Our Town July 1, 1948

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NAR[,S~T:: CO:.::.:U:~ITY
~:.'! :::)S JR !I. VE.
r1/. R8 1.: RT: I , PA •


Satllr«oy III Narl,..rlh \\8S a hil:' day for tilt' Ynluul.·.·r Fire
('rOmllall~' whl'l' tlJPir III'n lI'Ui'l, \Ias hnusl'd. Hil;'hliJ:'hl of Ih,- day
IPatriotic Exercises, Baby Show, Sports Events,
WA.S th" Ilr"sl'nlatioll of till' lit') s of till' Irlll'k to Ri<'hanl RI,'ss-
Inlt. a!isistalll t'hil·f (('I'ntprl 11\ HiI'hard I,. ;\11111'1', l'\arlwl'llI HlIr-
JtP!ifl (lefO as (;porgl- (,ille,pi,·. \ I'tl'ral1 fir,'-light,·r. 1001" on,
:rh" trllt'k its"lf (aho\<,. ,',-ntl'r) \lllS housI'd in fUll "'llllit",nal
Fireworl<s Lively 'Fourth' Program Monday
Will Di~cuss
Jlomp. "Uh Chlpf Alherl .,. :'\1I1t~ and I'hids of \biting Hr,' ('0111-
Mrs. Nordblom
pRnif's pushing it Into Ihe lire hOIlSl' Ihrl'l' tillH'S (Ilholo at rl~ht, IPedestrr·anKilled ITIU; SPI';CTATOR Pastor Celebration Opens at
AN Ke d f Leb B II West Coast T r i p , ' 9.45 A,M., Continues

Parade and Street-Dancing Mar k Is Ke Honored

f N By Re~,~l ~~~l~I:~,~~a)L~:~~~;t:Jt~l~'I:;I.II~0r:Another Injured
e I
~w I~ 0 ..t, e,rt! e"
,I, l,)lX,
I I ....
Llbelt~ Nalhl'llh~
Through Day, Eve.

ouslng f Nar bert h Fe
True king 0 orway hls'Saturday Night It 1)('11
l\alhellh PI""h)tcllan
\1111 ('ol11plele hi' 1('<Iul{'s on
,Jul.\ cll1d AmeJlccI needs a ))e\l kllld 01
is the kind oj that \lill souno ill the Amencan 01 the Foullh 01 ,llIl) 1'111 slArt
rla)llme ohs('l\ance

H 0
\\'asllln~lon ;\1 . , F~tal a
Diploma Awarded for
Inp to Ihe Gt'llPlal Assemhh
Spall 1('. 11<' look many,
Dr·lver of
must not \)e taken 101' gl'anted-that Car Held
It'OIlSClelll'e. l'I'l11ilJ(lIng' us all that the h\)('lt~' \Ie nO\l en.10~' \\lth a hang 1\londa) dl f145 A, M.,
\lodd \llde mo\'e-, \\hen tllf' l"o"I<lm \\111 he 0IJenpd
The ne\\ $~:~.OOOS{,l1gT<l\e, A('III] ~:1i'nl!lt'1
of th{' L~\\I'I ':'I~onl lolmed ,llde, on thIS lI'lp llnrlllH'SI,'
Imellt IS afoot to s\ll'e}J It a\\a\'. r. ~', I "
J 0\\ 11,111[1 Bo.!' d of I OlllllllS'" III ~" I $1000 Ball-
I (Id~.
I ,. II, t llis IJe II SIOU Id I'Je f"o'd '11' ." ' _ IIJ~ SII t 11'lIg
'I'nlC'k of the Nal hCII h 1<'11 (' 1'0111-
1 11]1' 11111 tl l,t! slll'alpl and toe
Valuable Assistance
Under \\ III also Iw ,hOlIIl OU11I1"
t hI'
, R
' -j
I tl leCOSl'COOPl'lHllOlIO
ol,..,e \\11111 P<lCI com
' I a II C'1\'lcgroupSIII'
' .
M. Chain. l hall man
, \las
. otfielllill
, l1o\l'I'd ., I . ".
Slll'I' li"'IWrll,I,ol1lla,pIOlloUI1(('dh\th"
I .. , n L'bl e r a lt'n g orway Pla\1'1
'1'1 M"l'III1"
' I. M h011l ' , CAC l'd e n t A i l ege d H't 1- un1l1l1111~' t tl lIoUgl 01 .lie .
t <1\,
dA) with an allt'll1ool1-long lelP-'l't'l 1II,olrll' Floot! pl,tOI o[ th('1 1" SUIHd\. MI. Lam0I1I'1 all l'lll'lti\'e edlll'atioll;l! j)l'o"lam \lhlch \lill alelt the peo- Ch,wlS Opt'lIll1g lelemOn) \1111
I" • ,
1>'dll1('lth :\II'tI10tlJ'l I'l1ul\h 1\I?- h h
A Nalhelth \loman \\as honolcd Foullh of .Iul\ S{'llllOn 1\111 IJ{' cn-
d d 1IIIII'rl "AI1H'1 t'l Ch 0'" ('II I'"
A BI\n 1\1,11\1 1ll<111 \IdS kl1lt·Ji 1Il-
I t tI
p e 0
II I' 'I
II' pro) ems 0 lie monll'nl all
'" l d tl I II
Ie cIa enge 0
be [ollo\\l'd IJ\
an llrl(llf''' hy

Thp 1001l1sp p opl(' IllIn'-cj 0\11 1l\1 1{lthalrl1. 1\1111"1. N,lIhellhBlIl-/' a) _to \I en sellas a\\lll' e, a anrl the e\f'l~l;l~ SI'I~~l;~11 \\1'I"h{' ,Idnll) llnrl a II 0 1Ili' I IlIluled Jdll' tImes. !'Ol'lllllS. le<:tul'es and many othel' t,\'pes of \\ol·th- 1{ldldld L M'llcr. Nalhplth BUI-
the Slore in sPit I' of Ihe "01 (11111,~I~eS'. 111,\(11' Ill(' fOlllllll l'I<":'1I1d-ldIPI~ma[rom IllS l\I.lllesl Y• the h.lnglplllrtll'ri "1'11<' II'I ht", of :-;,llUlrl,1\ 11Ight Illwn holl1 \\l'le \I hi)e ei\'ic ('."l'l1tS Call help to\l'ard tillS ell~l; all~ it is pssell- ge·'. al1d the SllIglllg of "The Star-
rtA~ to wa1r'11 th~ ~Alarll' IIh"h .:.I'ltIOI1 Of I Ill' 1'\I,k to AllwlI ,T NulI\. o[ NOI\\a) al a I('(eptlon g"l\en bYlth~ Chllsllan LI[I' ':I\I(k h) autoll1Ohll(', as thp) \lell' tlal ~hat CItizens generaIl.\' ]'('cog'lllze theIr sel'Jous j'('spon- Sp"ll n lpd ~allll"l. led b) Mr~
lhe fealllle attlaltlon o[ th{' ((11'-1,11111 III till' Illlllp,IIl\. \\110 a'l('p~-lthe NOI\legmn COllsul o[ Phlla- , Ise\eral )OUI~g p{'ople f~?m,lhe 110"oIlg L,IIHd,tCI A\e., BI~ll slbIllt." to lend moral and financl<t! support to such programs 1If111~ ;\1 r,llqIOllh. If')"(' 11 1 01 Ihe
hr8110n. 11'0 II oil "I'hdlf ol the ll1i'Ill!lCls o[ d{'lphla at the NOr\leglan Seaman's I lUI(h alc alt{'llrl l ng' III-SI<1"';\1 f Old and, \lhl'I('\'er nec('ssan' to inio'tigate them, ,Dr. B(,IlI,JIll'1I f{u,h Chaplel o[ Ihe
1 I
ol~alllz,lIOIl IChulch IBlhle COllf1'11'1l11' al ll'1\prlold" a\lI. one IU'I \\(',t 0
III 1776 the problpllI " I) A R I I I l h
Th (' mall 11P1S. \\. h 0 \\,l\un(,'l1 , • ' . , ,. \laR hO\l to obtain Ailleriean ill- ' ,11]( 11P Sillile 0 Ie
thloul::h Narhi'llh ,lll'pl~ for id-I Follol\JlIL. Chid ,,"lh, ,""'1'1- . College thiS llPi'k 1\11 illld :\Irs L.1I11,hl(1 Rrl. LO\\tI 1\ll'l'Oll l ' ..1, • t I . . tl . 11, '. 1 , . ' 't It t1"g I,-rl In GUI l\lo,lpllel. com-
MIS, HJalmill Nordhlom o[ 3091111110nl 11(' on Ihp ~Iaff of Ihl' rOlIIl,hll' 'ndtheOllll'l '1 f{,\1 fl'l'l ((pel1l1(llce. 0(,1.\ le plo)~m IS 10\1 to pleSel\p I , IS I 1 II 1-1 lri J) S .k
mo<t 1110 hOlliS Illcludi'il Illl'llllP"
1 lilt<' tlw t('II'IlHlIl\ of I'll" I IllIg I h ~ ' I ' " . ,. .' I I I hi' '1 I ..1' I 1ll""I"1 1\ IC illO . PPfI-
of fir/' l'omplllIl('s flolll Alrlllloln.';,,,,k llllo lilt. Fill' ]Io1h" IhleI'COll\\H\ A\('.I('I{'!\{'rlthel!lplollln'Confl'lpll,'e \\hlt'h IllSI, Ulltll ::iat-(',hIOfOldL,1I11,I,tf'11I11LI\"110Id ;,Inaltolla prol> pm. 'Utt esoutlOn IS oca.anllltll1uS.t II' III ,II I 1',»1 01 Ihp ,\mt'III,11l LpglOIl.
BAla-CYll\I) 'I. Glnrill\IW, Lall- IllIllt" 111 A"l\ld"nt{' \\Ith allill'nl fOI hel \aluahle assl,lnl1le rlUrIllg: Uldll ). Jul) ::I TO\\lhhlJ>. . I;\ceo at hOlllP". chlcfl~ I\~ I'IVIC groups cooperating III a Loud-spe,ll,"l alllllJllnt('Il'I'OI< of
rlOWlll' Anrl O\elhlook. as 111'11 A"IIl,lom "a< p('lloIIl1N! h\ NUIlV:lhe Ilghl [01 NOlllil~'S liheialion! ;1111' oa.• , ,lIll\ltw~ IIIII be made
e II sllIng hanrl anrl rllum alld

Iltld, of th(' (Onlpdnlp, \\hO II 1 0 III J\ P I I 18 • In!)
,p,lllltIJ,.. kd III the ({'lelll<llloll. I ,
~,l ( t 0 1\1 a \ S Inj-
, •
~J{.) I
Ch arIes B Y
: '1'\101<""11 Illpn ",1\1' <11,".. 10 <111 sllIgle ;lIm: to let the people 1\110\1'.
1I111',.:..rl hll-IUI1 ,1l1Ionllll"lt' ) \\h""
oung,IPPoltPIII\ Il1lU'l'rl l{ohpll 1,1.,,111'),1
* * *
The l'on'goil1.~. tal'l'll I'rom a tl'ati\' leller. IllCl~' Cal 1.\' a
011\• CII<lIII', 'Ih,l\\.
11](' ,.Iwdult 101 Ihe 1111l\11IeS

The nell tlu('k In Ilw I,o'itlon of
\ I
. III ,I "
fl' II I
honor at Ihecl1d oflh(' paladp. all 1 1',111\ l'I\I'1i follo\\I'rl 1\'1< "on Ihe Ilea 1\1'1'
0\1'1 th('
I 1'oundel
of IIII' Sl'al1illna\lan
' \ \ 111 Rpllt'f 111 tlte Phlladelphl'l

Sueeumbsat 60 "
I -,n I I
P ;\1
I I f "
I' \
I,,, ,d ltd' ( I . \C. ,'lol
I II 111~
.1 .,.;\l<!.!.!('stIOIl to 0111' Il'Iellds of the

lUI 0,1 It a qllllltl" 0 a .In";' Ol'gdllizatiolls. pHrticularl,\' those 111 ('('nt('IS of :-;m£111
-\n)('I'IUlll I.cl.'ioll. \'eler- III
" I
IIt,l' 0 "\\',
i) A
~I I' I PI 17,1'5
"dll.\ ,,10\1, In11p"'1
rl'('erlprl h\ thp full fOI/l' of \011l11- r _, I 111 If' "ll'nl, of "'nlh"ltb' . ,. , mil .. ,1\\<1) I 1..1 I J d tl' I t I 1..1 1 I 1\111 11(' <\1."ld"rl 101 Ih(' 1

. .
..<, I
tppr m{'Jllhel s of the COmplll1\' l\1h ~ I1dl\l,}lp, 111 I 'oil rll'lnl, II el"
del'OIAtprl \\llh bouquets of nO\\('IS dl'IJlh\ll('rl to tlV' hUl1dl('rls of
,rlent until 1944 Unrlel h"l dll(,~-
11011 Ih', olgal1lz,Jlion 111 el'l 11<,('kl) as ormer
A 'w
F , I" I
01 \
11.111'1)1'11\ Iii

lllilll1ll" 1.111'1
\\Iul Ill,"
('h,III ..,
III <Ill
popU allOn. ('oll 1I j(' P 0 mall.'
lIllgs t la :-; lOll 1I le (Olll'
III gl\'\llg a l1)ore lilt I' Igent ( Il'eellon cO ,,,\l1)el'l('an
l I . tl I t (UI I"
1O\lg 1 ,
1'1 I
'''" 1110'
Illu'l (d,'II\,i1l1lg ,ml'

lAnd SI'l1t hand-l11ane clothIng, Ja)- Ch' f B C F t 'It ,11 1'\\,111 ,lllll ('1111"111' Thp "keynotl''' allti mall.\' other addl'esses 01 the recent 1111-) ,\ i\1 ('o,llIl11e l,alllde
F 11 O\\ln~ Ih e p al 11 rl e, II 11" I1 ('11,,-
d \OUI1",tPI' ~, 1\ ho "'J\ldl'd Into Ih,' ,"II('s ,lllrl ),I11II .. d g,llll1('nts 10 Nor- Ie or oro ompany '",1I1'11OU'"
"1',1' n]( I
';.!11 1..IIlt/l-I"1 .,
A"•. ))olitllal (,Oll\l'lltloll \\Olild sl'em to pro"e that ill melll\' I'\'- ['IIZO's 1\111 he d\I<llrl'l1 fOI Ihe•
fOn Al tile Fife Hou'('. tl1(' f(lIl11 I IIIi' i' hnu"1'1 \ I' flOll 11'1\1'1£011 \In\ ' thttlllghoUl the \\;II •\I'ar's ' rUII('lill S(,l\"('~ fOl Cllatli's B. I \I,!' l,lt,lIl1 1I11111pr\ 1\i""1 h" \I,Ilk- sPPC t s tl If' COUll t I \' I las (1'1
L' I 'fl 1'(II Hie k t 0 t\ Ie l11el1 t a I (Olll'UnlS
I 1..1 '\<lIIOlis ll~e ,.:IOUp' ,1Il.1 ql\lSlons:
h oUSllIgl(>jpmol1l{'s\l('II'0P('I1('11 h \ '011' ,\.
John H, .f('ffl'll{,'..11' pll','d('111 of /I", 10 \\II11hnl All' \\," blo(k('dl
l' 1\1 N 111 }
:' j OJ( .lom. II 10 11<1~
Y I I rl I . ) - ' \ Itt
ollng.. ~ 10. dl~'1 ,uri ('nl) al ,111S (<( 110111 Ol'llIl1d A !"I1I,,'rl tdl lllli, 01 :..,.) .\pal's ~lgo .all( t,la sllll<l lOll I,IS I s I:aglc P;I lIres,
Itt . f' 1 fi ')
10 • •"d:'. 111,,'t Ollgll1O, 0
1 In
thp hoalrl of rlll{'llol' o[ tile Nal' off Itll lilt' iI,l\ ,1 wi dlllll1~ ll1p e\l'- In S\\,{'de n . (a1111' to till < <ountl) IlOnlf'. 21 N Nillbpllll A\I'
• 1\<11- tile 1"1111 01 nil <llIlol11oillll' rlll\i'll ]J:tJ'tlclIlal" 111 \,IP\I oj the blood that \\as spIllpd to assure l'l,llI:JI1"«. l'dlll 11t. flll1l1'PSt. 10
hel'th File COllI all\' nll1~. "nllwllh 11"'«('111' I'l1rll'd Iht' In l!'lIH, al1ri Il\erl \\llh 1('lall\Ps In h(,lIh. p<llh ;\lol1da\ l11Olllll1g. \\111 1>\ GOldol1 J.: FI"I1,h :!\. 01 til<, a dplllo('ratlc \\olld, '10 I.l ~l'.JIS. IlInl1l{',I. 1110,1 mod-
Thp Rp\ .lal11~s '1'0111'1. pa,fol OII,('ll'hldllon b, dill1<ll1g In IiiI' Slll'nl Phllllrll'lplllil In 1921, ~lIe 11l1rl hl'l I~e hl'ld At:! P 1\1 Fllriil\ flom 111,' \\\1111011 .\1',111111"111, \\.II1I1i'IIOod II' our Io(';d [,p"ion \\ould aet a~ ~POllSOI' "oJ' thlep or ell1 pllll't"1 <llId '!Jl'lldl. UIlI'Ill-
\ • rl hll'hand. a natl\e of 1'lnlanrl, alvll'lalll,1'1l111'Id & (,hlld\\ltl, FUl1l'llI [{! d I \ \\' ro , ' 'It'll. 111l1'1 II'·IJ..II'« 11\111' or 1I1p-
~t MArgall'l's (hUllh. "<liP -
Illl' II' mllslt 'lIppll{'ri h\ OAI1 S \lhlc:l I
I d
"11'11 t 11('C ~on' mall'
to th{'11 Home Atl1i'ns and Sll11pSOn Rrl-
' I. dn
,"Ill ,1"1'1 J \l'. )l1nr- foUl' l'l1lJ"htelllll o e\'el1l11"S dUl'lno the \lIntel' thPl1 0\\11
.~ ro ,.., ,... . ' Jel' 1\1111 ,11l'<,'1 Ip,,'l11h'.JIHe
in\OI'Rllon, Helhplt ,f. Pall1ll'r, a Pdllilipaled 111 III' p,lra 1', 'l\:illherlh hona'. \\h('l(' th{'\, hale Aldm;lIC . II Ill:' Illelllb('l'slllp lol1s \loulo be !Jouno to IIlCl'ease and thc" II' \\I A 1\1 '1t'I1I1IS m,llih bv
Ih{'t'n J1\1I1<' e\el sillte,
I SII1('e 19U{ ~
... '. ..
' , ;\1r 1'Olill" \\ho \I 1, fiO \ l A ' h
~. '.
I LII1·,!>,'II\. \\ho fOl 11](' p",t lilli,
\(,dl' h,lrl b{'('11 I'l11plo\t'rl it" g<'l1-
I I ' I d J)(' 1IPlle t··<\c't OIS
\\OU( Ill('p
I It" ..I d
't, 't I J '1"
0 a (OI1lI1Hllll.\ \I llCI Sle\s :o..:Oll11<111 HI"111all lind i\lh' .Tllne
I' I l ' ,., ,. rOil! tl le AU-lil1 Bldl1hl1l 1\111 /ll·o demon-

JOhn Rogers
· I
Brea kS Reeordt
see I
Mrs NOIdhlom has"" Spllnlon. Pa. al1rl had ]i\pd iii


~ f


made <('\('Ial 1111'S ahloarl Ihe las' NHI!J('I'th 101' tile Pll'l 41 \1',11" II" " ' 1

111 19',8 \\hen ,he \lsited h{'r fal11-I I'ils I'tnplo\('d a, a 111a(hll1l<l at th{'
I t '
(II (1 nl,lIn l~Il(1I1( (\ sllJlf>l \ 1:-;01 d(
ol\I1 l\ .1\\1 nHl\lng

I I i
Iinl. \\<is plO-
I I 13
to ;e let PI' ]lllol'l1lell ;\11
,'01111110np ace COI1\PJ'sa 1(111
\ lIC 1 neec S ,(RCUe
tl t tl t I t
l\1al'S an,' I'll( ea\'ol'
hell) advance the COlilltl \' s c:attsp at tle lime 01 Its gl'eatest od'
.. ' 0 ,lldle ,llokes IIl1d plalllt'e melh-
AI Ih" t'llIe ~Ol1tIIlUOUS

At C Ionla wlmmrng Mee

110tll1(f'( CPil( 0 IldlJl\d a I\ll • •
o II) In SI\pd{'n, and hel husband's AUlol'AI (e 'I,lny, AldlllOle,
S1l1\1' \1<11\1' lIo,plt,li. H{' I' SIII\I\i'd 1)\ pel'll. nllJ\le,. lallool1, <ll1d.. 10111'" for
rl 1\1' 1 k '
1InFll1lal1d. I " ,August.HI
1 11 i'P SOil' l h,lIl", .11 ,Iohn ill1d
~,,,, 'JilIldlt'nl\lIl,ldlt.
Jill') 1\111 be
(Ill tll(' T)I"I~'- ,ho\\11 III Ilw l()IllIllIIIlII~ Bull.llng,
The fllst pool rel'orrl of lhe s{,11-IIl'l'iI'I
sll",e. j 11'1. ,..,lln la ;l ('., rhlppson,. Jlllloki . R'1\1l1ond;lIIlI'
, Hp lIas a 1llf'l11heJ
, of fhe N,l - \\Jillollll
• ot i\ldI110IP. a. ri,1\I" III 1'1 , "II
OIH<1\ "11
\II 1)(' tl Ie 1)1'1.'
. . d'I.\'
. "11(1 111'!!.llt
" ..
'. ,;on was hloken MOl1rl;1\ ilt tll('I'('lOlld C,l10hll Allholl'f'. third Hohell. ~{,I\erl in the UlllledStales,hf'llh Baptist (hlll(h And of Ihl' \1 I' I I 1\\' 0 '1' t'l \ I ' Ithe' i line 'imllet tt~ hope it \lllIlJP fol' 11 A 1\1 SpOIlS llnrl la('es for
,1) Ill'. dl10 '~rOl1n • I,
• " • '.. ') , ,I AII1 1\ rlU1l1l lhl' :!nd \Vorlrl Wal [0:alhplth FliP COlllllall\ for \\hleh . r, ,,11111', \.nlg 11.0 le c; ,I S • <, ' a l l agp, a. \\t'11 d' ,ll1gl'" 11l1d
Colonial VIllage S\\lllllllll1g CIUh'l\l.lI .g l' Lo,kharl IllllC. ~R ,('(onrl,'" g , I .
I 1orlll) , Ml~ NOldhlolll IS ilcll\'(' le senpd A' as<l,talll IIIC (hlpf 11\1'
ol',ll1dtl1l1dll'lI 1~[e"sl's
ll(l\\aro et
' . '
al have SPPllt a Ol'eat
I11dllJt'l 11li'1l ,lIld 110111('n P IIzes
opel1ll1g meet. I \\'IIIl('IS 111 th(' '1'11101 1'\1'111, 111 (hlllth IIOlk, hoth In Phlladel-,rOl 111 a 11.\ \('llIS Iwfoll' IllS J('~'le- 1'UlIplnl '1'1\,,1'< fOI 111111 \11'11' opal 01 tllne and thought In getllllg reao~' allti a PI.>stpo,n~- \\1111)« 1l1'nldNI 101 111'1, ~econd
.Iohn Ro~pl's hr'lkl' Ihe r('('olrl 1111\\('It' BO\s' ril\llIg. III,t. Ed BIO-'phla alld Nalhellh, 11111'111 a< illI alll\e 11I('l11an 10 )('a" hl'ld WC'\rw,da) mOlllll1g flolll: I1lPnt IS sOl11ethl11g not to be pl'f'ferred. ThiS P;'ltl'lotlC <1(1;111' 'Illd 1llIld-pl,lle l\lnl1('I,.
-. thp .Junior Bo)s' Frt'e'I\I(' \\111'11 111'11'11\. spconrl. AI R.o:e". Ihlrd'j ago HI' Aho hl'Iollgerlto Illp eil""ll (COI1III1Ul'd on Page Thl{'e) has hCPIl prppaleo. f,ol' thPo nelgJ~bolh()od <lnd thp neighbor-liP 1\1 (;1,11111 Illalln jPri hy
ILorlg(', No ~7·1. F ilild A i\1. Ih('
heltered the fOlnlPr 11111lk of B'IIIHall\ Glail,llll BOI' :JO-),lId I ret·
Burn of 162 Rel'ollrl, h) SI\ll11l11lng ,1\1(' 111'1 1-10111) Glah,ll11. "peond.
'F .\Idl"I~.. ; tlllld .\1 Rog"I~ TIIllf'.1

• •
Ll htnl ng HrtS Lu T(,lllple Sill 1111'. of 1"hl1ad('l- iLl! Nar berthYouth . . .
- - - - - - - hood should pal'tll'lpate In lt 111 oven\ helmIng nlimllpl'S. \\ 1IIIdl11 HO\\llld
lso. tlw essl'ntial finan('lal needs should come 11'0111 e\'err ;j"lllhuIpd 10 1111
G,"' \\111 he
<\ [l\pilk Jor
the race In 1:i.7 'elonrl"
HIgh ,1'01el' 01 1111" rlll) lId' {2 ""OIHb. Bn~, 5ll-)<Jlrl hl("l'IIB
Hall\' Grllham of Nillh.. ,lh llllO'I'ok" 1i1'1. H.ll1\ Glah,lm. SP('-
k Sh op
:.1"<\. <Jl1d the Cho(ta\\ Tllh(', No,
1,{06. l O R . i\1
!He"'"I\I\NII1\ 11ISI\lf(' D,,,,p\'
local housl'hold, even i f SOll1C must necpssarily be a\la,\' 011 1III1Ih Ii," 111'('11 "hE'duled rOt 1.15

Gets Sen tenee

the holid'l\'
-TilE SPECf'.-\TOH..
In.! 1'. :\1
I ~ P :\1 ht 'ho\l. \\llh PIIZ('S
'. netle'dllpoll1t, OlheIIUI110Ieu'"I,olld Ii ;\II1;,,").;11IId,AIRogl'IS,1 11\\0 'on~ Rol)«I'I.ol La'lI,dn'\l1p ~ Inll,II,; ..,1 "'HISllI1II,p'l riog 101lg-
Wllll1el s \I el E': ho) s· dl\ Il1g III ,I '1'11111'
Wally Glflham; ~elonrl. TllIllll,I'III'I. i\:dlll \
Fant; Ihlld. DIl·k ,lllllgl", Bo~,
4 { '('IOlllb Gills' dlllllg,l Storm Wednesday Broke P;lI I, 1Il1d ('hall('< \\'
l",u pellll'l. sPloml.1 H
11':11',11101 l'lIg{'l. 111iId. Anne AII-I eat ave,
,OhiO, am! 1\10 gl<Jndllllldr{'l1,
01 AI..l 011. ,
It Ch
Months For
I - ---- I 3 23 IW t hd G d· C
I a e og uar Ing ynwy
d Horne ",I dnd ,11011"'1 hall "d dog. hl'<t
'1ldlll('d do" 11t',1 . ,11 llllrl kiltI'll,
IIlu-1 IIlllljlil' <\111111<11 dlH! fllnnlc~t
.l' ~~~:II: :;;'~~~\.Je·Thl::lI1:t~ }:I,~~lt :~~):~,e .\I~,I,IIII'SI~'~:I~\\\~,,:\I:.est';~;I:~:11 Felled Last Thursday Mrs o Frk. Adams I, .III::~u\\'J!II.m~:~~)annl'l1ho\\'e"" Allows Barelar Tahe $630 I'11~'1;~lll~:~IlI~I;. to \\"',ghl-lllIlllg 1'011-
lhllrl, Dli'k GIAham, TIme, 1371"',1111\ C.lIpl'nl"l. 11111d. Anl1P Alt-
.sel'onrls. np\\ rPI'old
An elel'llie slolm \\'edn('sda y :
'holl'" Tlilll'. '\1 ,P(OIHIs GliI,':iO ,11Ight I""(h hlollghl 111'11'omc le-
AI,o hO\s' ~5-)1lId hIP,1st 'ilok" \,\lrl hi (',,,I '1101,('. 1",1. Alril'n lIef to Lo\\cl' M{'llon TO\\IIShlp'
DeIS After III ness o f thp ;\lonlgom('1\ COllllf\ Cou'!.1
lh," \\1'1'1.. selilelHcd
!'<arl1{'llh \outh to ,('1\1'
l'1-\eal-old A hlllgim. \\ho musl h<J\e a \I a) ,of '1110111 ilS a hllht' IS <I mall"l h,I,"l1all gdl11P ,II :1 I' ;\1
l\llh dog,. ('ntelcd Ihe home 01 01 lon\pclillp. bllt \\hall'\1'1 IllS til(-' l'hdln ,md ,lildprl II", Ill'pk th;tf.
1..,1 III/ oldel hOls 10110 It';! b) a

flt'st .• Wall) GI <Jhlllll , "plolld. DI(ki:-;h,lllghnh"~' '('(Ollri Nal1(') ..(';lI-;,e sld{'l1l s afll'l dll)~ of Pllltllll1gl M. W W pnl~lll1g
to :.l11110nth, 111 1\IonlgoIlWI\ COUI1- John MUI1(h L\lllh. of 441 l'on- IIl<. he <lIl'leprlprl 111 the ,I l,ll'l\ f,('HIUle Iwd ,1)1'1'11 ndrlp~1 10
I Gl'ahllm: thlln . .fohn Rogl'l, irll'- p"llll'r. lhlld•.\nne AIIIHlu'{', Jlme, I erlon oman as 1~ pilson a[\('1 111' plearl{'d I::ullt\ , , ,hollse \la an 1111101 ked klllhpn \\lll- th, I'logla'll 1111111 frllm of i
qUill I Ii erll .
'I' )(1 rl (. 1,1,0
Imp. _ '('Ion' ,ll'.o '1'1011'
d ,hl'al, also hlollght lll"fOllunp to
I rganlst or
f 0 Years
. 30 t I [ I
1011 (I.\lge 0 as,au t \\11 mlenl
II ,hoholl..('ll Sl,lte Rd, (\l1\\~d. I'II- rl011
' . "
hl{'aklng thlOll.:h a ~ln,,-'lIril" fOI 11"ldll'l1
, , .
1-11' ,111IPrl that.
dl'lllg. lil'st. Lpe TholllilS. "'('Ol1rl.: Thf' ,I\lmllling llllh IS 110\1 PI;lI'- MIS. \\'lIl1fled A. Lnllrl. \lhOSp/ to la\lsh. rla\ nl~ht. and I"'apl'd l'llh ap- pl1l1el('d lo('kl'o noor I{'ilolng min Ihele Ilollki he Ildgonllrle< as I\ell
Carolyn Allhousp, thlld. SUP 1\11-1 111 'ng fOI An Inl('l-l'llIh !TI('i't hf'_!hakel) shOp Rt Bala and CII) Ales, Soll'll111 Req ll.'1'1ll MllSS \las i;ul1;~i The )oulh. Erillald R ;o,IrCon- ploxllllal('l) $6'lll lakl'lI from a hll- Ihf' 1(',1 of thp hOll'l'. IU111111a~ll1gla, ,adril: Ildl'.
Adoo, GII'ls' 2fi-\illrl fl('c,I\lp. 11\(,l'n 'IX pll\,<I{' cluhs to hp hplri BaIiI \Ias ~\lu('k h) lIg-hll1lng, In St MalgAr{'1 s Chllnh. Narl)('rth, 11{'11. of 1\1{'1101l A\c Nalht'llh 11 Il'au dlU\ll'r 111 Ihe maslel hNI- thlollgh the s(>(ond·f]ool bN!loom Booth 1\111 he open all rlA) OJ'!
first, Sandra Malek. ,p(ond. Cm-:,n AlIl::lISt. iI< \\('11 liS a dual mpeli The JjlThtnlng. al'olrllllg 10 BaJa_I:\10nrla) morning. [or MIS Elcal191,tlalnmiln on lhe Pel1l;"l\anla R'llll- 100111 anrl ("caplng Illth the I'ash IIIIholl! thp pla'\h~II~)lInrl [01 k 1111' ~\Ie of
\0' ol)'n Althou'e; Ihllrl. Lpp Thomas II\lth ;\li1ltln s Dlllll '11111' next meet'C\l1\\\d~and Phtladelphla fileinenl\\T Adams. of 511 PlItnlllll Rd. 1\11'1- 10,Hl. \la< all(',l{'r! sho;lh afll'l Ill' Lelt 10 "ualo th{' L\n('h 110nlP I('la\ln~ h{'hlnrl lln\ hlood or tOlll "IIII~n" 1 a lo(;n'. III 1"1 ~n ~le5'
Time 18.9 seconds, Girls' :.l5-)alrl" 'Ihcdlllprl fOI Jul\' 6, I\\'ho 'aI1S\l('ll'rl the call. folI0\\,ed lon . \lho dl('rl la,t \VprlIH'sd,l\ III a"allllprl I\l'sS l\!.lh('ll(' Adalll' 'l) '\\h'll' heJ ramll\ Ila~ '0111 111 111P (. olhlng. 'I ~ 11'\1<'1 1 I'gg;r PO;1 0 C :PS;
_ _ _->\':0.. • II h{' II III ng of 1he t h~I'(',sl 01 I shop 1 1"11 zgPI'a Id-1\1 PI (.) II 0'1'11 a I. 1,,111'- of N<'\\ 01 jp,ln, a sII011 dl,1 ',n~~' 1'\ <'nill" \I ,I, ".lllnlol". OI1P of t h.' lit' abo hooked up I hI' hut glal I illig 111\1 t s ,1Ill l'O <'t·. ag,s 10
, do\\ ne 'II ('I ' II I1g II SI • .,,~. , I I I d I I dog· "" 'I "dill IIt'IISIl I"" ('l11on-
___________ •
F ~ 1) 1 'l' 0 RIA I.r.-----------I 'and ap,1I1nwnt hllllding 11110 thl' 1S • ,I a ' I n(',s, 11 I I " 110111 Ihp NHlbl'llh 1·,,110111
' , ,1,11011
. 'h:"kln"I',1 )"tlll"l'sl
~ do",
- Ifl I la,n on lie liOI1
I' 001
I I 11'1 o It' P,I\-
• .
".Il' 1,,'1,110 .al.ld SdIHI\\lllles and

D 'B
t AStarsle
on t t
e e ~
I>al;ln" loom '111l! set ahhzc 1Ii.. '
ollis and .. q\ll~ml'lIt

'\111"lll"h thl' "'I\llplIll'nl \\'IS nol

I 1\11' <\!. 1
, I
.III '. II 10 \I .IS 01 g,lnl' ,I
. 1'1
1"'1 '11I"sdd\
At t h,' 1"'.111111-: \)('''JII'
I ii' t 1'11.1, 01 D.lIlIlt'lIbo\\I"
I tit'
Tlld .. , 1.\ III h
S"I .1 lilli'S SIII\II1,'
1Il'IghiJOI hllild. al (01 dlllg to IIlg. '0 t hal II II 11 I Ip .\ 111 Ill' , 1 ' - '
II 'I I I f
11\ ,., 101111 '11111 \ IP 01 .. 1
S' 1'1'
",Jlllllt)/ mllst h.I\" 1'/10\111 th,'· dlllll'l\, t If.\ t'O\l11l t gl'l IIrlo
A '[ ,I,ll dllltl"
" K
e 'lll \ell 1\'1 11' I , f 11.1 " ',. ' . 11 ,I dlld a ".lIdl'n 'IIt,1 1111' Idrlle
M ,.
SpIIOU,i\ dHmH""d the 11, e darna"p . ' ,. " a H m II I 0 "01 I iiI' I.U\I "I 1\lt'llon 10\\ IIsl1'II I'"- hlllgl.1I . 1.\ III II lold 1.0\\ PI 1\11'111l11 II 10 \I Sl·. j III A M

After the Fourth . ' , , "

• M.
10thehlllldll1g11lldlhesmol,ealld n hOHld
1\\1111'1 damage to food HIIlI otlwr COl1\all'Sll'111 Homt'.
A 11'11\
of l!lIl'IIOIS of

of Wet PI I d ' ] I '

'. F . I .
1,1f1L1> 'to'. slall'd 111,11 S,Il'''IllS III :'>1,,_ 10\111,11111 plllile. "Ill ,hl' \lOll!d
IAd,lln, Illghl('l1l'd 1\11('ol1nl'lI all I h;l\1' 111111 111111 to pl"t·l'S

I \1 I 1 II
l i t ' , I', ,)l1tl ,'a t'l ]Jllie I
Sh<' 11<1' Irom .I Ilt'lghI101' hllllll'. hl'l lIus, 10. I I 1 \ 1 .
I 1 I I

hu0l' , \\1 Ie tJl'"n 10111

Ih,· ,oll1l1l1l1<'e III Ihdl,.:e II the


]t's no lun belno' a stallstlc eSIJPclalJ" when It's III the I'onlpnl, \\ IS ""tlllllted at behlecn ' I P ' 1 1 a , 1'11,1. l.ll1Sl'd hllll 10 I\ln a\lil\ Blllh ;\1<, 111111'11 all till' po,tllll'l1 hIP.1l1111"1I ),1IH ,I!I(I( gUd" 1 dllll'llpl'l1 , II I-
. ... • , " " " 'I I rll Idd 1\1' f tl - ' 1 1.. '1 , , , I f : 1 I 1 In(llIdl" ;\[1' l.a'l\ Glev
'll d d d I I, t $1000 anrl $"iOOO Ie 1<1 p< e III PIlon 01 le lOl1l1plI al1d M"s Alhllls harl "01- IIlll Il1IJ..llll('11 \11111 1'01111' 1ll'1I thl' l'l1 1111110\\ 10 .1(" e lin. e111t I gin;?; . "
;Inl1tl<l I ti g'lIres on peope
• I k'I e an IllJure
In ceeura lIlg' The fOil I " . 1'118 pr
ilpall!l1('l1ts O\{'rlwa!i ),1' ) 11' ,1
rl h ,~ ,
\ 1{'11 off a 11,1111 al Ihe Nalbelth st:l- pl.lll' '\Ild she halks at her olIn 111 I III et.
' t I ' II I 1
O\\elel. \I Il'n po Ice 111-
S,l 111 "" I Ball 1,1\. :\11. Hnll\ 1-101-
,,', i 'Sip
the J<ourth of Jul.\'. !\\p,P IInaffe('ll'rl 11\ 111P hlazp lind hpl' hushand. Flan)" a dllllghll', ,111011. Sn1\lh(' ,1,tll'd l'h,Hio\\ ' 1I\{'d ,1I1I! ('11l11hed thlough Ill" I'll. ~11' . II'I lint.: lltn,'11 11 N I-
"',. 1 . , - . FlipI'll Flanll'" ~ I I"" 1\1 i I tl I tl f rl lie 1'lillanlolll <Inri "IIlIS Lurl\\I.g.
Th e l'<1tIOl1R ~a(et,\ CouucIl reports th:\t ~.~()O per~(ll1s thplpSlrlpl1lsdldnot Ipall'tllf'hllllrl- 1\' t . n SSOl. 1,111(,S j I'S Adams I, \"IIIII~ hpr alll1t "hl'll1PI III not tl1i' 1I11111dl'I llflrl Illnlo\\ In 0 11' lOllSI', 1(') OUI1
'. were killed last July, a large number of tlwm over the II1g. allholll::h 0111' of Ihl' (1(t'lIrAnl~"11~~ hI'\\'; a sistpr, . ~'lpl 1\1 01:- ;\lls I. Slll11' Bl ml l1, of 130 Wood- ('ill 111'1 l11i1dl' 11I('l1rls 1"lh .J1I11101 01 ~nl)' ,llInlor halk,n~ happli) al\a~ '1'111' ,I"gl' I' '1'1 fOI Ihp Il".,,,orkl
ArlAI11 F.1I1llCh. iln 1I1\1l1irl Ila< rill- a 1l.1..H 1\1. lln.ri <IX hlothpls.1<lrle A\e. Nalhellh, [had hloug'hl along a Il'nrll'!' lllcl'e ,11 All Ihe ('XI II ('111 I' n I 'hOII, 10,1,111111]('11 rlalkn"ss rOIllf"
F our th 0 f J u~' I wee k en, d A n d th e casua It y I IS t \1'1 II \)e as rtl'rl to the Ihll'd'floor fire es('app .W JOSPP t1. (I e!l1l'll. I 11lOmas, F I anels. I L~ III h, 11 Plll I nI'l III t hI' Phlladpl- ;\lol1dil) night. ilnrl 10 ('onIII1Ul' for
large this ,.'ear unless all of us celebrate 1l10l'e thmkl'nO'!)'
and less exubel'antly
'" lal1rlll1g,
I Olhl'l apartment d\lplll'rs 1\110
ild G
la,m I All
Ila \las III
(I I
a\al) ,emccry,
( t · "'H 00- R (l h" I s p e wtnner
rlZe e 1",ll a ul1rl{'lla"l11g p<tahllshnwnl. l11'llrl) all hOln Tho<p In ('hnrgp ne'
\\llIllllll B 1.)I1I·h ann Sons, sad IIp\e Ihe Illogiam 11111 ('XIpPrl 'n

\. . Notice how fjuic'kly you can say "s.son persons were ~~:;n~~~;n~Pn~n~~~~p~,,1\~r::I~;~cis;:~:~G W- -d-K------- :111~;'~1\~~~1\h~':~IlI:I~~u~~:r:;rl~::~le~~ hI illlal1t e llllrl \ lllIPI~ all) 1'1'1'\ 10US
:lnlled." And the difference between Ii\'ing or d~'ing. and be- Joall. one monlh; and .Ill('k, l:l. ' ar eever, Sr., 01 III~ hl'dlOOI1l. and Ihal Ihe Illl'- nl'pl.l\ th a \11'11-
· \ I I I ' 'd '. I
(C t d
,onInUc onPa~eThree)
ISuccu t bs 61 I'lat had nllS'pd Hnotht'l $:!o In iln Kalhl)n \\'c'Sllllal1 ,~

t ween belng' lent1\' 01' lelllg' l1laIll1 lor hie can come m a 'I "11111'11 \(11111<1110. \\ho Ip,IJipS 'n
"kl" . I F'uliPlal S('l\ltp, lor G \"'md dlllllllillf dl1lI\l'r. liS 111'11 Hs ,onlp "'.lIllt'~lh, \\,11 0111'11 Ihl' fe'll\ltles
a bou".
t as
qUlC y. ,
' . _
I\eelel, SI·.. of !.l()(1 \VII1Ilt'I'ulld ,
lalllnhl .. IPI"-Il\, 1lt'lolIgllig 10 III,
I ' 11\ ,'II"lIlg '1 It.' SI,II-Spangled
'. e venture to ga~' that pvel'? one of those s.:~OO ftd.,Aldll1ll1e,\lltodll'd1\·lOllll.l\ 111 1 1\11', B.llllll·1 1\11' \\1"1111.111 has !wen
persons "'eluted to keep onli\,jng; and that after e<tph tl'ctged,\' . , Plel.\!>,1Plldll lIosplt,d. diP ht~lng -------- - - I( 110.. . ('11 to (OlllIlf'fp Jut oatlol1£\1
had taken place, people \\el'e saying: "'~'asn't that too bad'! ~. held ,I ills Tlllll,d;1\ nllt:IIlOOIl IIO:ll 'I Cubs Present Circus ""gl"g '''I>I("IIHII\ ill Calnegle Hall
He'd b
e a
live tod' • 'f I' "
a~ I o n ) - I
l'. ~/~11 'iN Ihe I· I anI.. L. Dill alld SOil FUI1PI.l1
lIome. Phlladelphl.l. IIp \\11' fil. A l'IIlUS lalll(· to Nnlhpllil 1.11
III NI'\\ )olk dUllllg
The AI11t'III'nll I.l'glOn \\111 diS-
... If only he had driven more earefully 01' had been a bit \: Ii" 1\11. Kee\ el·. \I ho \I a, assnl'lal I'd Tup,da) 1'\l'lllllg \\'I1I'n ("llh P,l. k I IIhlll P d 1011 or 1\\0 oj fl ilnkful'-
\~Ith CIHlIlps B RU'st'1I III the 2I~, of Nalhellh,'sel lip II~ 11lIrl- 11'1' and 1\111 d('\ole Ihe plo((-pds

}11ol'e fussY about the condition of his car: if he hadn't gone
. . r't tl I'" \\holl"ale hutler lind e'nT huslnp,s In \\I'liall' aCI1\IIII"
~'J' ~

ClVO l
S\\lmmltlg . a er . le ,Ifeguard \\<lS off dub" ' • i( he hatin't _ ' .... _ '>.: In Ph I Ia d I' I plla
I all rl on ........11 Ie "mn 1 , 1111). sIde ,ho\\s Allrl II'flpshn1l'nl
N '
In Ihe 1'\1'111 of 1,lln. thp firl'-
been experimenting: \l'lth that toy cantlon; if he hadn't hati l ~> / Line fol' Ihp past ,1'1 )pals. lIas al ,;:f )' I ll1nrl, on the glnunrls of Ihe al-'IIOlk~ ~hlll\ 1\111 hI' IHl'IIHllI"r1 unlll

'. that last drink; if he had han :t noctor treat that "minor" -- \ ~m'I'!1'" \ :nemhpr of ('omn1\ll1lt\ Lnrlge NO'~""46) .#~~ \ belth Puhlll Srhool. Sallllria.\ pIpnlllg, .1111\ to. 1!J48.
cut; if he hadn't done this 01' that. I t,!/~I 1. .~,
44 anrl A 1\1, Ano Ideal A s s l ' m - ' " " '" I PaJ'pl1t, nnrl fllPIlII- thlllll'd 10 Tlw 10110\\111': 1< A 1',1I11nl Itsl )f
. .. J' I hl ). No. 62. A. 0 M. p, "> ,!'1; the lumhlJng iI('1 of Dell I. th"llhp rlnnallOI1< rel'l'l\pri Ihls "Ppk:
ah\a~'s '1t'~/,fl! 11r.'~/I\;"1 ,~,.".,
The trouble WIth statistICS ls that the,\'

1\1' L · ' I t I'" tl . J I .

seem so
cold and distant. But Cll'cidents "can happen here" In the )(
He is Slll'\l\erl h) hiS 11'111'.
galf'l. anrl 1\\0 sons, Clalplll'p, ann
G. \\Tard . .11'. BuridJ. will be Ar-
l\1ar- ,',,'
1\lln llnlmal ,ho\\ h\ Dpn 2. Anrl l ('Iollndo 1\('pl, $;. MAl) Hall
'tl1P light-lope pPlfoJ'lllal1i'e of Dpn ", hItI'. $~. C R HugentllglpJ'. $2;
4 Dens.'1 and (; ('olllhllleJi to ple.:l.ulILI, Alll'n .Jonl". S:!. l\11J1~m 1(.
'• d am me at ea over as 'our 1 o[ u y, t\l'O persons were,
• • .IV ~ lilington Cemelel'Y, ,enl It sldp shall lilt ILldlllg hul'! lIul'hpl. $:!, I
.'L1dd I. Minick, $2;
rowned and another died in a traffic accident. ! • J 1/1 ,danl·p!,. lal ladle" 111111 111ln 111<'11. 11,(11) P Flanlz, $2. ,lohn S, l\Ic·
1> During the London bombings, people uecame i11Ul'ed to I Library Lists New ,and Den ~ 1'1 eselllpd a l'ol11ed) at! ClJnagll\. $~. I'HII{'I & Tu. na'I,
seeing death and destruction all around them. It was pos_i
Going Away? Summer Hours TIll' IIItU\.· Ill"till'". lulU-II It~ lIuI\llrd \\.'llIsl"in. 17. a 1111'111-
IJPr ..r this ~"'ar's "radlllltillJ{ "Iass at Lo\\"r l\I"riolllll"h S"'ltllll,
ul ,10\\11' ,Ilu1 IIl1dgels 1111. $,;. \\'t1lJ.1J1l 1\1 Ilpllderson,
Al a hllef fUll1Ial Illl'eling of II""~.!, 1\lalg,lIel B COlllplIU<, S~. Frt'd
• SI e to r~tionalize that thing'S always happened in the next i Have this newspaper fol- New SUl11mel' hour's the \\ HII a sll4'C'ial th I' dolhu' Ilril." ill th.- lhlrd allllual 1!1~1l Nlititllllll ('lIhs, II1I1l'h follol\ I'd the I'll ('us. Dannen haupl. r. $Ci. Challes S.
block or In the next house. uut ne\'el' to ,\'ou. Our attitude I low you durIng your vaca- Glarl\l yne Flee Llhl al y II I'll' all- HiRh S"'ltllli J>hotoRrallhil' A\\ards. Weillsl.-ill. SHII or !\Ir. alld SIX ne\\ den J1lot her s \\ 1'1 e inllo- Dl'al. $2. Bell \ ,Tonp< Sa\ Age. $2;
toward our traffic and needless accident toll seems much the' tion. Be sure to llotil'v us nOllnl'ed Ihls wepk, !\Irs••'o{·..h N. W,-insl"lll. 172 N. Lat,'h.· s LallI', nalll-('~'I1\\~ d. took 11\1( ed. Thl'\ al 1': M r' Shusl el. Elfie \IV Dean. $~; 1"1 edellek E,
" aame. of ,\'our summer add'ress, They are: Monday to Friday.:i the 1ll,·tllre dllrilll:' Ii foolltall KalilI' la~t tall. Th" ('~H~f'r-lf'ader!i ar(", 1\11·I1IS. Dram. 1\11< Blugelllllln, ]\11' S"'l11ll. $2, Ralph S Dllnne, $11);
1105 P. M" and III additIOn. the LI- l"rt to riJ{ht, Laurie Marlill, Nan,'~· Murphy, Mary Jane ('ox alld ,Joldan, MIS. Dock{'t) and MI' el.\\I< RAno. $~: GOIllanrl Bros, $~;
Chances are that the people killed in last July's acci- Ifyou are not a sUbscriber Ibl'al') WIll be open Tuesday ano "1'1111111' Thollla.s. \\'("Illstelll, who will ("nter th", 11l1h'erslh' of NeVins. I A M Fill" h $:;. Edl\ In .T Pol-
ients felt the same way. Oh, no, it wouldn't have been them. enter your subscription to- 'l'hul'sday e\'entllgs from 7 10 9 P, Pf'nlls~'h'anja thlll fall, \\1'11 photnl:'ral)her ror thp Enc1lirldioll, The IlPxt ('uII al'l 1\ 11), to hI' hpldll()( k. $;;. DI. Halolrl B Liilnl', $5;
(Continued on I'age Three) day. M, The Library Will be closed all Low",r I'If'rion Hilth ~'earhook, and wall on the \·arsit~· lt~'m team, til Augu<l, Is I he annual Pack pIC- .Johanna HAl <I h. $2, (,hal'lps E..
day Saturday. • He was graduated with honors in Spanish and mathematics. nie at PerklOmen Park. I
(Conttllued on Page Threet

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