F0801013539 PDF
F0801013539 PDF
F0801013539 PDF
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 8, Issue 1, (Part -1) January 2018, pp.35-39
Employee satisfaction is a factor in motivation, retention and goal achievement in the place of work and
commitment is a factor that include no excess work load, treating employee with respect, provide recognition &
rewards, fringe benefits and positive management.
The purpose of the research paper is to study the employee satisfaction and organizational commitment and to
examine the satisfaction level of teaching and non teaching staff and its impact on Commitment. This research
paper is descriptive and empirical in nature and purposive sampling technique is used select management
colleges . The study is based on primary data, which has been collected through structural questionnaire , filled
by teaching and non teaching staff memberstake 150 respondents of teaching and non teaching staff of different
colleges( 10 management college) of Gwalior has been selected on random sampling basis .Percentage method
is used for data analysis. According to findings of this research paper the employee satisfaction effects
commitment of teaching and non teaching staff. Factors affecting employee satisfaction and commitment are
rewards ,stress, leave, benefits and compensation given to the staff by the management which are important to
improve the motivation level and employee satisfaction.
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Date of Submission: 27-12-2017 Date of acceptance: 03-01-2018
IV. METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION dissatisfied with AC, CC & NC* 73% employees are
The primary data has been prepared on the more committed to organization. 14% employees are
basis of questionnaire and survey method and filled neutral. So it can conclude that, if employee
by 150 respondents. Important discussion is made satisfaction is improved then commitment is also
with officials of the HR department in all improved of the employees of business school of
management institutions of Gwalior. management of Gwalior. Employee Satisfaction
Level of Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff, the
V. RESULT employee satisfaction level is very high about 65%
By the Relationship between Employee relating to the working condition, work relationship
Satisfaction and organization commitment we show and pay and promotion of business school of
that only 14% of the employees are dissatisfied with management . But it can also be seen that 14%
their working condition, work relationship and pay & employees are dissatisfied with those three variables
promotion in business school of management of business school of management . Employees are
Gwalior. But 65% of the employees are satisfied with not to the job security of the employees at the bottom
these variable (working condition, work relationship of the hierarchal pyramid. These include the support
and pay & promotion) in their organization. 21% teaching and non-teaching staff. 21% employees are
employees are neutral. 14% employees are neutral
Relationship between Employee Satisfaction and organization commitment Employee Satisfaction Level
of Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff Employee Satisfaction
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