Gaurav Wankhede Resume Consultant Role
Gaurav Wankhede Resume Consultant Role
Gaurav Wankhede Resume Consultant Role
Profile Summary
A motivated business analyst who thinks laterally and has the ability to integrate and analyse information from
multiple disciplines in a demanding business environment. Key skills in areas such as supply chain & logistics,
people management, business process re-alignment and end-to-end process mapping.
Highlights Highlights
Successful in changing the culture from emphasis on Delivered $18 million in inventory reduction and 32%
‘purchasing’ towards an ‘inventory optimisation’ approach. reduction in stock holding over a 3 year period.
Engineered a direct link between strategic goals and day- 25% reduction in inventory managers’ workload by
to-day activities to Supply Chain. Asmanagers
assist inventory a direct result of this
in their a
job. introducing exception based planning .process.
Achieved sustained benefits and results by integrating Responsible for generating sensitive high level
financial and inventory planning. inventory performance reports for senior Defence
Page 2 Résumé Gaurav Wankhede
+61 438 740 211
Highlights Highlights
Drafted the business plan as well as logistics activity Produced project status reports in accordance with
plans for multiple business units. These plans spanned Defence reporting requirements that were used at high
from 6 months to 3 years in length. level Defence project management committee meetings.
Managed outsourcing contacts between Air Force Drafted dashboard type KPI reports for the project
head office and with Defence contractors. director. Represented the project team on working group
meetings and produced detailed project tracking data on
Nominated by the Department of Defence to mentor MS project and Defence owned risk management tracking
new Air Force recruits. system.
Page 3 Résumé Gaurav Wankhede
+61 438 740 211
Australian Defence Logistics Officer Course A keen sportsman having represented the university
Royal Australian Air Force in cricket and squash.