Lecture 4.0b - Unsymmetrical Parabolic Curves

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Unsymmetrical or Asymmetrical Parabolic Curves.
Curves with unequal tangents or a compound curve
where one parabola extends from the P.C. to the
point directly below the vertex and a second
parabola which extends from this point to the P.T.

( )

Location of Highest or Lowest Point of the Curve:


> , the highest or lowest point of the curve

is located on the right side of the curve.



> , use =

< , use =

(from the P.T.)

(from the P.C.)

Illustrative Examples
1. An unsymmetrical parabolic curve has a forward
tangent of -8% and a back tangent of 5%. The
length of curve on the left side of the curve is 40m
long while that of the right side is 60m long. The P.C.
is at station 6 + 780 and has an elevation of 110m.
An outcrop is found at station 6 + 800 and has an
elevation of 108.40m.
a. Compute the height of the fill needed to cover
the outcrop.
b. Compute the elevation of curve at station 6 +
c. Compute the elevation of the highest point of
the curve.
2. A forward tangent of +6% was designed to
intersect a back tangent of -3% at a proposed
underpass along EDSA so as to maintain a
minimum clearance allowed under a bridge which
crosses perpendicular to the underpass. A 200m
curve lies on the side of the back tangent while a
100m curve lies on the side of the forward tangent.
The stationing and elevation of the grade
intersection is 12 + 530.20 and 100m, respectively.
The centerline of the bridge falls at station 12 +
575.20. The elevation of the underside of the bridge
is 117.48m.
a. Determine the clearance of the bridge at the
left side if it has a width of 10m.
b. Determine the clearance of the bridge at the
right side.
c. Determine the clearance of the bridge at the


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