Surveying 1 Lecture B PDF
Surveying 1 Lecture B PDF
Surveying 1 Lecture B PDF
(𝑃 − 𝑃𝑜 )𝐿 (𝑃 − 𝑃𝑜 )𝑀𝐿 h
𝑐𝑃 = 𝑜𝑟 𝐶𝑃 = θ
Where: A Ch
cP or Cp = correction per tape length or distance, m or ft
P = applied pull or tension, kg, N, lb S
Po = tension for which the tape is standard Where:
L = nominal/standard length of the tape or distance S = sloped distance (directly measured by a tape)
measured, m or ft θ = angle of inclination determined using a
A = cross-sectional area of the tape, cm2 or in2 transit/theodolite or abney level
E = Modulus of Elasticity, psi or kg/cm2, MPa or N/mm2 h = difference in elevation obtained by running a line of
For steel tape: Est = 200000 MPa levels between terminal points
Est = 28 – 30 million psi Ch = slope correction or the difference between the sloped
Est = 2.1 x 106 kg/cm2 length and the horizontal distance
H = true horizontal distance
Problem 9 It will be assumed that both a very heavy and a medium
weight 100-ft tape are standard under a tension of 10 lb; E = 30000 Slope or gradient, g in %
psi. The cross-sectional area of the heavy tape is 0.010 and of ℎ
𝑔= 𝑥100%
the light tape 0.005 sq,in. It is desired to determine the elongation to 𝐻
an increase in tension from 10 to 30 lb.
Determine the following: Different Slope Correction Formulas:
a. Correction per tape length of the heavy tape a. Gentle Slope (less than 20%)
b. Correction per tape length of the light tape ℎ2
𝑐ℎ =
Problem 10 A 100-ft tape weighing 2 lb is of standard length under b. Steep Slope (between 20% and 30%)
tension of 12 lb supported for full length. A line on smooth level ℎ2 ℎ4
ground is measured with the tape under a tension of 35 lb and found 𝑐ℎ = + 3
2𝑆 8𝑆
to be 4863.50 ft long. E = 29000000 psi; 3.53 of steel weighs 1 c. Very Steep Slope (greater than 30%)
lb. 𝑐ℎ = 𝑆(1 − 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃)
Determine the following:
a. Correction per tape length of the tape 𝐻 = 𝑆 − 𝑐ℎ
b. Corrected horizontal distance Problem 13 A distance was measured over irregularly sloping terrain.
Sloped distances and differences in elevation are tabulated. Calculate
5. Tape not Stretch Straight (Correction due to Sag) the horizontal distance.
Tape will sag:
1. If not fully supported Slope Distance, ft Difference in Elev., ft
2. Because of its self-weight 100.00 3.50
Sag shortens the horizontal distance 100.00 5.30
80.50 4.20
𝑤 2 𝐿3 𝑊2𝐿 100.00 8.05
𝑐𝑆 = 𝑜𝑟 𝑐𝑆 =
24𝑃 2 24𝑃 2 62.35 5.25
𝑛1 𝑤12 𝐿31 𝑛2 𝑤22 𝐿32 𝑛3 𝑤32 𝐿33 Problem 14 A distance of 156.725 m was measured between points
𝐶𝑆 = + +
24𝑃 2 24𝑃 2 24𝑃 2 X and Y with a steel tape that was fully supported along a uniformly
Where: sloping surface. The elevation difference between X and Y was
cs = correction due to sag between points of support, m or ft determined to be 9.750 m. Determine the corresponding horizontal
P = applied tension, lb, kg or N distance between X and Y.
w = linear mass or weight of tape, lb/ft, kg/m or N/m
7. Normal Tension Understanding levelling requires vocabulary of terms used in the
Referred as the applied pull which will lengthen the tape to equal the study of the earth’s surface. The following terms are important to
shortening caused by sag. know:
0.204𝑊√𝐴𝐸 1. Vertical Line – a line from any point on the earth to the center of
𝑃𝑁 = the earth.
√𝑃𝑁 − 𝑃𝑆 2. Plumb line – a vertical line, usually established by a pointed metal
Where: bob hanging on a string or cord
PN = normal tension or the pull whish eliminate the effect of sag (kg) 3. Level surface – Because the earth is round, a level surface is
W = total weight of tape between supports (kg) actually a curved surface. Although a lake appears to have a flat
A = cross-sectional area of tape (cm2) surface, it follows the curvature of the earth. A level surface is a
E = modulus of elasticity of tape material (kg/cm2) curved surface that, at any point, is perpendicular to a plumb line.
Po = Standard pull for the tape (kg) 4. Horizontal Line – a line perpendicular to the vertical
5. Datum – any level surface to which elevations are referred. Mean
Problem 15 A steel tape has a cross-sectional area of 0.05 cm2. The sea level is usually used for a datum.
tape measures exactly 30.00 m when supported throughout its length 6. Elevation – the vertical distance from a datum to point on the earth.
under a standard pull of 6.50 kg. If the modulus of elasticity is 7. Vertical Control – a series of benchmarks/other points of known
2.10x106 kg/cm2, determine the tension required to make the tape elevation established throughout an area. Also known as basic control.
equal to its nominal length when supported only at the end points. 8. Levelling – the process of finding the difference in elevation of
points on the earth.
8. Combined Corrections 9. Bench mark – a marked point of known elevation from which
Problem 15 A tape of standard length 20 m at 85°F was used to other elevations may be established.
measure a base line. The following being the slopes for the various 10. Turning point – a temporary point on which an elevation has
segments of the line. been established and which is held while an engineer’s level is
Segment Length (m) Slope moved to a new location.
100 2°20’ 11. Temporary Benchmark – a semi-permanent point of known
150 412’ elevation. It can be flanged-bolt on fire-hydrants, nails in the roots of
50 1°06’ trees.
200 7°48’ 12. Backsight – a rod reading taken on a point of known elevation in
300 3°00’ order to establish the elevation of the instrument line of sight
32.50 5°10’ 13. Height of Instrument – the vertical distance from the datum to
The mean temperature during measurement was 63°F and the the line of sight of the level.
coefficient of thermal expansion of the tape material is 6.50x10 -6 14. Foresight – rod reading taken on a turning point, benchmark,
per °F. Determine the following: temporary benchmark in order to determine its elevation
a. Total correction due to slope in m 15. Intermediate Foresight – a rod reading taken at any other point
b. Total correction to be applied in m where the elevation is required
c. Corrected length of the line in m
Problem 16 The length of steel tape found to be exactly 30 m at a Direct/Spirit
temperature of 30°C under a pull of 5 kg when lying on the flat Double-Rodded
platform. The tape is stretched over two supports between which the Profile
measured distance is 300.000 m. There are two additional supports in Trigonometric
between equally spaced. All the supports are at the same level; the Reciprocal
tape is allowed to sag freely between the supports. The mean Cross-Section
temperature during the measurements was 37°C and the pull applied Barometric
was 9.0 kg. Take tape details as below:
Weight 1.50 kg 1. Differential leveling or Spirit leveling is the most accurate simple
Cross-sectional Area 6.5 mm2 direct method of determining the difference of level between two
Coefficient of linear expansion 1.2x10-5/C° points using an instrument known as level with a levelling staff. A
Modulus of Elasticity 2.10 x 106 level establishes a horizontal line of sight and the difference in the
Determine the following: level of the line of sight and the point over which the levelling staff is
a. Total correction due to sag in m held, is measured through the levelling staff.
b. Correction per tape length due to pull in m HI = ElevBM-1 + BSBM-1
c. True length of the line in m ElevTP-1 = HI – FSTP-1
Problem 17 A tape of 30 m length suspended in catenary measured Problem 1 Complete the differential notes shown and show the usual
the length of a base line. After applying all corrections the deduced arithmetic check. (All values are in m)
length of the base was 1462.36 m. Later on it was found that the STA BS HI FS ELEV
actual pull applied was 155 N and not the 165 N as recorded in the BM5 1.04 186.38 m
field book. The tape was standardized on the flat under a pull of 85 N 1 3.95 4.93
having a mass of 0.024 kg/m and cross-sectional area of 4.12 mm2. 2 6.56 6.78
The modulus of elasticity of the tape material is 152000 MN/m2 and
3 8.48 1.35
the acceleration due to gravity is 9.806 m/s2.
4 9.22 0.91
Determine the following:
a. Measured length in m 5 8.37 0.35
b. Correction to be applied in the deduced length in m 6 4.92 2.84
c. Corrected length in m 7 7.77 8.75
8 9.25 6.82
A. DEFINITION OF TERMS Determine also the height of collimation between sta 2 and sta 3 in m.
ADJUSTMENT OF LEVEL Road. Determine the elevation of BM-2 and show the arithmetic
Two –Peg Test check.
BM-1 9.08 749.06 m
TP-1 (L) 12.24 3.73
TP-1 (H) 10.10 1.60
TP-2 (L) 11.04 2.21
TP-2 (H) 9.92 1.08
TP-3 (L) 1.75 9.84
TP-3 (H) 0.55 8.62
BM-2 11.27
BM-2 11.27
7. Inverse Leveling
Problem 15 A line of levels was run into a shaft for a copper mine.
All of the stations in the accompanying tabulation were located in the
shaft’s ceiling and readings were taken by inverting the levelling rod. 5. VARIATION IN DECLINATION
Complete the given level notes and perform the customary arithmetic
BM77 2.85 104.30 m
TP-1 2.43 1.65
TP-2 2.76 2.48
BM78 3.05 0.95
TP-4 1.45 1.66
TP-5 0.96 2.08
BM79 3.06
Problem 1
Problem 2
Problem 3
The magnetic bearing of a line is S87°W. If the declination is 5°E,
find the bearing of a line.
Problem 4
In 1955, the magnetic bearing of a line was N25°45’W. The
declination of the needle is 1°30’. What will be the declination of the
needle and the magnetic bearing of the line in 1968? The secular
variation per year is 0°5’E.
Problem 5
The azimuth of line AO is 350° from South. The deflection of line
OB is 170°L. Find the bearing OB.
Problem 6
The bearing of line DO is due East. The deflection angle of line OE is
78°R. Find the azimuth of line OE.
Problem 7
Compute and tabulate the bearings and azimuths of a regular hexagon.
Given the first starting direction of side AB: N35°18’E, Station C is
easterly from B
Problem 8
Compute and tabulate the bearings and azimuths of a regular
icosagon. Given the first starting direction of side AB: 205°20’38”
from North, Station C is westerly of B
∑ 𝐿𝑎𝑡(𝐿𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝐿𝑖𝑛𝑒)
𝑐𝑑𝑒𝑝 =
𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒
Problem 11
Given the observed lengths and directions of a closed traverse, adjust
the length and bearing of the courses using Compass Rule.
12 285.10 N26°10’E
23 610.45 S75°24.8’E
34 720.48 S15°30.1’W
45 203.00 N1°41.5’W
51 647.02 N53°5.9’W
Considering Sign Convention of Traverse: Northing and Easting,
Easting and Westing
Corrected Latitude = Preliminary Latitude – Correction for Latitude
∑ 𝐿𝑎𝑡|𝐿𝑎𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝐿𝑖𝑛𝑒|
𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑡 =
∑ 𝐷𝑒𝑝|𝐷𝑒𝑝 𝑜𝑓 𝐿𝑖𝑛𝑒|
𝑐𝑑𝑒𝑝 =
Problem 12
N. BALANCING THE TRAVERSE Given the observed lengths and directions of a closed traverse, adjust
Latitude disclosure = ΣLat (not equal to zero) the length and bearing of the courses using Transit Rule.
Departure disclosure = ΣDep (not equal to zero)
Linear error of closure LINE BEARING
2 2 12 285.10 N26°10’E
= √(∑ 𝐿𝑎𝑡) + (∑ 𝐷𝑒𝑝) 23 610.45 S75°24.8’E
34 720.48 S15°30.1’W
Relative Precision
45 203.00 N1°41.5’W
= (Linear error of closure)/(Perimeter of the traverse)
51 647.02 N53°5.9’W
Problem 13
From the adjusted data from Problem 12, compute the coordinates of
2, 3, 4, and 5. Assume the coordinate of point 1 to be x = 1000.00 and
y = 1000.00 m.
y (ft) x (ft)
1 1000.00 1000.00
2 1236.11 492.03
3 817.72 248.31
4 782.01 622.01
5 574.45 854.35
𝐴 = (ℎ1 + ℎ𝑛 + 2 ∑ ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑓𝑓𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠 )
d = common spacing between offsets
n = no. of offsets
h1 = first offset
hn = end offset