to all
. f . t ' l .eltc 1 I~. :111C la~ )('C·lI. one 0 It~ lo\\' the enor111e~ ;10:; fast as ynu can ' ' Inel,I,' , . , ' of. tIle l)nO[Jle of Clllr t,)\\'ll \"I~o ,~re
, bUSlll<:'"''
I\S ,or a tru~t I1\' e~ta , I~ \ling
II' "1 Jranc Ile~ 11I0st actl\e
to ex elll ., ,
f (' CItIzen". 'I
II '
l' e IS a f me1l1- to watch l
" 'the'
', ' , .fio-ht
. the COl11l11ander ~1Ja\\ and ial11ih': II Ie h r~ 1-la 1 If cl It
11 tl Ie,I \\'1.11 IlIg til n'JIlICl' \\ 111 I
1 lll'II1 "1
In tIe
outSll I' (l I Ie pace c e~lgIHItec 111 t'
· . I' 'f']' 1 I ' l ' I)er 0 1H1I1CI.
\. \1 £" \ a CIrector 0 tIe t . Aameo:; ", And vou knn\\' how \\'ell hale returned il'<'l11 a ml)tilr triJ'J () e1'1l~gs 0 I j'f" f]) )roo,.;e clr 12, lIlIg e~.,conllng 01 Ill.'lr r:'\\arc lor ~ Ie, I-
1. f \' 1 I . • I . l ' I 1'£
. .Clarter.
ItS I }11~' .jma ' I (ILlU11l \'. 1Itl11g
" ortner,
\11 "';.\illl'. . Prolc'lant
'-. " " a vestryman F)isco)al a those\ :\'arhrrth . hnvs' can fight. ,through \ew J':nglalld, The~ 1HI t \\·ltlI ~l1l'n l on la.;e~ t11.' Il 01 l 111a~- Itll·l1t.' 1 1'lit cl~lgltlll,
11 1 1 \\'111',I III ~('cur·
that \\'hether the charters of trust'. "~ ~' '1' I . fany the tl1ne they have heen ap- ~pent three \\'e('k~ 011 their farm tel' \\'a~ tIghter thall a yorus plaster IIIg a 11l·att11111Il·lmr.-h h"nle'.
mlY\Illes , 1la\'e I)een amen I Iec I or (ht1lTh. and a dlrec10r of four plaudeci for their rapid re"J)ono:;e . . '11t ~('Iltll .'\111111·1·'.'t. \I,'l.~.". In ra1l1Y wea tl llT, ..... 1 rll l,1111:n
co t t ' , , ' 1j' I I.' 1.'111 tl Ie e .ta I) !)]Jilding. and loan a~~oriations: the to rall~ . .~"~n(1 tl1el'r cle\'er han(lll'n 't-
rr -' ,,"' could get on but they couldn t get At Races,
n.o , ]ley arfe
lts 1111ent 0 1ranc 1 1 0 ffi ces to~ '1-
,(0111 t 11.' Earh' J . l\faturing,
\1' 1of e l l the1 (If tl1 n,~
:\rd1l10re: 'hoo:;n I'n kl'lll'n , rr a hlaze he-
..,' ' \f r, and :\1 r~. \\. altl'r Lent and aro\lnd. and that's the rea~on that The hor~(' race" at Belmont
l _' l ' 1 I ' '1 >.' .ower. erion, I Ie )\,cr )roo.; anc fore it haci time to get yiciou~. toda.\' the ~Iain Line Lea_."ue kader- ,1;ICk la t \\'ednesdav were of-
1 tl
the principal place of busil1ess of 11.'. ar Je~ 1 . . , ~ow you have a cha~ce to see l11f1t0r trip and vacation in ~Iaine, ~hip is divided into three equal parh ficially opened by \la~ ~r \ \'. Free-
pace (eslgnatel
I 111 t lelr ( larter ,lS tl .?\ • Jeannt<tte hal e returned jrll111 a "
1 . .
the corporalion. :"Ir, LeItch IS stIll offiCIally 111 these ~ame fire-.fil!hters In ~ battle consisting of \\'ayne, :\'arberth and land Kendrick.
In the matler of the l\lerion Title l'1,large of th~ .local bralll'!l, although (If a dIfferent k1tl(1. The FIre De- ~I r. and :\fr~, I:m',l T. I~arnard Bala-Cynwyd, Brooke's grealest ~lay()r Kendrick was aCcum-
&: Trtlst Company the .\ttorney hI" new. pOSItIon calls hnll to :\rd- partment ha!'. org~nize~1 a hase- have returned ir" ;l1a mutor trip effort ca111e in the ~ixth il1ning. and panie;1 in hi~ hox hy Charles
Ceneral further rul~d that "place of more, ~o regular manager I~as bee!1 hall team. whIch 1tl spIte of the O\'er the \[oh:1I\ k Trail and tl' \\'a~ a radiant ~el11 of the pure~t (;rakel,,\\' and 11\ Edll'ard L'IClJ,
busines~" meant Lower \Ierion "lelect~l:,;l11dImlaY/llllt l?le III~tll rresl- lateness. of the seas~n and ~he Rostun. They are entertaining pitching. Kane and Dickie, the !irst his secretan-, wh'o is a rl'~ident of
Township and inasl1luch as ~ar- (ent 1C Ian .'. amI ton s rcturn. ~hort. tl1ne spent 111 practIce, :'II r. and \1 r~. Lnl rence C. Bar- t\\'o Narberth hitters in the inning. \arherth. 'J n addition there was
berth is a separately incorporaled :'\t the p~~sent,.tnl1e :'Ifr: Robert 1\1. pro.ml!'es. to pt,tt over some ex- nard, of \\'infield, Kan<;as, and singled-the one tll the right, the a lar~e contingent oi pl.liticians
borough the ~arberth office came \V!lc1an IS asslsl~nt m,l11ager, and plolts whIch will he the equal of '[ I 'I . Ell' JL I I other to the kft, Then on nine frum the cit \' .
\fls \nn W K k' 1 " 1 l' l' I h' ., r. anI" rs. • lutt hlrnan an( , h ' 1 1 1 II ])
~.' Ir IS c er,,:, , Ja~,
..I 1.
• within the "pale" .of the. ru!ing and . ,s' t lOse ac llcveC 111 t 1e rell s lrts little Patty Lou, "f 1':ansas City, stralg t llltc lec ,roo,.;e Mayor Kentlrick ~tarted the
. 111 Its I)res-
" Thet' poslt10n
." of1 treasurer1 l1lc1ucies 1-n(l hem lets. - . r"'ansaS 1,. 110 motnre( 1 a II t h' (' fannecl \'ernon Fleck, Da\'is and first race~-a mile <lash for three-
f:e~t~ 1\( I(ontro 0tyerf tIel entIre They han' alread~' held thr~e way fron'l Kansas in a hi" l>1l1e Yowell. three of the strongest hit- \'ear-olds and up,
sl10tlld l)e . w
ent form,
It was the genc l opinion that Mn lIlg I epartn~e~l 0 t 11.' com- tTames. anci are plannmg olhers 111 nuick ,., ters in the league. That was pitch- , :\fter the races there was a din-
Karberth could best be served by pany. and superVISIon ~ver the t\\:o the near future, .\nd they want . ing'. ner at the Cl'neral \\'a\'ne Inn, at-
the maintenance of a branch office branch office~, !hu~,l'\ arberth \~'I!I vou to rrnwd to see them on the I'rocceding to the manu facturing tenlkd hy :'II r. Kl'nclr'ick and his
of a large cOl1l1)any such as the lOt I los,e l\f • r. I ~el.c t I1 ~I tller as ~ CI t 1- 1)asehall dIamond . wit I1 as muc 11 \\'ork on the nel\' \Ier\\'vn ' road of runs, \\'a.vne hell Jed themseh'e~
is makin{! slo\\' I)n ,.~res~ because
Merion Title & Trust Company z , , ~ a ,c lye 111 uence 111 11.' 111terest as you wou]( nlS to see to t\\'o in the first ~ession, ~Ianager
. en or a' nat A tl' 1 h
" "
rather than a separatl' institution 'd1'tlrs ' , of the 10'al I" hran Ch , t h em fi g 1lt are, fi T.00 k for t I1e llf the dela,v in la,vin.!! " water and \ick lI'a~ sa fe when H umphrie.; African Golfers Fined.
and the board of directors therefore sign across Haverford avenue gas mains. lIlisjuc1g-ed his high tly. Leo :\[m-
concluded that for the be~t interest
Seven de\'otees Ilf the gentle
whirh \\'ill tell you the dates of ph)' ,tarteel his string of safeties
of the people in Narberth al1l1 its TO BUILD NEW OFFICES the next games ano-CO\fE. The :\Ii~~ \Iargaretta Rnn\'lJn \\'ith \\·ith a one-haser to center, which ;ach 'anJC of crap' \\'l're tined *8.,jO
I,y \1ag'i~trate \\'alzer last
business so as to afford the com- proceeds are to he used to procure her niece, :\nllie \'an ,\llken and \'. Fleck kicked around, allO\ving
ll1unity the facilities and the re- ' Another Step In Narberth'S Bus], f f I
new nrniturc or tIe c uh muse, 1er nep e\\', 're, I I I h J~ I \' \ k
an. U 'en, are J)orsaneo 10 mO\'e up to third and " Frida. illr r"lling the festive
sources of a company big enough ness Growth, \'isiting in ~IHew~bury, \Iass, Leo to take second, l\lcCue sacri- LOllt·s I'ack IIf the "table un Eav-
to be of real sen-ice to it that they .\notl1l'r step in 1he rapid expan- Talks on Rabies. ticed \[,wager Xick home and Joe '.'r1llrd a\ ('Jllle llelo\\' Essex.
would move the :\ar " b ert I1 0 ffi" ce to . sion of Narberth's business section I) r. ]'..... .\f. C',:"Ita1ey, veler1l1anan, .. \1
,r. \\"111 h' I' JIll
C . C 'HI' k'IS at t I11' J)orsaneo dl( . I as muc I1 f or.1\1 urp111'. On the arri\'al of thl: Jl,,Jice, the
a point in Lower l\Ierion township, \\'as taken thi~ week, when ground ?\arberth. former director, division \ IIllte1 Traymore, :\tlantic City. '1'\\'0 runs on squeeze plays, players scattered and were the
subjects of a llum1>er of exciting
'1Ie property at t 111.' corner 0 f was broken for the new buildin[Y ~ of 0 f Iransml~Sl 1 I.' Ilseases, enllSY -
' '11 I' T) I Three more pairs of :'lien's Clt1b
aver or< anI .",· .~arb ert I1 avenues thl' Xarberth Coal and Buildin<T.... ya111a ' Rureau (J f : \Il1ma . I I n(1us t"ry, .\1 r. and '.drs, Charles C. :\la~(Jn brogans spiked the platter in the
chases. Police from :\rdmore
f I I came down to assist the local
on which the present log cabin is \Iaterial Company. hroadcast '~ message las.t night 1and their three ~(1n~. of Fore~t second. ()'Brien took a free wall,
now sltuatel , 1 was recent 1y pur- The nell' struclure. in I)art an en- f rom tIe 1 \\ anal11a I.;er statton, con- al'em1e, left \'e~terdaY for \\'il- to first on four of Yowell's had ones force ill the round-up, two
being caught (Ill Che~tnut avenue
C laSet rom;, "I r. \\"11' 'I la11l 1) , L' ,:"I11Ie, \ - large11lent of Ihe I)resent buildin .... , is cernlllg u . ra l'Jles anc I tl le supposell.-l re- I'lamspllrt, Pa .." where thev will be hut wa~ ni\lJ1ed at secon(l when
leyI and 1 fon thIS . property t I11.' 1\1' enon in the ~ame location, Narherth and I '
aUon IJel\\'een II' lIS II'Isease ani I" (og- I entertaineci . bv \1 rs, \Iason's , three Hemcher hit to the pitcher. O'])on- after a revolver had frightened
·It II' &. 'I' rust C ompany WI'11 erect 1l,l\'crford a\'ellues. The Ilit \\'as cays. I " l Irothers,' I t is as iar a~ the\' call nell got soaked in the ribs and there away some of their sprinting
aT mo( ern )an' JUI' '11'II1g I '
layltlg a 1\ dUR and llart of the foundation laid I) r. ,:"IlaL' Iey states t 11at w 111'1e pu ,1- a "Ford" to go. - \\'ere men on first and second, :\Ian- 1:t!I';It.
I .1 such k 1 ' for the new ~cale~. and the work of I'IC hea 11
the facilitIes as sa f e tl eposlt t 1 am1SImI " 1ar reports 111< . I'1- ager :\ick was safe on a tielder's
constrnction. to he done by \Villiam c:\t"~ . \'Jr, an,l \Ir~, .I0se;l\1 Lalllor- CJOlce,
b oxes, Sl ver s orage, coupon rooms. n. a11'1 H, T, S11Iedlc\:. will he
'1 t 111a, t tllere I'S "onsl'derahle rabies l' I'
)IC k''Ie t 11rowll1g . l'
11S groulH' I When Going Away.
conference rooms,··etc.I ' . f 'clartecl at 0111'1.', , in
I Ithe. l'nited II -r:- States, I a~d partictl- elle, of :\von roao. ~ailed "vester- er to [Iumphries for a force ' \Iut ofI The Lower \1 erion Police tlrge
ar y III Ie I~ast, tlere IS no occa- dav from .\n\\' \"lrk 'Ill tll(' ()'J)onnell. Leo l\Iurl1h,v s secon,
'he new scale~ is of the truck . ~ that when resident~ close Ul) their
twas tle ongllla 1I1tentlon 0 1
I'1" I & T f I I . 1 ,
t le Ierion It e . rust ~ol11pany. SIOl.l or a arm anI cer.ta1l1 ~ no oc- "1;'lfavetle" for Havre, France. ~ingle to center scored l-IenlCher anc!
I £"
I 1\ ' tl \. 7\1 C \ type of the newest de~ign. It is ~o f I l.l d hI 'll1e~ tl' ~n a way for lany period,
\\' en purc IlaS11lg le
.•. ,:, I 1 1 1
to remodel the !'econd oc,ed t lat leavy traffic of coal cause this happens to he the season!lll l 'lith.
caSlOn or unc ue anxIety Ju"l )e- Thev will he away for about a Dorsaneo. the hitter, taking secon
' u~eless
on the throw-in, from where I~oticl' he gi\ en the pl lice to that
floor of t 11.' I)U1'11' (l11g f or meetlllg ' trucks and husses \\'ill not J'ar the If the year designaled by ~ome a~, he scored on l'IcCuc's wallop to effect.
rooms for 1commtlnity activities and mechanism, The capacity is 4°,000 "do« davs." I ' I"ft If the officer on the heat knows
it is with a spirit of reluctance that pounds. .... . :'11'. and \Irs. Rohley .\. \\ ar- ~ Ilannv Hemcher took it upon that the hlluse j:-; ulloccupied !t is
they find it necessary to discontinue The I1t1ilding' will he of 25-foOI Dr. Faries Sells House. ,ner, uf Xarberth a\'enue, and \Ir. himsel( to personally account for \~'atched c
carefully a numher of
' IJroJec
liS . t I1Ut t1 ley assure tlI e fr.onla!!e,
.. with t\\"o lar«e .... disl)la.v 1'lle Jl(Jll1e of I·)r. Cl,lrell1'e 'I'. and 1\1 rs. Ed\\ ani Cnrrie, o f , s sixth run. w Ilen Ile II
\Vavne I aste( I tlll1e ., a (la\' '.,' ,n"11,1 ,
th"~ chalIce"'. ~ of
people of Narberth and its vicinity w1I1do\\'s, In the front \\'ill he a Faries, on the corner of 'Narherth Tioga, are on a two weeks' motor a f,;st ball clear up to AuduLon aw-\ bur;,;-lary 1111.11I1111I:e(\.
that the banking home to he erected larg-e office and dis1l1av room. hack and \\'indsor a\'enue~, \\'as recent- trip through the Xew England nue for an easy home-run. , . \ \ hen. g~lng a\\'ay, summ,er or
on the corner of Narberth and Hav- of which will be Ihe 'private office I II I 1 'I C 11 II' States, . . . ·arbertI1 ba'ts (11'(1 all tl1el'r effic'l- wmter, .It IS a matter of SImple
. f and store room, Y so ( t woug 1 ;v r. a (we s .'\ t t II tl ffi
erfoid avenues WIll be a source 0 office. ent ftlnctionin CT in the fifth inning, precautIOn 0 e le u cer on
pride to everyone III . the communIty . The second floor is to he finished The "snlcl" si~.' n un the Ilremises \Ir. and \Ir~, Ilarn- . '~. ,\lell( ) 1 . \ fter' ' C. ' Fleck ' grounded out your I)ea t , or to ca II ,r< \ Imore 20 .
an< wII. I IJe an . .,
IIlstltutlOn t Ilat a 11 for two offices, which will he rented. led many to the conclusion that .lnd family, oj CI1l'~tnut avenue, Brooke to O'Donnell, J{eilh: re- Death of Dr. Piersol.
I . b' . The windows in front will he of t h
can be prou(I 0 f ,It elllg distmctly Or.e '
Faries was 1)lannin rr to give have returned home from a ceived a free walk to first. .lKane
Dr. George A. Piersol, Profes-
a N ar b er tl1 enterpn se . ' casement Iype, with leaded glass,
r up his practice in Narberth, and
.... week's touring tril) throu.["h the
.~ singled to left, hut \"as out when
A Remarkable Growth.
• he desil!n of the building is red
lric.; with buff stucco pane s. In
1 mal1\,' ill(IUiries resulted.
muuntain:-;, They were the l!uests
f 1 ~,
:v rs. Rehecca Kirk and \Ii~s Dickie forced him at second base. l'ni\'ersitv (If l'ellllsvh'al;ia, who
sor Emeritus of .-\natomv at the
The announcement of the plans every way the new structure is ex- Dr. Faries expects to remain at :\Iire Kirk, of Cur\\'ensyille, Pa" Reilly taking third. Dickie stole died last 'week, was the father of
for a new building come as the re- pected to be a handsome addition to his present house until next June, and of Mr. and 1\1 rs, II al Post, second. V. Fleck inserted a timely Mr. \Villiam Burton Piersol, of
suIt of ~he truly wonderful growth the business community. In the meantime he plans to of Clarion, Pa. single to center. scoring two nms Avon road.
f t!1e Narbertl1 branch of tlle "0111. TI" fl' search for larger office quarters in and counted himsel f when Davis Dr. Piersol was the author of
O .,. liS IS, one 0 t Ie many 111lpro\'e-
pany. ments to the corner since the coal Narberth, with incr·eased facilities Miss Gladys McIntire IS recov- singled to port. Yowell ended the "everal ])o,-,ks IJl1 anatomy and was
Established on August 1, 19 1 5, business w,as. assumed by Mr. Ralph for the treatment of his patients. ering in ,the University Hospital rallv by flyinff to O'Brien. the successor to the famous Dr.
the branch started in a small store S. Dtl"ne .. In Aprt'!, 1922 • Tile cOll1- f0 II OWlIlg ' an operatIOn . f or appendl- , F o u r fsolidW base-hits. counted h three
' I kseph Leidy as head of the De-
at the corner of the old Arcade, op- nanv operates five trucks, with Milk Wagon Wrecked. citis. 1l1Ore or . ayne 111 t e SlXt 1. ')' rtl11ent (If .\natonlY.
posite the station. As the business modern attachments and numerou!' A milk wagon of the Highland Doubles by the Dorsaneo brothers,
grew, larger quarters were found improvements have been made to the Dairies, Bryp Mawr, was struck Don't forget to reser\'e the e\'e- I.eo ]Hurphy's fourth single and a
New Cars.
necessary, and the bank moved to "orner with the idea in the mind of by a heavy truck of the \\' awa ning' of September 1) for some healthy wallop by Pitcher Brooke.
its present quarters adjoining the Mr. Dunne to extend the influence Dairies on :\'fontgomery aVenue peaches and cream .at the Metho- rlus an error by Catcher Fleck were Ray \ \' eiss, our local auto
at il.45 Tuesday morning, agent, has bought two more Nar-
Post Office, of his businpss to the elltl're l\,fal'n . ~ I'1St c Ilurc, h '< I ickets only 3::: cents. theTIingredients 1\1' used. Cl b i d l '
, ,:. hese larger quarters, it was felt, Line, The-' wagon was turned over le ' en s u e ose t 1elr berthites into the fold of 1\Iaxwell
would fill the needs of the 'instHu- This week there is announced the and badly damaged. although the Time, 6.3 P. 1\[,
0 J
I ,'IllI('" f~()m Japa~l and re.e,l:-ed will to the people of other States.
I,.'!;' at !{I\'ertull, :\cw Jf'I·~V:-. The Ozarks of Missouri-"The
It \\ill I~t' a great Ill,any years L~, Land of a Million Smiles," as the
til, ,
:\ 11 correspondence and remittances l,lJre Ihey 1I.1([(:ase sl1fhClel1t!~· te at - "show me" State's publicity de- H
should he sent 10 Post Office BolC 966, .l cd apprecIably the' present .Increase \scn'b es th em - h ave a roman t'k
or may be lefl at the office, the Log Cabiu, III beetl~s. In t~le l11eal~tllllc tl.le l'harm, which every year adds to the rt
'Ph"ne; ~arberth ~545 or 2261 dep~edatlon~and 111 fested area Will ,Jt11llber of vi sitors for rest and 1:1
()Ui" "1'1)\\-11 ; ... nil -.;;dc a~ 111" Ij",hJt continually 1I1crease.
IICws-,lallcl,;. alld "I II". -I"rl' oi H. E.
Day; ,. ,
. I 11e s"\'ol1<1 reason why e\·eryone.
1 ' . '
re,·reation. Pennsylvania is a vaca,
tlon IanI I wereh I't
I era II y th ere are
The Taste Will Tell r·
III con- .. '['1
.t ,,.. n IlISI e :,ert c\'cry L'tlort
1 I .. ., I es 0 ~ 1111 es anI' I tlle comml
f S '1" - 't - j.j
Ellt"rt,c1 n..: "1'1'011,1 t·l·l ..... lIlartl'f. (ktolwf
l:-lth. UI1~ :Jf flit' I'n~~ Otf.I'I' :I( :"aI"1I4'r ' 1l trollll1g- the Japanc"e leet e IS Its t t l tl1a t '11 t -because, when Roentgen dis- The very first bite you take from either
1',lIl1s.'·!\";(Il·:I, Iilld,'r )11' ill"! llf .\1:11'1'11 'i, unusu~1 feeding habits. It is not at eel' ";n s ,a ts.oganf tl WI Je pro P- covered these rays, he did not ~.j
)~7B ., .. I' f f 1 "r v uescnp n'e 0 le romance an d understand what the y were. Li this delicious Pie or Cake will tell you rl
all fastJ<!Jous
. 1IJ Its c 10lce 0
I I 1 001.J Ie I" Ig I1t W IHC . I1 everyw h ere '111 th e There~ol'e he called them "X," why so many women have quit home
(h'R Tow:"
\)unng the summer la \T l) )sen'e( I ~ t
,,,ill (,Iadly f'rillt this IJest feeding tl!JOll the following . ta e awal s
't th t
e ouns.
. t Th t'tl
e I e
which in science means the un-
known The great demand for b::lking and buy their Pastry from us.
'ICWS a IJOlt t all \' SlI OJee
· I
,l' Ilie
. II IS . slJecies of trees, shrubs and flower- r slogan must not exceed five
.t \" 1 I ' I' ·'(mb. The contest closes on Sat' RUBBING
o f /II cresl /0. 'ar,l(,:1 I fv ,,'S. \.. 0f'Y ngr Illants: (;rape, ch-:rrJ. peach
.7S d Ite I/O / Ia I (~. II /(/1/ 11., ' C.d1 /C'.,rd G)' V f llunl. asparagus, rosc (hlooms and 'r lao\'. SelJtember 20. at 6 P. M .. ALCOHOL Made in Narberth, in a modern, sanitary
eOI'll 'l'cck. (of'.\' sf/owllted 1 tlCS- ea\'\'s), ellJ1s. IlUSS,\' willow, linden IJj(J all slog-ans, to he considered. is easily understood by anyone bakery that is the pride of the Main Line.
d a y C1'Cl/l/l[J ,('I II I'I'(C/,'{' 'I' t'r co 11- ,;I SS:l fras, tall1arix, apple, wistaria "'lIo.;t he in by that· time. Announce- who has used it on sluggish skin
It '
sideratioll ,i'llc'l/ spacc is limitcd. I lilac. pble t rec, dahlia (bloom) 'lnde '1'('Tlt of the winning- slogan will be
at the annual meeting of the
or tired, aching muscles.
Puretest Rubbing Alcohol be-
"A Y R· So Sh II W S "
• • .........
• • • Oft........ .. '"
$2 05
turist, but because of his own re- spray should be used and the shruh •
cent unpleasant experience with or tree should be completely :,:.=::_111111111111.1111111111111111111111. 11111111111111111111111111111111I' . ' .. . 111111111111111111111111\111111111111111111111111111111111111111,& S 00· Ip, a e ew
the beetle. \\'hile a resident oi orenched. If only the upper sur- 0 D ~ ,
New Jersey, :\Ir. Mattoon saw face of the leaves are covered the ne ay . ~ t HEWIT'S
the scourge descend hy the tens heetle will feed upon the underside. :.~:_ • '. . Seashor·e t ~ ,
of thousands upon his ~hruhs ano Hence the necessity for co\-ering all.
garden, and knows the imminent .. R.emember, five beetles this year ~ ROUND TRIP Excurst·ons ~~;;;'
Ta iIors, CIeaners andyers
t ,
danger facing :\ arbert h.
The article follows:
"Only two days ag-o a l11an
will mean soo next year. r't i;-.; ~
easier to ki1I the five.'"
~ A t I ant I. C C I. t Y ~
234 Haverford Avenue ,
brought a cOl11mon rose chafer to
me and asked whether it were a.
~=- t Narberth, Pa.
~- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
'Phone, Narberth 1254 A .'
I . beetle. On first thought II it Chance to W in $200 f rom P I;;; . .:
to do the actual fighting ourselves. vast natural and inoustrial re- lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~IIIIIIIIIIII"I"11I111111i1"11I11I11I11I11I11I11I11I11I11I11I11I11I11I11I11I11I11I11I11I11I1I~~ ~~~,r. '-'''~~'~~~~.''~~'' ~ .. '. -,,-=~~~~
;. ...
Gut COmIJ!arenc,\' has made 11S sources of the Keystone State. Any-
· I . I f · ,- - - ----------------~, ~llIllIllIllIllIllIllIllIllIllIllIllIllIl"I"I"IIII"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIII1I1111111"llIllIllIllIllIllIllIllIllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllln
prodigal of our floral resources. one can su b mit a s ogan or tIt e or ;;
"Now that the occasion ha:. arisen
it is not easy for us to realize our
this booklet, which will be one of
,eventl steps in an extensive ca11l- ,
t . ;;
i~~,ign of advertising Pennsylvania's t . t iii
duty, Do not be misled. In tlli:.
battle with the Japanese beetle it cll:.rms to tourists, Blanks for en- t LOOK t E
. .
will require the untiring efforts of
everyone of us to win.
"There are two reasons why each
tering slogan suggestions are ob-
'ainable from the local Chamber of
Commerce or froIll the State Pub-
t E .
Buy Youraun.
L dry S· Y D
erVice as ou o!
Your F' d B th P d
00 - y. e oun ·
Great bugs have little bugs matter for qui~kreference, will bet· . Merion :Title. & T.·rust. Company. , ~. All W.ear,ing Appal'.elfloat-ironed. and mos·t all ~
Upon their: backs to bit~ them, published for broadcast distribution t E d ~
, And little bugs have lesser bugs over the country inadvaflce otl1ext " , ; rea y to wear. A few 'pieces will need touching up.' ~: .
Atid so ad infinitum.
"If one of these insects whiCh
louri~t season.. The pictorial bOo.k-:l
leFwill 'feature actual photographs
4% Intere·13t.Paid in our Savings Fund Dept.
t ~
attacks plant life is artificiaJly trans- of beauty spots and places of out- ~! _ In both these services there must be half wearing t
ported to a foreign soil it is free fo standing interest. The co-operation '1 Apparel and half flat wonk (in pounds). ' ;;
mcrease wi,thotit th~ ,controll,ingin- o~ .officials of Pennsylvania commu-· ~ Minimum Bundle, $1.00. ~ .. r
diseases, . .
"As specific examples of how ef-
Illtles, the State, Forestry Deparl-
ment. Chambers of Commerce and'
nUll1ero~s patriotic individuals in
E'R' E
.. '. ..
.. .' ." .
No starched Collars and Shirts; Lace Curtains or
. .~Blankets. in these services.
1;;' . i;;
'. ':ectiv~ this ·~ontrolis,. !et me d~~ C~!le~ing:pl~dtdgdP~'~attrial ~or,' . '.~ 'Phone Ardmore 175 or send postal to :".t .::;~
.::.~'<-.~ '-·.~~:~·n::~:;I~;~~:~ni:~~;;~P:~tt~- !~~~~1~f~~~gl~:~s~~~~~~!~j~f' ·····'--Ardmore"Pa~·'- '''1,:;'' ·"ST.c:MARY"S ·.LAONDR.Y:·ln~· ···'-l ~:':':.- ~ ii
grown worm he would have foun,j Pennsylvania's' Qut,of-aoors, The ..~ . .. ' , . . . .... . .' '.J .• , "
, :ai~~~~~~~irt~~r~~1 ~~: bS~~~ ~i ~:e~~~~e~~tr~:~~t: .:~:e't~Jrt~ Narberth . .Bal~~CyriWydli>· . .... Arcl~ore, P a . .
these' Were. kU1ed.by.in~ect· enemies':'to .plan trips. t() any: pa.rt, of..tb,e 'Stllte ~ ..... _ _...._ . •:........ , _ " -.:. ~_~ . . _ _..... ii.,llllnlllllllt!llIlIillllllllllllllilllIIlIIlIUllllllllllnllllllllllllllll1I11111111f11l1~JIIIIII.IIIIIIII.lIl1lll1ll1lllll1ll1l'lllIllIillllllllllllil~~"
:'", :',', ' .. ,',' . ,:.
·· .. t .
'."j ,':, .
", :
... :, •• ·.r .....
~J1~&;I~~A!lCO ,,
, ,
~ ..- "" __
""._ ..,......,..,.."-,..,..,,.......,.._ ,.,.,. __ _---
. .
Augus(Sale of Hosiery
, . Offering, as usual, Hosiery values that
you will find it difficult if not impossible
to equal. A good variety of styles,
weaves and colors await your choice.
. .. Full Fashioned, $1.39
.. .Fibre Silk, 98c
Chiffon, $1.85
__,.__ ,. ,~_QfflC1i1!~~~.!~~, )~i~c~~~~o}-., __ ',.'.__ '" :~, ....
.• .....s2Iidand JefieX#n .Streets· MarKOe Stre~ts·
'930· Nort~.
. 541~
'·f.:." ';:/'
., 'Belmont
. . 8556·
' . '. , Belmont
. . .
Phone. Bryn MaWI' $
·'JUB,t ~honeor 'Send· QiPostaC'
" . : ,"
. '1 ..
'. '
", .~ ,
...... ~
; , ") '. r • ,':: .-,\.":~. • • • '.
. .'
~.- . .'.;,:, ~ ': , ":. .' .
.' \,
H('\', John \';1II :\(''';'';. :\Iinistcr, ] 'recipitation, .OS of an' inch. 100 Essex Avenue, Narberth, Pa.
phy,.;ical \\'IJrk acconlpllshed It ,:'as
al,.;o ;In int('re,.;ting and ,.;tlnltl1atlt1g :\Ieeti~lg,.; after :\ugust 17: Total since August 1, 1,04 inch Hauling of all kinds Storage
HiLle SdlOO!-lj.-1:i ,\. \1. \Ir, Tel11perature excess since .\u- P. J. DUFFY
occasion for the Illl'lllbers of the gust, 1,:3} degrees.
,\. (;, COl11pton, Superintendent. :\ 335 Dudley Avenue
5ta fj, Excess sal11e period la,.;t ye;lr.
Th:lt I\;I\"S ,.;e,,~ion \\,:IS more than ,'lIrdi:t1 we!coll1e for all. Phunf', :"nrlH'rth lOt7'-J
I I ,\, :\I,--l'ull1ic \\'or,.;hip, S('r- ".! \ degrees.
merell' n<toring the 1)l)(lks to their
propl:r places :lI'Hl the elimination uf 111(111 11\' ]{('v. I<uftb C, Zartman.
Chl~t from O!I";"U re COrlll'r,.; and
I), D" 'forJncr pa,.;tor of the Ileidel- Loot Recovered.
nouks. ~llCh a cump1l'te examina- bng l<dorJll('<! Churd! of !'hila- .\ large part oi the g()l,ds stolen 215 Haverford Avenue Furniture Moved
delphia, inllll the hOllle IIf \1 rs. C. T. - - - - - --~--,-,-,---
tiun of ;111 the details of the library
7 1'. :\T.-L"llicJ!] t\\'ilight mccting
Hauling of all kinds
work natnralll' revealed sol11e er- IOIH's. on (;ra\'ling' a\'enlle, last
rurs in tilin.g' or recording which on the :\1('lho<1ist ];(\\'11 \vith preach- '\\'inter has hee;l n:e'I\Trecl hv thl' GOODYEAR S 'HIE CENSORE
had been cau~ed hy j,re,,;sl1re for l'r frol11 the Lutheran Church. :ll'prl'hen,.;ion flf tl1<' thid at Chelt- 2·11 Hampden Ave.
time on o Ill' of the library',.; 1111";y ()n next \\'ednl'sday eH'lling the enhalll. TENNIS SHOES I'hom' J 77:l- \\'" ~ arberth, Va.
I1nion prayer ll1eeting \\·ill 1)(' held
clavs. The,.;e di,.;crel'aIH·ies natl1r;111y
fu;'ni~;]1l'd ~ubjl'd for di~c\b~ion ill the B;lpti,.;t Chmch and the I AT
r=I~~~ 1-'hO-'~-'N-.~-her-'~-l:"-'~-.~-'
wherel,\' th('\' could Ill' !,re\'l'nled in kadn \\'ill he fUrl1i~l11'd by thl'
the fut{\rt'. ' l.uthcrans.
,\s far a~ du~t \\,a,.; CllnCl'1'lll'd
there \\'as not nlltch 011 the hooks as HOLY TRINITY
,-.e.-. --' rata - M4;Ginley
UI 218 N.13tJl S~, Phila. I~
D. c., I·h.
the\' arc tou much in dellland for LUTHERAN CHURCH
the'dust to acculllulate on thelll, hut
Ut-II Phont', ~Ilrll(,(· as-lUi unci :t""-fl7 .·"I""r Chiropractor Grad nate
::\1. E. McLinn, Pastor. Jobbing promptly altended to Kt')'Htone Phon~. R8("(" ;0-:)4
it was lliscovered that many \'01- l{egular services in Hall. Sun- -Contractor and Builder- Suite 4 and 6
U1l1CS were seriousl\' in need of
repair as a result of ~'onstant usage,
day, :\ugust 17:
Sunday School-9-45 :\. 1\1.
Night l:Jhon~. ~nrbt.rt h 6.~;
DB,)" Jl'hont", Narbt"rUl :'02-.) 42') Rockland Ave., Narberth. Pa. GARAnte'ed Roofs Ardmore Theatre Bldg.
X-Ray Laboratory
The prolllem of restoring damaged
book,.; j,.; one \vhich has confronted
J'reaching hy Pastor-II A. '\1.
ThCIIll': ",\hrahalll."
~..,. ••• w %w"""". ,,,., , ....... wow
Open Snndoy E,'enlng. :> to 7
.. ,.,."",.,,,,,, ...... ". ...
except in the case of the n10re valu- orfl"., '·hu"e. l'iorberth 1071
".: BAPTIST CHURCH Nct.inHook Milk and Cream Burk Produc~s l Rf'Hhl .. uC'e I)hon(', Narberth 22~6
able volumes. Frf'n('h '·olh- M ........... ........._ ...... ......... """'_......... """'................"""'_ _"""'........·, II
The large libraries with profes- ('n·p.· "liMBe
Edward J. Hartzell
... __ ... _._._. __
sional staffs meet this problem by Services, Sunday, AUg'ust 17: Silk
organizing a repair departlll.ent of
their, O\\'n an,l the re,.;toratlOn of
~.-t5 A. 1\1.-Bible School. Class-
es for e\'eryone.
, ._.~ ... _--_.,:, RE'al Estate
Will bring samples to you.
damaged hooks is now a part of the I T A. :.\1. 1\1 orning Worship. The
preacher will he ]~ev. 1<. E. Caines,
~_ MARSHALL COMPANY ,~ i and Insurance
training of all the professional
" J,l
librarians. '[ )('an of Hich11l0nd University. : CONTRACTING PA.PERHANGERS " 226 Haverford Avenue
This problem has been solved for 7 1'. :.r.-Union Evening -\.\'or-
the local lihrary hy appointing ;\1 r,.;, ,.;hip, The preacher will be sup-
plied by the Lutheran Church.
: Tailor
Ernest C. Dre\\', of Che,.;tnut a\'l'-
nul', an assist;lnt lihrarian in eharge ~ P. l\L, Wednesday evening.
N. P RAG E R s. :
~------.--------------.--, .. _-------_._------------_. ,~~~~~~~~
: ,\ooU .. F.. I1artzon, l'i'otory Public
of that depart ment, \Trs. Dr('w is .\ugust 2o--Union Prayer and Summer Suits ,
a trained lihrarian and has heen Prai~e Sen'ice in thig chun'h, Altl'ring, Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing
connected with th;lt work in l1lany Leader fmlll the Lutheran Church. 215 H,\ \,Jo:RFORD AVE. ,.
large lil,rarie,.;. The cOl1lnltmity Everyhody is welcome to all the ))hone, Narberth 352-.)
lioary, is, therdare, unusually for- services ~\I1d especially those who
tunate in being ahle to obtain her h;I\'C no church home, Come and
sen-ices which are given voluntarily bring a friend with you.
the same as those of all others of For Permanent
Ihe local lihra rv staff. \1 rs. Drew
will he in the l;hrary for this work
Narberth Methodist
on Tuesday afternoon and within a
short time it \\·ill be possible to EC\'. " ' . Sheridan Dawson, BUY A
restore such books to usefulness ~rinister.
with a minimum loss of time and at
no expense except the cost of the
Sunday. August 17:
!I.J.) .\. !\I.-Bihle school.
11.00 ,\, :\1. - :\lorning wor-
necessary material for the \\'ork.
Cladwynne-Lafavette in (kean
City. . \Iessrs. 'l<ichard 1",1. Gillis Cnion prayer nwC'ting' at the :, OSTEOPATHIC
and Rohert 1.. Lciteh arc spending Raptist Church. in charge Ilf the
Lutheran Church. You are in-
the last week of August in the same
place. \'ited to all these sen-ices, ,: PHYSICIAN ,:
The Epworth I.ea~tle will h"ld
a peach festival Septemher 5.
,: 'PLane: Narberth 2522-W ,:
:\[iss Lemira \1. Beatv, of I fav- :,
edonl avcnue, is spendillg thc sum- !!12·1, at the church. Ticket~, :l.)l'. Mon.-Wed.-Thurs.-Sat. ,:
mer in Salem, ;-.; ew York. Time, fi.:lO P. :\1. : Evenings by Appointment :
_ 4
Wn~'ne 2 3 0 1 03 0 2 x-ll
-'Twobliilehlt!l:"-Kllnej' 2 ;'J;,~DDI'!iaiteo; . -. . - . .". ,"
or ,tell ,lIS tos.en<i.. a, ~~p.l'~senta.tive.
2 I N. DorsaJleo, lIoUle 'rilu,-'-lIemchpr. , ' '
'-, h"
• •~I'il~ilii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iilili::~~~J·~?·~:·~,I~L~,.;·,,~~:·Ww~·:·~i';'f'I.I;:~i·~:Mi#il/j·~'-a11'::;'i;;~ii·:·':I<~lrikk~ii~it~a;~,'~iIl:~·lili'·-~~~~~:"~,L~~;.;;i;~:\k2~.;~~i~:":.1,~;~~~\;ij;".~:;~~~,'.",;.,ir.D