Our Town December 6, 1919

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President Trigg, of Chamber Better Train Service y, M. C. A. Campaign Ther-

of Comme"rce, to Speak Here For Narberth mometer Comes Down
Next Thursday Evening While Ascending
'I'hl' :\u"l'lIlhel' :lOlh lilill' tahlt! of th"
Pellllsylvallia Hailroad sho\\'s the 1'01-
1'l\l'illg a,ltlitiollal traills:' INDICATOR HAS BEEN REMOVED,
Prom BI'O:1l1 Street Station to Xar- ALTHOUGH CONTRIBUTIONS
h"l'th-])aily: l.ol;i 1'. :II., 2.,I,i 1'. ~r.,
SPEAK ON "SOMETHING ABOUT OUR INDUSTRIAL 1~rolll .:"ial'herth to Broad 8tn'l't Sta-

THE FIRESIDE tion-,S.lS A. :If. n'pla,'.,'s 1'.1:: A. :'II.,
I~Ai 1'. :If., 1.-l7 P. :1[, :Ll. I'. :II.., i.;;O
'['h" )'. :II. C. A. l'alltpaign for funds
fill' its "olll"mld"t,',1 bll,wn'ln,,"ts con-
1'. :If. tinlll'''. alld "onlrihutions aI''' still com-
I I' you wallt to h,'ar 0111' of I'hil:1l11'1' :-;t'e\ln' ~Il'. Tl'i~;.!, ttl ~IH'ak IIl'xt rrhlll':-;-
:Ill'S. H. L. llurbin, of :'\urherth ay,'- 'I'11l' •.;;0 P. :'If.\theatJ'(' train on th" ing· ill, e"('JI though thl' :lsslH'iation has
phia ':-; Jl\ost IJl'Olllilll'1I1 hll~ill(,:';:-; mp1l. day t'Y\'lliJl~, Probably th('l'p i:-, nu lllall ,,·hedule is tht' din,,'t l'l'sllit of II r,~qu"st 1"'1110"",) th,' lh,'nllonlt'I,'r,indi,'atol' USl·tl
1IlH', t'lltertain,',l th(! Thil1llH'I Clnh al
who is :d~n IIIH' of ll1p nation ':-; fore- in the ,·oun1 ..", \\"ho is ill a Iwttt'r p"si- m:lll(· loy t111' :'\arht'rlh (,h'i" Asso('iatioll tlul'in;!; thl' ,·ar1." days of th .. l'a:tlpaign.
!IeI' hOl1le on 1'hurSlla .•- al'tl'l'!Ioon.
Illost lila II II I'a(·t IIJ't'rs all,l 1'llIl'loyt'rs, tioll to cli:-,('us~ htl:-;il1t,~~, ir1l1u:-'try and to tIll' railroad IllallagPIllt'nt, sngge~ted :'I[any 'of lhl' nlt'mht'rs of the CUIIl-
slll'ak 011 a sllhj"1"! that: "ilally "OIl"l'l"IlS lahor "ollilitions frill" thl' ,'il'wpoillt of ll,\' a Ill('ndwr inten'st (,,1 in !wtl"r sen'- pa i).! n Conlin i I t 1',' ha vc ont workers'
:If I'. alld :I[rs. W. H. Cohie an,l da1lg-]I-
all th,' ]ll'0l'le 01' this "0111111'.", reS"r"1' the employ,'" allli thl' larg,· manuf:ll'- i('e for :\arherth foIl,s going to tltl' ('it,\' "al'ds, 'rhil'h l'onstitute pot .. ntial COII-
t('r (./ane ['~stelit' Cohic) spent Thanks-
IIt'xt rrhtlr:-;tl:ty (,Yl'fling, I>l'('(llllIH\1" 1]. IUl'er than :1[1'. 'rrigg. In ,\(!<lition to ill the 1'\"t'lling-, as tht· old sehedul" pru- t :·il,"1 ions to th" bnillIing I'lintl, un,1
p:iving week visiting' with friends at
OIl that (""t'ning, :'11'. EnH'st T. Trigg, ht'illg 011" of Ih,' h,'atls of thl' Lueas yi ded 110 tnl illS lwt \\'t't'll the i.20 anll I hI' \\'orl"'rs art' ul'g"d to make final rc-
Washing-toIl, I'a., allll I'ittsllllrgh.
l,r"sid"lIt 01' the I'hil:lllell'hia Cha1l\her paint ('olllpall~' and prt'sidl'ut of the ,~.2!1 P. M. plll't just as t'al'!~' as Ill)ss~loJ<o.
of l"olllllll'l't't\ :l11f1 ,·j(·p-prpsident and l'hila,;el!,llia ('hallJ!wr of COII,nll'ITp, h" Thl' \\'ol'kers' canIs also illllicate that
This is 0111' of th,' mallY tllillgs the
gl'IH'ral H1:lIl:q.!.'('1' of 1hp .101111 LUI':I:'" is illlinla11'1.,· assOl'ialt'ol 'lith tIl<' other
I"ading- "Inployer" an,lm:lnllfa,·lnl'l'rs ot was 10 ha "" 1,,',,11 dilledI'd h.,· tIll' Ci\'ie A~~o('i:ltioll ha:-; l1"lI{' alit! (':lTl do sUl"'l'l'iption fonns 11'1'1',' ".f(
with many
(·ollll'all.". will sl,,'ak ill EIIII lIall Oil I,rllsl",,·t in' "lIntrihutors who promised
\\'OIlIl'1I '" .\1Ixilia 1'," this IlIOlllh, has to Illake the Y"ar Houlld Home '1'0\\'11
Ih,' slll/.i",·I. "Solllt,thing- Ahout 0111' ]n- thl' nation. Dnring th,' wa .. Ill' was 10 lill ill th .. il' pll',I~,' an,) 1','IUrH it to
1)('('11 postl'0IIl',l IIlltll F,'hruar,)' 2:: all,l a lod t "I' town.
dust rial l'rohI1'1I\s.·' III his ad<ln'''' :lfr. H,'gional A,hisor fill' tIll' \Va" IlIdns-
2ol, I n~o. Ih,· asslll·iation. This ill 11I0st cases has
rl~ri1-!g· will di:-:t·tls~ tilt' 11l'PSPlit si11Wtioll t I'il's' Board for Easterll Pellnsy]vania.,
Alloth"r a('('omplis]1Iul'nl of Ih" (;i,·i,· 1>""11 don .. , hnt :tIallY a",' ontstlllll]ing,
in th,' li).!ht oj' rl""'ut '·"I'uts. :-iouIIH'rn :\ew .ll'r,,·,\' and D"la\\"al'l'; hI'
,\s"o('iation: and thos<' still inll'ndin;! 10 pit'dg" their
This will Ill' thl' first of a sl'ri,'s is a ,lin,(·tor of Ihl' ('haln],,'r oj' COIll- You ('all get li('kd;; to Elm Hall next
aid to this III 0:-; t \"0I't1ly work are urged
of talks to ]", giYen in 1·:lm lIall <luring :1It'n'e of th(' Ullitl'<l Slates, a member Thllrsday 01' ]<'riday ""ellillg to hear :lfr.
to ",'III! in Ih"ir ,'ards pro:tlpJy, as thi"
thl' wint,'r II,\' prlllllilll'nt speal"'rs, UIl- of 1111' l"'nns,I-I\'allia :-ila1,' \Val' COlli, Erll,'sl 'I'. 'frigg hy apl'l~·in).! to allY of-
l':,\fTED ~TATI':~ IL\ILHOAD \\'ill \"l·ry nlal,'rially ai') thl' ,'onlmitt""
,1,,1' th" au"pi,"'s of th,' :'\ar1)('rtll eiYi,' l'il; pl't'si,I,'nt 01' Ih,' :'\ational Fl'd,'ra- fil"'r or din',·tor ot' tl.l' :\ar1)(,l'lh (,i"i"
ill ,,·inding' up fIll' grt'at a:tlount or
As"o"iatioll, I iOIl of l'onst 1'II,·t ion Illllll"tries. H,'· ,\ssol'ia t ion, or 11 t n ny of the stores or A P:lf] :\1~THATI07'i
Will'!, inyoh' .. ,) an,l will u,I,1 suhstantial-
""lItly hi' ""1'\"',1 as a nll'mhl'l' of IJll! ofli,',·s 1ist"d Oil II", lirsl I'a).!'· of thi"
How to Get Tickets. Dil"'l"!or OI'II"ral oj' llaill'll:ltl Iy to tll(l Slll'('l'~~ of thl' t'alllpaigll,
In,lustl'ial ('ollfl'l'I'ne,' at \Vashington, ls;-;ul',
1"'11 II s.,-h' a II ia Haill'l1atl. East"l'lI Th,' as,:o"ial ion feel,: very optimistic
:III'. Trig-).!··s talk Ill'xt TlIur"l!a,\' "\"('11- ",'ll'(·t"d :tlollg with nth,'1' "Illployl'rs h~'
LiHes as to lilt, jinal attainlltt'ut of it;; goal
illg', likl' all Ih,· talks that an' to 1'011011' Ih,' Ch:lIn h"r of Conlln'cret' of the United The T'ostnlllst,'r says letters alllln'ssed al a nead," d"Il' an,l hop"s :ulll "XIlI'(·ts
,ll1rillg th,' ",illft'r, will h,' fn'" to the :--;tal,,'s to n'pr""'nl tIll' "apilal gronp ill 10 ~allta C1:,1IS shou],l contain the name Pas:-'I.'Jlg'PI' n('pal't lIIl'J1t
"hllrll." to h,· ,d'),' to m:t1,e somc "ely
r,'sid"llls of :'\:Ir(,prth allil tlll'ir fri"IlI!", that importallt gatllering. and adtll"l'ss ot' lh" "'lllln, jnst th,' Broad :';f n,,'t SI" t iOIl iflll,l"t'~t : II,!.!.' allllOlllh't'Hltlnts to its friends
hut al!llIi,:sioll will he h." li"kel ouly. :--:\111(' a:-, I't'gul:ll' l('tll'l':', or Santa In~lY
:II r. Trig-g will h,'gin his talk at 8.15 I'liil:llil'lpltia, :'\0". 22. l!ll!l. anti 10 th,' ("J:nmunity.
TIIt'I'(' will 1)(' 110 "hargl' for th,' lil'kd'" l10t Ill' allle to tell who wrote the letter
o"'!,wk sharp, allli we ul'gt' all those A \·ollsidl'ralo],· anlollnl has aIn'ady
alld fhl'.'· Illa~' he ohtailled from any of Ill' whel'(' to ;;"nol t1,,' Xmas ).!ifts. ~(·(·r('t:lr.,·, :\al'h('l'tll Ci"il' A:..;:..;n.
Il'ho \\"allt 10 h"ar him to secllre their 1""'11 paid ill Oil th,' plt'dg"s-th" plan
I II,' followillg' olli"l'rs alld dirl'elors of eiatioll,
t i"kl'ls as SOOIl as possihle and to be on III' Ih,' \'''llIpai~1l pro\'id"d for three pay-
111,' ('iYi(' ,hsol'iatioll, alld at th,· fol-
hallil I'arly. DOll ~j f(ll'~'tlt 111 \'J'it flip ('1Iri~11l1:l~ :\arh"rth, l'eHllsyh'aHia. nll'n,,; (J:II·-thil',1 of th,' plt';lge pl'omptJ
]OWiiig :--tll1'l';-: HIlt1 ullin';.; IIt'l't· ill Xar-
Hl'member, the time is next Thurs- sal" in thp Yo :If. C. A. huilding, llndl'l' D,'ar Sir: 1.,-. oUI'-1hinl Oil I"l'hruary Li, In~O, alII!
da." ,·,·,'nillg, !JI""'nJ1ll'r JI, at S 0 'elo('k, ,1 i 1'1'1'1 ion of I h,' \VO'I1"II'S A1Ixili:llY, Oil 1111' Jill:,] third on .Juu,· l;i, If1Z0-alld
.Jo"l'ph H. ?\ ash, .James Artman, A .•J. Hl'ft'rl'inp: to prt\\'iotl:-> ('OI'1'P'
Elm lIall. ~atnJ'tla.,·, l1,o""l1lhel' l:lth, hl'lI,"pl'n III it is hopp,l Ihe paylllt'nts "an he kt'pt
Loos, H..J. Dothard, H../. Ed).!ar, :lIis" spoH<l('II"": I al11 pl":I,,·d to ad-
:llaizie SiIllP"OIl, .J. .J. Cahrp~', :ill's. C. H"nll'mlH'l', also, that whil" thc meet- ,\. :II. :11111 -t P. :If. "nlostalltially "II this sl'ht',lule.
visl' that w,' ha",' fiJl:l!1y pl'l','ail-
ing- will lH' 1"1'1"', admissiOll will l)(~ by .\ 1I11"'1 in).! will prohahly he called
I'. Pow],'r, II. H. Hill"gas, Charles H. I'd IIPOII 0111' Tl'allsp0l'lalioll P('-
A. (,hnill, W. H. D. Hall, ]1. A ..1'lI'oh", ('al'll ollly and that ,'ards 1IIa" Ill' ohtail;' .Ill I'iIIg' th,' "'J:llill).!· \\'I'ek of all the calll-
!l"lIll'Il1IJl'I', I'('sel'\'e lIext Thursday l'artllll'1l1 10 :-<to)l l'\('lIiJl~- tl'aill
F. A. Lallahan, Dalliel Lpit,·h, G. Knut- "d from any of the oOieer; nn<l diree- pai;!" wor!,,'I'S. "" 11,at final n'plll'ts l'all
"Y"lIillg for Iltl' lirsl of tlll' l'uhli(' talles :'\0. ;;:1!l~
at :'\a rhpl'th , Hlld,'r H"W
tors of the Ci\'ie Assoeiatioll. all,l from lit' n·(· .. i"l'tl alld 1'!:tIlS lItad" for ;;edng
zen, H. ./. :\ pspt'r, K A. :lluschamp, to Ill' Iwld ill Elm 1Iall 1111,1,,1' th" ailS' sl'he,llIll' <'Il"'di"e No\'elJlher :10.
any of th" nll'rehallts and otlices lish',l I h"",' in I h,' lollrongh who ha\'e not as
FletelH'r W. 8titt·s, A. I-:. Wohlt'rt, Wnl- "i,·,'s or Ih,· ('i"i,' As"o('iaIJoll. :\fr. III fad, hegilllling that datt', i'o.
a 1l0\·c. ."l'1 h,·,'n gi,,'n :I din'('1 IIppol'tunity to
tel' Y. Sh:1\\", Walton :'If. Wl'nlz, :'IfTS. El'lll'st rr\ Trigg:, lll'(lsi!lt ' llt of tIll' Phila- ;)::!l~ will lIIal((, all SlOPS to I'hila-
C. W. YOllug, :III'S.•James ]~oote. sulo"(,l'ih,'. althou).!h all shoilld feel fl·""
Th,' l'omlnitt,·t' of th" ('i"ie Assoeia- dl'lph ia Cham hl'r of. Commerce, who was l1l'1pllia, arl'll'llIg Bro:,,1 :-;t 1'1"'1
to ~l'Jld an~' pl('d~(' till'." dt'sil't' to make,
lIownrd's and Smith's drllg stores, I ion that is al'l'anging thl'''' talks has " 1l11'llIh,·,· of th,' r,'('ellt fl1l1ustrial Con- Statioll S.O(j 1'. :II., illslt'all of
wlll'lh,'r or l!ot tllt,.__ han' ns yet heen
Howanl Dayi;;' storl'. til,· Y. :II. C. A" 1'I'('l'i\"(',1 :H'el'ptallecs from a number of fl'rell('" at \\'a"hill!-!toll, will Ill' the S.OO 1'. :II., 'IS at pl'l'''('lIt, tltHs
and the :'Ilerion 'ri I Jp all'] 'frllst Co. I'"I'SOIl " Ily appl'oaeht',l.
\"l ... y II'ell-kllowlI lnen, "aeh of whom sl"'aker. I'ro\'idillg :llldit ional s('r"icc from
rrhp :ls~(ll'i:ltioll :lJ'IIJ'('('iatl':-i thl' HlIe
Mr. Trigg a National Figure, will sl"'uk on "0111" timl'l" alld illtn- \\'.\·I1I1I'Wood, :'II"rioH :11,,1 O""r-
spirit of g-oo,l-will all,l ,'o-opt·ration that
('~tillg topi(', ('ClIllpll'tl' :I'1I:101111<'('III1'lIt brook. as ,\,,'11 as j'rom :\'arherth.
The C'i"i,' A".-ul'intioll fl'els that it is has I"'('n "X1<'IIIit'tI 10 ii, alld is stl'iving'
particualrl." f"rllillalt· ill Iwillg- n(,lp to
of Spl':,]'ers. lopie;; all<l <lates will be
I'nhlish('d in lat,· .. i,su,'s of Our TowlI.
Pennsylvania League 1'1'0""
tl'U~t this arr:lIl12,'t'llIPlll will
sn tisj'adol'Y t o " II (·on-
ill 1'\"('1)' wa.,· 10 fIlIl.,- IIll'ril t h,! confi-

, of Woman Citizens ."(·rll('(1.

,11'111:(' of th .. '·Ollllltiluity.

,The Women's AuxiI- Ir:II·lil',·I," ainllll"" wilh hraid alld I:,,·,'.

Th,' oll"'r art i"l"s on sa]" will slll'ak
ary Narberth Y. M. C. A. roJ' I hl'III~('JV(\~, IMPORTANT MEETING WEDNES-
DAY. DEC. 10, AT 2.30 P. M., COL-
\Vt' ;-;olit,it- YOUI' patl'onage,
Th,' \\'0111"11'" Allxili:lI"~' will din'et a \\'onll'II's AII"ilial.", :'\arh('rth Y. :If.
sal,· of dol],:. "prons alld olh,'r "ift)' '11'
tiell's in the r. :II. C. "\. hllildin'" h
C. A" TJ'l':lSlIJ't'r ':-; n'flort fllr Y('ar (,Jld.
illg D""Pln]wr J, Jr.JO: ..
The Narberth Boys'
Saturday, DtTt"IlIIH\1' 1::tll, IH'tWl'('ll tlit'
hOllrs oj' ]() A. :II. alld ol 1'. :'II.
('ash halan,'(', D,·e. I, lOIS..
Tllt :lllllaI llll\!'tillg of t1l(' ~rlllljl1:011l'
l Club
'1'," <'011111," ('Olllillitt",· will h" h"Id Oil
This salt' will he in charge of l\Irs.
li'roll1 :\f ('1I1Iwl':-' , Dut':' :j;jj .• () \\',,'1I,,'''da,'', 1l"""IIlIH'I: 10, at 2.:10 TIll' :\ar!Il'rth Boys' Clllh has n'Sllln-
.T. T. Darlillgton all,l :III'S. Homaillt' Hoff-
Dona t ions-Ilollt' Pnll(l ;i,i.OO o·,·lol'k, at th,· CIlIl"ge Cluh, 1::00
mall, who will I", ).!lad to di"pJa,\' tlH'ir
wal'l'S and ha\'(' pl'Omist'd to make tho
, Pdes an,l ~npl'"rs ... , ;il().O,~ 81'1'1:"1' .,tI'l'd, Philad"lphia.
I'd adi"ili"s allil startl',l the 1!Jl!l sea·
:"011 with t\\"('lIty-foul' IlU' III 1Il l's. 1>11rill~
i School Notes
HtlIlIUl:tg'l' Sa)l':-- •.... :1;iS.1 :l This Ull,,,tillg- is 0pl'n to allY OIlC, ana th,' \\'ar Ih,' ,'Ilill lI"as dish:III,kd owilig-
pri'·e;. vt'ry altra(·ti\"(· to pllrl'hasers.
:If i t" Boxl's . 1;;:LiJ7 It is hOjw(l that tIll' attl'llclall('" will be to a lUl'gp ppJ'('l'lItag't of its IIll'luhers
. 'Without halting, without rest,
Thp dolls, \\"h ieh ha ve already been
:-iundl·." H",'('ipts ~2.:lD large. as imporlallt husiness \\'ill he h,·ill;.! in the "'·I'Yi,,('. 'rhe following of-
retllrnpd ill tht'ir "t'ry hest gOw~IS, arc Lifting better up to best."
1r:llls:u,tpd-:lS l'(lol'g'a n iztl tiOll a~ League lic,t11':-; Wt'1'(\ t'll't'h'd for the ellsuillg
simply :Hlol'llbl,', alld, being dainty lit- I'~itlgillg- PI'l'io(l" is becoming more
'I'otal Hl'l'pipts 1,15fi.S' of Womell Citizt'lls alld election of of- ,\'('al': .Johll Di,·kil', I'rc"id"nt; Bill
tIt' ,·t'llll]oi(1 atTnirs, will make the most an,1 lIton' popular. "Vatl'h for the threo
li,'ers for II('Xt y"ar. ')IIJlt'S, Vil'p·Pre:-;id(,IlI; .Art boolH\ Trea~­
delightful stopldng Jillprs. :111<1 fOlll'·pnrt earol :--ill~illg' thi:-; ,,·('ur.
Total Cash ............... ~1,liILlS ufer, 'and BelL \Vit.hel'ow, SI'(,l'etal',\'.
The aprons arp well made and at- Now clon't get ~irt'd of this annollnee-
Payments. :If('t'tillgs a)'(' heillg ht'ld in the Y. M. nll'nl. This is till' thil'll time it has ap-
C. A .. through thl' courtesy of :III'. Day- ]1t'a/e,I--Conlmunity Carol 7'iig-ht, :lIun-
New Hoot' on Building $(Hi2.00
Coal and Wood 212.60
"The Object of this Association tOll,
,lay, D,·(:,'mlH'r ~~nd, H ig-h School AlI,li-
shall be to improve and beautify
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS NUIJlt'rolls adi\'ities arc hcing plnll- 10riulll. I';\'eryhody \\'eleome.
Supplies and EXI'l'nses the Borough and Vicinity; to assist
lIcd fol' 1h" (,ollliHg wintt'r. A fnst Bt'sidl's the I'xt'eptionally largo
Two c('nts Ill'r word If cfish Ill'COIll- for Fetes and Sup- and co-operate with the authori-
ties in enforcing laws and ordi-· haskcth:dl tealll will he pHt on the fioor, Thanl,sgi"ing donation of groecries and
[lflll i(>s IHh·('l'tlspIllcnt: otherw!sp, five pers 1!l0.21
Ct'llts })Pl' "'ord, nances relating thereto: to pro- t'aptailled hy .Johll Diekit', with Buron l'!othin)!, thl' ,'ash ,'ontrihuted wus
Expl'lIses - Rnlllll1age Hal'l'is ns nUlnnger. The "Iuh \\'ill also $10.1;0. Throng-h t]H' g"ut'rosity of M ...
mote any project haVing for its
Sales ,.... 12.34 purpose the betterment of the com- take part in nUlllerous pool and bo\\'l· Armstrong, of the :I[ain Lill" Laundry
Furnishings. Y. :II. C. A. 24.20 munity as a. Whole; to provide a ing tourllalJlents alollg the :'I[ain Line. and Garage, the trlll'k load of proyi-
FOR SALE-Inl:,id liuolt'uln, (j""xll'I".
SUlldry Expense;; .... 35.!l8 means Of acquiring and dissemi- sions was <1elh'e1'(',1 to the Uni"ersity
Inquire Ne\\'sstall'l. (S-p)
na.ting information on any subject Tht' boys will he giv,'n u din ncr the
St'ttll'ment House, with no ('xpcnse to
Total Pa~'mcllts of general interest; and to foster first Fl'iduy in D"t'''111 bel' through tlte
FOR RENT-Largp flll'llislll'<l 1'00111. ~05 1,13i.:l:l the schOOl. '
and maintain a fraternal spirit killdllt'ss of ~[rs. Odt'lI.
Forest a ,·ellut'. (S-e) Scleeti\'e lllugazint' re:llling !lnd li-
among the people of our commun-
Casll Ba lauce $38.85 ity." Dues for Voting Member- This yeur 's uillI will b" to den'lop the brary assigument work is receivillg 1'11-
FOR SALE-Larg-e size ('UtJlllt'l phollo- (Signed) ship for one yea.r, $1.00. Every club lJIore as II so(dal orgauization thnn Ihusiastic attention hy the High School
graph, ill excellt'llt cOllditiVII. P .. ice resident of Narberth and, vicinity an a thletie cluh, l11Ul se\'eru) plans ure
'r) , ~IRS. HE]~\'~~Y C. KEIM, students.
$ ;J,( O. Add ..ess Phollog-raph. Box flllG, eligible.
HOW UH<1t'1' wny for danl'cs uull ent!!!',
Narberth. Treasurer. tuinmellts. (Continued on Page 3.)
Ot course, we
Memorial Question
X arherth. With a clock tower and Telephones,
OUR TOWN cIOl~k, the cost woul<1 rise to about 1267 dellver - an,
place - allJ
An Exp~riment in Co-operative Must be Settled $15,000.00, possibly a little less, and
this should not be called extravagance
1268 time.

Journalism-No Paid Workers. if it provides a 1II(,llIol'ial of which we

COllie] be proud and would be valued at
The Brightest Spot in Narberth
Owned and Published every Saturday
$:\0,000.00 und he, permanently main· A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
by the Narberth Civic Association. tained.
The maintenallce f,'ll tll1'e is the one
Subscription price one dollar and fifty
To the Editor of Our Town:
tha t has been a snag to useful melllo-
cents pel' year in admnce.


\Vords, words, mean ingl('ss words!
Tn the last issue of Our Town there
rials, and is the featurl' Ihut would
illllllediately eondellln the eloek tower
to he pIneed on tbe north side of the
CIVIC ASSOCIATION. appeal'("] what purpol'tl't! to he a letter sta tiotl.
I'('garding the suhjel't of a war memorial Spectat.or states tllnt this clock tow· WK AT DO You 1'1 fA rI- , Toot< ITS RATTLE
April 24, 1919.
for );al'herth. FrOlll the lIIass of words 1'1' has heretufore l'l"'"ived the gre'atl'st YOUR CAR'S A WELL AWAV AND IT
President-Mr.•Joseph H. Nash.
Ih., writpr was a hit, to unl]erstand part alld most cOllsi<1eraiotl. With Ihis th,' BEHA"ED BABY NEVER CRIED ONCE
of the first paragraph, ., As tIll' lIIen wl'ill'r does not agree, having talked the
Vice.President-Mr. James Ar,tman,
who eoncein'd and who aI'!' furt)l('rillg tlll'morial to en'ryonc who s"I'IIl('d thl'
Mr. A. J. Loos, ~fr. R. J. Dothard.
the plan to rejuvenate t.hl' Fire House slightl'st illtcrpsll"l. Onc of the ob,iec'
Secretary-Mr. R. J. Edgar.
as a \Val' :'\[.'Illorial ha"" al'pli"d tlll'ni' lions to the clock towl'r nl'ar the sta·
Treasurer-lvliss Maizie Simpson.
se]n's to the project with great interest
Directors--l\Ir. J ..r. Cabrey, Mrs. C. t iotl "'Otl1<] be that it. wotlld cost 11101'1'
:I 11 11 fillP in1plltioJl in an earnest' eu- I hall our l'l'al melllorial if it wel'e C'rl'et·
P. Fowler, Mr. H. R. HiIlegas, Mr. Cbas.
dea"or to sl'eur" for the borough a 1',] to a height tllllt would be of allY
H. A. Cllain, Mr. W. R. D. Hall, Mr. H.
wort hy elll h!l'1II of a t relJlclll]ous occa· va]ul'. 'fh(' fiftl'l'n·foot eltll,k to\\'1'1' pro·
A. Jacobs, l\Ir. F. A. Lanahan, Mr.
:-;ion.' , pOS(,,] woul<1 Ill' of nO usc ns a time·
Daniel Leitch, Mr. G. Knutzen, Mr. R.
J. Nesper, Mr. E. A. Musctamp, Mr.
Fletcher W. Stites, Mr. A. E. Wahlert,
Mr. Walter Y. Shaw, Mr. Walton M.
As I'('gan]s tlll~ right :Ull] 'Hong of
tIll' propositiou, thl'r" is so lIInch right
and so \'l'l'y liltll' wrong Ihat. th., writl'r
pi,'el'. \V]JO CIlre,; how IIll1ch the ;J.];'j
is latl' al'l'idng from the eit.\,,? ff \\'l'
ha\'e to gl'! to Ha\'('l'fol'l1 and ESSl'X or
L ETS take the rattle out of your car and put the
joy back into your automobile. The chances
are that the tightening up of a few nuts will
Wentz, Mrs. C. W. Young, Mrs. James eannot IInd,'rstant! how IUI~' intli"i,lual IIa\'eJ'fonl and Xarlwrth avenues before'
or an.\· organization "an seem to pro' we 1l'llru what time it is, we hll,1 ]wtt.el' accomplish this result. Bring your car here and let us
tl'st against thl' plan, with a full knowl· ordl'l' 1,000 clocks and put one in front examine it.
HARRY A. JACOBS, l'dg(' of all th,' fads and tIll' almost of I'neh house in town, so that. we coulrl
IInallilllouS al'pl'o\'al of (,"eryoll" who .itll]ge the time from our homes to the
has discussl'd thl' snbject. station.

Mrs. Roy E. Clark,
W. T. Melchior
Henry Rose,
A. J. Laos,
Sp('dator's shot nUlllher one say,:
"The }'il'l' COlllpany oll','rs the prop'
"1'1.\' suhjed to l'nClIIuhl'ances for UU'1II0,
Thl' sl't.ting, with thl' storps on the
north as a haekgl'ound and the station
Oil the south, would not show off the ---
rial pUJ"[los(,s, hnt the fact that a simi· work of art. as well liS thl' plain \\'hil,'
lar 'lisposition 10 fon'go its "quity has haekgToulll] of the artist. A man would
h.'en indicllt('d 011 n pl'e,'ious oCI'n",ioll,
alld for an altogdhl'J' tI,ill'l'r,'nt purposl',
ha "(' to 1w a Pl11ssiau or an 1. W. \V. =.::
to swing an axe into the fine old tree
']I'pri\'('s thl' t('u,kr of tllat lIIlfluestiolled

which now ornalllents thl' site, anti we
Send all advertising and news items to ,lignity whil'h IIIUSt 11("'olllpauy "very wonld hnve to \\'ait tlntil otlr children
P. O. Box 966. fl'alllr,' of a trll" lIIl'1I10l'ial ulld,'rlak, \\'"re grandfathl'l'''' or grandmothers bc-
Our Town is on sale at the depot
illg'. 1'01'1' Ihl' tree coul,1 b,' rl'plae('lJ.
newsstand, and at the storE! of H. E. :\'ow, :'\fr. Sppetatol', ]ll('ase remember

thnt th,' Fire COlllpau~' is not trying to

\Vl' nel'd morl' hulls alld less hears in
thl' melJlorill] 1J1arkl't, nil'] "I('a,;p note

Entered as second·class mattilr ., unload" nll~·thing. 'ro go haek just a
October 15, 1914, at the Post Offiee at littl(' further, what is an,l who al'l'
thnt thl' former is 1'1 u 1'111 , :lnd if thl'
1I1l'moriai question 1I111st he settll"], alld
For Good Taxi Service
Narberth, Pennsylvnnia, under the act the Fil'l' COlllpanyl The Fire Company
of March, 1879. i", you and J, e\'l'ry I'l'sident of :"ar'
~p('l'tator WIllits a ,·Ioek, let him I'est.
assllrl'd that if Ii" i!"[,< IH'hin,] fhl' Pirl' Call Narberth 1633
hl'rth; a \'olllnt,,('r organizatiou 1'01' the HOlls" proposition \\'hieh hns hl'(,l1 ap·
"rille"" iOIl of our homl's alld fUl'lIi,h· pro\'ptI, tlie mOIl".\· "an hI' hnd and thai 24 Hour Service
OUR TOWN will gladly print illg',. TIle pl'O\,"l't,\" lIIaiutain,'d h~' I~houl Ih(' ethical pl'Ohl"III' I\'lIieh he' !J,,]il'\'es
any news it'lill about any subject
that is of interest to Narberth
folks, but in order to meet the
I.'jli real ,·itizeu"" and the fire fighting
apparatus Illaintailled h,\' our BOl'ough
Council. Thl' Fire COIII\'auy 1'1'0]"'1'1," i",
hp lias foulJd elllJ Ii" I'mho,li,,(] ill thl'
pl'ojl'ct, which hns tIll' pllI]orSpJ)1"lIt of
flfl 44·]00 pl'r ('cnt. of tIll' peoplp.
printing schedule, all "copy" today \\'orth ahollt ;j;lii,O(lO.OO, and of
-manuscripts-must reach the this t he Pi 1'(' COl1lpany hol,]s eqllity to
Phone, Narberth 1687
editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday each
the allloullt of. ahout ;j;ll,IIOO.IIII, whi"h
wa, se.'ur"d h.\· eOlll rihul iOlls frolll t hI'
Cotter's Market
\,('0\,1<0 Ill' th., hOl'ollgh nud hy hal'l] wOl'k
011 till' 1'111'1 of the 11I('lIlh,'r,. 'I'h,' fad THE LOTTERY Prime Beef, Spring Lamb, J. A. CALDWELL
Ihat thl'y, at the requ,'st of melllbers of Country Dressed Veal and
SATURDAY, December 6, 1919 ,hI' ~I,'mnl'ial Coullllittce, ha\"e offered
it til Ih,' 1"'IlI']" ot' :"arlll'rth a, "hasis
Bya Rising Youog Pork, Sugar Cured Hams REAL ESTATE
Narberth Authoress and Bacon
EMER,GENCY PHONE CALLS ftlr:l !1l'l'lllatll'Jll alld litting 1I11'1l10I'ial'~

Fire, 350
I'all 1I1l1 ]", di",,'ollllt,'d alld should he' a\" PHONE us YOUR ORDER TO·DAY and INSURANCE
]ll'eeiatl't1 :111.1 l'l'I'ei\'l"] in the fiue spirit (Continued fro 111 NOvember 8.) You will find our prices right
Police, 1250
ill whi,·h 'he oll'l'l' was mad". Dal seemed to Ii(' gl'owillg sll'adil~' NARBERTH, PA.
Groceries and Provisions
Purl h,'1' Oil t Ill' ~1\('I·ta tOI"", Ill't i.. I" ",trollger. ~l"','r ill thl'ir Ii"", hn,]

Editorial lIIeutious sOIll('thillg nhout all dhieal

,"jp\\". Thl' :ll'prilYt'd
I hl'sC two 1'1'('11 so happy. The hoy idol·
iz",] ArnoW as his h"nefactol' and as :t
OhjC4·t ill lH('lllo·
I'ial proposition dot', not prl'll'nd to h(~ !H"l'f,'l'1. husband to hi,.; sist.er, and not
Plhieal, ouly plnin 11111] qllit .. ,illl"'I'I'I," for \\'orlds would ~fary hn\'l' told him rara.-M~Ginlea;1Q Raymond Weiss. Proprietor
THE BIG MEETING A1I11'!'i,·an. 1'hl' n1('ulorial is not eOIl' what shl' hall done for his sake! U 123 South Ill'! S!. Phiiadclp!!iC1: ~
NEXT THURSDAY EVENING. fusing, neither i, it iu\'ol\'ed, to any· An'd thl'll onl' day e:lllle a kttel' from GASOLINE, OIL, SUPPLIES
Oil" who ('an und"I',tand exadly what ,\l'no]tI in Pllris.
We Ul'gt· l',ol'l'yoIH' who i:-; HIIXiotl:-> to
thl' issup is alld what il prl'l<'11l1s to Ill'.
:\'arh('rth is illl]""(] fOl'tn1lall' to ha\'l' (Continued on Page 4.,)
GARAnteed Roofs Telephone Narberth 1633
make SIII'l' of h"lIring ~II'. Erll,'",t '1'. a building whi"h I'nn \\'ith a 1'l']ati,'"I.\·
'l'rigg, presid"nl of th,' I'hillulPlphia slllall outlay he mllllp into a IIll'l1Iorial
Ch[JJllbl'~ of C:ollllIlI'n~l', "'['l'a], nl'xl
Thurs(l:lj' l""'lIing ill 1';1111 Hall to lind,,'
of a fyI'" that is in its 1'1'I11'ti('al \'I1Iue
till' amhition of so lIIan~' small towns
l'arly applicatioll for til'kl'ts, Thi, i" In the following up-to·date homes:
the first of a sl'ril's of talks 10 I,,' ;!i\'l'1I
Ih rough Ollt the coun try.
'I'h,' i<1l'a of pl'o\'i(ling 11 p"rullln('nt
The Hack Service Man Has Changed
Grayling Avenue
ill Elm lIall Ilurillg thl' winter ullder
the aU'l'i("'s of th,' Ci"ie Assoeiatioll.
houlL' that will he pl'nnaneutly Illnin·
taiul'd 1'01' thl' mpl1Ibers of the Amerieau
His Phone Number to Narberth 1229 J Avon Road
Avon Road
All thc.osl"'nker,,, will hI' nll'n of proJJlj-
]ll'lH~1' wh .. are \\'(,11 '1nltlifi"d to dis"Il"'s
L,'g'ion ,'an uot hI' questione,] as a war
IIll'lIIol'ial. Th" fad that our lowl post
or Narberth '625. Avon Road
thl' t imply topit·s ,,'hil'h thl'.'" ha\'(' ehos· o~ thl' AI1I(,l'iean Legion has Ilppl'o\'l'd
('n for thl'ir tnlks. the idt'a and \\'ill wC'leome thp quartpl's Please do not call Narberth 1633 OTHERS BEING BUILT
]t is th,' hopl' of Ihl' Ci,'i,· Asso,·ia·
tion that uut of this spri,'s tlf a,ldn'",s.',
pro\'idt'li with r"al appreciation does
not injurl' thl' otf('r or its acceptance
For my serf:Jice. WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY
will UI'\'l'lo[' soml'thing in tll(' natur('
Qf It :'\arherth Puhlie Forulll. I~\'ery
in all,\' \\,IIY, as Sp('cta tor would ha \,.'
our n'adt~l's believe.
... _.-- _._ ...
Greenhouses Nurseries
'COllllllllllit,Y shaul,] ha\'(' sueh an insli·
tutiou, \\'her(' speakl'rs l'onl)lI'tl'nt to I]is·
~!""'tator say"" "'rhe eost of thl'
I'roj"l"t is aItogethpr out. of proportioll DR. JOHN SCHEMBS, Jr. 30,009 ft. of aiall 12 houl••
cuss illlportant puillie qlll',lioIlS frolll to OUt' IlleallS alld ('xtra":lgalll'l' is 110 DENTIST Pencoyd Narberth
all a IIg1l's may talk, Iln(l wherl' the citi- l'onl'oJllitant of nollility or intelli·
Zl'ns of I lip borough JJlay hold puhlic .!..!C'lll·P," 1 f (lxtl'H \"agallcc were attend~ Corner Grayling and Windsor Avenues
Illcl'tings to considl'l' auy timl')y topics.
!.APt us \\,ph'owe 1\[1'. rprigg- with a
ant to tllP nohility IIII ,I intl'lligpn,'(' of
thos.' who lIladl' thl' pl'Ol'0sition it \\'ould NARBERTH John Albrecht
large meding, and show him that Xar- IH' for thenl to prodll<' the ways IInu
OFFICI: HOURS-Until 9.30 A. M. 4 until 9 P. M. Sunday!, 9 until 12 Look about the home arounol I nd have
berth is looking 1'01' light aliI] inforllla- JIl,'aIlS to bring thl' plan to a sll"l'l'ssflll noon. •
tion on all puhlie questions from all l'onclusion. The plan is not extrava· your planting done DOW. The .ealon il
PHILADELPHIA OFFICE-310·311 Perry Bldg., 16th and Cheltnut Stl. here aaain, and the welther conditioDI
viewpoints. gant, although it <loes ineludl' l'n'l'ling
a l'1ol'k luwl'r, whil·h would be one of r.lephone, Narberth 316 W' are advantageoul.
tIll' hig itl'III' of expl'IISl'. a l-]o,-k toWl'1'
THE LADY AND THE MORTGAGE be!ug illcluded 110,1' lll'eause of its IIl'ces·
sit~·, or of its r"al practicability, but as A COMPLETF LINE Of
Not by nll~' 1UI'II11S ,10 J'OIl <."l1leull1tl' pIlSS"
InA' ~'lIur obllA'l1tlolls II0WII till' line. btlt
wby tnke the ell II II1'1' lin stl,'11 1111 IInlo\\'lIl"\ a ('omhillatioll that \\'ould pkasl' all of The Misses Zentmayer's SCHOOL SUPPLIES
('vpnt wllPll thpl'l"s II Joo:lll'P HUll ('h(':lp wn~' thl' idl'lIs ('XIHI'Ssl'd at th~ many ml'et.
to IIltog'('tll"r \ll'l'elu<!,' It'i L .. t lUI' .. Xplllill
till' S(l('ellli Llfl' I11SUl'llne(' p11111 1 "/111 ings of the committee. SCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN AT
I"'ClllomlellllJ' II 1'1'1111 ge for tllltlStllll ,'011,
tlllgCllC!('S. Eliminating til(' "101'1, feat urI', tIll' Pl(·
pellditure of $12,000.00 should eertainly
Will Reopen September 17, 1919 "DAVIS'
P. O. BOlt 352. Phone, Narberth 3·4-1 n. be withi11 thl' meuns of tlle IWop11' of 125 WINDSOR AVENUE
Ask for
LEARN TO DO BANKING Rev. John Van Ness. (Continued from Page 1)
Xew pictures, copies of masters, arc
No matter how small your busir ~os may be, have a bank account. In the plan of the New Era 1\10ve- beginnin).! to make their appearance.
ment of the Presbyterian Church the Children find it their pleasurc to con.'
The small merchant who has a bank account establishes his tribute pennies to benutify the !'ooms. lltLL'S .

1110nth of December is the special time
credit, has safety for his cash, and pays his bills with a check In a for Foreign :Mission Stlldy. Tn accord- Thrl'l' months of school are now eud-
ed. An exceptional record of attend-
business manner, llnce with that plan the sermon next
Sunday morning will be deli\'Cred by ance has been maintained, the general
You are invited tD •open an account with us. u\"l'ragl\ lu\ing- high in the ninctie:-;.
;\J r. Roger B. Whittlesey, a returned 8aOMtDt.
missionary from China, who has a won- Christmns yaention lll'gins on Tues·
Standard cold remedy for 20 yeano
derful story to tell of the 111 ission work day at ~.:lO, DecemlH'!' :;:)rd, to ('on· -in tablet form-safe. lure, no
tinur till .Inunary 5th nt SAO 0 'dock. opiates-breaks up a cold in 24
hours-relieve", grip in 3 days.


To-morrow evcning ~[iss Florence
IIaaf will lead the Chri~ti:ln Endea,'01'
:I[eeting and at 7.45 Mr. Van Xess will
Brg-inn('rs will be admittec! during
the week of .J:l1lUllry ilth. All lIppli-
eallt~ must prespnt el'1'tifieates of Yae-
Money back if it fails. The
genuine box has a Red
top with Mr. Hill'.
AI All Drall St.r••
Narberth Office, Arcade. Building ;;peak about" Christ in G"th"enHllH'.'·
On next Weclnes,lay (,,-ening the
\\'alc'h for "Sehool i1'Hatistie," in a

ehurch prayer meeting will he held, and n('ar flltnrp ",litorial in Our Town.
an,l gave u~ an inspired and touching :lfany ('iti~rns ,10 not know what we
ou next Thursda~' pveuing the West-
Illcs;;:lge, and all arc urged to cOllie to ~hall tell.
minster Cirelp meets :l t thp home of Finest Photoplay The-
reccin' this spiritual treat. atre 01 Its Size In the
:Vfr;;. Brownell. 21"5 Tona avenue, with EntlreWorld.
SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. ;\[ouday, 8 P. ;\[.-Important meeting
Jfrs. Bro,vnell anll ~frs. Cole"worthy
of tI,e OlTicial Boai'll in the church. P".toplavs-Continuous 10 A. M. to 11.38

Merion Meeting House, Merion, Plio. Tlle~day, 8 P. ;\[,-;\[onthly busine~s

. ancl social en'ning of the Ladic;;' Aid
as hostesses.
Narberth Pottery Shop P.M•

Philo., Pa.
Soeil't~·. An ideal ('yen in).! for wOl11en. ALL SAINTS' P. E. CHURCH.
104 Forrest Aevtnue
Merion Meeting is open for worship
Wednesday, 8 P. ;\f.-Prayer meet- Somethin2' new every day.
every First-day morning at 11 o'clock.
We cordially welcome any visitors who
ing. The pastor will speak on "The Rev. Gibson Bell, Locum Tenens. Don't delay, buy now. Christ- PROGRAM
Beginning of the Churcb" in the cour,e
desire to worship with us. l)f'eelllhpr 7th, Seeon,l Suncla~- in Acl- mas presents to be sent away.
of topics on "What \Ve Believe."
vent. Holy COlllmunion ancl s"rmon. We will pack for you any WEEK of DECEMBER 1st
l1rermher ]4th. Thinl Sundar in Ad· piece of pottery or cut 2'lass,
,'rnt. ~[orning prnrpr ancl nl1clr"ss, Dr.
.Tolln \V. Wood.
to be sent free of charge• Robert Warwick
Rev. R. F. COWley, Rector. Altnr Guild mpetin!!, Wrl1n(\",lay, Dp- J. R. AIKEN IN
epmlwr lOth, Hllfl. at :l P. 1IL, All
Rev. Avery S. Demmy, B. D., Pastor.
Early i\fass on Suuday from April 1
Sl'ryj('es Suncla.,·, !lec'l'llIhe!' i. ]fllfl:
Snints' Church.
'Vnmrn 's Auxiliar~' lnrding. Xar- JOBBING ALTERATIONS
to October 31 at 6.30 A. 11. From No-
lWl'th y. ::IL C. A., :I[01l(la~', ~ to ;). IN HEARTS"
vember 1 to March :n, at 7 A. 111. Late
Mass, 10.00 A. lIL throughout the year.
fl.:IO-l'rayer scn'iee in the llpPP!
room. Clarence A. Speakman
Masses OIl holy days, 6.30 and 8.30 !JAil-Sessions of th,' Bible Sehool.
A. M. Weekdays at 8. E"eniug devo- 11.0()-~lorning' worship. Subjpet of
~l'rmon. "Co,ol,,'ra tion with God." Th is SOCIAL. ...... Narberth AS l'OSSlllLE '1'0 10.00 A. )1.. 12.00, 2.00,
tions and other sl'rvices at regular Phone 1652-R
times. will he n Communion seJ'\·icr. X ew 3.·!5. 0.45, 7.45. 9.30 P. \II.
1llpmhers will he reeeiyecl.
i.OO-Young People's Meeting, un.
A clrlii!htful "",·ial (',·"nin).! was plnn-
nerl for the mPIIIIH'rs of the Narherth
,!PI' tlll' Il'acll'r~hip of ~fr. Lauren('p Gil'1 B(·out.; aft,-r thr rl'g'lIlar h1l:';illess PrepertJes For Rent and ~.h
"The Little Church on the Hill." lIou,ton. meeting lnst Fri,lay 1'\'l'1I il,g-. TIll' Fire Insurance
i .-t')-]~H'ni ng' worsh ip. Suh.ied of ""cuing was sppnt playing games, with Cash Business and Low Prices will
Rev. F. M. Gray, Pastor. BeD Phone llil! ".
,ermon, "The 'Vickedness of Doing a general good timr for all. Bl'forp gO- enable you to
S\luc1a~', l)P""OI her 7th: X(Jthjnp:.~' ing' 1I01111 ' 11](' '.('1".'" willp·nw:d\:(\ 111PJllhf'1':-'
".In BuildIng. NlU'bertb. 1'.
fl,4:; A. :lr.-~lIol]a.'· 8ehoo1. C)a~""s \\'l'(ltu'sday e"l'uing', D('(·pmher 10, at of the social committe,p srnp,l f('frr,h·
for :111 :Ij.!.l.':-;. ~I"ll'~ ('1:1:-;-: l:lll!2:11t 1))" tIle'
Hon. J<'. W. Stite's.
.~ o'e!oc·l,-:lli,l-wl','k '1'1"\' iI'" of the
f'1ll1reh, 11',1 h.,' th,' pa~t,"" Snhjl',·j,
ll1euts. Re\". Frnnk M. Gray, Secretary
Dnyton, of the loea! Y. ~r. ('. A.; ~frs. The Narberth Electric Shop
W ill solve al "our electric troubles
II A. :\L-::I[orning s('n,ice. Sacra- '''fhe 'fhini!' to flo :\(·xl.·' c;. ~r. D:n'is, who re"it"cl :1 IIl1mher of We \\?irc old houses like new quickly and without
!1U'!1t uf the Lord's Kup1',·r. 'I'he pastor 'lOll will 1)(' w('h'onw 10 any or all of her eOlllieal n·eilntiolls. aOll ~rr. alld dnmsae. Let us estimate on your work. We cnn
save you money on fixtures, portables, floor lamps
wil\ speak on ., Walkill;! Wort h il,'- 0 r these srrYi(·(·s.
:\[rs. BO"'en \Yrrr entertained. and appliances.
thl' Go,pel."
:1 P. ~L-Childrpn'~ Chureh. Oh.il'l'l ••••••• we ••• - ••••• _ ••••• .... --
W. G. CASE, 323 Conway Ave.
Phone. N.rh.,th 395 W Meat Market
talk hy the pastor on "What We !lo
with Onr Tl'nth." Vrstrd choir will
~ill~. WI' hacl 1:\1 prp"rnt !a~t Suu,la,\'. Goodwear Shoe Repair Shop John B. Hertzler
\Vc hoI'" to han' ],)0 this SUliclay.
7 1'. ~L-Epwl1rth I,eague, lrd by 252 Haverford Avenue
COOK BROS. 205 Haverford Ave.
:\[i" Gran' Woolec)l·ks. It will Ill' "Ep- 250 HAVERFORD AVE.
worth Heralc) Sunday." Prompt, Satisfactory Serf:J;ce Guaranteed Deliciou. Meats
7.4.; 1'. ::\L-E\'llllillg' ~el'yil'('. rrh<' NARBERTH
He". E,lgar Pagp Stites, thl' author of Work Called For and Delivered At High Grade Chickens
"BplJ1ah Lan,l" an,l "Trustiug .Jl·,n~.
Eggs and Butter
That hAll," and othl'r in~pirpd hymns,
Narberth 1 706 W We Buy Old Shoes
will prl'aeh at thr pa"tor's r('(lup~t on
his g'reat thpmp. "J Go a-Fishing."
Several wppks ago Bro. Stitp~ pro'a,-lip,l



Roofing Pasteurized Milk

(Pedriallc Society) OVERBROOK
Special •• Guern"e)'·· MERION

Fortune Gas Milk

(Robert,,' & Sharpless'

Ranges Cream BultermlIk

Table and Whipping

Day Phone,

Night Phone,
Narberth 302

Narberth 344 J
45th and Parrish 8ts.

Why Not?
Why not concede that our Soda Fountain is the cool.
est spot in Narberth. It is. and the service is the
best in town. The various refreshing drink. are
mixed by those who know and whOle business it
is to give you the best Sod., Sundae or Ice Cream,
you ever had.
Come in any time. Make our fountain your place
of rest. At the same time
Main Line Automobile Laundry and Garage of our delicioul Ice Cream
Supplies -:- Courtesy -:- Repairs
T. B. SMITH, Druggist
4 NARBERTH, PA.-OUR n)\r:\


Phone 672 100 ESSEX AVENUE


.," c E
~ ~.~
Labor Labor Yards Labor Material Labor Labor Material
Automobiles meet all trains throughout the day and evening.
JaD. flOO 00 89930 $1 08 $115 15 $1 44 8187 60 434 $541 f63 19 $34 41 f63 48 '$61097
After 10 P. M. by appointment. Feb. 10000 3960 80 11078 1 04 12554 386 768 '1600 7047 47191
Packages and Trunks promptly called for and delivered. March 10000 2500 100 51 10646 804 1238 100 80 2033 13666 602 03
Moving Furniture and Hauling Freight, etc. April 10000 1665 8946 1 75 112 20 266 5500 734 28 I" 6776 468 33
Ma,. 100 00 32.20 15098 1250 6422 134 93 18 160 44 1060 6042 12869 70313
THE LOTTERY. ,1011'11 at tlH' crulllple<1 Inas>; before her. June 100 00 47 ·15 19748 22 78 34 50 70 177 55 27661 1297 2750 5664 113 29 1061 77
"Dul, darling; Dal-speak to me-
(Continued from Page 2.) Jul,. 100 00 2257 191 35 24 19 31 00 66 118 07 413 39 31 45 9300 41 68 106670
speak to III"," she allllost shrieked.
AUllult 100 00 8980 214 15 10 92 260 93 1248 15 11 00 21 70 6540 201205
;, Qui"k Hhotla-the doctor."
lIe had, of late, complained that Sept. 10000 17804 143 67 1600 3712 78 223 96 891 19 367 6550 111 91
i'311(' IOlelt hesi<1e the thing on the 177006
.Mary's letters were growing cold and
!Ioor. ] t, shu,hlered convulsi\'cly and Oct. 100 00 21 75 18871 639 6400 176 11772 42632 3433 60 20 9766 204 23 1320 21
unre'spol1~. . i\'('. Be'jng a lucre ]lUlU, ho\y
lay motion leI's.
could one expect him to know that her =
i'3el'l'ml days later ~lary wrote to Three ycars had pm;s('c1 since Dal's
apparent indilf,'rl'nce was a new-1JOrn
shyne'ss ,dlid. IIIl'ant, that she had
:\ mold:
":'Ily husl)[lnd:
,1!'ath anel ~fary's departure from Arn
oItI'~ hOIll('. During thel'e ye'ars SllO
Frank Reginelli
(','asctl to IO\'e the ,ll'elllll man all,l was
"Pal, Illy little hrot,her, is ,1,,;,\(1. I
hael worll('el harel and playeel little. And Jules Junker Inc.
uow deeply in lo\'l' with A mold Day.
But this last ll'tt('J'- ,'allllot, ill worl]s, express the gratitude
now, at last, her work was comlllenc- Narberth Shoe Store
illg' to ~}IO\\' results.
,dli"h I feel for all you hn\'c dOlle for
Arnold wrole that Ill' wa" in
I('a\'l~ of a,h:-:.C' 1H'· e.
IlS. You lIla,1e Dal's Inst cl:I~'S not At pl'l'scnt ~far~' was aeting as COIll- and FRENCH BAKERY
panion to ::\11·s. Bellail'!"s, a fashionah1l'
II,' was ha\'ing a won,lerful time. 1Il,'rely !learnhle, hut,
happy, amI Arnohl, for that I
thank widow in qu!'srt of n husband. The Repair Shop
Had 1I1l'! Slllll,' (·hanning- people,
widow was pleasure-laYing anll frjenllly
among whon, was a fas('inating Prench from th(' ']epths of Illy Ill'a rt..

girl. . "I cnn sec frolll your last I"tter that -with the !'Xl't'p! ion of w'h!'n 1II!'1I ,,'!'n' 209 HAVERFORD AVENUE ROLLS
thc ine\'itahle has happ"nc,l. You ha\'e ('()n"crned-ancl, as mell hored :Mary, the
1I,' real1~' hate,1 thl' thong-hI. of Ila\,-
\\'j,low and he'l' pn's"nt lif" ,"c'r!' quite NARBERTH, PA.
ing- to rl"turn an,1 I"a\'e th"se u,,"'- lIl",t her.
c'ong-"nial to the girl.
fOllud friends.
Of lUll' grow'illp; ('ohllle:-;s; of wL-ddIlg
"D,'ar mall, 1 wish you "\'ery happi.
1l"SS in the worlcl all<1 ~'ou des"I'\'e, it.
"I alll 1<'aYing Rhoda to look after
A 1'('11' 1lI0nt,hs aftcr Dal's el"ath
:'II :11',\' hllll 1'(';lll t ha I. A mold \l'as s!'vere-
-------------- 104 Forrelt Ave., Narberth
to he hack hOllle and of hl'ing JOII('S011l(\
for her, lla,1 jll'('U said not .Olll' word. lh,' apartmcnt.. l~' \\'Olllll1etl and that, owing to the kind· For - Good - Work - See For convenience of our
.. :\h, \\'l'11. it was ill"yit:I1I1l'," sl", III IIS- "I alii g-oing away. I want you to Ill'SS of influ!'ntial fri(,ll!ls, h,' lI:ll1 IH'('n
,'d hittl'rly. ""'hal call a dl'l'all,-wife di\'orce Ille anti to marry her. reIlIO\'!"ll to th!'ir lHlIlH' ill Pnris.
H. PREMOST patroms in this vicinity.
I'XI'l'l'!! lTe ha,1 IIwt the olh('r g'irl "Tell h"r th" whole tr\lth, d"ar, an<1 Sit!' lu,ew \\'ho t.hese fricnd's \\'!'r,' anll
and he I'!\'es her. That's Illy "Ul' to
nll\.k(, :l I!;ra"l'flll ('xiI. But of ]):11-"
if sh,' doesll't think it pla\lSlihle, hnv('
h.'1' write to lIle. I will explain it all.
sll!' "uppoSl'd t ha t Amold was 11y now The Home Town Tailoring Parlor ------------
1lJ:II'riecl to thl' other' girl or e]ge-
234 Haverford Avenue
A dull 'lhll,1 hroke th,' silt'lll·e.
:'Ilary sJlrang from her ('hair and rmlh-
"As for Ill", ,Ion't worry. 1 shall
h,' nil right. I t'hank YO\l again for
She "onl,l not hring h('rs"lf to face Ladies' and Gents' Garments Dyed,
lhl' S\lj)l'ellle happiness you gavc Dal ancl
I'd j II to the next room. th., thong-lIt of his lll'ath, antl y.ot, how Cleaned, Pressed and Remodeled Plumbing, Gas Fitting
"Hhoda, wh:lt-i,,-it!" she g;asp,'d. tIl(\. Work Called for and Delivered
hr"athlt's'sly. A loll' moaning l,ry 1I\('t ,. Goodhy", clr('al1l husband,
'h"('lfnlly had she talke,1 of it to hilll
French Dry Cleaning a Specialty and Heating
Oil that melllorahl" night when sh!' hael
h"r ,'aI's; thell a t"ITor-stricken \'oice', , 'I lo\'ed you, golll to 11Illl. Oh! ho\\ fortunat!' "ns Bell 'Phone 12154 J NARBERTH PA
"f.t's' ~Tr. Dal." ":Mary." tlla t othl'l' g-ir] who hnd known Arnoltl's
":'Ily Gotl! ',' ~lal'Y star('<1 helple'ssly
'. * • love!
:lIar," \l'OIIl]er(',] if he hael alls\l'"r"d

Christmas Tree Electric Lamps

h,'r lnst It'tt!'r. SIll' hatl Ipft no nnm",
110 [llldrp",s, for fpal' s'he illig-hI. \I'('ak"n.

1I ad h" wri (,1('n "h,' wonltl .C\'l'r know,

Narberth Register
Two Lines, IOc per issue; Sc fOT each aJJitionalline
For a 'Bright Victory Christmas for to th" worl,] ~rar~' Cart!'r was clea(].
811C was now I,nown hy h"r n01l1 th'
We have all kinds of lamps for tree lighting at very low ACCOUNTANTS MUSIC
figures. both battery and IIO·V circuit. Sets of 8, 16, 24 and 48 pIn Ill", :'ITa I)' Carstuires, Kelm, H. C. Certified Public Accountant. LooH, 1"Ullll.Y JI.Pinno teacher
lamp •• "Three yc-" 202 Dudley av"'. Phone. Narberth aoo-w. StUf]iO, Arendt' Didg'. Phone.' 310-.J.
Give us your order early. AUTO:lIOBILES
":'Ifnr.\·, ~rar."," a hig'h, inljwrat:h'c NOTAltt rUBLIC
Lees' Garall;_Repalrlng, Etc. Phone, 1605.
JeIrerles, J. II. III :-Jarberth ave.
NARBERTH ELECTRIC SHOP \'oi,'!, hro]{" in upon he!' reveri!'. :-';arberth Garage. Phone Narberth 1633.
Spe dlsp!ay advertisement in this Issue.
Phone, 666-M.
W. G. CASE. Manager (To be Continued Next Week,) AU'l'O:lI()lnLI~ SElt\,ICE :'Io'UH:;]~UU;S

323 Conway Avenue, Narberth Phon.. 395.W (~ellsore, SalJit'. Phone, H:!:l. Alhred,t. ,'uhn. ]'Plleun] and l'ur'uerth.
Sl'e display ad\'ertisenll'nt in this Issm', s"p tllSlllay atln'l'tis(";ll'nt in this I~sue.
_\lnln Line Auto I.aundr)· and Garage.
Phone. 072. OI'TlCIA~lS
Ila,°t' you ~t)('lll't'll your ti('I~(lt:-i COl S,'e display ad\'('rtisemellt In this Issue. Fenton, Car! If. 606 Essex aVe. Phone, 63H- \.'l
th,' talk ttl bl' gi\'l'n IIl'Xt Thnrsuay "'ulton Urotoi. Phone li7:!. Phil&. addre... 1808 Che.tnut .t. LoCUlI! III.
See lliaplay adn'l'tlsl'IllNlt III this Issue. Zenlmll)'er, Josel.h. :!~l; S. 15t1.l st., 1'blla.
,','!'ning at Elrll lIalI hy :'III'. j':l'lll'st T.
Do You Want to Sell Your Property Trig'g, pr"sid"11 t of t h,' I'h il:, dl'lphia
"halllhel' of COlllllll'l'eel
Junker, Inl'., ,Jule•• lOU FOl'l'est av.. Narberth
~pe (lisp lay al!\'el'tiH('IIH-'nt in this hHmc.
Walzer. Fred. PAINTJ<;nS
117 Winsor aVe. Phone, 1247-J.
QUICKLY and for CASH? lIIerlon Title &:
Trust Co. Phone, Ardmore a. PAPER IIANGEItS
See display advertisement tn this 188ue. Witte, Goo. A. Fairview ave.
Our list of properties for sale in this Borough is nearly ex- Phone, CynWYd 778-J, Flr.t-cla......ork..
hausted and we are in touch with a number of home buyers who Smedle)', \l'm. U. S; H. T. Phone, tiOO. 1']101'0 ,PLAYS
See display advertlselnent tn tbte tBllue. "Arcadia," 16th and Chestnut st.' Phll~_
are prepared to acl quickly if we can find the right properties. CANDY, ETC. See dtspla)' adverttsAtnent 1n tbl~ talue.
navis. H. E. Phone, 1254-W.
We will appreciate an opportunity to talk this matter over See display ad vert1sement 10 thla Issue, I·J.U~lInNG. ETC,

with you. We assure you of our very best and continuous Cool., Winfield II. 1'1.Ione 1210.J.
CAIU'J<;NTImS AND BUII.DEBS See display udvertisement In t1.lls 188U'"
efforts. Jenklos, Cbas. L. Wall, H. n. Phone. 319.J. •
103 DudleY ave. Phone, 382-M. See display aliverttsenlCnt In th18 lean.
ROBERT J. NASH Speakman, Clarenee A. 1'bone 16;J:!·U.
See displaY advcrtlsement In tbis issue. REAL ESTATE
Real Estate Broker CONTltACTOlt 01" PLASTEIU:-;G ('ulchn'l1, .J ...\. PliolH', ]W~;7
Residence T~I.phone
Narberth 6-05 1001 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA l,'rntllntoni, ,Jumes, &; SOJlM. See display a(]verusernent In thl!l1 l11IU.
2:J!I !-!ampdell a\'e., Narberth. Box 270. I"rllocll, II. C. Phone, 252-W.
~ee display advertlsenlent In thin h,.utI
Or 104 Grayling Avenue, Narberth UI';NTISTS (';udfre)'. ''-In. U. •
Orr. Dr. A. I•• 101 Elmwood avo Phone, a93-W. ,114 'Voodslde ave. Phone. 686-W.
MEMBER, PHILADELPHIA REAL ESTATE BOARD Phlla. Phone. Filbert 4252. Keith Bldg. Naoh, Rouert J. Phone, 605.
~('hl!ll1hs, .Jr., Ur••John. l'hOIH'. :no· \v. , Money tor Flr.t and Second Mortgage.,
~hIlJ)!oiCJn. dame" C. ~:12 g~8ex ave.
:-;PP liisp!"y 1I,ln'rtl"'IlH'llt ill this Issm'. Phone, G3G. or 1420 Chestnut at.
Repairing Appliances 1I0ward'o, Phone, 1267. JtOOFING, ETC.

EARL E. SNO'" See display advertisement In thl. '••ue.

Smith, T. n. Ar,!lllore, PII.
See dlsplll~' advertisement in this Issue.
('ara-:llcGlnle)' Co. Phone, 1268-W
See display advertisement In thi. Issue.

H ERE'S the suction- lIi11er, John A. 243 10na ave. Phoos, 681-J.
Electrical C ontractoT sweeper you have al- ELECTRICIANS
Shop, 246 Havsrtord ave. Phooe, 1226-J.

5007 Wesbninster Avenue ways wanted - a CUM.~, ,,,. (.. Phont'. anri· ,Y. SIIOEl\fAKERS
:-;pp ,lls(l!II~' al!"prtlSl'IlIPllt ill this issue.
swee er with a real bristle brush Goud Weur 8hoe Uell/dr Shop,
House Wiring Philadelphia, Pa. "ulth, Veri 225 Iona ave.
Nar. Phooe, 650-W. Ard, Phone, I68·J. Cnll~tlllltille, U. (•• :,?;j:! IIfiverford nve.
which revolves and picks up all I'ltolll', Narberth 170li- \Y.
thread,lint, ravellings, grit, and Snow, I~llrl J<;. Phllallplphill.
Ree ,lIsp!ur al!l'ertlselllell t III this (ssue. U"l:ln.·III, Frank. 2011 lIa\'erford ave.
other dirt and is backed up by a Sl'P ,1lspla)' Ill!\'I'rtlSt'lIlent in this Issue,
strong suction which lifts the dirt I!'ISU AND OYSTERS
30 Jobs within the last 2 months are 30 into the dust-bag. The Iml,erlal Groeer)' Co. Phone, Narberth 606, TA 11.0 m,
PremONt, II. Phone. 12M-.1.
reasons why we should do your work INSURANCE See display advertisement In tbls Issue.
'BClle e
1J0wman, Bamuel P. (Life.)
116 Elmwood ave. Phone, 658-W.
Jnneo, Chas. It.
Mnrtln & lIenr)·. Pholl". Cynwyd 895,
305 S. Narberth ave. Phone, 6U·J.
~""' • •p . r
MARTIN & HENRY requires no cords nor plugs
as it is not an electric
,Joneo, Wm. J. 103 S. Narberth ave. Phone,
680-J. Phlla, address, penn Mutual Bldg.
,-,rotter Bros. (Fire, etc.)
209 Woodside ave. Phone, 1262-R.
Sl'e dlHp]n~' a,l\'('rtlsclllent in this Issue.

Decorators cleaner. It weighs only 6l,2lbs.

and is amazingly simple to LAWYERS
Gilroy. John 211 Essex ave. Phone, 12U-H. The above department .hould be of th.
operate. Surprisinglylowln price. Phil... addre.s, Lincoln Bldg. creatsst use to ths community, the list con-
Interior and Exterior Painting Stites, Fletcher W. 418 Haverford ave. talna the name of every profeaalooal man.
ODe demonatratlon wW convince you Phone. 872-W Phil... addre.s, Crozer BIde. tradesman, mechanic, shopkeeper. etc., ....b..
does or can In any way .erve hIs fellow·
townaman, and who la proereaalve enou..b
MeDooald John. Narberth phone, 1288. to add name to Ust of Regl.ter.
Phone Cynwyd 895 CYNWYD, P A.. 1533 Cheat. .too Phlla. Phone, Spruce 1118.
Ae It Is dlmcult for those cootrlbutlol
:lIEATB. ETC. their tlms and efforts to the production ot
Cotter, BOllard F. Phone, 1298. "Our Town" to personally either know or
See dlaplay advertlsoment In thl. I••ue.. Interview all such, It would be moet help-
We are showing a full line of 1919 Imported I1ertzter. ,John n. Nnrberth. , fUl If those not now found In the prtnted
See display lI,lvertisement In this Is8ue. lIat ...ould aend In a memo ot their nam•••
and Domestic Wall Hangings and Cretonnes address, phone numbsrs and bu.lne.... or
Price $17.50 MILK profes.lons for Ustlnll;. Tbl. will oo.t ae tol
ScoU-PoweD Dalrle8. Phone, Prestoo 2318, lows: 10 cent. eacb Issue for 2 Une.: I canb
C. L. CLEGG, 237 Essex Ave' See diapiay advertisement In thl. I.aue, for eacb additional lin•.

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