Caritas Swiss

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*Agency Logo:

*Agency Name: Caritas Switzerland

*Agency Profile \ Brief Description: Caritas Switzerland is a multi divisional non-governmental
organization founded in 1901 with headquarters in Lucerne (Switzerland). It provides emergency relief and
engages in activities that promotes sustainable development. Caritas Switzerland is a member of the
international Caritas network consisting of 154 organizations throughout the world.

In Somaliland, Caritas Switzerland together with Caritas Luxembourg are operational under the name of
SwissGroup/Caritas Switzerland.

*Mission/ Objective: It seeks “collaboration with all people of Good will”. The scope of activities in
Switzerland and abroad reflects four priorities: disaster relief, social reconstruction, migration and
development co-operation.

Key areas of operation in Somaliland are “Water, Sanitation and Hygiene” and “Non-formal Education for
women” and “Vocational Training”.

*Date of establishment: Caritas as a development organization has been operational since 1901

Headquarter Information:
Place/ Date of registration of the organization: Exempted from Registration currently. (In process of
registering independently in 2007)

Registration Number (Please attached a copy of the registration): See copy of Registration certificate

Agency Presence in Neighboring Countries: Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya

Contact person: Dieter Nussbaum:

Address: Lowenstrasse 3, Postfach, CH-6002 Luzerne, Switzerland

Email Address: [email protected]

Telephone Number: +41 41 419 22 22

Fax Number: +41 41 419 24 24

Regional Office
Contact Person: Marc Bloch- Regional Representative

Address: P.O Box 14954-00800, Nairobi

Email Address: [email protected]

Telephone Number: + 254 (20) 4447699/7267

Fax Number: + 254 (20) 4448571

*Field Office
*Contact Person: Nura Magan- Country Representative
*Address: Swissgroup- Hargeisa, Somaliland
*Email Address: [email protected] / [email protected]
*Telephone Number: + 252 2 523 274/ +252 2 828 3585
*Fax Number: N/A

Other Agency Details

*Year Agency Became Active in Somalia: 1992 and ongoing
*Partner NGOs in Somalia: Somaliland Ministry of Water, Ministry of Education, Somaliland Ministry of
Health and Labor, Local NGOS such as ISRC, Al Haya, Sooyal, Aidam, SOWDA, and NAGAAD
*Number of International Staff: 2
*Number of National Staff: 22


Description of agency’s activities in Somalia/Somaliland in the last 2 years:

3.1 Project/Sector Title: WASH- Water Sanitation and Hygiene in North West Somalia (Somaliland)

*Brief Description of project/s: The project aims to reduce the widespread vulnerability of the population, by
improving skills and knowledge for sustainable and effective management of natural resources but also by
improving access to basic services. When aiming at increased access to water and sanitation services for
rural poor in today’s social, political and natural environment, the focus is clearly on community based
operations. This can be done by improving the capacity of rural communities, local authorities and sector
stakeholders to identify, plan, implement and manage water, H&S activities as well as to increase availability
of and access to such services”

Caritas works through a concerted approach of inter-related activities integrating both hardware and
software activities. Support given will include PHAST trainings at village level and CHAST trainings at
schools but both in parallel with improvements in water and sanitation facilities. The project provides water
and sanitation facilities like latrine and berkads, shallow wells through new constructions and rehabilitation

Expected project results and outputs of the project overall will include:

*Start Date: December 2006

*End Date: December 2007
*Source of Fund(s): EU, Caritas Luxembourg/Switzerland, Swiss Government, UNICEF
*Main Sector: Water, Sanitation and Infrastructure
*Sub-Sector: Rural Water, Hygiene and Sanitation education
*Region: Togdheer
*District: Odwenye, Buhodhle, Burao, Sheikh

3.2. Project/Sector Title: Vocational Training in North West Somalia (Somaliland)

*Brief Description of project/s: The skills and knowledge training Project deals in:

 Enrolling and supporting access to skills training for self employment in different areas and
assistance to access internships and set-up small sources of income to support their families.
 On the job training offered to trainees after successful completion of skills training
 Advocacy and increasing awareness on different cross cutting issues like women rights, HIV/Aids and
 Campaigns on the cross cutting issues mentioned above targeting key leaders and religious leaders
who can influence community to change behavior

*Start Date: January 2006

*End Date: March 2006
*Source of Fund(s): EU, Caritas Luxembourg
*Main Sector: Education
Sub sector: Non-Formal
*Region: Mohammed Moge, Hargeisa, Ayaha, Burao, Togdheer, Sh.Nur
*District: Hargeisa, Togdheer and Burao

3.3 Project/Sector Title:

*Brief Description of project/s: The Literacy and Numeracy Training department works in:

 Conducting literacy and numeracy training through local NGOs using level 1-4 learning materials and
teachers’ guides developed in consultation with different stakeholders and approved by MOE.
 Training of teachers from local women NGOS on adult learning methodologies and pedagogies of
 Improvement of capacities of the implementing partners/training centers.
 Coordination of numeracy and literacy activities for adult and young women 15 +/- 35 years

Brief Description of project/s:

Start Date: March 2006

End Date: February 2008
Source of Fund(s): Caritas Germany, Swiss government, Kanton Zurich
Target beneficiaries: Women
Main Sector: Education
Sub-Sector: Non-formal Education
Region: Mohammed Moge, Hargeisa, Ayaha, Burao, Togdheer, Sh.Nur
District: Hargeisa and Toghdeer

4. When was the last time an official audit report done (please attach a copy): Last audit
done in 2005 (attached report). Current Audit will be done in February-March 2007.

For Official use only
5. Comments by the NGO Consortium

Recommended / Not Recommended: Signed by:


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