ClassificationsandFunctionsofAgroforestry PDF
ClassificationsandFunctionsofAgroforestry PDF
ClassificationsandFunctionsofAgroforestry PDF
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Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute, Newforge Lane, Belfas!, BT9 SPX, Northern Ireland, UK
Cranfield University, Cranficld, Bedfordshire MK43 OAL, UK
Crop Production Department. Univcrsity of Santiago de Compostela 27002. Lugo, Spain
*Corresponding author: Applied Plant Scicnce ami Biometrics Division, Agri-Food ami
BlOscienccs lnstitutc ami Quecn's Univcrsity, Newforge Lmc, Beifast BT9 SPX. Northcrn
lreland, UK, e-mail: [email protected]
Introduction Table 2.1 Classification of agroforestry systems based on their components, spatial and temporal
arrangement, function, agro-ecological zone, and socio-economic aspects (Modified from Nair
1990, 1993; Young 1997)
This paper seeks to give an overview of the principal features and functions of ~cation method Example categories Major area of application
agroforestry systems in Europe. Such land management practices incorporating Agrisilviculture: crop and trees,
(i) Components
combinations of trees and agriculture have been a key historical element of the of which Silvoarable comprises
European landscape. However, they have often been ignored or undervalued as arable crops with trees
many administrative organisations segregate land use and financia! support into Silvopastoral: pasture/animals
simplistic terms such as "farming" or "forestry" and do not fully recognise the broad and trees
interface area. pasture/animals and trees
However, the increasing pressure on land in Europe, and in fact worldwide, Other:multipurpose tree lots,
requires new ways of thinking about land management. In addition to providing beekeeping with trees,
food, timber, fibre and biomass feedstock, land is required to provide habitats for aquaculture with trees
(ü) Predominant land use Primarily agriculture Administration
both wildlife and humans, as well as sites for recreation. Moreover, there is an
Primarily forestry
increasing realisation of the importance of land management in providing regulating Spatial Particularly useful in
(iii) Spatial and temporal
services such as well-distributed supplies of high quality water and the sequestra- arrangement Mixed dense (e.g., home gardens) research on plant
tion of carbon (Gordon et al. 2005; Millenium Ecosystem Assessment 2005; Nair Mixed sparse (e.g., most systems management for
of trees in pasture) optimising interactions
et al. 2007). Whilst Eichhom et al. (2006) and Mosquera-Losada et al. (2005) have
Strip planting (e.g., most systems
broadly summarised the position for silvoarable and silvopastoral systems respec-
involving agricultura! machinery)
. tively in Europe, this paper seeks to summarise the wide range of ecosystem func- Boundary (trees on edges of plots
tions, goods and services of European agroforestry practices. and fields)
In time
Coincident separate
(iv) Agroecological Humid, arid mountainous Land use planning
Classification of Agroforestry Systems (v) Socio-economic Commercial, intermediate, Socio-economic analysis
subsisten ce of agroforestry potential
(vi) Function Productive functions Developing projects for
There are numerous definitions of agroforestry. These range from "growing trees exploiting agroforestry
Food, fodder, biofuel, wood,
on farms" (Young 1997) to more technical definitions, such as that by Sommariba other products potential
(1992) who defines agroforestry as a form of multiple cropping which satisfies Habitat functions
three basic conditions: Biodiversity
Regulating functions
l. There are at least two species that interact biologically. Shelterbelt, soil and water
2. At least one of the species is a woody perennial. conservation, shade
3. At least one of the plant species is managed for forage, annual or perennial crop Cultural functions
Recreation and landscape
Beyond such definitions, i1 is possible to categorise particular types of agroforestry.
Such classifications are most useful if they are easily understood, readily handled,
and provide a practica! framework for synthesis and analysis. In the early 1980s,
ICRAF completed an inventory of agroforestry systems in the tropics and subtropics The initial part of this paper reviews briefly the first five classification methods before
(Nair 1985). Sinclair (1999a) used the same database to update the classification, concentrating on the classification of systems in terms of their functions.
focusing on agroforestry practices rather than agroforestry systems. Across these
classifications, agroforestry practices are categorised according either to (i) compo-
nents, (ii) predominant land use, (iii) spatial and temporal structure, (iv) agroecological Components
zone, (v) socio-economic status, or (vi) function (Table 2.1).
Nair (1990) suggests that the first stage of classification should be on the basis of The first stage of most agroforestry system classifications is to define the system in
the components, but any subsequent classification should be based on the purpose. tenns of its components of management ata farm scale (Sinclair 1999a). In addition
24 J.H. McAdam et al. Classifications and Functions of Agroforestry Systems in Europc
Fodder production
arable farming or Silvoarable
: 1 1
or Trees in livestock system Livestock in a woodland
Livestock Silvopastoral system (Grazing and Woodland
horticulture uvestock (Scattered trees and
production 1 1
shrubs on swards) browsing in shrubland and
1 1 system
Fig. 2.2 Continuum of agroforestry systems from a principal! y livestock to a woodland system
Fig. 2.1 Schematic diagram showing definitions of land use on the basis of the use of either
crops, animals and trees
to a manager, the three potential components in an agroforestry system are the woody Spatial and Temporal Arrangement
perennial, the agricultura! or horticultura! crop, and the animal. Hence, there are two
basic fonns of agroforestry ata fmm scale. These are silvoarable (tree + crop) and Agroforestry systems can also be classified according to the spatial and temporal
silvopastoral systems (tree + fodder crop + animal) (Fig. 2.1 ). In theory, it is also arrangement ofthe trees and crops (Nair 1985). The spatial arrangement of the trees
possible to have an "agrosilvopastoral" system that combines an annual crop with a can be mixed (dense or sparse) or zoned (lines in the centre of fields or boundary
silvopastoral system, but the arable and livestock components are usually temporally planting). Examples of spatially mixed systems in Europe include the scattered and
and spatially distinct. Within this classification, farm forestry, where trees are planted dispersed anangement of oak trees in the dehesas of Spain or Portugal, and
in small blocks, may be classified as a forestry or woodland system. parkland systems in the UK. Examples of zoned systems include the planting of
olive in 5-1 Om rows with cropped arcas in between, and the use of shelterbelts for
livestock in Northern Europe.
In terms of the temporal arrangement, silvoarable systems such as the pré-
Predominan/ Land-Use vergers or poplar systems of ltaly and France are sometimes intercropped with
annual crops or perennial fodder crops only during the initial part of the tree
Sinclair ( 1999b) suggests that the second criterion of agroforestry system classifi- rotation. In contrast, in widely spaced trees systems such as olive tree associations
cation is the predominant use of the land where the practice takes place. The land in Italy, intercrops can be grown indefinitely. This is because light or water compe-
may be predominantly forestry with sorne agricultura! use (e.g. forest grazing) or tition from the trees does not reduce crop yields below an economic threshold
agricultura! with the introduction of trees (e.g. a parkland system). Hence, within (Moreno et al. 2007).
silvopasture systems, sorne classifications distinguish between trees in livestock
systems and livestock in woodland systems (Etienne et al. 1996; Olea et al. 2005).
For example, silvopastoral systems can be created by either respacing an estab-
lished woodland or forest, or by planting trees into established pasture. Across most Agroecological Zone
of Europe, forest grazing has almost disappeared due to population pressure, shift
in EU policy on farming support, and the disappearance of traditional transhumance Another method of classifying systems is according to the agroecological zone. For
patterns (Dupraz and Newman 1997; Finck et al. 2005). However, sorne examples example, Nair (1985) and Young (1997) classified tropical and sub-tropical agro-
of wooded pasture remain, such as in the Jura Mountains in Switzerland (Gillet and forestry systems according to whether they occurred in humid and sub-humid low-
Garlandat 1986). In practice, although classifying systems on the basis of predomi- land, dry rcgions, or highlands. Within Europe, it is possible to identify broad
nant land use can be useful for administrative purposes, agroforestry can occur at ~groecological zones (Metzger et al. 2005), and these can be useful in distinguish-
any point along the continuum (Fig. 2.2). mg agroforestry systems within a Mediterranean agroecological zone from those
practiced elsewhere. Hence, Mediterranean systcms are often limited by the
26 J.H. McAdam et al. 2 Classifications and Functions of Agroforestry Systems in Europe
availability of water (Moreno et al. 2007) whilst in Northem Europe, most the crop Table 2.2 Generalised functions, goods and services of agroforestry ecosystems
component of agroforestry systems may be constrained by relatively low levels p;;;tions Description of function Example goods and services
light (Mosquera-Losada et al. 2005). ¡;;duction Creation of biomass Trees: fruits, oil, nuts, timber, firewood, cork
and fodder
Crops: grain and seed production, soft fruits
and vegetables, biofuel and fodder
Socio-economic Classification Animals: meat
Provision of habitat for Habitat diversity
conservation and Species diversity
Another method of categorising systems is according to a socio-economic classifi- Shelter for animals
maintenance of
cation, such as the scale of production or the level of input and management. For biological diversity Mechanical support
example, it is possible to distinguish between commercial and subsistence systems. Maintenance of essential Soil and water conservation
In sorne examples, socio-economic circumstances may be closely related to the ecological processes Reduced nutrient leaching
agro-ecological area. For example, Graves et al. (2007a) highlight the differences and life support Reduced tire risk
systems Carbon sequestration
in the benefits and constraints of silvoarable systems perceived by farmers in Cultural heritage
Cultural Opportunities for reflection,
Mediterranean and Northem parts of Europe. cognitive development Landscape enhancement
and recreation Recreation
The last method for classifying agroforestry systems is according to their ecosystem Productive Functions of Tree Component
functions, and this provides the framework for the rest of the paper. Traditional
thinking on land management, as often practised by agriculturalists and foresters, It is possible to classify agroforestry systems according to the product obtained
has often focussed on the productive function of land use systems. Nair (1993) from the trees (Eichhom et al. 2006). The products of the tree components of
when classifying agroforestry systems also recognised their protective functions. European agroforestry systems include (i) fruit, oil and nuts, (ii) timber, (iii) fuel-
More recently, research and analysis such as the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment wood, (iv) cork, and (v) fodder. Generally as one moves from northem to southem
(2005) has further highlighted and expanded our appreciation of the very wide Europe, the range of tree products tends to broaden. For example, timber is often
range of functions that natural and managed ecosystems provide (Hindmarch et al. the main product in northem Europe, the provision of coppice and browse can
2006). De Groot et al. (2002) described the four primary functions of ecosystems become important in mid Europe, and the full range of products is evident in the
as production, habitat, regulation, and information functions (Table 2.2). The south.
production function refers to the creation of biomass which can provide goods such
as food, raw materials, and energy resources for human consumption. The habitat
function is associated with the contribution of natural ecosystems to conservation Fruit, Oil and Nuts for Human Consumption
or biological and genetic diversity. The regulation function has been defined as the
capacity of an ecosystem to control essential ecological processes and Iife support Agroforestry systems based on fruit, oil and nut trees remain widespread in Europe.
systems through bio-geochemical cycles and other biospheric processes, and the Olives trees, producing olives either for direct consumption or pressed for oil, cover
cultural or information function describes the provisioning of opportunities for extensive parts of southem Europe. Eichhom et al. (2006) reported that the area of
reflection, spiritual enrichment, cognitive development and recreation. The rest of silvoarable systems with olive trees (Olea europaea L.) in Greece and central Italy
this paper considers European agroforestry systems in terms of the goods and were 650,000 ha and 20,000 ha respectively. They also reported smaller areas in
services that arise from these four functions. Spain (15,000ha) and France (3,000ha).
There are also numerous extant silvoarable systems based around fruit trees such
as almond (Prunus dulcis (Miller), flg (Ficus carcia L.), peach (Prunus persica (L.),
Production Functions Walnut (Juglans regia L.), apple (Malus spp.), and pear (Pyrus communis L.)
(Eichhom et al. 2006). In France, an important agroforestry practice is the pré-verger
There is Iikely to be more than one product from most agroforestry systems. These ~ystem comprising areas of grazed low-density fruit tree plantations which may
derive from the productive function of the tree, the crop and, iu silvopastoral sys- mclude intercropped arable crops in the initial years. The Streuobst system in central
tems, the output from the animal component. These are considered in tum. Europe consists of similar associations, although the trees are generally found
28 J.H. McAdam et al. ~
2 Classifications and Functions of Agroforestry Systems in Europe 29
"dispersed on croplands, meadows and pastures in a rather irregular association" '' 1.4 <> Oak (Spain)
(Lucke et al. 1992 as quoted by Eichhom et al. 2006). Herzog (1998) reports that the 1.2 o Pine (Spain)
density of common fruit trees in the Streuobst systems is about 20-100 trees ha- 1• The "C
pomaradas system in northem Spain is similar to Streuobst, with scattered fruit trees ]! 1.0 6 Cherry (France)
grown in association with cereals or vegetables. However, as with the pré-vergers and >
3l 0.8 + Poplar (France)
Streuobst system, the area of pomaradas has declined greatly in the recent past !::;
(Eichhom et al. 2006). In southem Europe, agroforestry systems including fmit and ~ 0.6 • Walnut (France)
olive trees often include grape vines. Such systems are called piantata in Italy and m
joualle in southem France. Systems combining olive trees with grape vines are also & 0.4 <> Pop\ar (Netherlands)
found in Spain (46,600ha), and Greece, and Eichhom et al. (2006) reports that inter- 1111 Walnut (Netherlands)
croppe(l vineyards still cover 153,000ha in Sicily. Eichhom et al. (2006) also reports
on a range of agroforestry systems integrating fruit trees with vegetable production in 0.0 +--..---r--.-----.------..::..r-.....::..-.....::..
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 .O 1.2 1 .4
northem Spain, southem France, Ita! y, Greece, and parts of Germany.
Relative crop yield
Fig. 2.3 Predicted interactions between relative tree yield and crop yield within selected agrofor-
Timber estry systems (Graves et al. 2007b)
suggest that cork oak agroforestry could be replaced by holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) vegetables, grown alongside fruit trees, is a highly profitable system in the
agroforestry, because holm oaks produce high quality acoms that are especially Languedoc-Roussillon regían of France. Soft fruit such as strawberries (Fragaria
important in the econornics of Iberian pig production (Gaspar et al. 2007). Other spp.) are associated with olive trees in Greece and fruit trees in France, and bush
studies suggest degradation of cork oak agroforestry rnight occur as a result of [ruits (Ribes spp.) such as currants and gooseberries are associated with rnixed fruit
complete abandonment of the land, excessive intensification of livestock produc- trees in Spain. As noted earlier, grape vines are grown with a number of tree species
tion or the conversion of the land to other uses (World Wildlife Fund 2006). in Mediterranean Europe.
The leaves and fruit of trees in agroforestry systems are commonly used as animal Across Europe, there is increasing interest in the use of agricultura} crops as a
fodder in Mediterranean Europe, where they can supplement grass supply during biomass feedstock, either for the production of biogas, bioethanol or biodiesel.
periods of shortage. For example, in the dehesas o[ Spain or montados of Portugal, Biomass feedstock crops include those currently used for food production, but also
acoms from holm oaks are consumed by foraging livestock and holm oak branches altemative crops such as rniscanthus and switchgrass. Of particular interest is the
may also be lopped and left on the ground as winter browse. Fig trees in Crete and capacity of agroforestry systems to increase biomass production per hectare,
the Aegean Islands, walnut trees in Italy and the mountains of Greece, and carob relative to monoculture agricultura! or forestry systems, because of the increased
trees in Sicily and Crete are also used to provide fodder (Eichhom et al. 2006). capture of light and water through complementary growth pattems of tree and crop
During the summer in mountainous and north-westem parts of Spain, leaves from components.
pruned ash, willow and birch trees can also provide a better source of fodder than
herbaceous crops during drought periods (Mosquera-Losada et al. 2004), as well as
periods of winter forage shortage. Tree management to increase forage value through Fodder
coppicing, has been evaluated in other temperate areas (Snyder et al. 2007).
Most silvopastoral systems include an understorey grass or legurninous "crop"
which provides animal fodder. In countries such as Italy, Greece, Spain and
Portugal fodder legumes or grasses also form a common component of the crop
Productive Functions of the Crop Componen/ rotation of a silvoarable system. The herbaceous species used within temperate
European silvopastoral systems have been reviewed by Mosquera-Losada et al.
Grain and Seeds (2005). Depending mainly on the tree cover and the relative costs, the herbaceous
layer will be natural or established, (Mosquera-Losada et al. 2005). In traditional
Cereals such as wheat, maize, and oats are a common feature of silvoarable systems forest grazing systems in northem Europe, the herbaceous component is usually
in both northem and Mediterranean areas. Whilst in olive agroforestry systems, indigenous and growth is often lirnited by the evergreen coniferous trees. In such
where trees are small and slow-growing, intercropping can continue to be an impor- areas stock such as reindeer may gain nutrition from both the herbaceous sward and
tant component of the system for many years, in other systems, canopy develop- lichens. Naturally occurring herb layers have evolved over time in ancient systems
ment eventually makes it uneconornic to grow the cereal crop. In the dehesa such as dehesa and Montado (Olea et al. 2005) and in systems where pigs, poultry
systems of Spain and Portugal, the cultivation of oat or wheat is usually associated and other stock are grazed in forests (Brownlow et al. 2000). In the Atlantic biogeo-
with the most fertile part of the farm, and often the areas are rotated to improve graphic region of Europe, sowing is associated with low tree cover or young stands.
pasture quality in the years subsequent to the cultivation of the crop. An additional Grassland development is usually seriously limited when tree cover is above 55%
seed producing crop is sunflower which is sometimes grown with poplar in Italy, (Dodd et al. 1972; Sibbald 1994; Rodríguez-Barreira 2007).
and with oak in Greece and Spain.
Vegetables, Soft Fruit and Grapes Productive Functions of the Animal Componen/
Vegetables are grown in olive associations in Italy, fruit tree associations in Greece The principal productive output from the animal component of agroforestry sys-
and Spain, and with carob trees in Crete. Eichhom et al. (2006) report that irrigated tems is usually meat. Depending on the particular situation, cattle, sheep, pigs,
32 J.H. McAdam et al. 2 Classifications and Functions of Agroforestry Systems in Europe
poultry and wild animals can all satisfactorily graze with rninimum need for tree of silvoarable systems, relative to arable systems, to sequester carbon and to control
protection (Sánchez 2005). However if the tree density is too high, herbage quality soil erosion and nitrate leaching. Rigueiro-Rodríguez et al. (2005) also discuss the
(Peri et al. 2007; Rozados-Lorenzo et al. 2007) and productivity (Mosquera-Losada potential of silvopastoral systems to reduce fire risk. These and other regulating
et al. 2005) will not be sufficient to support high densities of grazing animals with services will be explained in depth in Chapter 3.
high energy requirements for adequate growth.
Tree-pasture systems can be either created or managed using existing trees; in
such cases, provided the trees are large enough, herbivores such as cattle, and pigs
Cultural Functions
can be used. The dehesa system in Spain and Portugal has evolved using either
cattle, pigs or, in sorne cases, sheep under trees such as Quercus ilex (Olea et al.
2005). In the Atlantic part of Galicia, agroforestry systems with horses can be Potential cultural services provided by agroforestry systems include the mainte-
found, as well as with sheep, pigs or cattle. nance of local cultural heritage, creation of recreation opportunities, and
Altematives to grazing livestock have been reviewed by Brownlow et al. (2000) enhancement of the landscape. The delivery of conservation, amenity, recreational
who exarnined managed forests grazed intensively with pigs (Brownlow 1994) and and environmental services by funding farmers and landowners is seen as a key
poultry production under tree cover. In the UK there are three groups of poultry/tree element of the EU subsidy policy (McAdam 2005). However, it is probably in this
practitioners: (i) large independent, commercial poultry specialists, (ii) corporate area, that researchers have been slowest to identify the benefits of agroforestry.
poultry producers who have been encouraged for contract reasons to plant trees,
and (iii) smallholders. In all cases, trees create a greater range for the birds, enhance
the landscape and improve shelter. Turkeys, ducks, and geese have also been
Cultural and Heritage Value
successfully incorporated into agroforestry systems (Brownlow et al. 2000).
Traditional agroforestry systems are an important part of the culture and heritage of
many European areas, and in such areas they are viewed as systems that need to be
Habitat Functions preserved and sustainably managed (Isted 2005). In the UK, whilst lowland wood-
pasture and parkland, and wet woodlands are priority habitats in terms of their
Because trees are larger, live longer and have a greater variety of tissues and biodiversity, they are also of historie and cultural importance. Many large estates in
structure than herbaceous plants they can provide a habit for a wide range of the British Isles had forests planted for their aesthetic and recreational values.
organisms (Burgess 1999). Moreover agroforestry systems can enhance the habitat Invariably these were to improve the living environment for the owner who would
function of an ecosystem because the interactions of the tree, animal, and crop be a person of substantial influence in society, who could influence policy and
components create complexity and environmental heterogeneity (Martínez-Jauregui cultural development and would usually employ many people who would also
et al. 2006; Martínez-Jauregui 2007; McAdam 2000; Rois et al. 2006). For exam- absorb the same ideas and views. In this way a culturallandscape evolves and one
ple, mature dehesa is considered to be the most biodiverse mand-made landscape that encompasses the concept of "parkland" where widely spaced, and sometimes
in Europe, as the combination of trees and herbaceous cover provide a habitat for a ornamental, trees are allowed to grow to full maturity (Isted 2005). Sorne agri-
large variety of insects, birds and other fauna and flora (Moreno and Pulido 2007). environment schemes now seek to maintain, enhance, and replant such parkland
Other habitat services includ~ the use of trees to provide shade and shelter for areas through sensitive land management and a programme of replacement tree
animals, and the provision of direct mechanical support for understorey crops such planting (Countryside Management Scheme, Department of Agriculture and Rural
as vines. The principal underlying aspects related to the habitat function of Development, Northem lreland, unpublished explanatory booklet).
agroforestry systems will be presented in more detail in Chapter 3. Vera (2000) has reviewed the cultural significance of grazed woodlands and
forests in eastem and westem Europe and cited numerous examples of forest types
where their multifunctionality has been a key element in their cultural value. In
Greece, Ispikoudis and Sioliou (2005) found that cultural aspects of silvopastoral
Regulating Functions systems were rarely mentioned in the literature. They concluded that an important
factor influencing silvopastorallandscapes is the cultural attitude of the occupants.
Agroforestry can improve the capacity of land to provide a range of regulating Societies view and perceive landscapes in ways which reflect cultural attitudes,
services such as soil, water and nutrient conservation, protection from fire, and Spiritual beliefs and resource values. They also point out that lifestyles like
carbon sequestration. For example Palma et al. (2007) have analysed the potential nomadism (or transhumance-mentioned by severa! papers in this volume) and
34 2 Classifications and Functions of Agroforestry Systems in Europe 35
J. H. McAdam et al.
traditional techniques like pollarding are closely linked with these silvopastoral deposits dung and urine on it and tramps the soil (Buttler et al. 2007). The presence
landscapes which represent these traditionallifestyles but they are also imbued with of the tree also creates indirect interactions. It shades the pasture, deposits leaves
cultural, symbolic and even religious value. There is also substantial evidence for on it, absorbs nutrients escaping below the pasture (Nair and Kalmbacher 2006),
the cultural value of, for example dehesa systems (Moreno and Pulido 2007). aerates the soil, attracts biodiversity, and affects the grazing behaviour and
rnovements of the sheep. Such factors and their interrelationships need to be taken
into consideration when developing guidelines for sward and stock management
(McAdam and Sibbald 2000). When the human management component is brought
into the analysis, along with the outputs attitudes and expectations, multifunctional
rnanagement becomes a much more complex issue. McAdam et al. (1999) and
There are opportunities for both farmers and the general public to benefit from the Sibbald (1999) reviewed the rationale behind agroforestry (largely as practiced in
recreation opportunities created by agroforestry systems. For farmers there may be the British Isles) being viewed as a sustainable land use option, and concluded that
opportunities for hunting or an income from rural tourism, and the general public agroforestry can make a positive impact on sustainable rural development, in
may gain health benefits from enjoying and appreciating an agroforestry comparison with conventional farm woodlands, because of the employment created
environment. For example, in the UK bird watching is the most popular form of by multi-functional systems.
recreation and more people are members of bird conservation organizations than
any other. The benefits of agroforestry in attracting birds to rural landscapes are
discussed further in Chapter 3. The opportunities provided by agroforestry in ltaly
for recreation are described further in this book in Chapter 12 (Pardini 2007). Complementarity of Resource Use
Silvoarable systems integrate the use of crop and trees on the same land management
unit, such that there are ecological and economic interactions between them. A majar
benefit of silvoarable systems is the diversification of products, combining long- and
short-term components, and the increased productivity, often measured using the land
For many people, crop and tree monocultures can create unappealing monotonous equivalent ratio. This arises from complementary use of resources, especially light
landscapes, whereas the integration of trees with agriculture can increase the and water (Graves et al. 2007b) but also nutrients (Nwaigbo et al. 1995). The potential
heterogeneity (Bell 2000) and the attractiveness of the landscape. For example the economic benefits of silvopastoral and silvoarable systems have been demonstrated
dehesa is associated with an increase in the amenity value of the landscape and is by Crabtree et al. (1997), McAdam et al. (1999), Thomas and Willis (2000), Etienne
also seen to be historically and culturally significant. The cultural landscapes (2005), Femández-Núñez et al. (2007) and Graves et al. (2007b).
created by silvopastoralism can also contribute to financia! opportunities in the
form of ecotourism (Pardini et al. 2002; Pardini 2005).
Tree Protection
Multifunctional Agroforestry Management Tree protection is a majar issue when animals are combined with trees (Nixon et al.
1992; Beaton and Hislop 2000) and generally costs of protection against large
The tree, animal, and crop components of agroforestry systems interact with each herbivores such as pigs, horses, and cattle preclude their use, at least in the early
other and can create a high degree of complexity and environmental heterogeneity stages of a si1vopastoral system. McAdam (1991) investigated a range of combina-
(Palma et al. 2006). The key to agroforestry management is to optimise the benefits ti.ons of p1astic tree shelters and posts and these were incorporated into silvopastoral
from the system, and this requires special skills and considerations (McAdam and Sltes established in Northem Ireland as part of the UK National Network Silvopastoral
Sibbald 2000). Sinclair et al. (2000) have highlighted the importance of setting Experiment (Sibbald et al. 2001). In these tiials, ash, sycamore, larch and scots pine
objectives for agroforestry systems and managing the systems accordingly, to achieve Were successfully protected against sheep for five to six years after establishment.
these objectives. Subsequently, as tree stem diameter increased, the shelters were no longer suitable
Sinclair (1999b) and Sinclair et al. (2000) have reviewed two types of interac- and a secondary tree protection incorporating plastic netting was adopted. Thirteen
tions and how they relate to resource capture, biodiversity, succession, and scale. In Years after planting, trees were large enough to allow cattle to be safely used as
silvopastoral systems, there is a direct interaction where the anima] eats the pasture, grazing herbivores in the lowland site in Northern Ireland at Loughgall. Hence the
Classifications and Functions of Agroforestry Systems in Europe 37
36 J.H. McAdam et al.
animal component of a silvopastoral system can change as the site matures, with trees, particularly from arable land (Lawson et al. 2005). The ecosystems approach
species options increasing in the post-establishment phase. Tree protection require- suggests that there is need for a more integrated approach to land management. At
ments depend on animal and tree species. For example, herbivores such as horses and present agricultura! land within the European Union must be kept in "good
cattle will not usually eat species like Eucalyptus globulus or Pinus pinaster. By con- agricultura! and environmental condition". In the future the focus may be on the
trast goats and pigs can cause substantial damage, even to large trees (Rigueiro- provision of a broad range of ecosystem services. Such a change would encourage
Rodríguez et al. 2005). However, this effect depends on stocking rate, as animals do the creation of more mixed cropping systems. In Spain and Portugal, the cultural
not usually browse trees if altemative fodder is available. and environmental importance of agroforestry systems has been recognised. In both
these countries, oak trees in dehesas and montados are protected by national policy,
and at a European leve!, various directives and initiatives have sought to enhance
such areas through social and environmental programmes (Shakesby et al. 2002;
Mechanisation Pereira and Pires da Fonseca 2003; Gaspar et al. 2007; Pleininger 2007).
In the new European Rural Development Regulation (Commission of the
Management of sorne agroforestry systems may be less efficient, because machine European Union 2005) agroforestry is specifically mentioned (in Article 44) as
operations are impeded, in order to prevent damage to the machinery or trees. receiving special support. However, in sorne countries there is uncertainty over
While trees are small and provided they have been planted in rows, normal pasture whether areas of agroforestry remain eligible for Single Farm Payments. For
management operations such as rolling, topping, fertilising, or weed spraying can be example, sorne guidelines focus on agroforestry in terms of the continuing use of
satisfactorily carried out in silvopastoral systems. As the trees mature, these operations agriculture within the tree canopy, whilst others focus on specific definitions related
become more difficult, and yet at the same time may become more necessary, as the to the number of trees per hectare. These issues are currently being debated,
trees impact more on the sward. In this case the pasture management decision may particular! y by those wishing to promote agroforestry systems in Europe ata broader
influence tree management, and thinning or heavy crown pruning may be implemented. scale and in as wide a range of scenarios as possible.
Small, highly mobile four-wheel motorcycle-drawn implements produced, with
attachments for mowing, fertilising, and spraying pasture are now produced. These,
although ideally suited to silvopastoral systems, are less suited to other farm opera-
tions, and may represent a significant investment for the farmer. Conclusion
Natural capital provides a variety of benefits to human beings in the form of ecosys-
tem functions. Ecosystem functions include production, regulation, habitat, and cul-
Training for Multifunctional Management tural functions and these provide a variety of ecosystem goods and services, from
which human society derives environmental, social, and economic value. Agroforestry
If multifunctional agroforestry systems are to be correctly managed there is a need systems can help to improve the ecosystem functions of natural capital, especially
to ensure that managers have the necessary skills and training to optimise the out- relative to arable monocultures, and thus improve the range and quality of ecosystem
puts from the system. It is our opinion that there is inadequate skills provision and goods and services from which human society derives environmental, social, and
training available at a European level. There is also minimal provision of tertiary economic benefits. Unfortunately, as a rule, the wider functions of natural capital are
leve! education in universities to produce people who will have the necessary rarely considered in national or European agricultura! policy, and the agricultura!
understanding and vision tó carry forward research and development to exploit the landscape has increasingly specialised in the production function of natural capital,
poten tia! of multifunctional agroforestry systems. This is a serious omission which tending towards crop monocultures, with the result that the other ecosystem functions
needs to be addressed at a European level. and the environmental, social, and economic value that they provide, have been
degraded. Perceiving and evaluating agroforestry systems in terms of ecosystem
functions, goods, and services, rather than in terms of a specific tree density, could in
the long-term prove to be a useful way forwards, and could draw out the relative
Agroforestry and European Policy merits of different land use systems. This would help to ensure that the considerable
8?cial and environmental benefits derived from European agroforestry are not lost
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in Europe is classified as being either agriculture or forestry, and Common ~om agricultura! landscapes to maximise the economic benefits from national and
Agricultura! Policy has therefore tended to encourage the removal of scattered uropean agricultura! support regimes, such as the Common Agricultura] Policy.
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