Our Town September 20, 1919
Our Town September 20, 1919
Our Town September 20, 1919
Narberth is "ss,,"1 ially a yOllllg folks' ""1'11 I'll tt'I,\', 1I11 ulld,'}' ,slIilil'it'IIL proper
THE FIRESIDE A sl igh t :ll'l'i,lellt to 0111' of the' play,
"I'S, whieh whi!e it. was JlOt. serious wa~
]'('SII!tS of thl' ulatehes played during
f hI' past week follow:
town, abounding in hoth hoy and girl sll1li,·iellt to temporarily "Tipple hilll, Singles.
and pXJwrt :-,uJH'I'\"i:·,joll!
youth, for whose welfa/'(' thl' l'olllmunity millie it nec,'ssa ry for the Toumallll'lIt
Imagill", :'1[1'. Bowll'r, four till" alll'Y'; Third roulI([-:\c\\'ell defeated Philler,
NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. ('olllmittel' to postpolle the finul match
is responsible. 1'01' ,\'0111' tU\lI'II:LlIlPlltS! ]O.H, (j·I; Kirkpatri!'k defeat.ed Shaw,
The local Y. M. l'. A. is lIlakilll! n ill thl' ,loubles tOllrJlament of tIll' Nar,
Imagilil' Iht' IWIIl'fits of physil'al in· (j·4, 6·2; \'an Auken '!efeated Cowin,
BegiIming with this week's herth Tenllis Assoeia tion last Suturday,
bold stroke to as,nrl' a prop,'r plal-e in sfl'u<'tion 10." all l'xlH'rt iu a I'l'l'urllisheo (i·l, (i·3.
g,VJIl 11:1 SiUJH !
issue, Our Town will be pUb- ulltil to·llay-Baturdlly, September :W.
Our Town where our youths lIlay spl'nd
lished once every two weeks in- So ulliess something unforeReen hllp, Mixed Doubles.
their spare tinw ullder good "'Ill;!itiolls There iSll't a thillg ,',ontelllplated ill
stead of once every week, until pens-whieh always, nowadays, includes ]<'irst rountl-~[r. Cowin and Miss
and proper and expert sUI,,'rvisioll. th"sp plalls hut whllt QUI' Town needs,
matters so shape themselves as the g)'rations of the Weather Man- Co\\'ill defeated ?[r. and Mr.~. Watts,
Now, Mr. Father alld ~lrs. Mllthl'r, alld ul'e,ls hadl.'·, and nothillg that j,
to admit our resuming the whatever that may mean, 'Messrs. Shaw 2,(;, (j.(I, 7·5.
you'll agree, won't .'·ou, t ha t, we ha ve lIot possilol,' ill this cOJllmunity of ours
paper weekly. We are com- al](! Warwi!'k, and :M:essrs, Kirkpatrick Singles Consolation.
long nel'ded just what is propose'!? with all its "il'i,' prille.
pelled to take this action owing and Staph'S will meet at :.! o'clock thh,
And what hoy just woul,lll't like to 'I'h" adlllittl',l ddil'il'lldes of tIll' As, ]o'il'~1 I'Onlld-'Vatts WOII from TOlllp·
to the large increased cost of Satul'l!a.v afternoon, t.o llecide the
have a "swim" right in his own "Y"1 so"iatioll ill tIll' past have been due !lillh h,r t11'f:lUlt; DuTII'l'e defeatod Fl'n-
newspaper production. dOllhles l'halllpionship for the season of
The Association this yl'ar is 01ll'lUt llllliul,r to a laek or interest and support no, ;J.(i, (i. I, 6·2; Thomas defeated Hart-
U)]!). And all that we said las! 'Sat,
ing under new officers: Mr. A.. 1., Loos, I Oil th(, part of thl~ cOJllnlllnity, due in Il'y, ().O, (j·O; P. Hl'difer, Sr., defeuted
President; T. Noel Butler, "i,'e-Presi· unlay ahout this eon test being a good
tlll'!1 possihly to ,t laek of those features V,,'. Harris, 6-3, 7-;); ])olllwliy defeuteil
dent; W. N. Mills, Secrl'lary, and IIhieh appeal. The ?llaill LillI' was well represl~nted 0111' holds tme in spite of the post.polle-
P. Redifer, .11'., 6·1, 6·1.
Daniel Leitch, Trl'asu/'('r, h:\(-ked up ill the hig parade of thl' Kllights TeJllp- ment.
'rhe 1'011 !Pmpla ted plans, howevcr, pro- Second round-Krusl' defeated Graee,
hy an energetic and enthusiastil' Board lar ill I'hila,lt'lphia la,;t wcek. 'In the mean'whilll tIll' singles tourlla·
vidl' all possihll' ,1esirablc features, 6·0, 6·:\; l\:[nsehamp defeatell Watts,
of Di rec tors. mellt has been moving along and has
,;Ollll' of whieh will appeal dircetly to (j·4, (j·2; Donneli~' defeated P. Redifer,
These officers han, hel'n thinking h.ig PVl'l',y 0])(1 of Olll' people.
1I0W reached the semi·finals. In these
Beulah GeorgI', who lIIadc hcr homo Sr., 6-1, 6·1.
things for us and lIlauy Illon ths of two events, ]\fl'. Warwick meets 1\[1'. Van
'1'1", sU"('CSS of this ef1'ol't depend" with Mrs. Golze, of ~laple avcnuc, has
thought, study and work IIlI'-C prel~e,ll'd Auken, and ~rr. Kirkpatrick meets Mr. COnsolation Doubles.
Oil you, 0111' frien,!, and the Association gonc to Hasl<ell Institute to take a eOlU'
the announcement of their large an,\ Xewell, all'\ the winllers of these two Preliminary rOUlld-'Schulte and
feels eOllfidl'nt YOllr serious thought 011 Illercial course.
worthwhilc plans. matches will.!'ome together in the fillals Thomas defeatetl Wat.ts and Redifer,
the subjl'l'l will Il'ad to carnest support
Nothing so praetil'al and worthwhill' fOT the Ringles champiollship, which will Sr., 7·5, 6-3.
on YOUI' part. ,1111'. P.· A. Lanahau has givcn ul' his
has ever before bl'en att.emptl'd in ?-I'ar' prohahly be played next Saturday, Sep· First round-Mnschamp and Donnelly
The As"ociatioll JIIust go forward or work or :;OIllP yl\ar:-:, in the Ill:lllagement temher 27.
berth, and the support, of the elltire cOlli· dl'feated Schulte and Thomas, 6·2, 7-5.
go backwards. Either the enlarged ef- of trust ~l'\tat(ls and b BOW engaged in The consolation matches are nearing
munity is anticipated. Second round-Muschalllp and Don-
fort til list 1)(' made a reality or till' selliu!! life insuran"e for thc Provideut the finals, and during the past weel, nelly dl'feated Burkhardt and Bailey,
Imagine an auditorilllll s,'aling six
Iollildillgs ,.hlS,'d "lItin'I.\', as pl'l'S!'1I1 Lif,' aud TI'Il.St C""'1,aly "f I'hil:«lcl- the mixed douhles ha"e started. Thl' 6·3, 6·3.
hundred, modern ill "V"I'.\' II a,,- . sh",v- phia.
('()lltlitillIlS (':I 1I lIut alld 111\1:-;1 1Iot ('Oil-
ing the best 111"1 i,," pid urI's s"",'I'al Ii 1I11l'.
times a week, all'! a"ailalol" at other ~JI·. :III.! .)1 .. :-:.. (i"l!rg., .It):o:"~llh :-\ a rr;~ftJi' :, ..... 0 0
tinlcs for the J)ll'(~t illg:'i~
events of auy IIsso"iatioll iu :\al'herth!
P:lI'I i('~ auel To ":o::;ill o' of the .·\s~ocin·
IlI'l'JlIi~ llit'
I ion II'0uld he a l'l'proa"'l Oil th,' "0111- lillI., daughtt'r U"II." han' 11l0\'l'd frolll
:ll!d tllcjr
Narberth Loses to S, I\: C. ., .. "" n
n I
(l 0 0 0-0
II 0 II x-I
H. A. Chain, MI'. W. R. D. Hall, Mr. H. Carl and l\ferritt are the pride of tI,e RIVING a car does not give a man supreme satis-
A. Jacobs, Mr. F. A. Lanahan, Mr. B"hool pducation. troop, as they arc covered with achieVl"
faction unless he gets his money's worth. If
Daniel Lci(,ch, Mr. G. Knutzen, Mr. R. ment medals won hy good, hard work
J. Nesper, Mr. 'E. A. Muschamp, :Mr. and study. you ask us to keep your car in good condition
To tlie Editor of Our Town:
Fletcher W. Stites, Mr. A. E. Wohlert, Harold Baum seclIJed to be having II it will cost you less money than asking u. to save its
,Mr. Walter Y. Shaw, Mr. Walton M. Citizens interested in keeping up the good time, but as he was to leave camp
rpl)lltation of Narberth as a widc-awake, life later on.
Wentz, Mr8. C. W. Young, Mrs. James a day earHer, owing to a trip planned
Foote. heautiful and homeliko town, might bo with his father to go to Kenoshll, Wis-
intl'J'ested in the following: consin, on Saturday, August 16, he could
HARRY A. JACOBS, Thl' hillboards and seYNal store wiu-
not take up the WOrk for points, as he
dows of this borough usnally-I might
Editor. knew he couldn't finish in time, so hl'
say invariably-carr.r notices long sinco was content in the "-ork of learning' how
Henry Rose, ohsoll'((', E\'l'n t hI' post office is not to wllsh dishes and peel potatoes.
Mrs. Roy E. Clark,
altog<'!her free from this anachronism.
W. T. Melchior A. J. Laos, Palmer Swartz Wll s another water ra t.
Snch a thing Illight bc exp('cted in a
AssOciate 'itors. You could always find him around th('
"lHIP-horse" villagl' or e,'('u in tho
hoats. One day when Palmer was 011
.. hpprll'ss tenement spction of a big
MAIZIE J. SIMPSON, duty at the table he seemed to get to
"it,'" But for a livl' eommunity liko
cashier. fl'eling bad just before his turn came
l\arhprth to continue to advertize meet-
to washing the dishes. So I thought
ings hpl<1 long ago, is simply ridicu-
Send all advertising and news items to lous!
the hcst thing to do was to confine him CALDWELL & CO.
P. O. Box: 966.
Our Town is on sale at the depot
E\'l'ry !'l'sillellt ought to appoint him-
self or hersp11' a ('ollllllittl'e of one to
to his tent for the rest of the day, as
I did not want to take chances. He CLEAN-··SAFE·--WHOLESOME R.eal Estate
stayed there al1 right, but looked long-
newsstand; and at the store of H. E.
n'nlO\'1' thesl' J'l'lies of antiljui1~-.
ingl." at th .. hoys whpn t.hl'Y left to gu OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED Insurance
Thl' onl,'- exe,'ption shonl.<1 he poster."
Entered as second-class matter
"ontaining information of eurrent YI11ue
hoating', 111' sl'('lned t.o he all right UNDER BACl ERIOLOGICAL CONTROL
SOUlrt~~~taUon NARBERTH, PA.
October 15, 1914, at the Post Office at wh,'u night <'allll',' so I told hi;n to g"r.
in addition to the oh"olete notices at
Narberth, Pennsylvania, under the act
of March, 1879.
("-ents, sl1 .. h as thos,' ad,'crtising the
Anll'rica 11 L,'g'ion. 1t woulll lll' Ill'tter.
tnc'kl'd in hi" {'ot., so h,' wonld I,e all
right for thl' mol'l'o\l', ",hi"h h,' did, and
nc\-er was si~k again that wpek.
Pasteurized Milk '\
BrynClo';.~~lkcer'lIied WEST PHIl.~.
IPedrlaUc Socie'~) OVERBROOK
h'HH'Yer, if these posl:<'rs also werl' de'
Special •• Guernsey" MERION
Raymond Weils. Proprietor
"t roypd alHl replacl'd by up-to-date ones. GeorgI' !:;UlIdl'Y 5e'elllecl to hI' I'njoying
OUR TOWN will gladly print LittJ<o thing;; g'l a long way toward hilllself every ntinute, hnt wh,'n it {'um,'
(Roberts'&: Sharpless'
any news it~m about any subject
that is of interest to Narberth
in,'n'asing or decr('asing a elllllmnnity's to tnking tests for lIIerit hadges he felt Dairies) NARB£RTH EXPERT REPAIRING
s!'lf-respecl, and visitors al",a~';; noti"" t ha t he would I'll ther stndy I helll and Telephone Narberth 1633
Cream Buttermilk ARDMORE
folkS, but in Order to meet the thp "fin" touches." Anot.her indieation help Carl win his Engl,' ::;cout ba,lgl'
Table and Whipping WYNNEWOOD
printing schedule, all "copy" than to work for himself. \Ve arc hop- Cream.
-manuscripts-must reach the
editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday each
of "fll7.zy·nlintlpancR~" in thif' to\\'n
i;; the common praeti('1' of thro",illg
\ya~h'l pnpf'T 011 th(' :\\"t1IlttCS or f'111t'-
ing' that George will {'on tin 11" in his
:SeOUl work, for he is pretty far ad- GOOD VALUE
Conllnis"iolll'r Charl,'s HllInphr,'Ys, 1
\'ancpd, aud with jllst a litt]" lIlore in-
1,'r""t conld fill his arlll sll-"I'" ,,'ith a
SCOTT-POWELL DAIRIES In the following up-to· date homes:
mn snn', wonl,1 Ill'ar ",itne;;;; to thl' good many honors. 45th and Parrish Sts. 208 Grayling Avenue
fad that the two squan's or so from (To be Continued Next Week.) 34 Avon Road
SATURDAY, September 20, 1919 36 Avon Road
thl' post ome" in any direetion are fre,
ljnently littl'red witli n'mnants of mail 100 Avon Road
Fire, 3;30
,1isear<1ed hy ('are1p5s indi,'iduals. Ann
tlii;;. too, de;;pitl' the tin'lpss plTorts of SABlE CENSORE OTHERS BEING BUILT
Police, ] 250 onr effici('nt strcet cleaners,
One thing mor,', and thpn T am
throul!h, T liav,' hca 1'<1 1ll1l"h from time
The Hack Service Man Has Changed
Editorial to tinw ('oncerning plans for a nH'lllorial
to the sN,'iee men of Narherth. hnt it
His Phone Number to Narberth 377 Greenhoules Nurseriel
30,000 ft. of gla..
npppars to he as vagne as a mid-suIll-
mer's dream in No\'{'mlwr, Can anyon('
or Narberth 625. Pencoyd
12 house.
pnlighten m,' on this subj,'ctf
SPARTACUS. Please do not call Narberth 1633
'fhis i~ til" testing tillle for mall)' 1\
bo,\' and girl. 'rhe lure of wage", the
d,'sin' to go unt into the world and do
For my sertJice. John Albrecht
sOlllething, impatiencl' with the slow Look about the home arounds and have
grind of clas" work, the necessity of your planting done now. The .ea.on i.
In last week's issue of Our Town
contributing to r.he family income-all here again, and ihe weather condition.
there appeared, in a lett,'r sent. to the
th,'s(~ 111'0 motin's that arc working are adVAntageous.
Eclitor, an article referring to n "huil,l-
})oll'"r" at this time of year on boys and
girls. Fortunately l\ a rhl'rth is not liS
1'1'" who is a resident of our horough. An o.cillaling Washing Machine
hard hit as many localities, but cyeu in
'l'he }o;clitor sincerely regrets that the of unusual merit. Phone for
pllrpos(' and IIlpaning of this artiele wa" demonstration in your home.
this up-to-date, progrpssi,'e town there
arc boys and girl;; bein~ depri "I'd of nn
mislln,ll'rstood, as no harm nor {'ritieism Cotter's Market
'1':1" intl'n,h',l b~' the writer of the arti,
eelucation. Phone NARBERTH 1255 W
e1(' in question,
To a large extent the boys and girh Prime Beef, Spring Lamb,
He has {'ontrihuted to 0111' Town for
Country Dressed Veal and
have this problem in thl'ir own hands.
For t.he most part they must settle it
nlallY months past, and simply dwelt
lipan this matter in his usual good-
E.Q. SMEDLEY Pork, Sugar Cured Hams
themsolyes. \Ve ean only hup" that Electrical Devices for the Home.
natnred way, with absolutely no intent and Bacon
nlost of tl.elll cun he made to see that
for thcmseh'e", and for the comlllunity
to harm onr !!OUU f ..llow-townsman, PHONE us YOUR ORDER TO.DA Y
Th(' Editor is extTl'mel~' sorry that
tlle wise t'hing to do is to use Youth's You will find our prices right
this artic1p should have given offense
Golden Hour to giye everybody all tho Groceries and Provisions
Crluca tion possible.
One or two positin' thiltgs the s('hool
('lin do is to help the hoy and girl mako
and ofTers his sinepre apology.
A ~s~ur~.E !A
THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH opllning fall meeting next Tuesday. All
LEARN TO DO BANKING Rev. John Van Ness, Minister.
w(\men of the congregation cordially in-
vited. 1'hl' mel'ting will hegin at 10 Flnellt Photoplay The-
A. M. atre 01 ItII Size" the
Entire World.
No matter how small your busir tOS may be, have a bank account. -'feelings for Sun,]ny, S,'pl"JIlber ~I:
PbetoplaVII-Continunns to A. M. 10 U.38
10 A. M.-Snnda~· School. At thl'
The small merchant who has a bank account establishes his BAPTIST CHURCH OF THE P.M.
II!H'ning of the school tlwrl' will be thl' EVANGEL
credit, has safety for his cash, and pays his bills with a check in a indnllation of ~fr. WiIlinm .r. Peeh],'s
Phila.• Pa.
business manner, a~ SUlwrintendent and ~[r. A, G. COlliI"
Avery S. Demmy, B. D., Pastor.
"11 as Assistant Snperinten(l('llt of the
You are invited tD open an account with us.
.( 1'001. Hours of sen'ice:
II A. .\L -Puhlie worship. 'l'hl' sel'-
11'1:11 of tIll' pastor will he on ., Th,'
Sunday, [1.4;) A. .\f.-Bihle School. PROGRAM
(:Iosing' wilh lantl'l'n sil,]P~ 011 the "His
(;I'l'at Aposlas.\" of the Ag('.'·
THE MERION TITLE & TRUST CO. 'iAii P. ;\f.-"8\·ening worship. 8l'l'II1011
Ih"I'I('. ""'hat Onl' ('hi"f \\'ol'k Is, alld
II",," 10 no TL"
tory ()f I.h(> English Bible."
11 A. ::\f.-::\Iol'llinl! worship. with ser-
lIlon 011 the sllhjel't, ,. A \Vinning
An institution in connection with" HONEST TO GOODNESS" GARAGE where every attention is served
and your fee is INVESTED not SPENT
The installation of every MODERN facility employed together with CAPABLE employees to MAKE for popular prices. The proper application of
such methods is your SERVICE. Believing that" He Profits Moat Who Serves Best" we will appreciate COMPETITIVE CONSIDERATION. We are as
near you as your phone. Ours is NARBERTH 1210.
of Narberth, Penna.
ASK H. E. ARMSTRONG, Operating
Q,..... ""
.. J!l
:~ "c ~
5007 Westl11.inster Avenue "
i1 8~
. u
8< ~~oo :a.s ~.-
,," ]
House Wiring Philadelphia, Pa.
Cl8 .:: .eo g
C1 m
:= Jl:a ~rn
~~ SOl
z8 ~
rz1 Labor Labor Yard. Labor Material Labor Labor Material
JaD. '100 00 $9930 $1 08 $115 15 $1 44 3137 50 4:14 $5 41 '5319 $3,\ 41 '6:1 ·IR $610 97
Feb. 100 00 3960 80 11078 1 01 12554 S85 768 16011 'i0 47 471 91
30 Jobs within the last 2 months are 30 March 10000 2500 10051 106 45 804 1238 10080 20 :1:t I:W 56 6020:1
reasons why we should do your work April 10000 1665 8946 1 75 11220 256 5500 7 34 28 17 fi776 ·H;8 :1:1
May 10000 32.20 1509R 12 50 6422 134 93 18 160 44 10 60 50,t! l~ti G~l 703 1:1
June 100 00 4745 197 48 2278 3·150 70 177 5ri 2j561 12 H7 27 511 rIG 6$ 11:1 29 1061 77
100 00
191 35
214 15
10 92
I!) :ll ()(J HI) 118 07
250 tl:~
413 :19
1248 15
::1 ·1 f)
11 00
41 ';8
l~;) ·w
1066 70
2012 05
Interior and Exterior Painting
The Fireside George Alexander
(Continued from Page 1.)
Whitewashing by Spray or Hand ANNOUNCEMENT
Houae Cleaning Rug. Beaten
Phone Cynwyd 895 CYNWYD, PA. with some of thc best young people in Heater. Taken Care of
the borough. Come one, conle all antI 53 Prospect Ave., Bryn Mawr, Pa. Jules Junker Inc.
We are showing a full line of 1919 Imported prove the statt'men!.
and Domestic Wall Hangings and Cretonnes JOBBING ALTERATIONS
~rr. H. Eo Al'Ins!l'ong. 011l'J':lting thl' FAMOUS BREAD AND
:M:ain I,illl' Autonl"hile Lauu,ll')' and
Garage, \I' ho has I''''','n t Iy taken ()\"(':
Clarence A. Speakman ROLLS
J\Iary and Day were now comfortably the \Valton prop"l·t)' anti husiness, is
News 01 the Churches ensconced in Arnold's apartment, w.ith \'I'ry much pleased with ou!' borough.
Carpenter and Builder WILL OPEN STORE
(Continued from Page 3.) Hhnda to look after thelll and to see Tht' t'xtensil"c impl'o\'I'ments mad" hy Phone 1652-R Narberth 104 Forrelt Ave., Narberth
Grave," in the Baptist Church at Bryn 11mt all w('nt well. him at the old \Valton "ol'nl'l' ar,~ luu(,h
l\fawr. You are cordially invitl'll. To th:is plan Mary had at first de· !1I't'tled ilnl'l'o\'t'mt'nts to this section, Phone. Ardmore 967 W Dey and Nillht For convenience of our
all,l ~Ir. Armstrong is planning to nrakt'
Chureh Notes.
A handsome Vinccnt piano was last
m uned. BU't, seeing how much Arnold
wishe([ it, anI! realizing how nl1lch more
time it would en'ahle her to give to hl'!
flll'th,,1' iml"'ovt'ments to the corn,,!, in
the nl'ar future. 'I'his is one 01' th"
JOHN MARMORA patroms in this Vicinity.
THURSDA Y, JULY 17, 1919
wcek added to thc equipmcnt of our
Sunday Sl~hool.
II' ri I. ing, she had finally consented. lH'west inl1ustrit·s in Narlll'l'th, :11111 wilh Hauling and Moving
And now he was gone. the able Illunagt'm"nt of Mr. Armstrong, ",~YWHERE
Rally Day will bc ohscl'vcd in this
How wonderful he hall been to her who has installed model'll equipment Rate. Reaaonable ARDMORE, PA.
church Sunday, Octoher l:!, with appro·
priate services throughout thl' day. A
lind Dal. Why hud he Ill'ell 80 kind! and systl'tJl throughout,' the husiuess
I'romisl's to he lJnite an asset to :\al"
great rally will he held.
Shl' blushed to think what. a little fool
hel'th. In any husiness where a town
FOT - Good - Work - See Plumbing, Gas Fitting
she' must have seemed that night she
Next Sunday evening, the :!8ih, we
will hold 0. Demobilization Service, when
had :laketl him to marry her! benefits hy such itJljlro\'ements liS ~rr. H. PREMOST and Heating
She looked about the <,ozy roolll. How Armstrong is making, should ret'l'ivt'
our service flag will hc taken do\\'n. l\Ir. NARBERTH PA
George Braden II ill make the add res>
on the subject, •• The Call of the Hour."
goo(1 he had been and he had asked
nothing in return-not c.ven a kis~. She
!t ... arty support frolll the residents ot
t h ... eOlllnlUnity. The Home Town Tailoring Parlor
wished he had asked that; but perhaps Phone 1210 J JOBBING
Our Bible School has recently rcceiv· ---------- _._------ 234 Haverford Avenue
l'd a handsome elHlo\\'llIent in memory
hI' (Hdn't want to kiss her. She won.
dered how long it would be before t.ho Ladies' and Gents' Garments Dyed, WINFIELD H. COOK
of our formerly helovl'd Snp(~l'intl'ndent,
Mr. Harry S. Hopper.
promised letter would cOllie. He was
to write first and she was to llnswer in
Frank Reginelli Cleaned, Pressed and Remodeled
Work Called for and Delivered
French Dry Cleaning a Specialty
Plumbing and Heating
The services last Sunday Wl'l'e ver~
kin·d. She eould hardly-
E•• ex and Haverford Avenues
well attended alI<I the enthusiasm was Bell 'Phone 1284.J Walto.'. Carage NARBERTH, PA.
inspiring. Considering the Divine favors (To be ContinUed Next Week) Narberth Shoe Store
that have been bestowed upon the
American people and Narberth in par· ELECTRiC SHOE REPAIRING & SHOE SHINE PARLOR
and The Misses Zentmayer's
ticular, our churches should he crowded
with worshipers. Let us all /.(0 to churl'h.
6041 Woodland A""au." W.1l PhiI.delpbia
You will be welcome with us.
Auto Service Tueaday and Friday
209 HAVERFORD AVENUE Will Reopen September 17, 1919
Consignments of the food recently or·
dered at the post office are arriviug.
Notice will be ~iven each purchaser
when their order or a portion of it is
Narberth Register Two Line., IDe per i..ue; 5c for each additional line
l\lontgomerY Garage. Pbone Narbertb 1624. NOTAR~ I"UBLI(l
See displaY advertisement In tbls Issue.
By a Rising Young Narberth Garage. I'boue Narberth 11133. oJetreriea. oJ. H. 111 N..rberth ave.
Phone, 666-M.
Narberth Authores8 See display ndvertlsemeut In tbls Issue. Ty.on. WarreD R. 200 Woodbine ave.
AFl'()~l()ln LI~ SEIt"IC.~ Phone. 1202-W.
(;e.U'.ore, Su.llie. Pltolll'. (i:!ii.
s"" ,liHlIlllY llth'('rl!selllelit In thts issul'. FentoD. Carl F. 506 Eae" ave. Phone. 611-W
(Continued frOm Last Week) 1\II&1n Lin., Auto Lllundry and Garage.
Phone, H.2. Phil... addre... 1806 Che.tnut at. Loeaat III.
"I'm goinog to make 0. confession." Se" ,1IslllllY ntll"l'rtlsement In thts Issul'. ZentmaYer, Joseph. 228 S. 15tb st., Pblla.
Mary's eyes widened.
Merion Title 01: Trust Co. Phone. Ardmore I. Walzer. Fred.
"As you know, I am a woman-hatcr; See display adverlleement In thl. laue. 117 Winsor av•. Phoue. 1247-J.
but, as you probably don't know, 1, Smedley, Wm. D. &: H. T. Pbone.OOO. Witte. Gen. A. Falrvlew ave.
like other roC'll, have a dream-woman.
In some waye, you remind me of her.
(Nut Size) See dleplay ..dverllsement la thl. laue.
Vav... H. E. Phone. 1254-W.
Phone. Cynwyd 778-J. Flrel-clau work.
"Arcadia," 16th and Chestnut at... Phil...
I want you to write to me the kind of See dl.play ..dverU.emenl In thl. lau•. See dlspl..y advertisement In thl. laue.
letters you would write to the man you Per Gross Ton-" Chuted In" oJen1dDa, <Jhaa. L. Cook, Wlnfteld H. Pbone 1210-J.
103 Dudley aVe. Phone. 882-H. See display advertiBement In tbl. "atle.
love. " Sl'....kman. Clarence A. Phone 1652-B.
"Ob, I couldn 'tl " Mary munnured. CHEAPER THAN HARD COAL See display a<1vertlSl'lDent In this Issue. Wall. H. D. Phone. 819-J.
See dl.play advertleement In thla laue.
"I \Vouldln't know how." "'ratolltonl, James, &: Sons. REAL ESTATE
Thi. Coke Will Mean a Great Savinlt to You 2311 Hampden ave.• Narberth. Box 270. Caldwell &: Co. Phone. 1271-W.
Arnold laughed. ' ':My dear, anyone DENTISTS See display advertisement In this laue.
with an imagination can write 0. lovo
lmter. You have already proved your Clinkers Money l Orr, Dr. A. L. 101 Elmwood av. Phoae. 1t8-W.
Phil... Phone. Filbert 425¥. Keith Bldlr.
FrItach. H. (l. Phone. J52-W.
See dl.J:I..y advertillem.nt In thla laue.
Godfrey. Wm. D.
imagination by coming hem tomigh t • NO Soot Ti~e SAVED Howard'a. Phone. 1267.
See dl.play adverllaement In lhl. laue.
114 Woodalde ave. Phone. 886-W.
Naah, Robert oJ. Phone, 605.
"You, too, must have idealizel} some· Gas Patience Smith, T. B. Ardmore, I'a. Money for Flr.t and Second Morteaea•.
one. Write to 11I0 llS you would to
1Inconvenience Labor See display lldvertlsement In this ISBue.
l'ulrh. Verl 225 Iona aV•.
Slmp8on, .fame. (l. 232 E •• e" ave.
Phone, 636, or 1420 Cheetnut at.
Then, seoing her besitate, "Cheer
Ash Sifting Elil11.inated Nar. Phone. 650-W. Ard, Phone. 188-J. Gara-McGlnley Co. Phone. 1268-W.
ELECTRICAL DEVICES See dleplay advertl.ement In thl. laua.
up! " he said! grim Iy, "as you reminded Smedley, E. Q. Phone 1255-W. Hiller. Jobn A. 248 lona ave. Phone, 661-J.
ORDER FROM YOUR DEALER See display advertisement In this ISBue. Shcp. 246 Haverford aVe. Phone. I1I6-J.
me a short time ago, you probably won't FISH AND OYSTERS SHOEMAKERS
If He Can't Supply You-Call imperial Grocery Co. Phone. N.rberth 606.
have to write for long!" HAULING, ET(l. Good Wear Sboe Repair Shop,
"Oh, that wasn't it. I wa3 afmie] l\iarmoma, .John. Ardmore, Pa. Con"lantlne. D. O. :?;)2 Huverford ave.
See dlsplny advertisement In this laBue. Xl'"t to ('OOII'S COllI l"nrd.
I-I--oh, oh, I don't know wha't," pro·
tested the girl.
"It won't be hard, Mary. Just wnte
c. P. COOK, Narberth
powman, Samuel!". (Life.)
116 Elmwood aV.. Phone. 651-W.
"ones, Ch... R.
305 S. Narberth ave. Phone. 611-J.
Premost, H. Pbone. 12M-J.
See display advertisement In this Is.ue.
of the little every-day ,things tJhat go Distributor for Narberth. Wynnewood and Merion "onea. Woo. oJ. 108 S. Narberth ave. Phoae, Alexander. George.
680-J. Phlla. .ddr.... Penn Mutual Bid... See display advertisement In thl. I.....
to make up life, with just l1JOW and t1len S'roUer Bro.. (Fire. etc.)
a dash of love, so that I may fool my- 209 Woodalde ave. Phone. uu-a. The above department .hould be of the
soU into thinking lihere's someone at Sales Agent: W. J. RAINEY LAWYERS
Gilroy, oJou 211 E.se" ave. Phone. lU6-a.
Phil... addr••s. Lincoln BId...
ereatest us. to the community. the lI.t con-
talna the name of every prote.lonal man.
home who cares." tradeaman, mechanic. .hopkeeper. etc., wh.
Real Estate Trust Building, Philadelphia Itlte., Fletcher W. U 8 Haverford ave. does or can In any way .erve hill tellow-
And Mary, looking up into the eyes Phon•. 872-W Phil... addrea. Cro.er Bide. townaman. aad who I. proerealve eDou.1I
TELEPHONE 6468 WALNUT LIGHTING J!'IX'l'UBBS to add name to list of Reel.ter.
of this big, lonesome man, said sol- McDonald "olm. Narberth phone, UII. • As It I. dlmoult for thoae contr1butlq
1588 Che.t. .t.. Phil... Phone. Spruce 1111. their time and etrorta to the produotlon Of
emnly, "I will." I\IE",TS, ETC. "Our Town" to per.onally elth.r know or
SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE BOOKLET Cotter, Howard F. Phone. 1111.
On the eve of his departure Arnold See dlaplay ..dvertl.ement la tbl. laue.
Interview all .uoh, It would bs mo.t h.lp-
ful It tho.e Dot now tound In tb. Pr1l1t..
lIJld :Mary were quietly mnrried, with U How to Bul'Il RAINEY.WOOD 'Domestic' Coke" Herider, John B. Narberth.
See dlaplay advertlAl'ment In thl, I••n.
JiIIt would .end In & memo ot tb.11' Dam...
addre.., phone numben and b1llllDe_ or
DaI and Arnoldi's servant, Rhoda, as IULE protealona tor Iilltln... Thill will COR ... fol.
witne8l!es. Scott-Powell nalrl. . Phone. Pr.aton II". low.: 10 cenu eaoh 188U. tor I 111....; I C18ate
See dlaplay ..dverU••ment la thl. I••u•. for eaob ad41tlobal II....