Module 4 Lesson 3 Check-In Activity

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Module 4

Lesson 3
Check-In Activity
● Diphtheria bacteria usually spread
from person to person through
respiratory droplets.
● Provide at least 3 ways to prevent
disease transmission.
● Clue: Refer to the examples on
how droplet transmission takes
What is droplet transmission?
Droplet transmission occurs when the microbes are
propelled in air generated by coughing, sneezing, laughing,
and talking. It can pose risk over distances of one meter or
less entering the person’s system through ears, nose, and
What is Diphtheria?
The bacteria Corynebacterium diphtheriae
which are capable of creating toxins
(poisons) are the causative agents of a
serious infection called Diphtheria. It affects
the mucous membranes of nose and throat
leading to difficulty in breathing, swollen
glands, heart failure, paralysis, or in worst
cases, it can cause death. It can also affect
our skin that leads to redness, pain, and
Ways to Prevent Disease Transmission


1. Frequent handwashing with soap 2. Avoid sharing personal items like

and water and using an alcohol- cups, dishes, towels and utensils
based hand sanitizer have always especially with sick persons to limit
been the most effective ways of the spread of infection.
keeping diseases at bay.
Ways to Prevent Disease Transmission


3. Practice social distancing. Avoid

4. Wear face masks properly as an
close contact with others especially
effective barrier to prevent
to those who have symptoms of
respiratory droplets from reaching
respiratory illness like coughing and
Ways to Prevent Disease Transmission

5. Eat healthy foods, drink vitamins, 6. Be careful with our surroundings.

and stay hydrated for everyone’s Routinely clean and disinfect
safety, good health, and immunity. surfaces or objects that is
frequently touched.
Ways to Prevent Disease Transmission

7. Sneeze or cough into a tissue then 8. Stay at home as much as possible.

dispose it properly to help stop the Do self-isolation if you feel sick and
spread of infection. notice that you are experiencing the
signs and symptoms.
Ways to Prevent Disease Transmission

9. To heal yourself is to protect others 10. Getting vaccinated against any

as well. Consult your doctor type of diseases leads to a
immediately if you are experiencing the
significantly better outcome. For
signs and symptoms. Find the
appropriate treatment like in example, DTaP vaccines protect us
Diphtheria, it can be treated with against Diphtheria, Tetanus, and
antitoxins or antibiotics. Pertussis.
Ways to Prevent Disease Transmission

12. Do not touch your face, nose,

11. Always practice good personal
hygiene to stay safer together. and mouth often because they are
the portal of entry for germs that
cause respiratory infections.

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