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Dr.Lalitamishra. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application www.ijera.

ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 8, Issue 1, (Part -1) January 2018, pp.35-39


A Study of Employee Satisfaction and Organizational

Commitment of the Teaching and Non Teaching Staff
[Ugc Net] Guest Faculty Govt.Mlb Pg College Of Excellence Gwalior Mp
Corresponding Author: Dr.Lalitamishra

Employee satisfaction is a factor in motivation, retention and goal achievement in the place of work and
commitment is a factor that include no excess work load, treating employee with respect, provide recognition &
rewards, fringe benefits and positive management.
The purpose of the research paper is to study the employee satisfaction and organizational commitment and to
examine the satisfaction level of teaching and non teaching staff and its impact on Commitment. This research
paper is descriptive and empirical in nature and purposive sampling technique is used select management
colleges . The study is based on primary data, which has been collected through structural questionnaire , filled
by teaching and non teaching staff memberstake 150 respondents of teaching and non teaching staff of different
colleges( 10 management college) of Gwalior has been selected on random sampling basis .Percentage method
is used for data analysis. According to findings of this research paper the employee satisfaction effects
commitment of teaching and non teaching staff. Factors affecting employee satisfaction and commitment are
rewards ,stress, leave, benefits and compensation given to the staff by the management which are important to
improve the motivation level and employee satisfaction.
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Date of Submission: 27-12-2017 Date of acceptance: 03-01-2018

I. INTRODUCTION describing job satisfaction, motivation and

Employee satisfaction is a function of commitment of teaching and non teaching staff
motivators which contribute to job satisfaction and particularly in the context of the business schools. No
hygienes which lead to Employee dissatisfaction. one can deny the importance of job satisfaction in our
Employee satisfaction is a positive emotional lives. The fact that we spend a huge amount of our
response to a job situation resulting from attaining waking hours at work means job satisfaction will also
which the employee wants and value from the job. play a huge role in our lives.
The term of job satisfaction refers to the attitude and While you look for the dream career or job
felling people have about their work. Positive and that will make you happy, whatever job you are
favorable attitude towards the job indicate employee doing now must significantly contribute to
satisfaction. Negative and unfavorable attitudes the your happiness. That is the crucial importance of job
job indicate job dissatisfaction. Employee satisfaction satisfaction. Organizational commitment has an
and organizational commitment of the employee is important place in the study of organizational
very important to increase the motivational level of behavior. This is in part due to the vast number of
the employee and reduce the stress and increase the works that have found relationships between
productivity on an organization. organizational commitment and attitudes and
Organizational commitment is determined behaviors in the workplace. The reasons for studying
by a number of factors including personal factors i.e. organizational commitment are related to “(a)
age, tenure in the organization,disposition,internal employee behaviors and performance effectiveness,
and external control attributions. Organizational (b) attitudinal, affective, and cognitive constructs
factor such as job design and leadership style of one‟s such as job satisfaction, (c) characteristics of the
supervisor and non organizational factors. All this employee‟s job and role, such as responsibility and
things affect subsequent commitment. (d) personal characteristics of the employee such as
The way academic institutions perceive age, job tenure”
motivation influences their level of satisfaction and
commitment. While job satisfaction and commitment
have been the topic of many studies, but this study is
presentsnew information and a new perspective,

www.ijera.com DOI: 10.9790/9622-0801013539 35 | P a g e

Dr.Lalitamishra. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 8, Issue 1, (Part -1) January 2018, pp.35-39

II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE data. Questionnaire is prepared through Likert type

Narimawati, S.E., (2007) studies on “The Scale here 1 indicate for highly response and 5
influence of work Satisfaction, Organizational indicate for minimum response.
Commitment and turnover Intension” and he finds
that employee satisfaction effects the organizational The Study:-
commitment very strongly. Sumita,( 2004 ) studies This research paper is quantitative in nature
on “Effects of organizational commitment on and the aim is to find out the result that the employee
productivity” and she finds that the main objective of satisfaction & organizational commitment and
the management is to increase the efficiency by satisfaction level of employees(Teaching and non-
getting maximized productivity at the minimum cost teaching staff )and further to list the management
.However, motivation is considered to be crucial for teachers and administration staff ,satisfied with job or
good performance with employee satisfaction. not.
Mitchell(1982), studies on “Relation between job
performance and motivation” and finds that job Research Design:-
performance are typically determined by the This research paper is prepared through the
motivation to work hard and high motivation mean proper research methodology, using field work
greater efforts and higher performance. ,sampling plan and appropriate analytical technique
Tung(1981), studies on “Patterns of and large sample size. This research paper is a
MotiEvation in Chinese Industrial Enterprises” and conclusive research.
finds thatmotivation is the push employees towards
improved performance and increased productivity. Sampling Design
Stoke(1999), motivation is a human psychological Population
characteristics that contribute to a person‟s degree of Population of this research paper are the all teaching
commitment. Dormann&Zapf(2001), studies on„Job and non-teaching employees in ten management
satisfaction: A meta-analysis of stabilities” and he colleges of Gwalior.
finds that Employee satisfaction is more response to
specific factors of the job. Job satisfaction is placed Sample Frame
as a control concept in work and organizational List of the all employees (Teaching and Non-
psychology. Although initively convincing, working teaching) in ten management college of Gwalior. The
conditions as the major cause of the job satisfaction list is collected from respective Admin/Hr
have been challenged. Sahnawaz&Juyal (2006), department in all management college of Gwalior.
studies on”Human Resource Management Practices
and Organizational Commitment in Different Sample Unit
Organizations” and they finds that employee The sample unit is ten organization of
commitment is seen as the key factor in achieving management school in the Gwalior i.e. Vijararaje
competitive performance. Institute of Technology & Management,
BhartiyaVidyaMandir Institute of Management ,
Objectives:- Aditya college Gwalior ,Bostan college ,Institite of
 To find out the satisfaction level of employee. Professional Studies Gwalior, Vikrant college of
 To find out the level of the good relationship Gwalior, Preston college Gwalior, Maharaja college
between the Employee satisfaction and of management Gwalior, Maakaila Devi Institute of
organizational commitment. Technology and Management. GICTS college
 To identify important factors of the employee Gwalior
satisfaction and organizational commitment of
the employee. Sample Elements
The total sample size are 150 respondentsin
Research Hypothesis:- ten management school in Gwalior, teaching and
Ho1: Employee satisfaction is connected with non-teaching staff are sampling elements.
organizational commitment
Ho2: Employee are highly satisfied with concerned
institutions. Sample Technique
Sampling technique is non-probability;
III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY quota sampling technique is used to decide the
This Research is descriptive in nature and sampling elements we have selected the sample size
survey approach is used to collect the data .150 of 150 respondents of the business school in
Respondents are taken from different institutions (10 Gwalioron the basis of random sampling in this
management colleges) of Gwalior for sample design. research paper.
Stratified sampling technique is used to collect the

www.ijera.com DOI: 10.9790/9622-0801013539 36 | P a g e

Dr.Lalitamishra. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 8, Issue 1, (Part -1) January 2018, pp.35-39

IV. METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION dissatisfied with AC, CC & NC* 73% employees are
The primary data has been prepared on the more committed to organization. 14% employees are
basis of questionnaire and survey method and filled neutral. So it can conclude that, if employee
by 150 respondents. Important discussion is made satisfaction is improved then commitment is also
with officials of the HR department in all improved of the employees of business school of
management institutions of Gwalior. management of Gwalior. Employee Satisfaction
Level of Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff, the
V. RESULT employee satisfaction level is very high about 65%
By the Relationship between Employee relating to the working condition, work relationship
Satisfaction and organization commitment we show and pay and promotion of business school of
that only 14% of the employees are dissatisfied with management . But it can also be seen that 14%
their working condition, work relationship and pay & employees are dissatisfied with those three variables
promotion in business school of management of business school of management . Employees are
Gwalior. But 65% of the employees are satisfied with not to the job security of the employees at the bottom
these variable (working condition, work relationship of the hierarchal pyramid. These include the support
and pay & promotion) in their organization. 21% teaching and non-teaching staff. 21% employees are
employees are neutral. 14% employees are neutral

Relationship between Employee Satisfaction and organization commitment Employee Satisfaction Level
of Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff Employee Satisfaction

Factor Affecting of the Employees Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment

S.No. Factors
1. Job Related Factors Turnover, Absenteeism, Job Effort, Job Role, and Performance
2. Personal Characteristics Age, Years of Service and Gender
3. Employment Opportunities Economic, Technological Advance, Corporate Value,

www.ijera.com DOI: 10.9790/9622-0801013539 37 | P a g e

Dr.Lalitamishra. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 8, Issue 1, (Part -1) January 2018, pp.35-39

4. Work Environment Recruitment, Selection, Performance Appraisal, Promotion

and Management Style
5. Positive Relationship Honesty, Caring, Positive Communication with among
6. Organizational Structure Growth, Technology, Customer Needs, Flexible Structure are
more likely to contribute
7. Management Style Employee commitment, moral, loyalty, and attachment may
consist not only providing motivators.
Suggestions :-
Guidelines to Enhance Employee Satisfaction and Organizational commitment
S.No. Commit to Employees
1. Clarification and Clarify the mission and ideology, Inclusive Fairness in
Communication of Mission the workplace
2. Organizational Justice Provide Good Grievance System, Trust, Taking
3. Job Stress Avoiding Pitfalls, Learning better Communication
Skills, Offer Stress Management training, Improve work
4. Jo Insecurity and Employability Reliability & Integrity, Problem Solving, Commercial
Awareness, Self-Management, Person‟s Capability
5. Distribution of Leadership Trust & Respect to each other‟s Coworkers
6. Extrinsic Reward “Outside” the Job-Bonuses, Raise, Paid Vacations &
Promotions, Annual Recreational Plan
7. Intrinsic Reward “Inside” the Job job-Challenges Task, Involving in
Decision Making, Giving a higher Rank in Hierarchy
8. Career Development Performance Appraisal, Carrere Counseling


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www.ijera.com DOI: 10.9790/9622-0801013539 38 | P a g e

Dr.Lalitamishra. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 8, Issue 1, (Part -1) January 2018, pp.35-39

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Dr.Lalitamishra "A Study of Employee Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of the

Teaching and Non Teaching Staff.” International Journal of Engineering Research and
Applications (IJERA) , vol. 8, no. 1, 2017, pp. 35-39.

www.ijera.com DOI: 10.9790/9622-0801013539 39 | P a g e

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